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Basic Planning Model

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Planning is formulized procedure to produce an articulated result in form of an

integrated system of decisions.On the other hand basic planning models are
frameworks that allow organizatios to map out their short and long term business plans.

Planning models can help to;

 Identify and overcome obstacles

 Improve and streamline

 Reach overarching business goals

 Create alignment between different departments

 Track progress overtime.

There are various basic planning models in a business which Include the following;

1.SWOT Analysis.It was not founded by a single individual but it's a framework that
is commonly used in business and strategic planning . SWOT stands for Strength,
Weaknesses, Opportunities,and Threats.We use the SWOT model to define internal and
external factors affecting your business.Theb compare the different factors to assess
the risk of a potential strategy such as if your organization's strengths match
opportunities in the market that's to say; you have alot of carpital and your competitors
don't, you know you have a competitive advantage.

Example of SWOT analysis for a sales based organization;

Strengths- We have an excellent rapport with our customers and a loyal customer base.

Weaknesses-Our current supply chain is inadequate.

Opportunities-There is high customer demand for one of our products.

Threat -Our main competitor is developing a similar product.

Strengths of SWOT analysis.

 Strategic planning.SWOT analysis helps organizations assess their current

situation and make informed decisions about their future direction.

 Internal reflection.It encourages organizations to reflect on their internal

strengths and weaknesses fostering self awareness and facilitating
improvements in operations.
 Resource allocation.The analysis helps to allocate resources more efficiently by
highlighting areas where resources can be optimized or directed for maximum

Weaknesses of SWOT analysis.

 Simplicity.SWOT analysis over simplifies complex situations and may miss

important nuances

 Subjectivity.The analysis can be influenced by personal bias and opinions of

those conducting it

 Lack of prioritization.It doesn't provide a clear method for prioritizing factors

making it hard to focus on the most critical issues.

 Overlooked interdependencies.It may miss the inter-relationship between

different internal and external factors.

2.PEST model.Like the SWOT, PEST analysis focuses on the external factors that
affect your organization.It is an acronym which stands for; Political, Economic, Social-
cultural and Technological.And depending on your industry,you might add Legal and
Environmental factors to make it PESTLE.It is illustrated as below;

Example of PEST/PESTLE;

Political factors.The government of the country were we sell many products is planning
to raise import tariffs.

Economic factors.Our target demographic has more disposable income now that COVID
-19 restrictions have been lifted.
Social-cultural factors.Surveys report that customers consider our products healthy.

Technological factors.Engineers devised a more efficient way to farm the main

ingredient in half our products.

Legal factors.FDA approved our latest chocolate bar.

Environmental factors.NGO's are pressuring us to use more environmentary friendly


Strengths of PEST analysis.

 Strategic planning.It helps organizations to understand the broader external

factors that influence their business environment aiding in informed strategic
planning and decision making.

 Risk assessment.By identifying political, Economic, social and technological

factors,it helps in assessing potential risks and uncertainties that might impact
the organization's operations and profitability.

 Opportunity identification.It allows organizations to spot opportunities in the

external environment such as emerging markets, technological advancements.

 Adaptation to change.By mornitoring changes in political, Economic, social and

technological factors, organizations can pro-actively adapt their strategies to o
remaining competitive and relavant in dynamic markets .

Weaknesses of PEST analysis.

 Static nature.The PEST analysis is static and doesn't consider the dynamic
and evolving nature of external factors.

 Simplistic approach.It provides a broad over view of factors without delving

into the complexities and interrelationships between them.

 Lack of prioritization.The model doesn't inherently provide a way to prioritize

or weigh different factors on their potential impact.

3. Balanced scorecard framework or model:This is a strategy management framework

created by DRs.Robert Kaplan and David Norton.It let's you take a holistic approach to
business planning that doesn't just focus on Economic performance instead you look at
four perspectives;

Financial perspective.How well your organization is performing economically.

Customer perspective.Your customer satisfaction and retention levels.

Internal business perspective.The quality and efficiency of your internal operations.

Innovation and learning perspective.Your ability to improve, pivot,and grow your


It creates objectives and defines measures to track your progress for each
perspective.Those measures will support you in planning and executing initiatives to
achieve your goals.

Forexample;The management of ECI(Electrical Circuits Inc) wanted to improve their

delivery times but when they talked to customers about the issue,the organization
received unreliable feedback that is; different people had different definitions of
being"on Time" . Therefore, using Balanced scorecard framework, managers shifted to
their operations and checked the efficiency of their manufacturing process.They
discovered ways to optimize the business cycle time, yield and costs.

Strengths of balanced scorecard framework.

 Comprehensive view.The balanced scorecard framework provides a holistic

view of an organization's performance by considering financial, customer,
internal processes and learning and growth perspectives.This helps avoid a
narrow focus on just financial metrics.

 Alignment.It aligns departments and individuals within an organisation towards a

common strategy.By linking goals and measures across different perspectives,it
ensures everyone is working together towards the Same objectives.

 Clarity and communication.The framework promotes clear communication of

strategic goals and priorities throughout the organization.This reduces confusion
and enhances understanding of the bigger picture.

 Feedback and adaptation.Regular measurements and analysis of performance

metrics enable organizations to identify areas that need improvement and make
informed decisions for strategic adjustments, fostering continuous learning and

 Complexity.Implementing and maintaining a balanced scorecard can be

complex and time consuming especially for larger organizations.It requires
careful planning and coordination across various departments.

 Measurement challenges.Developing relavant and accurate performance

metrics for each perspective can be difficult.Chosing the right indicators that
truly reflect performance can be a challenge.

 Subjectivity.Some of the metrics used in the model might be subjective

leading to potential bias in performance evaluation.This subjectivity can
reduce the objectivity of assessment.

 Focus on short term goals.The model's financial perspective tends to

emphasize short term financial outcomes which might not align long term
strategic goals and sustainability.

4.Alignment model.This strategic Alignment Model (SAM) is among the most used.Its
made up of two parts that is ; strategic fit and functional integration.This means that the
model aligns business and IT strategies.To do this requires identifying the key goals of
an organization and then what the steps are to reach those goals.The plan must
maximize the process to best achieve those .There are four perspectives to guide you in
this model;

Strategic execution.which is when the business strategy is driving the model.

Technology potential.Which also sees the business strategy as the driver but with an IT
strategy to support it.

Competitive potential.Deals with using emerging IT capabilities to create new products

and services.

Lastly,there is the service level which is focused on creating the best IT system in the

5.VRIO framework or model.The VRIO framework is an acronym for value,

Rarity,Imitability , organization.This strategic planning model relates more to your vision
statement than your overall strategy.The ultimate goal in implementing the VRIO model
is that it will result in a competitive advantage in the market place.Ith has the basic four
Value .Are you able to exploit an opportunity or neutralize an outside threat using a
particular resource.

Rarity.Is there a great deal of competition in your market or do only a few companies
control the resource referred to above.

Imitability.Is your organization's product or service easily imitated or would it be difficult

for another organization to do so.

Organization.Is your company organized enough to be able to exploit your product or


Once you answer these four questions above, you will be able to formulate a more
precise vision statement to help you carry you through all the additional strategic
elements in your plan.

6.Porter's five forces.This is an older strategy execution framework or model created by

Michael Porter in1979 built around the forces that impact the profitability of an industry
or market.The five forces it examines are ;

The threat if entry; could other companies enter the market place easily or there are
numerous entry barriers they would have to overcome.

The threat of substitute products or services;can buyers easily replace your product
with another.

The bargaining power of customers; could individual buyers out pressure on your
organization to say lower costs.

The bargaining power of suppliers; could large retailers put pressure on your
organization to drive down the cost.

The competitive rivalry among existing firms;are your current competitors poised for
major growth .If one launches a new product or files a new patent, could that impact
your company.

John Argenti (1974). Systematic Corporate Planning. Wiley.

Bradford and Duncan (2000). Simplified Strategic Planning. Chandler House.

Patrick J. Burkhart and Suzanne Reuss (1993). Successful Strategic Planning: A Guide
for Nonprofit Agencies and Organizations. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

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