List of Ions
List of Ions
List of Ions
I. Cations with fixed 1+ charge (Grp. IA elements of the periodic table, ammonium ion, and silver ion)
Name Symbol
Hydrogen ion H+
Lithium ion Li+
Sodium ion Na+
Potassium ion K+
Rubidium ion Rb+
Cesium ion Cs+
Ammonium ion NH4+
Silver ion* Ag+
*Has other charges but for nomenclature purposes it is considered to have fixed 1+ charge because it is
the common or the stable oxidation state.
II. Cations with fixed 2+ charge (Grp. IIA elements of the periodic table, zinc ion and cadmium ion)
Name Symbol
Beryllium ion Be2+
Magnesium ion Mg2+
Calcium ion Ca2+
Strontium ion Sr2+
Barium ion Ba2+
Radium ion Ra2+
Zinc ion Zn2+
Cadmium ion* Cd2+
*Has other charges but for nomenclature purposes it is considered to have fixed 1+ charge because it is
the common or the stable oxidation state.
D. Others
Name Symbol Name Symbol
Aurous Au+ Auric Au3+
Arsenous As3+ Arsenic ion As5+
(Classified according to suffixes –ide, -ite, and -ate)