Senior Nikyu Study Guide 081008
Senior Nikyu Study Guide 081008
Senior Nikyu Study Guide 081008
United States
Judo Federation
Senior Nikyu
Study Guide Issued Date: April 2008
Student Notes
This booklet is specifically intended for use as a study guide and aide to
assist the student in preparing for promotions. It is expressly limited to
this purpose only. Nothing contained herein should be construed by
the user as constituting a rank standard for promotion different from
the published USJF standard.
USJF students and others are encouraged to use this booklet as a study
aid when preparing for promotion to the rank indicated on the cover.
The USJF Board of Examiners believes that individuals choosing to use
this study aid will benefit by increased knowledge of Kodokan Judo
and in their preparation for promotion.
The photographs used in this study guide are the property of Mr. Bob Brink of
the Anchorage Dojo and are used by permission. The cover photo, of the belt,
is the property of Mr. Bill Beebe of Ozark Judo and is used by permission.
This body of work was authorized and approved by the USJF Board of Examin-
ers on April 9, 2008. Credit for the final product goes to these four USJF sen-
sei‟s: Bob Harder, Ad Hoc committee chairman; Eiko Shepherd; Tom Sheehan
and to Bill Beebe the principle draftsman and concept originator. The work
product can not be modified or altered in any way without the prior written
permission of Sensei Bill Beebe and the United States Judo Federation, Inc.
Page 35 United States Judo Federation Senior Nikyu Page i
General Information 1
General Eligibility 2
Promotion Tasks
Suggested Knowledge 3
Suggested Reading 5
Suggested Ability to Demonstrate 5
Suggested Competitive Knowledge 14
Time In Grade
General Requirements 15
Nikyu Requirements 15
Time In Grade Reductions 16
Practice Time 17
Suggested Vocabulary
General Requirements 27
Suggested Vocabulary Words 28
Student Notes
General Student Notes 31
Page 1 United States Judo Federation Senior Nikyu Page 34
Nikyu is the second rank in Kodokan Judo where the judoka wears a
Brown Belt. When this rank is awarded, the judoka may add two black
or white stripes to one end of his/her brown belt. This practice is not
uncommon, but not required either. These stripes are called “mon”.
While still considered a “Beginner”, the judoka should have improved
basic skills and under-
standing of Kodokan
Judo practice and tech-
niques. At this rank,
the general public and
other judoka will con-
sider the holder of the
Nikyu rank to be profi-
cient in judo and will
expect him/her to be
able to explain
Kodokan Judo and to
execute techniques
with an increasing level of skill.
Since this is the second in the brown belt series in Kodokan Judo, it is
important that the Instructor counsel the judoka as he/she continues to
improve his/her skills. The judoka will be expected to be a leader in the
class, and because of this he/she must maintain a demeanor that will
instill respect and cause other beginners to imitate their practice tech-
niques and dedication. Therefore, the judoka must practice with sincer-
ity, dedication and regularity. In addition, other students will, with in-
creasing frequency, expect the Nikyu judoka to be able to provide in-
struction. Sometimes this may exceed the capabilities of judoka at this
stage of his/her training. It is important that they be instructed in humil-
ity, sincerity, and the ability to recognize the level of their own skills.
Page 33 United States Judo Federation Senior Nikyu Page 2
General Eligibility
(suggested words and phrases are
listed in the back of this Task Book).
Page 29 United States Judo Federation Senior Nikyu Page 6
Kata-Gatame to Yoko-Shiho-Gatame
Yoko-Shiho-Gatame to Kami-Shiho Gatame
Kami-Shiho-Gatame to Kesa-Gatame
Seoi-nage to Kata-Katame
O-Uchi-Gari to Yoko-Shiho-Gatame
Hane-Goshi to Kesa-Katame
Page 25 United States Judo Federation Senior Nikyu Page 10
O-Uchi-Gari to Harai-Goshi
Tate-Shiho-Gatame to Kuzure-Kesa-Gatame
Time In Grade
Suggested Competition Knowledge
Practice Time
Tasks Date Completed
Date Club or Event Time
on Mat Knowledge of Olympic Judo scoring proce-
dures and calls.
List and explain Kodokan Judo competition
penalties and give an example or when they
would be awarded
Page 15 United States Judo Federation Senior Nikyu Page 20
Time in Grade requirements are also based on the total time that the
student has spent actively practicing Kodokan Judo since his/her last
promotion. This is based
on a minimum of 1.5 hours
of mat time per session and
at least two sessions per
Nikyu Requirements