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5 Days a Week In depth guide

Workouts to maximize your time at the gym

Table of Contents Key

Sections Page DB = Dumbbell
BB = Barbell
Week 1 2-3
F= Failure
SS = Super Set
Week 2 4-5
DS = Drop Set
RB = Resistance Band
Week 3 6-7

Week 4 8-9
Week 5 10-11

12-13 Lower
Week 6 =

Week 7 14-15

Week 8 16-17

Week 9 18-20

Remember to push yourself! Those

last couple of reps are the ones
that really count! <3 Mari

By: Mari Llewellyn @marillewellyn

Week 1 2

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 Knee Pushups 3 x F Knee Pushups:

My favorite exercise for tracking
strength progress!
2 x 12
DB Side Lateral Raise DB Side Lateral Raise:
2 x 20 Pinkies up at the top of the rep!

Standing Overhead DB Press

2 x 15 Upright Row: Movement stops
1 x 12 around ear level.
Push Tricep Overhead Extension: Feel
Day Rear Delt Flies 2 x 15 that stretch on the way down!

Upright Row 2 x 15
1 x 12
Tricep Pushdown 3 x 15

Tricep Overhead Extension 3 x 15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 Abductor 3 x 20 Abductor:
Slow and controlled, squeeze
those glutes
Walking Lunges BB 3 x 12 Walking Lunges BB:
Don’t be afraid to go heavy!
Goblet Squats:
Goblet Squats 3 x 15 Heavy movement!
Glute Lower Back Extension:
/ Lower Back Extension 3 x 15 Hold a 10lb-25lb plate to your
Ham chest! Curl upper back at top of
rep, point out your toes.
DB RDL 3 x 12 DB RDL:
Deep stretch, push the hips

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

Lying Leg Raise or Leg Lifts:
Lying Leg Raise or Leg Lifts 3 x F Leg lifts are a little more advanced. Both
variations are hitting your lower abs!
Decline Crunches 3 x F Single Leg Calf Raise:
Back to back each side, no breaks.
Cycle twice.
Single Leg Calf Raise 3 x 15 or F Incline Treadmill Power Walk:
Touch Turn up the incline & try not to hold
up Incline Treadmill Power Walk 15 Min onto the machine! Pace should be
around where you are just about
struggling to comfortably speak a full
sentence haha. I usually walk around
3.8 MPH
Week 1 Continued 3

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Assisted Pull Up Machine 3 x F Assisted Pull Up Machine:

Grip slightly wider than shoulder
width apart.
2 x 15
Bent Over BB Row Bent Over BB Row:
2 x 10 Increase weight as reps decrease,

Seated Cable Row

2 x 15 this is a heavy movement!
1 x 12 Rope Pulls:
Pull Squeeze your back!
Rope Pulls 2 x 15 Hammer Curl DB:
You can do both arms at the same

BB Curl 2 x 15 time, or back and forth each arm

1 x 12 individually.

Hammer Curl DB 3 x 15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

Leg Extension:
Leg Extension 3 x 15 A great way to preexaust the quads!
BB Squats:
2 x 15
BB Squats 1 x 12 Most important exercise of the day!
1 x 10 Push it!
Leg Press:
Leg Press 3 x 15
1 x 25 Wide stance, I point my toes out
Quad slightly.
1 x 20
Goblet Squats 2 x 15
Goblet Squats:
Fast reps, narrow stance.
Week 2 4

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 Knee Pushups 3 x F Overhead Standing DB Press:

This is a staple upper body
movement for me!
2 x 15
Overhead Standing DB Press 1 x 12 DB Side Lateral Raise:
Rest Pause Sets: Get a weight you

DB Side Lateral Raise 1 x 20 can safely perform but will fail at 6

1 x 15 reps with, and do 3 sets of 5 with 10
Push seconds break in between each of
Day DB Side Lateral Raise 2 x (notes) the 3 sets.
Front Plate Raise SS Plate
Overhead Press:
Front Plate Raise SS Plate Overhead Press 3 x 15 Watch tutorial video.
Skull Crushers:
Skull Crushers 3 x 15 You can do these on an incline
bench or flat bench. Or even the
2 x 20 floor.
Tricep Pushdown 1 x 15
1 x 12 DS

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 Squat Walks SS Kickbacks w/ RB 3 x 20 Squat Walks SS Kickbacks w/ RB:

We're pre-exhausting the glutes!
Hip Thrust BB:
1 x 15
Hip Thrust BB Staple glute movement, push your
2 x 12 pelvis up and tuck under your tail

Leg Press
3 x 15 bone.
1 x 25 Leg Press:
Glute High and narrow stance to hit the
/ Walking Lunges DB 3 x 12 glutes & hamstrings.
Ham Seated/Lying Hamstring Curl
1 x 20 On the set of 8, use the same
Seated/Lying Hamstring Curl 1 x 15
weight as the set of 15 but go VERY
1 x 8
slowly, causing you to fail at 8.
BB RDL 2 x 15
1 x 12
Week 2 Continued 5

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

Lying Leg Raise or Leg Lifts:
Lying Leg Raise or Leg Lifts 3 x F Leg lifts are more challenging. Both
variations are hitting your lower abs!
Cable Crunches w/ Rope 3 x 20 Cable Crunches w/ Rope:
I like to do these heavy (between
90-100lbs.) Really experiment with form
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown 3 x 10(x2) and focus on contracting your abs, not
Touch just completing the motion.
up Stair Master 15Min Single Arm Tricep Pushdown:
Back to back each arm 3 times, then a
break. Repeat cycle twice.
Stair Master:
Try your best not to hold the machine.

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 x 15
4 Lat Pulldown Wide Grip
1 x 10DS
Lat Pulldown Wide Grip:
DS on last set.
Chest Supported Back Machine of
Chest Supported Back Machine of Choice 3 x 15 Choice:
Go heavy on this!!
One Arm DB Row:
One Arm DB Row 3 x 10 Back to back (no rest) each arm until
Pull all three sets are done.
Seated Cable Row 2 x 15 Seated Cable Row:
2 x 10DS DS on last set.
Rope Curl:
Cable Bar Curl 3 x 15 Full reps with controlled form.

Rope Curl 3 x 15
1 x 25

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

5 BB Squats
1x15 2x12 BB Squats:
1x20 1x6 PR PR means "pause reps." At the
bottom of your rep take a 1
Goblet Squats
1 x 20
second complete pause! I would
2 x 15 recommend using the same
weight as you did for the 12 rep
Leg Extension 3 x 20 sets.
Quad Goblet Squats:
Leg Press
2 x 15 Fast rep, narrow stance.
1 x 10DS Single Leg Calf Raise:
Back to back each side no breaks,
Single Leg Calf Raise 3 x 15 or F cycle twice.
Week 3 6

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 Single Arm DB Side Lateral Raise (3x10)x2 Single Arm DB Side Lateral Raise :
One side at a time, back to back no
1x15 breaks 10 reps each arm, 3 sets, repeat
Seated Overhead DB Press 1x12 twice.
1x10 Rear Delt Fly SS Upright Row:

Rear Delt Fly SS Upright Row

2 x 15 Keep back as relaxed as possible
1 x 12 throughout exercise. Squeeze shoulder
Push blades!
Cable Fly 3 x F Cable Fly:
Squeeze at start and finish of each rep.
Assisted Dip Machine:
Assisted Dip Machine 3 x 15 Squeezing triceps at peak of each rep!
Behind the Head DB Extension:
Behind the Head DB Extension 3 x 15 Slow and controlled, deep stretch!

Knee Pushups 3 x F

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

3 x 20
2 Abductor
1 x 15
Lower Back Extension:
The glute squeeze on the top of
the rep is crucial!
Lower Back Extension 3 x 15 Goblet Squats:
Wide stance squeezing glutes at
the top of each rep. Still pushing
Goblet Squats 3 x 12 through heels!
Glute Hip Thrust BB w/ RB Abductor:
/ Hip Thrust BB w/ RB Abductor 3 x 12 Adding a resistance band
Ham 1 x 10 abdcutor makes this a KILLER
glute workout! Keep the glutes
DB RDL 3 x 15 squeezed throughout the whole

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

3 Cable Crunches 3 x 20 Cable Crunches:

Don't just do the movement.
Focus on squeezing your abs!
Lying Leg Raise or Leg Lifts 3 x F Single Leg Calf Raise:
Back to back each side. Cycle
Planks 2 x F
Up Knee Pushups 3 x F

Single Leg Calf Raise 3 x 15 or F

Week 3 Continued 7

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Smith Machine Pull-Ups or TRX Pull-Ups 3 x 10 Smith Machine Pull-Ups or TRX

See video @fitwithmarihelp.
Assisted Pull Up Machine 3 x 12 Assisted Pull Up Machine:
Hands slightly wider than shoulder
1 x 15 width apart!
Bent Over BB Row 1 x 12
Bent Over BB Row:
1 x 10
Pull Heaviest movement of the day!
Lat Pulldown Narrow Grip
2 x 15 Rope Pull:
1 x 10 DS Squeeze your back!
Spider Curl:
Rope Pull 3 x 15 Strict form, try not to swing.

Rope Curl 3 x 15

Spider Curl 2 x 15
1 x 12

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

5 Adductor 3 x 15 Adductor:
Adductor is the machine where
you are squeezing inward!
Leg Extension
2 x 15
BB Squats:
1 x 12 Heavy squat day!

BB Squats 3 x 10 Hack Squat Machine or Leg

1 x 8 DS Press:
Quad Narrow/low stance with a lighter
Hack Squat Machine or Leg Press 3 x 15 weight. Slow and controlled really
1 x 12 using quads!

Calf Press on Leg Press 3 x 20

Week 4 8

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 x 15
1 Standing Overhead BB Press
2 x 8 RP
Standing Overhead BB Press:
Rest Pause Sets: On last two sets, take
10-15 second break and then
DB Side Lateral Raise
2 x 15
immediately try to force out 3 more reps!
1 x 10 DS DB Side Lateral Raise:
On last set, drop weight once your good
DB Rear Delt Fly SS BB Upright Row 3 x 10 form starts to break.
Push Front Plate Raise:
Front Plate Raise 3 x 10 Half second pause at top of each rep.
Tricep Overhead Extension SS Tricep
Tricep Overhead Extension SS Tricep Pushdown 3 x 12 Try to keep the weight the same for both
Behind the Head DB Extension 3 x 12 Behind the Head DB Extension:
Deep stretch!

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 Squat Walks SS Kickbacks w/ RB 3 x 20 Hip Thrust BB w/ RB Abductor:

Heavy weight on that 8 rep set, no
2 x 15 abduction needed on last set.
Hip Thrust BB w/ RB Abductor 1 x 12 Walking Lunges BB SS Squats:
1 x 8 BB remains on back after 12

BB RDL 2 x 15 lunges and immediately squat

1 x 12 until failure.
/ Walking Lunges BB SS Squats 3 x 12
Abductor Machine 2 x 25

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

Stairmaster HIIT:
Decline Crunches 3 x F 1min easy rate. 15 second sprint rate.
Be safe and use the rails if you need! I
Leg Raise or Leg Lift 3 x F want you huffing and puffing by the end
of the 15 seconds!

Planks 2 x F
Up Stairmaster HIIT 12Min
Week 4 Continued 9

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Smith Machine Pull-Ups or TRX Pull-Ups 3 x 10 Bent Over BB Row:

Rest Pause Sets: On last two sets, take
10-15 second break and then
2 x 15
Lat Pulldown Narrow Grip immediately try and force 3 more reps!
1 x 10 DS BB Curl:
1 x 12 High rep sets BURN!!
Bent Over BB Row 1 x 10
2 x 8 RP
Chest Supported Back Machine of Choice
3 x 15
1 x 10 DS
1 x 15
Hammer Curl 1 x 12
1 x 25

BB Curl 2 x 25

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1x20 1x18 BB Squats w/ RB:
BB Squats w/ RB 1x15 1x12 DS Resistance bands engage your glutes a
little extra!
2 x 20
Hack Squat or Leg Press 1 x 15 Single Leg Leg Extension (One at a
1 x 10 DS time Back-to-Back):
Cycle 2 times.
Single Leg Leg Extension (one at a time Back-to-Back) (3 x 10) x2 Goblet Squats:
Quad Fast rep, narrow stance.
Goblet Squats 2x15
Week 5 10

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 x 15
1 Lat Pulldown Wide Grip 1 x 12
1 x 10 DS
Seated Cable Row:
Double drop set on last set. After first
2 x 25 drop in weight, hit failure and then do
Seated Cable Row 1 x 12 another drop in weight for a few more
1 x 12 DS reps.
Rope Pulls:
Rope Pulls 2 x 25 Squeeze back!
Back Skull Crushers SS BB Curls:
/ Skull Crushers SS BB Curls 3 x 15 15 reps of skull crushers, immediately
Arms stand up for 15 BB curls. That is one set!

Tricep Pushdown w/ Rope SS Rope Curl 3 x 15

Assisted Dips or Dip Machine 3 x 15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

3 x 15
2 Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl
1 x 7
Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl:
On last set, pause for 2 seconds at
top of all 7 reps.
BB RDL 3 x 15 Lower Back Extension:
Drop plate at 10 reps then
complete the remaining 10
Lower Back Extension 3 x 20 unweighted!
Glute Leg Press:
/ Leg Press 3 x 15 High and narrow foot stance.
Ham Goblet Squat:
Wide stance, squeezing glutes.
Goblet Squat 3 x 20

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

3 Planks 2 x F Rope Pulls:

You can super set this with the
cable crunches!
Cable Crunches 3 x 20 Single Leg Calf Raise:
Back to back each side. Cycle
Rope Pull 3 x 20 Incline Treadmill HIIT:
Touch Very steep incline 1 min with brisk
Up Single Leg Calf Raise 3 x 15 or F powerwalk, decrease incline for 2
min with same speed. Repeat.

Incline Treadmill HIIT 15Min

Week 5 Continued 11

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Knee Pushups 3 x F Knee Pushups:

Note if you got a higher number than
you could on week 1!
DB Side Lateral Raise (1 at a time Back-to-Back) (3 x 10)x2 DB Side Lateral Raise (1 at a time
2 x 15 Do this cycle twice!
Standing Overhead BB Press 1 x 12 Standing Overhead BB Press:
1 x 8 RP Rest Pause Sets: On last set, take 10-15
Shoulder second break and then immediately try
Overhead Machine Press SS Front Plate Raise 3 x 12 and force 3 more reps!
Overhead Machine Press SS Front
Rope Face Pulls 3 x 15 Plate Raise:
Lighter, slower reps, let it burn!
Rope Face Pulls:
Incline DB Flies 3 x 12 Squeezing your shoulders not your
Incline DB Flies:
As if you are hugging a tree!

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

5 Adductor Machine 2 x 20 Leg Extension:

Warming up those legs for heavy
squat day!
Leg Extension 2 x 20 BB Squat:
Set a personal record today! Make
1 x 12 , 1 x 10
BB Squat 1 x 8 , 1 x 6DS sure you are fully warmed up!
Quad Single Leg Leg Extension (One
Leg Press
2 x 15 at a time Back-to-Back):
1 x 25 Back to back each leg for 3 sets.
Cycle twice.
Single Leg Leg Extension (1 at a time Back-to-Back) (3 x 10)x2
Week 6 12

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 x 15
1 Bent Over BB Row 2 x 10
1 x 8RP
Lat Pull Down Narrow Grip:
Full reps try to feel a stretch in your lats
at the top!
Chest Supported Back Machine of Choice
2 x 15 Close Grip Pushups on Smith
1 x 10DS Machine Bar:
2 x 15 Elbows tucked into your sides!
Lat Pull Down Narrow Grip
1 x 12
/ Behind the Head DB Extension SS Hammer Curl 3 x 15
Close Grip Pushups on Smith Machine Bar 3 x 12-15

Spider Curl 3 x 15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 Abductor Machine 3 x 25 Abductor Machine:

Burns the glutes!
Walking Lunges BB SS Squats:
Walking Lunges BB SS Squats 3 x 10 BB remains on back after 10
lunges and immediately squat
Hip Thrust W BB and RB + Air Thrust 3 x 10 until failure.
Glute Hip Thrust W BB and RB + Air
/ Lower Back Extension 3 x 15 Thrust:
Ham Heavy glute day! No abduction on

Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl 3 x 15 these hip thrust but air thrust until
1 x 8 failure after your 10 reps!
Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl:
Very slow and controlled on last
set of 8. Use same weight as 15
rep sets.

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

Knee Pushups SS Planks:
Knee Pushups SS Planks 3 x F Knee pushups until failure right into
plank then 30 second break.
Cable Crunches 3 x 20 Leg Raise or Leg Lift:
I almost always have a lower ab
movement when I train abs!
Leg Raise or Leg Lift 3 x F Stair Master:
Touch Throw in six 20 second sprints (around
Up Stair Master 12Min level 10!)
Week 6 Continued 13

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 x 15
4 DB Side Lateral Raise
1 x 10DS
Front DB Raise SS DB Overhead
You will have to use a much
Rear Delt Fly SS Upright Row 3 x 15 lighter weight than you are used
to for overhead press immediately
Front DB Raise SS DB Overhead Press 3 x 12 following front DB raises!

Shoulder 3 x 15
Incline DB Press
/ 1 x 12
Cable Flies SS Knee Pushups 3 x 15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

BB Squats w/ RB:
Abbductor Machine 2 x 20 On last set, 5 pause reps. Pause at
bottom of each rep for 1 second.
1 x 20 , 2 x 15
BB Squats w/ RB 1 x 12 , 2 x 12DS

Leg Extension 2 x 15
Quad 2 x 12DS
1 x 18
Hack Squat or Leg Press 2 x 15
1 x 12DS
Week 7 14

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 Assisted Pull Up Machine 3 x 12 Chest Supported Back Machine of

On first 2 sets, hold the first 5 reps at
2 x 15 the top of the movement for a 1 second
Chest Supported Back Machine of Choice
1 x 10 DS pause, squeezing shoulderblades. Then
finish the last 10 reps normally.
Seated Cable Row 3 x notes Seated Cable Row:
Back Find a weight about half of what your

/ Tricep Pushdown
3 x 15 normal 10 rep weight is. Get 10 reps.
1 x 12 Immediately increase the weight a plate
Arms and get 8 reps. Immediately increase
BB Curl the weight a plate and get 6 reps.
3 x 12 Immediately increase the weight a plate
and get 4 reps. Then drop the weight
Skull Crushers SS Spider Curls 4 x 12 back in half for as many as you can! This
is known as a pyramid set.
BB Curl:
Tricep Overhead Extension 2 x 25 Try to go heavier today!
Skull Crushers SS Spider Curls:
Minimal rest between each superset

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 Abductor Machine 3 x 25 Abductor Machine:

Burn the glutes!
Goblet Squat:
Goblet Squat 3 x 12DS Wide stance. Drop weights after
1 x 15 12 reps and fast air reps.
Hip Thrust BB w/RB Abductor 2 x 12 Hip Thrust BB w/RB Abductor:
Glute Heavy weight on that 8 rep set, no
/ Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl 2 x 15 abduction needed on last set.
Ham 1 x 12DS Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl:

Lower Back Extension 2 x 20 On first two sets, hold the first 3

1 x 15 reps at top of movement for 5
Week 7 Continued 15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

3 x 15
3 DB Hammer Curl
1 x 25
Incline Treadmill:
Brisk walk, decent incline.
Hard Incline Treadmill:
Lying Leg Raise or Leg Lift 3 x F Brisk walk, harsh incline, try not to
hold railings!
Cable Crunches 3 x 20
Up Incline Treadmill 10min

Hard Incline Treadmill 5min

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Knee Pushups 3 x F Cable Flies:

Imagine hugging a tree, squeeze your
upper chest!
Cable Flies
2 x 15 DB Side Lateral Raise (One at a time
1 x 12 Back-to-Back):

Incline DB/BB Press

3 x 12 Do this cycle twice!
DB Side Lateral Raise:
1 x 8DS
Shoulder On last 2 sets, get a a weight you will
fail at 6 reps with, and do 3 sets of 5
/ DB Side Lateral Raise (1 at a time Back-to-Back) (3 x 10) x2 with 10 seconds break in between each
Chest of the 3 sets.
DB Rear Delt Fly 3 x 10

DB/Plate Front Raises 2 x 15

1 x 12DS
DB Side Lateral Raise 1 x 15
2 x 10(notes)

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 x 20
BB Squats:
BB Squats 1 x 15 Make sure to warmup since we are
starting on squats! Try to do a DS on
2 x 20
Hack Squat or Leg Press last set.
2 x 12DS Hack Squat or Leg Press:
Drop set on the last 2 sets.
Single Leg Leg Extension (1 at a time Back-to-Back) (3 x 10) x2 Single Leg Leg Extension (1 at a time
Quad Back-to-Back):

Goblet Squat 3 x 15 Do this cycle twice, only take a break

after the first set!
Goblet Squat:
Narrow stance, fast reps.
Week 8 16

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 x 15
1 Bent Over DB Row SS Skull Crushers 2 x 12
1 x 8DS
Bent Over DB Row SS Skull Crushers:
Keep your DB or BB in front of the
1 x 15 bench. Go right from DB rows to
Lat Pull Down Wide Grip SS Tricep Pushdown 2 x 12
grabbing the BB for skull crushers. Rest
1 x 8DS
after the cycle.
Seated Cable Row 3 x 15 Lat Pull Down Wide Grip SS Tricep
1 x 10DS
Back Pushdown:
/ Rope Pull SS Overhead Tricep Extension 3 x 15 Dropset on both exercises on last set.
Tricep Close Grip Smith Machine Pushups:
Keep elbows in.
Close Grip Smith Machine Pushups 3 x 10-15

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 x 15
2 Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl
1 x 12DS
Lying or Seated Hamstring Curl:
On first two sets, hold the first 3 reps at
top of movement for 5 seconds
Walking Lunges BB SS Squats 3 x 10 Walking Lunges BB SS Squats:
BB remains on back after 10 lunges and
immediately squat until failure.
Abductor 3 x 20 Hip Thrust W BB and RB + Air Thrust:
Glute Heavy glute day! No abduction on these
/ Hip Thrust W BB and RB + Air Thrust 3 x 10 hip thrust but air thrust (with a band)
Ham until failure after your 10 reps!
Goblet Squat:
Goblet Squat 2 x 15DS Wide stance. Drop weights after 12 reps
and fast air reps.

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

Single Arm Tricep Pushdown:
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown (3 x 10) x2 Back to back each arm 3 times, then a
break. Repeat cycle twice.
Cable Crunches 3 x 20 Cable Crunches:
Use the rope and cables right from the
single arm tricep pushdown.
Decline Crunches 3 x F Decline Crunches:
Touch Do not rest at the bottom of each rep!
Up Stairmaster HIIT 12Min Constant ab tension.
Stairmaster HIIT:
1 min easy rate (~level 4.) 20 second
sprint rate (~level 10.) Be safe and use
the rails if you need! I want you huffing
and puffing by the end of the 20
Week 8 Continued 17

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Knee Pushups 3 x F Side Lateral Raise Pyramid:

Grab 3 or 4 sets of very close
2 x 12 weight DB. If you grab the 2.5lb
Seated Unilateral Overhead DB Press 1 x 10 5lb & 7.5lb DBs you will do 8 reps
1x8 of each (struggling *fire emoji*)
starting with the lightest 2.5’s
Side Lateral Raise Pyramid 1 x notes ending with the 7.5s and then
Shoulder pyramid back down!
/ Side Lateral Raise 2 x 15 Skull Crushers SS BB Curls:
1 x 12 You can use the same barbell for

Skull Crushers SS BB Curls 2 x 15 both exercises. Right from laying

2 x 12 with the skull crushers to standing
with the curls.
Single Arm Cable Tricep Extension (3 x 12) Single Arm Cable Tricep
Extension: Back to back each side
no rest!
Hammer Curl 3 x 15

Spider Curl 3 x 12

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 x 20 , 1 x 18 BB Squats w/ RB:
BB Squats w/ RB 1 x 15 , 1 x 12DS RB to engage the glutes a little extra!
Goblet Squats:
2 x 20
Hack Squat or Leg Press 1 x 15 Fast rep, narrow stance.
1 x 10DS

Leg Extension 3 x 15
Quad 1 x 12DS
1 x 20
Goblet Squats
2 x 15
Week 9 18

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

1 x 15
Lat Pull Down Wide Grip SS Tricep
Lat Pull Down Wide Grip SS Tricep Pushdown 2 x 10 Pushdown:
1 x 8DS
Dropset on both exercises on last set.
BB Bent Over Rows 3 x 15 Chest Supported Back Machine of
On second 2 sets, hold the first 5 reps
Assisted Dip Machine
2 x 18 at the top of the movement for a 1
1 x 12DS second pause, squeezing
Back 1 x 20 shoulderblades. Then finish the last 10
/ Chest Supported Back Machine of Choice 2 x 15 reps normally.
Tricep 1 x 10DS Assisted Pull Up Machine:
1 x 18 Set assisted weight at your normal
Behind the Head DB Extension
2 x 15 weight for ten reps. Hold yourself at the
top for as long as you can. Do this 3
Assisted Pull Up Machine 3 x F times with around 30 second rest in

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

2 Squat Walks SS Kickbacks w/ RB 3 x 20 Hip Thrust BB w/RB Abductor:

Heavy weight on that 8 rep set, no
1 x 15 abduction needed on last set.
Hip Thrust BB w/RB Abductor 2 x 12 BB RDL:
1x8 Don't be afraid to go heavy on these!
2 x 15 Abductor Machine:
1 x 12 Burnout/high rep to finish off glutes.
/ Walking Lunges BB SS Squats 3 x 12
Abductor Machine 2 x 25
Week 9 Continued 19

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

3 Tricep Pushdown 2 x 15 Stairmaster:

Brisk pace.
Incline Treadmill:
Skull Crushers 2 x 15 Harsh incline, brisk walk.
Brisk pace.
Leg Raise or Leg Lift 3 x F
Up Planks 2 x F

Cable Crunches 3 x 20

Stairmaster 5min

Incline Treadmill 5min

Stairmaster 5min

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

4 Cable Flies 3 x 15 Seated Unilateral Overhead DB

Normal seated overhead DB press
Incline DB Press 3 x 15 but you are going to do each arm
individually back and forth. Keep
2 x 12 form stable and controlled.
Seated Unilateral Overhead DB Press 1 x 10
1x8 Cable Side Lateral Raise (One at a
Chest time Back-to-Back):
/ DB Rear Delt Fly SS BB Upright Row 3 x 12 Do this cycle twice!
Shoulder BB Curl:
/ Bicep burnout finisher!
Cable Side Lateral Raise (1 at a time Back-to-Back) (3 x 10)x2
Knee Pushups 3 x F
1 x 15
BB Curl 1 x 12
2 x 25+
Week 9 Continued 20

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Notes:

5 Adductor 3 x 15 Hip Thrust BB w/RB Abductor:

Heavy weight on that 8 rep set, no

3 x 10 abduction needed on last set.

BB Squats BB RDL:
1 x 8DS Don't be afraid to go heavy on these!
2 x 15 Abductor Machine:
Leg Extension
1 x 12 Burnout/high rep to finish off glutes.
Hack Squat Machine or Leg Press
3 x 15
1 x 12
Calve Press on Leg Press 3 x 20

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