KS Timetable Summer
KS Timetable Summer
KS Timetable Summer
Return trip last boat last boat last boat St. Bartholomä
Salet Obersee dep. 09:55 ... after 17:10 09:25 ... after 17:40 08:55 ... after 17:40
the first the first the first one-way to
St. Bartholomä 10:15 boat: 17:30 09:45 boat: 18:00 09:15 boat: 18:00 St. Bartholomä
Kessel app. 35 min.
at least at least at least
Kessel (stop when requested) 1
10:25 17:40 09:55 18:10 09:25 18:10
every every every
Königssee Seelände arr. 10:50 30 min.2… 18:05 10:20 30 min.2… 18:35 09:50 30 min.2… 18:35
boats, there may be some waiting muzzle, regardless of race or size. Fighting Schifffahrt Königssee:
times during the summer months in good dogs will generally not be transported. Seestraße 55 | 83471 Schönau a. Königssee
weather. This can occur on public holiday, but +49 8652 9636-0 | zentrale@seenschifffahrt.de
In case of fog, storm, flood or other
also on the first beautiful day after a rainy unforeseen occurrences, delays or Groups: +49 8652 9636-14
period. cancellations must be expected. Station-master (Mon. – Sun.): +49 8652 9636-96
Our tip: Depart before 10.30 am and return
before the rush hour (starts around 2.30 pm). Please take note of the depature times of
the last boat!