87 97 3959 Ayu Oct 2023 110
87 97 3959 Ayu Oct 2023 110
87 97 3959 Ayu Oct 2023 110
ISSN: 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O), Japan, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21660/2023.110.3959
Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment
*Ayu Krisno Ekarsti13, Subagyo Pramumijoyo2, Gayatri Indah Marliyani2, Agung Setianto2, and Dwikorita
Doctoral Program in Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2Departement of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 3Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), Jakarta,
*Corresponding Author, Received: 31 May 2023, Revised: 27 July 2023, Accepted: 3 Aug. 2023
ABSTRACT: A strong earthquake occurred on May 26, 2006, at 22:53:58 UTC, with a magnitude of Mw6.4.
The shock was felt with an intensity of VI-VII MMI around Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The earthquake was
presumably caused by the movement of the Opak Fault. Following the strong earthquake, seismic activity along
the fault has remained high to this day. In order to explain the progression of seismic activity and understand
the mechanism of the Opak fault, we conducted catalog relocation, focal mechanism inversion, and statistical
analysis of the earthquake events from 2009-2021. The events were relocated using the Double Difference
Method. To improve the accuracy of the focal mechanism inversion, we updated the 1-D velocity model from
Crust 1.0 to a local velocity model. We inverted the mechanism of earthquakes with a magnitude of M≥3.0.
The results indicate that the recent hypocenters are clustered in the southeastern part of the Opak Fault. This
cluster is located within the rupture zone of the Mw6.4 2006 mainshock, providing further evidence that post-
earthquake deformation from 2006 is still ongoing and primarily involves left-lateral oblique-slip faulting. The
mechanism results are consistent with the observable morphological contrast on the surface. Cross-section plots
of seismicity and dip angle, perpendicular to the mainshock strike, reveal a flower structure pattern, indicating
a complex mechanism. The fault system is believed to be in the interseismic period, supported by the low b-
value. The suspicion is further strengthened by an increase in microseismic activity and a decrease in M>3.0.
This evidence suggests that the Opak Fault is currently experiencing strain accumulation.
Keywords: Opak fault, Double difference, Couple velocity hypocenter, Focal mechanism, Flower structure
The position, dimensions, segments, and
The tectonic region of Yogyakarta is primarily mechanism of the fault remain subject to debate
influenced by an active Sunda subduction zone. The among researchers. The Opak Fault’s position has
convergence between the Indo-Australian Plate and been depicted primarily along the Opak River [2],
the Eurasian Plate in this subduction zone has but the localization of the mainshock and aftershock
resulted in the presence of active faults, including distribution, as indicated by [5] and [6], does not
the Opak Fault system, as well as a mountain align exactly with [2]. Instead, it clusters in a
complex that consists of Mt. Merapi, Mt. Merbabu, parallel manner and shifts towards the southeastern
and Mt. Telomoyo located to the north of direction. Validation of these findings could be
Yogyakarta [1,2]. On 27 May 2006, a strong accomplished by identifying surface ruptures in the
earthquake associated with the activity of the Opak field. However, after the 2006 Yogyakarta
Fault occurred, measuring a magnitude of Mw6.4 earthquake, a field identification conducted by [7]
and reaching a maximum intensity of VI-VII MMI found no surface rupture around the Opak Fault.
[3]. This earthquake caused 6.324 fatalities, 36.299 Some researchers propose that the fault structure
injuries, and damage to 616.458 buildings [4]. The responsible for the 2006 mainshock is located east
historical record of destructive earthquakes (Fig. of the Opak River [6,8-11]. According to temporal
1(a)) indicates that shallow crustal earthquakes geodetic observation conducted by [12], the fault
have caused significant damage. It has been mechanism is primarily dip-slip. There is also
documented that at least three destructive suspicion of the existence of other faults with a
earthquakes have occurred along the Opak fault, sinistral strike-slip mechanism in the southern part.
suggesting that it has the potential to generate future According to reports from [13] and [14], the
destructive earthquakes. The presence of densely seismic activity along the Opak Fault remains high
populated settlements and urban areas surrounding to this day. Accurate determination of the
the fault increases the level of earthquake disaster hypocenter and earthquake source parameters is
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
(a) (b)
Fig.1 (a) The map displays the historical record of destructive earthquakes in Yogyakarta. The earthquake
focal mechanisms are depicted using beachball plots [1] and [2]. The insert map showcases the Indonesian
region, along with the Indo-Australian plate motions relative to the Eurasian plate. The study area is marked
by a red rectangle. (b) The map illustrates the BMKG seismic network and the temporary seismic array
network. The topography is represented using DEM data [16]. The red dashed lines indicate the faults, both
active and inactive, in the vicinity of Yogyakarta, adapted from [1] and [2]. The black line indicates the
provincial administrative boundary, adapted from [17] and [18].
crucial in order to understand the origin of an Moreover, the clusters and focal mechanisms
earthquake. These parameters are necessary for contribute to understanding the morphological
identifying the characteristics of active faults. The characteristics around the Opak Fault. The findings
objective of this study is to characterize the recent of this research add to the existing knowledge and
behavior of the Opak Fault by utilizing the results enhance our understanding of the Opak Fault
of hypocenter relocation, focal mechanism system.
inversion, and statistical analysis. The findings
from this study can be utilized to update 3. METHODS
earthquake hazard maps in Yogyakarta.
The earthquake data utilized in this study is
2. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE divided into three distinct periods. The first period
spans from January 1, 2009, to September 1, 2021.
In this study, we conducted a detailed The second period covers the timeframe of
investigation into the current development of September 2 to December 8, 2021. Finally, the
seismic activity along the Opak Fault. The brittle third period ranges from December 9 to December
zone was identified based on the clustered 31, 2021.
earthquake position obtained through relocation. For the first and third periods, we employ
By performing statistical analysis, we were able to earthquake parameter data along with the arrival
analyze the spatial and temporal seismicity and times of P-waves and S-waves acquired from the
temporal moment release trends. Additionally, the BMKG catalog as documented in references [13]
statistical analysis allowed us to determine the b- and [14]. However, during the second period, we
value, which is indicative of the stress level within supplemented the existing BMKG network with 86
the fault system. temporary arrays. These temporary arrays are
Furthermore, we updated the local velocity strategically installed to enhance the detection and
model specific to the Opak fault system. This characterization of micro-earthquake events. The
refined local velocity model enables more accurate configuration of the temporary station's arrays is
computation of the Green Function and calculation set at a distance of 5 km to ensure detailed analysis.
of kinematic parameters. The focal mechanism A distribution map illustrating the utilized seismic
model derived from this research provides insights network is presented in Figure 1(b).
into the fault system’s mechanism. Examining the
earthquake clusters alongside the focal mechanism 3.1 Temporary Network Specification and
helps determine whether the current seismic Preparation
activity is still associated with the 2006 Mw6.4
earthquake or represents independent activity. The BMKG seismic network consists of
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
broadband seismographs. We supplement the velocity model [23] (as presented in Table 1).
BMKG seismic network with the portable seismic
network that consists of 12 portable broadband 3.3 Hypocenter Relocation
seismographs and 11 portable short-period
seismographs. Portable broadband seismographs We utilized P-wave and S-wave arrival time
are installed stationary at the edges and the middle data compiled from 2009 to December 2021 for
of the study area. Portable short-period our analysis. These events were relocated using the
seismographs are installed mobile, with an Double Difference method [24] implemented
operation time of about 15 days per point. A through the HypoDD program [25]. The method
portable broadband seismograph consists of a operates on the assumption that if there are two
Trillium Compact Posthole seismometer 0.008- earthquakes located closer to each other than the
100 Hz and a Pegasus Digital Recorder digitizer. A distance from their respective hypocenters to the
portable short-period seismograph consists of station, their ray paths and the medium can be
Lennartz LE-3Dlite MkIII seismometer 1-100 Hz considered equal.
and a Taurus digitier. Both pieces of equipment are For this study, we set the maximum distance
operated on three channels with a sampling (MAXSEP) between earthquakes to be considered
frequency of 100 Hz. There is no significant as having the same path as 15 km. The maximum
difference in the use of broadband or short-period distance between earthquake pairs and stations
seismographs because the target of deployment is (MAXDIST) was set at 500 km. Additionally, we
the detection of micro-seismic activity that limited the maximum number of earthquakes
dominantly happened over a short period. considered to form a group (MAXNGH) to 20
Before the seismographs were utilized, We did earthquakes. Through iterative updates, the
the recording intercomparison as a calibration. All earthquake kinematic parameters and residual
seismographs were installed in the same location. values for each parameter were refined. The
Then, seismographs were operated simultaneously parameters resulting from the final relocation were
for 30 minutes. The duration was enough to record obtained from the last iteration. In our analysis, we
the seismic wave up to the minimum frequency of also utilized Wagner's 1-D velocity model to
0.2 Hz [15]. This minimum frequency is more than relocate the hypocentres.
sufficient to detect microearthquake activity. We
Table 1 1-D Velocity model [23]
make sure all seismographs always have the same
recording response. When We found a record that
Depth (Km) Vp (Km/s) Vs (Km/s)
was different from other responses, the
abnormality might occur in the seismometer or the 0 4.3 2.4
recorder. Of course, We did not use the 3 4.9 2.9
seismograph that has the abnormality. 8 5.7 3.2
16 6.9 3.9
3.2 Detection and Hypocenter Localization 24 7.1 4
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
Fig.2 Example of microearthquake detection result for M1.1, September 23, 2021. We used a threshold of
130. The characteristic function is valued at 240. The left column shows the raw waveform. The middle
column shows the normalized and smoothed waveform (characteristic function). The bottom right column
shows the stacked characteristic function. Right upper shows the estimated microearthquake location.
3.5 Local Velocity Modeling 3.6 Focal Mechanism Analysis
To ensure accurate calculations of the green
The purpose of modeling the earthquake focal
function, we updated the 1-D velocity model. For
mechanism around the Opak Fault system is to
the modeling, we employed the couple velocity
gain a deeper understanding of the fault's
hypocenter method. This method, similar to the
mechanism through moment tensor analysis. For
Double-Difference method, utilizes non-linear
this analysis, we utilized high-quality earthquake
inversion computation through a linear approach.
seismograms recorded by at least six seismic
However, the couple velocity hypocenter method
stations. The ISOLA program [33] was employed
simultaneously generates updated velocity models,
for modeling the focal mechanism. In order to
kinematic parameters, and station corrections
establish a reference, we utilized the mechanism
during the inversion process. The inversion was
determined by [5] for the mainshock of the Mw6.4
performed using the Velest [30,31]. The
Yogyakarta earthquake that occurred on May 26,
earthquake parameter and arrival time data used
for hypocenter relocation were also utilized in this
Modeling was conducted on earthquakes with
process. We utilized the Crust 2.0 velocity model
a magnitude greater or equal to Mw3.0. Prior to the
[32] as the initial model for local velocity modeling.
inversion stage, each seismogram underwent data
The Crust2.0 model details are provided in Table
preprocessing. This involved instrument response
deconvolution, cutting, and initial filtering. We
Table 2 1-D Velocity model [29] applied a Bandpass filter with a corner frequency
ranging from approximately 0.1 to 0.6 Hz. The
Depth Vp Vs Rho
(km) (km/s) (km/s) (g/cm3) specific corner frequency for each seismogram
0 2.5 1.2 was determined through a trial and error process
1 4.0 2.1
during the inversion, aiming to achieve the best fit
2.4 between the calculated (synthetic) seismogram and
2.5 6.0 3.4 2.7 the observed seismogram.
13.5 6.6 3.7 2.9 To generate the calculated seismogram, we
23.5 7.2 4.0 3.1 utilized the Green Function and employed the
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
Discrete Wave Number method [34]. The Green residual times approaching 0 [35], compared with
Function represents the medium through which the residual time before relocation (Fig. 3.a).
earthquake waves propagate from the earthquake The Guttenberg-Richter curve illustrates the
source to the station. In generating the Green relationship between the magnitude distribution
Function, we utilized the local velocity model and the cumulative number of earthquakes in the
specific to the Opak Fault region. Opak Fault (Fig. 4.a). From the plot, the magnitude
of completeness (Mc) determined from the
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION relocated data is M1.2. The relatively small Mc
indicates that the seismic network consisting of
We successfully detected 62 earthquake events BMKG and the temporary network can detect
in the temporary network data from September 2 earthquakes up to M1.2 with reasonable
to December 8, 2021. After manual picking, confidence. Therefore, the network's ability to
earthquake parameter calculation, and relocation, detect microearthquakes is quite good. The b value,
we eliminated nine events that were located obtained from the plot, is 0.3. The magnitude
outside the Opak fault system. Consequently, we completeness and b value are lower than the
selected a total of 53 events for further analysis. calculation of [36] that was calculated using
The effectiveness of scanning earthquake events BMKG and combined with the global catalog. The
using the Lassie algorithm has been demonstrated. obtained relatively low b value could be attributed
The BMKG network can detect earthquake activity to two possibilities. The first possibility is the
on the Opak Fault up to M1.3. With the addition of increased network density resulting from the
a temporary seismic network, earthquake events addition of four stations by BMKG in 2019 and the
can be detected up to M0.7. This shows a deployment of the temporary network in 2021. A
significant increase in network capability for denser seismic network leads to a higher number
detecting earthquakes. An example of the detection of recorded microearthquakes. The second
results for a microearthquake that occurred on possibility is a natural increase in microearthquake
September 23, 2021, at 21:00:47 UTC, with a activity, suggesting that the Opak Fault may be
depth of 9.8 km and a magnitude of Ml1.1, is accumulating stress [37]. The fact is that
shown in Fig. 2. microseismic activity appears to have increased
We relocated the hypocenters of 192 events while the number of ML>3.0 events decreased (Fig.
around the Opak Fault out of the initial 229 events 4.b). The cumulative moment release (Fig. 4.c)
(Fig. 5.a). During the relocation process, 37 events indicates that from 2009 to 2021, the Opak Fault
were excluded based on parameterization (Fig. released an energy equivalent to Mw4.8, reaching
5.b). The earthquakes around the Opak Fault in the a total of 2.31x1016 Nm. This suggests that since
period from 2009 to 2021 had depths ranging from 2009, there has been no significant energy release,
0.9 km to 22.4 km and magnitudes ranging from and the Opak Fault may be in a period of
ML 0.7 to 4.8. The residual time histogram quiescence. During this period, strain accumulates
indicates a significant improvement in data quality due to fault interlocking.
after relocation (Fig. 3.b), with the majority of
(a) (b)
Fig.3 The travel time residual histogram (a) before relocation and (b) after relocation.
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig.4 (a) The Guttenberg-Richter curve based on relocation data. (b) Seismicity Trend Around the Opak
Fault 2009-2021. (c) The cumulative moment release (d) The cumulative moment in moment magnitude.
(a) (b)
Fig.5 Distribution earthquake around Opak fault 2009-2021. (a) Before relocation. (b) After relocation. The
beach ball shows the solution to the focus mechanism of earthquakes around the Opak Fault. The black dots
show the events that excluded due to the parameterization. The red dash-line depicts the fault from [4] and
[5]. The topography is represented using DEM data [16]. The black line indicates the provincial
administrative boundary, adapted from [17] and [18].
The earthquake distribution map (Fig. 5) consistent with the aftershock cluster position of
clearly shows that the relocated earthquake the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake analyzed by [38].
positions appear more lineated and less scattered The relocated data is slightly to the east compared
compared to before relocation. The relocated data to the results of [38] and primarily clusters in the
aligns with the southeastern part of the Opak Fault, Southern Mountain escarpment.
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
Fig.6 Example of waveform fitting obtained from waveform focal inversion for Mw3.6, March 21, 2011
earthquake. Station used are UGM, YOGI, WOJI, PCJI, PWJI, SCJI, KRK, and CMJI. The red curve denotes
the synthetic waveform, and the black curve denotes the observed waveform.
These locations also correspond to the positive of the Opak fault are quite diverse but are
stress coulomb zone of the 2006 earthquake [40]. predominantly characterized by left-lateral
Therefore, the recent earthquake activity is oblique-slip faults. The southern part of the fault is
believed to still occur in the same zone as the 2006 dominated by a thrust fault, which is located in the
Yogyakarta earthquake. These findings support the southern mountain zone. According to [40,41],
hypothesis that post-earthquake deformation from continental plates collided in the Cretaceous period
the 2006 earthquake is still ongoing. beneath the southern mountain zone. This collision
The updated velocity model is presented in may be related to the reverse fault mechanism
Table 3. Overall, the updated model shows higher observed in the southern part.
values compared to the initial model, except for the To identify the vertical distribution of the
Vs values at a depth of 0 km and 2.5 km. hypocenters, cross-sections perpendicular to the
selected focal mechanism strikes were created. The
Table 3 1-D Velocity model cross-section positions are shown in Fig. 7a.
Cross-sections FM1-FM1' (Fig. 7.b), FM2-FM2'
Depth (km) Vp (km/s) Vs (km/s) (Fig. 7.c), FM3-FM3' (Fig. 7.d), and FM4-FM4'
0 4.49 0.48 (Fig. 7.e) are perpendicular to the strikes of the
1 4.49 2.9 Mw3.4 event on May 13, 2009, the Mw6.4 event
2.5 4.82 3.05 on May 26, 2006, the Mw3.6 event on April 30,
13.5 7.42 4.31 2016, and the Mw3.6 event on October 2, 2009,
23.5 7.77 4.31 respectively.
The cross-sections reveal that the selected
earthquakes dip to the east. On the cross-section
Focal mechanism inversions were performed
plots, dashed lines with slopes equal to the dip
for 18 events with magnitudes greater than M3.0.
angles for the earthquakes with focal mechanisms
The quality of the inversions was assessed by
are added. These lines delineate the positions
examining the fit between the synthetic and
where surface manifestations could potentially
observed seismograms. An example of the
occur. However, it is important to note that not all
seismogram fitting for the Mw3.6 earthquake on
earthquakes can generate surface manifestations.
March 21, 2011, is shown in Fig. 6. The complete
The green triangles indicate the projected positions
inversion results are displayed as beachball plots in
on the surface.
Fig. 5.b. The results indicate that the mechanisms
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
(d) (e)
Fig.7 (a) The hypocenter cross sections perpendicular to the selected strike of the focal mechanism. (b)
Cross-sections FM1-FM1', (c) FM2-FM2', (d) FM3-FM3', and (e) FM4-FM4'. The dashed lines represent
the projected dip of the earthquake with the focal mechanism on the sections. The stars represent the
hypocenter of focal mechanisms. The orange squares represent the hypocenter. The green triangles represent
the projected earthquake with focal mechanisms by dip angle on the surface. The topography is represented
using DEM data [16]. The black line indicates the administrative boundary, adapted from [17] and [18].
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct. 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 110, pp.87-97
Fig. 7b-e illustrates that the green triangles the quiescence segments to be the next earthquake
correspond to morphological contrasts on the sources.
surface. Only a few hypocenters are captured by
the FM1-FM1', FM3-FM3', and FM4-FM4' 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sections, while the FM2-FM2' section captures
more hypocenters than the others. The mechanisms The author expresses gratitude to the Sleman
observed in the FM2-FM2' section are primarily Geophysics Station of BMKG for their valuable
left-lateral strike-slip. Most hypocenters follow the support and assistance throughout this research.
dipping trend of the focal mechanisms in this Additionally, the author would like to extend
section. Based on the dipping and the hypocenter thanks to the Education and Training Center of
trend, the faulting pattern resembles a flower BMKG for providing the scholarship, the
structure. A flower structure is a geometry that Earthquake and Tsunami Center of BMKG for
resembles a flower, where fault segments bloom at their support in field equipment, and the Research
the top and accumulate at the bottom. This and Development Center of BMKG for their
structure is formed in the wrench zone of a strike- funding support.
slip fault [42]. This finding may explain the
existence of the Wonosari depression zone. The 7. REFERENCES
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