A Physical and Computational Comparison of Floating Breakwater Design 2017
A Physical and Computational Comparison of Floating Breakwater Design 2017
A Physical and Computational Comparison of Floating Breakwater Design 2017
Bachelors of Science
Ocean Engineering
Florida Institute of Technology
Master of Science
Ocean Engineering
Melbourne, Florida
April 2017
We the undersigned committee hereby approve the attached thesis, “A Physical and
Computational Comparison of Floating Breakwater Design Efficiencies for Habitat
Restoration in the Indian River Lagoon,” by Abigail Lynn Stehno
Dr. Robert J. Weaver
Primary Advisor
Associate Professor of Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering and Sciences
Dr. Ronnal Reichard
Committee Member
Professor of Engineering
Ocean Engineering and Sciences
Dr. Theodore Petersen
Committee Member
Assistant Professor of Communication
School of Arts and Communications
Dr. Stephen Wood
Department Head
Associate Professor of Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering and Sciences
This study examines the design and implementation of floating breakwaters (FB) in
the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) to support and protect living shoreline restoration
projects from damaging wave climates. The design significant wave climate of the
IRL in a 0.6 m water depth had an incident significant wave height of 0.20 m with a
wave period of 1.6 s. Based on previous studies, it has been found that habitat
restoration will be successful if the wave height is reduced from 0.20 m to 0.10 m
with the use of a FB structure. FB structures attenuate wave energies and are
the draft parameter (dr/d) and the breadth parameter (B/L). The dimension
parameters were compared to the transmission coefficient, which is a non-
dimensional value traditionally used to compare the transmitted wave height to the
simulated using a static structure and a dampened, dynamic structure. The physical
testing was performed in the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) wave channel at
olaFoam, developed in 2015 by Pablo Higuera for wave generation and absorption,
was applied to a numerical replicate of the FB structure in the FIT wave channel for
as well as a singular wave analysis that is comparable between each data set. In the
numeric modeling, the static FB structures attenuated the wave energies more
effectively than the dynamic structures due to the lack of motion response. The
for wave attenuation in the IRL during living shoreline restoration are a draft of 0.4
Table of Contents
List of Tables..............................................................................................................x
2.4 Physical Testing- Wave Tank .........................................................................17
Chapter 3: Implementation.......................................................................................30
3.5 Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling- OpenFOAM ................................38
References ................................................................................................................62
List of Figures
Figure 2: Deep water and shallow water wave motion (Anthoni, 2000) ...................8
Figure 5: Wave flap and generator in channel, Riprap for wave absorption ...........35
Figure 6: Gauge locations in the wave channel for numerical and physical testing 37
Figure 13: Breadth parameter for dynamic FB, significant wave height .................48
Figure 14: Draft parameter for dynamic FB, significant wave height .....................49
Figure 15: Breadth parameter for dynamic FB, second-wave height ......................50
Figure 17: Breadth parameter for static FB, significant wave height ......................53
Figure 18: Draft parameter for static FB, significant wave height ..........................54
Figure 19: Transmission coefficient for a FB with respect to breadth effects .........57
Figure 20: Transmission coefficient for a FB with respect to draft effects .............58
Figure 21: Water wave parameters (Dean and Dalrymple, 1991) ...........................73
List of Tables
List of Symbols
n Outward pointing unit normal vector on boundary surface [m]
P Pressure [N/m2]
Re Reynolds number []
S Closed surface boundary [m2]
SPiston Stroke length of a piston wave generator [m]
SFlap Stroke length of a flap wave generator [m]
sϕ Volume source sink of the general tensor property [° or rad]
T Wave period [s]
Tp Limiting wave period [s]
t Time [s]
u Velocity vector [u v w] [m/s]
Uc Correction velocity [m/s]
uzi Unadjusted wind velocity [m]
uzi=10m Wind velocity at 10 m above Mean Sea Level [m/s]
V Volume [m3]
v Fluid velocity mesh motion [m/s]
vs Velocity of the boundary surface [m/s]
X, x, y, z Position vectors [m]
zw Measured wind height above Mean Sea Level [m]
ϕ General tensor property []
∇ Gradient []
∇ ∙ 𝒖𝑐 𝛼(1 − 𝛼) Artificial compression term [m/s]
α Indicator phase function []
γϕ Coefficient of diffusion []
η Free surface water level [m]
ηR Reflected free surface water level [m]
κ Curvature of the interface [1/° or 1/rad]
μ Fluid viscosity [N·s/m2]
π Pi [3.14]
ρ Water density [kg/m3]
ρs Sediment density [kg/m3]
σ Angular frequency of a wave- 2π/T [1/s]
τ Shear stress on sediment [N/m2]
φ Wave phase [° or rad]
ψ Shields parameter []
I would like to send a huge thank you to my fellow Coastal Engineering group,
Peyman, Sitara, and Andrew, who answered all of my questions, taught me the tricks
of grad school, accompanied me on my 4 o’clock walk, and made sure the tea was
always brewing. Also, thank you to the undergraduate students, Leigh, Andrew,
Nathan, and Aaron, who helped me with testing. Of course, none of us would be here
without Dr. Weaver, who brought this great group of supportive students together
and inspired us every day to critically think as we develop as young engineers. Thank
you to the Department of Ocean Engineering and Sciences who helped fund this
I would also like to thank my FIT rowing family who have encouraged me along this
journey to always persevere. The opportunity that FIT rowing gave me allowed me
to accomplish a Master’s degree, and for that I cannot express my gratitude enough.
Thank you to my parents, Joe and Nancy, who rooted for me the whole way. You
guys are always welcome to use me as an excuse to vacation to the warm Florida
beaches. And to my other “parents”, Erica and Kyle, thank you for everything- I
couldn’t ask for better or more reliable friends. Thank you to all of my friends who
never left me as I dove into academia. Last but not least, thank you Kevin for sticking
beside me, feeding me, and giving me back rubs while I stayed up late working.
I would not be here without my coach and good friend Adam Thorstad. You have
taught me so much more than how to row, in fact rowing was just a catalyst. You
partner, sassy lunch buddy, compassionate lifelong mentor… You never fail to see
my potential, never let me settle for less, and always encourage me to surpass self-
expectations. Thank you for always being there to listen and reassure me through any
and all hassles and road bumps the past few years. I am constantly inspired by how
tirelessly passionate you are with your work, family, and friends. Your values and
dedicated, world-class friend and someone I aspire to be like. Thank you for all that
"We are made to persist... that's how we find out who we are." -Tobias Wolf
Chapter 1: Introduction
Coastal lagoons worldwide have suffered under the stresses of human development.
In recent times, increasing population coupled with the desire to live near the coast
has resulted in the removal of the plants and animals that have traditionally been the
buffer between land and sea. While aesthetically pleasing, the removal of these
Restoration efforts are key to ensuring a vibrant coastal community and economy
through the redevelopment of productive coastal habitats. The Indian River Lagoon
(IRL) is an estuary where living shorelines were removed and now are being restored.
The IRL estuary spans approximately one-third of Florida’s east coast. The 195 km
long and 2-4 km wide section of the intercoastal waterway is an average of 1-3 m
deep. The IRL is home to wildlife, such as manatees, dolphins, sea turtles, sport fish
(snook, redfish, tarpon, etc.), and birds. The increasingly popular estuary is a
resource for both residents and visitors who enjoy the diverse ecosystem for
recreation and fishing. The IRL supported a 200% increase in the number of
registered recreational boaters in the surrounding counties from 1978 to 1993 (Smith
et. al, 1990; Adams et. al, 1996). Water recreation in the IRL brought in over $2
billion to the surrounding counties in 2007 alone, making the IRL a valuable asset
for the state and local businesses (Hazen and Sawyer, 2007).
Figure 1: Map of the Indian River Lagoon (Snazzy Maps)
The increased activity and human development in and around the IRL negatively
impacted the water quality and habitat diversity due to shoreline hardening, water
events such as harmful algae blooms and fish kills indicate the decline in the IRL
insignificant as economic benefits increase; however, the IRL can no longer sustain
the environmental stress caused by human interactions, intensifying the local support
and response to restore the estuary to its previous state. Actions to reestablish a
healthy IRL ecosystem include reducing pollution and restoring living shorelines by
reviving native species and bringing the shores closer to a natural state.
Human activities, water clarity, wave action, and sediment movement are all factors
that influence the success of a living shoreline restoration project. Restoration sites
with a boat propeller. This type of damage could be reduced through education and
decrease water quality (Fonseca et. al, 1998; Morris et. al, 2015). Turbidity, created
from boat wakes and wave actions, suspends sediments and other benthic material,
such as macro-algae. The increased energy and impaired water quality and clarity
hinder the growth of plants which require light for photosynthesis, such as seagrass,
and plants that take time to establish in a high energy shoreline environment, such as
Currents and wave energy create movement through the water column, benefiting
water; however, high energy waves may also uproot or prevent vegetation from
rooting. Energetic wave climates cause many restoration projects to fail because the
waves erode sediment, bury restoration sites, or dislodge juvenile vegetation and
shellfish (Koch et al., 2006); therefore, a method must be devised to reduce the
incident wave energy in order to protect restoration sites from energetic wave
1.2 Proposed Solution
The success rate of living shoreline restoration projects depend on the wave climate
and the type of species used. The proposed solution involves the installation of a
locations in order to reduce wave energy for 2-3 years as the living shoreline is
established (Knutson et. al, 1990). FB structures reduce wave energy through
determine the design of a FB structure for use in the IRL for living shoreline
restorations. The design will allow the structure to attenuate the incident wave while
flow under the structure will provide the circulation required for healthy living
Technology (FIT) wave channel is performed to compare with and validate the
numerical results. The physical model consists of two wooden floating box
structures, allowing for dimension testing using two breadths and a set of drafts
1.3 Limitation of Study
The project limitations were considered when planning the design and testing phases.
Time limits the mooring designs available to test in CFD and physical models
Weak coupling between the motion solver and two phase wave solver
Chapter 2: Background
with living shorelines and coastal structures. A background of living shorelines and
structure will attenuate and interact with waves. The numerical modeling program,
OpenFOAM, is introduced for the modeling of coastal zones, specifically with wave-
structure interactions.
design effective structures. Waves must also be evaluated at the design location to
as capillary ripples in a morning cup of coffee, swells that drive surfers along coastal
are a balance between two fluids of different densities, water and air, generated by a
force disturbance; e.g. gravitational pull, earthquake, wind and boat wake (Knauss,
The initializing disturbance forces acting on a body of water transfer energy to the
resultant wave. The energy is only nominally reduced due to effects of friction and
viscosity in the fluid as the wave propagates from the origin, allowing the wave to
travel a great distance (Dean and Dalrymple 2002). Additional disturbance forces
acting on a wave during the duration of propagation compounds with the initial force,
either increasing or decreasing the total energy in a wave. The total energy in a wave
is the primary factor which influences the consequential wave height, Equation 1,
𝐸= 𝜌𝑔𝐻 2 Equation 1
where E is energy per unit surface area of a wave, ρ is water density, g is gravity, and
H is the wave height. The wave energy in a propagating wave is only reduced as a
result of the wave interacting with an object, e.g. a coastline or change in underwater
depends on the physical shape, density, and porosity properties, which result in either
a reflected wave, energy dissipation through viscosity variance between water and
the object, or a combination of the two. Additionally, when a wave propagates into
shallower water the wave face becomes steeper until eventually the wave is too steep
to support the crest, resulting in the crest collapsing over the wave face, dissipating
energy through turbulence. A comprehensive overview of wave theory is presented
in Appendix A.
Wave energy dissipation on a shoreline creates a shear force on the sediment, which
the horizontally driven, cross-shore orbital motion in shallow water, Figure 2. Water
motion in shallow water creates shear stress on the bottom sediments, which when
Figure 2: Deep water and shallow water wave motion (Anthoni, 2000)
In a perfect system, the net amount of sediment remains the same; however, due to
currents and irregular wave forcing, sediment accretion or erosion occurs. Erosion is
Higher energy wave climates create a greater shear stress on bottom sediments than
2.1.2 Wave Prediction
The wave climate for a particular location or domain captures the effects of wave
forcing on coastal structures and shorelines, and can be found through wave gauge
hindcasting both have advantages and limitations, resulting in biased data and
duration of wave gauge deployment; lengthy deployments require power support and
significant wave event. Research organizations, such as NOAA and FIT, deploy and
data to evaluate a wave climate; however, care must be taken to ensure the wave
properties are adjusted to account for a variation of depth or wave direction between
Theoretical wave climates are derived from measured wind data and rely on wave
theory and assumptions to estimate wave properties. Wind gauges are more abundant
than wave gauges because the gauges are not exclusively in water, but also on land,
where the gauges can easily be powered and maintained. Nomograms in the Shore
Protection Manual (SPM) and the Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM) correlate a
wind-driven wave climate as a result of wind speeds over a water fetch and wind
duration, both of which limit the maximum growth of a wave in a fully developed
sea. Additional information on wind driven wave theory is found in both the SPM
energy impacts along shorelines and maintain ecosystems through the use of strategic
installation of native plants (e.g. seagrasses, marsh grass, and mangroves) and native
animals (e.g. oyster and mussel colonies). Living shorelines play a crucial role for a
stabilization, providing habitat for animals, and filtering toxins from air and water.
Seagrass and marsh grass beds not only attenuate wave energy to reduce erosion, but
also stabilize bottom sediments, cycle water nutrients, provide shelter to juvenile fish
and wildlife, and serve as food for animals such as sea turtles and manatees (Adams
et al., 1996; Morrison et. al, 2003). The vascular root system of mangroves also
sequestering and storing carbon dioxide in their biomass. Mangrove forests provide
a habitat for 220 species of fish, 181 species of birds, 24 species of amphibians and
reptiles, and 18 species of mammals in the IRL (Adams et al., 1996). Oysters
stabilize sediment through wave attenuation, as well as filter 6.8 liters of water per
hour per oyster, thereby cleaning the surrounding ecosystem of harmful nutrient rich
The living, soft-engineered shoreline protection method was popularized once hard-
engineering systems, i.e. gabions, bulkheads, seawalls, rock armor, and revetments,
wave dissipation to reduce the impact of wave energy on a shoreline. Natural habitats
productivity around the structure location as well as promoting scouring and erosion
on the seaward side of the structure, due to wave reflection and the lack of sediment
Hard-engineering projects tend to have a high initial cost; a 1.2 m high bulkhead
costs between $125-200 per linear foot (Galveston Bay Foundation, 2011) and
living shoreline depends on the design and functionality. The marsh grass Spartina
alterniflora costs between $2-3 per plug and mangroves cost $10 per gallon pot
The need to restore living shorelines in the IRL has become critical with the increase
waterway usage, and coastal infrastructure. While hard engineered structures only
offer shore protection from erosion, living shorelines protect the shore, increase
water quality, and encourage a healthy and productive ecosystem. Biological events
in the IRL, such as fish kills, phytoplankton blooms, and dolphin and manatee
mortality events indicate the deteriorating water quality. Scarring from boat
propellers damage and destroy seagrass beds, which take 3.6 to 6.4 years to fully
recover if no additional scarring occurs (Yates et. al, 2015). Seagrasses require 20-
33% surface irradiance for photosynthesis (Choice et. al, 2014, Morris et. al, 2015);
however, phytoplankton blooms have reduced surface irradiance and led to mass
seagrass mortality in the IRL. Mangrove removal to make room for infrastructure or
to enhance the view along the coastlines has had negative environmental impacts
ranging from loss of habitat to increased wave energy along the shore.
which wave energy disperses until the juvenile plant settles on the shore or bottom
sediment. With an increase of hard engineered structures in the IRL, the wave energy
has increased along the shorelines due to reflection and lack of natural wave
successfully establish roots, energetic waves may uproot the plant or suspend local
bottom sediments; therefore, reducing surface irradiance and increasing the chance
of plant burial. Additionally, suspended sediment from an increase in wave energies
can settle on oyster substrates, creating dead zones where oysters are unable to grow.
Between 1943 and 2000, wave energies led to an increase in dead zones in the IRL
seagrass and marsh grass is directly planted into the substrate, leaving the freshly
planted propagules exposed to the wave climate and reducing the chance of survival.
Restored mangrove propagules are also exposed to wave energy after planting. In an
effort to protect the juvenile mangroves against wave attack, propagules were
encased in a PVC pipe using the Riley encasement method (REM). Johnson and
Herren (2008) observed a 10% average survival rate of REM restored mangroves
planted from 1996 to 2006, concluding that the PVC encasements constricted the
mangrove’s root system and reduced the available sunlight. Wave energy reduction
Complete wave energy reduction would reduce water circulation around the living
shorelines; therefore, the system would benefit more from partial wave reduction.
Research has shown that a wave height of 0.1m provides adequate water circulation
without destructive wave forcing on the plant and sediment (Roland and Douglass,
2005). Living shoreline restoration requires 2-3 years before the system is durable
Breakwaters reduce wave energy to prevent erosion and protect harbors and
coastlines. Breakwater designs depend on the structure life, use, location, sediment
quality, sediment type, wave climate, water depth, and cost. Engineers design
traditional bottom mounted breakwaters with armor stones or other large rocks,
which limit the use on unstable sediment or in deep water and makes the structure
difficult to relocate or remove. Bottom mounted breakwaters can also create erosion
on the leeward side of the structure from scouring due to wave–structure interaction.
reflection and dissipation, and does not obstruct underflow, allowing water to be
attenuate the greatest amount of energy with the least amount of material costs. Initial
design, including the structure breadth, draft, mass, moment of inertia, freeboard, and
mooring tension. The mass and moment of inertias depend on the weight distribution
of the structure while floating. Freeboard depends on the structure design and can
such as a step, to reduce wave energies above the free surface level. The tension in
the mooring lines affects the structure movement and rotation, where greater tension
will increase the wave dampening. Under standard mooring practices the
arrangement of mooring lines on the FB does not affect wave attenuation (Sannasiraj,
et al., 1998).
between the transmitted wave height and incident wave height, defining the
percentage of the incident wave energy allowed to be transmitted past the structure,
Equation 2,
𝐶𝑡 = Equation 2
height, and Ht is the transmitted wave height. The transmission coefficient allows for
evaluating how well each FB design reduces the incident wave height, Figure 3.
coefficient against the breakwater design while omitting the effects of the wave
climate. The draft is non-dimensionalized using the water depth [dr/d] and the
draft and breadth parameters compared to the transmission coefficient and the non-
dimensionalized values, allowing for the design of the most effective and economical
2.3.1 Scaling
Small scale testing provides substantive results, without the assumptions required in
CFD modeling and at costs much less than those associated with a full-scale
prototype are equivalent for the length dimensions. Dynamic similarity of viscous
𝑅𝑒 = Equation 3
𝐹𝑟 = Equation 4
where Re is the Reynolds number, l is the linear dimension, μ is the fluid viscosity,
It is not always possible to scale models to both geometric and dynamic similarity
final result determines which similarity is applied for each case. The restrictions
caused by scaling may cause significant errors because the scaling coefficient with
environment, simulating real-world wave climates and requiring less material than
modifications over a range wave parameters which are not always readily found in
nature. Physical testing also enables engineers to receive immediate data using state-
of-the-art instrumentation; e.g. pressure sensors and wave gauges, which may be too
structure, testing the Phoenix breakwater, a caisson structure that was used during
the Invasion of Normandy in 1944. The forces on the mooring design were found to
have the greatest importance on structure behavior Patrick (1951) further developed
since incorporated a wide array of physical parameters and structure designs that
an incident wave. The small-scale system of a wave channel creates a wave climate
manufacturing, and deployment. The domain of the wave channel limits the size of
the wave, water depth, structure, and replicated shorelines; therefore, scaling may be
required. If the model must be scaled care must be taken to ensure similarity of the
full-scale model. Wave characteristics are estimated by wave maker theory, where
the stroke height determines the wave height for a piston, Equation 5, or flap,
Equation 6,
( )=𝑘∗𝑑 Equation 5
𝐻 𝑘∗𝑑
( )= Equation 6
𝑆𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑝 2
where SPiston is the stroke length of the piston wave generator and S Flap is the stroke
length of the flap wave generator (Dean and Dalrymple, 1991). The wave period is
limited by the capability of the wave generator and is an important parameter for
𝐻 𝑔 cosh(𝑘(ℎ + 𝑧))
𝜙(𝑥, 𝑧, 𝑡) = − sin(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜎𝑡) Equation 7
2𝜎 cosh(𝑘ℎ)
where ϕ is the progressive wave velocity potential, H is the wave height, g is gravity,
σ is the angular frequency, k is the wave number, h is water depth, z is depth below
free surface, x is the location of a particle in the wave, and t is the time associated
with the movement of the particle. The velocity potential is evaluated over the entire
water column and compared to the velocity potential evaluated over the distance
between the draft and water depth to determine the transmission coefficient, Equation
8, which can be rearranged to find the desired draft of the structure with respect to
𝜙(−ℎ 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡)
𝐶𝑡 =
𝜙(−ℎ 𝑡𝑜 0) Equation 8
The theoretical draft does not take into account structure motion; therefore, can only
The structure width depends on the location of the study site, and varies based on
along a shoreline. The gap between the structures creates diffraction of the incident
waves, where a gap width greater than 5 times the wavelength will create
The structure breadth must be designed to limit the horizontal pitching motion under
wave forcing. The natural period of the structure must be much greater than the wave
period in order to maintain upright position and effectively attenuate wave energy
(Patrick, 1951). The natural period is determined from the breadth and the
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling is used to simulate fluid flow using
theoretical equations, assumptions, and user input. Open source Field Operation and
eliminate the initial program costs that are found with comparable closed-source
programs, such as Ansys Fluent and Flow-3D, and allows for the customization and
expansion of the numerical solvers. The source codes are written in C++ and the
system. The only costs in OpenFOAM results from processing time and computer
objects and abstract entities, designating each code file to its associated operation i.e.
customizable PDE solvers and their utilities. OpenFOAM is initially compiled with
wmake, similar to UNIXmake, creating a dependency list to check whether its source
files have been updated, and then selectively updating the outdated files.
OpenFOAM does not require recompilation after the initial compilation unless a case
Each case file (.C) contains the unique algorithms required during solving for each
specific case. The case file is suspended during initial runtime to source the header
files (.H), which are dynamically linked to shared object (.so) files, containing
information for initialization and supporting equations for solving. The modular
structure of OpenFOAM supports implementation and modification of source files,
Data may be analyzed during the simulation or after, using post-processing. The
command line interface initializes post processing tools which produce similar
results as instrumentations; such as field and flow rate calculations, forces, minimum
and maximums, and probe measurements. The ParaView Graphical User Interface
(GUI) is a third party, open-source visualization tool kit which allows users to
visually process flow output data as well as calculated variables, such as velocity and
2.5.2 Solver
Pablo Higuera developed the solver olaFoam in 2015 to solve Reynolds-average
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations for two phase incompressible flows using finite
volume discretization (FV) and the volume of fluid method (VOF) to generate and
absorb a two-phase wave flow and simulate fluid interaction with porous media
General Solution
The olaFoam solver iteratively solves for velocity and pressure, Equation 10, which
conservation equation, Equation 12, allowing for the solution of RANS flow with the
∇2 𝑃 = 𝑓(𝑢, ∇𝑃) Equation 10
∇ ∙𝒖=0 Equation 11
+ ∇ ∙ (𝜌𝒖𝒖) − ∇ ∙ (𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 ∇𝒖) = −∇𝑃 − 𝑔𝑿∇𝜌 + ∇𝒖 ∙ ∇𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 + 𝜎𝜅∇𝛼 Equation 12
which accounts for turbulent effects, g is gravity, X is the position vector, κ is the
An indicator phase function quantifies the VOF in each cell, creating a distinct value
between air and water where a value of 0 represents an air filled cell, 1 represents a
water filled cell, and between 0 and 1 represents a partially filled cell. A sharp
waterline interface, Equation 13, is derived from cell density and the advection
limits the fluxes of the discretized divergence term to ensure the indicator phase value
𝑑𝛼 Equation 13
+ ∇ ∙ 𝒖𝛼 + ∇ ∙ 𝒖𝑐 𝛼(1 − 𝛼) = 0
The PIMPLE algorithm is a combination of the PISO (pressure implicit with splitting
of operators) algorithm and the SIMPLE (semi-implicit method for pressure linked
equations) algorithm. PISO uses one predictor step and two corrector steps to ensure
mass conservation, providing a stable and quick calculation of velocity and pressure,
while SIMPLE ensures convergence within one time step using a relaxation factor,
Equation 14,
where Φ is the relaxation factor, n is the time step, αΦ is the variable undergoing
pressure calculations, while also ensuring convergence with the relaxation factor,
Wave Generation
effective wave generation using boundary inlet flow conditions, the VOF method,
and relaxation zones. The GroovyBC is a boundary condition that generates a wave
flow at the inlet using a simple mathematical wave theory expression. Compatible
solvers do not incorporate a VOF free surface calculation coupled with the
GroovyBC; therefore, additional mesh refinement is required along the projected free
surface to reduce step disturbances. The waves2Foam solver passively generates and
absorbs waves in relaxation zones for a VOF solution. The olaFoam solver couples
the VOF method with the wave generation at the inlet boundary face, reducing
Current wave theories implemented in olaFoam are for regular, irregular, solitary,
and wave maker waves. Due to the modular structure of OpenFOAM, additional
wave theories may be implemented. Stokes 1 theory produces a simple and analytical
Flow is irrotational
Wave motion is computed in the PIMPLE algorithm to solve for the free surface,
dimensional case, Equation 16 and Equation 17, using input files defining the wave
𝜂= cos(𝑘𝑥 𝑥 + 𝑘𝑦 𝑦 − 𝜎𝑡 + 𝜑) Equation 15
𝐻 cosh(𝑘(𝑑 + 𝑧))
𝑢= 𝜎 cos(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜎𝑡 + 𝜑) Equation 16
2 sinh(𝑘𝑑)
𝐻 sinh(𝑘(𝑑 + 𝑧))
𝑤= 𝜎 sin(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜎𝑡 + 𝜑) Equation 17
2 sinh(𝑘𝑑)
𝑔𝑇 2 2𝜋𝑑
𝐿= tanh ( ) Equation 18
2𝜋 𝐿
where T is the wave period, η is the free surface water level, k is the wave number
(2 π/L), σ is the angular frequency of a wave (2π/T), t is the time vector, x and y are
position vectors, and φ is the wave phase. Oblique waves may be created in 3D
Wave Absorption
Computational costs restrict the size of fluid domain for free surface wave models;
however, restricted domains typically generate reflection along the outlet boundary,
distorting the results and possibly enable seiching. Passive and active wave
through the addition of relaxation zones, which represent a physical beach or porous
imposed velocity profile, inverse to the incident wave velocity, resulting in a zero-
computational costs. Incident waves are absorbed through: a 2-D absorption theory,
for which the angle of incidence is perpendicular to the outlet boundary, Equation
19; a Quasi 3-D absorption theory, which requires a known angle of incidence; or a
3-D absorption theory, which uses a digital filter to measure the directionality of the
𝑈𝑐 = −√ 𝜂𝑅 Equation 19
where U is the correction velocity and η is the reflected free surface water level. The
c R
2-D absorption theory may be extended to a 3-D mesh when the angle of incidence
is known.
motion is specified through user input and calculated mesh motion is derived from
the physics of the case. Updated cell volume and the volume face flux of each cell is
solved using a second order discretization of the governing equation over an arbitrary
moving control volume, Equation 20, with the addition of the space conservation
∫ 𝜌𝜙𝑑𝑉 + ∮ 𝜌𝑛 ∙ (𝒗 − 𝒗𝒔 )𝜙𝑑𝑆 − ∮ 𝜌𝛾𝜙 𝒏 ∙ ∇𝜙𝑑𝑆 = ∫ 𝑠𝜙 𝑑𝑉 Equation 20
𝑑𝑡 𝑉
∫ 𝑑𝑉 − ∫ 𝒏 ∙ 𝒗𝑠 𝑑𝑆 = 0 Equation 21
𝑑𝑡 𝑉 𝑆
where ρ is density, V is the moving volume, n is the outward pointing unit normal
vector on the boundary surface, v is the fluid velocity, vs is the velocity of the
and sϕ is the volume source sink of the general tensor property, ϕ (Jasak and Tukovic,
OpenFOAM’s dynamic mesh solver 6DoFRigidBodyMotion calculates mesh
movement for 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) while maintaining the rigid body
structure within the mesh. The 6DoF solver coupled with olaDyMFoam, the dynamic
olaFoam solver, provides translational displacement from fluid forces and rotational
displacement from momentum forces, dependent on the calculated pressure and fluid
velocity. Motion is customized with the use of constraints (reducing the degrees of
(calculating the solution over the entire domain on a single core) or parallel
processing (dividing the domain between multiple processors; where each processor
the mesh into domains is processed with the OpenFOAM utility decomposePar. Each
method separates the geometry into equal parts, according to Cartesian coordinate
directions. The hierarchical method separates the geometry similar to the simple
method, but the order of directions is specified. The manual decomposition method
requires the user to specify the allocation of each cell to each processor. The Scotch
and METIS algorithms attempt to minimize the number of processor boundaries
during the decomposition; therefore, requiring less computational time during the
solving stage.
Chapter 3: Implementation
The design of a FB in the IRL for habitat restoration depends on the wave climate
and the effectiveness of the structure. Measured wind and wave data in the IRL was
used to determine the design wave climate. Numerical modeling in OpenFOAM was
completed for static and dynamic FB structures and further tested in a wave channel
for validation. The data was processed using a wave-by-wave analysis to determine
The wave climate in the IRL is primarily driven by wind and boat wake. Previous
studies in the IRL present a wind-driven wave climate with a wave height of 0.3 m
at a 2.1 s wave period in a 1.8 m water depth, hindcasted from a 3.4 – 5.1 m/s winter
wind speed in Martin County, FL (Douchock and Landry, 2006). A four month study
conducted in Jensen Beach, FL presented a boat induced wave climate with a wave
height of 0.4 m at a 2-2.5 s wave period in a 2.0 m water depth (Shermet, 2012).
Nomograms in the SPM and CEM correlate the wind speed to wind duration and
water fetch, representing the significant wind induced wave climate (USACE, 1984,
2002). Wind gauges, such as the one at Trident Pier, Cocoa, FL, owned and
maintained by NOAA National Ocean Service since 2005, and one at Sebastian Inlet,
FL owned and maintained by FIT since 2013, captured a 6.33 m/s significant wind
climate in the IRL between gauge deployments and 2015, a time frame in which
tropical storm and hurricane wind forces were not present. Following the
methodology outlined in the SPM and CEM, a significant wave height of 0.2 m at a
1.6 s wave period represents the fetch-limited wave climate in the IRL over a fetch
of 4 km, the greatest distance between the East-West shores where the majority of
Living shoreline restoration requires protection from wave climates that are too
energetic to support juvenile living shorelines. In the IRL, reducing the significant
incident wave height of 0.2 m to 0.1 m will provide the water motion required for
temporary wave attenuation for the establishment of living shorelines during the first
increase in FB size is proportional to not only the effectiveness, but also material
wave length, B/L, and draft vs. depth, dr/d. FB structures are ineffective in deep
waters because the length of the wave is much greater than the breadth of a practical
The IRL design wave is considered to be a shallow water wave in a 0.061 m water
depth, thus a FB in truly shallow water will not be effective, as the wave will break
before reaching that depth. An intermediate water depth of 0.6 m is used for the
design depth. Surveys in the IRL show that a 0.6 m design depth is within 3 to 10 m
from the shoreline, while also seaward of wave breaking for the design wave.
The design requirements developed the framework for a FB structure in the IRL for
shoreline protection. The parameters required are established from the IRL wave
climate and could be scaled to accommodate physical testing in the wave channel.
3.3.1 Parameters
Numerical and physical testing was done to compare the effects of the breadth and
draft of a FB structure in the IRL wave climate. Seven structure designs were tested
to determine the effects of the FB breadth and six structure designs were tested to
determine the effects of the FB draft. Additionally, cases for both static and dynamic
structures were tested to compare the effects of structure motion. The natural pitch
The unscaled IRL wave climate has a wave height of 0.2 m, at a 2 s period in a 0.6
m water depth. The structures tested are shown in Table 1and Table 2, where the X
denotes a test was completed. Physical testing was limited by the material needed to
make multiple FB structures. The mooring configuration and line tension did not
change during physical testing. The dynamic numerical testing was limited due to a
weak coupling between the two-phase wave generation solver and the dynamic mesh
natural pitch period, dr/d is the non-dimensionalized draft parameter, and d is the
design draft.
3.3.2 Scaling
The FIT wave channel is limited by the height of the walls, length of the tank, and
wave maker capabilities. Fortunately, the IRL design water depth and wave climate
are able to be replicated in the wave channel and the channel is long enough to
generate a fully developed wave before structure interaction; therefore, a 1:1 scale
was used for the physical testing. The ability to replicate the design wave at the 1:1
scale during the wave channel reduces errors caused by scaling parameters, where
the Froude number would exclude viscosity effects in order to maintain similitude in
a free surface flow. The domain used for the numerical testing replicates the
dimensions of the physical wave channel in order for reproducible and comparable
The IRL wave parameters were achieved in the FIT wave channel with a 1:1 scaling.
A wave flap was used to generate the wave, while a riprap shoreline passively
absorbed the transmitted wave. The FB design is based on the velocity potential in
Laboratory, Melbourne, FL. The wave channel total length is 9.085 m, the effective
length with the wave paddle installed is 8.5 m, the width is 0.5746 m, and the depth
is 0.914 m, Figure 4.
Figure 4: Florida Institute of Technology Wave Channel
The wave generator in the FIT wave channel creates a controlled testing environment
using either a flap or piston paddle with a stroke length of 0.1143 m, 0.2159 m, or
modification of the motor generator frequency, allowing for a range of wave periods.
A riprap structure eliminates reflection at the opposite end of the tank, reducing the
influence of reflected waves. While wave generator theory may provide a framework
for the resultant wave height, in practice the wave height is affected through
variances between individual wave generators. In order to simulate waves in the IRL,
the stroke length for the flap paddle was set at 0.3683 m to generate the design wave,
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Wave flap and generator in channel, Riprap for wave absorption
3.4.2 FB Structure
The wave channel testing evaluated the effects of the structure’s draft and breadth.
Two 0.508 m x 0.508 m x 0.7 m FB box structures were made of plywood walls and
supported with a base and cross beams made of 2x4 wood, spanning the width and
breadth of each structure. A 2x4 beam was installed in each box 0.2 m above the base
as a reinforcement for bolts, which connected the structures together and were sealed
with rubber gasket and mounting putty. Additional 2x4 beams were installed across
breadth. The draft to range between 0 -0.6 m and was controlled using weight plates
for ballast. The structure spanned the width of the tank, eliminating diffraction by
transmission coefficient of 0.5 in a 0.6 m water depth for a static structure. For
comparison, drafts of 0.2 m and 0.4 m were tested to further validate the numerical
model. The theoretical derivation of the required draft does not include the structure
motion response to wave forcing, thus is only appropriate for a static FB, which is
impractical in the field; therefore, the effects of the draft for a dynamic FB were
The FB structure was set 3.85 m from the face of the wave generator paddle and
moored to the plexi-glass wave channel floor using suction cups and 1.1 m taught
fishing wire. Additionally, a 0.2 m nylon string attached the FB gunwale to the top
edge of the tank, limiting roll and surge motion and simulating a mooring system.
The mooring system was constant for the dynamic testing to eliminate variable
mooring designs. Weight plates were placed at the bottom of the FB structure as
ballast to obtain the desired draft. The static FB was held in place with wooden and
composite shims, located between the plexi-glass and each corner of the structure.
surface height of the water in the wave channel. The sonar sensors are able to
level output is viewed in the GUI and saved in a .csv file for post-processing.
Figure 6: Gauge locations in the wave channel for numerical and physical testing
Two sonar gauges were positioned in the channel to record the incident wave height
2.30 m from the wave maker and transmitted wave height 5.56 m from the wave
maker, Figure 6 and Figure 7. The location of the incident wave height gauge ensured
the wave had time to equilibrate before it was measured, but also far enough from
the structure to reduce the measurement of the reflected wave. The location of the
transmitted wave height gauge was placed after the transmitted wave re-developed
the background mesh and either the snappyHexMesh function or the topoSet function
to add FB geometry.
Mesh Generation
The CFD mesh creates a domain through sets of points, faces, cells, and boundaries.
The blockMesh function creates a 3D, hexahedral block with specified vertices,
allowing discretization for mesh refinement to prepare for the solving of partial
less processing memory, or structured, which requires simultaneous solving for each
An 8.5 m x 0.575 m x 0.9 m block domain replicates the dimensions of the FIT wave
testing, where gravity acts in the –z direction and wave propagation occurs along the
x-axis, Figure 8. The block domain is discretized into a 40 x 20 x 40 cell count, where
the cell count in the z-direction is proportionally greater than those in the x and y
directions due to refinement along the two-phase surface for an accurate solution;
however, the cell count in the z direction would be greater for a solver that did not
use the VOF method at the surface interface. A cell gradient may be added along the
The snappyHexMesh and the topoSet functions manipulate the background mesh to
removing unused cells and iteratively refining the mesh around the object to generate
to a weak coupling between mesh motion, VOF solvers, and 6DoF solvers, leaving
the snappyHexMesh function ineffective for certain cases (Higuera). The topoSet
function redefines a set of cells, patches, or faces; for example, a block of cells are
the pressure instabilities on the structure boundary, but limits the complexity of the
Boundary Definition
Boundary patches establish a physical surface on each domain face, while boundary
conditions define the fluid behavior on each boundary face. Boundary patches and
Wave generation for the olaFoam solver is performed along the inlet boundary and
boundary condition calculates the expected height of the wave along the outlet
boundary at each time step, then measures the actual height of the water on the
boundary; allowing the water to “flow out” of the boundary if the expected height is
less than the actual height, reducing reflection. The Direchlet fixedValue boundary
condition creates a no-slip velocity boundary along the walls, and the zeroGradient
boundary condition creates a zero normal gradient on the boundary. The atmosphere
outflow at the boundary, and fixedValue, when there is inflow at the boundary. The
where body forces such as gravity and surface tension, are present. The
Table 3: Boundary Conditions used for olaFoam
U p_rgh alpha.water
The air-water interface is created using the setFieldsDict which establishes the initial
two-phase domain. The user assigns a group of cells either 0 or 1, where 0 is air and
1 is water, creating each phase, Figure 10. The density and viscosity properties of
and mesh domain dimensions were based on the wave channel tests to allow for
reproducibility. The CFD computation of the RANS equation requires numerical
schemes and solution techniques to quickly converge. The 6DoF solver calculates
Numerical schemes are define how the solver interprets terms in the equations, such
solves for a transient, first order implicit, bounded flow; therefore, the Euler method
is used for the numerical time scheme. Gaussian integration linearly interpolates
values between cell centers to face centers for the gradient, divergence, and
Laplacian schemes. The Laplacian term is evaluated using Gaussian integration for
The method of lower upper (LU) decomposition is used to solve variable matrices
and algorithms using linear solvers. Preconditioners and smoothers reduce the
iterations needed to attain convergence. Solution tolerances are defined for each
solver to reduce the error in the solution. The solution techniques are defined in the
fvSolution dictionary.
The system of linear equations for alpha and the velocity variables are solved using
a smoothing solver with a symmetric Gaussian Seidel smoother, which defines the
matrices with non-zero diagonals. The pressure corrector matrix is solved with a
preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) which requires a preconditioner,
Gaussian Seidel smoother uses the previously calculated reciprocal of the diagonal
in addition with the Gaussian Seidel smoother, to reduce variations caused by the
The GAMG solver is used to solve the pressure and cell displacement matrices by
generating a coarse grid from the mesh using agglomeration to guess the solution
over an unrefined mesh then generating the solutions over a fine grid. The GAMG
solver is faster and cheaper because it reduces the number of cells per calculation.
The DIC smoother is used with the pressure matrix and the Gaussian Seidel smoother
Tolerances for each of the solvers, preconditioners, and smoothers are defined in the
time but reduce errors and improve convergence. The PIMPLE algorithm controls
limiting the amount of change in a variable from one iteration to the next. The final
Structure Motion
The six-degrees of motion for the FB structure was defined in the dynamicMeshDict.
The 6DoF solver calculated the effect of fluid forces on the structure and adjusted
the FB mesh according to physics. Structure motion was calculated about the center
of mass, which is initially defined by the user then recalculated at each time step
during the motion calculations. The center of mass must be symmetrical between
The narrow space between the channel walls and the FB structure created an increase
sway, yaw, and roll. Additionally, a spherical angular damper restraint reduced
damper restraint was not changed during the dynamic cases, simulating a
height using probes in the channel, generating a vector output of the water elevation
The resultant free surface data was numerically analyzed using a wave-by-wave
analysis to detect the significant wave heights at each location. The transmission
significant incident wave. The breadth is non-dimensionalized using B/L and the
draft is non- dimensionalized using dr/d and each are plotted against the transmission
coefficient. The dynamic motion and static FB structures were also compared and
Chapter 4: Results and Discussion
The breadth parameter and the draft parameter are compared to the transmission
methods. The parameters were deemed satisfactory if the structure attenuated 50%
of the wave energy, having a transmission coefficient of 0.5. Additionally, the effects
of structure motion were presented and compared between the static and dynamic
parameters is limited due to the weak coupling between the olaDyMFoam solver and
6DoF solver in OpenFOAM. Due to the instability of the numerical solver, both the
significant and second full wave heights were used to determine the transmission
4.1 Dynamic FB
The effects of the breadth parameter for a dynamic FB are shown in Figure 13. The
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the dynamic FB with respect to breadth was
0.0722. The effects of the draft parameter on a dynamic FB are shown in Figure 14,
with an RMSE of 0.0114. A comparison between errors from previous studies, Table
parameters. The numerical model predicted greater the wave attenuation compared
to the physical model for both the breadth and draft parameter testing; however, the
Figure 13: Breadth parameter for dynamic FB, significant wave height
Stehno, 2017 0.0114-0.0722
The physical modeling for both the draft and breadth parameters did not satisfactorily
attenuate the significant wave climate. The mooring system for the physical dynamic
influence structure stability under wave action and must be further evaluated to
Figure 14: Draft parameter for dynamic FB, significant wave height
The results for the numerical dynamic cases were limited due to a weak coupling in
the numeric model between the motion solver and the two-phase wave solver. This
weak coupling created instabilities in the mesh before convergence, which created a
large divergence within one time step and “exploding” the results. The numerical
instability occurred at different time steps between each simulation; therefore, two
cases allowed for the development of a wave climate dataset before becoming
unstable. The significant wave height was found from datasets with a minimum of 7
full waves after the two initial building waves. In order to further understand the
capabilities of the dynamic FB structure effectiveness, the second wave in each data
set was used to compare the structure parameters to the transmission coefficient. This
method does not take into account a full wave spectrum, but rather a singular wave
transmitted past the FB at a constant time, Figure 15 and Figure 16. The second-wave
method was also applied to the dynamic wave tank results in order for comparison.
The second wave was not in a fully developed wave climate; therefore, the incident
wave is smaller than the significant wave height. From the physical tests, the
transmission coefficient under the second-wave analysis was reduced except for
when B/L=0.1672, where the transmitted wave height was increased, possibly due to
the wave-structure interaction for a natural pitch period which is 0.3 seconds larger
than when B/L=0.3345. The second-wave analysis also reduced the transmission
coefficient in the numerical model. This is caused by the wave not being fully
The second-wave analysis provided more data to understand the performance of the
lengths increased. The RMSE for the breadth parameter was 0.0534, and for 0.0452
the draft parameter, where the numerical model predicts a more effective structure.
suggesting that the larger natural pitch period reduced the motion of the structure,
attenuating waves more effectively. The numerical model supported this finding,
showing that wave attenuation increased as the structure breadth increased. The
results from the numerical model are less pronounced due to the time required for
The physical testing for the second-wave draft parameter generated satisfactory
results when dr/d=0.5 and 0.6667. As the draft increased, the structure effectiveness
properties throughout the entire water column. The numerical testing, which only
was able to produce one result under the significant wave analysis, further proved
that the effectiveness of the structure increases as the draft increases, where all three
usable tests were considered satisfactory. Similar to the breadth parameter, the
numerical model results are less pronounced due to the spin up duration of wave
generation between models, where the physical model takes less time to produce a
Use of the second wave height method of analysis allow for the generation of a
Further improvements must be made on the model to increase the simulation time by
reducing instabilities. Additional physical testing would provide insight for the
4.2 Static FB
The results of the breadth parameter for a static FB are shown in Figure 17. The
numerical model tests result in a lower transmission coefficient that the physical
model tests, with an RMSE of 0.2193. The wave tank results for the static B/L testing
were considered unsatisfactory due to the large amount of wave transmission. While
only two cases were tested, the results confirm that the increase in breadth will
increase wave attenuation. The numeric model for the static B/L testing is considered
satisfactory for B/L greater than 0.1672. Interestingly, the transmission coefficient
Figure 17: Breadth parameter for static FB, significant wave height
The effects of the draft parameter for a static FB are shown in Figure 18. The
increase in structure draft will allow the structure to better attenuate the wave energy.
While the physical testing only produced one satisfactory draft parameter, the results
During physical testing, the structure performance was considered satisfactory when
the dr/d was 0.6667. The numerical modeling results are all considered satisfactory.
The structure with zero draft attenuated more wave energy than the structures with a
Figure 18: Draft parameter for static FB, significant wave height
Table 5: RMSE for the Static FB tests
Stehno, 2017 0.2193-0.2624
The second-wave analysis was applied to the static cases to further determine the
practical application of this method. The results from the static testing were
thorough; therefore, the second-wave analysis was not necessary to obtain desired
results. The RMSE for the breadth parameter was 0.0559 and 0.0452 for the draft
parameter under the second wave analysis; however, the effects of the static second-
wave analysis proved that this method reduced the transmission coefficient. Due to
the sufficient amount of collected data, further evaluation of the static second-wave
Discrepancy between the numerical and physical model for the static cases may be
due to assumptions during the numerical calculations in order to reduce run time. An
24% error, suggesting that the numeric model predicts a lower transmission
coefficient for the performance of a static FB. Previous studies have shown a RMSE
waves, where theory produces a lower the transmission coefficient than physical
testing (Koutandos et al., 2005). Wave theory estimated a structure with dr/d of 0.5
greater energy and the physical model attenuated less energy when compared to the
The design of a static floating breakwater in a wave climate would require a strong
The static and dynamic cases were compared to understand the effect of structure
motion on wave attenuation. It is known that dynamic structures are not as effective
at attenuating wave energies as a static structure due to the structure movement. The
degree that the dynamic structure will attenuate a wave is based on the mooring line
tension. Only one mooring line tension was tested during for each the physical and
computational models and further studies are required to understand the significance
The breadth effects for both the dynamic FB and the static FB are shown in Figure
19, where significant wave height analysis is used for comparison. The physical
unexpected. The remainder of the results of the breadth parameter were as expected,
where the static structure reduced wave energies greater than the dynamic structure.
The computational model suggested a greater difference between the static and
dynamic structures compared to the physical model. This may be due to the
slope for both the static and dynamic structures when B/L= 0.5-0.667, suggesting
The effects of the draft parameter on the transmission coefficient for both the static
and dynamic structures are shown in Figure 20. The dynamic and static results
performed similar for both dynamic and static cases. The physical model further
suggests that the wave attenuation properties are linearly dependent on the mooring
tension, where the results for the static and dynamic cases produce a similarly sloped
line. The computational model did not produce enough results to compare the static
and dynamic structures with respect to the draft parameter; however, the one dynamic
result further proves that the dynamic structure is not as effective at attenuating
Chapter 5: Conclusions and
Temporary floating breakwaters would permit water flow while reducing wave
energy during the initial phases of restoration, allowing plants, such as mangroves,
marsh grasses, and seagrasses, to establish a secure root system and become
for their efficiencies at attenuating a design IRL wave height of 0.2 m at a 2 s wave
period in a 0.6 m water depth. Based on previous studies, the ideal transmitted wave
height for living shoreline restoration is 0.1 m; therefore, the FB structure design is
0.5 for successful living shoreline restoration protection in the IRL. While a
transmission coefficient of 0.5 will adequately protect living shorelines from the
design wave, the IRL experiences wave heights greater than 0.2 m due to wave events
and non-shore normal waves; therefore, a transmission coefficient less than 0.5
effectively reduce wave energy in the IRL. The suggested dimensions of a FB for the
design IRL wave climate has at least draft of 0.4 m and a minimum breadth of 1 m.
These suggested dimensions require an increase in mooring line tension in order to
further dampen the structure under wave actions, where a completely static structure
will produce a transmission coefficient of 0.4194. The available results for the
dynamic structures did not successfully attenuate the wave enough to adequately
protect living shoreline restorations. Realistically, the mooring system of the static
pilings. The dynamic structure requires less mooring design; however, does not
attenuate wave energy as well as the static designs. These results suggest that a
The proposed structure dimensions are based on the current testing parameters. The
results indicates that an increase in either breadth or draft will further increase the
transmission coefficient. Previous studies and the computational theory support this
Differences between the physical and numerical studies result from the variability of
the FIT wave channel, the wave analysis method, and assumptions used during
research must be done to address the variability of wave climates in the IRL,
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Appendix A: Wave Theory
Figure 9 shows wave characteristics that describe the movement of the wave.
in which:
H= wave height
a= wave amplitude
Other notable wave characteristics include the wave crest, which is the highest point
of the wave; the wave trough, which is the lowest point of the wave; and the wave
period, which is the time it takes for a complete wave cycle to pass a specific point.
Theoretical waves are found using linear wave theory. Dean and Dalrymple (1991)
describe the steps to find useful linear wave equations. The continuity equation
assumptions. The hydrostatic pressure equation (Equation 23) describes the pressure
acted on a point due to fluid density and depth. Buoyancy force is a positive result of
second law derives the conservation of momentum (Equation 25) by assuming steady
flow and independence of time. The conservation of momentum finds surfaces forces
acting on a particle and is used to derive the Euler equations (Equation 26). The
Assumptions are able to be made from these equations to find the Bernoulli equation
(Equation 28).
𝑑𝑢 𝑑𝑣 𝑑𝑤
+ + =0 Equation 22
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧
𝑃 = −𝜌𝑔𝑧 Equation 23
Fbuoyancy is the buoyant force on the floating object, and V is volume of an object in
∑ 𝐹𝑥 = 𝑚 Equation 25
where Fx is the force in the X direction, m is the mass of the fluid, and Du/Dt is the
𝐷𝑢 1 𝑑𝑝 𝐷𝑣 1 𝑑𝑝 𝐷𝑤 1 𝑑𝑝
=− , =− , = − −𝑔 Equation 26
𝐷𝑡 𝜌 𝑑𝑥 𝐷𝑡 𝜌 𝑑𝑦 𝐷𝑡 𝜌 𝑑𝑧
𝑑𝜙 𝑑𝜙 𝑑𝜙
𝑢=− , 𝑣=− , 𝑤=− Equation 27
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧
𝒖2 𝑝
+ + 𝑔𝑧 + 𝜙 = 𝐶(𝑡) Equation 28
2 𝜌
fluid, a velocity potential that satisfies the mass continuity is found (Equation 29)
where ∇ is the vector differential operator. The divergence of the flow u in Equation
28 leads to the Laplace Equation (Equation 30). Assumptions are made, resulting in
boundary conditions that restrict the fluid domain. The kinematic BC (Equation 31)
constrains fluid motion. The bottom BC (Equation 32) defines the fluid motion at the
boundary at the bottom of the domain. The kinematic free surface BC (Equation 33)
restricts the fluid from moving outside of the free surface, η. Gravity and the pressure
balance bound the wave creating the dynamic free surface BC (Equation 34), where
C is a constant function of time, neglecting tension forces. The lateral BC (Equation
35) allows the assumption for waves to propagate in only the x direction where L is
∇∙𝒖=0 Equation 29
𝑑2 𝜙 𝑑2 𝜙 𝑑2𝜙
∇2 𝜙 = + + =0 Equation 30
𝑑𝑥 2 𝑑𝑦 2 𝑑𝑧 2
𝒖 ∙ 𝒏 = − 𝑑𝑡 Equation 31
𝑤 𝑑𝑑
=− Equation 32
𝑢 𝑑𝑥
𝑑𝜂 𝑑𝜂 𝑑𝜂
𝑤= +𝑢 + 𝑣 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑧 = 𝜂𝑥,𝑦,𝑡 Equation 33
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦
𝑑𝜙 1 2 𝑃𝜂
− + (𝑢 + 𝑤 2 ) + + 𝑔𝑧 = 𝐶(𝑡) Equation 34
𝑑𝑡 2 𝜌
𝜎 2 = 𝑔𝑘 tanh(𝑘𝑑) Equation 36
where σ is the angular frequency, 𝜎 = 2𝜋/𝑇 and k is the wave number, 𝑘 = 2𝜋/𝐿.
Simplifying the dispersion equation results in a deep water approximation for the
𝑔𝑇 2
𝐿0 = Equation 37
where Lo is the deep water wave length. Wave celerity (Equation 38) is the speed
𝐿 𝐿0
𝐶= = tanh(𝑘ℎ) Equation 38
where C is the wave celerity. The free surface displacement (Equation 39) bounds
the water surface created by waves, where H is the wave height, x is the direction
along the x axis, and t is the time as the wave passes. Wave height is a function of
outside forces acting on the fluid. Fetch and duration determine the wave growth
from wind. Fetch is the distance wind is able to travel across open water and duration
is the amount of time wind is able to travel across open water. Fully developed wave
𝜂= cos(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜎𝑡) Equation 39
The ratio of the wavelength to water depth defines whether the wave is in deep,
shallow, or intermediate water. Deep water waves have a depth greater than half of
the wavelength. Shallow water waves have a depth is less than one twentieth of the
wavelength. Intermediate water waves are found between shallow and deep water,
Figure 2.
Appendix B: Floating Breakwater
Literature Review
Floating breakwaters have been used for over two centuries with the first recorded
FB being built in 1811 at Plymouth Port, England (Teh and Mohammed, 2012). The
Bombardon, built in 1944 for the Invasion of Normandy, created an artificial harbor
and sparked an interest in FB. A comparison of FB structure designs has been done
The rectangular shaped breakwater is the simplest and most studied FB. The design
depth and breadth depend on the wave climate. Increasing the freeboard on the FB
minimizes overtopping. This structure relies on reflection from the vertical wall and
Lab, field and numerical studies have resulted in different design sizes for the
rectangular FB. The breadth and draft lengths directly relate to the transmission
coefficient. Patrick (1951) was the first to test FB in the lab by comparing B/L to the
transmission coefficient using three drafts. Patrick proved that an increase in the FB
coefficient to dr/d. Brebner and Ofuya determined the size of the FB is proportional
to its dampening effects. Isaacson and Byres (1988) tested rectangular FB models
both numerically and in the lab relating the transmission coefficient and heave
Kofoed et al. (2004) developed the Wave Dragon, reflecting waves off walls into a
chamber located on the top of the box. The Wave Dragon was used to generate
energy using a turbine. Koutandos et al. (2004) compared the motion response of a
fixed and heave motion rectangular FB using a numerical model. The numerical
model was validated by an experimental lab study. Koutandos et al. analyzed the
structure’s motion response due to wave interaction. They also found that the
structure breadth and draft are most important design parameters for a FB. Koutandos
and Prinos (2005a) validated the experimental design from Koutandos (2004) using
al. (2005b) compare the efficiency of a heave motion rectangular FB, fixed
rectangular FB, box FB with vertical plates, and a double pontoon FB. The heave
motion FB relies on dissipation to reduce the wave height while the fixed FB uses
reflection. Dong et al. (2008) used the rectangular FB and found that strong currents
Wang and Sun (2010) studied a porous rectangular FB, finding that the porous
material dissipates wave energy more effectively than a reflective wall. Taydon et al.
(2010) compared the rectangular FB to a box FB with vertical plates and determined
that a FB with a larger breadth is more effective than one with a smaller breadth.
arrangement increases the structure’s effectiveness. Yoon and Cho (2011) physically
and Cho also set up an array to show that multiple FB consecutively arranged reduce
long period waves more effectively than a single structure. Zidan et al. (2012) found
increase in breadth and draft of the structure will increase the structures effectiveness.
Chen et al. (2012) numerically related the transmission coefficient and structure
motion response of a rectangular FB. Chen et al. determined that increasing the
structure breadth increases its effectiveness. Teh and Mohammed (2012) compared
Studies from the rectangular FB showed that an increase in draft will increase the
increase of cost and material. Reducing the draft and attaching plates underneath will
increase the effective draft without increasing the amount of material needed. There
are three different designs of the box FB with plates. These designs use either
reflection or dissipation to reduce the incident wave height. The first design is a
rectangular FB with two thin, vertical plates that extend below the box on both the
incident and transmissive sides of the structure, increasing the draft of the FB. The
plate on the seaward side of the structure uses reflection to reduce the wave height,
while the plate on the shoreward side is attached for stability. The second design adds
horizontal hanging plates under the box FB increasing dissipation and reflection.
These plates hang below the box, attached by wire. Wave energy is reflected by the
box, while the horizontal plates create turbulence below the surface. Dong et al.
While the nets are not plates, they increase the draft of the structure, reducing wave
Koutandos (2005b) concluded that a box FB with vertical plates has the same
determined that the box FB with vertical plates was more effective than a rectangular
FB. Taydon showed that the effectiveness of the structure increases when the plate
draft increases. Chen et al. (2012) numerically tested the box FB with one and two
horizontal plates and determined the design was more effective than the rectangular
FB because of dampening effects. Chen et al. found that the box with two plates was
more effective than the box with one plate, but the rate of effectiveness decreases
when the number of horizontal plates increase. Dong (2008) determined the breadth
and rigidity of the board-net FB affected the wave attenuation and the addition of the
Double Pontoon
Chen et al. (2012) noticed that a larger breadth of a structure will increase the
effectiveness of the rectangular FB. The double pontoon FB increases the effective
Brebner and Ofuya (1968) compared the double pontoon, rectangular and A-frame
FB. They found that larger structures are more effective. They also noted that the
double pontoon’s large radius of gyration increased its effectiveness. Williams and
pontoon FB. The structure effectiveness depends on the draft, spacing of the
pontoons, and the mooring line stiffness. Koutandos et al. (2005b) determined that a
porous plate is just as effective as a non-porous plate. Dong et al. (2008) compared
the breadth to the structure effectiveness for the double pontoon FB. Pena et al.
(2011) studied the wave response to a double pontoon FB finding that structure
rigidity increases effectiveness. Zidan et al. (2012) determined the double pontoon
FB was most effective when the spacing width is equal to the pontoon width.
The Alaska FB is similar to the double pontoon FB; however there are multiple cross-
beams between the two pontoons, creating a ladder shape, increasing rigidity. The
structure uses reflection and dissipation for wave attenuation. The Alaska breakwater
cheap, easy way to manufacture FBs. It was installed in along Alaska and northern
Carver determined that the wave period affects the transmission coefficient. Richey
described the installation and performance of each structure. Richey noticed that the
The Y-Frame FB was designed by Mani (1991). The addition of PVC pipe extensions
on a trapezoidal box reduces cost and the transmission coefficient through wave
reflection, without compromising the motion of the structure. The breadth, draft, and
PVC diameter determine the effectiveness of the structure. Murali and Mani (1997)
The H-shaped FB was developed by Teh and Mohammed (2012) to reduce the
material used in a rectangular FB. The cross section is shaped as an H. Teh and
Mohammed found that the H design is more effective than a rectangular FB. Tan
(2013) tested a large scale model of the design and determined that the structure
The stepped FB was developed by Teh and Ismail (2013) by adding steps on the
incident and transmitted sides of a rectangular FB, creating a greater surface area for
the wave to interact with. This interaction creates reflection and reduces overtopping.
An increase in the structure’s breadth resulted in better wave attenuation. Teh and
Ismail also arranged two and three consecutive rows of stepped FB to compare the
the effects of the step width finding that the width is more prominent when the
breadth of the structure, the water depth, and the wave height increase.
The flexible membrane FB was created by Ripken (1960) and the U.S. Rubber
company to dissipate waves through turbulence and dampening. The horizontal wave
trap is comprised of two thick, flexible rubber blankets, one floats on top of the water
and the other floats below the surface. The subsurface blanket has one way valve
holes arranged in a staggered pattern, creating turbulence. The vertical wave trap
extends vertically through the water column and acts as a flexible, rubber wall. The
vertical blankets also have one way check valves to create turbulence. The structure
floats on top of the waves and dampened the waves as they passed by. Blanket
thickness and breadth both act to increase the efficiency of the wave blanket (Ripken
The sloping FB is a long rectangular box that is ballasted at one end to incline the
structure. The structure dimension faces either towards or away from the incident
Patrick (1951) compared the effect of ballast and mooring for the sloping FB. 60%
ballast was the most effective, however, 87% ballast was also efficient and
transported seaward during the testing, reducing wave forcings on the mooring.
Carver (1987) compared configurations and moorings for a sloping FB. Bayram
inclinations and mooring line lengths for the structure. He determined that the
The A-frame FB uses reflection and structure motion to reduce wave energy. The
rigid board and two subsurface rigid boards connected into a V shape. A third rigid
vertical board also extends beneath the structure to increase the draft. Ofuya (1968)
connected structure effectiveness with design, wave and location characteristics, and
the radius of gyration. Brebner and Ofuya (1968) modified the radius of gyration by
This history of floating breakwaters is impressive; however, the optimal design type
and dimensions have not been thoroughly studied due to the variations in wave
climates and locations for deployment. Separate studies have established the
is missing, which may be due to the large assortment of designs and the constant
designs, which may be more effective than the rectangular FB but are generally more
complicated to build; therefore, the tried and true rectangular structure will continue
Appendix C: Tables of Raw Results
CFD Tank
Empty Static Dynamic Empty Static Dynamic
dr Hi Ht Ct Ht Ct Hi Ht Ct Ht Ct
Significant wave height
0.1243 0.1117
0 0.0387 0.3117
CFD Tank
Empty Static Dynamic Empty Static Dynamic
B Hi Ht Ct Ht Ct Hi Ht Ct Ht Ct
0.1243 0.1117
Significant wave height
2 0.0526 0.4235
0.1455 0.1050
0.25 0.0599 0.4119