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J-1 1 01 5/4/2022-PLANNING
Government of lndia
Ministry of Culture
Archaeological SurveY of lndia
Dharohar Bhawan,
24, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001
Dated the, 22.5.2023


Subject:- Modified Recruitment Rules for the post of Lower Division Clerk in
ASI notified vide G.S.R.353(E), dated 9th May, 2023.

The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith the modified Recruitment

Rules for the post of Lower Division clerk in ASI notified vide G.s.R.353(E), dated
gth May, 2023 for information and necessary action

Encl:- As above
(M,JE na
1) PS to Secretary(Culture)/Js(Asl), Ministry of Culture, Shastri Bhawan' New
2) PS/PA to DG/ADG(Adm.)/All Jt.DGs/All Directors at ASI Hqrs'
5i fn" prin"ipal Pay and Accounts Officer, Ministry of Culture, Shastri
Bhawan, New Delhi-1 1001 1 .
a;' ihe Under Secretary(LE & RR), Departme{ 9! Pep.olnel & Training' North
Btock, New Delhi witir reference to their t.D.Note No.Misc-14017i3612021-
Estt.(RR), dated 01.02.2023
Sl OV. birector(Admn.)/Dy. Directo(AJC), ASI Hqrs, Dharohar Bhawan' 24'
Tilak Marg, New Delhi.
6) All Regional Directors of ASU All Archaeological Offices'
ii no. fho, rlA/igilance/Cash Section' ASI Hqrs, Dharohar Bhawan' 24'
Tilak Marg, New Delhi.
8) Pay and Accounts Office, ASl, New Delhi/Hyderabad'
Si W;O.it" Section, ASI Hqrs. Office, Dharohar Bhawan, 24' Tilak Marg' New
10 The PresidenUsecretary General, AIASA' New Delhi
11 Hindi Section.
12 Office Order Folder/Guard File.
lhrql* tqq.- 33004/99 REGD. No. O. L.-33004/99

@he (Dozette of Sndio
fr .*. -*.r'a. -n. - oo szoz 3 - ? 4 s7 8 I

CC-DLE-l 0052023-2,15788
lIFr tl---{vs 3---gq-gqs (i)
PART ll-Section 3---Sub-section (i)

{. 2sll r{ ftd, gcr(, qt t o, zozsltnrq zo, r cls

Tq R-"-#, g rt, zoza
qr.t,r.fr. 35s(c).-<r9cfr, {fttrrn } srtd< 309 vc<s drr l ffi
$frdt +r vfr.r s{i ET,
riqR'TiTrdq, rrnftq frrt.s qTei"r, ar< ffi ftR-+ (vnq 'rr') Tff ft{q, zotz sit c{ qrdt h F-qrc
srfu'ria rG 6q Fr+ tt
irfu'rqur + q-6+ ftqr rrn t Tr Fd sir frc frqr rr{lr *, {Tiq, qR-ffq ffi
5rr.ra v{uw fr u-+<,Mftft+hqqy{ rr-ff ft q-ah m +G * ftq ffiFg{ ft{c s-{rft
t, qciE
t. {ftr qrq {R Frtc.---(1) {t Mt
rr riftq trx rqfr {?rf,q, qr.fi-q 5tra.< v{erur,
rq-{ ffi frft-fi (rrft 'rr' r<; rff frrq, zoze {r
(2) t u-w-e fr at* c-firem ff drfre fr r1e fitt
2. q-< tEff i w<.-ss q-{ ft {qr, s{rdT rrftd{'rr ilt{ id-{ +Rfr
ff {qr, qrfu{lr 4f( +d-{
twi+gfrmfrtffit*qrq{qr{ i{-1qfi il ki.rT (2) t cr:r 1+1 t rrrRffie }t
3. t.ffffc-€R, arg-frqr 4f( {fu, arR.-lrff ff q-afr, arg-fttr, u-fu 3lrt 3q+ riifuil
u-*<ninfrfifrf,ifs q-5aff+lirr(s) ttiv (13) tfrfrtru{t
3047 Gv2023 (l)

(6) Fffii Et qft + fts-6T cR qr Frcff q-ft ffR-d't' G-{rd frTr } qr F-*reff
(q) Frs+ irc+ cfr ?r 3rc-ft c-ft h ffE-( rti gq frm'qft t fr-{ra frqr t TI
sr qE qt ftgft' +r vn a-S {tn :
w< qR i*q qcrn nT 16 crrem S vr+r t fr qsr F-{r{ W qft oi-< F-sr{ * q-q clr+,r
* qril +{ Rfu + s{#{ it-d+c t 3frr tqr srt + frS q-q qrun f; fr +a Rffi qft d gq ft{c }
r<i ff {rft.-q6i i+{ s-cfirt ff q-a trq t fr tst +-cqr 3{r+{Tr rr qfi-+{ t, T6r
5. fttR-d
a-6 vq+ ftq fr +r<w t, 3-d aE-{-d s1b qn ffi h nffi s*iu +} F;ff +rf qr rq{i * qM ff qr+e
6. qrER.-5< ff dt qm, t* qr<nor, sirg-frqr t g. +. srq 1'ffil qr crrr+'rfr
erftft, ki-5T idrq rc+r< ern gs rids ii vrq-nrq w irrfr Bq 'rq iltsfr * 3r{qra 3r-dqkd srfui'
Bi-d(Fd q-d-fftrt, q-q Rq-fl {4, Td54 tfuit qt{ arq frc}s c-q't + qfu'd h frq sritr 6-.{T
IrE iF'I NTq qEffdqt qtfttr<vr +tr{ qq-r v< t trrtq.fffrqqr+Er+
tBn+ q{{rik- qRrdtfrqqrg-frqr
KR q{fi q-E

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

r+rffi 35012023) crqr<vri*c w{-2 qq-{ 18 s{ 3lR 27 Ei + +s

ftftd iqv, qq6 tr' (if&q qc+,rt arcr qrft fttcit
'6r&r* eroqqE-r,
i{q-{r 3n?Pii t 3rtgrr rc+rft
siluTt q( 63200 5.)
.{F:e-F{fu{r q-<-{qB-fis +nit t ftq qrftq ES il6
ftft-E ff qr qsff A fr"cqr :
arg ft+r Bmurftd 6,.i +
Rq Mq-+, ilft'{ 6ffi
qq-+ 3n+rT arn ftq-c ft

m* rrfi + frq qqfuil {tfr+ dr< q-q ff* Fff frs qr+ qr+ ck{Erffq-{fr
q-{dk qffif'h Rq Ft( qrg
{r( {tft-d rEdtq is-d

(7) (8) (e)

(i) ftff qrnttrT crIT +€ 3rqat 3{rS-r€i asS

fusR-srdq t tzff +m qt +ft-(qtTfrr-6i fr:qoft:*Edffei-{fut
qr+qsftoi'ftfrt * rrr{ ft 3rF-{rf is{qr;r
(ii) 6Eq-{ qr aiffi i ss qr< Yfr fti-. iHq + r's-ortr5+-+ A<t
[rTrrr II-Ers 3(i)] fiIT 6T lTSrItr : qTrTr_ITrIrr 3

{r EA t 3o er< vft ft-f,. ft {,rrr rnft-.I al

13s n< vft ftcz 3t( go sr<
cft ft-{e iosoo ff rcm cfr
f.r/gooo ff <qrq cfr qz-T *
+tn-r f,, ftct rfr r< * ftg
qttrirn s ff E-drs cnft-E fir)

rff ff q-aR: r-ff ft* tft n ffi cfrftgfr/qr}n

Er<r <t ffiqrcRft{ft'l qrlc-{Eruqfi
era rqr Rftx q-qffi Er(r c-ft wi srfr FfrFd ff cRrmfi ffe{Trt*&Frctffifficr
(10) (11)

1i1 rffi wn urfrrr * creqq t sox fffr lrff era; 3{tt iw <iv (to) tftarr+r{t
(ii) 3oolo ftfr'ci FarFftc aridr q-twr h qrEn qr *<-a
tffw taooo-sogoo Ra* t * rt
+ffiI< i + rft qrqnft frr€+ t zff rsir Tq+

vr+q .rff.i ff d dr< ns i- fi-{ E{ + ffid

ren ft tr r€Hr }q +rril ft erfusfi{ 3{rS ft{r
Sffi s{ t (q-{qFc-{ qTR qd q-{qfq-d v-d-qrfr +
ft"qvr :- qR,iie (iD A.€ ftfudt ft {i@r +
3rfufi q,ffi, q€trr t Tfflt A qri t, d 3{r+ 4r+

t rirt
sfr RM h rrq ra rfq
A+ qrff
rffit q{ ft-Ert frqrqrqm arfr rCdi q0m t
s-fr'ri fr+ at rffit q-< era ff q-ftn t g-fflt

fri <+ rffit t q-ti G-sR frqr qr q+

(iiD 20% ft-tr'ci *8-m 16 qerm * qlelr( s( tt c-g 6'd
+ffi tt r€rqr\i.ftFE+ cl-s 12ff5gn 3TrrEI
sr+q wfrr t ft H+ ffi +d-n tRtr
(18000-56900 5.) * R{-1 h'{-{i + #{ sS ft

cR ffic ffi qffft R{crl t, fr scfr wr {rtr t rff r<t t R'-t qRRqffii + {s d-6
t{r qrfr{r+q<rrctfrqrqrq.n
(12) (13)

ffi rt ftsr< TA t frS qq6 T Rqr.ft{ ffi {RR ff qr,I a-0

(1) 3rr{ {6lff*r6 (ccnt-i), vr.ftq g{rea qteTq'- 3rsqer

(2) Fkrd (ccn€-{) - {E€q; 3ila


(3) 3c fr*rd (cer({) - F(s

gEror r< ft<n r<i t FtC qt T ffic SEtr<uI (RR
(1) 3I.r( Tgrfricrd 1ccnra1, wrcfti 5<rc< sTHq- 3I"-wi
(2) fttarf (ecrrq-n) - r<w; artr
1s1 rv frtlr+ lrsnr+1 - ra'q

lsr. t. i-1 1 01 5/4 t2022-ttnil1

q*. ta-r, Ftrr+ (xtnral

(Archreologicsl Survey of Itrdi.)
New Delhi, the. 9th May, 2023
G.S.R. 353(E).-ln exercise ofthe powers conf€rred by the proviso to article 309 ofthe Constitution and in
supersession of the Ministry of Culturc. Archacological Survcy of India. Lower Division Clerk (Group 'C' Post).
Recruitment Rules 201?, except as respects things done or omitted !o be done before such supersession, the President
hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk in the
Archeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, namely:---
l. Short titlc rrd commenccment.-<l ) These rules may be called the Ministry of Culture, Archaeological
Survey oflndia. Lower Division Clerk (Group 'C' post), Recruitment Rules, 2023
(2) They shall come into force on the date oftheir publication in the Ofl'icial Gazene'
2. Numbcr of posts, cl.ssilicstion and level in the pay matrix.-The number of post. its classification and
level in the pay matrix attached thereto, shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the Schedule annexed to these
3. Method of recruitment, age-limit, qu.tilicllion etc..-The method of recruitment, age-limit,
qualifications and other matters relating thereto, shall be as specitied in column (5) to ( l3) ofthe aforesaid Schedule.
4. Disqurlification.-No person, -
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a p€rson having a spouse living, or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person,
shall be eligible for appointment to the said post:
provided that the Ceniral Govemment may, if satisfied that such maniage is permissible under the personal
law applicable to such person and other party to the mariage and that there are other ground for doing so. exempt any
person fiom the operation to this rule.
5. powir to relax.-Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to
do, it may, by order and for reasons to be r€corded in writing. relax any ofthe provisions ofthese rules with respect to
any class or category ofpersons.
' 6, Sriini.-Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age-limit and other concessions
required to be provided for the-scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes. Other Backward Classes. Ex-servicemen and other
,pecial categories ofp"rsons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Covemment from time to time in this
Nsme of post. Number of Classification. Level in the Whether Age-limit for
post. Pry matrix. Seleclioo or don- direct recruits.
selcction post'
(l) (2) (3) (1) (s) (6)
Lower 350*(2023) General Cenral Level-2 Selection. Between l8 and
Service. (Rs.19900- 27 years
Division (* Subject to Group'C'. 63200).
Non-Gazetted. (Relaxable for
Mini$erial. Government
Clerk dependent on
servants upto forty
workload) yea$ in
accordance with
the instructions or
|{Tq? 6r lTiTrET : 3ftIT4t'Iut 5
[lTFr ll-€''rE 3(i)]
orders issued bY
the Central

Note: The crucial

date for
determining the
age limit shall be
as fixed by the
Staff Selection

Educationrl and other Whether tge and Period of lltethod of recruitment whether by
qualifications required for educational probrtion direct recruitment or by promolion
direci recruits. quelification or by deputation/absorption tod
prescribcd for direct perce[tage of the vacancies to be
recruits rrill apply in Iilled by various methods.
ctse of
(Dl class or
pass Age - No. Two years. (i) 50% by direct recruitment thro ugh
qualification from Educational Note : The Staff Selection Commission; and
Qualification - Yes period of two
a recognised Board or years shall (ii) 30% ofthe filled
vacancies shall be
University. include on the basis ofdepartmental quali$ing
(ii) Typing speed of 35 successful
examination iiom amongst the Muhi
w.p.m. in English or 30 completion of
Tasking Staff in level-l Rs.18000-
w,p.m. in Hindi on ComPuter. mandatory
induction 56900 in pay matrix, who Possess l2o
(35 w.p.m. and 30 w.P.m.
tmining of two class pass or equivalent qualification
conespond to 10500 KDPTV
and have rendered three )ea!s regular
weeks duration.
90OO KDPH on an average of
service in the grade. The maximum
5 key depressions for each
age-limit for eligibility tbr examination
is forty five years (Fifty years of age
for the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Trib€s).

Note: If more ofsuch emplo)'ees than

the number of vacancies available
under clause (ii) qualified at the
examination. such excess number of
employees shall be considered tbr
filling the vacancies arising in the
subsequent years so that the employees
qualif,ing at an earlier examination are
considered before those who quali$ at
a later examination.

tiii'l 20o/. of the vacancies shall be

filled on seniority-cum'fitness basis
li:om amongst the Multi Tasking Staff
in Level-l (Rs.18000'56900) in pay
matrix, who possess l2'h class pass or
equivalent qualification and have
rendered three yea$ regular service in
the grade.

ln case of recruitment by If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists Circumstances in which

promolion or deputalion/ what is its composition. Union Public service
rbsorption, grrdes from commission to be
which promotion or consulted in making
deput{tion/ absorption to be Recruitment.
(ll) (12) (lJ)
As stated in column ( l0). Group'C' Departmentel Promotion Committee for Not applicable.
considcring promotion coosisting of:
l. Additional Director General (Administration)
Archaeological Survey of lndia
- Chairman;
2. Director (Administration)
- Member; and
3. Deputy Director (Administration)
- Member.

Group'C' Dcpertmetrt.l Conlirm.tion Committee

for coosidcring confirmrtiotr coDsisti[g of:
l. Additional Director Ceneral (Administration)
Archaeological Survey of lndia. Chairman;
2. Director (Administration)
- Member; and
3. Deputy Director (Administration)
- Member.

IF. No. J-l l0l5/4/2022-PLANNINC]

M. JENA, Director (Administration)

Uploaded by Dte. ofPrinting at Covemment oflndia Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri' New D€lhi-l 10064
and Published by the Controller ofPublications, Delhi-l10054.

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