Eagle House School
Eagle House School
Eagle House School
Contents 2
About the school 4
What the school seeks to do 4
About the pupils 4
School Eagle House School
Age range 3 to 13
EYFS 51 Pre-prep 66
Prep 260
The registration authority for independent schools is the Department for Education (DfE), which directs
inspection according to a specified frequency or at any time where the DfE has particular concerns about a
school. The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Secretary of State for the
purpose of inspecting schools which are, or whose heads are, in membership of the associations which form
the Independent Schools Council (ISC) and reporting on the extent to which they meet the Independent
School Standards (‘the standards’) in the Schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards)
Regulations 2014. Accordingly, inspection records whether the school meets each of these standards, which
are arranged in eight Parts, each of which is divided into separate paragraphs. The inspection of schools that
have early years settings not requiring registration similarly records whether the school complies with key
provisions of the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework, and for registered settings the full range
of the Early Years Foundation Stage provisions is considered. Additionally, the inspection reports on the
school’s accessibility plan under Schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 and the ban on corporal punishment
under section 548 of the Education Act 1996. It comments on the progress made by the school in meeting
the compliance action points set out in the school’s most recent statutory inspection.
This inspection also contains specific judgements on the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools
(‘boarding NMS’). It also comments on the progress made by the school in meeting the compliance action
points set out in the most recent statutory boarding inspection and it judges the extent to which the school
currently meets the boarding NMS. It identifies any standards which the school does not meet and requires
action to meet them. Findings are distributed across sections relating to the eight Parts of the standards.
All association independent schools will have an inspection within three years from April 2016, in accordance
with the Framework and DfE requirements. The inspection may be of COMPLIANCE ONLY or a combined
inspection of EDUCATIONAL QUALITY AND COMPLIANCE depending on a number of factors, including
findings from their most recent inspection. Schools judged not to meet the standards, including the boarding
NMS, may also be subject to a progress monitoring visit before their next routine inspection. The progress
monitoring visit will judge whether the school has taken the necessary action to meet any un-met standards
identified at their previous inspection.
The inspection was also carried out under the arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and
improvement of the quality of their membership.
This is a FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTION which was combined with an inspection of EDUCATIONAL
QUALITY, the report of which appears later in this document. The COMPLIANCE inspection reports only on
the school’s compliance with the standards, including the boarding NMS. The standards represent
minimum requirements and judgements are given either as met or as not met. All schools are required to
meet all the standards applicable to them. Where the minimum requirements are not met, this is clearly
indicated in the relevant section of the report and the school is required to take the actions specified. In this
focused compliance inspection, key regulations and standards have been inspected in detail. These are the
regulations on safeguarding; measures to guard against bullying; arrangements for pupils’ health and safety,
arrangements to check the suitability of staff; the provision of information to parents; the handling of
parents’ complaints; and other related aspects of leadership and management, together with the NMS
covering the same areas. The remaining standards and requirements are deemed to continue to be met
unless evidence to the contrary has been found.
Inspections do not include matters that are outside of the regulatory framework described above, such as:
an exhaustive health and safety audit; compliance with data protection requirements; an in-depth
examination of the structural condition of the school, its services or other physical features; contractual
arrangements with parents; an investigation of the financial viability of the school or its accounting
Inspectors may be aware of individual safeguarding concerns, allegations and complaints as part of the
inspection process. Such matters will not usually be referred to specifically in published reports in this
document but will have been considered by the team in reaching its judgements.
Links to the full regulations and requirements can be found here: The Education (Independent School
Standards) Regulations 2014, National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools, Early Years Foundation
Stage Statutory Framework.
Key Findings
2.1 The school meets the standards in the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards)
Regulations 2014, the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools 2015, and relevant
requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, and associated
requirements, and no further action is required as a result of this inspection.
The EDUCATIONAL QUALITY inspection reports on the quality of the school’s work. It focuses on the two
key outcomes:
- The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and
- The personal development of the pupils.
Since the school was last inspected, the framework for inspection has changed. The current inspection
framework uses different criteria and arrangements for grading from those used in previous inspection
frameworks. The judgements made on this inspection are, therefore, not directly comparable to judgements
made on previous inspections.
All independent schools are required to meet the requirements of the Independent School Standards.
However, different inspectorates apply different frameworks that are suited to the different types of schools
they inspect. The ISI terminology reflects quality judgements that are at least equivalent to those used by
the national inspectorate, Ofsted. ISI reports do not provide a single overarching judgement for the school
but instead give a clear judgement about key outcomes for pupils and information on the quality of the
school’s work.
The headline judgements must include one of the ISI descriptors ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sound’ or
Where necessary, National Curriculum nomenclature is used to refer to year groups in the school.
Key Findings
3.1 The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
Pupils’ achievement is excellent due to the overwhelming majority of the teaching having
ambitious expectations and setting challenging tasks.
Pupils with SEND or EAL and those who have been identified by the school as more able achieve
their potential as a result of them receiving teaching which effectively supports their needs.
All pupils including boarders and children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) have highly
positive attitudes to learning.
The pupils are extremely well educated in line with the school’s aims to encourage them to show
independence, leadership, a desire for knowledge and a motivation to succeed.
3.2 The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
Pupils’ personal development is excellent as they display genuine kindness and respect for one
Pupils are proud of their school and they are keen to contribute to it and to the wider community.
Both day and boarding pupils gain considerable confidence as a result of their strong and
supportive relationships with staff.
Pupils display excellent self-discipline and resilience as a result of the school’s outstanding Golden
Eagle programme.
3.3 In the context of the excellent outcomes, the school might wish to consider:
Reviewing its marking procedures to ensure more consistency across subjects.
3.8 Pupils throughout the school are highly skilled in using and applying technology to all areas of their
learning. Strong skills are developed in discrete lessons in the pre-prep, and older pupils have
numerous cross-curricular opportunities to develop their excellent information and communication
technology skills using mobile devices. In geography, younger prep pupils used tablets to research and
prepare multimedia presentations on national parks around the world and to solve very challenging
crosswords with terminology relevant to earthquakes and volcanoes. Older pupils were observed
building a vehicle and then competently code it to move another object. Photography is introduced in
the Nursery where children capture images of their construction models, and displays of photographs
around the school indicate the older pupils’ strong skills in this medium.
3.9 Pupils display assuredness in improving their own learning, and their highly effective study skills help
them to make swift progress. Children in the Nursery analysed why their torches are not effective in
the well-lit classroom and immediately started to build a tent to create darkness. Pupils approach
investigative challenges enthusiastically and use a wide range of resources with confidence. They
demonstrate an excellent ability to draw upon a suitably wide range of sources and to develop higher-
order thinking skills. Pupils use their personal planners effectively to keep a record of their individual
targets. The oldest pupils benefit significantly from the specific guidance they are provided to prepare
them for scholarship examinations. Pupils from the top year of pre-prep and above develop strong
analytical skills, which are extended by visiting professionals who provide philosophy workshops. In a
history lesson, older pupils held a lively debate which was carefully facilitated by the teacher on
whether Henry VIII could have held a referendum during his reign. Pupils were able to hypothesise
and consider all views raised. Strong independent learning skills are evident in all the pupils,
encouraged by the school’s own extended project programme.
3.10 Pupils of all ages and abilities including boarders achieve considerable academic success during their
time at school. The school does not take part in national tests but from the scrutiny of the pupils’
work, lesson observations and discussions with staff, attainment is judged to be excellent by the time
the pupils leave school, and they make good and often rapid progress particularly so where challenging
work is set. In the EYFS, almost all children achieve the expected levels in attainment for their age,
with a large majority exceeding expectation. Pupils with SEND make rapid progress and many achieve
in line with their peers as a result of the carefully planned work which matches ability. Data provided
by the school indicate clearly that the few pupils who require support with EAL progress rapidly as
their English becomes more assure. This meets the recommendation from the previous inspection.
More able pupils are able to extend their knowledge, understanding and skills effectively through the
system of ability grouping which is introduced in Year 3 and dedicated scholarship classes in their final
two years. A very small minority of pupils expressed in their questionnaire responses that they are not
sure how well they are doing in their work. In the book scrutiny, it was noted that not all feedback is
consistent in providing next steps for improvement.
3.11 The excellent standard of overall achievement is supported most effectively by the well-established
senior leadership team. Robust systems and structures, staff appraisals and regular lesson
observations contribute significantly to pupils’ excellent standards. Children in the EYFS achieve
extremely well due to careful monitoring and tracking by the staff. The school has successfully met
the recommendations from the previous full inspection regarding the roles and responsibilities of the
schools’ leaders and managers. Excellent achievement can also be attributed to strong governance
which provides the school with a clear ethos that reflects the aims of the school. At the end of their
time in school, pupils are highly successful in gaining places at the senior school of their choice. A
majority move on to Wellington College, often winning awards and scholarships.
3.12 Pupils flourish beyond the classroom and they achieve high standards in sports, music and the arts.
Overseas cricket, hockey and netball tours provide an incentive for pupils to develop their strong skills
in these sports, and the boys’ hockey team were county champions in 2016. Pupils benefit from the
many sporting opportunities provided by the school and significant individual successes have been
achieved in judo, sailing, swimming, gymnastics and athletics. Many pupils learn to play a musical
instrument, attaining good grades in external music examinations, and those with particular talent
perform with external orchestras. Art is of a high standard as evidenced by some high-quality displays
around the school, and pupils’ work is exhibited at various local venues. Drama skills are excellent with
individual pupils attending London auditions and all pupils regularly performing in high-quality
productions staged by the school. The older pupils’ drama skills are further developed through their
annual visit to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe where they are tasked to sell tickets for their play and
then perform it to an audience of parents and visitors. Questionnaire responses from both parents
and pupils indicate their overwhelming satisfaction with the extensive programme of co-curricular
activities. Clubs observed during the inspection included swimming, baking, judo, singing and science,
all make a significant contribution to the pupils’ excellent learning and skills.
3.13 Pupils including boarders and children in the EYFS have highly positive attitudes to learning. They enjoy
challenge. Pupils display diligence in each task or activity, taking mature responsibility for their
learning. Children in the EYFS readily share their views and ideas. The oldest pupils have excellent
attitudes to their studies, encouraged by the school’s extremely high expectations. They are keen to
take initiative when required. The school is highly successful in meeting its aim to encourage the pupils
to show independence, leadership, a desire for knowledge and the motivation to succeed. This is a
direct result of the strong commitment of the governance, leadership and management to high
3.19 Pupils are proud of their school community and they are keen to be a part of it. They fulfil their
responsibilities assiduously and contribute positively to the lives of others within the school including
in boarding, the local community and wider society. Pupils from Year 5 and above develop these
attributes every Saturday morning when they participate in life skills and service and team work
activities in the local community. Older pupils benefit considerably from recent links with a local care
home. Pupils display a genuine commitment to raising funds for charity and large sums are collected
to help those in need. They are currently supporting local children’s charities which are close to the
heart of the school. Strong community spirit amongst the pupils is also fostered through the house or
section system which children join from Nursery. Pupils benefit from the exciting team activities which
encourage them to be competitive and to strive to do their best individually, whilst at the same time
appreciating the efforts and victories of others. Pupils of all ages enjoy the support of a ‘buddy’ from
a different year group. Older pupils help the children in the EYFS with their morning routine, organising
games or hearing them read. Pupils readily take on roles of responsibility and those in their final year
aspire to positions such as heads of school, section leaders and heads of boarding, sport and music.
Younger pupils may serve the school as librarians, sports captains or democratically voted members
of the school council.
3.20 All pupils have an excellent knowledge of how to lead healthy lifestyles and keep safe. This can be
attributed to the school’s comprehensive LfL programme, the excellent opportunities to be active in
physical education and games, and the vast selection of co-curricular clubs on offer throughout the
week. Within the curriculum, time is afforded to helping the older pupils understand the dangers of
social media use and inappropriate website access. Positive responses in their questionnaires and
answers in interview confirm pupils’ strong understanding of how to stay safe. Children within the
EYFS are independent in their self-care routines and they know why they wash their hands before they
cook or eat. The oldest pupils were observed warming up before their circuit training and they
demonstrated an excellent understanding of the physiological change that exercise has on the body.
Pupils are encouraged by staff to make healthy choices at lunchtimes and they fully appreciate the
importance of drinking plenty of water. In interview, pupils reported that they enjoy school life
3.21 Throughout the school, pupils from different backgrounds mix extremely well, which is clearly evident
in the boarding house. In interview, boarders were keen to report that nobody is regarded as different
in the boarding community. Pupils spoke most enthusiastically about the regular Make a Difference
Day where they experience a myriad of themed activities. They benefit greatly from the varied themes
which enable them to broaden their knowledge and develop empathy towards disability, healthy
living, the environment or poverty. Younger pupils enjoyed their opportunities to research the work
of Mother Teresa and Archbishop Trevor Huddleston. Older pupils sensitively discussed Rwanda,
justice and equality. Pupils’ appreciation of cultural traditions different to their own is high. In their
questionnaire responses, almost all parents and pupils agreed that the school actively promotes
respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Older pupils enjoy learning about
different faiths in religious studies and younger pupils enthusiastically explore festivals from other
faiths including Diwali and Chinese New Year.
3.22 Pupils including those who board and attend the EYFS display excellent levels of confidence and self-
awareness. They develop these attributes as a result of their strong and supportive relationships with
staff who know them well and provide high-quality care and pastoral support. The school’s Golden
Eagle programme includes activities that are physical or initiative-based, and encourages the pupils to
challenge themselves and develop excellent self-discipline and resilience. Pupils demonstrate
considerable perseverance and the desire to learn new skills, and they report that they are encouraged
to take greater independence as they move up the school. Boarders’ experiences are greatly enhanced
by the caring boarding staff who carry out their duties with considerable rigour and commitment. All
parents’ questionnaire responses reported that the boarding experience has helped their children’s
progress and personal development. As pupils move through the school their excellent self-confidence
and resilience prepares them extremely well for future success in the next stage of their education.
4.1 The inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of
pupils’ work. They held discussions with members of staff and with the chair of governors, observed
a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period and attended
assemblies. Inspectors visited the boarding house and the facilities for the youngest pupils, together
with the learning support and educational resource areas. The responses of parents and pupils to pre-
inspection questionnaires were analysed, and the inspectors examined curriculum and other
documentation made available by the school.
Mrs Bridget Windley Reporting inspector
Mrs Paula Fisher Compliance team inspector (Former assistant head, IAPS school)
Mrs Caroline Birtwell Team inspector (Head, ISA school)
Mr Marcus Gunn Team inspector (Head, IAPS school)
Dr Robin Harskin Team inspector for boarding (Academic deputy head, IAPS school)