Infante 2008
Infante 2008
Infante 2008
DOI 10.1007/s10750-008-9650-3
Received: 26 March 2008 / Revised: 28 October 2008 / Accepted: 8 November 2008 / Published online: 2 December 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008
Abstract Community concordance describes simi- macroinvertebrates from tributaries of two catch-
larity in distributions and abundances of organisms ments in southeastern Michigan having varied
from different taxonomic groups across a region of landscape characteristics. Classifications of fish and
interest, with highly concordant communities macroinvertebrate assemblages resulted in groups
assumed to respond similarly to major environmental distinguished by differences in taxonomic character-
gradients, including anthropogenic stressors. While istics, functional traits, and stressor tolerance of their
few studies have explicitly tested for concordance respective dominant taxa. Biological groups were
among stream-dwelling organisms, it frequently is associated with principal landscape gradients of the
assumed that both macroinvertebrates and fish study region, which ranged from forests and wet-
respond in concert to environmental factors, an lands on coarse surficial geology to agricultural lands
assumption that has implications for their manage- on finer, more impervious surficial geology.
ment. We investigated concordance among fish and Measures of stream habitat indicated more stable
stream flows and greater heterogeneity of conditions
at site groups with catchments comprising forests and
wetlands on the coarsest geology, but did not
distinguish well among remaining site groups, sug-
Handling editor: Robert Bailey
gesting that habitat degradation may not be the
D. M. Infante (&) driving mechanism leading to differences in groups.
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State Despite broadly similar interpretations of relation-
University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA ships of site groups with landscape characteristics for
both fish and macroinvertebrates, examination of
J. David Allan site representation within groups indicated weak
School of Natural Resources and Environment, community concordance. Our results suggest that
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA explicit responses of fish and macroinvertebrates to
landscape factors vary, due to potential differences in
S. Linke
The Ecology Centre, School of Integrative Biology, their susceptibility to controls or to differences in the
University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, scale at which landscape factors influence these
Australia organisms.
R. H. Norris
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Keywords Stream Land use Geology
University of Canberra, Belconnen, ACT 2601, Australia Habitat Scale Classification
88 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 89
Located in southeastern Michigan (Fig. 1), the Huron Fish were collected during the summers of 1999 and
and Raisin River basins are of similar size, draining 2000 using three-pass electrofishing depletion
90 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
surveys in blocked reaches. All fish except for two reflecting different hydraulic conductivities. The
native lamprey were identified to species and measure referred to as ‘‘coarse geology’’ includes
recorded as total number captured per 100 m reach. the sum of coarse end and ground moraine, ice
Macroinvertebrates were collected during the spring contact, and outwash—all geologic types that pro-
of 2000 and 2001 with 250-lm mesh D-nets by mote a stable supply of groundwater to streams. The
sampling all habitat types present in proportion to variable referred to as ‘‘fine geology’’ is the sum of
their relative abundance. A subsample of 500–700 proportions of fine end and ground moraines, and
macroinvertebrates from each site was identified to clay and sand lakeplain, geologic types that tend to
the lowest practical taxonomic level. Non-insect taxa have low permeability and thus encourage greater
were typically identified to order or family, and amounts of surface runoff.
remaining insect taxa were identified to genus, with Land use was quantified for each study subcatch-
exceptions including Chironomidae and Ceratopog- ment and for 200 m wide buffers for the length of the
onidae which were identified to family (Wood, 2002). streams based primarily on 1978 data (Michigan
Resource Information System (MIRIS), 1978).
Physical habitat Inspection of 2001 aerial photography verified the
accuracy of the earlier land cover classification for
Physical habitat features of the study reaches were agricultural and natural (forest, wetland) categories.
summarized by 22 variables grouped into four cate- Urban land use was updated with aerial photos from
gories. Channel shape descriptors, including reach 1995 for the majority of the study region and from
averages for bankfull and low flow channel width, 1998 for Lenawee County (Cifaldi et al., 2004).
depth, and cross-sectional area were determined
following methods described in Infante et al. (2006). Data analysis
Pebble counts were performed through the thalweg
channel, and quantitative measures of substrate con- Analyses were based on relative abundances of fish
sidered in analysis included median particle size and and macroinvertebrates. Rare taxa, defined as those
proportions of fines less than 2 mm in diameter, that occurred at fewer than 10% of sites sampled
gravel, cobble, and coarse substrate greater than (four study sites), were excluded from analysis
180 mm in diameter. Frequency of occurrence of because their presence can result in excessive split-
riffle habitat and wood were summarized from counts ting in cluster analysis (Hawkins et al., 2000). This
at 5 m intervals through stream reaches. Finally, resulted in inclusion of 74 macroinvertebrate taxa
physical habitat was assessed using a visual habitat (out of 182 total) and 26 fish species (out of 41 total).
assessment protocol (Michigan Department of Envi- Before analysis, physical data were log-transformed,
ronmental Quality, 1997). This protocol scores overall as were biological data to down-weight the influence
habitat quality by combining scores from nine indi- of highly abundant taxa (Norris & Georges, 1993).
vidual components including amount and diversity of To consider biological characteristics shared by
available cover; substrate embeddedness; variability groups of sites, we classified sites based on homo-
in velocity and depth; flow stability; bottom deposition geneity of their faunal composition. Classification
and sedimentation; diversity of pools, riffles, runs and was performed in PATN (Belbin, 1992) using the
bends; bank stability; bank vegetation stability; and flexible unweighted pair-groups and arithmetic aver-
streamside cover. For analysis, we considered both the ages (UPGMA) fusion strategy recommended by
total habitat score and scores for individual metrics. Belbin & McDonald (1993), with flexible-Beta set at
-0.1 to optimize the hierarchy. This approach
Landscape variables equally weights site groups during the agglomerative
clustering process, regardless of their size (Lance &
Data describing the landscape within subcatchments Williams, 1967). The Bray-Curtis associating mea-
were obtained using a Geographic Information Sys- sure was used for the dissimilarity matrix because it
tem (GIS). Surficial geology of each subcatchment, ignores joint absences, which are predominant in taxa
determined from maps compiled by Farrand & Bell matrices (Faith et al., 1987). Classifications were
(1982), was summarized into two categories performed separately for fish and macroinvertebrates.
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 91
To identify dominant environmental variables and 1997; Linke et al., 2005), the corroboration of results
taxa associated with sites, we first used hybrid by multiple analysis techniques lends confidence to
multidimensional scaling (HMDS, Faith et al., the conclusions. To gain additional insights into
1987) in PATN (Belbin, 1992) to ordinate sites based concordance of fish and macroinvertebrates, we
on their fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages. A compared dissimilarity of taxa matrices using a
Monte Carlo simulation (MCSS with 100 permuta- Mantel’s test in PC-ORD 4.0 (McCune & Mefford,
tions, Belbin, 1992) was performed on the resulting 1997). We also considered patterns in site inclusion
ordinations to determine the probability that ordina- in fish vs. macroinvertebrate groupings with contin-
tions explained structure in the data that might have gency analysis performed in SPSS 15.0.
occurred by chance alone (Faith, 1990). Relationships
between individual taxa and positions of sites in the
respective ordination spaces generated for fish and Results
macroinvertebrates were then determined using prin-
cipal axis correlation (PCC, Belbin, 1992, see also Site groupings based on macroinvertebrate
Faith & Norris, 1989). Using PCC, we also deter- assemblages
mined relationships between environmental variables
and positions of sites. Monte Carlo significance tests Sites were clustered into four groups based on
(MCAO with 100 permutations, Belbin, 1992) were similarity in relative abundances of macroinverte-
performed to test the significance of correlation brate taxa, and 23 taxa were identified by PCC as
values obtained in the PCC procedure so that those being significantly associated with variation in
variables most closely associated with the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages of the study sites
the biological assemblages could be selected. Only (Table 1). Taxa with highest average relative abun-
those environmental variables and fish species with a dances for sites in Group 1 included Gammarus
significance of 0.05 or less were used for interpreta- (Amphipoda) and oligochaetes. Chironomids, which
tion. For macroinvertebrate taxa, those with a were the most abundant invertebrate collected from
significance of 0.005 or less were considered due to all study sites, and gastropods reached their highest
the large number of taxa selected at the lower level of average relative abundances at Group 2 sites, and
significance. none of the Group 2 sites supported either of the two
We next used multiple strategies to determine genera of Plecoptera identified by PCC. Group 3 had
biological and physical characteristics of individual higher median taxa richness than sites of any other
site groups. First, we identified biological character- group (Fig. 2), and 13 taxa reached their highest
istics of groups by comparing average relative average relative abundances at Group 3 sites, includ-
abundances of taxa identified by the PCC for each ing eight genera of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and
group. Also, relative abundances of common taxa Trichoptera (EPT taxa). Only one taxon, Simulium
were summarized by their functional traits and (Simuliidae), was most abundant at Group 4 sites.
averaged across site groups to lend additional support Comparisons of functional traits of all common
to biological interpretations. For this step, macroin- macroinvertebrate taxa including tolerance to stress-
vertebrate trait assignments were made from ors and habit and trophic preferences provide
information summarized by Vieira et al. (2006) and additional insights into group differences. With
fish trait assignments were made from information greater taxonomic richness, Group 3 sites also had
summarized by Goldstein & Meador (2004) and Poff higher median relative abundance of macroinverte-
& Allan (1995). Finally, we determined dominant brates with low tolerance to stressors than other site
physical characteristics by comparing average values groups (Figs. 2 and 3, respectively). Also, sprawlers,
of PCC-identified habitat and landscape variables swimmers, and clingers were more abundant at
across groups. Group 3 sites, as were shredders, scraper-grazers,
Because classification analysis has limitations and predators (Fig. 4). In contrast, organisms that
linked to offsets, chaining effects, and input order, were classified as burrowers and collector-gatherers
as well as theoretical concerns about the occurrence (including chironomids) were most abundant at
of biological organisms in distinct groupings (Podani, Group 2 sites where they averaged more than 80%
92 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
Table 1 Taxa identified by principal axis correlation as significantly (P B 0.005) associated with variation in macroinvertebrate
Order Family Genus Group average relative abundance (%)
1 2 3 4
of organisms collected; sites in Group 2 also had the through sample reaches), descriptors of hydrology
lowest abundances of low-tolerance organisms (channel incision, metrics scoring flow and bank
(Fig. 3). Sites in Group 1 had high abundances of stability), and embeddedness of stream bed substrate.
crawlers and omnivores, reflecting the dominance of Average scores for habitat assessment metrics were
amphipods at the sites (Fig. 4). Similarly, sites in highest across Group 3 sites, and channel incision
Group 4 were dominated by collector-filterers, which was lowest, together indicating more complex hab-
include simuliids. itat, more stable hydrology, and lower embeddedness
at the Group 3 sites compared to other groups. Sites
Environmental variables characterizing in Group 2 had lowest average scores for all of the
macroinvertebrate clusters visual metrics estimating habitat quality, while scores
for sites in Groups 1 and 4 were mid-range, with
The PCC identified seven habitat variables that were Group 1 sites generally having slightly higher scores
significantly related to variation in macroinvertebrate than Group 4 sites.
assemblages (Table 2). These included descriptors of Seven landscape variables were also identified by
habitat complexity (variability in velocity and depth PCC that were significantly related to macroinverte-
and a diversity of pools, riffles, runs, and bends brate assemblages, and trends across site groups
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 93
94 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
Fig. 4 Differences in macroinvertebrate habitat preferences (a) and trophic guilds (b) by groups. Y-axes indicate relative abundance
(%) of macroinvertebrates in each functional category averaged across site groups
were not collected from sites in other groups. As with macroinvertebrates, comparisons of func-
Etheostoma nigrum and Campostoma anomalum tional traits of common fish species also suggest
were more abundant at Group 2 sites compared to ecological differences among site groups. Group 2
sites in other groups, and Group 4 sites supported sites supported common assemblages with a wider
higher abundances of two centrarchids, Lepomis range of trophic preferences than assemblages of
macrochirus and L. gibbosus. Cottus bairdi domi- other sites (Fig. 5). Also, Groups 2 and 3 supported
nated the assemblages of the Group 5 sites, averaging assemblages with more diverse substrate preferences
91% of all individuals captured, and Luxilus cornutus than fish from other site groups. In terms of habitat
averaged 9% of individuals collected from Group 3 specialization, Group 3 sites had more fish preferring
sites. Species richness varied across Groups 1, 4, and riffles than other groups, while fish preferring pools
5, but Groups 2 and 3 had similar and higher median and backwater dominated Group 4 sites. Group 4
richness (Fig. 2). sites also supported the most fish preferring
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 95
Table 3 Species identified by principal axis correlation as significantly (P B 0.05) associated with variation in fish assemblages
Family Genus Species Group average relative abundance (%)
1 2 3 4 5
vegetation and the most with variable substrate streams with larger ratios may have more variable
preferences. Finally, in terms of tolerance to stress- flow regimes than similarly sized streams with
ors, sites in Group 3 supported the highest median smaller ratios. Average channel fit values were
abundance of fish with low tolerance for stressors lowest at Group 3 sites and highest at Group 5 sites,
(Fig. 3). indicating that conditions were hydraulically more
favorable at Group 3 sites and least favorable at
Environmental variables characterizing fish Group 5 sites. The range in group averages of the
clusters second variable identified by the PCC, bank stability,
followed the same trend as channel fit; stream banks
PCC identified three habitat variables significantly were most stable for sites of Group 3 and least stable
related to variation in fish assemblages (Table 4). for Group 5 sites. The third variable identified by the
First, channel fit, a variable calculated as the ratio of PCC was a visual metric scoring the diversity of
bankfull to low flow stream widths, is an estimate of pools, riffles, runs, and bends throughout stream
the fit of the low flow hydraulics to the available reaches. Group 3 sites had the highest score for
channel cross section (Infante et al., 2006), and diversity of habitat units, and Group 5 sites, the least.
96 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 97
Table 4 Site group average values of physical variables identified by PCC as significantly associated with variation in fish
assemblages (P B 0.05)
Variable category Variable Group average value
1 2 3 4 5
Coarsest geology, Group 3 7 0 0 0 7
least agriculture Group 4 2 7 0 0 9
Group 1 4 3 2 0 9
Group 5 0 0 3 0 3
Finest geology, Group 2 6 5 4 3 18
most agriculture Total 19 15 9 3 46
Results are ordered to reflect ranges in group average values for land use and surficial geology for comparison of fish and
macroinvertebrate groups sharing similar landscape characteristics
98 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
groups, which are widely used to evaluate stream influences or to differences in the scale at which
condition, exhibit at best weak concordance across landscape factors affect these organisms.
our study region.
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 99
impacted environments (Hilsenhoff, 1982; Lyons, 2003; Rios & Bailey, 2006). However, the percentage
1992; Lyons et al., 2001). of agricultural land use at which impacts are observed
In contrast, fish and macroinvertebrate site groups varies widely. Negative effects have been associated
with higher amounts of catchment agriculture and with as little as 20% buffer agriculture (Fitzpatrick
finer surficial geology showed signs of faunal degra- et al., 2001), while other studies have found its
dation. For example, sites of Macroinvertebrate effects to be minimal below 30% (Quinn, 2000) or
Group 4, with less than half as much coarse surficial even 50% agricultural land in the catchment (Wang
geology in their catchments as other site groups, had et al., 1997; Meador & Goldstein, 2003). While the
larval blackflies (Simuliidae) as their only dominant influence of agriculture may not be adequately
taxon, and these organisms were three times as captured by a simple percentage, the ecological
common at Group 4 sites as in other site groups. effects of agriculture generally are apparent when it
Chironomids dominated the assemblages of sites in exceeds 50% of catchment area (Allan, 2004).
Macroinvertebrate Group 2 (82%, Table 1) which
had the least natural land and the finest catchment Landscape’s influence on biota via effects
surficial geology; this group also had the lowest on intermediate factors
median macroinvertebrate taxa richness of all groups.
Fish Group 5, with comparatively low amounts of One of the ways in which landscape factors may be
coarse surficial geology and high amounts of agri- influencing fish and macroinvertebrates of our study
culture, also supported the fewest fish species of all region is through effects on the physical stream
groups. However, while having similar landscape environment, including direct effects on flow regimes
characteristics as Group 5, Fish Group 2 had a and related, indirect effects on physical habitat
median species richness equivalent to that of Fish features. For groups of sites with a greater extent of
Group 3, implying that decreased species richness catchment agriculture and fine surficial geology,
may not always be a resulting impact of agricultural measures of channel incision (for macroinvertebrate
land use on fish assemblages. Further, these results groups) and channel fit (for fish groups) indicated
suggest that fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages more variable flow regimes than sites draining natural
may be responding to stressors associated with landscapes with greater amounts of coarse geology.
agricultural land use in different ways. Despite a Also, as shown for both fish and macroinvertebrate
median taxa richness similar to Fish Group 3, groups, sites in catchments with more agriculture and
assemblages of sites in Fish Group 2 generally fine geology had relatively less habitat heterogeneity
supported more fish that were tolerant of stressors as indicated by habitat assessment metrics. However,
(Fig. 3). While leading to a decrease in numbers of differences in habitat features across site groups
intolerant fish species, agricultural land use may have considered degraded based on biological characteris-
resulted in favorable conditions for tolerant fish tics were generally not pronounced. Although Fish
species. A loss of intolerant fish accompanied by a Groups 1, 2, 4, and 5 and Macroinvertebrate Groups
gain in tolerant, native fish has been identified as a 1, 2, and 4 received lower total scores for habitat
potential factor contributing to the homogenization of assessment metrics than their counterparts draining
biotic assemblages in freshwater systems (Scott & the most natural land and coarsest geology, only
Helfman, 2001; Olden & Poff, 2004). This trend has Macroinvertebrate Group 2, with the lowest average
been documented for fish assemblages impacted by amount of coarse surficial geology and a low
urban land use in the Etowah River Basin, Georgia percentage of undeveloped land, received a substan-
(Walters et al., 2003), and described as occurring tially lower score for flow stability; bank stability;
throughout the southeastern United States (Scott & and diversity in pools, riffles, runs, and bends than
Helfman, 2001). other site groups. This broad similarity in habitat may
Numerous studies document the departure of result from the interrelationship between catchment
fluvial biological assemblages from reference condi- agriculture and fine surficial geology in the region
tions with increasing extent of agricultural land and similar effects that these landscape factors can
within the catchment (Richards et al., 1996; Roth have on stream environments. For example, both
et al., 1996; Stewart et al., 2001; Townsend et al., tillage and drainage practices in agricultural regions
100 Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103
and greater imperviousness associated with finer larger scale is a common inference in stream ecology
surficial geology can encourage surface runoff. (e.g., Kilgour & Barton, 1999), arising from key
Consequently, storm flows may be more powerful differences in characteristics of these two groups of
and more erosive, encouraging siltation and poten- organisms. Compared to fish, macroinvertebrates
tially less habitat heterogeneity in agricultural may respond primarily to localized stressors because
catchments or catchments with finer surficial of shorter life cycles and more limited mobility
geology. during stages when they are restricted to stream
Comparatively stable flows and greater physical environments. Fish may have a greater capacity to
habitat heterogeneity help to distinguish the two site avoid localized disturbances, moving out of impacted
groups with the most natural land and coarse surficial areas or into refuges of good habitat for certain
geology from remaining site groups; however, dif- portions of their life cycle (Schlosser, 1995; Fausch
ferences in habitat features across these remaining et al., 2002).
groups appear insufficient to fully account for the Several studies support the view that fish and
differences in biological assemblages that result from macroinvertebrates are influenced by environmental
the classification. Other factors not accounted for by factors operating at different scales. In an investigation
this study may be contributing to differences in of lakes in the northeastern USA, Allen et al. (1999)
assemblages, perhaps including altered thermal found that birds, fish, and macroinvertebrates were
regimes, elevated nutrient levels, or contamination associated with large-scale measures including cli-
by pesticides or organic matter resulting from agri- mate and land cover but that diatoms and zooplankton
cultural landscapes (Lenat, 1984; Osborne & Wiley, responded more strongly to local-scale variation
1988; Johnson et al., 1997). Yoder & Rankin (2004) including pH and lake depth. Townsend et al. (2003)
report an intriguing paradox from similar studies in showed that macroinvertebrate assemblages in New
Ohio that support this conclusion. While habitat Zealand streams, while influenced by catchment scale
measures were the best predictors of spatial variation measures, were more strongly affected by anthropo-
in an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for fish assem- genic land uses measured at smaller scales, and that
blages within their study region, sites with geographical location was most strongly correlated
*20 years of monitoring experienced improvement with fish assemblage composition throughout the
in the IBI but not in habitat quality, suggesting that region. Johnson & Goedkoop (2002) showed that,
improvements in water quality may have benefited while large-scale factors were important, local-scale
the biota of the region even when habitat remained measures explained more variance in littoral macro-
suboptimal. invertebrate assemblages. In contrast, the distribution
of stream fish in Portugal indicated the greater
Community concordance importance of large-scale environmental factors com-
pared with microhabitat characteristics (Magalhaes
Although the biological assemblages of the Huron et al., 2002). Recently, a study by Burcher et al.
and Raisin formed distinct groups that could be (2007) showed that fish in North Carolina streams
related to ranges in landscape condition, results from were more closely associated with alterations in
the contingency analysis indicated weak concordance stream reach morphology resulting from landscape
between site groups formed from the two sets of disturbance than macroinvertebrates which were asso-
organisms, suggesting that within this study region, ciated with alterations in erosional substrate measured
fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages are respond- at the habitat patch scale. In the present study, PCC
ing to landscape factors in discernibly different ways. analysis showed macroinvertebrate assemblages to be
This weak concordance could reflect scale-dependent significantly associated with three times as many site-
differences in the way that fish and macroinverte- specific local scale habitat metrics as were fish.
brates are influenced by disturbances resulting from We suggest that the scale of this study influenced
agricultural landscapes or by the effects of fine the outcome of our investigation of community
surficial geology. That macroinvertebrates may concordance as well as the degree to which we
respond to local-scale habitat conditions while fish associated biological groups with gradients in land-
are more strongly influenced by impairment at a scape factors. This finding is supported by a recent
Hydrobiologia (2009) 623:87–103 101
work by Paavola et al. (2006), who showed that Belbin, L. & C. McDonald, 1993. Comparing three classifi-
concordance among fish, macroinvertebrates, and cation strategies for use in ecology. Journal of Vegetation
Science 4: 341–348.
bryophytes was stronger across multiple river basins Burcher, C. L., H. M. Valett & E. F. Benfield, 2007. The land-
spanning several ecological regions and weaker cover cascade: relationships coupling land and water.
throughout an individual watershed. Based on litera- Ecology 88: 228–242.
ture reviewed above, it appears that concordance Cifaldi, R. L., J. D. Allan, J. D. Duh & D. G. Brown, 2004.
Spatial patterns in land cover of exurbanizing watersheds
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Quebec (Legendre & Legendre, 1984); geology, soils, mental Monitoring and Assessment 14: 247–264.
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Sickle & Hughes, 2000); and geology, soils, and variables with patterns of distribution and abundance of
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Acknowledgments We wish to thank the many individuals Fausch, K. D., C. E. Torgersen, C. V. Baxter & H. W. Li, 2002.
involved with data collection and processing including Matt Landscapes to riverscapes: bridging the gap between
Diana, Janelle Francis, Diana Karwan, Eric Sokol, Jo Wilhelm, research and conservation of stream fishes. BioScience
and Mahya Wood. This research was supported by a grant from 52: 483–498.
the National Science Foundation’s Water and Watersheds Fitzpatrick, F. A., B. C. Scudder, B. N. Lenz & D. J. Sullivan,
Program. 2001. Effects of multi-scale environmental characteristics
on agricultural stream biota in eastern Wisconsin. Journal
of the American Water Resources Association 37: 1489–
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