Earth and Life Science September 20 - October 1 (Ortiz)
Earth and Life Science September 20 - October 1 (Ortiz)
Earth and Life Science September 20 - October 1 (Ortiz)
What am I learning?
Identify the key features of Earth that made it habitable and compare these characteristics to other planets.
Why am I learning it?
Internalize the value of taking active participation in doing small things that help save our planet by
taking care of the environment and realize that the pressing issue on our planet affects everyone and we
must all commit to saving our planet from destruction.
How will I know when I have learned it?
Make a presentation of the list of characteristics that made our planet a habitable place and the man-made
activities that destroy these characteristics.
Origin and Structure of the Earth
How do you feel today?
Breakout Session – Spark Your Interest
Google Jamboard
Imagine yourself as a member of an astronaut team travelling in space. A small part of your spaceship
scraped an asteroid passing by. The spaceship suffers mechanical damages and you would need to assess
the damages and mend them, so you need to do a crash landing very soon. In the space provided below
each space rocket, list down at least four of the characteristics of a planet you will most likely crash land
into and explain briefly why so you can make repairs and rest.
Jamboard link will be automatically generated from the google meet with each class.
1. Making Connections activity
2. Weekly lesson breakdown
Week 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Planetary Fact
Weekly Lesson Discussion –
Breakdown + No Task No task Atmosphere and
module overview Hydrosphere
Earth Subsystems
Interstellar Crash
Week 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Chart Completion
Discussion –
(energy flow Applying the Generalization /
Geosphere and No Task
across Concepts Concept Map
3. Focus Activity
1. Compare Venus, Earth, and Mars (Venn Diagram)
Planetary fact sheet:
2. There are characteristics that are shared by Earth with Venus, Earth and Mars and Venus and Mars, and
characteristics shared by all three. Why do you think only Earth has the capability (now) to support life?
👉 Introduce the concept of Goldilocks’ Zone, characteristics wherein everything is “just right.”
The Atmosphere is referred to as the gaseous envelope of the planet. This contains the air we breathe,
traps the heat from the sun, and plays an important role into maintaining the weather system of the planet.
This regulates our climate and helps keep the earth’s temperature to support life. Between each layer is
boundaries called pauses to which a significant change between the “spheres” occurs.
Troposphere →Tropopause
Stratosphere →Stratopause
Mesosphere → Mesopause
Thermosphere → Thermopause
The Hydrosphere consists of all the waters on Earth. It is noteworthy that by following the hydrologic
cycle (you know this the water cycle) we can see how energy from the sun is harnessed by the planet to
sustain its life-supporting activities. Furthermore, Earth is a unique planet to support life because all the
states water exists in our planet – gas (water vapor), liquid (oceans, lakes, streams, etc.) and solid as ice,
also known as the cryosphere. The ability of the water molecule to exist in all three states in our planet
helps regulate its ability to support life.
Water vapor in the form of gas condenses in the atmosphere that soon precipitates into rain. This action
allows to distribute water through different continental landmasses. Water in the form of ice acts as
insulator for heat and plays a role in the climate of the earth. Lastly, liquid water is essential to life
because it acts as medium for metabolic activities.
The Geosphere makes up the solid portion of Earth – from landmasses present on the continents to the
layers of Earth. The term geosphere came from the Latin word geo which means ground. This subsystem
includes the interior layers of the earth and how each layer plays a vital role for the benefit of the entire
Lastly, the Biosphere is the component of the earth that involves all the living things. The biosphere
inhabits all the other systems – land, air, and water. The biosphere is shaped by the processes within the
other subsystems while the process in the biosphere also shapes the other subsystems.
Chart completion:
How the biosphere shaped the How the other subsystems How the other subsystem
other subsystems shape the biosphere shapes each other
Evolution of the oxygen- Tectonic plate movement Major volcanic activities release
producing plants resulted in the resulted in dispersion of species CO2 in the atmosphere
presence of oxygen in the resulting to the variation among deliberately changing the
atmosphere. species. atmospheric climate.
Fossil fuels developed over Excess in oxygen in the Following the activities in the
millions of years from the death atmosphere made way for the hydrologic cycle, water moves
of earlier organisms – bacteria, complex gas exchange between nutrients from the soil
plants, animals. animals and plants elsewhere.
Generalization – Concept Map and Core Values Integration (Discussion Activity)
Tuesdays – no asynchronous task
Applying the Concepts
Create your own infographics/poster or letter that will prompt action from the people to take active
participation in doing small things that help save our planet by taking care of the environment and realize
that the pressing issue on our planet affects everyone and we must all commit to saving our planet from
A. Performance task (Applying the Concepts)
B. Written Works (20 item Quiz)
Quiz 1: Module 1
To be uploaded in silid quiz content.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
16. – 20. Give an example of processes as how the other subsystem shapes each other. (5 points for
precise answer, 3 points for fair, 1 point for insufficient thought)
To offer flexibility in student submission, students are encouraged to comply with the requirements as
soon as they can without strict guidelines on deadline/submission date
Prepared by:
Earl William P. Ortiz
Checked by:
ZOILA D. ESPIRITU, Asst. Principal (SHS)