Ijmte - Jan 2019.2
Ijmte - Jan 2019.2
Ijmte - Jan 2019.2
Small Industries Development Bank of India is an independent financial institution
aimed to aid the growth and development of micro, small and medium-scale enterprises
(MSME) in India. It was set up on April 2, 1990 through an act of parliament; it was
incorporated initially as a wholly owned subsidiary of Industrial Development Bank of
India. Currently the ownership is held by 33 Government of India owned and controlled
institutions Beginning as a refinancing agency to banks and state level financial
institutions for their credit to small industries, it has expanded its activities, including
direct credit to the SME through 100 branches in all major industrial clusters in India . It
is the Principal Financial Institution for the Promotion, Financing and Development of the
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector and for Co-ordination of the
functions of the institutions engaged in similar activities. The Role of SIDBI in Financing
and Development of industries in recent years is presented in this paper. This paper
Discuss the role of Direct and indirect financial Assistance schemes of SIDBI in industrial
Keywords: SIDBI, Direct finance schemes, indirect finance schemes, MSME sector,
Small Scale Industries.
The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established as the
principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of industry in
the small scale sector and to co-ordinate the functions of the institutions engaged in the
promotion and financing or developing industry in the small scale sector and for matters
connected. Established on April 2, 1990 by an act of parliament Principal Development
Financial Institution for:
◦ Promotion
◦ Financing
◦ Development of MSME sector
◦ Co-ordination of Institutions involved in similar activities
SIDBI Head Office at Lucknow with 15 Regional Offices and Branch Offices in all the
The business domain of SIDBI consists of MSMEs, which contribute significantly to the
national economy in terms of production, employment and exports.
1) Its Functions are:
A) SSI units for new/ expansion/ diversification/ modernization projects.
B) Marketing development projects which expand the domestic and international
marketability of SSI products.
C) Existing well run SSI units and ancillaries/ subcontracting units/ vendor units for
modernization and technology up gradation.
D) ) Infrastructure development agencies for developing industrial areas.
SIDBI refinances:
A) Loans granted for new SSI projects and for expansion, technology, up gradation,
modernization, quality promotion.
B) Loans sanctioned by SIDBI to small road transport operators, qualified
professionals for se employment, small hospitals and nursing homes, and to
promote hotel and tourism related activities.
Indian MSME Sector an overview
The MSME sector contributes to economic growth, entrepreneurship development,
financial inclusion and employment creation.
o No. of MSMEs – > 30 million
o Second largest source of employment - > 70 million
o Contributes 45% of manufacturing output and 40% of exports
Consistently higher growth – at > 11% even during crisis period – higher than industrial
and overall economic growth.
Classification of MSME’S
(Investment in plant and machinery)
◦ Micro Enterprises up to Rs. 25 lakh
◦ Small Enterprises up to Rs. 500 lakh
◦ Medium Enterprises up to Rs. 1000 lakh
(Investment in equipment)
◦ Micro Enterprises up to Rs. 10 lakh
◦ Small Enterprises up to Rs. 200 lakh
◦ Medium Enterprises up to Rs. 500 lakh
Micro Finance sector
◦ Through Micro Finance Institutions
Constitution Private / Public Ltd. Cos., / Partnership Firm and Proprietary Concern
Intrest Rate Linked to Rating and PLR. Present PLR is 12.75 % p.a.
Minimum Cash flow backed: 33% (New)/ 25 %( Existing)
Promoter’s Asset backed: 25% (New)/ 20 %( Existing)
DER 2:1 for cash flow backed, 3:1 for asset backed
7. Infrastructure Finance
Eligible Activities
Transport – Roads, bridges, ports, airports, Urban public transport
Energy – Electricity generation/transmission/distribution, oil/gas pipelines,
Oil/Gas storage facilities
Water Sanitation – Waste management facilities, water supply pipelines,
treatment plants, irrigation, sewage collection/treatment facilities
Communication – Telecommunication (fixed network)/ telecommunication
Social and Commercial Infrastructure – Hospitals, hotels, industrial parks, SEZ,
Cold chains.
Infrastructure Finance
Eligibility New or Existing units
2. Conclusion:
SIDBI plays an important role in financing and development of Industries. SIDBI
extends direct/indirect financial assistance to SSIs, assisting the entire spectrum of small
and tiny sector industries on All India basis. The range of assistance comprising
financing, extension support and promotional, are made available through appropriate
schemes of direct and indirect assistance for the various purposes like Setting up of new
projects, Expansion, diversification, modernization, technology up gradation, quality
improvement, rehabilitation of existing units, Strengthening of marketing capabilities of
SSI units. These developmental initiatives would not only address the emerging needs of
the sector, but also will create employment opportunities in this productive sector of the
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[6] www.sidbi.in
[7] SmallB.in
[8] shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
[9] dcmsme.gov.in
[10] msme.gov.in