CU-2020 B.A. (Honours) Sanskrit Part-III Paper-V (Course-I) QP
CU-2020 B.A. (Honours) Sanskrit Part-III Paper-V (Course-I) QP
CU-2020 B.A. (Honours) Sanskrit Part-III Paper-V (Course-I) QP
Fifth Paper
(Course – I)
Full Marks : 50
Unit - I
(Marks : 30)
1. Translate into English or Bengali any one of the following mantras : 8×1
2. Name a secular hymn from your text. Why is it so called? Narrate the contents of the hymn with apt
quotations from the text. 1+2+7
Why the Dev -s kta is called ? Who is the seer of this s kta? Name the metre. Bring out the
philosophical implication of the hymn with supporting text. 2+2+6
3. 12×1
4. Answer any one from the following :
(a) 6×2
(b) 6×2
(c) 12×1
(3) P(III)-Sanskrit-H-5(Course-I)
Unit - II
(Marks : 20)
(b) 5×2
6. 10