Cutting and Interval
Cutting and Interval
Cutting and Interval
1. Now Peter cuts a circle into parts by straight lines. How many straight lines at least are required to ensure he can get 14 parts?
2. If a lamp can light up the area in radius 15m, at least how many lamps do we need to light up a 100m long street?
3. It requires 24 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 5 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how
many minute(s) is / are required to cut 3 pieces of wood into 29 sections? (Cannot cut 2 sections at the same time)
4. It requires 30 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 6 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how
many minute(s) is / are required to cut 2 pieces of wood into 10 sections per piece? (Cannot cut 2 sections at the same time)
5. It requires 16 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 9 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how
many minute(s) is / are required to cut the wood into 11 sections?
6. It requires 18 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 7 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how
many minute(s) is / are required to cut the wood into 14 sections?
7. It requires 24 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 5 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how
many minute(s) is / are required to cut 3 pieces of wood into 9 sections per piece? (You can only cut one piece of wood into 2
at a time.)
8. It requires 20 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 6 sections. If the time required to cut a piece of wood into two is the
same, how many minute(s) is / are required to cut a piece of wood into 13 sections? (You can only cut one piece of wood into
two at any given cut.)
9. It requires 80 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 9 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the
same, how many minute(s) is / are required to cut the wood into 7 sections? (You cannot
stack the wood and cut them together.)
10. It requires 40 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 11 sections. If the time required to cut one piece of wood into
two is the same every time, how many minute(s) is / are required to cut 8 pieces of wood into 4 sections per piece?
(You can only cut one piece of wood into two at a time)
11. It requires 42 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 8 sections. If the time required to cut one piece of wood into two is the
same, how many hour(s) is / are required to cut a piece of wood into 15 sections? (You can only cut one piece of wood into two
at a time)
12. It requires 60 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 11 sections. If the time required to cut one piece of wood into two is the
same, how many hour(s) is / are required to cut a piece of wood into 14 sections? (You
can only cut one piece of wood into two at a time)