Cinematic Environs Desert Wastes
Cinematic Environs Desert Wastes
Cinematic Environs Desert Wastes
Writing: Davae Breon Jaxon, Alex Guillotte, Rob Davis
Using An Environ
And for a truly high-action, over-the-top cinematic feel, allow
three ability checks or saves before the proverbial hammer
falls on the characters.
For example, let’s say that the party is attempting to climb The following cinematic scenes or hazards are not truly
a sheer cliff face to enter the Black Castle unseen. A deadly monsters or even lairs. Yet it may be necessary to place the
setting would see only one roll to avoid falling to one’s death. In effects of the scene in some form of Initiative order. Pick a
this case it might be that one poor Dexterity check would seal system and remain consistent: first, last or pick an average roll
their fate. and apply that to each combat round. Players may have to be
A setting that mixes gritty action and heroic deeds would tactical, expending an action to remain balanced or hold on,
allow two rolls before dropping the characters on the rocks so be aware if a character does not have a movement or action
hundreds of feet below. In this case, perhaps the climbing roll available to maintain safety.
fails, so an additional strength roll is needed to hold on with Flavor. At the beginning of each entry, there is a small
their fingertips. narrative section that can help set the scene. Although you
In a cinematic setting of high fantasy and heroic actions, may certainly read the description verbatim if you wish, it is
there would be at least three potential chances before tumbling recommended that you describe the scene in your own words
Conclusion To make an ability check or save, roll a d20 and add the
relevant ability modifier. As with other d20 rolls, apply
Although not intended to be a book of lairs or encounters,
bonuses and penalties, and compare the total to the DC.
the environs and hazards provided in this book can offer
If the total equals or exceeds the DC, the ability check is a
great opportunities to a creative GM, allowing you to include
success, otherwise, it’s a failure.
various monsters or non-player characters (NPCs) and
introduce new and exciting adventure locations.
Having Advantage means that you roll a second d20 when
you make the roll. You then use the higher of the two rolls.
For example, if you have Advantage and roll a 17 and a 5, Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such
you use the 17. as starvation and the long-term effects of freezing or
scorching temperatures, can lead to a special condition
Blinded called exhaustion.
Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An effect can give
A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability
a creature one or more levels of exhaustion, as specified in
check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have
the effect’s description.
Advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have Disadvantage.
2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and Saving Throws
A prone creature’s only movement option is to crawl, unless it
4 Hit point maximum halved
stands up and thereby ends the condition.
5 Speed reduced to 0 The creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls. An attack roll
6 Death against the creature has Advantage if the attacker is within 5
feet of the creature. Otherwise, the attack roll has Disadvantage.
If an already exhausted creature suffers another effect that
causes exhaustion, its current level of exhaustion increases by Resistance
the amount specified in the effect’s description.
A creature suffers the effect of its current level of If a creature or an object has Resistance to a damage type,
exhaustion as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature damage of that type is halved against it.
suffering level 2 exhaustion has its speed halved and has
Disadvantage on ability checks. Restrained
An effect that removes exhaustion reduces its level as A Restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t
specified in the effect’s description, with all exhaustion effects benefit from any bonus to its speed. Attack rolls against the
ending if a creature’s exhaustion level is reduced below 1.
creature have Advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have
Finishing a long rest reduces a creature’s exhaustion level by 1,
Disadvantage. The creature has Disadvantage on Dexterity
provided that the creature has also ingested some food and drink.
Saving Throws.
Saving Throw
Suffering from hallucinations means having visions of things that
are not there and an inability to differentiate between fantasy and A Saving Throw — also called a Save — represents an
reality. All mental ability checks are at Disadvantage. attempt to resist a spell, a trap, a poison, a disease, or a
similar threat.
This is a state of deep cold where the body begins to shut
down, and the creature’s core body temperature begins to drop. You are momentarily gripped by fear and doubt. You cannot
A creature with hypothermia is at Disadvantage on use your ability score bonuses and have Disadvantage to do
all Dexterity and Intelligence checks, and they suffer 1 anything related to that which has shaken you. This condition
level of exhaustion for minor hypothermia and 2 levels of remains until you take a full round to gather yourself.
exhaustion for severe hypothermia. Those who are immune or resistant to fear cannot be Shaken.
Additionally, the creature’s movement rate is reduced by half.
Incapacitated Stunned
A Stunned creature is Incapacitated (see above), can’t move,
An Incapacitated creature can’t take actions or reactions.
and can speak only falteringly. The creature automatically
Invisible fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws. Attack rolls
against the creature have Advantage.
An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid
of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the
creature is heavily obscured. The creature’s location can be
detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves. An unconscious creature is Incapacitated (see above),
Attack rolls against the creature have Disadvantage, and can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings .
the creature’s attack rolls have Advantage. The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone.
The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
Paralyzed Saving Throws.
A paralyzed creature is Incapacitated (see above) and can’t Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage. Any
move or speak. The creature automatically fails Strength and attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is
Dexterity Saving Throws. Attack rolls against the creature within 5 feet of the creature.
Regional Pressures
heavy, restrictive clothing have Disadvantage on their save.
Creatures that are adapted to this sort of heat or are
A desert is best defined as a region of land where there is resistant to fire have Advantage on their saves. Creatures
very little rainfall. Many mistakenly think that deserts are that are immune to fire are similarly immune to heat related
always hot, but nothing could be further from the truth. Of desert conditions.
course there are indeed stereotypical hot deserts covered Heat Stroke – This condition results from prolonged,
in vast shifting sand drifts, other deserts are flat salt plains,
unprotected exposure to the desert sun and dehydration. This
rocky plateaus, and even frozen tundras.
effects the body’s ability to regulate its temperature, causing
Between the extreme variations in temperature and the
a creature’s core body temperature to increase to dangerous
almost complete absence of drinkable water, even the most
levels. The symptoms include a throbbing headache,
experienced traveler will only cross them when there is
dizziness, lack of sweat, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea
great need or no other choice.
and vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and rapid, shallow breathing.
Note: This supplement will primarily deal with hot As the heat stroke worsens, there are behavioral changes
deserts, since arctic and high altitude deserts are such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering followed in
covered in other supplements. the end by seizures, unconsciousness and death.
Constitution points of acid damage per round. The character
can make a Constitution save (DC 15) to take only half damage.
The deceptively featureless landscape of the salt flats can Any clothing and armor in the caustic mud will be eaten
conceal hidden dangers, beyond those obvious in such a away. Leather items will become useless after 4 rounds and
caustic environment. metal items after 10 rounds.
Once extracted from the mud, it will continue to burn until
Quagmire. Some salt flats conceal pockets of mud washed off, requiring the use of at least a gallon of precious
beneath the surface. These can be shallow or deep enough to water or the use of a spell such as Prestidigitation.
swallow a caravan wagon. Any beast of burden that fall through are likely to be
The mud beneath the surface is most often a slurry of hobbled by the sudden drop, even in a shallow quagmire,
dirt, salt and other minerals. In rare cases, this yellowish particularly if they are loaded down with gear. If they fall
slurry can be extremely caustic, eating through leather into a deep quagmire, there will be little hope of rescuing
boots in a matter of minutes. the poor beast without a significant expenditure of energy,
A salt pan quagmire is almost impossible to spot ahead resources and/or magic.
of time, unless someone has broken through recently. The GM should note that many items made of glass,
When approaching a quagmire, the characters can make precious metals, gems and magic items may be unaffected
a Wisdom (Perception) check (DC 20) to recognize the by the caustic mud, and so there may be bits of treasure to
danger. Someone with the desert nomad background be found in these quagmires. Finding remnants of previous
makes this check with Advantage. victims can not only add depth to the history of the environ, but
The average quagmire is 1d10 feet deep. When first might encourage them to take risks by delving into these deadly
stepping onto the treacherous ground, there will be an traps. If they do so, some reward for the risk is recommended.
and a fumble will have the item snatched away by the winds,
never to be seen again.
The dark boiling mass of the sandstorm can be seen as Every 10 minutes in the storm, a character must make a
a wall of clouds and death stretching across the horizon. Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (DC 15).
Making towards shelter or creating one from current A successful roll means the character stays on his feet and
supplies is a must. Those foolhardy enough to wage war or holds on to whatever they are carrying. A failed roll mans that
conflict in such weather are more suicidal than brave. Please they fall down and get pushed 10 to 40 feet in the direction
reinforce how lethal a sandstorm can be. of the wind. Anything light they are holding is blown away.
This may mean one step forward and two steps back.
If / Then If a character is crawling, they have Advantage on their
save, but their movement is slowed to half.
Offer a chance for the party to find shelter or establish a
safe zone. Unless the players are totally engrossed in other Stage 3 – The sandstorm is so powerful that it can lift
activities, they should recognize the danger as the sandstorm mounts, carts, characters and anything not tied down securely.
splits the sky as a wall of darkness. Finding shelter requires a Every item up to 250 pounds is blown hundreds of feet in the
Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence check (DC 20). The distance direction of the wind, inflicting 4d6 points of structural damage
to get to shelter should be adjudicated using the Rule of Three. to it. This is enough to break all but the strongest objects.
A lethal setting would only offer one chance to make it, while Other objects up to 2000 pounds have a 1 in 6 chance of
a more cinematic feel would allow three chances. Anyone with being pushed by the storm up to 100 feet depending on its
the Desert Nomad background has Advantage on the roll. size and shape (GMs discretion).
Even the Odds of sand. They must then make a Perception check (DC 15)
to find the object. This search takes a full turn.
Wind gusts, flying objects, tripping hazards and blinding
4 The victim falls prone. A full turn must be spent to stand
conditions can randomly effect anyone under the sandstorm’s
up and gather one’s self, or else suffer Disadvantage on
merciless effects.
any saves for 1 round by standing up too quickly.
An excerpt from the Journal of Brother Leeds
Using the above stages can increase the tension of the
It has been several days since the sandstorm and we have
environment and ramp up any conflicts in the desert storm.
yet to find half of our gear. We managed to get the party and
Use your discretion when your game needs to add additional
most of the beasts into the tent before the worst of the storm
difficulty. If there is a need for a random time table, roll a d10
hit, but one mule is dead.
to gauge the number of minutes before the storm winds will
By the greatest stroke of luck the water was not lost,
increase to the next Stage. For example, rolling a 3 would
but our food situation is looking rather grim. Well, as my
mean the storm will increase to the next Stage in 3 minutes.
grandmother used to say, ‘waste not, want not.’ I hope no
Dust Devils! This is a smaller and localized form of
one has a problem with mule stew for a while.
the sandstorm. Formed from hot air currents, wind and
If / Then
at Advantage.
Once a character has failed 4 times (meaning that they are
Any travel or movement faster than half speed means rolling now 20 feet down the slope of the sinkhole), they are covered
all Perception and Saving Throw attempts at Disadvantage. with sand. They now take 1d4 points of Constitution damage
Remember that slow and steady wins the race when it comes per round as they are crushed and begin suffocating. Anyone
to sinkholes and sand rivers. stuck in the sand is considered to be Grappled.
New Equipment & Weapons proficient with a whip. This requires that they practice with
the klava to become accustomed to it, and so must spend at
least 1 hour per day for a week training with it.
Klava. This is a large well crafted scarf or towel, and is
Obviously, the klava can only be used for one thing at a
worn around the face and shoulders in various configurations.
time, so if it is being used as a weapon, it cannot provide
They come in numerous patterns and colors and are often
protection from sand or sun.
decorated with tassels, beads, and small stones or metal rings
The klava is a fragile item. It is easy to burn, slash or cut.
to add weight.
Unlike a true net, it has only 1 hit point. Any fumble will shred
This extremely mundane and ubiquitous scarf is worn in
the material. Any target that has a corrosive or flammable
most public places and comes in many levels of craftsmanship
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As soon as he was able, Jaxon set out into the world in search of
adventure, spending more than three decades traveling the roads
and wild lands of A ndün and greater A rda. During his wanderings,
he managed to amass a vast amount of magical knowledge and an
extraordinary number of books. In his latter years, Jaxon established
the largest and most respected library dedicated to the arcane arts the
world had ever seen.
Davae Breon Jaxon has recently turned his attention to the instruction
of adventurers in the fine art of survival in extreme environments, and
this book has benefitted greatly from his experience.