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Binder 1

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Trigger 1

A case of a 38-year-old male, farmer, from Bayawan, Neg. Oriental presented to the ER due to 5-month
history of upper back
Trigger 2
6 months prior to admission, patient complained of upper back associated with chest pain, dull in
character, non-radiating with PS of 2-3/10, with no aggravating factor thus relieved by analgesics. No
consult was done.
Until 3 days PTA, onset of weakness and inability to move both lower limbs were noted. Upper back pain
progressively worsening with PS of 10/10, making him difficulty to turn his neck. Pain was still relieved
by analgesics which he routinely purchased. Patient also noticed pricking sensation in both lower limbs
which he attributed to drug side effects. Morning PTA, patient was unable to stand without support and
has difficulty walking. No history of trauma, chronic cough, fever or weight loss.
Trigger 3
No previous history of hospitalization and surgery
No known FAD allergy
Hypertension and DM are the only known heredofamilial disease
Works as a farmer and a tobacco smoker for 8 years

Trigger 4
General Survery: awake, alert, unable to ambulate, not pale, afebrile,
HEENT: AIS, PPC, no alar flaring, no cervical LAD
C/L: ECE, CBS, no retractions
CVS: AP, DHS with normal heart rate and rhythm
Abd: soft, nontender, with no organomegaly
Ext: CRT <2s, weakness of both lower limbs with MS of 2/5 with reduction of tone. Tenderness upon
passive and active ROM of his back
Neuro Exam: MSE: intact
CN: intact
Motor: 5/5 upper extremities
2/5 lower exremities
DTR: patellar and Achilles tendon 4+
Babinski: positive on the left
Sensory: pricking sensation on lower extremities, intact vibration and position senses
CBC: Hgb 12g/dL
WBC 6000
Mantuox test: negative
Serum electrolyte, Urea, and Creatinine as well as fasting blood glucose levels were within normal limits
Thoracic Xray: normal dorsal curvature and vertebral alignment with vertebral bodies normal in height
Posterior elements and disc spaces were also normal.
CXR and abdominal UTZ : within normal limits
MRI: lumbar and lower dorsal- NORMAL
But signal abnormalities were noticed in upper thoracic vertebra and the examination extended superiorly
to include the entire cervical spine. The cervical spine was straightened and showed destruction of C7 to T4
vertebrae worse at T1 and T2 with retropulsion and spinal compression. An epidural collection hyperintense
on T2W with peripheral contrast enhancement extending from C7 to T3 further compressed the cord causing
signal changes and mild expansion at this level. There were extensive para-vertebral and pre-vertebral
collections of similar signal characteristics elevating the anterior longitudinal ligament from C5 to T3 which
extended into the apex of the chest on the right. A diagnosis of multiple contiguous vertebral destruction
with extra-spinal and intra-spinal collections and spinal cord compression was made.

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