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Midterm (Solutions)

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Midterm (Solutions)

Chemical Engineering Computer Aided Modeling

Date: April 25, 2023

① All answers must include a process of solving.

② The perfect score is 100 points, and the points assigned to the question are displayed in each question.

1. (10 points) A parachutist of mass 68.1 kg jumps out of a stationary hot air balloon. Derive the velocity until 6
s prior to opening the chute using numerical method. The drag coefficient is equal to 12.5 kg/s. Employ a step
size of 2 s for the calculation.

1. Derivation

2. Calculation

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2. (5 points) Draw the symbol for the following function.
(a) Represents a comparison, question, or decision that determines alternative paths to be followed.
(b) Represents calculations or data manipulations.



3. (5 points) Fill in the blank to get the below result ( z = [30 80] ).

Answer: .*

4. (5 points) When you use the given example code ([dr,dc] = size(data) ) after loading the data in MATLAB,
what variable names and values you can get from it?

Data structure of 'data'

Answer: dr = 7, dc = 4
Or variable names: dr, dc / values: 7, 4

5. (5 points) Write the result which would be shown when you type the below code in MATLAB
[5 10 15] > 12

Answer: 0 0 1

6. (10 points) Assume that you have “density” data as below. When you want to draw 7 data points of ‘density’ in
a plot, write the code for the plot in MATLAB with considering Constraints. (Constraints: Use ‘for’ loop to repeat
the lines (4 to 7) in the below figure, and define the ‘loop counter’ as ‘idx’)

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Data structure of 'density' The given example code

for idx = 1:7
hold on
hold off

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7. (15 points) Use zero- through third-order Taylor series expansions to predict f (2.5) for
f (x) = 25x3 − 6x2 + 7x − 88
using a base point at x = 1. Compute the true percent relative error εt for each approximation.

Use zero- through third-order Taylor series expansions to predict f (2.5) for
f ( x) = 25 x 3 - 6 x 2 + 7 x - 88

using a base point at x = 1. Compute the true percent relative error εt for each approximation.

True value: f(2.5) = 282.625

zero order:
282.625 − ( − 62)
f (2.5) = f (1) = −62 =εt = × 100% 121.94%
first order:
f (2.5) = −62 + f '(1)(2.5 − 1) = −62 + 105 =43 ε t = 84.79%
second order:
f "(1)
f (2.5) = 43 + (2.5 − 1) 2 = 43 + 155.25 =198.25 ε t = 29.85%
third order:
f (3) (1) 3
f (2.5)
= 198.25 + (2.5 − 1)= 198.25 + 84.375
= 282.625 ε t = 0%

Thus, the third-order result is perfect because the original function is a third-order polynomial. All subsequent terms are
proportional to the 4th and higher derivatives that are all zero.

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8. (25 points) Determine a root of f(x) = -x2 + 1.8x + 2.5 using x0 = 5. Perform the computation until εa is less
than εs = 0.01%.
(a) fixed-point iteration and (b) the Newton-Raphson method.

Use (a) fixed-point iteration and (b) the Newton-Raphson method to determine a root of
f ( x) = - x 2 + 1.8 x + 2.5 using x0 = 5. Perform the computation until εa is less than εs = 0.01%. Also perform an error check of
your final answer.

(a) The function can be set up for fixed-point iteration by solving it for x in two different ways. First, it can be solved for the linear

xi2 - 2.5
xi + 1 =

Using an initial guess of 5, the first iteration yields

1(5) 2 - 2.5 12.5 - 5

x1 = = 12.5 εa = ? 100% 60%
1.8 12.5

Second iteration:

1(11.76) 2 - 2.5 85.4 - 12.5

x1 = = 85.4 εa = ? 100% 85.4%
1.8 85.4
Clearly, this solution is diverging. An alternative is to solve for the second-order x,

1.8 xi + 2.5
xi + 1 = = 1.8 xi + 2.5

Using an initial guess of 5, the first iteration yields

3.391- 5
xi + 1 = 1.8(5) + 2.5 = 3.391 εa = ? 100% 47.4%

Second iteration:

2.933 - 3.391
xi + 1 = 1.8(3.391) + 2.5 = 2.933 εa = ? 100% 15.61%

This version is converging. All the iterations can be tabulated as

iteration xi |εa| (%)

0 5
1 3.391165 47.44196
2 2.933274 15.61023
3 2.789246 5.163692
4 2.742379 1.70899
5 2.726955 0.565623
6 2.721859 0.187202
7 2.720174 0.061957
8 2.719616 0.020505
9 2.719432 0.006787

Thus, after 9 iterations, the root estimate is 2.719432 with an approximate error of 0.0068%.

(b) The formula for Newton-Raphson is

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- xi2 + 1.8 xi + 2.5
xi + 1 = xi -
- 2 xi + 1.8

Using an initial guess of 5, the first iteration yields

−(5) 2 + 1.8(5) + 2.5

xi +1 = 3.353659
−2(5) + 1.8
3.353659 − 5
= 100% 49.1%

Second iteration:

−(3.353659) 2 + 1.8(3.353659) + 2.5

3.353659 −
xi +1 = 2.801332
−2(3.353659) + 1.8
2.924357 − 3.353659
εa = × 100% 19.7%
The process can be continued as tabulated below:

iteration xi f(xi) f'(xi) |εa| (%)

0 5 -13.5 -8.2
1 3.353659 -2.71044 -4.90732 49.09091
2 2.801332 -0.30506 -3.80266 19.71656
3 2.721108 -0.00644 -3.64222 2.948204
4 2.719341 -3.1E-06 -3.63868 0.06498
5 2.719341 -7.4E-13 -3.63868 3.16E-05

After 5 iterations, the root estimate is 2.719341 with an approximate error of 3.16E-05%.

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9. (10 points) Determine the real root of f ( x) = 4 x 3 - 6 x 2 + 7 x - 2.3: using bisection to locate the root. Employ
initial guesses of xl = 0 and xu = 1 and iterate until the estimated error ε a falls below a level of ε s = 10% .

Determine the real root of f ( x) = 4 x 3 - 6 x 2 + 7 x - 2.3:

(a) Using bisection to locate the root. Employ initial guesses of xl = 0 and xu = 1 and iterate until the estimated error ε a falls
below a level of ε s = 10% .

(b) First iteration:

0 +1
=xr = 0.5
1− 0
εa = × 100% = 100%
1+ 0
f (0) f (0.5) = −2.3(0.2) =

Therefore, the new bracket is xl = 0 and xu = 0.5.

The process can be repeated until the approximate error falls below 10%. As summarized below, this occurs after 5 iterations
yielding a root estimate of 0.46875.

iteration xl xr xu f(xl) f(xr) f(xl)×f(xr) εa

1 0 0.5 1 -2.3 0.2 -0.46 100
2 0 0.25 0.5 -2.3 -0.8625 1.98375 100
3 0.25 0.375 0.5 -0.8625 -0.30781 0.265488 33.33333
4 0.375 0.4375 0.5 -0.30781 -0.05098 0.015691 14.28571
5 0.4375 0.46875 0.5 -0.05098 0.074878 -0.00382 6.666667

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10. (15 points) Explain the Bisection method, False method, Newton-Raphson method, and Secant method by
suggesting (a) formulation (b) graphical interpretation (c) errors and stopping criteria.


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