Zambian Paediatric Protocol
Zambian Paediatric Protocol
Zambian Paediatric Protocol
ACUTE EPIGLOTTITIS ...........................................................................78
FOREIGN BODY INHALATION ...........................................................79
THE WHEEZING CHILD .......................................................................82
BRONCHIOLITIS ..................................................................................88
CONGENITAL CARDIAC DISEASE....................................................93
ACUTE EXACERBATION OF ASTHMA.............................................105
PNEUMONIA .....................................................................................109
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ........................................................... 113
COMA ...............................................................................................113
INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE ...............................................................119
SEIZURES ............................................................................................122
STATUS EPILEPTICUS .........................................................................128
FEBRILE SEIZURES ..............................................................................135
PAEDIATRIC STROKE ........................................................................139
GENITOURINARY SYSTEM ............................................................... 144
URINARY TRACT INFECTION ...........................................................144
HAEMATURIA ....................................................................................146
NEPHROTIC SYNDROME .................................................................150
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS ......................................................153
ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY ....................................................................157
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM ........................................................... 163
ACUTE DIARRHOEAL DISEASE ........................................................163
PERSISTENT DIARRHOEA (PD) .........................................................169
ACUTE UPPER GI BLEEDING (OLD) ................................................172
FUNCTIONAL CONSTIPATION ........................................................174
ACUTE HEPATIC FAILURE (OLD) .....................................................177
INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION ..............................................................180
INTUSSUSCEPTION ............................................................................183
INFANTILE COLIC .............................................................................185
GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE (GERD) .........................188
PROLONGED JAUNDICE ................................................................191
PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE ....................................................................195
VOMITING .........................................................................................197
HYPERTROPHIC PYLORIC STENOSIS...............................................200
HAEMATO-ONCOLOGY ................................................................. 203
ANAEMIA ..........................................................................................203
SICKLE CELL DISESASE – CVA.........................................................207
HAEMOPHILIA ..................................................................................212
IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA (ITP) ............................................216
APLASTIC ANEMIA ...........................................................................221
MALIGNANCIES ...............................................................................227
MANAGEMENT OF PAINFUL CRISIS ...............................................231
INFECTIOUS DISEASE ....................................................................... 233
MALARIA ...........................................................................................233
TYPHOID (ENTERIC FEVER) - Dr Mulenga .....................................237
TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN ..........................................................242
ENDOCRINE..................................................................................... 252
DISORDER OF SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION (DSD) ...........................252
PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY (PP) ...........................................................260
GRAVE’S DISEASE (GD) ..................................................................271
HYPOTHYROIDISM ...........................................................................274
NEONATOLOGY .............................................................................. 279
HYPOXIC ISCHAEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (HIE) .........................279
PREMATURITY ....................................................................................286
RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME ..............................................290
NECROTISING ENTEROCOLITIS (NEC) ...........................................291
SEPSIS IN NEONATES ........................................................................294
NEONATAL SEIZURES........................................................................299
NEONATAL JAUNDICE ....................................................................303
PROLONGED NEONATAL JAUNDICE............................................310
Forewo rd
Ack nowle dge me nt
Hyponatraemia is serum sodium (Na) concentration of less than
135 mmol/L. Many patients presenting with acute neurological
symptoms may have unrecognised hyponatraemia.
Hypotonic fluid hydration
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Acute & chronic renal failure
Hypothyroidism; adrenal insufficiency; SIADH
Cirrhosis; congestive cardiac failure; nephrotic syndrome
Ascites; effusions; pancreatitis
Drugs - diuretics
Clinical features
Symptoms occur when serum Na levels fall below 125 mmol/L. If
the changes are chronic, the patient may be asymptomatic.
These are:
Serum Na+; serum osmolality; Urea & creatinine; Urine
osmolality & Na+
Aldosterone, cortisol, free T4 & TSH, ACTH & ADH levels
Imaging studies for underlying cause – U/S & CT scans (head,
Correction of hyponatraemia should be slow, not exceeding 8
With neurologic symptoms, raise the serum Na concentration
by giving doses of 1-2 ml/Kg of 3% saline until symptoms
resolve. Symptoms typically resolve with a rise in sodium of 3-7
Hypovolaemic hyponatraemia - correct volume depletion
with normal saline, then restriction of fluids to two-thirds (or
less) of the volume needed for maintenance
Normovoalemic hyponatraemia due to SIADH include fluid
restriction to two-thirds (or less) of the volume needed for
maintenance using normal saline; or the use of 3% NaCl, and
IV administration of furosemide
Hypervolemic hyponatraemia - restrict fluids and administer
3% NaCl to stop the symptoms
Treat the underlying cause
Hypernatraemia is a serum sodium level greater than 145
Excessive Sodium Water Deficit Water and Sodium
Improperly mixed Nephrogenic diabetes
formula insipidus
Cow’s milk (UHT, Fresh Central diabetes
milk) insipidus
Excess sodium Increased insensible
bicarbonate losses
Chronic kidney
IV hypertonic saline Inadequate intake
Osmotic diuresis
Clinical Features
High pitched cry
Cerebral haemorrhage
Dural sinus thrombosis
Peripheral thrombosis
Renal vein thrombosis
Priority is restoration of intravascular volume with isotonic fluid (slow infusion
of normal saline).
Firstly, the water deficit is calculated as follows:
Water deficit (in Litres): = Body weight × 0.6 (1-145/ [current sodium] )
Replacement fluid is then calculated as follows:
Replacement volume (in L)
= TBW deficit X [1 ÷ 1 - (Na concentration in replacement fluid in mmol/L ÷
154 mmol/L)]
replacement volume: 0.6 litres x [1/1- (61/154)] =1 litre
This volume of fluid should be given over 48-72 hours in addition
to the daily maintenance fluid requirement.
Other measures
Severe cases (>200 mmol/L) may require dialysis with a high
glucose-low sodium dialysate.
Hyperglycaemia resulting from hypernatremia is not usually
treated with insulin as rapid lowering of glucose may
precipitate cerebral oedema.
The underlying cause should be treated whenever possible
Central diabetes insipidus should be treated with
Hyperkalaemia is defined as serum potassium (K) level of more
than 5mmol/L or 6mmol/L in neonates.
Increased Intake Decreased Excretion Drugs
Intravenous or oral Renal failure Angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitors
Blood transfusions Urinary tract Angiotensin II blockers
Renal transplant Potassium sparing
Renal tubular disease Nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs
Clinical Features
ECG changes peaked T waves, wide P-R interval, flattening p
wave, widening QRS complex
Ventricular fibrillation
Stabilise the heart to prevent life threatening arrhythmias
Remove potassium from the body
The flow chart (figure xx) demonstrates the step by step
Hyperkalaemia K+ ≥ 5.5
Exclude pseudohyperkalaemia
(recheck with venous sample)
Calcium IV.
Salbutamol NEB. ± Bicarbonate IV if
Insulin / Glucose IV. metabolic acidosis.
Bicarbonate IV if metabolic
± Resonium PR or oral.
Drug Dosage Onset and Expected Actions Mechanism Considerations
Calcium 0.5mL/kg (0.11mmol/kg) in neonates and Onset of Action: <3 minutes, Stabilises the NOT to be given
10% calcium gluconate children <12 years. Max dose 4.5 mmol should see normalisation of heart simultaneously with
(Approx. 225 (20mL) of 10% calcium gluconate OR ECG. If not: repeat dose bicarbonate
micromol/mL) 0.1-0.2 ml/kg slow IV injection (as above) (twice) NOT to be given if
Calcium Chloride 10% (Max: 10ml) of Calcium Chloride 10% Duration: About 30 minutes Digitalis toxicity
Soluble insulin/ Glucose Average dosage: 0.3-0.6 IU/kg/hr in Onset of Action: 15 min Shifts potassium To be given at the
neonates, 0.05-0.2IU/kg/hr in children Duration: peak 60 minutes, 2- into the cells same time.
1month and older; 5-10ml/Kg of D10% 3hours
If severe hyperkalaemia: Closely monitor
• Dextrose 10%: 5ml/kg IV bolus (if no glucose every 30-60
hyponatremia) minutes
• Insulin short action: 0.1 U/kg IV bolus (Max
10 units)
Then followed by infusion insulin/glucose
(see below)
If moderate hyperkalaemia:
• Dextrose 10% IV at maintenance with
0.9% sodium chloride (normal saline)
• Insulin short action infusion: 0.1 U/kg/h IV
Drug Dosage Onset and Expected Actions Mechanism Considerations
8.4% NaHCO3 (IV) Severe hyperkalaemia and metabolic Onset of Action: 30-60 minutes Shifts potassium into In metabolic acidosis,
acidosis Duration: 2-3 hours the cells only.
Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% 1mmol/ml: 1-
3ml/kg IV over 5 minutes
Mild to moderate hyperkalaemia and
metabolic acidosis:
Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% 1mmol/ml:
1ml/kg in slow IV infusion over 30 minutes
Salbutamol (nebulised or < 25kg: 2.5 mg nebulised q 1-2h Onset of Action: 30 minutes Shifts potassium into Reduces intravascular K+
IV) More than 25kg: 5mg nebulised (max 10- Duration: 2-3 hours cells of 0.5-1.5mmol/L
20mg) q 1-2h
Resonium Mild effect, multiple doses necessary, Onset of Action: 1-hour PR, 4- Potassium excretion Mild effect, multiple doses
may be used as long term agent 6hours oral, should reduce through gut necessary, may be used
Polystyrene sulfonate (Resonium) 0.3- intravascular K+ of 0.5-1 mmol/L as long term agent.
1g/kg q 6h (Max 15-30g) Per Rectal (PR) Duration: variable NOT to be used if ileus,
or oral (with lactulose) recent abdominal surgery,
Dialysis Transfer to tertiary care centre Rapid- haemodialysis Removes potassium Organise with local
Slower- peritoneal Paediatric renal or
intensive care team.
Consider cons ultatio n with loc al paediatric team:
Any child with moderate or severe hyperkalemia
Underlying medical cause – e.g., renal abnormalities
This a serum potassium level < 3mmol/L.
Decreased Extra-renal Renal losses Drugs
intake losses
Anorexia Diarrhoea Renal tubular Amphotericin
nervosa acidosis
Laxative Diabetic Cisplatin
abuse ketoacidosis
Sweating Interstitial nephritis Aminoglycosides
Uretero- Loop and thiazide
sigmoidostomy diuretics
Cystic fibrosis
Clinical features
Muscle weakness and cramps
Heart block
Paralytic ileus
ECG features: Flattened T waves, depressed ST segment, U
Supraventricular tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia
Oral Slow-K and Potassium chloride is preferred.
Intravenous potassium may be given at a dose of 0.5-1mmol/Kg
usually given over one hour. Intravenous potassium should be
used cautiously, with close monitoring of electrolytes, because of
the risk of hyperkalaemia.
Hypocalcaemia is a total serum calcium concentration < 8.8
mg/dL (< 2.20 mmol/L) in the presence of normal plasma protein
concentrations or a serum ionized calcium concentration < 4.7
mg/Dl (< 1.17 mmol/L).
Causes :
Vitamin D deficiency and dependency
Renal disease
Magnesium depletion
Acute pancreatitis
Hypoproteinaemia (asymptomatic)
Persistent hypocalcaemia and hypophosphatemia correction
of moderate to severe hyperparathyroidism
Septic shock
Drugs including anticonvulsants
(e.g., phenytoin, phenobarbital) and rifampicin,
Transfusion of > 10 units of citrate-anticoagulated blood
Use of radiocontrast agents containing the divalent ion-
chelating agent
Infusion of gadolinium
Clinical features
Tetany characteristically results from severe hypocalcaemia but
can result from reduction in the ionized fraction of serum calcium
without marked hypocalcaemia, as occurs in severe alkalosis. It
is characterized by the following:
Sensory symptoms consisting of paraesthesia of the lips,
tongue, fingers, and feet
Carpopedal spasm, which may be prolonged and painful
Generalized muscle aching
Spasm of facial musculature
Laryngospasm, a rare initial manifestation
Estimation or measurement of ionized calcium
Measurement of serum magnesium, PTH, phosphate, alkaline
phosphatase (ALP), and vitamin D concentrations
Urine calcium, magnesium, and phosphate.
Treatme nt
Oral calcium therapy (Calcium gluconate, Calcium
carbonate) is preferred in asymptomatic patients and as
follow-up treatment after intravenous (IV) calcium therapy
IV calcium gluconate for tetany and patients having seizures,
critically ill, and pre-operatives.
Oral calcium for postoperative hypoparathyroidism
Oral calcium and vitamin D for chronic hypercalcemia
Ensure that the patient is well hydrated and passing urine
Correction of hypomagnesemia is essential as
hypocalcaemia does not respond until the low magnesium
level is corrected.
IV Calcium gluconate should be given as follows:
o Give calcium gluconate 10 mL of 10% solution IV over 10
min; Calcium infusion drips should be started at 0.5
mg/kg/hr and increased to 2 mg/kg/hr as needed.
o Repeated boluses or a continuous infusion with 20 to 30
mL of 10% calcium gluconate in 1L of 5% D/W over the
next 12 to 24 to may be needed.
o Give bolus of 0.5mL/kg (0.11mmol/kg) of 10% solution in
neonates and children <12 years (Max dose 4.5 mmol
i.e. 20mL of 10% solution). For IV infusion dilute to at least
45 micromol/mL with D5% or 0.9% sodium chloride.
o Oral supplements (Calcium gluconate) may precipitate
NEC in neonates.
In patients with renal failure, give calcitriol or another 1,25(OH)2D.
If the pH and the [H+] are inconsistent, the ABG is probably not
Step 2: Is there alkalemia or acidaemia present?
Acidosis Metabolic& pH ↓ PaCO2 ↓
Alkalosis Respiratory pH ↑ PaCO2 ↓
Alkalosis Metabolic pH ↑ PaCO2 ↑
Airway obstruction
CNS depression
Sleep disordered breathing
Neuromuscular impairment
Ventilatory restriction
Increased CO2 production: shivering, rigors, seizures,
malignant hyperthermia, hypermetabolism, increased intake
of carbohydrates
Incorrect mechanical ventilation settings
Treatme nt
Treatment is dependent on correctly identifying the acid-base
disorder and, whenever possible, repairing the underlying causal
process to maintain serum pH greater than 7.20.
Refere nces
1. Friedman A.L. Paediatric hydration therapy Historical
review and a new approach. Kidney
International (2005) 67, 380–388; doi:10.1111/j.1523-
2. Vellaichamy M. eMedicine. University of Kansas School
of Medicine, Wesley Medical Centre, Updated April 16,
3. Rachel S. Pediatric fluids and electrolytes, Rutgers
University, Saint Barnabas Medical Centre, Sept 27, 2007
4. Kleigman, Behrman, Jenson, Stanton: Nelson Textbook of
Paediatrics. Volume 1. 18th Edition, 2007
5. Sidwell R and Thompson M. Concise Paediatrics.
Concise Paediatrics. 2nd Edition.
6. eMedicine. Hypernatremia. Paediatrics Cardiac Care
and Critical Care Medicine
7. Rose, B.D. and T.W. Post. Clinical physiology of acid-base
and electrolyte disorders, 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill
Medical Publishing Division, c2001.
8. Fidkowski, C And J. Helstrom. Diagnosing metabolic
acidosis in the critically ill: bridging the anion gap,
Stewart and base excess methods. Can J
9. Adrogué, H.J. and N.E. Madias. Management of life-
threatening acid-base disorders—first of two parts. N
Engl J Med 1998;338:26-34.
10. Adrogué, H.J. and N.E. Madias. Management of life-
threatening acid-base disorders—second of two parts. N
Engl J Med 1998;338:107-111.
11. BNF for children 2014-15
Recognition of shock: Cold extremities with capillary refill time >3
second and weak and fast pulse.
Immediate goals [ABCDE]
A: Stabilize the airway, ensure patent using airway adjunct
(e.g. airway positioning, chin tilt head lift, jaw thrust, guedel
A: If severe angioedema, consider severe anaphylaxis as
o Treat as per WHO guidelines: Pocketbook of Hospital
care of children page 108.
B: Provide oxygen by mask (15L high flow) or nasal catheter if
mask unavailable (2 litre/min).
C: Establishment of vascular access
o Two large bore peripheral intravenous catheters should
be established.
o If peripheral access is not readily available, intra-osseous
access should be established.
C: Assess for malnutrition (wasting, peripheral oedema, skin
changes, z-score) and severe anaemia (pallor).
D: Disability (AVPU – Alert/responsive to Voice/responsive to
Pain/Unresponsive) and Do Not Forget Glucose (do RBS and
treat appropriately).
E: Exposure (body temperature, rash).
Weigh the child or estimate the child’s weight using formulas
See flow chart for management of shock on next page and
table for different types of shock.
Fig. xx Management of Shock Flow Chart
Other Children
SAM = Severe Acute Malnutrition, RL = Ringers Lactate, NS = 0.9% Normal Saline, ORS = Oral Rehydration Salts.
Continually reassess with thorough history and clinical examination.
o Start broad spectrum antibiotics within first hour (as per local
o Maintain normothermia (temperature 36.5-37.5C): Keep warm /
give antipyretics
o If blood sugar < 3.0 correct with 10% dextrose 5ml/kg and
recheck after 15 minutes.
o Consider different types of shock (See next page) and treat
o Liaise with senior doctors if not improving
Refractory shock
- If no response to 20mls/kg fluid bolus, carefully administer
second bolus of 20mls/kg.
- If no response to 40mls/kg fluid bolus, then assess for referral to
ICU/higher level hospital, prepare for intubation and start
inotropes with cardiac monitoring
Unless the child is severely anaemic, whole blood transfusion is not
recommended for circulatory shock. Prepare to use inotropes as a first
line when not responding to fluid resuscitation.
TABLE XX. Types of shock
CO = cardiac output, SVR = systemic vascular resistance, HR =
heart rate, BP = blood pressure, CRT = capillary refill time, MS =
mental status, JVD = jugular venous distension
Drug Dose ranges Infusion Preparation Infusion rate
Dopamine Dopamine Body weight in kg x 6 1 ml/h = 1
Dobutamine (3 to 20 = Amount of drug mcg/kg per
mcg/kg/min) (mg) minute
to be added to total (Example: to
volume of 100 ml IV deliver 10
Dobutamine (1 to 20 fluid mcg/kg per
mcg/kg/min) minute, run
infusion at 10
Epinephrine Epinephrine (0.01 to Body weight in kg x 1 ml/h = 0.1
Norepinephrine 1.0 mcg/kg/min) 0.6 = Amount of drug mcg/kg per
Milrinone (mg) minute
to be added to total (Example: to
Norepinephrine volume of 100 ml IV deliver 0.3
(0.01 to 1.0 fluid mcg/kg per
mcg/kg/min minute, run
infusion at
NOTE: Dopamine and epinephrine can be given peripherally at
a maximum dose of range of …. (need to check dose).
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be life
threatening because of airway compromise and circulatory
shock. Common causes include: Antibiotics, vaccines, blood
transfusion and certain foods (e.g. nuts) and medications. There
are associations with other allergic disorders e.g. asthma,
eczema, family history.
Manage via the ABCDE approach (see shock guideline), do not
stop to take a detailed history – early treatment is lifesaving.
Are they
NO breathing? YES
If no improvement
Give IM adrenaline (do not
Repeat same dose of give IV) IMMEDIATELY
adrenaline every 5-15
(see Table XX for doses)
Involve anaesthetics and
prepare for intubation. Further treatment:
Consider inotropes (see -Give 100% oxygen.
shock guideline). - Fluid bolus IV/IO
Escalate to ICU/tertiary (20mls/kg RL/NS)
centre. - Hydrocortisone IV (see
- Nebulised salbutamol for
Table xx. Doses (improve title)
Drugs in anaphylaxis < 6 Mo 6 Mo – 6 Yr 6 – 12 Yrs >12 Yrs
epinephrine IM 300 µg 500 µg
150 µg
(0.3 ml of (0.5ml of
(Repeat every 5 -15 (0.15mls of 1:1000)
1:1000) 1:1000)
mins as needed)
Mouth Itching, nausea, As mild; plus red throat, cough, mild wheeze,
urticaria, conjunctivitis diarrhoea, sweating, tachycardia, pallor.
If any life-threatening signs:- treat as
anaphylaxis urgently.
Remove the precipitating allergen if able
Oral chlorphenamine for 24 hours.
o < 2 years 1 mg BD
o 2-5 years 1mg QID
o 6-11 years 2mg QID
o 12+ years 4mg QID
Oral prednisolone for 3 days.
o 1 mg/kg (max dose 40 mg) OD
Observe for at least 4 hours after treatment before discharge
Safety net advice for parents – warn regarding rebound
allergic symptoms and urgent medical attention if signs of
Refere nces
APLS 6e. Advanced Life Support Group 2017.
Aspirin is used as an analgesic, an antipyretic and an anti-
inflammatory agent.
Clinical signs
Tinnitus, rapid breathing, vomiting, dehydration, fever and
double vision are early signs.
Later signs include drowsiness, confusion, bizarre behaviour,
unsteady walking and coma.
Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
Rhabdomyolysis (dark urine), acute renal failure and
respiratory failure may occur.
Plasma salicylate concentration should be measured in all
patients with suspected toxicity where available.
The acute toxic dose of salicylates is generally considered to
be > 150 mg/kg
Gastrointestinal decontamination: Activated charcoal, 1 g/kg
(max: 50 g) within four hours of potential toxic ingestion
Give IV sodium bicarbonate 8.4 % 1 mmol/kg over 4 hours to
correct acidosis and raise urine pH to above 7.5
Give maintenance IV fluids unless the child shows signs of
Give supplemental potassium: 20-40 mEq/L to the
maintenance fluids used
Monitor blood glucose every 6 hours
Where plasma salicylate concentration is available then
treatment can be given according to Table xxx below:
Table xxx (Title)
Poisoning Mild Moderate Severe
Plasma salicylate < 350 mg/l > 350 mg/l > 700 mg/l
Refere nces
Kliegman R, Stanton B et al; Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics
20th Edition, Elsevier, 2016
Insecticides, rat poison, etc.
CNS effects
Malaise, confusion, delirium, seizures and coma.
Give atropine until heart rate and blood pressure are normal
for age, chest is clear, sweating stops and pupils are dilated
(Full atropinisation).
Pralidoxime [in combination with atropine] at 20-50
mg/kg/dose. Repeat in 1-2 hours if muscle weakness has not
been relieved, then 10 to 12 hours intervals if cholinergic signs
For management of seizures, (refer to seizure management).
Petrol, Kerosene, Lighter Fluid, Paraffin Oil, Diesel Fuel, Lubricating
Oil, Furniture Polishes, Essential oils, Mineral Turpentine
Clinical signs
Transient mild CNS depression, aspiration is characterized by
coughing. Respiratory symptoms may remain mild or may rapidly
progress to respiratory failure. Fever occurs and may persist for as
long as 10 days after aspiration.
Emesis is contraindicated because of the risk of aspiration.
Gastric lavage is also contraindicated.
If hydrocarbon-induced pneumonitis develops, respiratory
treatment is supportive.
Corticosteroids should be avoided, because they are not
effective and may be harmful
Do CXR after 24 hrs if signs of respiratory distress
If Iron from overdosing of antenatal ferrous sulphate drugs
(maternal), ensure to estimate amount of tablets taken….
Clinical features:
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The vomit
and stools are often grey or black.
In severe poisoning, there may be gastrointestinal bleeding,
hypotension, drowsiness, convulsions and metabolic acidosis.
Gastrointestinal features usually appear within the first 6 hr,
and a child who has remained asymptomatic for this time
probably does not require an antidote.
Consider a gastric lavage if potentially toxic amounts of iron
were taken.
Do not give activated charcoal
Decide whether to give the antidote. As this can have side-
effects, it should
be given only if there is clinical evidence of poisoning (see
Start fluid boluses of 20ml/kg of normal saline or ringer’s
lactate as children with iron overload are hypotensive.
Do a chest x-ray in case of iron tablets as they may be seen
If clinical signs are present give deferoxamine, preferably by
slow IV infusion: initially 15 mg/kg/hour, reduced after 4–6 h so
that the total dose does not exceed 80 mg/kg in
24 h. Maximum dose, 6 g/day.
If deferoxamine is given IM: 50 mg/kg every 6 h. Maximum
dose, 6 g/day.
Stop infusion if patient is clinically stable. This is usually within 24
Refere nces
Fiona Jepsen, Mary Ryan. Poisoning in children; Current
Paediatrics, 2005; 15: 563-568.
Paraquat (1,1′-dimethyl-4,4′-dipyridylium) is a broad-spectrum
liquid herbicide associated with both accidental and
nonaccidental ingestion, leading to severe and often fatal
toxicity. It is rapidly but incompletely absorbed and then largely
eliminated unchanged in urine within 12–24 h.
Clinical Features
Clinical features are largely due to intracellular effects. Paraquat
generates reactive oxygen species which cause cellular
damage via lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial damage and
apoptosis in many organs:
Occasional diarrhea.
Paraquat is actively taken up against a concentration
gradient into lung tissue leading to pneumonitis and lung
It also causes pancreatic, renal and liver injury.
Electrolytes, renal and liver function tests, full blood count,
should be done at least daily.
A chest radiograph (if pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax or
lung fibrosis is suspected).
A CT scan of the chest (useful in detecting early lung fibrosis or
assessing long-term damage in survivors).
Amylase and lipase (acute pancreatitis suspected if patients
develop abdominal pain and a raised blood sugar).
Plasma paraquat concentrations
Urine and plasma dithionite tests
Gastric lavage is helpful.
Activated charcoal (1gm/kg of activated charcoal by gastric
tube every 2 hours 3 to 4 doses) routinely given to minimize
further absorption.
Supplemental oxygen should be withheld because oxygen
may contribute to the pulmonary damage, mediated through
lipid peroxidation.
Refere nces
Buckley NA, Karalliedde L, Dawson A, Senanayake N,
Eddleston M. Where is the evidence for treatments used in
pesticide poisoning? Is clinical toxicology fiddling while the
developing world burns? J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 2004;4: 113–6.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is the state of uncontrolled
catabolism associated with insulin deficiency, resulting in
hyperglycaemia (RBS >11mmol/L), osmotic diuresis, and
dehydration and ketonaemia (>3mmol/L) Acidaemia (blood pH
<7.3), significant ketonuria (2+or more or standard urinalysis). It is
the commonest endocrine emergency usually encountered in
previously diagnosed diabetics.
It is caused by increased fatty acid metabolism and the
accumulation of fatty acids due to reduced insulin activity or
deficiency of insulin, an intercurrent illness or it could just be a
new presentation.
Clinical features
Abdominal pain
Ketone smell in the breath
Acidotic breathing/hyperventilation
Unexplained coma
Random glucose
U/E, Creatinine, LFTs
Malaria parasite
Urine m/c/s
Arterial blood gases
Treatme nt
General resuscitation: A, B, C.
Requirement = maintenance + deficit
For a 25kg diabetic patient, fluid is calculated as follows:
Deficit= 10% x 25 = 2.5L =2500mls, to be given over 48 hrs,
therefore 1250mls to be given over 24hrs
Commence potassium immediately unless anuria is suspected or
there are peaked T waves on ECG or the serum potassium is > 7
Add 10 to 20 mmol KCl to every 500 ml intravenous fluids given
for the first 24 hrs.
Soluble insulin e.g. 0.1 IU/kg/hour continuous intravenous infusion.
Average rate of fall of blood glucose must not exceed 5mmol/l
per hour. If the drop in blood sugar is more rapid (>5mmol/l per
hour), dose may be reduced to 0.05 IU/Kg/hour to avoid
cerebral oedema.
Refere nces
David Southall International Child HealthCare. A practical
Manual for Hospitals Worldwide. First Edition, Book power
2003. Pages 213- 216. UK.
Severe adrenocortical insufficiency resulting in peripheral
shutdown, cyanosis, tachycardia, tachypnoea, hypotension,
drowsiness and coma. It can be fatal if not quickly recognised
and urgently treated.
It may be due to several processes e.g.
o Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
o Congenital adrenal hypoplasia
o Adrenoleukodystrophy
o Acute haemorrhagic destruction of both adrenal glands
in previously well children due to sepsis especially
o Rapid withdrawal of steroids
o Autoimmune process (Addison’s disease)
o Tuberculosis
o Birth Asphyxia
o Hypopituitarism
Clinical Features
Weight loss
Signs of shock
Meningococcaemia-high fever, rash (petechiae,
ecchymoses, purpura, dermal gangrene, neck stiffness
TB-weight loss, fever, cough,, night sweats, reduced appetite
with positive history of TB contact
Random glucose (hypoglycaemia)
Urinalysis (ketosis)
ECG (Hyperkalaemia)
Serum Cortisol - <3µg/dL in the morning (09.00) defines low
ACTH- often high
U/Es (Hyponatraemia, Hyperkalaemia), Creatinine – (GFR
Aldosterone - levels are often normal
Urinary Na and Cl increased, K is decreased
Abdominal U/S, CT scan, MRI - size of adrenal glands
CXR- miliary picture or opacities suggestive of TB
Gene Xpert
Treatme nt
Circulation – correct shock with normal saline at 20 mls/kg,
then correct dehydration
Treat hypoglycaemia
Normal saline to correct salt deficit.
Hydrocortisone 8mg/kg start then
Hydrocortisone 4mg/kg 6 hourly daily maintenance
Treat underlying cause
Note: Dexamethasone has no mineralocorticoid activity and so
should not be used to treat adrenal crisis
Refere nces
CCF is a clinical syndrome in which the heart:
Is unable to pump enough blood to the body to meet its
Is unable to dispose of venous return adequately,
OR a combination of the two.
Diagnosis of CCF relies mainly on clinical findings and no single
test is specific.
Aetiolo gy
CCF may result from congenital or acquired heart diseases with
volume and/ pressure overload or from myocardial insufficiency.
Table XX
Cause Example/s
1. Cardiac
A. Congenital
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
B. Acquired
Endocardial/Valvular disease e.g.
Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD)
Myocardial diseases e.g. Viral
myocarditis, Dilated
cardiomyopathies, hypertrophic
Pericardial diseases e.g. TB pericarditis
2. Extracardiac
Pulmonary diseases e.g. Pulmonary hypertension,
Severe pneumonia especially in neonate
Systemic hypertension
Metabolic disorders e.g. Electrolyte imbalances, hypoglycaemia
Endocrine e.g. Thyroid disease
Drugs e.g. antineoplastic
The diagnosis is based on:
History: Poor feeding, FTT, Difficulties in breathing, poor weight
gain, easy fatiguability in older children.
Examination: tachypnoea, tachycardia, hepatomegaly, +/-
Cardiac murmurs, oedema in older children.
Investigations: FBC, U&Es, Serum Creatinine,
Echocardiography, Chest x-ray and ECG.
Drug t herapy
The cornerstones of management are:
Preload reduction: Diuretics e.g. Frusemide
Afterload reduction: ACEIs (Captopril, Enalapril),
Inotropes: digoxin (stable patient), Dobutamine/dopamine
(Severe CCF)
β-blockers e.g. Carvedilol (used in chronic heart failure state
typically in dilated cardiomyopathies)
Dosages Table XX
Drug Route Dosage
Frusemide IV 1mg/kg/dose, 2-3 times a day
1-2mg/kg/dose, 1-3 times a day
Spironolactone Oral 1-2mg/kg/dose, 1-2 times a day
Hydrochlorothiazide Oral 2-4 mg/kg/day in 2 – 3 divided
Digoxin Oral 0.02 - 0.05 mg/kg OD PO
Captopril Oral 0.1-0.5mg/kg Divided 8hourly,
max. dose 0.6mg/Kg
Enalapril Oral 0.1mg/Kg divided OD or BD,
Max. dose 0.5mg/kg/day
Carvedilol Oral 0.08 mg/kg 12 hourly, if tolerated
increase by 0.08 mg/kg every 1-2
weeks to a maximum 0.50mg/kg
12 hourly.
Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever is done according to the
modified 2015 Jones criteria. Has defined high risk population
recognizing variability in clinical presentation and had included
Echocardiography as a tool to diagnose cardiac involvement
(for subclinical carditis). (Zambia is in a high-risk category).
Treat the illness
1. Benzathine penicillin injection stat or oral penicillin for ten
2. Relieve symptoms
o Bed rest
o Relief of arthritis, pain and fever
o Treat chorea (if severe)
o Anti- heart failure medication (see table 2 above)
o Carbamazepine 7–20 mg/kg/day (7–10 mg/kg day
usually sufficient) given TDS PO until chorea is controlled
for at least 2 weeks, then trial off medication
o Valproic acid Usually 15–20 mg/kg/day (can increase to
30 mg/kg/day) given TDS PO until chorea is controlled
for at least 2 weeks, then trial off medication.
o Phenobarbitone, Haloperidol and Chlorpromazine can
be used when above not available.
Phenoxymeth 250mg Oral Once daily
(Pen V)
Following documented penicillin allergy
Erythromycin 250mg Oral Twice daily
Rheumatic hear disease (RHD) is includes a spectrum of lesions
from pericarditis, myocarditis, and valvulitis during ARF, to
chronic valvular lesions that evolve over years following one or
more episodes of ARF.
Treatme nt of RH D
o Prevent ARF (Elimination GAS pharyngitis as above)
o Supportive treatment for CCF (as above)
o Prevent recurrent ARF in children with RHD (see
secondary prophylaxis above)
o Monitoring for the complications and sequelae of
chronic RHD.
o Indicated in patients with persistent CCF OR
o Worsening after aggressive medical therapy for RHD to
decrease valve insufficiency/regurgitation.
Infective endocarditis (IE) is defined as an infection of the
endocardial surface of the heart (heart valves and mural
endocardium) by microorganisms (mainly bacteria) hence also
called bacterial endocarditis.
Risk factors
Congenital heart disease especially Cyanotic CHD
Rheumatic heart disease
Prosthetic heart valve
History of endocarditis
IV drug use or chronic IV access
Immunocompromised (HIV, diabetes)
Classificatio n
1. Acute infective endocarditis
Caused by virulent organisms, like S. aureus, enterococci
and streptococcus, which are harmful even on healthy
endocardium. Onset of disease is stormy with high grade
fever and causes destructive lesions on the endocardium
like ulcerations, perforation, regurgitation and ring abscesses
especially around prosthetic valves.
A fever with new/or changing murmur is IE until proven otherwise.
Abscess OR
Treatme nt
Drugs Dosage Duration Remarks
1st Line Crystalline Penicillin (X Pen) Then,
50-100,000 IU/kg in 4 divided 4 weeks Ciprofloxacin
doses/day 15mg/kg/day in 2
And, Gentamicin divided doses for 2
3-5mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided
Ceftriaxone 80- Then,
100mg/kg/day 1-2 times 4 weeks Ciprofloxacin
daily/day 15mg/kg/day in 2
And, Gentamicin 3- divided doses for 2
5mg/kg/day 2-3 divided weeks
2nd Line Vancomycin 30- Then,
40mg/kg/day in 4 divided 4 weeks Ciprofloxacin
doses 15mg/kg/day in 2
And, Gentamicin divided doses for 2
3-5mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided weeks
Hypertension: Systolic and/or diastolic pressure levels greater
than the 95th percentile for age and gender on at least three
occasions. BP readings of 5mmHg or more above the 99th
centile values are considered as severe hypertension.
Pre-hypertension: average systolic or diastolic blood pressure
between the 90th and 95th percentiles for age and gender.
Cardiovascular Coarctation of the aorta
Conditions with large stroke volume [PDA, aortic
insufficiency, system A-V fistula, complete heart
block]. These conditions cause only systolic
Routine and special laboratory tests and t heir
Routine Laboratory Tests Significance of Abnormal Results
Urinalysis, urine culture, urea Renal parenchymal disease
Creatinine, uric acid
Serum electrolyte Hyperaldosteronism 1° or 2°, Adrenogenital
(hypokalaemia) syndrome, renin producing tumours
ECG, CXR, ECHO Cardiac causes e.g. coarctation of the aorta
Specialised tests
IVU, US KIDNEY, CT scan Renal parenchymal disease, renovascular
disease, tumours (neuroblastoma, Wilms)
Plasma renin activity High-renin hypertension
Renovascular disease
Renin-producing tumours
Some Cushing’s syndrome
Some essential hypertension
Low-renin hypertension
Adrenogenital syndrome
Primary hyperaldosteronism
24-hr urine collection for 17- Cushing’s syndrome, adrenogenital
ketosteroids and 17- syndrome
24-hr urine collection for Pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma
catecholamine levels and
Aldosterone Hyperaldosteronism, primary or secondary
renovascular disease, renin-production
Renal vein plasma renin Unilateral renal parenchymal disease,
activity renovascular hypertension
Abdominal aortogram Renovascular hypertension, abdominal CoA,
unilateral renal parenchymal disease,
As most of the causes of hypertension in children are secondary,
the ultimate aim of treatment, in addition to general measures
and pharmacological therapy should be to remove the cause of
hypertension whenever possible: e.g coarctation repair or renal
artery balloon angioplasty or surgery for renovascular disease.
Pharmacologic measures:
Whom to treat
Symptomatic hypertension and severe hypertension
Prehypertension in presence of comorbid conditions, such as
chronic kidney disease or diabetes mellitus
Hypertensive children with diabetes mellitus or other risk CVD
factors, such as dyslipidaemia
Hypertensive target-organ damage, most often left ventricular
hypertrophy (LVH)
For essential hypertension (without any evidence of target-
organ damage) that persists despite a trial of four to six
months of nonpharmacologic therapy.
Antihypertensive drugs
Secondary hypertension is the commonest cause of
hypertension in children and the treatment of the underlying
medical conditions influences the choice of specific class of
antihypertensive drugs.
In children with chronic kidney disease, we suggest that ACE
inhibitors be used as the initial antihypertensive agent. In
patients who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-
receptor blockers (ARBs) are a reasonable alternative.
In adolescents with primary HTN without target-organ
damage, we suggest that low-dose thiazide diuretic therapy
be used as the first antihypertensive agent
In children with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, we
suggest that ACE inhibitors be used as the initial
antihypertensive agent. In patients who cannot tolerate ACE
inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) are a
reasonable alternative.
Diuretics are the cornerstone of antihypertensive drug therapy
in essential hypertension and are not used in patients with
renal failure. Their action is related to a decrease in
extracellular and plasma volume.
ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in obstructive lesions like
bilateral renal artery stenosis, aortic stenosis and coarctation
of the aorta.
If the first drug is not effective, a second drug may be added to,
or substituted for, the first drug, starting with a small dose and
proceeding to full dose.
Step 3
Propranolol 1-3mg/kg/day 2-3 times per daily
Atenolol 1-2mg/kg/day Once daily
ACE inhibitors
Captopril 0.3-0.5mg/kg/dose 3 times per day
(max 6mg/Kg/day)
Enalapril 0.08-0.6mg/kg/day 1-2 times per day
Lisinopril 0.07-0.6mg/kg/day Once daily
Losartan 0.7-1.4mg/kg/day Once daily
Hydrochlorothiazide 1-2mg/kg/day Once daily
Furosemide [lasix] 0.5- 2mg/kg/dose 1-2 times per day
Spironolactone 1-3mg/kg/day 1-2 times per day
The dose may be
repeated at 4-6 to 6-
hours interval.
Nitroprusside 1-3µg/kg per min as IV drip
Labetalol 0.2-2mg/kg/hour IV drip Alpha and beta
Diazoxide 3-5mg/kg as IV bolus
Furosemide 1mg/kg IV bolus To initiate diuresis
(*Fluid balance must be controlled carefully, so intake is limited to urine
output plus insensible loss. Seizures may be treated with slow intravenous
infusion of diazepam [Valium], 0.2 mg/kg or another anticonvulsant
medication. When a hypertensive crisis is under control, oral medications
replace the parenteral medications.)
Also called hypoxic spell or “tet” spell occurs in young infants
with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). It consists of hyperpnoea (i.e. rapid
and deep respiration) worsening cyanosis and the
disappearance of the heart murmur.
This occasionally, if not treated, results in complication of the
central nervous system and even death.
Step by ste p appro ach to a hype rcyanotic spell
If cyanosis persists
Cyanosis persists?
Treatme nt
Using the knee-chest position and holding the baby traps
systemic venous blood in the leg thereby decreasing the
systemic venous return and helping to calm the baby. The
knee-chest position may also increase SVR by reducing
arterial blood flow through the femoral arteries.
Morphine sulphate, at 0.2 mg/kg administered SC, IM or IV
suppresses the respiratory centre and abolishes hyperpnoea.
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) at 1 mmol/l IV. Corrects
acidosis and eliminates the respiratory centre–stimulating
effect of acidosis. The same dose can be repeated in 10 to 15
Administration of oxygen may improve arterial oxygen
saturation a little.
Vasoconstrictors such as phenylephrine at 0.02 mg/kg IV raise
Ketamine at 1 to 3 mg/kg given over 1 minute is a good drug
to use since it simultaneously increases the SVR and sedates
the patient. Both effects are known to terminate the spell.
Propranolol at 0.01 to 0.25 mg IV slowly has been used
successfully in some cases both acute or chronic. Its
mechanism of action is not entirely clear. When administered
for acute cases propranolol may reduce the spam of the RV
outflow tract and slow the heart rate. The successful use of
propranolol in the prevention of hypoxic spell is more likely the
result of the drugs peripheral action. It may stabilize vascular
reactivity of the systemic arteries thereby preventing a sudden
decrease in the SVR.
Oral propranolol therapy at 2 to 6 mg/kg/day in three to four
divided doses may be used to prevent recurrence of hypoxic
spell and delay corrective surgical procedures in high risk
o Physicians should recognize and treat hypoxic spells. It is
important to educate parents to recognize the spell and
what to do.
o Maintenance of good dental hygiene and antibiotic
prophylaxis against SBE are important
o Relative iron-deficiency anemia should be detected
and treated. Anaemic children are more susceptible to
CVA. Normal Hb or HCT or decreased RBC indices
indicate iron- deficiency anaemia in cyanotic patients.
Refere nces:
1. Guest lecture by Dr. John starling Red Cross Children’s
2. Park’s Paediatric Cardiology for Practitioners by Myung K
Park, 6th edition
3. World Heart Federation training manual for RF/RHD
4. Management of polycythaemia in adults with congenital
cyanotic heart disease. S A Thorne; Heart 1998; 79; 315-316
5. Cardiology by Neil R Grubb David E Newby; second edition
6. 6. Essence of Paediatrics; Third edition
Stridor is a harsh noise during inspiration, which is due to narrowing
of the airway from the oropharynx, glottis and the trachea. It
usually occurs in inspiration but may occur in expiration.
Clinical Presentation
Low grade fever and coryzal symptoms are followed over 12–
24 h by a harsh, barking cough
Stridor is most evident when the child is upset or agitated
Respiratory distress of varying degrees
Usually, resolves spontaneously over a 3-4 day period
Croup is a clinical diagnosis
Neck x-rays are unnecessary unless the diagnosis is in doubt
Important differential diagnoses
o Acute epiglottitis
o Bacterial tracheitis
o Foreign body inhalation
o Anaphylaxis
o Retropharyngeal abscess
Table XXX. Assessment of severity
Sign Mild croup Moderate croup Severe croup
Stridor Only when At rest Severe, biphasic
Recession Mild subcostal Moderate Use of accessory
tracheal tug muscles
Level of Restless when Anxious, agitated Lethargic, drowsy
consciousness disturbed
Keep the child on the mother’s lap and handle gently
Do not attempt to forcefully examine the oropharynx
See flow chart below:
Assess level of
Ca ut ion
Refere nces
Cherry J.A. Croup. NEMJ 2008, January, 358; 4: 385-391
Epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis. The epiglottis closes
the airway during swallowing. Epiglottitis is a medical emergency
that may result in death if not treated quickly due to rapid
airway obstruction.
The incidence of epiglottitis due to Haemophilus influenza has
reduced due to Hib vaccine in the Extended program on
Treatment of patients with epiglottitis is directed to relieving the
airway obstruction and eradicating the infectious agent.
Keep the child calm in a seated or leaning forward position,
and provide humidified blow-by oxygen, with close
monitoring. Avoid laying the child in supine position.
Avoid examining the throat if the signs are typical, to avoid
precipitating obstruction.
Elective intubation is the best treatment if there is severe
obstruction but may be very difficult due to severe swelling;
consider the need for surgical intervention to ensure airway
Give IV antibiotics when the airway is safe: ceftriaxone at 80
mg/kg once daily for 5 days.
Give Paracetamol 15mg/kg qid or Ibuprofen 10mg/kg tds
when airway is secure.
Children are usually at high risk due to the tendency of inhaling
small objects. The foreign body usually lodges in a bronchus
(more often in the right) and can cause collapse or cause
consolidation of the portion of lung distal to the site of blockage.
Choking is a frequent initial symptom. Objects such as fish bones
can lodge in the larynx, causing stridor or wheeze. Sometimes
the chocking may be followed by a symptom-free interval of
days or weeks before the child presents with persistent wheeze,
chronic cough or pneumonia, which fails to respond to
A large object lodged in the larynx can cause death from
asphyxia, unless it can be dislodged, or an emergency
tracheostomy be done.
Inhalation of a foreign body should be considered in a child with
the following:
sudden onset of choking, coughing or wheezing; or
segmental or lobar pneumonia that fails to respond to
antibiotic therapy.
Examine the child for:
o unilateral wheeze
o an area of decreased breath sounds that is either dull or
hyper-resonant on percussion
o deviation of the trachea or apex beat.
Obtain a chest X-ray at full expiration to detect an area of
hyperinflation or collapse, mediastinal shift (away from the
affected side) or a foreign body if it is radiopaque.
Treatme nt
Emergency first aid for the choking child: Attempt to dislodge
and expel the foreign body. The management depends on the
age of the child.
For infants:
a) Lay the infant in a head-down position
on one of your arms or on your thigh.
b) Strike the middle of the infant’s back five
times with the heel of your hand.
c) If the obstruction persists, turn the infant
over and give five firm chest thrusts with
two fingers on the lower half of the
d) If the obstruction persists, check the
infant’s mouth for any obstruction that
Adapted from WHO
can be removed
pocketbook of care
e) If necessary, repeat this sequence with for children in hospital,
2nd ed, 2013
back slaps.
Refere nces
Escobar ML, Needleman J. Stridor. Pediatrics in Review.
Wheezing is a common presentation in young children. Diagnosis
and treatment of these children can be challenging, as arriving
at a final diagnosis often requires a process of exclusion
Without a clear diagnosis, a correct treatment approach is not
possible, and a diagnosis may become more certain depending
on the treatment response.
Figure x. Algorithmic approach to young children presenting with wheeze.
*Therapeutic benefit from asthma medications is poor for those 1-2 years of
age and usually absent in the first year; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids
Table xx Summary of the most common wheezing conditions in young children (continues on next page)
Condition Estimated Clinical signs Investigation Expected Management
incidence in clinical course
Viral wheezing (these Very common, Wheeze No specific 60% will Trial salbutamol if >1 year
include a spectrum of especially in the associated with investigations outgrow of age and continue
viral LRTIs that are not first 2 years of life respiratory tract Nasal samples sent for wheeze by 6 only if effective
always clearly 50% of children infections virology usually do not years Supportive care involving
separated e.g. viral will have at least May be singular or change clinical A further 15% monitoring adequate
LRTI/recurrent viral- one wheezing recurrent management but acquire fluid intake (>50% of usual
induced episode Bronchiolitis (usually isolation of RSV in infants wheezing after intake) and for signs of
wheeze/bronchiolitis – in children <2 is highly suggestive of 6 years increasing respiratory
management of years) manifests bronchiolitis After 7–8 years, distress
episodes is identical and with fine crackles only 1 in 5 will
the distinction is +/– wheeze on outgrow it
sometimes arbitrary) auscultation
wheeze at night or
with exercise)
Table xx Summary of the most common wheezing conditions in young children (continued)
Airway malacia (airways 1 in 2100 Usually present Bronchoscopy usually Majority Treatment rarely required
floppiness): either soon after the diagnostic but not outgrow it by
tracheomalacia or neonatal period necessary in most age 2 years If there are worsening
bronchomalacia with wheeze, cases symptoms or failure to
stridor, cough and Secondary thrive, specialist referral is
rattling; children PBB can indicated
are usually well occur,
and often labelled presumably
as ‘happy from poor
wheezers’ cough
Protracted bacterial Probably Chronic wet Bronchoscopy may Majority 2–6 week course of
bronchitis (PBB) common, but cough (typically >4 assist diagnosis, but resolve with 1– antibiotics:
exact weeks). usually unnecessary 2 courses of
incidence Concurrent antibiotics commonly
unknown wheeze and/or Radiological findings amoxicillin/clavulanic
rattly breathing is usually normal or non- acid (approximately 20
common specific mg/kg/dose twice daily)
Is it asthma or viral wheeze? Which children outgrow this
Key po ints
Determining the cause of wheeze in young children can be
difficult and sometimes is determined only following a trial of
Parents’ description of wheeze can be inaccurate and often
needs elaboration or confirmation with impersonation or
video recordings.
Asthma is very common but other causes are also common
and worth considering in the event of poor efficacy of asthma
A diagnosis of protracted bacterial bronchitis should be
considered for children with >4 weeks of continuous wet
Bronchiolitis is a clinical diagnosis, based on history and
examination. It typically begins with an acute upper respiratory
tract infection followed by onset of respiratory distress and fever.
Illness usually resolves without intervention in 7 – 10 days, with
peak severity two to three days post onset.
History should include:
Table xx. Examination
When to admit
When assessing a child in a secondary care setting, admit them
to hospital if they have any of the following:
apnoea (observed or reported)
persistent oxygen saturation of less than 92% when breathing
inadequate oral fluid intake (50–75% of usual volume, taking
account of risk factors (and using clinical judgement)
persisting severe respiratory distress, for example grunting,
marked chest recession, or a respiratory rate of over 70
Risk factors for se vere disease
gestational age less than 37 weeks
chronological age at presentation less than 10 weeks
chronic lung disease
congenital heart disease
chronic neurological conditions
failure to thrive
Trisomy 21
post-natal exposure to cigarette smoke
breast fed for less than 2 months
Consider cardiac disease presenting with congestive cardiac
failure in infants with no precipitating viral illness, hypoxia out of
proportion to severity of respiratory disease and/or presence of
abnormal or unequal peripheral pulses, cardiac murmur or
Investigations are not routinely recommended. Chest X-rays may
lead to unnecessary antibiotic treatment. The primary treatment
of bronchiolitis is supportive. This involves ensuring appropriate
oxygenation and maintenance of hydration.
Seek urgent paediatric critical care advice for infants with any of
the following:
significant or recurrent apnoea
persistent desaturations
severe disease who are failing to improve with initial treatment
Table xx. Initial management (continues on next page)
The main treatment of bronchiolitis is supportive.
This involves ensuring appropriate oxygenation and fluid intake, and minimal handling
Likelihood Suitable for discharge Likely admission, may be able to be Requires admission and consider
of admission discharged after a period of need for transfer to an appropriate
Consider risk factors
observation children’s
Management should be discussed facility/PICU
with a local senior physician Threshold for referral is
determined by local capacity but
should be early
Observations Adequate assessment in ED prior to One to two Hourly (not continuous) Hourly with continuous
Vital signs discharge (minimum of two cardiorespiratory (including
Once improving and not requiring
(respiratory rate, recorded measurements or every oximetry) monitoring and close
oxygen for 2 hours discontinue
heart rate, four hours) nursing observation
oxygen saturation monitoring
O2 saturations,
Table xx. Initial management (continued)
Hydration/nutrition Small frequent feeds If not feeding adequately (less If not feeding adequately
than 50% over 12 hours), (less than 50% over 12 hours), or
administer NG hydration unable to feed, administer NG
Table xx. Initial management (continued)
Disposition/ Consider further medical review if Decision to admit should be Consider escalation if severity does
escalation early in the illness and any risk supported by clinical assessment not improve.
factors are present or if child (including risk factors), social and
Consider ICU review/ admission or
develops increasing severity after geographical factors, and phase
transfer to local centre with
discharge of illness
paediatric HDU/ICU capacity if:
Severity does not improve
Persistent desaturations
Significant or recurrent
apnoea associated with
Has risk factors
Parental Provide advice on the expected Provide advice on the expected Provide advice on the expected
education course of illness and when to return course of illness and when to return course of illness
(worsening symptoms and inability (worsening symptoms and inability
to feed adequately) to feed adequately)
Oxyge n and respiratory support
Administer oxygen for children with saturations persistently below
the target oxygen saturations (SpO2) ≥92%
Continuous pulse oximetry is recommended for hypoxic infants
or unstable infants receiving oxygen.
When to refer
Immediately refer children with bronchiolitis for emergency
hospital care if they have any of the following:
apnoea (observed or reported)
child looks seriously unwell
severe respiratory distress, for example grunting, marked chest
recession, or a respiratory rate of over 70 breaths/minute
central cyanosis
persistent oxygen saturation of less than 92% when breathing
difficulty with breastfeeding or inadequate oral fluid intake
(50–75% of usual volume, taking account of risk factors and
using clinical judgement)
clinical dehydration.
When to discharge
Consider discharge for the following infants:
is clinically stable
has maintained oxygen saturation over 92% in air for 4 hours,
including a period of sleep.
feeding adequately
parent/caregiver can safely manage the infant at home
(consider time of day, parent/carer comprehension and
compliance, access to transport and distance to the local
Refere nces
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from 7 to 19 years of age. Pediatrics 2013;132:e435–42.
Search PubMed
Johnston SL, Pattemore PK, Sanderson G, et al. Community
study of role of viral infections in exacerbations of asthma in
9–11 year old children. BMJ 1995;310:1225–29. Search
Johnston NW, Johnston SL, Duncan JM, et al. The September
epidemic of asthma exacerbations in children: a search for
etiology. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:132–38. Search
Bizzintino J, Lee WM, Laing IA, et al. Association between
human rhinovirus C and severity of acute asthma in children.
Eur Respir J 2011;37:1037–42. Search PubMed
Khetsuriani N, Kazerouni NN, Erdman DD, et al. Prevalence of
viral respiratory tract infections in children with asthma. J
Allergy Clin Immunol 2007;119:314–21. Search PubMed
< 50/min > 50/ min
2-5 years Variable
< 30/min > 30/ min
> 5 years
Expiratory and
Wheeze Expiratory Silent chest
Speaking with
Speech Normal Unable to speak
Level of Fully
Agitated Confused
consciousness conscious
Table XX . Manage ment
Mild to Moderate Severe exacerbation Life-threatening
exacerbation asthma
Salbutamol High flow Oxygen Admit to PICU and
4-10 puffs via MDI 5-10 L/min. treat as for severe
and spacer every 20 Salbutamol as for mild exacerbation
minutes for one hour to moderate
then every 30 minutes exacerbation
to 4 hourly, In addition:
IV hydrocortisone SC adrenaline
Discharge if
4 mg/kg 6 hourly 1:1000
0.01 mg/kg
(Max 0.5 mg)
IV aminophylline
Otherwise admit
5 mg/kg stat over
and continue with
20 min, then If not improving,
regular salbutamol
infusion at 1 Prepare for
mg/kg/hour intubation and
Admit to PICU
Regular reviews
Footnote on
and adrenaline
NOTE. Aminophylline and adrenaline should never be used as
first line treatment for acute exacerbation of asthma, except in
situations where no better alternative is available.
Refere nces
British Thoracic Society. Management of Asthma
Guidelines, April 2004.
Papadopoulos NG and Kalobatson A. Respiratory viruses in
childhood asthma. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol, 2007; 7(1)
Tomlinson R. Postcard from Africa: Hospital management of
asthma. Arch dis child, 2002; 87:356
AL-Hajjaj MS. Bronchial asthma in developing countries: A
major social and and economic burden. Annals of Thoracic
Medicine, April-June 2008, vol 3, 2:39
Fischer GB and Camargos PAM. Paediatric asthma
management in developing countries. Paediatric respiratory
reviews, 2002, 3: 285-291
Busse VW and Lemanske RF. Asthma. New Engl Jour of Med,
February 2001, Number 5, vol 344:350-362
GINA. Global strategy for asthma management and
prevention. Updated 2018 report.
Pneumonia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in
developing countries
Both bacteria and viruses are important causes of pneumonia
Clinical presentation
Fever >38.50 C
Tachypnoea, tachycardia
Subcostal and intercostal recession
Abdominal pain (referred pleural pain)
Indications for admission
Cyanosis, Sp O2 < 92%
Increased respiratory rate
Subcostal recession
Intermittent apnoea, grunting (infants)
Poor feeding
Restlessness or agitation
Signs of dehydration
Unconscious or lethargic
Capillary refill time >3 seconds
Chest x-ray
Urea, electrolytes (may have hyponatremia owing to possible
SIADH), and creatinine
Blood culture
If able to produce good sputum (send for gene xpert)
Nasopharyngeal aspirates (send for gene xpert)
Arterial blood gases (if available)
General measures
o Oxygen by nasal cannula or mask
o IV fluids if required should be < 2/3 of requirements (risk
of SIADH in hypoxic children)
o Antipyretic and analgesia as indicated
o Monitor vital signs
Antibiotics therapy
o 0-3 months
Benzyl penicillin 50,000 IU/kg/dose every 6 hours and
gentamicin 7.5 mg OD or BD (in divided doses)
o More than 3 months
Benzyl penicillin 50,000 IU/kg/dose every 6 hours
o Ceftriaxone (50-80 mg/kg/dose OD) or cefotaxime (50
mg/kg QDS) should be considered if no improvement
within 48 hours
o In infants with HIV infection or exposure, PCP therapy
with high dose IV/PO cotrimoxazole (20 mg/kg/day of
trimethoprim) should be included
o In suspected staphylococcus pneumonia, add IV
o Macrolides should be considered in school-going
children and adolescents who do not improve on 1 st line
1 month – 2 years: 125 mg QID
2 – 8 years: 250 mg QID
8 – 18 years: 250-500 mg QID
6 months-2years: 10 mg/kg OD
3 – 7 years: 200 mg
8 – 11 Years: 300 mg
12 – 14 years: 400 mg
>14 years: 500 mg
Refere nces
British Thoracic Society Guidelines on the management of
community-acquired pneumonia in childhood. Thorax 2002;
WHO. Management of children with pneumonia and HIV in
low resource settings. Report on consultative meeting
Harare, Zimbabwe, 30-31 January 2003. Geneva
WHO. Hospital care for children. Guidelines for the
management of common illnesses in low resource settings.
2005. Geneva
Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership in association with
partners in paediatrics Paediatric Guidelines. 2016-18.
General physical examination
Check vital signs- for signs of increased intracranial pressure(
bradycardia, hypertension, respiratory rate/pattern (Cheyne
stokes breathing)- Cushing triad
Head – Full AF
Eyes – Pupillary size and reaction to light and position (CN III,IV
and VI palsies)
Neck – Rigidity
Odour – Metabolic disorders, poisoning
Abdomen – Enlarged liver associated with hypoglycaemia
Skin – Rash, trauma, haemorrhage
Degree of coma
This can be measured using:
Glasgow Coma Scale
> 1 Year < 1 year Score
Spontaneously Spontaneously 4
To verbal command To shout 3
To pain To pain 2
No response No response 1
Obeys Spontaneous 6
Localises pain Localises pain 5
Flexion withdrawal Flexion withdrawal 4
Flexion-abnormal (decorticate rigidity) Flexion-abnormal (decorticate rigidity) 3
Extension (decerebrate rigidity) Extension (decerebrate rigidity) 2
No response No response 1
> 5 years 2 – 5 years 0 – 23 Months
Oriented Appropriate words / phrases Smiles/ cools appropriately 5
Disoriented/confused Inappropriate words Cries and is consolable 4
Inappropriate words Persistent cries and screams Persistent inappropriate crying and/or 3
Incomprehensible sounds Grunts Grunts, agitated, and restless 2
No response No response No response 1
Blood glucose
Malaria parasite slide/RDT
FBC, Renal function tests, Electrolytes (calcium, phosphate,
Mg), blood culture,
Urine toxicology
CSF studies (if not contraindicated)
Imaging studies
o X-rays in order to localise infection ( e.g. Chest x-ray to
r/o disseminated TB)
o Neuro-imaging based on clinical findings and
judgement .
Pay meticulous attention to Airway, Breathing, Circulation and
Check RBS (if not available, give 5mls/kg of 10% dextrose IV)
Treat for raised ICP, if present- See next chapter
Nursing care (skin care, oral hygiene, eye care, feeds, fluid
Further treatment depends on the provisional diagnosis
Refere nces
Behrman RE et al. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18 th edition,
2007, Saunders, Elsevier
James HE. Emergency of acute coma in children, Pubmed,
1993 Sep 1; 48(3):473-8
Donald AT. Coma in the Pediatric Patient: Evaluation and
Management. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 61,
Number 1, 13-26
Pearl PL. Neuro-logic: A primer on localisation, 2014, Demos
Medical Publishing, New York.
Intracranial pressure (ICP) is the pressure within the cranium
and is measured in mm Hg. Normal values are 5-15 mmHg.
Intracranial hypertension (or raised ICP) is defined as sustained
ICP levels above 20mmHg.
Traumatic Brain Injury, with mass effect
Large vessel ischemic stroke (Carotid or MCA occlusion)
Cytotoxic cerebral oedema with mass effect.
Intracranial haemorrhage with mass effect.
Diffuse cerebral oedema(hepatic failure,
Jugular venous obstruction or elevated right sided cardiac
venous pressure
Brain neoplasms causing mass effect or vasogenic oedema
Idiopathic oedema
Focused history
Pain/vomiting with Nausea
valsalva manoeuvres Vomiting
Examinatio n
Papilledema in awake patients(may proceed to stupor and
coma over time)
Bradycardia, hypertension and cheyne stokes breathing in
comatose patients.
Papillary dilation, extensor or flexor posturing and Cheyne
stokes breathing, as a result of acute stupor or coma
Nuchal rigidity
Retinal haemorrhages
Bulging fontanel and sun-setting eyes in infants
CN III (often ipsilateral anisocoria), IV, or VI palsies (VI very
Refere nce
abnormality on neurologic exam
concern for other neurologic disorders
Laboratory testing should be performed based upon
individual clinical circumstances.
Serum glucose, sodium, calcium and magnesium in particular
should be considered if concern for electrolyte abnormalities
per history
Toxicology screening should be considered in any paediatric
patient if any question of drug exposure or substance abuse
EEG should be considered in cases of first time seizure to
assess for underlying epileptiform abnormalities and determine
risk of future seizures (e.g. diagnosis of epilepsy) when the
study is feasible to obtain and clinical management is in
question. Findings should be interpreted with the clinical
history to make a determination if the child has epilepsy. A
normal study does not exclude epilepsy. EEG testing is not
necessary to diagnose epilepsy or initiate antiepileptic
Emergent neuro-imaging should be obtained in any child with
o persistent unresponsiveness
o Lack of return to baseline within a few hours
o Persistent Todd’s paresis (transient weakness or paralysis
of part or all of the body after a focal-onset seizure) that
is not resolving within a few hours.
Significant cognitive or motor impairment without known
Other unexplained abnormality on neurological exam
particularly if unresponsiveness to AED treatment or
progressively worsening development is noted.
A diagnosis of epilepsy should be made if:
A child with 1 unprovoked seizure presents with
o an abnormal EEG
o structural abnormality on neuro-imaging
o clear neurologic abnormality on examination suggestive
of an underlying neurologic abnormality as the risk of
seizure recurrence within a 10 year period is estimated as
being higher than 60%.
A child has 2 or more unprovoked seizures greater than 24
hours apart.
If epilepsy is diagnosed, consideration for antiepileptic treatment
should be made based upon the clinical circumstances,
All children should be followed up after the first unprovoked
seizure to see if there have been any recurrent events and
reassess for risk of epilepsy, even if EEG and other evaluations
were normal.
First unprovoked seizure
Investigate for other
clinical causes,
Assess for risk of epilepsy by clinical including non-
evaluation and available diagnostic convulsive status
testing (EEG and if indicated non urgent epilepticus (see
neuroimaging) status epilepticus
protocol )
Treatme nt
Focal, generalised,
mixed, or unable to
determine seizure
type? Focal Generalised, mixed,
or unable to
determine seizure
Focal Generalised, mixed,
or unable to
determine seizure
1) CBZ 1) VPA
2) VPA 2) PB (caution if
3) LVT behavioural
4) PB (caution if disorder)
1) CBZ 1) PB
2) PB 2) LVT
3) LVT 3) VPA (Risk with
metabolic dz)
Refere nces
Hirtz, D, Ashwal, S, Berg, A, Bettis, D, Camfield, C, Camfield,
P, Crumrine, P,Elterman, R, Schneider, S. and Shinnar, S.
Practice parameter: Evaluating a first nonfebrile seizure in
children: Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of
the American Academy of Neurology, the Child Neurology
Society, and the American Epilepsy Society. Neurology
World Health Organization Updated Guideline on Paediatric
Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment Care of
Critically Ill Children. Geneva, World Health Organization,
WHO, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP)
Intervention Guide version 2.0. October 2016.
Fisher RS, Acevedo C, Arzimanoglou A, et al. ILAE official
report: a practical clinical definition of epilepsy. Epilepsia
Classic al Definition:
Continuous convulsion lasting longer than 20 to 30 mins or the
occurrence of serial convulsions between which there is no
return of consciousness.
Febrile seizures
Known epileptic who is non-compliant to treatment, is on
erratic supply of drugs, had sudden withdrawal of
anticonvulsants, is sleep deprived or has an inter-current
Initial presentation of epilepsy
CNS infections
Congenital malformations of the brain (lissencephaly,
IEMs especially in neonates
Electrolyte abnormalities – hypocalcaemia, hypoglycaemia
Drug intoxication – amphetamines, cocaine, phenothiazines,
theophylline, TCAs
Others – Reye’s syndrome, lead intoxication, extreme
hyperpyrexia, brain tumour.
FBC and DC
Random Blood Sugar
Electrolytes & creatinine
Calcium, magnesium, phosphate
Gas analysis
CSF studies (after brain CT)
Treatme nt
There are 4 goals of therapy:
Ensure adequate vital signs, systemic and cerebral
Terminate seizure activity
Prevent seizure recurrence
Establish the diagnosis and treat the underlying cause if
17. 5 minutes:
o Administer a 2nd dose of diazepam. DO NOT EXCEED 2
o Alternatively, after the 1st dose of diazepam is
administered, and there are limited resources for
respiratory support, consider proceeding to step 4
18. 10 minutes
22. If the child has high risk of seizure recurrence (e.g. CNS
infection), maintain on antiepileptic medication until child
can be seen in follow up (within 3 months)
23. If no provoking factor for SE can be identified, and the child
does not have known epilepsy, proceed with investigations
as noted in first unprovoked seizure guidelines
24. Children with known epilepsy and on medication who
present in status epilepticus should have re-evaluation of
treatment plan and adjustment of medication prior to
START 1. Assess and stabilize as needed for breathing and
hemodynamic status. Administer oxygen.
Place the child on his/her side, loosen clothing and do not
place anything in the mouth.
IV access If no IV access
Dextrose -5ml/kg of 10% PR Diazepam (0.5mg/kg).
Intranasal Lorazepam
IV Diazepam (0.2-0.3mg/kg). (0.1mg/kg, max 4mg).
IV Lorazepam (0.1mg/kg, Buccal/ intranasal
maximum dose 4mg) Midazolam (0.2mg/kg,
max 5mg).
Diazepam should never be
given IM intramuscularly.
Refere nces
World Health Organization Updated Guideline on Paediatric
Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment Care of
Critically Ill Children. Geneva, World Health Organization,
WHO, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP)
Intervention Guide version 2.0. October 2016.
Trinka, E. et al. A definition and classification of status
epilepticus--Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification of
Status Epilepticus. Epilepsia. 2015.
Trinka, E et al. Pharmacotherapy for Status epilepticus. Drugs
(2015) 75:1499–1521
Birbeck et al, A clinical trial of enteral Levetiracetam for
acute seizures in pediatric cerebral malaria BMC Pediatrics,
(2019) 19:399
Febrile seizures are seizures that occur in febrile children between
the ages of 6 and 60 months who do not have an intracranial
infection, metabolic disturbance, or history of afebrile seizures or
significant neurological impairment. Fever may not be detected
before the seizure, but it must be present at least in the
immediate post-acute period and may be the only symptom of
presenting illness.
Simple febrile seizure
o Usually generalized tonic-clonic
o Lasting for a maximum of 15 min
o not recurrent within a 24-hour period.
Clinical features
Core temperature to ≥ 38⁰c
Generalized tonic- clonic, lasting up to 15 min
Occurs once in 24 hrs (usually on first day of fever)
For complex type – see above
Recurrence is possible
The vast majority are harmless, prognosis is good
Complete ge neral and ne urologic al examination
Stabilize the child
If the child arrives seizing to the facility, treat as status
epilepticus (see status epilepticus protocol)
Check for focus of infections
Check for possible signs and symptoms of meningitis (see
protocol for meningitis).
NB: Lumbar puncture is not required in simple febrile seizures.
It should be considered in the following scenarios:
o Children under 18 months of age (other signs and
symptoms of meningitis might not be present or be very
o Complex febrile seizures (should only be considered
after excluding need for neuro-imaging)
o Children who have received antimicrobials prior to
o Children not immunised against Haemophilius and
Pneumococcal species
Investigation should be done on individual basis to determine
the cause of fever - MPS, FBC, nasopharyngeal swab, urine
m/c/s, if no obvious focus is found.
EEG and Neuroimaging are not routinely required for febrile
The work-up of children with complex febrile seizures needs to
be individualized. This can include EEG and neuro-imaging
where there is a clear focality concerning for possible CNS
Treatme nt
Abort seizure - Diazepam IV 0.2 – 0.5 mg/kg slowly (can also
be given rectally 0.5 mg/kg) if duration more than 3-5 min.
Supportive therapy – tepid sponging, nurse in semi-prone
position, ensure adequate airway.
Assess for the cause of fever and treat appropriately -
Coartem, amoxyl...
Antiepileptic medications are not indicated.
Antipyretic should be used at the same dose and intervals
used for lowering fever during a febrile illness at optimal
Refere nces
Kliegman R, Berhman R et al; Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics;
Saunders Elsevier; 18thed, 2007
Ghai OP, Paul V &Bagga A; Ghai Essential Paediatrics; CBS
Publishers; 7thed, 2009
Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics; Oxford University Press; First
ed; 2008.
British National Formulary for Children, Bmj Publishers; 2007
WHO, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP)
Intervention Guide version 2.0. October 2016.
A focal neurological deficit with an underlying vascular
pathology is defined as:
Ischaemia ( Arterial or Venous)
Haemo rrhage
Low platelets Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura
Bleeding disorder Coagulation factor deficiencies i.e Hemophilia
Vessel disorder A-V malformation, A-V fistulas, cerebral aneurysm,
Carvenous malforrmations
Clinical features
Hemi-sensory signs
Visual field defects
Seizures (common in neonates)
Deterioration in level of consciousness (seen in progression of
Nausea and vomiting
FBC, differential count, ESR, random blood sugar, sickling test,
clotting defects (e.g. protein C & S deficiencies, Antithrombin
III deficiency)
Clotting profile
Electrolytes initially, then daily until stable
Blood, urine and CSF cultures if febrile (remember to withhold
LP if evidence of ↑ICP)
After stabilization , Neuro-imaging (preferably MRI) and
Ischemic Stroke
Fluid management- isotonic IVF for at least 24 hours
Keep nil by mouth
Maintain normoglycaemia
Control fever-Maintain normothermia
O₂ to by face mask if indicated (keep SpO2 greater than 92%)
Treat acute seizures ( no role for AED's for seizure prophylaxis)
Manage ↑ICP if present (see management of ICP protocol)
Control systemic hypertension
If high index of suspicion for CNS infection give Antibiotics
(Cefotaxime 100 mg/kg q 6 hr or Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg per
Other management is dependent on cause, e.g. exchange
transfusion/ blood transfusion in SCD, anticoagulants in
prothrombotic coagulopathy
Anti viral treatment with Acyclovir has been recommended
for varicella zoster virus vasculopathy with virologic
confirmation of active central nervous system VZV infection
Haemorrhagic stroke
Manage raised ICP, if present
Manage acute seizures
Manage the cause
o Replace clotting factors, platelet transfusion for
o MRI/MRA to look for vascular malformation if possible
o Neurosurgery sometimes can embolize/resect
malformation to prevent future strokes
A plan for rehabilitation should be discussed with the parents.
Speech, occupational and physical therapies, psychological
services, special education should be offered.
High risk of future Epilepsy.
Refere nces
Recognition and Treatment of Stroke in Children, Child
Neurology Ad Hoc committee on Stroke in children Rachel U
Sidwell, Mike Thomson, Concise Paediatrics, 1st edition
UTIs are usually caused when bacteria invade and ascend up
the urinary tract from the urethra and into the bladder. Cystitis, a
lower UTI, occurs when the infection and inflammatory response
are localised to the bladder. Pyelonephritis is an upper UTI in
which the bacteria and subsequent inflammatory response
further ascend to the ureters and kidneys.
Colonic bacteria are typically the culprits: coliforms Escherichia
coli is the most common bacteria that causes UTIs in all ages,
accounting for 54% to 67% of UTIs in children. Klebsiella (6%-7%),
Proteus (5%-12%), Enterococcus (3%-(%) and Pseudomonas (2%-
6%) are other common causative organisms.
Clinical features
Infants generally present late in the course of infection because
of initial nonspecific signs, such as fever, and the inability to
express symptoms or localize pain.
Older children can usually localise early symptoms of UTI, such as
dysuria or abdominal pain, and therefore present earlier in the
clinical course.
Fever, Dysuria, Urinary frequency, Suprapubic discomfort,
Flank pain, Costovertebral pain, Abdominal pain.
Urine sampling
Obtaining urine samples from children who are not toilet
trained involves urethral catheterization, suprapubic
aspiration(SPA), urine collection bag or leaving the child to
void and obtaining a clean catch urine.
For toilet trained children, a midstream urine sample should be
o A positive nitrite test makes UTI very likely, but the test
maybe falsely negative.
o The leukocyte esterase test is an indirect measure of
Urine microscopy
o A microscopic urinalysis finding of 10 white blood cell
per microliter in uncentrifuged urine specimen is
reported to be a more sensitive indicator.
Urine culture
o For children who are not toilet trained, only urethral
catheterisation and SPA are considered to be reliable
methods for specimen collection for the purpose of
o A negative bag culture rules out a UTI but a positive
result is not useful.
Minimum colony counts that are indicative of a urinary tract infection
CFU/ml CFU/L Comments
Clean ≥105 ≥108 Mixed growth is usually
catch(midstream) indicative of contamination.
Sitting a girl backward on the
toilet is a good way to spread
the labia when collecting
midstream urine
In and out catheter ≥5x104 ≥5x107 Mixed growth is usually
specimen indicative of contamination.
Specimens from indwelling
catheters are less reliable
Suprapubic Any Any
aspiration growth growth
Treatme nt
Start empiric treatment with Quinolones but depends on local
susceptible patterns then change according to culture results.
Oral antibiotics 10 to 14 days or
IV antibiotics for 3 days ,then 10 days oral antibiotics
Refere nce
Eric Balighian, Micheal Burke: Paediatics in review January
Haematuria is defined as the presence of five or more RBCs per
high-power (40x) field in three consecutive fresh, centrifuged
specimens obtained over the span of several weeks.
Confirmation of haematuria is critical. A positive urine dipstick
test may result from myoglobinuria or hemoglobinuria, in which
the urine often is discoloured, but no RBCs are noted on
microscopic evaluation.
Glomerular Versus Extraglomerular Hematuria
Factor Glomerular Extraglomerular
Color Smoky, tea-or cola- Red or pink
colored, red
RBC Morphology Dysmorphic Normal
Casts RBC,WBC None
Clots Absent Present (+/-)
Proteinuria ≥2+
Algorithm for the evaluation of haematuria (adapted from Paediatrics in Review???)
Imaging of abdomen/pelvis (+) Pain (-) Pain Urine Ca/Cr Evaluate for proteinuria
(Helical CT, RUS, KUB) R/O ??? stenosis Electrolytes, BUN, Cr,
Cystoscopy Family screening albumin
C3, C4, ANA
Streptococcal Abs
Urine Ca/Cr Urine Ca/Cr ANCA
Urine culture Evaluate for familial nephritis CBC
Imaging for stone Evaluate for HSP Evaluate for HSP and
(RUS, CT) Hb electrophoresis if indicated other vasculitides
History Possible Diagnosis
Lower tract UTI
suprapubic pain)
Recent illness(pharyngitis,impetigo,viral Postinfectious
illness) glomerulonephritis
Abdominal pain UTI,HSP,Crystalluria/stone
Arthralgias HSP,SLE
Diarrhea(±bloody) HUS
Cough ,hemoptysis Vasculitis
Sickle cell disease Glomerulonephritis,papillary
Swimming in streams Schistosomiasis
Physical findings Possible diagnosis
Suprapubic pain UTI
Flank Pain IgAN,stones,renal vein
Edema Glomerulonephritis,nephritic
Abdominal mass Wills
kidney disease
Meatal stenosis Infection,trauma
Family History Possible Diagnosis
Sickle cell disease or trait
Diagnostic evaluatio n
The first step involves measurement of blood pressure
A dipstick urinalysis evaluates for pyuria, proteinuria, heme
positivity, and urinary concentrating defects;
Microscopy evaluates for white blood cells and clumps, RBC
morphology, crystals and casts.
Crystalluria can be caused by calcium oxalate, calcium
phosphate, uric acid, or cystine crystals. Hypercalciuria is by
far, the most common cause of crytalluria
Urine culture should be done for suspected UTI.
Radiographic studies if indictated.
The second stage of evaluation involves a more thorough search
for underlying renal disease, particularly when edema,
hypertension, alterations in urine output, or systemic symptoms
are present.
Evaluation for sickle cell disease or trait by solubility test and
electrophoresis were available.
Suspicion of acute PIAGN should prompt ordering of ASO and
other streptococcal antibody titres and a C3 measurement.
Secondary causes of renal disease warrant checking for
antibodies, complement levels(C3,C4), hepatitis serologies, or
HIV serology.
A complete blood count is helpful in the setting of petechiae,
bruising, fatigue, abdominal masses, or suspicion of chronic
Renal ultrasonography can identify structural abnormality.
Abdominal radiographs may identify radiopaque stones .
When to refer
If cause of gross haematuria is unclear refer to next level
Refer early if patient experiencing symptomatic microscopic
The patient who has asymptomatic haematuria needs
periodic evaluation every 1 to 2 years to reavaluate for
coexisting symptoms or protienuria and to revisit the family
history with respect to other family members having
haematuria or hearing deficits.
The child who has persistent asymptomatic haematuria and
concomitant proteinuria needs additional evaluation, often
including a renal biopsy, refer to next level.
Refere nces
Susan F Massengill paediatrics in review October 2008,29(10) 342-
Nephrotic syndrome is characterised by:
Heavy proteinuria > 40 mg/m²/hr or urine protein 3+ or greater
on a dipstick test
Hypoalbuminaemia (serum albumin < 25g/L)
Idiopathic (primary) nephrotic syndrome
Secondary nephrotic syndrome (secondary to a known cause
e.g. Hepatitis B, malaria syphylis, SLE etc).
Congenital nephrotic syndrome- occurring in a child less than
three months- it may be primary or secondary.
Clinical features
Oedema with or without ascites, pleural effusions, and genital
Hypertension and haematuria maybe present.
Blood: FBC/ESR; U&Es; Creatinine; LFTs including serum albumin
; C3/C4 ; ANA, ASOT, anti- Dnase B, RPR, HCV antibodies,
HbSAg, Triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
Urine: Dipstick urinalysis. Morning urine protein/creatinine ratio
≥ 200mg/mmol or 0.2g/ mmol (morning so as to avoid
orthostatic proteinuria).
CXR, KUB ultrasound
If available: Varicella zoster IgG blood levels, tuberculin skin
Renal biopsy only if atypical features at presentation:
macroscopic hematuria, less. than 12 months or older than 12
years, low C3, vasculitic rash, suspected vasculitis.
Treatme nt
Symptomatic treatment
No added salt diet
Diuretics- usually Lasix 1mg/kg BD initially- ensure that patient
does not have intravascular volume contraction before
commencing- best to discuss with nephrology first.
20% albumin 1g/kg given over 4-6 hours with frusemide only if
patient does not respond to Lasix alone. Ensure that patient
does not have renal failure as under these circumstances
albumin can cause pulmonary oedema. Also watch out for
hypertension with this treatment. Further albumin infusions
must only be given on week days and during regular working
hours so that the MO is available to react to any potential
Prophylactic antibiotic cover (pen v) as long as patient has
gross oedema including ascites. In penicillin sensitive use
Daily weight and daily urinalysis
By and large children with nephrotic syndrome do not need to
be fluid restricted because they have intravascular volume
If antihypertensives are required ensure that the patient has a
normal creatinine and serum potassium before using ACE-
inhibitors. For initial treatment calcium channel blockers such
as amlodipine or nifedipine are ideal- discuss with Nephrology.
Specific treatment
Dose of prednisolone in m2
60mg/m2 [ 2mg/kg] in the first 4 weeks and then reduced to
40mg/m2 [ 1.5 mg/kg ] given on alternate days for 4 weeks then
tapered off slowly over another 4-6 weeks.
Remission Urine albumin nil or trace (or proteinuria <40 mg/m2 /h) for
3 consecutive days
Increased susceptibility to bacterial infections.
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
Hypovolaemia and thromboembolism.
Complications related to chronic steroid administration
include hypertension, obesity, and linear growth retardation.
Refere nces:
KDIGO glomerulonephritis guidelines
Rees L, Brogan P, Bockenhaeur D, Webb N, “oxford sub-
specialist handbooks in paediatrics: paediatric nephrology”
2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2012
Avner [editor], Paediatric Nephrology
Results from inflammation in the glomerulous. It is a clinical
syndrome that is said to be present when a constellation of four
features are present in a patient.
Renal dysfunction
Causes of acute glomerulonephritis include post-infectious,
renal, and systemic aetiologies.
Post-infectious aetiologies
Bacterial: Streptococcus species (i.e. group A beta-
haemolytic), the commonest cause. syphilis, TB, salmonella,
Viral: Hepatitis B and C, HIV.
Parasitic: Malaria.
Systemic causes
Collagen vascular diseases (e.g. SLE)
Vasculitis- IgA nephropathy, HSP, ANCA associated vasculitis
Drug-induced (i.e. gold, penicillamine)
Ventriculo-atrial shunts
Clinical Features
Physical examination
Antibiotic, i.e. penicillin if thought to be post-strep
Antihypertensive, i.e. diuretics, calcium channel blockers,
Important note: Please avoid ACE-inhibitors in this group of
patients as initial antihypertensive choice until blood results for
serum creatinine and potassium are known. And even if
normal cautious use of ACE-I is advised unless one can easily
monitor renal function of the patient.
Sodium restriction.
Renally adjust all drug doses based on estimated GFR. This
can be calculated using the scwartz formula in children= 40 X
height[ cm]/ serum creatinine (in micromoles/l).
Fluid restriction may be necessary depending on extent of
renal dysfunction.
Treat underlying cause.
If patient progresses to acute renal failure, refer to acute renal
failure protocol.
As some patients may end up with rapidly progressive
glomerulonephritis early nephrology consultation is highly
Admit patient initially for investigation.
Post-strep glomerulonephritis
Refere nces
KDIGO glomerulonephritis guidelines
Rees L, Brogan P, Bockenhaeur D, Webb N, “oxford sub-
specialist handbooks in paediatrics: paediatric nephrology”
2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2012
Avner [editor], Paediatric Nephrology
An acute, potentially reversible, deterioration in kidney function
resulting in failure to maintain normal physiological homeostasis,
characterized by an increase in blood urea and serum
creatinine values, often accompanied by hyperkalaemia,
metabolic acidosis, and hypertension. It may be accompanied
by a urine output < 0.5ml/kg/hour or < 1.0 ml/kg/hour in the
neonate. Note however that some forms of AKI are
accompanied by polyuria e.g. aminoglycoside toxicity.
Pre-renal - Prerenal failure refers to causes resulting from
reduced blood pressure or reduced effective intravascular
volume thus resulting in hypoperfusion of the kidneys. This can
be due to dehydration, haemorrhage, sepsis, cardiac failure,
hypoalbuminaemia (nephrotic syndrome, liver disease).
Renal (intrinsic) – Renal parenchymal damage, e.g. Acute
glomerulonephritis, Intrarenal vascular disease (Haemolytic-
uremic syndrome, Vasculiditis), Acute interstitial nephritis,
Acute tubular necrosis, Nephrotoxins.
o Congenital - posterior urethral valves, pelvi-ureteric
junction if bilateral, vesico-ureteric junction obstruction if
bilateral, ureterocoeles, prune belly syndrome, bladder
outlet obstruction, neurogenuc bladder.
o Acquired (rare) – Urolithiasis, Clots, Tumours if both
kidneys involved or if these result in bladder outlet
Clinical features
These will reflect the cause and the consequent abnormalities.
Signs of ARF include signs of fluid overload (hypertension,
oedema) and signs of congestive cardiac failure (CCF), such
as hepatomegaly, gallop rhythm, and pulmonary oedema.
Signs of intravascular volume depletion include tachycardia,
hypotension, decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes,
and changes in sensorium.
Although oliguria is a criterion used to diagnose and stage
acute renal failure (ARF), ARF can be present without oliguria,
especially in patients with nephrotoxic kidney injury, interstitial
nephritis, or perinatal asphyxia. Oliguria may be defined as
urine output less than 0.5 ml/kg/h in children and < 1mlkg/hr in
Rash and arthritis(e.g. SLE and Henoch-Schonlein purpura
nephritis), flank masses (renal vein thrombosis, tumours, cystic
diseases, urinary tract obstruction)
Dipstick urinalysis: leucocytes (UTI), Proteinuria & Haematuria
(Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic/nephritic syndrome), specific
Urine microscopy: red blood cell casts (dysmorphic red blood
cells), granular casts, and red blood cells, findings seen in
Urine: sodium and urine osmolality.
Serum bicarbonate: if not done by lab routinely can be
obtained from blood gas strip.
Electrolytes: K+, Na+, Ca++, Phosphate, Uric acid and urea,
Full blood count: peripheral smear as indicated.
Other blood tests as dictated by underlying cause.
CXR: pulmonary congestion (fluid overload).
KUB ultrasound (urinary tract obstruction).
KUB x-ray
+/-Renal biopsy: ultimately if cause unclear or suspected
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
Treatme nt
Pass urinary catheter e.g. in neonates with suspected posterior
valves, or for urine output monitoring in non-ambulatory
children/adolescents during ARF. If size 6 Fr foley catheter is
unavailable one can easily use a size 6 Fr feeding tube [NGT]
to catheterise the bladder. This can be held in place by
strapping to the thigh of the infant so that it does not fall out.
NOTE: in cases of PUV please note that the patient may
develop post-obstruction polyuria once a urinary catheter is
inserted. If not properly managed the infant may become
severely fluid depleted and develop a pre-renal AKI or even
go into shock and die. Thus monitor urine output and 6 hourly
weight changes meticulosly. Ideally use hypotonic solutions
such as half strength darrows in older infants and quarter
strength darrows in the newborn. This is because the post-
obstructive kidney often has a poor concentrating ability.
Hyperkalaemia > 6 mmol/l (indicated by the following ECG
changes: peaked T-waves, widening QRS complex, ST
segment depression, ventricular arrhythmias and cardiac
Eliminate exogenous potassium (IVF, diet) including drugs
sources, oral or enema K+-binding resin (Na polystyrene
sulfonate [ kayexalate]) at 1g/kg single dose.
If K+ >7 mmol/l, + ECG changes, give the following:
Nebulised salbutamol 2.5 mg if weight < 25kg or 5 mg if weight
>25 kg or IV salbutamol 4µg/kg in 10 ml of water over 10 min
10% calcium gluconate (cardio-protective) at 0.5ml/kg IV
over 10 min
8.4% sodium bicarbonate 1-2 mmol/kg IV over 5-10 min
Regular insulin 0.1 u/kg with 50% glucose 1 ml/kg over 1hr
Lasix at 1mg/kg BD may also be used to drive out potassium
The above are only temporizing measures. Please discuss with
nephrology for arrangement of dialysis ASAP.
Metabolic acidosis
Nutritional requirements should be addressed accordingly in
consultation with the dietician.
Fluid overload/hypertension
Severe acidosis not responding to medical management
Persistent hyperkalaemia or other above uncontrollable
electrolyte imbalance (iv). Symptomatic uraemia or urea >
35.7 - 53.6 mmol/l
Dialyzable toxin
Established anuria
Refere nces
KDIGO AKI guidelines
Rees L, Brogan P, Bockenhaeur D, Webb N, “oxford sub-
specialist handbooks in paediatrics: paediatric nephrology”
2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2012
Avner [editor], Paediatric Nephrology
Passage of three or more loose/watery stool or one voluminous
loose/watery stool per day.
o Bacterial infections: Commonly, Vibrio cholerae,
Salmonella species, Shigella, and Escherichia coli (E.
coli), Campylobacter pylori
o Viral infections: rotavirus, novovirus, adenovirus, Norwalk
virus, astrovirus
o Parasites: Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica,
N.B. Diarrhoea may be watery or bloody (dysentery)
o Systemic infections associated with diarrhoea include:
influenza, measles, fever, HIV, malaria,
pneumonia, urinary tract infection, meningitis,
and sepsis.
Non-infectious causes
o Food poisoning
o Drugs: Antibiotics, anti-hypertensive, cancer drugs, and
antacids containing magnesium
o Intestinal diseases: Inflammatory bowel disease and
coeliac disease
o Food intolerance: Lactose
o Food allergy: Cow’s milk, Soya
NOTE: Some of the above causes may lead to
persistent/chronic diarrhoea
Clinical features:
Watery or loose stools ± bloody stools
Abdominal cramps
Abdominal pain
May be associated with vomiting and fever, poor appetite
Clinical assessment
Divided into four components to guide clinical management:
Classification of the type of diarrhoeal illness
Assessment of hydration status
Assessment of nutritional status
Assessment of co-morbid conditions
Signs of dehydratio n
Dry mucous membranes
Rapid thready pulse, low blood pressure, capillary refill > 2sec
No tears when crying
No wet diapers for 3 hours or more
Sunken eyes/anterior fontanelle
High /low temperature
Listlessness or irritability
Reduced skin turgor
Stool m/c/s for bloody and PDD
U&E, Creatinine
Abdominal x-ray
Barium enema/meal
NOTE: Other investigations will depend on the
underlying/systemic conditions identified such as RDT/MPS,
Fluid management
Intravenous fluids are required in the following cases (in all others,
ORS should be preferred):
PLAN C– Se vere dehy dratio n:
Rapid intravenous rehydration, Give 100 ml/kg RL or ½ strength
Darrow’s with 5-10% dextrose:
PLAN B – So me de hydration:
75mls of ORS x patient’s weight (kg) to be given in 4 hours
The approximate amount of ORS required (in ml) can be
calculated by multiplying the child’s weight (in kg) by 75, to be
given in 4 hours.
After 4 hours, reassess the child and decide what treatment to
be given next as per level of dehydration.
Children who continue to have some dehydration even after
4 hours should receive ORS by nasogastric tube or ½ strength
Darrow’s intravenously (75 ml/kg in 4 hours).
In case of Resistant vomiting despite appropriate oral fluid
administration, IV fluids may be used.
o Avoid Promethazine (Phenergan)
o Ondansetron may be used up to two doses
If abdominal distension occurs, oral rehydration should be
withheld and only IV rehydration should be given.
PLAN A – No dehydration:
Amount of ORS to be given per loose stool dependent on
specific age as listed below:
Age (years) <2 2-5 Older children
ORS (mls) 50-100 100-200 As much as they
Zinc supplementation
Give zinc supplement for 10 to 14 days
Infants below 6months of age 10mg daily
Children 6months and above 20mg daily
Continue d feeding
Nutritional Status:
Children presenting with diarrhoea should be assessed for
malnutrition according to WHO standards.
Children with acute diarrhoea and malnutrition are at
increased risk for developing fluid overload and heart failure
during rehydration.
The risk of serious bacterial infection is also increased.
Such children require an individualized approach to
rehydration and nutritional care.
NOTE: Diarrhoea is a major risk factor for malnutrition which is
associated with high mortality and deficits in physical and
cognitive development.
Give appropriate feeds. Avoid juices and carbonated drinks
Antibiotics are not indicated for most children with acute
watery diarrhoea; dysentery and suspected cholera are
important exceptions.
Children with acute diarrhoea should NOT receive antimotility
agents or antiemetics.
NOTE: Antimotility agents (loperamide, diphenoxylate-
atropine, and tincture of opium) prolong some bacterial
infections and may cause fatal paralytic ileus in children
Refere nces
Outhall D, Coulter B, Ronald C, International Child Health
Care, A practical manual for hospitals worldwide. 1 st Edition,
Book Power, in: BMJ Publishing Group, 2003.
K Reddy; M E Patrick - Management of acute diarrhoeal
disease at Edendale Hospital, in: S. Afr. j. child
health vol.10 n.4;10(3):215-220. Cape Town Dec. 2016
WHO-Hospital care for children, 2013 edition.
Ryan ET, Dhar U, Khan WA, et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2000;
Passage of 3 or more watery stools within 24hrs lasting for more
than 14 days.
Though PD accounts for 2-20% of total diarrhoea cases, it
accounts for 23-62% of all diarrhoea related deaths.
Dehydration, malnutrition and infections are major
contributors to PD morbidity.
The many causes of PD can be divided into four principle
pathophysiologic mechanisms: osmotic, secretory, dysmotility
associated, and inflammatory.
Clinical features
Liquid stools often passed after eating, may be explosive
Occasionally stool may contain visible blood
Weight loss often evident and signs of malnutrition often
Signs of dehydrations
Features of Extra-intestinal infections: e.g. Pneumonia, UTI
Major Clinical Features Laboratory and Imaging
Cause (In addition to PD) Findings
Electrolyte abnormalities
from diarrhea/ vomiting
Serum IgE may be
Hirschsprung disease Delayed passage of Abnormal barium
meconium Abnormal enema
barium enema Absent ganglion cells on
Distended abdomen rectal biopsy
Explosive stool with rectal
Toddlers diarrhoea Usually thriving toddler. Normal laboratory and
Sweetened juices usually imaging results
the cause
IBS Alternating constipation Normal laboratory and
with diarrhea imaging results
Abdominal pain relieved
by defecation
Typically diagnosed in
or later
Celiac disease FTT, abdominal Elevated anti-TTG IgA,
distention, vomiting antiendomysial IgA
Typically 9-24mo of age Antibodies
IBD Bloody stool Elevated ESR & fecal
Stooling urgency, calprotectin
abdominal pain, thrombocytosis
Fatigue. Weight loss. Iron-deficiency anemia
Arthritis Hypoalbuminemia
Treatme nt Objectives
Treatment of PD consists of:
Appropriate fluids to prevent and treat dehydration (refer to
table xxx)
A nutritious diet to promote weight gain. BEWARE of foods
worsen diarrhea
If SAM is present, treat according to SAM protocol (refer to
section on SAM)
Supplementary vitamins and minerals, including zinc for 10-14
Antimicrobials to treat diagnosed infections
Refere nce
B. Umamaheswari, Niranjan Biswal, B. Adhisivam, S.C. Parija1
and S. Srinivasan. Persistent Diarrhea: Risk Factors and
Outcome. Indian J Pediatr. 2010; 77 (8): 885-888.
Zella G, Israel EJ. Chronic diarrhea in children. Pediatrics in
Review. 2012: vol 33 no 5
Upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding refers to haemorrhage from
any level above the ligament of Treitz.
Causes :
Age Group Cause
Neonates Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Swallowed maternal blood
Stress ulceration
Infants (1 month – 1 year) Oesophagitis
Gastric ulceration
Infants (1 -2 years) Peptic ulcer disease
Children older than 2 years Oesophageal varices
Gastric varices
Adolescents Duodenal ulcers
Clinical features
Presentation of bleeding depends on the amount and location
of haemorrhage.
Coffee ground vomiting
Haematochezia- if the haemorrhage is severe
May also present with complications of anaemia/shock
U/E’s, Creatinine, LFTs
Barium swallow/meal
Clotting profile
Treatme nt
Brief history as to possible cause of the bleeding
Consider gastric wash out
Consider antidote for bleeding due to poisoning
o Iron – Desferrioxamine
o Warfarin – Vitamin K
Monitor vital signs
Replacement of volume with intravenous solutions and blood
products if required
Endoscopy (electrocautery, clipping or banding)
Pharmacotherapy including the following:
o Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) – Omeprazole IV
o H2 receptor inhibitors - Cimetidine/ranitidine IV
o Octreotide is a somatostatin analog believed to shunt
blood away from the splanchnic circulation
o Terlipressin is a vasopressin analog used for variceal
upper GI haemorrhage
o Propranolol
Refere nces
Kliegman R, Berhman R et al; Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics;
Saunders Elsevier; 18th ed, 2007
This is amongst the commonest conditions associated with
chronic or recurrent abdominal pain in children. Usually during
weaning, toilet training and beginning of schooling as well as
during stressful events. History and examination is usually
sufficient to make a diagnosis. A plain abdominal X-ray may
help make a diagnosis.
Features last 2 weeks or more and may include:
Non-specific chronic/recurrent abdominal pain.
≤2 defecations per week.
At least one episode/week of incontinence after the
acquisition of toileting skills
History of retentive posturing or excessive stool retention
History of painful or hard bowel movements
Soiling of underwear
History of large diameter stools
o irritability,
o decreased appetite, and/or
o early satiety.
NOTE: Accompanying symptoms disappear immediately
following passage of a large stool.
Review feeding practices (formula, fibre/water intake).
Red Flags
The presence of the following signs warrants further investigation
or referral.
Blood in stool
Weight loss
Differe ntial diagnosis
Rarely: IBS and IBD
NOTES: Neonates/Infants: Obtain good history to rule out
congenital causes of constipation (Hirshsprung’s disease,
spine abnormalities, metabolic/endocrine, etc).
Treatme nt
Parental/patient education and behaviour interventions are
paramount (toilet training coupled with a reward system).
Diet modification (increase fluids, fibre and fruits).
Disimpaction with either polyethelene glycol (PEG) or
lactulose +/- enema.
Maintenance therapy with either polyethelene glycol,
lactulose or liquid
paraffin. Others include Magnesium hydroxide, magnesium
citrate, senna and sorbitol.
Counsel parents on need for prolonged treatment duration
(usually months) to avoid recurrence and overcome fear of
pain during defecation in the child.
Refere nces
Rome III Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Gastrointestinal
Borowitz SM, Windle ML, Cuffari C. Liacouras CA. Pediatric
constipation. Medscape. Updated May, 2019.
Nurko S and Zimmerman LA. Evaluation and treatment of
constipation in children and adolescents. American
Academy of Family Physicians. 2014;90(2):80-90
Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is usually defined as the severe
impairment of hepatic functions in the absence of preexisting
liver disease.
Viral - Hepatitis A, B, C and D, HIV, Parvovirus, Herpesvirus,
Enterovirus, Adenovirus, Varicella, Echovirus, CMV
Drugs - Paracetamol, antituberculous drugs, carbamazepine,
sodium valproate, halothane
Toxins - Mushroom, particularly amanita phalloides, herbs and
traditional medicines
Infiltrative - Leukaemias, lymphomas
Metabolic - Wilson’s, galactosemia, tyrosinaemia
Clinical Features
The child may present within hours or weeks with
Protracted vomiting
Tender hepatomegaly
Coagulopathy (bruising, petechiae, bleeding)
Electrolyte disturbance
Encephalopathy (early signs of encephalopathy include
alternate periods of irritability, confusion and drowsiness. Older
children may be aggressive or show unusual behaviour)
Liver Function tests:
o Prothrombin time (PT) or International normalised ratio
o Serum albumin
o Transaminases
o Bilirubin total and direct
o Alkaline Phosphatase
Blood Glucose levels
Full Blood Count
Urea, creatinine and electrolytes
Investigate for underlying cause
Treatme nt
Oxygen by nasal cannulae or face mask
Vitamin K, stat dose IV or IM (300 micrograms/kg for age 1
month to 12 years and 10 mg if >12 years to attempt
correction of prolonged clotting time
If frank bleeding (GI or other), fresh frozen plasma at 10 ml/kg
Maintain blood glucose between 4 and 9 mmol/litre using 2/3
of maintenance fluid volume consisting of 10% dextrose IV or
Strictly monitor urine output and fluid balance, aim for a urine
output of not less than 0.5 ml/kg/hr
Correct hypokalaemia if present as it can worsen
Broad spectrum antibiotics for example cephalosporin to treat
Systemic fungal infection may require IV amphotericin or oral
Maintain normothermia by environmental measures, do not
give paracetamol
Lactulose 5-10 mls 2-3 times daily to produce two to four soft
and acid stools per day, to be omitted if diarrhoea occurs
Neomycin 20-30 mg/kg/day 6 hrly orally, maximum dose 2
Refere nces
Kliegman R, Berhman R et al; Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics;
Saunders Elsevier; 18th ed, 2007
McIntosh N, Helms J. P, Smyth L. R, Logan S. Forfar & Arneil’s
textbook of paediatrics, 7th edition, Edinburgh, Churchill
Livingstone, 2008
This is the most common condition requiring emergency surgery
in infants and children. Most causes result from complications of
congenital anomalies or from inflammatory conditions that
affect the bowel.
A. Small bowel obstruction
o Duodenal stenosis or atresia– One third of patients with
Down’s syndrome and it is also associated with other
congenital malformations
o Atresia or stenosis of the jejunum or ileum
o Malrotation with volvulus
o Meconium ileus
o Meconium plug
Abdominal distension which is greater the more distal the
Tachycardia and signs of dehydration
Abdominal tenderness
Hyperactive or absent bowel sounds
Full blood count
Urea, creatinine and electrolytes
Group and save
Abdominal x-rays, supine and erect
Chest x-ray
Barium meal is needed for bilious vomiting and for incomplete
Barium enema may be required for distal obstruction
Treatme nt
The goal of treatment is to relieve the obstruction before
ischemic bowel injury occurs. The patient should be resuscitated
in the following way:
Keep NPO
Give Oxygen if saturations ≤ 92 %
IV access and collect blood for investigations
Rehydrate according to the level of dehydration
Give maintenance fluids if patient is not dehydrated
If patient is hypokalaemic, add potassium chloride to fluids
Nasogastric tube for gastric decompression
Give IV 10% dextrose if patient is hypoglycemic
Fluid input and Output balance chart
Broad spectrum antibiotics: Triple antibiotic therapy:
o Crystalline Penicillin, 50 000IU/kg/dose QID IV
o Gentamycin, 7.5mg/kg/day OD IV
o Metronidazole, 7,5mg/kg/dose TDS IV
Give adequate analgesia
Once the patient is adequately resuscitated and fluid and
electrolyte imbalances corrected, laparotomy is performed and
the cause treated.
Refere nces.
Kliegman R, Stanton B et al; Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics
20th Edition, Elsevier, 2016
McIntosh N, Helms J. P, Smyth L. R, Logan S. Forfar & Arneil’s
textbook of paediatrics, 7th edition, Edinburgh, Churchill
Livingstone, 2008
Intussusception refers to the invagination (telescoping) of a part
of the intestine into itself. It is the most common abdominal
emergency in early childhood, particularly in children younger
than two years of age. Ileocolic intussusception accounts for 90%
of all cases.
Ultrasonography which shows the classic “target sign”
Plain abdominal X-ray to rule our perforation
Treatme nt
Refer to intestinal obstruction for notes on how to stabilize the
Reduction of an acute intussusception is an emergency
procedure and should be performed immediately after
diagnosis in preparation for possible surgery.
Non-operative reduction in patients with no evidence of
bowel perforation by hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure.
Surgical intervention in patients who are acutely ill or have
evidence of perforation and where radiographic facilities and
expertise to perform non-operative reduction are not readily
Refere nces
Kliegman R, Stanton B et al; Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics
20th Edition, Elsevier, 2016
It is a behavioural syndrome in neonates and infants that is
characterized by excessive, paroxysmal crying. For clinical
purposes it is defined broadly as crying for no apparent reason
that lasts for ≥3 hours per day and occurs on ≥3 days per week in
an otherwise healthy infant <3 months of age.
It is a poorly understood phenomenon with no difference in
incidence between males and females, breastfed and formula-
fed or full term and preterm infants
The diagnosis is confirmed in retrospect after it has run its
characteristic course
Other causes of prolonged crying need to be excluded:
o Hunger/Inadequate feeding
o Diaper pin poking the skin/Diaper rash
o Trauma (abusive/non-abusive)
o Corneal abrasion or foreign body
o Otitis media
o Oral candidiasis
o Meningitis
Treatme nt
The goal of management is to help parents cope with the
child’s symptoms and prevent long term sequelae in the
parent-child relationship
Drug treatment generally has no place in the management of
Parental support is the mainstay of management
Parental education and support should include:
o Reassurance that it is common and usually resolves
spontaneously by three to four months of age
o Reassurance that the infant is not sick.
o Education that colic is not caused by something they
are doing or not doing
o Providing tips and techniques to soothe baby
o Reassurance that the infant is difficult to soothe. This
prevents the parents feeling like they have failed
o Encourage parents to access additional caretakers
when they are overly tired or stressed
Parents should experiment with several soothing techniques
and continue with those that are helpful. Some techniques
o Using a pacifier
o Rocking the infant
o Changing the scenery
o Providing a warm bath
o Rubbing the infant’s abdomen
Refere nces
Deshpande, GP. (2017). Colic. Medscape
Turner TL, Palamountain S. Infantile Colic: Management and
Outcome. In: UpToDate, Augustyn M (Ed), UpToDate,
Waltham MA, 2014.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition that
develops when reflux of stomach contents causes troublesome
symptoms and/or complications.
Can be based on Signs and Symptoms
Lifestyle C hanges in t he Manage ment of Pe diatric
GERD sho uld be the initial form of manage me nt
before me dical.
Infants Older Children and Adolescents
Thickened feedings Weight reduction if overweight
Smaller, more frequent feedings Dietary modification
Anti-reflux positioning after feedings Smoking cessation
Avoid passive tobacco smoke
Drug treatment
Three classes of drugs can be used in infants and children who
do not respond to feeding modification and positioning:
Histamine-2 (H2) blockers
Proton pump inhibitors (PPI)
Promotility drugs
Typically, treatment is begun with an H2 blocker such as
ranitidine. If the infant responds, the drug is continued for several
months and then tapered and stopped (if possible). If infants fail
to respond to H2 blockers, a PPI such as Omeprazole can be
considered. PPIs are more effective at suppressing gastric acid
than are H2 blockers. For infants with GERD and an acute
symptom such as irritability, a liquid antacid can be used.
Infants who have gastroparesis may benefit from a promotility
drug in addition to acid-suppressive therapy. Erythromycin is one
of the most commonly used promotility drugs for this situation.
Medication Dose Frequency
Lansoprazole 0.4–2.8 mg/kg/day Once daily
Omeprazole 0.7–3.3 mg/kg/day Once daily
Erythromycin 0.15mg/kg Four times daily
Metoclopromide – 0.2mg/kg Four times daily
(max 10mg/dose)
Domperidone – 0.2mg/kg Four times daily
(max 10mg/dose)
Refere nces
Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, Christoffel KK. Prevalence of
symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux during infancy: a
pediatric practice-based survey. Pediatric Practice
Research Group. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1997; 151: 569-
Prolonged neonatal jaundice is defined as a jaundice lasting
more than 14 days of life in the full-term infants. Etiologically it is
helpful to distinguish jaundice related to unconjugated (indirect)
or conjugated (direct) hyperbilirubinemia.
A prolonged unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia may be related
to breastfeeding or to some pathological conditions as
hemolytic diseases (due to Rh or AB0 incompatibility, or G6PD
deficiency), congenital hypothyroidism, urinary infection, Crigler-
Najjar or Gilbert syndromes.
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (cholestasis jaundice) is never
physiologic. It affects 1/2500 live births and it should be
suspected in all jaundiced infants with light stools and dark urine.
Refere nces
Nelson’ Textbook of Pediatrics 20th edition
American Academy of Pediatrics in Review
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD), the end result of inflammation
caused by an imbalance between cytoprotective and cytotoxic
factors in the stomach and duodenum, manifests with varying
degrees of gastritis or frank ulceration.
The pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease is multifactorial, but the
final common pathway for the development of ulcers is the
action of acid and pepsin-laden contents of the stomach on the
gastric and duodenal mucosa and the inability of mucosal
defense mechanisms to allay those effects.
Gastric ulcers are generally located on the lesser curvature of
the stomach, and 90% of duodenal ulcers are found in the
duodenal bulb.
The common causes of peptic ulcers include H pylori,
medication use, and stress-related gastric injury. Less common
causes include ingestion of corrosive substances, hypersecretory
states (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome), IBD, systemic mastocytosis,
chronic renal failure, and hyperparathyroidism.
Examinatio n
Includes weight-for-height and/or BMI should be calculated,
oropharynx for caries and eroded enamel, Pale conjunctiva,
tachycardia, or flow murmur, Halitosis, wheezing, areas of
tenderness on abdomen
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is the method of choice.
Safely performed in all ages by experienced pediatric
gastroenterologists. Endoscopy allows the direct visualization
of esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
Biopsy specimens may be obtained from the stomach for
histopathology, culture or rapid urease testing for H. pylori.
Endoscopy also provides the opportunity for hemostatic
therapy including injection and the use of a heater probe or
electrocoagulation if necessary.
Other investigations include faecal-H. pylori antigen test and
urea breath test.
*Blood-H. pylori antigen test and abdominal ultrasound are
less informative hence a diagnosis should not be based solely
on these.
Treatme nt
PUD treatment includes eradication of H. pylori and gastric acid
suppression using triple therapy comprising of 2 antibiotics and a
proton pump inhibitor (PPI). Examples of triple therapy regimens
are shown in the table xx
Medication Dosage Duration
Omeprazole 1mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 1 month
Amoxillin 50mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 14 days
Clarithromycin 15mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 14 days
Omeprazole 1mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 1 month
Tinidazole 50mg/Kg/day (max 2g) 14 days
Clarithromycin 15mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 14 days
Omeprazole 1mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 1 month
Metronidazole 20mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 14 days
Clarithromycin 15mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses 14 days
Vomiting and nausea are common sequelae of a multitude of
Can range from mild, self-limited illnesses to severe, life-
threatening conditions.
Vomiting and nausea may or may not occur together, or may
be perceived at the same level of intensity.
Vomiting: a forceful oral expulsion of gastric contents
associated with contraction of the abdominal and chest wall
Nausea: The unpleasant sensation of the imminent need to
o usually referred to the throat or epigastrium;
o a sensation that may or may not ultimately lead to the
act of vomiting.
A detailed history, including dietary history, review of systems,
family history, medication history, medical history and surgical
history is important in the initial evaluation to identify a cause.
Acute onset of vomiting with severe abdominal pain may
suggest a surgical origin; common associated symptoms
include localized or generalized abdominal tenderness, signs
of peritonitis, and absent or hyperactive bowel sounds.
Vomiting is often characterized as non-bilious, bilious, or
bloody based on the content. Vomitus from the esophagus,
stomach, and first part of the duodenum usually consists of
ingested food and is clear or yellow.
Bilious vomiting denotes the presence of bile and appears
light green to dark green. Bilious vomiting suggests obstruction
of the intestine beyond the ampulla of Vater until proven
Hematemesis is the presence of blood in the vomitus. The
presence of bright red blood in emesis or gastric lavage
indicates active upper GI tract bleeding that may require
immediate attention.
o The presence of coffee-ground material in the vomitus
indicates that blood has been acted on by gastric acid.
o The presence of blood in vomitus in relationship to other
symptoms is also important.
o Blood that develops after initial episodes of retching or
emesis may be suggestive of a Mallory-Weiss tear
The child with vomiting should continue to be fed, (including
breastfeeding as appropriate) unless severely dehydrated.
Specific treatment should be directed toward the underlying
The etiology should be sought, taking into account the child's
age, and whether the nausea and vomiting is acute, chronic,
or episodic.
The consequences or complications of nausea and vomiting
(eg, fluid depletion, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis)
should be identified and corrected.
Refere nces
Deborah M. Consolini, MD, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
of Thomas Jefferson University -Nausea and Vomiting in Infants and
Children, MSD MANUALS, 2019
T. Matthew Shields, Jenifer R. Lightdale, MPH - Vomiting in
Children in: Pediatrics in Review, July 2018, 39 (7) 342-358;
Carlo Di Lorenzo, MD, Approach to the infant or child with
nausea and vomiting, 2019 UpToDate, B UK Li, MD (ED)
Infant may be dehydrated
Visible gastric peristalsis, from left to right across the
hypogastrium may be seen after a feed, just before the baby
A pyloric mass, an olive-like mass may be felt below the liver
edge just lateral to the edge of the right rectus abdomens
muscle. It is best felt when the stomach is empty, just after a
Bloods - FBC, RBS, venous blood gas (VBG),
o VBG shows a metabolic alkalosis (hypochloraemic,
hypokalaemic alkalosis) in those with metabolic
o Urea, creatinine and electrolytes
Abdominal ultrasound will usually confirm the diagnosis.
o pyloric thickness of 4 mm (from 3 to 5 mm).
o pyloric length of 14 to 20mm, and
o pyloric diameter of 10 to 14 mm.
Where U/S is not readily available plain abdominal films may
show the 'single bubble' of gastric dilatation (with little or no
air beyond the pylorus).
Upper GI tract radiocontrast series can also be used to make
the diagnosis and have the added advantage of excluding
other obstructive lesions, such as antral web or malrotation
with volvulus.
o delayed gastric emptying
o peristaltic waves (caterpillar sign)
o elongated pylorus with a narrow lumen (string sign)
which may appear duplicated due to puckering of the
mucosa (double-track sign)
o the pylorus indents the contrast-filled antrum (shoulder
sign) and (tit sign) or base of the duodenal bulb
(mushroom sign)
o the entrance to the pylorus may be beak-shaped (beak
Differe ntial diagnosis
Feeding problem or milk intolerance.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux.
Duodenal atresia, oesophageal atresia or other bowel
obstruction in the newborn.
Intestinal malrotation/acute midgut volvulus.
Refere nces
The Royal Children’s Hospital Clinical Practice Guidelines -
Pyloric stenosis, July 2019
Kalyan Ray Parashette, MD, Joseph Croffie, MD, MPH;
Vomiting -Pediatrics in Review Vol.34 No.7 July 2013
Haemoglobin (Hb) concentration or haematocrit two or more
standard deviations below the mean value for age and sex. See
table below:
Adapted from Robertson J, Shilkofski N, eds. The Harriet Lane Handbook. 17th ed.
Philadelphia, Pa.: Mosby; 2005:337.
Decreased red cell production
Deficiency of haematopoietic precursors ( Iron, Folate, vitamin
Bone marrow failure (Malignant infiltration, Aplastic,
Congenital defects)
Blood loss
Clinical features
Symptoms associated with anaemia include
Full blood count
Peripheral blood smear
Reticulocyte count
Total and direct serum bilirubin levels
NOTE: These above first four tests are key in the characterisation
of the type of anaemia and possible cause
Other tests
ESR – (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
Coombs – direct and indirect - tests
Sickling test
Bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy
Coagulation studies ( APTT, PT/ INR, D-dimers, FDPs)
Stool for occult blood and parasites and ova
Urinalysis – dipstick, microscopy
Packed red blood cells in mL = body weight x deficit Hb x 4
Whole blood in mL = Body weight x deficit Hb x 6
Do not exceed a maximum 20ml/kg/day.
Indicate amount of blood to be transfused on the drug chart
Refere nces
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th edition, 2007
Blueprints Pediatrics, 4th edition, 2007
WHO/ UNICEF. Anaemia statement. 2004
Stroke is one of the major complications of sickle cell disease
(SCD). Brain dysfunction occurs when oxygen supply to the brain
falls below a critical level based on need.
Differe ntials
Differentials include CNS infections (Meningitis/Encephalitis),
cerebral malaria, trauma with consequent subdural hematoma,
or intoxication, particularly if focal signs are not prominent.
Full blood count with differential & reticulocyte count
Group and cross match
Quantitative D- dimer if available
Emergent CT or MRI/MRA (where available). Note that
contrast may exacerbate sickling. Discuss using contrast with
paediatric haematologist.
Malaria parasite slide
Blood culture
Kidney and liver functions tests
EEG (where indicated)
Admit patient to Intensive care Unit
Adequate hydration at least two third of requirements to
guard against cerebral oedema.
Immediate transfusion with packed cells within four hours and
repeat on day 4 or exchange transfusion.
Hourly Glasgow Coma Scale monitoring
Empirical antibiotics
Anti-Epileptic drugs if seizures are present (Diazepam is usually
used at 0.2mg/kg).
Start hyper transfusion protocol (See Appendix I).
Commence hydroxyurea. The initial dose is 15/kg/day given
as a single daily dose. Dose escalation by 5mg/kg every 4- 6
Commence iron chelation therapy, deferasirox 10- 30mg//kg
once daily PO for 6 months.
Full exchange transfusion (30ml/kg)
Partial exchange (15ml/kg)
Severe sickle cell chest syndrome or Girdle syndrome
A new CVA
Multi- organ failure, e.g. Associated with systemic fat
Fulminant priapism (> 4 hours) unresponsive to
pharmacological therapy.
To reduce the HbS% level to < 30% over 2- 3 days if acutely ill,
when more rapid exchange may be appropriate.
To keep Hb < 10 g/dL initially and by the end of the procedure
(or at steady state level in those with higher baseline Hb, e.g
HbSC patients of 11- 12g/dL
To maintain a steady blood volume and Hb throughout the
There are two types of exchange transfusions. These are
manual and automated methods.
o A simple early method consists of removal of 500 mL
blood followed by infusion of 2 units of donor cells which
aims to achieve a 30% exchange in 90 minutes. More
recent techniques generally use 2 intravenous lines with
simultaneous or sequential withdrawal of SS blood and is
replaced by donor AA cells. However, although manual
procedures are effective in conducting exchange, they
are tedious and time-consuming.
o Machines performing centrifugal separation of red
blood cells provide a rapid and efficient method of
performing partial exchange transfusion. Two types of
machines are in common use, the discontinuous- and
continuous-flow models.
o Discontinuous-flow separators are small, mobile, simple
to operate, relatively cheap, and require only 1
intravenous line. Discontinuous-flow cell separators act
as batch processors, pumping blood from the patient’s
arm, centrifuging it to separate red cells from the
plasma, discarding the red cells, and returning the
plasma to the patient along with donor cells.
o Continuous-flow separators are more complex and
expensive, and more efficient but require 2 intravenous
lines with large needles or catheters capable of carrying
the large flows. Continuous-flow separators use 2
intravenous lines, one extracting blood and the other
returning the processed blood to the patient. Controlling
rates of inflow and outflow ensures that the patient’s
blood volume does not vary during the procedure.
Supplies for both cell separator techniques are
considerably more expensive than manual methods but
require less professional time.
Preliminary investigations
Full Blood Count
Hb electrophoresis (not urgent at first exchange)
Group and Cross match
Urea, electrolytes, Creatinine, liver function tests, Serum
Arterial blood gases in those with symptoms suggestive of
Acute Chest Syndrome or girdle syndrome.
Hepatitis B and C and HIV.
Mechanism: Hydroxyurea is an antineoplastic that may cause
inhibition of DNA synthesis by acting as a ribonucleotide
reductase inhibitor. It increases fetal haemoglobin, reduces
neutrophils, and alters adhesion of red blood cells to
endothelium, increasing water content of red blood cells and
increases deformability of sickled cells.
Indications: All children above nine months of age with SCD
should be on hydroxyurea.
Exclusions: acute liver disease, history of severe hydroxyurea
toxicity or hypersensitivity, pregnancy or sexually active and
unwillingness to use contraception.
Baseline investigations :
FBC with Differential count.
Hb electrophoresis with quantitative Hb F %.
Chemistry profile.
Liver function tests (AST, ALT).
Renal function tests (BUN, creatinine)
Consult with paediatric haematologist for appropriate work- up
before initiating a patient on hydroxyurea.
Initial dose 15/kg/day given as a single daily dose.
Dose escalation by 5mg/kg every 4- 6 weeks.
Increase dose until ANC 2, 000- 3, 000 achieved or
35mg/kg/day dose achieved or evidence of haematological
Liquid formulation can be prepared by compounding
pharmacy using published guideline.
Refere nces
Evidence- based Management of Sickle Cell Disease, Expert
Panel Report, 2014.
Adams R.J. et al Prevention of a first stroke by transfusions in
children with sickle cell anaemia and abnormal results on
transcranial Doppler
Anderson R, Cassell M, Mullinax GL, Chaplin H Jr. Effect of
normal cells on viscosity of sickle-cell blood: in vitro studies
and reports of six years’ experience with a prophylactic
program of “partial exchange transfusion”. Arch Intern Med.
1963; 111:286–294.
Janes SL, Pocock M, Bishop E, Bevan DH. Automated red cell
exchange in sickle cell disease. Br J Haematol. 1997;
Haemophilia is a congenital bleeding disorder affecting 1 in
every 10,000 males caused by deficiency of factor VIII
(haemophilia A) or factor IX (haemophilia B) or rarely factor XI
(haemophilia C). Haemophilia A and B are X-linked, whereas
haemophilia C is autosomal recessive. Haemophilia A is the most
Diagnostic Testing
Prolonged APTT with normal PT and normal platelet count is
Confirm with Factor VIII or Factor IX assay.
All patients should receive prophylaxis using the low dose
protocol at 15-20 iu/kg once weekly subcutaneously.
Inhibitor Sc reening
Where available, screening for inhibitors should be performed.
Mixing study is a qualitative inhibitor screen. Bethesda assay is
the gold standard.
Treatme nt of bleeding
Patients with haemophilia can have spontaneous bleeding and/
or excessive bleeding with trauma. It’s imperative to treat
haemophilia patients with factor within 30 minutes of
presentation first and then consider diagnostic testing.
Factor VIII deficiency (Haemophilia A)
o 1 unit/kg increases Factor VIII activity by 2%
o Give 30 units/kg of Factor VIII for an acute mild bleed.
o Give 50 units/kg of Factor VIII for an acute major bleed.
o Half-life of Factor VIII is 8- 12 hours. Major bleeds require
8- 12 hour dosing.
o Discuss treatment plan with paediatric Haematologist.
Factor IX deficiency (Haemophilia B)
o 1 unit/kg increases Factor IX activity by 1%.
o Give 50 units/kg of Factor IX activity for an acute minor
o Give 100 units/kg of Factor IX for an acute major bleed.
o Half- life of Factor IX is 18- 24hours. Major bleeds require
at 24 hour dosing.
NOTE: It’s important to round up both Factor VIII and
Factor IX to a unit vial dose whenever possible to avoid
wastage. E.g. if unit vial is 500 units and patient’s dose is
400 units, order 500 units Factor VIII.
Haemophilia patients, young and old, can and should receive
recommended immunisations for their age group. Subcutaneous
vaccines are generally safer and more acceptable. Were
necessary, intramuscular vaccines should be given using a small
needle such as 24 gauge needles (or smaller) in a larger muscle.
It might be necessary to administer factor before immunizing
a known Haemophilia patient. The best method is to schedule
vaccination at or around the same time as the factor dose for
patients on prophylactic factor therapy.
After immunization, apply gentle pressure and treat with ice to
reduce bleeding.
Always warn about the risk of hematoma.
Provide pain relief; Acetaminophen is the drug of choice.
Emicizumab is a novel bispecific monoclonal antibody which
mimics coagulation factor VIII and therefore, is capable of
promoting the activation of FX by FIXa, resulting in downstream
haemostasis at the site of bleeding in patients with haemophilia
A who have decreased or no circulating levels of FVIII.
Opened vials:
Single use
Discard any unused solution remaining after administering
Unopened vials:
Refere nces
1. Guidelines for the management of haemophilia, World
Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) second edition 2012.
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a syndrome in which platelets
become coated with autoantibodies to platelet membrane
antigens, resulting in splenic sequestration and phagocytosis by
mononuclear macrophages. The resulting shortened life span of
platelets in the circulation, together with incomplete
compensation by increased platelet production by bone
marrow megakaryocytes, results in a decreased number of
circulating platelets (thrombocytopenia).
In children, most cases of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) are
acute, manifesting a few weeks after a viral illness. In adults,
most cases of ITP are chronic, manifesting with an insidious onset,
and occur in middle-aged women. These clinical presentations
suggest that the triggering events may be different. However, in
both children and adults, the cause of thrombocytopenia
(destruction of antibody-coated platelets by mononuclear
macrophages) appears to be similar and involve.
Autoantibody stimulation
Autoantibody specificity
Role of the spleen
Platelet destruction
indicate that the patient has another illness. Splenomegaly
excludes the diagnosis of ITP.
An initial impression of the severity of ITP is formed by examining
the skin and mucous membranes, as follows:
Widespread petechiae and ecchymoses, oozing from a
venipuncture site, gingival bleeding, and hemorrhagic bullae
indicate that the patient is at risk for a serious bleeding
If the patient's blood pressure was taken recently, petechiae
may be observed under and distal to the area where the cuff
was placed and inflated.
Suction-type electrocardiograph (ECG) leads may induce
Petechiae over the ankles in ambulatory patients or on the
back in bedridden ones suggest mild thrombocytopenia and
a relatively low risk for a serious bleeding complication.
Findings suggestive of intracranial hemorrhage include the
On complete blood cell count, isolated thrombocytopenia is the
hallmark of ITP. Anemia and/or neutropenia may indicate other
diseases. Findings on peripheral blood smear are as follows:
If most of the platelets are large, approximating the diameter
of red blood cells, or if they lack granules or have an
abnormal color, consider an inherited platelet disorder.
Many children with acute ITP have an increased number of
normal or atypical lymphocytes on the peripheral smear,
reflecting a recent viral illness. Clumps of platelets on a
peripheral smear prepared from ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA)–anticoagulated blood are evidence of
pseudothrombocytopenia. This diagnosis is established if the
platelet count is normal when repeated on a sample from
heparin-anticoagulated or citrate-anticoagulated blood.
No single laboratory result or clinical finding establishes a
diagnosis of ITP; it is a diagnosis of exclusion. The differential
diagnosis includes such other causes of thrombocytopenia as
leukemia, myelophthisic marrow infiltration,
myelodysplasia, aplastic anemia, and adverse drug reactions.
Pseudothrombocytopenia due to platelet clumping is also a
diagnostic consideration.
If the platelet count is greater than 50 × 109/L (>50 × 103/µL),
the risk of serious hemorrhage is low, but beginning oral
prednisone a week before delivery is a reasonable
If the platelet count is less than 50 × 109/L (50 × 103/µL) before
delivery, treatment with oral prednisone and IVIG is
Avoiding the use of IV RhIG in this situation until safety data
are available is advisable.
Rarely, splenectomy may be required to manage acute
Aplastic anemia is a syndrome of bone marrow failure
characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and marrow
hypoplasia (see the image below). Although the anemia is often
normocytic, mild macrocytosis can also be observed in
association with stress erythropoiesis and elevated fetal
hemoglobin levels.
Palpitations, dyspnea
Foot swelling
Gingival bleeding, petechial rashes
Overt and/or recurrent infections
Oropharyngeal ulcerations
The theoretical basis for marrow failure includes primary defects
in or damage to the stem cell or the marrow
microenvironment. The distinction between acquired and
inherited disease may present a clinical challenge, but more
than 80% of cases are acquired. Clinical and laboratory
observations suggest that acquired aplastic anemia is an
autoimmune disease.
Congenital or inherited causes of aplastic anemia are
responsible for at least 25% of children with this condition and for
perhaps up to 10% of adults. Patients may have dysmorphic
features or physical stigmata, but marrow failure may be the
initial presenting feature.
Fanconi anemia
Dyskeratosis congenita
Pearson syndrome
Pearson syndrome causes sideroblastic anemia and exocrine
pancreatic dysfunction.
Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
Dubowitz syndrome
Diamond-Blackfan anemia
Acquired causes
Acquired causes of aplastic anemia (80%) include the following:
Idiopathic factors
Infectious causes, such as hepatitis viruses, Epstein-Barr virus
(EBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), parvovirus, and
Exposure to ionizing radiation.
Exposure to toxic chemicals, such as benzene or pesticides.
Transfusional graft versus host disease (GVHD)
Orthotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis.
Eosinophilic fasciitis
Severe nutritional deficiencies (B12, folate)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) rarely.
Drugs and elements (e.g., chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone,
gold) may cause aplasia of the marrow.
Laboratory testing for suspected aplastic anemia includes the
Complete blood count
Peripheral blood smears
Hemoglobin electrophoresis and blood-group testing
Biochemical profile
Serology for hepatitis and other viral entities
Autoimmune-disease evaluation for evidence of collagen-
vascular disease.
Kidney function studies
Liver function studies
Transaminase, bilirubin, and lactate dehydrogenase levels.
Bone marrow biopsy is performed in addition to aspiration to
assess cellularity qualitatively and quantitatively. Bone marrow
culture may be useful in diagnosing mycobacterial and viral
infections; however, the yield is generally low.
Severe or very severe aplastic anemia is a hematologic
emergency, and care should be instituted promptly. Clinicians
must stress the need for patient compliance with therapy. The
specific medications administered depend on the choice of
therapy and whether it is supportive care only,
immunosuppressive therapy, or hematopoietic cell
Causes of malignancy
Risk factors for cancer can be broadly classified as:
Genetic causes
Environmental causes
Clinical features
In the first two years of life, embryonic tumours tend to be
common. Examples include Nephroblastoma, Retinoblastoma,
Neuroblastoma, Teratoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma,
Failure to thrive
Skin lesions
General: a single symptom might cause patient to seek medical
Mentation Tachypnoea Skin lesion
Cranial palsy Reduced breath sounds Wasting
Paraplegia/Paraparesis Stridor Oedema
Meningismus Haemoptysis
Abdominal mass Proteinuria Lymphadenopathy
Hepatomegaly/spleno Haematuria Engorged vessels
Visible distension of
Blood Tests
Complete Blood count
Peripheral Smear
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Liver and Kidney Test
Retroviral test
Imaging St udies
Chest radiography: Postero-anterior and lateral views to
o Assess mediastinal masses
o Evaluate the airway
o Exclude pulmonary parenchymal lesions
Computed tomography
o CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis can be
used to stage lesions
o Chest CT scan is indicated to assess for the degree of
tracheal compression
o Head CT scans assist in excluding mass lesions and
possible meningeal involvement among individuals with
CNS disease.
can be obtained as baseline findings before patients are
given chemotherapy with anthracyclines, which can cause
Bone marrow aspiration/biopsy
Biopsy is necessary to assess for evidence of bone marrow
involvement in patients with lymphomas. Sites for BMA include
the anterior iliac crest, posterior iliac crest, sternum and tibia
(in infants).
For patients with a mass, tissue is generally available from
resection or intra-operative biopsy.
As an alternative, a diagnosis may be made by using pleural
fluid or ascetic fluid.
Lumbar puncture
To determine the CSF cell count and differential: This test is
done to assess CNS involvement, the presence of which alters
Once diagnosis is made either histologically of clinically, stage
the patient according to the staging used for that particular
tumour. Consult the protocol to determine treatment modality
which could be either one or a combination of two or all three:
Treatment should aim at either:
Cure, or
Step I:
Step II:
Step III:
Step IV
Malaria is one of the top five diseases causing morbidity and
mortality in Zambian children. Malaria is a febrile illness caused
by infection with the plasmodium falciparum parasite which is
transmitted from person to person by mosquitoes. Malaria is
diagnosed by examining a patient’s stained blood slide through
a microscope (MPS). A rapid malaria diagnostic test (RDT) for
malaria antigen can be done in the examination room and
results are available within 15 minutes. It is also important to also
do a full blood count (FBC). Left untreated, Malaria can be fatal
>35 >12yrs 4 tab
Severe Malaria
Severe forms of malaria, may involve the
Brain (cerebral malaria),
Kidney (black water fever, acute kidney injury),
Lungs (pulmonary oedema) ,
Blood (severe anaemia)
Cardiovascular system (shock).
Blood gases
Do LP to exclude meningitis if indicated and if no signs of ICP
Repeat the blood slide every 24 hours until there is zero
If MPS remains positive despite full course of treatment, to consult
the National Malaria Elimination centres and to send DBS on filter
paper for further analysis.
Refere nces
1. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Malaria in
Zambia, Fourth edition, 2014
3. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Malaria in
Zambia, Fifth edition, 2017
Clinical features
High grade fever, coated tongue, anorexia, vomiting,
hepatomegaly, diarrhoea, toxicity, abdominal pain, pallor,
splenomegaly, constipation, headache, jaundice, obtundation,
ileus, intestinal perforation.
Blood culture
o Ideally 1st week of symptoms - Blood culture
o 2nd week of symptoms - Urine culture
o 3rd week of symptoms - Stool culture
NOTE: As most patients present late, all three cultures
should be taken on admission.
Widal test
o A single Widal test may be positive in only 50% cases in
endemic areas
o Serial tests may be required
o Leucopoenia (WCC < 4 x109/litre) with a left shift in
neutrophils may be seen in a third of children; young
infants may also commonly present with leukocytosis.
Early diagnosis and instituting appropriate supportive
measures and specific antibiotic therapy is the key to
appropriate management
Adequate rest, hydration, correction of fluid-electrolytes and
Anti-pyretic therapy (paracetamol) as required if fever > 39 oC
Antibiotic therapy
o 1st line therapy- ciprofloxacin (while awaiting culture
results). Alternative Azithromycin
o 2nd line (drug resistant) – imipenem
Refere nces
1. Southall D, Coulter B, Ronald C, International Child Health
Care, A practical manual for hospitals worldwide pg 426-428
2. Kliegman, Behrman, Jenson, Stanton, Nelson Textbook of
Paediatrics, 19th Edition, 2007
Schistosomiasis is an acute and chronic parasitic disease caused
by blood flukes (trematode worms) of the genus Schistosoma.
People become infected when larval forms of the parasite
released by freshwater snails penetrate the skin during
contact with infested water
There are 2 major forms of schistosomiasis that are caused by
5 main species of blood fluke:
I. Intestinal
o Schistosoma mansoni,
o Schistosoma japonicum
o Schistosoma mekongi (uncommon)
o Schistosoma intercalatum (uncommon)
II. Urogenital
o Schistosoma haematobium
Clinical Features
In the acute infection, mild, maculopapular skin lesions may
develop within hours after exposure. Depending on which
species is responsible for the infection, the clinical features will be
distinguished between intestinal, urogenital or both:
Intestinal schistosomiasis
o Acute: Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, blood in the stool,
o Chronic: hepatomegaly, splenomegaly ascites, portal
and pulmonary hypertension.
Urogenital Schistosomiasis
o Acute: Haematuria, dysuria, urinary frequency.
o Chronic: Fibrosis of the bladder and ureter, kidney
dysfunction, bladder cancer (later stages).
o Adolescent girls: genital lesions, vaginal bleeding, pain
during sexual intercourse, nodules in the vulva.
o Adolescent boys: pathology of the seminal vesicles,
prostate and other organs.
Stool/Urine M/C/S for blood (including occult) and
Schistosoma ova.
FBC, DC (usually shows eosinophilia).
Urea, Electrolytes, LFTs.
Chest x-ray
Plain abdominal x rays
Abdominal ultrasound
Blood culture (if possible concomitant disease i.e.
Rectal Snip
Treatme nt
Praziquantal is the treatment of choice for all forms of
Schistosomiasis (children >2 years and adults: 40mg/kg as a
single dose). Consider steroid therapy if very severe disease.
Adverse effects of praziquantel include dizziness, headache,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, bloody
stool, urticaria, and fever following initiation of treatment.
These are usually mild and last about 24 hours.
Prevent ion
Praziquantel 40/mg/kg as a single dose.
Refere nces
1. Medicins sans frontieres, Clinical Guidelines
2. WHO, Fact sheet, Schistosomiasis, 2019
3. Shadab Hussain Ahmed, Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia), 2018,
TB in children is an indicator of recent and ongoing transmission
of M. tuberculosis in the community, as majority of children will
develop tuberculosis disease within 1 year after infection. (Unlike
tuberculosis in adults who may develop TB disease when their
immunity goes down).
Pulmonary TB is the commonest type of TB in children but
extrapulmonary disease is also common estimated to be around
30-40% of cases.
For extrapulmonary TB
Recommended regimen
TB disease category
Intensive phase Continuation
All non-severe forms of PTB and 2 (HRZE) 4 (HR)
Severe forms - TB meningitis, 2 (HRZE) 10 (HR)
Osteo-articular TB, Spinal TB, Miliary
TB, other severe forms of TB
16- 24 kg 4 4 4
25 and above
Use of corticosteroids
Corticosteroids are indicated in the management of some
complicated forms of TB such as:
TB meningitis.
Complications of airway obstruction by TB lymph glands.
Pericardial TB.
Prednisolone is recommended at a dose of 2mg/kg daily,
increased to 4 mg/kg daily in the case of the most seriously ill
children, with a maximum dosage of 60 mg/day for 4 weeks. The
dose should then be gradually tapered over 1–2 weeks before
of symptoms and failure to gain weight (radiological
improvement is frequently delayed).
A child who develops active TB while on Isoniazid (INH)
Appropriate samples should be obtained in any suspected case
of DR-TB. These should include the following:
Mycobacterial culture
drug susceptibility testing (DST)
line-probe assays (LPA)
isoniazid plus rifampicin H 10 mg (range, 7 – 15 mg) H – 300 mg
daily for 3 – 4 months
R 15 mg (range, 10 – 20 mg) R – 600 mg
Rifapentine plus H: Age ≥ 12 years: 15 mg/kg, H 900 mg
isoniazid Weekly for 3
H: Age 2 – 11 years: H 25 mg/kg
months (12 doses)
Rifapentine, 900
Rifapentine mg
10.0 – 14.0 kg = 300 mg
14.1 – 25.0 kg = 450 mg
25.1 – 32.0 kg = 600 mg
32.1 – 49.9 kg = 750 mg
≥ 50.0 kg = 900mg
Refere nces
1. Desk guide for the management of tuberculosis in children-
Africa. 3rd Edition. International Union Against TB and Lung
Disease. 2016.
2. National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme-Guidelines for
the management of tuberculosis in children. 1st Edition. 2016.
3. National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme-TB Manual. 5 th
Edition. 2017 Guidance for national tuberculosis programmes
on the management of tuberculosis in children. WHO 2014.
4. Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-
resistant tuberculosis in Zambia. 3rd Edition. 2018.
5. Guidelines for the management of latent tuberculosis
infection. 2nd edition. 2019.
Post exposure prophylaxis is the use of ART to prevent HIV
transmission, in adults exposure occurs commonly from
occupational injuries.
The risk of infection after occupational exposure to HIV infected
blood is low and estimated at:
1: 300 in percutaneous exposure
1: 1000 in mucocutaneous exposure
PEP Tre atment Regimen
Risk Category ART prophylaxis Duration
Skin intact No PEP
Medium Risk- invasive injury, no Preferred: TDF +XFTC + DTG
visible blood on Alternative: TDF + XTC + ATV/r
Children below 10 yrs: AZT 28 days
High Risk-large volume of +3TC+ LPV/r
blood/fluid, deep extensive
injury, known HIV infected
patient, large bore needle
HIV +Mother less 12 Start or continue Start ART prophylaxis - AZT
weeks on ART ART +3TC+NVP for 12 weeks
HIV + mother, viral
load > 1000copies
within 4 weeks before
HIV + ve mother not Start ART or Start ART prophylaxis
on ART continue ART AZT+3TC+NVP - ,continue
HIV +ve mother who untill confirmed HIV
Counselling for negative after cessation
refuses ART
mother to start ART of breastfeeding
NVP 10mg once daily 15mg once daily 20mg once daily
1ml syrup once 1,5 mls syrup Or 1/2 tablet of
daily 100mg tablet
once daily
Dissolve 1 tablet of AZT+3TC in 6mlf of water, 1ml of suspension
has 10mg of AZT and 5mg of 3TC
The suspension made should be kept in a cool place and
used as soon as possible. Daly reconstitution is recommended.
DSDs include anomalies of sex chromosomes, gonads,
reproductive ducts and the genital.
Usually presents in the neonatal period and during
Neonates usually present with atypical genitalia while
adolescents present with atypical sexual development during
1. 46 XY DSD
o 46XY gonadal dysgenesis (partial or complete)
o 46XX/46XY (chimeric, ovotesticular DSD)
o Testicular regression syndrome
2. 46XX DSD
o 46 XX gonadal dysgenesis
o 46XX ovotesticular DSD
o 46 XX testicular syndrome
3. Disorders in sex development due to androgen excess (CAH)
o 21 hydroxylase deficiency
o 11B hydroxylase deficiency
o 3b HSD deficiency
4. Disorders of sexual development due defective hormone
synthesis or action
o Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)—can be partial
(PAIS) or complete (CAIS
o 5-alpha reductase deficiency (5-AR deficiency)
o LH receptor defect
5. Others
o Maternal hyper-androgen exposure
o Placental aromatase deficiency
Clinical features
Ambiguous genitalia
Bilateral cryptorchidism
Delayed puberty
Atypical puberty
Karyotype 46,XY
Ambiguous genitalia/pubertal problems
Karyotype 46,XX
Virilized female Ovotesticular DSD
Dysgenesis XX Testicular DSD
Treatme nt
Treatment of a patient with DSD aims to;
Confirm the diagnosis
Promptly rule out life threatening emergency (CAH or
Sex assignment
Rule out CAH in every child with genital ambiguity (if patient in
adrenal crisis treat the shock, glucocorticoids and
Sex assignment is a multi-step process and should be done by
a multidisciplinary team with the involvement of the patient
A multi-disciplinary team should comprise of paediatrician,
paediatric endocrinologist, paediatric surgeon, urologist,
psychologist and social worker
Continuous counselling and psychological care should be
offered to the family through out the process of care.
Refere nces
1. Henriette A Delemarre-van de Waal and Peggy T Cohen-
Kettenis; Clinical management of gender identity disorder in
adolescents: a protocol on psychological and paediatric
endocrinology aspects: European Journal of Endocrinology
(2006) 155 S131–S137
2. Mariana Telles-Silveira, Felicia Knobloch; Management
framework paradigms for disorders of sex development:
Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2015;59/5
3. S. Faisal Ahmed*, John C. Achermann Society for
Endocrinology UK guidance on the initial evaluation of an
infant or an adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex
development (Revised 2015): Clinical Endocrinology (2016)
84, 771–788
4. Ganka Douglas, Marni E. Axelrad; Review Article ,Consensus
in Guidelines for Evaluation of DSD by the Texas Children’s
Hospital Multidisciplinary Gender Medicine Team:
International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology Volume
2010, Article ID 919707, 17 pages doi:10.1155/2010/919707
5. Mimi S. Kim, MD, Anna Ryabets-Lienhard, Mitchell E. Geffner,
MD; Management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in
Childhood: Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes . 2012
December ; 19(6): 483–488. doi:10.1097/MED.
6. Aimee M. Rolston, Melissa Gardner; Disorders of Sex
Development (DSD): Clinical Service Delivery in the United
States: Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet . 2017 June ;
175(2): 268–278. doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.31558.
Rickets is a disease due to defective mineralization at growth
plates in growing bones.
Biochemical investigations
U&Es, Creatinine
Bone profile (Ca, Mg, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase)
25-OH Vitamin D levels (combined vitamin D2 and D3)
Additional testing may be required depending on context
Treatme nt
Age Vit D daily dose Vit D single Vit D Calcium
for 12 weeks dose maintenance dose
dose (IU) mg/day
<3 mo 2000 IU/day N/A 400 500
3 -12 mo 2000 IU/day 50,000 400 500
>12 mo – 3000–6000 150,000 600 1000
12 yr IU/day
>12 yr 6000 IU/day 300,000 600 1000
Refere nces
1. Anuradha Khadilkar, Vaman Khadilkar, Prevention and
Treatment of Vitamin D and Calcium Deficiency in Children
and Adolescents: Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)
2. Navoda Atapattu, Approach to a child presenting with
rickets;Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2013; 42(1): 40-44
3. Nutritional rickets, a review of disease burden, causes,
diagnosis, prevention and treatment; WHO 2019
4. Ji Yeon Lee, Tsz-Yin So, and Jennifer Thackray; A Review on
Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment in Pediatric Patients, J
Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2013;18(4):277–291
5. Vitamin D Deficiency and Nutritional Rickets:
Supplementation and Treatment in Infants and Children
Puberty is the period of physical, hormonal and psychological
transition from childhood to adulthood, with accelerated linear
growth and achievement of reproductive function. Puberty starts
at age 8 in females and 9 in males.
Precocious puberty is defined as onset of puberty before age 8
in girls and before age 9 in boys.
Aetiolo gy
Central precocious puberty(CPP); causes include; idiopathic,
genetic (e.g. activating mutation of KISS1R and KISS1 gene),
hypothalamic hamartomas, tumours (e.g.
craniopharyngioma, astrocytoma, ependymoma,
neurofibroma e.t.c.), cerebral malformations (e.g.
hydrocephalus, spina bifida, meningomyelocele, septo-optic
dysplasia, vascular malformations), acquired disease such as
meningitis, sarcoidosis, tuberculous meningitis, radiation
Peripheral precocious puberty; McCune Albright Syndrome
(MAS), ovarian cyst, oestrogen secreting ovarian tumours,
oestrogen secreting adrenal tumours, exogenous oestrogen
exposure, CAH, Leydig cell tumours, exogenous exposure to
Symptoms and signs
Diagnostic testing
Height, weight, BMI plotted on appropriate growth charts
Height velocity
X-ray of left wrist and hand for bone age determination
Pelvic ultrasound
Additional testing may include; CT scan or MRI, testing for
underlying condition as guided by history and physical
Hormonal tests (LH, FSH, oestrogen, testosterone, GnRH
stimulation test)
Treatme nt
Treatment of precocious puberty depends on the type and
Isolated benign variant of puberty;
Premature thelarche, vaginal bleeding, premature pubarche,
lipomastia without any other sign of puberty usually just
requires surveillance every three to six months
Parents need adequate counselling to alley anxiety
Peripheral precocious puberty
Precocious Puberty e valuatio n flow chart
Refere nces
1. D Mul and A Hughes; The use of GnRH agonist in precocious
puberty; European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 S3–
Hypoglycaemia is defined as plasma glucose of less than 2.6
mmol/l. However, of note is that in preterm neonates in the 1 st
three days of life, glucose maybe as low as 1.1 mmol/l without
any underlying abnormality. In term neonates, it may be as low
as 1.7 mmol/L in the first three days and 2.2 mmol/l in the
remainder of the week. Thereafter, a glucose of 2.6 mmol/L or
lower requires investigations.
Intrauterine growth retardation and prematurity
Perinatal asphyxia
Infant of a diabetic mother
Intrauterine infections and sepsis
Rhesus incompatibility
Inborn errors of metabolism
o Amino acids and organic acids
o Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism e.g. glycogen
storage disease, fructose intolerance, lactosaemia
o Fatty acid oxidation defects
o Urea cycle defects
Endocrine causes
o Hypopituitarism
o Growth hormone or adrenal insufficiency
o Persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy
o Beckwith-wiedemann syndrome
o Insulinoma
Ketotic hypoglycaemia
Drugs including alcohol, aspirin, beta blockers
Sepsis especially due to gram negative organisms
Signs and symptoms
Hypoglycaemia is often accompanied by signs and symptoms
of autonomic (adrenergic) activation and/ or neurological
dysfunction (neuroglycopenia)
Autonomic signs and symptoms
o Tremors
o Pounding heart
o Cold sweatiness
o Pallor
Neuroglycopenic signs and symptoms
o Difficulty concentrating
o Blurred vision
o Disturbed colour vision
o Difficulty hearing
o Slurred speech
o Poor judgment and confusion
Problems with short-term memory
Dizziness and unsteady gait
Loss of consciousness
Behavioral signs and symptoms
o Irritability
o Erratic behavior
o Nightmares
o Inconsolable crying
Non-specific symptoms (associated with low, high or normal
blood glucose)
o Hunger
o Headache
o Nausea
o Tiredness
Investigation of hypoglycaemia
Blood taken for a diagnostic screen is only useful if taken when
the patient is hypoglycaemic (glucose < 2.6 mmol) and should
include the following:
Growth hormone
Free fatty acids
Amino acids
Ketone bodies ( hydroxyl butyrate and acetoacetate)
Organic acids
Treatme nt
Hypoglycaemia should be treated promptly after obtaining the
critical intravenous samples by intravenous infusion of 5 ml/kg of
10% dextrose followed by adequate glucose infusion to maintain
Treatment should also be aimed at the underlying cause of
hypoglycaemia. Fig XX shows flow chart for the emergency
management of hypoglycaemia
DO NOT give glucose immediately. Take a second and think about it:
Is the blood glucose less than 45 mg/dL?
Patient Alert?
YES Meets 1st 2 criteria of Whipple’s Triad
Signs or sumptoms of hypoglycaemia
Treatment Blood glucose <45 mg/dL
(Symptoms resolve with glucose
Oral glucose 15g (e.g. 4 oz OJ) intake)
Check glucose in 10 – 15 min
Repeat glucose prn
Draw critical blood samples
5 – 10 mL for serum (SST)
Treatment o Glucose
o Insulin
IV glucose 0.25 g/kg bolus OR
o Cortisol
IM glucagon 0.5 – 1.0 mg o Growth hormone
Check glucose in 10 – 15 min prn o Beta hydroxybutyrate
(Sooner if no clinical response) o ± Plasma amino acids
Maintain IV glucose infusion prn o ± Carnitine
o ± Lactate/pyruvate on ice
Next urine
Look for cause (± admission)
o Dip for ketones
o Organic acids
Last meal o Toxicology (ASA, ethanol,
Severe hypoglycaemia sulfonylureas)
o Accidental vs intentional o NOT routine screen
o High activity
o Low food intake
o Change in normal routine/caretaker
o Illness Preventive Recurrence
o Medication dose change
Know metabolic disorder Start of change current treatment
Drugs Follow-up
Refere nces
1. Clarke W et al. Assessment and management of
hypoglycemia in children and adolescents with diabetes.
Pediatric diabetes 2008: 9:165-174
2. Cox DJ et al. Perceived symptoms in the recognition of
hypoglycemia. Diabetes care 1993:16:519-527
Graves disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism in
children, due to an autoimmune induced overproduction of
thyroid hormones. In Graves disease the immune system
produces antibodies called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins
(TSIs) that bind to thyroid receptors and activate production of
thyroid hormones outside of the negative feedback mechanism
that occurs with normal thyroid function. GD may be associated
with other autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus,
vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis etc.
Tachycardia, atrial fibrillation
Diffuse goiter
Wide pulse pressure,
Uncoordinated movements,
Pretibial myxedema
Muscle wasting
Signs of heart failure
Treatme nt
Antithyroid drug therapy
Carbimazole 0.5-1 mg/kg
Propylthiouracil (PTU) 5-10 mg/kg
Iodine-131 therapy
Radioiodine ablation of the thyroid gland is quick, easy,
moderatly expensive, avoids surgery, and is without significant
risk in adults and probably teenagers.
Thyroidectomy was the main therapy, has been to a large
extent replaced by 131-I treatment.
Refere nces
1. Helena Jastrzębska (2015)Antithyroid drugs; Thyroid Research
volume 8, Article number: A12 (2015) 7164 Accesses
Neonatal hypothyroidism results from decreased T4 production in
a newborn. It is the most preventable cause of potential
intellectual disability.
Childhood hypothyroidism also known as acquired
hypothyroidism usually occurs after 6 months of age. The
hypothyroidism is caused by failure of the hypothalamic-
pituitary-thyroid axis, which results in decreased production of
thyroid hormones. The hypothyroidism may be primary (at the
level of thyroid gland), secondary (at the level of pituitary
gland), or tertiary (at the level of hypothalamus).
Newborns who have congenital thyroid dyshormonogenesis
may have a palpable goiter, but the goiter typically develops
later in untreated patients.
Decline in linear growth
Cold intolerance
Poor school performance
Weight gain
Irregular menstrual periods, and somnolence
Children afflicted with Hashimoto thyroiditis also may have
other autoimmune disorders and a family history of thyroid
and other autoimmune disorders to support the diagnosis.
Other clinical features of acquired hypothyroidism include
Short stature
Increased weight for height
Dry skin
Increased body hair
Myxedema of the face
An enlarged thyroid gland
Proximal muscle weakness
Delayed relaxation phase of the ankle reflex, and
Delayed puberty
Occasionally, acquired childhood hypothyroidism presents
with precocious puberty.
The enlarged thyroid gland usually is diffuse and non tender;
Sometimes the gland may be firm.
The onset of acquired childhood hypothyroidism often is very
subtle; in retrospect, it may be evident that signs and
symptoms were present for a longer time, sometimes for 2 to 3
or more years. If previous height measurements are available,
a decline in linear growth from the onset of hypothyroidism will
be evident.
The overall goals of treatment are normal growth and good
cognitive outcome.
Serum T4 concentrations should be restored rapidly to the
normal range, followed by continued maintenance of
The aim of treatment is to keep the serum T4 or free T4
concentration in the upper half of the normal range adjusted
for age.
Of note, many commercial laboratories do not provide age-
adjusted normal ranges in their reports.
In the first postnatal year, serum T4 should be 10 to 16 mcg/dL
and serum freeT4 should be1.4 to 2.3ng/dL.
The serum TSH concentration should be less than 5 mU/L.
Oral T4 (levothyroxine) is the treatment of choice.
Initial dose of 10 to 15 mcg/kg per day, usually 50 mcg/day.
In preterm and other low-birthweight infants, the thyroid
replacement dose should be calculated by using10
to15mcg/kg per day, with the higher end administered to
babies who have low T4 concentrations.
Only T4 tablets should be used because thyroid suspensions
prepared by individual pharmacists may result in unreliable
Parents should be instructed to crush the T4 tablet and mix It
with a small volume of human milk, formula, or water. Soy
formulas or any preparation containing concentrated iron or
calcium should not be used because they reduce the
absorption of T4.
The more rapidly T4 concentrations are corrected, the better
the neurologic outcome. Aim to normalise the T4
concentrations within two weeks
Patient follow up
The recommended follow up schedule is as follows;
Childhood hypothyroidism is treated with levothyroxine. (refer
to table below for dosage)
Treatment should be individualized because the absorption of
T4 and metabolism vary among individuals.
Serum freeT4 and TSH concentrations should be monitored
periodically, preferably at 3-to 6-month intervals.
The goal is to keep the serum free T4 concentration at the
mid-normal range and the TSH concentration in the normal
Once the patient is euthyroid, many of the symptoms
Dosage of levothyroxine
6 to 12 months 1 to 3 years 3 to 10 10 to 18
Age band
years years
5 to 8 mcg/kg 4 to 6 3 to 5 2 to 4
mcg/kg mcg/kg mcg/kg
Refere nces
1. Debra Counts, Surendra K. Varma, (2009); Hypothyroidism in
Children, Pediatrics in Review Vol.30 (7) retrieved from
2. LaFranchi SH, Hanna CE (2005). The thyroid gland and its
disorders. In: Kappy MS, Allen DB, Geffner ME, (ed). Principles
and Practice of Pediatric Endocrinology. Boston, Mass:
Charles C Thomas; 279–356
3. Raine JE, Donaldson MDC, Gregory JW, Savage MO, Hintz R
(2006); Thyroid disorders. In: Practical Endocrinology and
Diabetes in Children. London, United Kingdom: Blackwell;
HIE is an acquired syndrome of acute brain injury characterized
by Neonatal Encephalopathy (NE) and evidence of intrapartum
If there are clinical or aEEG signs of moderate-severe HIE, refer to
the cooling protocol in the National Neonatal Guidelines –
discuss all cases with a senior clinician.
Cranial ultrasound
Blood pressure
Transfuse if significant anaemia
Transfusion thresholds:
o Hb < 10g/dL if on CPAP
o Hb < 11g/dL if FiO2 < 0.3; < 12 if FiO2 > 0.3 in neonates on
assisted ventilation
Coagulation management
Beware of necrotizing enterocolitis
Introduce feeds slowly, preferably breast milk (assess suck
Keep nil by mouth on admission then commence 3-hourly
feeds after 12-24 hours:
Increment by 12-24mls/kg/day during the first 3 days and by
up to 30ml/kg/day thereafter if abdomen exam normal
Infants with mild encephalopathy who are not cooled can be
fed with higher volumes
Infants with severely abnormal aEEG (upper and lower
margins below 10mcV or burst suppression) persisting beyond
24 hours if not cooled or 48 hours if cooled.
NOTE: high dose midazolam or opiates can affect the clinical
and electrical data
Refere nce
Zambia Neonatal Protocols and Drug Doses 2016
Delivery of an infant born before 37 completed weeks of
gestation. It is categorized by gestation age or birthweight.
Gestatio n age
Late preterm infant - infant born between 34 and 36 weeks
Moderately preterm infant - infant born between 32 and 34
completed weeks of gestation
Birth weight
Low birthweight (LBW) - 1500g-< 2500g
Very low birthweight (VLBW) - 1000g- <1500g
Extremely low birthweight (ELBW) - <1000g
By assessing the gestational age at birth by using Ballard scoring
system or foot length (Refer to the Zambia Neonatal Protocols
and Drug Doses).
Routine care
Airway, breathing, cord and eye care
Thermal protection
Maintain a set environmental temperature of 25°C
All infants should be received into a clean, dry pre-warmed
Infants less than 30 weeks gestation age or 1200g birth weight
should be placed into a plastic bag up to neck. Cover the
head but not the face. DO NOT DRY THESE INFANTS
Continue to resuscitate with the infant in the plastic bag. Cut
holes in bag for limb or umbilical vascular access if needed
Weigh the infant inside plastic bag
Keep infant in bag during transfer to neonatal unit
Remove plastic bag once stabilized in the NICU in an
Use KMC for the stable preterm infant (Refer to National KMC
Document temperature on arrival in NICU and after 1 hour
Fluid requirements
Enteral feeding
Breast milk feeding must be encouraged for all infants.
Donor breast milk is preferable to formula for preterm infants
unable to access mother’s own breast milk.
Fluid and enteral intake prescriptions should be individualized
for sick infants and infants with risk factors or feed intolerance.
≥ 1 5 00 G OR ≥ 32 Weeks
o In the absence of mother’s own milk, consider preterm
o Start on bolus feeds 2 -3 hourly at 60ml/kg on day 1
o Increase to 75, 100, 125, 150ml/kg/d from D2-D5 as feeds
are tolerated
< 1 5 00 G OR 32 Weeks
o Start with bolus tube feeds (expressed breast milk (EBM))
o Orogastric tubes are preferable to nasogastric tube
o Start milk on D1 at 12-24 ml/kg/d
o Increase feeds daily by 24 ml/kg/day
o Consider continuous feeds if prolonged significant
feeding intolerance – discuss with senior clinician.
o Syringes should be changed every 4 hours for all feeds
given via a syringe driver
o Continue until a rate of 10ml/hr or weight of 1 200 g is
achieved before challenging with 2-hourly bolus feeds
o Stop supplemental IV fluids when an enteral intake of
150 ml/kg/day is achieved (consider individual baby
o Increase enteral volume incrementally to 180-200
o Add supplements and breast milk fortifier according to
o The feeding tube must be changed weekly, and the
administration set three times a week
o Initiate TPN for confirmed prolonged feeding intolerance
> 3 days and for confirmed cases of NEC (See TPN
Protocol in the Zambia Neonatal Protocols)
Preterm infants on full feeds or feeds at 150ml/kg should be given
the following supplements for 6 months:
1500g – 2500g
o Multivit 0.6ml PO daily
o Iron syrup or drops 0.6ml PO from day 28 of life
< 1500g
o Introduce Multivit 0.3ml PO daily 48 hours after
establishing full feeds
o Iron syrup or drops 0.2ml PO from day 28 of life
o Add human milk fortifier to breastmilk 24 hours after
establishing full feeds
Treatment and /or prevention (See section on sepsis in neonates)
RDS is a problem often seen in premature babies
The condition makes it hard for the baby to breathe
Occurs in infants whose lungs have not yet fully developed
due to a lack of surfactant which helps the lungs fill with air
and keeps the air sacs from deflating.
Clinical Features
Appear within minutes of birth, however, they may not be seen
for several hours. These may include:
Nasal flaring
Rapid breathing
Shallow breathing
Blood gas analysis shows low oxygen and excess acid in the
body fluids
Chest x-ray shows a "ground glass" appearance to the lungs
that is typical of the disease. This often develops 6 to 12 hours
after birth.
Lab tests help to rule out infection as a cause of breathing
Treatme nt
Give warm, moist oxygen
Monitor carefully to avoid side effects from too much oxygen
Give surfactant intra-tracheal
Start CPAP or HFNC
Intubate and ventilate for preterm infants who are not coping
on CPAP or remain apnoeic
NEC is a life-threatening condition that affects the bowel of
infants, the majority of whom are preterm
Patients are severity ill, with an acute abdomen
NEC should be considered in any preterm infant with
abdominal distention
Etiology is multifactorial; prematurity is the biggest
independent risk factor but infection, hypoxia, feeding
regimens and type of feed (hyperosmolar formula),
polycythemia, PDA, indomethacin may play a role
The use of breast milk is associated with a lower incidence of
Clinical features
NEC can occur in the first few days of life in term patients, but
more commonly from the second week onward in preterm
Onset can be insidious but patients with a rapid onset
deteriorate quickly
Lethargy, abdominal distension, absent bowel sounds, bloody
stools, vomiting and discolored abdominal wall are the
cardinal signs
Other signs of illness are tachycardia, respiratory distress and
poor perfusion may be present.
Abdominal X-ray: pneumatosis intestinalis, portal venous gas or
Resuscitate: Support breathing and intubate if required.
Assess circulatory status; apply fluid and inotropic support
Stop enteral feeds immediately. Insert naso-/orogastric tube,
leave on free drainage, monitor gastric output
Strict input-output monitoring
Investigations: Abdominal X-ray, FBC, CRP, blood culture.
Consider U&E, ABG and INR/PIT.
Start broad-spectrum antibiotics including adequate gram-
negative cover
Serial abdominal examination is important
Stage 1
Stage 2 and 3
Keep NPO for 5-10 days. Start total parental nutrition
preferably via a deep percutaneous venous line by 48 hours
Patients with advanced disease may require repeat FBC, and
clotting profile. Blood products (i.e. packed RBC, platelets or
FFP) should be transfused if anaemic and/or DIC present
(Refer to transfusion protocol in Zambia Neonatal Protocols).
Surgery: operative intervention may be indicated if:
pneumoperitoneum, fixed bowel loop, abdominal mass
palpable or persistent metabolic acidosis. Paediatric surgeons
should be consulted after initial stabilization.
or definite NEC
Peritoneal drainage can be used in patients who are too
unstable for surgery or in whom ventilation is difficulty due to
abdominal fluid. Consult with Paediatric surgeon present.
Restart feeds slowly (20-30ml/kg/day)
Continue antibiotics until septic markers are normalized
Refere nce:
Zambia Neonatal Protocols and Drug Doses 2016
Neonates are particularly susceptible to bacterial sepsis. The
highest incidence being in the very low birth weight infants.
Early-onset sepsis
< 72 hours after birth
Results from vertical exposure to bacteria before and during
Late-onset sepsis
> 72 hours after birth
Mostly from organisms acquired by nosocomial transmission
May also be caused by community acquired organisms
Risk factors
Early-onset sepsis
Preterm infant
Prolonged rupture of membranes > 18 hours
Maternal fever in labour (>38 C)
Maternal colonization with Group B Streptococcus
Late-onset sepsis
Preterm infant
Indwelling catheters or tracheal tube
Prolonged antibiotics
Damage to skin
Clinical features
Usually non-specific
Altered behaviour or responsiveness
Apnoea and bradycardia
Respiratory distress - increase in oxygen
requirement/respiratory support
Poor feeding, poor suck, vomiting, abdominal distension
Hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia
Fever, hypothermia or temperature instability
Cyanosis or poor colour
Poor perfusion (CRT>3sec; mottling)
Circulatory collapse or shock
Irritability, inactivity, lethargy
Tense or bulging fontanelle
Head retraction (Opisthotonus)
Full Blood count
C-reactive protein
Blood culture
Lumbar puncture – if blood culture positive or clinical features
of meningitis
CXR – if indicated
Tracheal aspirate
Coagulation screen
Blood gas
Placental tissue culture and histopathology
Treatme nt
Supportive care
Start antibiotics – antibiotic choice depends on local
incidence and practice
Duration of antibiotics
Blood culture negative, CRP remains normal and no clinical
signs of infection – Stop antibiotics at 36-48 hours
Blood culture negative but CRP raised – treat as infected
Blood culture positive – treat until clinical improvement and
CRP has returned to normal (7-10 days)
Meningitis – 14-21 days
Proposed antibiotics
Decide according to unit cultures and sensitivities
Early onset sepsis (< 72hrs of age): Penicillin G and gentamicin
Late onset sepsis (> 72hrs of age):
Second line antibiotics: Cefotaxime and cloxacillin
Third line: Ciprofloxacin/Meropenem
Meropenem should be used if meningitis or NEC is suspected
Vancomycin only if the patient has central lines in place and
is at risk of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis.
o Altered behavior/tone/responsiveness
o Feeding difficulties (eg. Poor feeding in a term baby) or
o Respiratory distress
o Apnoea
o Abnormal heart rate (bradycardia or tachycardia)
o Altered glucose homeostasis (hypo/hyperglycaemia)
o Metabolic acidosis
o Temperature abnormality >38º or < 36º not explained by
environmental factors
Refere nce
Zambia Neonatal Protocols and Drug Doses 2016
An abnormal synchronous electrical discharge of a group of
neurons in the central nervous system.
History: family, pregnancy, birth, clinical course
Confirm seizure and monitor response to treatment using aEEG
if available
Measure serum glucose, magnesium, calcium and sodium
Do a lumbar puncture if sepsis is suspected
Head ultrasound may be diagnostic if intracranial bleed,
structural abnormality or ventriculitis is present
Consider inborn errors or metabolism if other causes are not
Measure serum lactate, ammonia and amino acid and urine
organic acids. Discuss with the consultant need for CSF
lactate and glycine levels. Note serum and CSF glycine levels
have to be done simultaneously.
Discuss and arrange with the laboratory before taking any
Treatme nt
Treat electrolyte and glucose abnormalities and sepsis
Ensure adequate ventilation and perfusion. Commence
CFM/Brain monitor
Treat seizures (clinical and/or electrical) with anticonvulsants if
they are recurrent or last more than 3 minutes.
Phenobarbitone 20mg/kg IV infused over 10 min
Seizures persist
Seizures persist
Refer to formulary for dose and weaning procedure
Seizures persist
Lignocaine* or phenytoin
Refer to formulary for dose: NB: use lower dose in cooled infants
Seizures persist
Treatme nt co nsideratio ns
1. When the seizures are controlled, keep the newborn in
Phenobarbitone maintenance at 3-5 mg/Kg/day.
NOTE: In case of excessive sedation do not discontinue
Phenobarbitone (probably the drowsiness is secondary to
the underlying condition) and evaluate reduction
of Phenobarbitone at lower maintenance dose with close
clinical monitoring.
2. In case of acute symptomatic seizures resolved by
correction of the underlying etiology and not associated
with increased risk of brain injury, AEDs can be discontinued
3. If the infant is taking medication and seizures recur, increase
the dose back to levels at which no seizures occurred and
ask for neurological evaluation.
4. Generally, patients who had neonatal seizures that required
recommencement of anticonvulsants/continued AEDs;
should be discharged on maintenance phenobarbital and
followed up monthly at least until 3 months of age. The
choice to tapper down Phenobarbitone after 1 month
should be evaluated case by case considering risk factors
for recurrence of seizures.
5. Paediatric neurology evaluation and EEG at 1- 3 month for
infant at increase risk of epilepsy should be requested where
Between 50-60% of normal newborns become clinically
jaundiced in the first week of life
Jaundice may be physiological or pathological
Pathological jaundice
may result from an increased unconjugated or conjugated
fraction or both.
Acidosis, hypoglycaemia, hypoxaemia, hypothermia
Features of kernicterus
Bilirubin levels not decreasing despite effective phototherapy,
(i.e. 17 – 34 µmol/l within 4 – 6 hours)
Family history of pathological jaundice
Hepatomegaly No Yes/No
Early onset jaundice (within 24 hours) – caused by haemolytic
disease of new born (HDN) (ABO or rhesus):
Check mother’s blood group
If the mother’s blood group is O, ABO likely. Do following
o Infants blood group and Coombs
o FBC and peripheral smear
o Check TSB 3 hourly
o Start phototherapy
o In rare cases look for other causes for haemolysis
Kramer’s rule
If you can assess the level of jaundice, any jaundice from the
chest and below, you must initiate phototherapy. (Initiate
phototherapy for any jaundice from the chest and below)
Treatme nt
High intensity phototherapy (PT) reduces total serum bilirubin
(TSB) and decreases exchange transfusions.
Intensive PT is defined as light wavelengths between 430-
490nm, delivered spectral irradiance of 30µW/cm2/nm or
higher to the greatest exposed body surface
Position the PT unit approximately 40cm from the infant
Measure the irradiance of phototherapy units periodically with
the use of a photoradiometer
PT units require adequate ventilation. Do not cover with
Efficacy of PT
Successful PT should produce a decline in TSB of 17-34 µmol/L
within 4-6 hours and TSB should continue to fall
Stop PT if TSB ≥ 50µmol/L below the PT line
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
History and examination
Liver function tests and cholesterol
Examine stools daily. Acholic (white) stools require urgent
referral to exclude biliary atresia
Exclude infective causes
Exclude metabolic causes
Exclude genetic conditions
Causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
Drug/toxins TPN
Diagnostic workup for conjugate d