White Light Oracle
White Light Oracle
White Light Oracle
Trust in what your heart yearns for without concern about
how it will manifest. Take steps toward that which moves
your heart. Reach out for what your soul wants and needs.
Allowyourseifto be vulnerable,for only then can you be truly
held. That which appears out ofreach or unavailable to you
is closer than you realise.
The Mag netism of Eros is our soul's fascination with that which
appears different and calls to us at a deep leve!. This soul-deep
attraction inspires us to remain open, be passionate and willing
to engage with life, other people and new, vitalising pathways
and practices that inspire us. lt keeps us moving on our authentic
life path, living by the call of the heart. This oracle indicares that
your heart is being called to a particular path or way in life. lt
may not make logical sense, but to honour the call of the heart
is to honour the needs of the soul. Toe call of the heart can lead
you into unknown and intriguing territor y. lt can feel liberating
but also unsettling , as you let go of known worlds and reach for
the unfamiliar. Following such a path will bring a fresh influx of
energy and expand your understanding of yourself, your life path
and your higher purpose. lt is meant to be.
Eros is a Greek word for love. On a spiritual leve!, Eros is our
passionate, open, engaged love for life. W hen we experience Eros,
we are ready to embrace our journey. lt is an affirmation of life. lts
opposite is the destructive drive, known as Thanatos, which is the
drive behind our undermining , self-defeating and self-harming
behaviours. We may engage in such negative behaviours in a
misguided attempt to heal ourselves or make ourselves feel better.
W hen we act negatively, despite our best intentions to be positive,
part of us is trying to tel1 a story that is yet to be fully heard. Until
that story is heard, we cannot let it go. We get stuck in a negative
To resolve the negative Thanatos drive within us and in
our world, we need Eros. We need to embrace life, including
our negative experiences. By acknowledging and healing our
suffering, we can find the courage and wisdom to live more fully.
Toe challenge and gifr of Eros leads us into our vulnerabilit y.
From there, we can also recognise our strength and dignity. We
become able to let go and heal.
This oracle brings the message that life has particular gifrs to
share with you. There is the promise of deep soulful connection
with your true self and with others - and a healing realisation
that you are truly desired and loved. You are encouraged to
explore new pathways, especially if you feel out of your depth and
a bit vulnerable in doing so - more so if they involve personal
healing. The oracle indicares a path is opening up for you. lt may
not be the easiest way forward, but when your heart leaps at the
prospect of it, k.now something truly special is unfolding for you
through that pathway. Trust where your heart is leading you.
Take a moment to consciously connect with your breath and
ground your awareness in the presem moment. Place your
hands over your heart. Can you connect with what it is to feel
vulnerable? To have needs? This may be easy or difficult for you to
ack.nowledge. Whatever you experience is absolutely fine. To feel
vulnerable, to need to be loved, heard, held and seen, for example,
is acceptable and essencial to your human journey.
As you connect with your heart, imagine, feel or intend that
a beautiful white light is shining from afar. lt loves you and is
reaching out to reassure, comfort and protect you. If you can,
allow it to truly hold you. Relax into its embrace and imagine the
light wrapping itself around you like a loving cloak. As you do
this, you may sense your heart and mind letting go of a tension
you didn't realise you had been holding. You may sense that this
white light is in your heart, reaching for you always from deep
Rest in this awareness for as long as feels best for you. You have
completed your healing process.
Seek and you shall find. Find the teachers and teachings
whichfiel pure to your heart, but remember, it is the inner
truth ofyou that will ultimately set youftee. Do not give your
power away, but do trust in a greater guiding wisdom at
work in all aspects of your life. Askfor helpftom enlightened
spiritual beings in any matter oJconcern and help shall be
granted. Believe all problems can be resolved and a more
graceful life experience is opening upfor you, now.
and teaches the inner path of awakening. She protects us from
negariviries and restores our virai energies. She reaches us how to
act with wisdom. She can be a demanding teacher, requiring us
to reílecr upon rhe mysreries she presenrs rhrough our dreams,
inspirations and meditations, then proceed to unravel them. As
we do so, we develop our inner capaciries and become stronger.
These wild, feminine creatures can be gentle or fierce or a
combinarion of both. When she appears in a reading, travei your
parh and explore your questions about spiritualiry and awakening
with confidence, for much progress can be made as you do so.
Some dakinis are fully enlightened, whilst others are still in
their process of awakening. Truly enlightened beings have the
abiliry and desire to assisr ali other beings to enlightenment.
They know how to lead us along the path because they have
rrod ir before us. Beings of lesser developmenr may or may not
have such helpful intentions. But even if they do, how can they
show us the way when they themselves have yet to discover it?
Truly enlighrened beings can and do help us in many ways, from
solving problems we encounrer in our daily lives, to ensuring we
are taking the most beneficial steps on our spiritual path. They are
our spiritual family, guiding and assisring us from a place of love
and skilfulness. The Dakini of Infinire Lighc, Marici, is one such
Marici is connected with the rays of lighc frorn che sun. She
is sovereign over ali lesser beings. Her many gifts include the
capacity to guide one into enlightenmenr, to heal and repair rhat
which has been separaced or broken and to provide protection
during vulnerable transitions, whenever we venrure beyond
known worlds - and also from rnisfortune and negariviries of all
kind, including being manipulated, controlled or exploited. She
resonates with material abundance, too, and is associated with
providing the prosperity we need to live a happy, long life and
make progress on the spiritual path.
This divine goddess of the sun brings light on all levels. We need
light to see clearly, otherwise, we feel confused as to which steps,
if any, to take. This is just as true on emotional and psychological
leveis as it is on the physical. Light helps us see what is happening,
rather than making assumptions. W hen we see what is happening
clearly, we have the opportunity to make the best choices.
Toe oracle of the Dakini o/In.finite Light augurs an increase
of light in your life. This can include a lightening up afi:er a
difficult rime, an increase of clarity from a helpful, healing and
higher perspective or a clear, positive path opening up through
a troublesome time. Her appearance signifies sacred victory. Call
upon her and do not give up!
Begin your practice by consciously connecting with your breath.
Take in a deep breath and then exhale fully, as though you are
clearing out stale energies from within and purifying yourself
Repeat that three times.
Place a hand on your heart and slowly say, "MOOOOM."
As you do so, sense a beautiful light, like a radiam spiritual sun,
glowing in your heart. As you continue to make the sound, light
fills you and the space around you. lt then reaches out into all
dimensions, delivering light to all beings in need. Relax into the
sound and light. Repeat this step three times.
Next, say the following mantra out loud as many times as you
wish. lt is recommended that it be at least seven rimes.
13. BASTET or l 74Hz
face, just as cats can see in the dark and are natural and skilful
hunters, Bastet was often called upon for psychic protection from
hidden negativities and to secure one's life force and enhance
one's vitality. ln her role as healer and creatrix of magical healing
potions and sacred perfumes, she integrares healing with pleasure,
relaxation and a sensual connection to the physical world of
nature - including beautiful natural oils and jewels made with
precious and semi-precious stones.
Bastet shows us how to slow down and smell the roses, whilst
applying their perfumed oil to our bodies and breathing in their
high-frequency scent to protect and soothe the heare. She is the
guardian of and guide into the sumptuous feminine paradise
that brings healing, a willingness to connect to the eareh and the
body, and a capacity to experience sacred healing playfulness,
exuberance and natural states of joy.
The healing frequency of l 74Hz is known as the pain
relieving frequency. A natural anaesthetic, it is a musical version
of the similar, low-frequency purring of a cat. The cat's purr is
considered medically therapeutic, as is 174Hz. This frequency
creates an experience of grounding and slowing down, and evokes
deep healing for body and mind, providing love and peace to
organs and tissues, strengthening your bones and your soul.
The oracle of Bastet o/174Hz asks you to slow down and take
some time to heal, rest, relax and enjoy your life. Then, you can
more effordessly be source of positive energ y. We deal with issues
far more effectively from a place of peace and relaxation than
from stress. If you are interested in exploring any of the sacred ares
of pleasure, including music and sound, food, touch and massage,
healing play, dance, celebration and are, colour therapy or healing
with cr ystals and oils, this oracle encourages you to do so. Such
avenues are authentic and helpful for your soul healing.
If you' ve been too hard on yourself, it's rime to be kind.
�estion and heal any guilt or shame which have p revemed
you from enjoying the natural pleasures of your body. You are
encouraged to enjoy life. Your delight can be a source of positive
energy for yourself and others, too. This life is a gift and Bastet of
l 74Hz reminds us that when we are moving too fast, we will miss
out on much, including being presem for and sharing ourselves
with our loved ones.
If an issue has been troubling you, this oracle brings guidance
that there is an app roach available that can reduce suffering and
increase your feelings of happiness. O pen your heart to the divine
feminine for guidance and inspiration. Bastet is a portem of joy
and celebration. Believe in the happiness and healing your heart
can create and attract.
Reflect on what brings you joy and pleasure in such a way that
it slows you down and helps you be p resem. Consider writing a
list of five p ractices that help you emer such a state. This might
include time in nature or with animals, being in the sun and letting
yourself become pleasantly drowsy, tak.ing a brisk hike, taking a
nap on a rainy afternoon, or immersing yourself in a wonderful
book or a scemed bath.
Then visualise, imend, imagine and open yourself to the
p leasurable feelings such ideas evoke. Allow the thought of doing
such things to dissolve some of your tension. Notice a shift in your
body, a deepening and slowing of the breath, as your mind dwells
upon that which will soothe you.
Make an agreement with yourself to incorporate more
pleasure into your life. Make a commitment that you will notice
what happens in terms of your own happiness and the quality of
your interactions with others when you do this. You can finish
your healing process with this prayer:
15. SPIRIT BCAR or 396Hz
young, deflecting negativity and refusing to overly condition the
youthful mind. She looks out for them and provides warnings
lest they wander too far from their authentic path. But she also
encourages the child to learn who they are, to courageously
explore their world and to enjoy their freedom.
Irrespective of our personal experience with our biological
mother, the divine mother energy in the soul is loving, protective,
available and kind. This inner mother love enables us to develop
our own sense of personal value, belonging and home. ln
connection with the inner divine mother, we feel loved, wanted
and held. We know ourselves well enough to understand what
we need and we value ourselves enough to live in such a way that
our needs are met. We recognise that we matter - not more than
any other, but enough to feel self-love and self-respect. We can
connect to our authentic life path because we feel worthy of it.
This nurturing frequency heals the heart and sofi:ens the walls
which keep love out, due to past abandonment and betrayal.
W hen we are more open to life, the path to fruition becomes
more accessible and direct. W hen we connect with our authentic
path, we can access the abundance of spiritual support available to
us and make the most spiritual progress. That guidance may arise
as a no, or a not right now, or as a yes and gofor it. W hen we are in
the heart, we will clearly sense such guidance and take comfort in
it, rather than fight against it. As we let go of our defence systems,
disabling fear and guilt from running our lives, and instead deal
with them as occasional interlopers that need to be cleared and
healed, we stop fearing we will never have what we genuinely
want and need. We realise we are loved, know how to love and are
naturally, innately, beings of love.
This frequency helps the body to ground. lt helps the mind
settle into the body, rather than constandy fütting from one
possibility to the next, creating excitement but also an excess of
nervous energy. lt helps the mind and body play nicely with each
other, supporting each other, rather than opposing each other.
Then, your mind won't be constantly haranguing your body,
leaving it feeling bad about itself, tired or unhappy or even angry
and rebellious. ln these and other ways, the 396Hz frequency
helps reconcile the push-pull of competing interests, integrating
awareness in the heart and providing a clear pathway to a
transcendent resolution where all is working for the one higher
This frequency harmonises beautifully with the spiritual
medicine of the bear soul totem. lt encourages our natural ability
to find the sweetness in life necessary to sustain hope and heal
our hearts. Spirit Bear connects us to the restorative power of
hibernation, that deep rest of body and mind. If you are highly
strung and, like many modem people find it hard to consciously
relax your body and mind through spiritual practices, Spirit Bear
brings the comfort and encouragement to allow your mind to rest
within the body. lt is as if the mind were in a cave for renewal, safe
from predators and externa! forces, undisturbed and able to rest.
This oracle urges you to go within, where there is a tremendous
healing force awakening. Give it the time and space it needs to do
its best work for you.
Find a place to lie down comfortably on your back, with your
arms and legs slighdy apare and your head slighdy elevated so
your neck is comfortable. If you tend to coo! down as you relax,
as many people do, cover yourself with appropriate layers. If you
have a health condition which prevents you from lying down, seat
yourself comfortably. Say this prayer:
Now, it is time for you to relax. You can play sacred music or
simply listen to your own breath flowing in and out. If the room
can be darkened, this can promote restfulness, too. Ifyou are tired,
you will likely fali asleep rather than simply rest. That is okay.
Gendy ease your muscles imo a state of relaxation, allowing them
to become heavy and settled. Allow your awareness to continue
to drifi within umil your mind begins to let go. Your mind may
like to rest within your body or on your breath or to float away in
reverie. Rest for as long as you choose.
Emerging from hibernation can take some time and
adjustment. Move slowly if needs be. Ground, nourish and
hydrate your body. You have completed your healing process.
16. TIi[ SUN or 4l 7HZ
literally an enlightened being. The sun is our spiritual mentor,
teaching us how to be spiricually self-reliant when we cannot find
support or guidance externally and need to go it alone for a time.
Such phases can be difficult, but they are temporary, and inner
spiritual strength is built during such times. Sometimes, we don't
realise our own strength until circumstances force us to find out.
Connecting to one's own inner light is a precious and
empowering gifr. lt allows you to feel spiritually held from
within. Once you have established such an inner connection, you
are unlikely to give your power away again, less prone to being
manipulated and more likely to live in harmony with your soul
values rather than the typically soul-denying priorities of mass
As your soul connects to the inner sun, your relationship to
the light heals. lt is not seen as separate. lnstead, the soul begins
to recognise the light as a constam inner reality that can be relied
on for sanctuary. As the soul recognises itself as the higher self, a
being of light, the fears of the mind no longer dominate the heart
as they used to. The inner light encourages the heart to depend
upon its wisdom, to live as though the light was more real than
the darkness of doubt and worry. The soul turns within, begins
to tap into its own potential and, in doing so, gains further self
confidence, spiritual empowerment and loving presence.
If you are criticised, misunderstood or disrespected by those
around you, rely upon your inner connection to the light to see
you through such dark times. You can commune with your inner
light in private, without needing to explain, justify or even speak
of it to anyone. Your inner light shall continue to shine bright, no
matter what is happening around you.
The frequency of 417Hz is a spiritual truth serum. It undoes
false perceptions and dismandes circumstances and situations
that are not meam for the soul. When a challenging situation is
helping the sou! to grow, this frequency will help you understand
how to work through it in a soul-centred way, staying connected
t0 the light within. If a situation-such as a toxic relationship-is
creating a barrier between the soul and the light, weakening its
ability tO evolve and causing it to become stuck in trauma and
negative patterns, this frequency will dismantle the negative
circumstances. You always have free will, but your capacity to
exercise that free will in a self-loving way will become more
available to you.
The 4 l 7Hz frequency facilitares a healing shifi into the
vibration of the higher self. Your authemic life path is directed by
your higher self. As it is unique, there is no use comparing your
path to any other path in order to determine its validity and value.
Your true life path may lead you away from the familiar, directly
imo worlds unknown. The momem the sou! takes its auchemic
path, wondrous awakening can take place. There is a feeling of
closeness and connection to the sacred. This frequency helps wipe
away experiences of alienation and re-establish a deep and loving
connection with the Universe. It cleanses traumatic experiences
and memories and any malignam habits formed as a consequence
of past pain to allow the soul to experience true kindness,
compassion and !ove for self and others. ln this oracle, it signifies
that no matter what's happening in your life, you've got this.
Take a momem to connect consciously to your breath as it flows in
and out. Let yourself ground in the here and now as you become
fully presem.
Imagine, visualise, feel or imend that your awareness is
travelling inside of you, on your breath. As you breathe in,
your awareness moves deeper within. As you breathe out, your
awareness drops lower and deeper within.
As you emer your inner world, you naturally move imo the
openness and spaciousness of your inner self Within its depths
you become aware of a poim of light. Simply by noticing it, you
immediately merge with it. lt fills you with love and peace and
surrounds you with healing and protection.
This is the light of your inner sun, your higher self As much as
you can, allow yourself to become mindless in that light. There is
just light. Radiam beautiful light.
Be in this for as long as feels good. Return slowly to the body
by following your breath as it flows in and out. Ground and take
care to hydrate yourself over the hours which follow. You have
completed your healing process.
and avoid possible sabotage or traps and intelligencly and safely
find our way around them. Spirit Wolf cunes us inco our instincts
without creating paranoia or hyper-arousal. This is the medicine
of awareness and engagement that comes from cuning in without
fear, rather than from defensiveness, suspicion and building walls
against life.
W here direct confroncation could stall a resolution or make
matters worse, Spirit Wolf reaches us to sofi:en our energy, appear
less threatening and therefore minimise the chance the other party
reacting aggressively out of fear. This enhances the possibility of
resolucion. Spirit Wolf calls for lunar wisdom, for honouring
the non-rational knowing of intuition, for trusting our spiricual
instincts and inner sense of timing. He is the unconvencional
yet reliable pathfinder. He shows us how to be flexible while
remaining connected to our higher purpose.
Beta oJSpirit Wolfbrings the message that your resourcefulness
and capacity to meet your needs is greater than you realise.
We have it within us to engage all situations with courage and
willingness. We will always find a way through. As Spirit Wolf
thrives in cheerful, playful social bonding with his tribe, there
is also a reminder that connection is an essencial ingredient
in our approach to life. To thrive and have as much fun as the
intelligent, playful, successful, adaptable and resourceful wolf, we
need love in our lives. To experience !ove, we must be willing to
reach out, open up and run the risk of letting love in - as well as
to share it unconditionally, without thought for what we can get
out of it ( which would transform the beautiful gifi: of love into a
manipulative tool of ego).
Beta brainwaves oscillate between l 4Hz and 40Hz. It is che
pattern of our waking state when our alermess and reasoning
are heightened. If our beta waves become excessive, it can be
challenging to transition into more relaxed states, and the result
is increased stress. Stress is a significam problem for che human
collective, and the negative impact on our health and our planet
is considerable. lt is easier for a relaxed mind to access clarity and
Beta waves are stimulating, and while heightened arousal is
beneficial in small doses at appropriate times, if this becomes
our dominam way of being our stress levels will compromise
our wellbeing and our wisdom. The excess of anxiety-related
disorders affecting humanity at this time is one symptom of
beta brainwaves in overdrive. Beta helps us get things done,
but imbalanced, it disconnects us from the nourishing sacred
feminine presence within the heart that generates comemmem.
Beta excess is progress at any cose. Beta deficiency results in lack
of focus and inattention to what is happening, so problems are
not readily solved. Spirit Wolf brings a healing recalibration of
our beta waves, so we can avoid depression and feel motivated, yet
also know when to step back and reconnect to the slower healing
rhythms of che heart and soul.
Give yourself a refreshing, invigorating body rub - perhaps
start at your scalp, by rubbing your head in a way that alleviates
tension but is also slightly stimulating. You may like to put slight
pressure on the top of your head, the base of your skull where it
meets che neck and also behind the ears down to the jaw. Then
rub your shoulders, especially where neck and shoulders meet.
takes longer to produce than that which is ephemeral and swiftly
supplanted by whatever is next. To embrace the p atience required
for such building, surrender the need for immediate gratification.
We must become so confident in the authenticity and value of
our p rocess that we are not in need of externa! evidence to bolster
our courage. We can enjoy validation along the way but must not
tum away if it is absent for a time - especially if those around us
appear to be moving faster. W ith such confidence and courage,
we will be able to deepen and slow our breath and our restless
nature and allow for the inner workings of our souls to manifest
beautiful healing magic. This oracle asks you to ground yourself,
believe in your p otential, commit to your p ath and be p atient so
great things can happen for you.
Although the flash of stunning insight happ ens in an instam,
it follows a complex orchestration of p urification and prep aration.
There is genius in patience and perseverance. They are the
hallmarks of nature's long game of breathtakingly diverse creative
display. W hen we immerse ourselves in the sacred feminine
wisdom that underpins Mother Nature's rapturous creativity, we
live differently. We allow ourselves to not know what is coming
next, to not need to have the entire picture before we trust things
are going to work out. We use our power to attune and allow
rather than to direct and demand. We shifr from ego to soul and,
in doing so, can embody our divine potential. This oracle asks you
to trust in what is happ ening in your life. It doesn't need to make
sense in order for you to benefit from it.
Epsilon brainwaves are extremely slow, and their frequency
is lower than conventional equip ment can measure. They are
indicative of the way the brain operates outside of the usual
modes of thinking, as per the dictates of mass consciousness. ln
epsilon state, the brain reaches its lowest and slowest oscillations,
between O.SHz and just above OHz. ln that place, extraordinary
states of consciousness are accessed, including a pure awareness
of the nature of being, the deepest levels of insight and the
regenerative bliss of spiritual emptiness. This oracle asks you to
switch off and tune in. The greater perspective you'll find can
bring you tremendous peace.
lt is fascinating that when in super-slow epsilon the brain
produces effects similar to that of the hyper-gamma state and the
even faster-over 1 OOHz-oscillations of lambda brainwaves.
The brain operates in the sacred feminine territor y of loops and
spirals, rather than linear progression and at this point of extreme
polarity, there is reconnection and an experience of unity that
shatters the extreme tension of difference. The super-fast patterns
appear to be riding on the super-slow epsilon modulation. ln
epsilon, we find the wisdom of the yogis oflndia, who taught that
in sitting still we overtake those who are running. This oracle asks
you to put your faith in the spiritual power of your path, dedicate
yourself to your personal development and seek out the loving
presence of those upon the earth and in spirit who nurture your
heart and protect your soul.
As you settle into a comfortable position, connect consciously to
your breath as it flows in and out. When you are ready, dose your
eyes and relax. Focus on the breath, allowing it to become deeper
and slower, perhaps even with a slight pause aft:er inhalation
and a slight pause after exhalation. As you relax, the pauses may
lengthen. Allow this to be natural and unforced.
When you are ready, allow your awareness to gently and
respectfully centre itself within your physical brain. You can
intend, visualise, imagine or feel there are subde gears or dials
in your brain. Your brain knows how to shifi: gears or tum down
dials so it can move from everyday awareness into a more relaxed
state. As those gears shifi: or dials tum, relaxation increases into
positive and eup horic feelings.
Excess energy, perhaps excess heat or inflammation, begins to
disperse throughout your body, discharging through the hands
and feet. This allows for further pleasurable relaxation of the brain
and a sense of powerful stillness spreading through the brain and
the body.
A peaceful field of energy begins to radiate out from your
brain in all directions. This happens naturally to the degree that
is appropriate and helpful for you now. Rest here for as long as
you wish.
When you are ready to emerge, slowly retum by focusing on
the surface of your skin and the flow of the breath. Allow the
breath to deepen and become stronger. Complete your process by
grounding and hydrating your body.
1 J" jj
higher purpose. The Divine Goddess has many names, and Parvati
is also known as Jagatambe, the Mother of the Universe. Her son
is Ganesha, the elephanc-headed deity who fosters success in
all new ventures, protection from obstacles and is of particular
benefit to those who feel drawn to write.
Parvati is mother to all and her presence in a reading augurs
success on every level. With Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth,
love and spiritual enlightenment, and Saraswati, the goddess of
wisdom, music and creativity, Parvati is Tridevi, the sacred triune
of feminine nature or triple goddess of Hinduism. Parvati is the
divine archetype of the vital, competem, creative and loving
woman. When her oracle appears, there is an opportunity to heal
one's mother wounds and one's relationship with the feminine
more generally. She helps heal wounded hearrs and reaches us
how to belong to ourselves, just as we are, rather than abandoning
ourselves to please others. As Tridevi, when you connect with
Parvati, you also connect with Lakshmi and Saraswati, as all three
are one. So, this oracle also brings comfort for matters to do with
material prosperity, love relationships, expressing your voice and
fulfilling your higher purpose.
Parvati is the consort and wife of the wild god Shiva. He loves
to meditate and has a fierce temper when distracted from his
spiritual practice. Wrathful as he can be, he is a protector deity
and the destroyer of evil. Parvati stimulates her husband's passion
through her skilful practice of yoga. He is roused from meditation
by the powerful energy she generates, and he performs his fierce
cosmic dance, Tandava, which brings an end to that which needs
to be annihilated so new life can emerge.
The vigour of Shiva's dance in our lives can be intense.
Par vati's dance, Lasya, provides balance and calming grace when
the soul needs gendeness and comfort. Parvati dances her dance
of happiness, leading us along our path without requiring us
to continually push ourselves beyond our limits. Her wisdom
protects us from breakdown, guiding us into breakthrough. Her
oracle indicares that, even though we may grow through incense
challenges, there is a calming influence which can help us if we are
willing to allow for it and be kind to ourselves.
W hen Parvati knows that a more dramatic intervention is
the only way to conquer a particular evil in our lives, she will
manifest as the ferocious goddess Kali. One story holds chat Kali
was so intent on destruction that che fate of che world hung in
the balance! So, her husband, Shiva, appeared before her as a
crying babe, which instandy evoked her maternal instincts and
calmed her back into her state as Parvati. We can trust that the
Divine Mother loves us and responds to what is needed, buc also
knows how to get chings clone without being more heavy-handed
than necessary. She is genuinely moved by our suffering and will
manifest in whatever forms are needed to heal. Her oracle asks
you to invoke her and trust what transpires is for your healing and
spiritual fulfilment. Give up the notion that the deepest issues
require the most difficult path to heal. Let her Lasya dance of
happiness and grace unveil a gentler and more loving way.
Connect consciously with your breath, as you become fully
presem in the here and now. As you breache in, your awareness
disconnects from distractions around you. As you exhale, your
awareness serdes deeper within. Your awareness is like a white
feacher, drifi:ing down chrough che air. Rocking ever so slighcly
to one side and chen the other, it finally serdes upon che inner
bedrock of your being. ln chis state of inner connection, you can
say che following invocation:
You shall overcome ali obstacles. Success is imminent, so stay
connected to your path no matter what and continue to apply
yourself. Allow your spiritual path to support you in ali areas
ofyour lift. Live by your spiritual beliefi. Seek out the support
of your spiritual brothers and sisters for help when needed,
but also trust that you are intimately and directly connected
to the powerjul divine light within. There can be a dramatic
healing breakthrough when you rely upon your spiritual
Spiritual teachings from Bhutan hold that the great lndian
master Padmasambhava (PAHD-MAH-SUM-BAH-VAH) was
called to Bhutan from T ibet to subdue demons that were causing
difficulties for the people of the Paro Valley. He flew from T ibet
to Bhutan on the back of a supernatural tigress, landing at a cave
high up in the cliffs ofBhutan. He spent the next three years, three
months, three weeks and three days meditating and performing
rituais to subdue the demons of the land, liberating Bhutan from
terror into peace.
The supernatural tigress is believed to have been Yeshe Tsogyal
(YESH-EE SOG-YAAL), a yogini guardian for humanity and an
emanation of the compassionate goddess of peace, prosperity
and long life known as White Tara. Yeshe Tsogyal's power is that
of the tiger siddha or 'medicine' of spirit tiger. Her presence in
a reading indicates that a boldness of spirit and willingness to
engage your challenges will create the path to inevitable success.
She represents our ability to generate the spiritual power necessary
to accomplish what needs to manifest for the greatest good. This
oracle encourages you to call upon your higher spiritual guides
for assistance. This empowers them to bring their light to the
world through you, and for you to grow in your own spiritual
advancement, too. Remember, enlightenment is a team effort,
with extraordinary individual players working together as one.
You belong on such a team.
T iger skin is depicted in sacred iconography to represem
fearless enlighrenment that cuts through all obstacles. Deities
such as Tara in her fierce emanation of Ekajati and her ferocious
expression as the wrathful protective feminine deity Palden Lhamo,
and wild Lord Shiva are ofi:en pictured wearing, or seated upon,
tiger skins. This represents the indomitable will that conquers
negativities because it refuses to be overcome. Numerous divine
beings are depicted moving through the worlds, with the tiger as
their sacred mount, enabling them to accomplish their spiritual
purpose. Tiger is a symbol for navigating treacherous territory,
and the triumph of light over darkness. Tiger's spirit medicine
can control the poisons of anger and hatred, transforming them
into passion, clarity and unwavering commitment to one's higher
The oracle of Yeshe Tsogyal 333 augurs empowerment and
healing by assuming a confident attitude and taking steps
forward. lt indicares that a negative rime is drawing to a dose and
encourages commitment to che task of overcoming negativities
through spiritual practices suited to you. lt doesn't matter if
you feel like a beginner or are uncertain of how to meditate, for
example. Yeshe Tsogyal became enlightened because she made
progress, one step at a time, attracting the right ceachers and
guides to assist her. You have the precious gifi: of such a path. lt is
good karma to have such a path and it creates further good karma
when you pursue it.
The repeated three symbolises that all manner of assistance
and support will be granted to ensure your attainment. This will
include the gifi:s of appropriate teachings and teachers, friends,
healers, synchronicity, circumstance and opportunity. Trust the
Universe and go for what you want with boldness and courage.
Finally, this oracle indicares triumph over even the most severely
negative energies - with the help of supernatural intervention if
needs be. To activate that blessing, be determined to prevail. Fully
empower the beneficial workings of the light in your life and in
our world. Truly, you are a lightworker. Embrace it and live it.
Be seated somewhere comfortable. If you are a visual person,
follow the visualisation below, allowing the symbols to enter your
soul without having to analyse or interpret them. If you are more
of a feeling person, read the description below aloud, noticing any
emotions or sensations that arise as you do so and allowing them
to soak into your soul without needing to analyse or interpret
To prepare yourself, connect consciously with your breath as
it fl.ows in and out. Allow the breath to become deeper and more
complete, calming and centring you in the presem moment. You
may like to place a hand over your heart to connect you with your
soul essence. Relax. Become receptive at your sou! level, open and
willing to take in symbolic nourishment to empower, protect
and heal you. When you are ready, read and visualise or feel the
following description:
Rest for as long as you feel is best, allowing the process to soak
into che depths of your soul. Ground and hydrate yourself You
have compleced your healing process.
alchemy. lt is the manifestation of the pearl beyond price. Created
in the depths of the ocean, hidden away in a clam shell away
from prying eyes, this pearl symbolises a beautiful blessing of
unexpected grace. lt began when an irritant caused the formation
of a luminescent coating. The healing response to that inicial
intrusion resulted in an organic creation of inestimable beauty,
value and uniqueness, so this pearl can be a sacred catalyst.
To arise spiritually, manifesting one's own priceless soul pearl,
we are required to respond to an initially unwanted situation in
such a way that our soul light and power is increased as a result.
This soul alchemy evokes the inner pearl of radiam being. Such
spiritual wisdom cannot be bought or sold, comrolled nor
exploited. lt is perfect, nourishing grace, always free and always
radiam with light. lt is the inspirational triumph of creativity and
ln the inner work of self-transformation, we take that which
appears negative and utilise it to increase our goodness. However,
we need to take care not to attribute the negativities to divine will
that are actually caused by humans. Human beings have free will.
Without it, there could be no growth, only a following of rules.
For the soul, life is something like a multidimensional art class. lt is
allowed to create with absolute freedom, with the understanding
that it will be responsible for its creations. That opens the path for
truly beautiful and blessed offerings to the collective. lt also opens
the path to expressions of free will that create suffering.
Whether our choices create liberation or enslavemem to pain
is the responsibility of human beings. This body has been given
to us that we may learn and grow spiritually. We are all in that
process, varying in our capacities and awareness, but ultimately
progressing together. If some members of our human family are in
such p ain, chey can only creace further pain, that is their choice. As
a group, we work to heal the causes of that pain to free them-and
the rest of us-from such a cragic use of free will. When rare and
precious members of our human family develop such luminous
awareness chac, exuding light, they cal! us into greater peace and
happ iness, then those of us who are able to receive and share what
chey offer do so for the benefit of ali.
From a deeply pained place of confusion, some souls cry ouc
in anger coward the Divine, wondering why there is disease and
suffering and cruelty on this planet. We need co underscand the
difference between taking an ego-created situation and working
with ir so rhat ir can become divine and believing che ego-creaced
situation was divine to begin with. Sp irit does not wish you or any
creature to become sick or to suffer. ln its infinite resourcefulness
and love-with full respect for your free will, which enables you
to grow according to your own pace and p urpose-Sp irit will
p rovide path after p ath of healing resolution. Ir is up to us when,
or if, we answer chat cal!.
This oracle has ernerged in your reading because you have
che cap aciry to become a light bearer. Safeguard your energ y yet
trust that the light within is strong enough co see you through any
srruggle and eventually transform it into a precious pearl of sacred
empowerment. You have wisdom in your divinely alchemical
heart. You shall arise wirh dignity.
Place one hand on your heart. Feel your connection to yourself
in this presem moment. When you are ready, say the following
Sense the wisdom and power of your heart. lt has the ability to
guide you from within and to receive infinite wisdom and healing
energies from the Universe. Sense that although you walk your
own path you are not alone.
Finish the process by again connecting your hand to your
heart and feeling what it would be like for you to only make
choices that resonated with your heart. You have completed your
healing process.
1 37.ÜRACLE or Cttl\LOEA !
There are times when being presem in the body and feeling our
truth is challenging. We may be unsure how to hold space for our
own emotional and psychological states. Humans are complex
creacures, and the authentic healing journey reguires us to have
patience with ourselves. We need to know when ir is safe to delve
into a matter with full faith that, even if things feel out of control,
we are connecred to a powerful supporcive spiricual network and
our own wisdom - and that's enough to handle whatever arises
(even if we tremble somewhat during the process).
We can imagine that the wounded self lives in a room in the
mansion of our sou!. W hen rhat room has not been entered in a
long time, ir may have become a scary place in our minds, a place
to avoid. That is part of how humans prorecr themselves. Living
in such a split and defended state is not tenable forever. But, for
a rime, it can serve a useful purpose, allowing us to build the
strength and awareness we need to address rhe situarion. We do
what we can to grow and prepare to enter rhat room, to open ir
and rescue the beautiful aspect of our soul that's been waiting for
such a time to come.
To prepare for such a heroic healing moment, we can
connect with rhe spiritual realms of light as a source of !ove and
strength. During such downtime with the Divine, we can learn
about ourselves beyond our wounded parts. W hile we know
we have some healing to do, we also understand that alongside
our vulnerabiliry there is courage, wisdom and confidence. By
acknowledging our wounds and also affirming our srrengrhs, we
ready ourselves to take our next steps.
The Chaldean is rhe devoree to the light of Spirit. W hen rhe
Oracle ofChaldea comes to you, it is an encouragement to rely on
the light. Embrace practices that help you feel connected to the
light. Grow your trust in the spirit within you. This is not about
ignoring where you need healing. lt is about knowing at a deep
level that you are loved, spiritual guided, divinely held, worthy
and capable of healing. As your trust in the spiritual light within
you and your connection to the spiritual worlds increases, so too
will your readiness to acknowledge and engage with that which
needs healing. You'll feel safe and supported and ready to move
You may feel your relationship with Spirit is already strong
enough to support such a process. ln this case, the oracle is an
encouragement to embrace your readiness and allow the grace of
your spiritual journey to expand into all areas of your life. This
oracle augurs a spiritual growth spurt, a forward leap on your
path of healing and awakening. lt is a reminder that no matter
how large a challenge may loom, you can continue to grow your
spiritual connection, so it is always more powerful than anything
Find a comfortable position in which to relax. If you would
like to light a candle for this process, do so with care for safety
considerations. You could also have a crystal, or anything else that
reminds you of the light, placed where you can gaze upon it.
Connect consciously to your breathing, noticing the Row of
the breath in and out. Allow your breath to lengthen and deepen
naturally. Let yourself become fully presem in this moment. You
can then imagine, feel, visualise or intend you are drifi:ing into a
beautiful realm of light. You may like to dose your eyes or gaze at
a beauciful crystal or fückering candle to help you relax and sense
the light on an inner level.
Allow your awareness to dwell in the sott and inviting inner
realm of light. Let it be a pleasurable and soothing experience. Let
the light take on various colours if that suits you. What colours
feel best? You can imagine, feel, visualise or intend that your soul
can absorb those colours with delight and pleasure, as though an
inner hunger or thirst is being fulfilled, resulting in further peace
and relaxation.
Be in this process of light-bathing colour therapy for as long
as feels good for you. When you are ready, ground yourself with
some gentle physical movements and hydrate your body. You have
completed your healing process.
You can have what you truly want. Such knowledge helps
soften and release fiar, grasping, control and doubt. Have
confidence that the Universe hears your prayers and is even
now Leading you into that which you seek. You can take
sanctuary within your spiritual connection whenever you
need stabilisation and protection against the .fluctuations of
the externa/ world. No matter what is happening around
you, there is a way through to the fulfilment ofyour potential.
Bhusunda is the mysterious Hindu sage who assumes the form
of a crow and lives atop the magicai wish-fulfilling tree, thriving
whether there be feast or famine in the world. As a highly evolved
supernatural being, he has outlived the ending of numerous world
ages. No calamity or cataclysm can shake the powerful divine tree
or the creatures who live within its shelter. The sacred tree is a
place of sanctuary and protection, where no harm can befall any
of its inhabitants.
The wish-fulfilling tree is a spiritual symbol for the soul, the
heart and the divine bodhisattvas or enlightened sages who guide
and protect humanity. It represents a high levei of consciousness,
which is abundam and in harmony with the Universe and
therefore blissful, free and generous. This oracle reminds you that
as you align with Spirit you are aligning with a powerful field
of grace, which has protective and strengthening qualities. It is
a spiritual tonic with effect in ali dimensions and ali realms of
The price for such sacred empowerment is the surrender
of one's ego. This is a lifelong journey for most of us, rather
than a one-time event. We recondition our mind in the ways of
Spirit again and again. We disentangle our hearts from societal
conditioning based in fear, dominance, greed, victimisation - of
getting one's personal desires met at any cost. We recognise there
is a profound difference between taking and receiving. We trust in
what is destined for us.
Stories abound in the Hindu tradition of various wish
fulfilling manifestations - from goddesses to trees, to cows and
gems. W hen someone sought to possess the wish-fulfilling treasure
for their own personal use, they would always be thwarted by the
higher spiritual intelligence of love, which cannot be comrolled
or manipulated but remains as it is - pure and generously giving
all that is needed to the receptive heart.
Ivory is an organic material, like bone, which makes up the
tusks and teeth of numerous animals of land and sea. Tusks are
used to brush away vegetation and obstacles to help an animal
move through its environment. Therefore, one metaphysical
correspondence of ivory is the ability to move through even
inhospitable environments successfully. The message of the Ivor y
Wish-Fuijilling Crow is that one does not have to dominate or
manipulate others to attain success. lt is enough to align with
Spirit and trust that your sacred inner work is sufficient to attract
whatever is needed to manifest your higher purpose. You can
attain what you seek by becoming and radiating, rather than
through contriving or manipulating.
Bhusunda teaches that when the cosmic fire of transformation
becomes too incense, we can focus upon the sacred waters. When
the winds of change blow ferociously, we focus upon the mountain.
When the waters become such that we fear becoming submerged,
it is best to focus upon the movement of the air. He is describing
the way of responsiveness and balance. You can recognise what
is happening and adjust your sails to suit the winds, rather than
trying to change the ways of nature. This oracle guides you to trust
that you will reach your destination, even when there are forces
beyond your control. You don't need to be more powerful than
oppressive forces to overcome them. ln connection with your
heart temple ofSpirit, you will be empowered to proceed on your
path with abundance, wisdom and joy.
Rest and relax for a few moments, becoming presem. Notice your
breath flowing in and out. Allow your awareness to move within
and let go of attachments to the outer world for a time.
Imagine, see, feel or pretend that as you relax and become
sofi:ly focused on your breathing you enter into a luminous, in
between world of healing, grace and beauty. You see, sense or feel
the loving presence of a divine tree of light. lt is busding with life.
lt is strong, ancient, protective and beautiful. lt houses various
divine creatures of light, including a wise, old ivory crow, sitting
peacefully at the top of the divine tree. Your feathered friend
may watch you or caw at you. This realm is timeless, luminous
and eternal. You understand that no matter what happens, it
will always be there, just as beautiful and sacred as it is now. This
knowledge makes you happy.
Then imagine, see, feel or intend that your soul is receiving
an infusion of light from that eternal realm. You may feel a
nourishing and euphoric oneness with this beautiful realm. Let
yourself soak in that experience for as long as feels good.
When you are ready, ground yourself by becoming aware of
sensations on your skin and the flow of your breath in and out.
Know that your soul is always able to connect with that eternal
light within.
Hydrate yourself and allow your body some movement, too.
You have completed your healing process.
initiatrix, caking us beyond che conscraincs of police moralism
and inco che bliss, sacred passion, grit and ascuceness needed to
culcivate and protect che lighc. Goddess, warrior, �een of che
Fae, and fearless guardian and protector of territory, Maeve is wild
and decermined. She stimulaces confidence, encouraging one not
to shy away buc, racher, to assercively engage wich life and claim
your true place in che world. She encourages us to refuse to allow
our sacred territor y to be incruded up on by unworchy rulers,
whecher they be critica! voices in our own mind or ego-driven
incerlopers. Maeve is the instinct to engage when challenged, to
call on recruits and use all the inner wisdom and calem at your
disposal so you can assere che light and refuse to be puc down or
denied your rightful place.
Protecting territory from a spiritual p erspective is unlike che
g ras ping and self-serving of che ego chac wishes to obcain whacever
ic can for ics own benefic. This world needs souls who are willing
and able to hold sacred sp ace and refuse to allow ic to become
concaminaced by greed, jealous y, hace or confusion. This is an
act of courage and selflessness. Such an act of courage serves all
beings. To be a son or daughter of Maeve requires some sp iricual
chops. It cakes feisty refusal to be dominated or concrolled. Ic also
cakes che wisdom to recognise chac one can lovingly accept all chac
is wichouc judgemenc whilsc discerning when and how to set a
firm boundary, lese sacred space be trampled upon and defiled by
Rapture is a pachway ouc of concrol and into che sacred and
consciously chosen abandonmenc inco someching greacer chan
self. When che ocean inco which we plunge ourselves is chac of che
Spirit, chen our ecstasy becomes a revicalising , frequenc y-raising ,
soul-empowering experience which manifescs pachways to victory
where, in a lower-state of awareness, chere appeared to be no hope.
If we honour our need for communion with che sacred realms, we
will give ourselves che rime and space we need to incegrate relevam
p ractices into our lives. Committing to spiritual p ractice re quires
the self-p ossession to know what matters to you, irrespective
of whether another-or sociecy in general-can recognise che
wisdom in your values.
Sovereigncy is self-possession. lt is the belonging to oneself
chat happens internally as we claim our being and commit to our
unique life journey. True spiricual sovereignty exists outside of
social mores. Ir is not abouc becoming subversive or disrespectful
to others, buc racher abouc seeking out freedom of being. This leads
to you naturally becoming an active p resence which dismancles
enslaving social mores and stimulaces society to mature sp iritually.
This oracle asks you to come home to yourself again and again.
Know you are strong enough to live your life and chart your
course in communion wich che sacred. ln Sanskric, svaraj is 'self
rule; and, as che meaning of raj is also 'radiance; it can also mean
'self-luminous.' Do not allow your destiny to rest in the hands of
ochers. Recognise chat che lighc wichin is your true ruler. You have
che power to lighc yourself up wich Spirit. Commit to whac you
can do and believe che realms of che Divine are working with you.
Do not be dissuaded. You shall be victorious.
If you resonate with che term 'inner q ueen; chen use chat as guided
below. If you prefer che term 'inner king ; or some other term to
express che spiritual sovereign or divine inner ruler, feel free to use
chat instead, substituting as necessar y in the text below.
Place a hand over your heart and, when you are ready, state
che following declaration of divine independence and spiricual
sovereigmy :
Sense che inner dignity ofyour true nature. Let everyching else fall
away. You have cornpleced your healing process.
inner freedom. She willingly surrenders her attachments and her
identities, even separating herself temporarily from her loved
ones, wirh such boldness and confidence that she crosses into
realms where others dare not go. She experiences vulnerabiliry,
and in rhat state discovers deep truth.
Ishtar is the capacity of the soul to integrare our experiences.
Afrer reaching che greacest depths of suffering, she emerges and
is reinstated upon her rightful chrone wich even greater wisdom,
spiritual power and compassion. ln a reading, she is a guardian and
symbol of resurrecrion. You shall rise again. Those who have felt
as though their idemity or any ocher marker of security has been
tom away from them are her children. They will find their way
back to peace and prosperity under her auspices. If you have been
suffering, rhis oracle indicares an end of the struggle is imminem.
You shall be restored with so much more chan you have lost.
lshcar is depicted in rhe Queen o/the Night relief thac dates
back over four chousand years, from ancienc Babylon, which was
locared in rhe lands of presem-day souchern Iraq. She is a bird
woman priestess, wirh ralons and wings, Aanked by owls and
lions. She holds sacred tools-a rod and ring-in her hands, is
bejewelled and naked, symbolising her power and freedom. Her
symbols are the gate, the eighc-poimed star and che lion. She is
considered the goddess of the planet Venus, but the star Sirius
is also sacred to her. Ics rise each year marks her ascenc from
rhe dark realms, which ensures prosperity and good fortune for
the year ahead. Her jewels and tools represem her grear power
and effectiveness. The srars represem her higher consciousness
and loving wisdom, and are a sign of great blessing for your life,
indicaring prosperiry, peace, healing and love.
The Lion's Gate falls when the suo is in Leo. Leo is the sigo
of the Lion, the astrological ruler of the heart and the animal
totem sacred to Ishtar. The rising of Sirius took place on 26 July,
in anciem Egypt, which marked the beginning of the Egyptian
new year. ln modem times and differem latitudes, the date for the
rising of Sirius varies considerably. Nonetheless, the eighth day
of the eighth momh is considered especially potem, and when
combined with the eight-pointed star of Ishtar, the numerical
frequency of the spiritual portal or doorway that opens on 8
August becomes 888.
The 888 frequency will stimulate your soul in its unique way.
lt facilitates a deepening intimacy between the spiritual worlds
and the earth plane, an amplification of light and an outpouring
of positive blessing for humanity. lt is believed many, if not all,
cosmic avatars who come to earth as advanced spiritual guides
hail from Sirius and make their blessings increasingly available to
humanity during this opening between the worlds.
This oracle brings a message of a breakthrough and healing,
of a significam lightening up of your life and the end of a deeply
challenging cycle in your life. There is a special divine dispensation
augured by the oracle of Ishtar's Lion Gate 888. Where hope has
been difficult to find, or all seems lost, the light shall return and
beautiful blessings are destined to unfold in your life.
Connect to your breath flowing in and out, helping you to come
fully into this presem momem. When you are ready, say the
following prayer aloud:
May the enlightened heart that truly !oves humanity bringforth the
compassion, mercy, grace and protection needed so ali beings may
gain spiritual bene.fit, fteedom, truth and peace.
See, sense, intend or feel a radiant star rising above the horizon,
bringing with it the beginningof a new dawn. lt is a white powerful
sun, emanating rainbow-coloured rays of hope, wisdom, peace,
abundance and love. You become aware of a second brilliant white
sun, our sun, following its rise above the horizon. Two massive,
radiant white spiritual suns emanate all colours and blessings on
their rays. Both are visible on the horizon. There is a sense that
something very special is happening, an unusually powerful and
unconditionally positive portal of healing is opening up for all
heartS. Let yourself rest in the dual lights of these suns, as they
soak into your soul.
You can imagine you carry the light of these two suns in your
heart, always, and that through your heart-and all willing and
capable hearts-the lights of these suns shine continuously on the
inner dimensions for the spiritual benefit of all beings.
You may like to rest a hand on your heart to ground this
acknowledgement, capacity and vision. Bring yourself back to
the here and now with some physical movement and plenty of
hydration. You have completed your healing process.