Q4 Chemistry Reviewer
Q4 Chemistry Reviewer
Q4 Chemistry Reviewer
Sources: BYJU
● “Kolla” in Greek, meaning glue
● heterogeneous in nature
● insoluble particles of one substance are suspended in another substance
● dispersed phase particles are not visible but can be seen under ultramicroscope
● exhibits the Tyndall Effect
○ beams of light on colloids scatter due to interactions between light and
colloidal particles
For a mixture to be classified as a colloid, its suspended particles must not settle.
Colloidal State
● theorized by Thomas Graham (1861)
○ observed that solutions of certain substances (sugar, salt acids and bases)
diffused readily through parchment membrane while those of glue, gelatin,
and silicilic acid could not
● some solute is visible, some solute settles down after some time
Differences of True Solution, Colloid, Suspension
can pass through? ● solute molecules can pass ● can pass through ordinary filters ● suspended particles cannot
through even in ultra filters ● cannot pass through ultra filters pass through ordinary filter
size ● below 1mm in diameter ● between 1-100mm in diameter ● above 1-100mm in diameter
Classification of Colloids
Dispersed Phase
● particulate component of a colloid in a smaller amount
Dispersed Medium
● component of a colloid in a larger amount where the particles are dispersed in
● solid in liquid
● named after dispersion medium
1. Hydrosol - water
2. Alcosol - alcohol ( common for disinfectants )
3. Benzosol - benzene ( common for petroleum products )
● semisolid systems with high viscosities and solid-like rigid appearance
● colloidal particles arrange themselves in the form of fibrils
Elastic Gels
● changes its shape when force is applied
● regains original shape when force is released
Non-elastic Gels
● rigid
● swelling
● shrinking of gels (both elastic and non-elastic) in volume with time
● sol-gel interconversion in which some gels liquefy on shaking and change into sol
but reverts to gel
● dispersed phase and medium are both liquids
Conductance Method
● small amount of electrolyte is added to the emulsion
○ oil-in-water = conductance increases
○ water-in-oil = no appearance change
Dye Test
● heating the emulsion with an oil-soluble dye
○ oil-in-water = does not catch the color of the dye
○ water-in-oil = gains the color
● gas in a very viscous liquid
● a plant that gives beer its bitter taste
● ability of a substance to physically hold another substance on its surface
Brownian Motion
● movement in a rapid, random, zigzag motion through the collision of colloidal
particles in the dispersion medium
● negatively-charged dispersed particles migrate to the anode
● positively-charged particles migrate to the cathode
Gold Number
● number referred to as the protective power of lyophilic colloid