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Cinematic Environs Desert Wastes

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Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Writing: Davae Breon Jaxon, Alex Guillotte, Rob Davis

Rules Development: Davae Breon Jaxon

Design & Layout: Alex Guillotte

Editing: Alex Guillotte, Rob Davis

Art Director & Illustrations: Alex Guillotte

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

The material in this book is intended to add to the energy
down the rocky mountain wall. In this case, it might be that the
and excitement that one should feel when adventuring in
climbing skill fails and the strength check fails, but perhaps a
a dangerous and mysterious environment. While it’s true
Dexterity roll could save the falling hero as she grabs a root
that combat and social interactions make up a sizable
dangling nearby.
and important portion of most role-playing sessions, the
The Rule of Three also applies in the opposite direction
exploration of uncharted locations is another critical element
when a character attempts to perform a stunt. The more
of immersive gaming. The intention here is to add to the
skill or ability checks required to achieve the stunt, the more
overall drama of your game by engaging the senses and
realistic and dangerous the action will be. In other words,
cranking up the tension with heart-stopping hazards that can
asking for more rolls to succeed will lead to barriers when you
help make your world come alive for your players.
want your player group to engage in cinematic action.
The hope is that you enjoy using this “overlay” and are
For example, suppose a player wants their character to
sparked to create even more memories in the years to come.
snatch a tapestry from the wall, throw it over an orc guard and
The Rule of Three then push them out of an open window. In a realistic setting,
that player may have to roll to snatch down the carpet, another
One of the most important aspects of cinematic role playing is roll to hit the orc, and yet another roll to knock them over.
the Rule of Three. When adjudicating the dangers presented In a gritty game, the game master (GM) may ask for a roll to
in this book, be aware of what level of realism you, as a GM, are cover the guard and another to knock them prone.
looking to provide. In a cinematic world, a single roll is all that is needed to give
In a realistic, brutal setting, allowing only one ability check the orc a blanket party and send it on its way to oblivion.
or save to overcome the obstacle is acceptable. It’s important that you communicate with your group
A more adventurous, but still rather gritty feeling is achieved to decide collectively what sort of game you intend to run
by allowing two ability checks or saves before lethal effects concerning the Rule of Three. Make sure all are in complete
befall the heroes. This will give the players a real sense of agreement to prevent conflicting expectations in the game.
danger, yet still encourage some heroic stunts.

Using An Environ
And for a truly high-action, over-the-top cinematic feel, allow
three ability checks or saves before the proverbial hammer
falls on the characters.
For example, let’s say that the party is attempting to climb The following cinematic scenes or hazards are not truly
a sheer cliff face to enter the Black Castle unseen. A deadly monsters or even lairs. Yet it may be necessary to place the
setting would see only one roll to avoid falling to one’s death. In effects of the scene in some form of Initiative order. Pick a
this case it might be that one poor Dexterity check would seal system and remain consistent: first, last or pick an average roll
their fate. and apply that to each combat round. Players may have to be
A setting that mixes gritty action and heroic deeds would tactical, expending an action to remain balanced or hold on,
allow two rolls before dropping the characters on the rocks so be aware if a character does not have a movement or action
hundreds of feet below. In this case, perhaps the climbing roll available to maintain safety.
fails, so an additional strength roll is needed to hold on with Flavor. At the beginning of each entry, there is a small
their fingertips. narrative section that can help set the scene. Although you
In a cinematic setting of high fantasy and heroic actions, may certainly read the description verbatim if you wish, it is
there would be at least three potential chances before tumbling recommended that you describe the scene in your own words

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

as appropriate to the encounter and the mood of your game. Deafened
Each entry may also include additional options other than
those listed below, or it may omit ones that do not apply. Details A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any
on their use will be included with each specific description. ability check that requires hearing.
Pressure. Sometimes your players will suffer from
analysis-paralysis. If they are intent on remaining locked up, Despair
refusing to move either forward into danger or around the Spending enough time under extreme conditions is enough
obstacle, these ideas can help to get the story moving.
to wear anyone down. After enduring extreme conditions for
If / Then. Many scenes are dangerous to traverse. The
3 days + WIS modifier, you must make a successful Wisdom
notes here describe which specific actions could cause certain
save (DC 10) or loss 1 point of Wisdom. The DC increases
consequences. This can and should give your players pause as
by 1 for each level of exhaustion you have suffered.
they weigh various actions and what that means for them moving
forward. Do they run across a frozen lake or walk carefully? Both
options will have merit based on the party and their mission. Difficulty Class
Even the Odds. This is a simple way to randomly pick For every ability check or saving throw, the GM decides
targets in a crowd. Each target rolls a die. An even number which of the six abilities is relevant and the difficulty of the
means that subject is not targeted, but an odd number means task or save, represented by a Difficulty Class, usually called
suffering the effects of the environment, be it falling through the DC. The more difficult a task, the higher its DC. The
ice, tripping over roots or being smashed against rocks while table below shows the most common DCs.
being swept away by a raging river.
Changes. Even a blizzard can get boring after a while. This Task Difficulty DC
section is a prompt to wake up lethargic players. Use one or Very Easy 5
more of these events to jump start the encounter as things
Easy 10
change... for better or worse.
Fumblecrit. During any extreme activity, whether it’s Medium 15
combat or dealing with a natural hazard, some will fumble Hard 20
while others will enjoy a critical success. This table will list a Very Hard 25
few events that you can either roll for, or choose from, to add
Nearly Impossible 30
to the drama and energy of the scene.

Conclusion To make an ability check or save, roll a d20 and add the
relevant ability modifier. As with other d20 rolls, apply
Although not intended to be a book of lairs or encounters,
bonuses and penalties, and compare the total to the DC.
the environs and hazards provided in this book can offer
If the total equals or exceeds the DC, the ability check is a
great opportunities to a creative GM, allowing you to include
success, otherwise, it’s a failure.
various monsters or non-player characters (NPCs) and

introduce new and exciting adventure locations.

Having Disadvantage means that you roll a second d20

Definitions when you make the roll. You then use the lower of the two
rolls. For example, if you have Disadvantage and roll a 17
Advantage and a 5, you use the 5.

Having Advantage means that you roll a second d20 when
you make the roll. You then use the higher of the two rolls.
For example, if you have Advantage and roll a 17 and a 5, Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such
you use the 17. as starvation and the long-­term effects of freezing or
scorching temperatures, can lead to a special condition
Blinded called exhaustion.
Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An effect can give
A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability
a creature one or more levels of exhaustion, as specified in
check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have
the effect’s description.
Advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have Disadvantage.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Level Effect have Advantage. Any attack that hits the creature is a critical
1 Disadvantage on ability checks hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.

2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and Saving Throws
A prone creature’s only movement option is to crawl, unless it
4 Hit point maximum halved
stands up and thereby ends the condition.
5 Speed reduced to 0 The creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls. An attack roll
6 Death against the creature has Advantage if the attacker is within 5
feet of the creature. Otherwise, the attack roll has Disadvantage.
If an already exhausted creature suffers another effect that
causes exhaustion, its current level of exhaustion increases by Resistance
the amount specified in the effect’s description.
A creature suffers the effect of its current level of If a creature or an object has Resistance to a damage type,
exhaustion as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature damage of that type is halved against it.
suffering level 2 exhaustion has its speed halved and has
Disadvantage on ability checks. Restrained
An effect that removes exhaustion reduces its level as A Restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t
specified in the effect’s description, with all exhaustion effects benefit from any bonus to its speed. Attack rolls against the
ending if a creature’s exhaustion level is reduced below 1.
creature have Advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have
Finishing a long rest reduces a creature’s exhaustion level by 1,
Disadvantage. The creature has Disadvantage on Dexterity
provided that the creature has also ingested some food and drink.
Saving Throws.
Saving Throw
Suffering from hallucinations means having visions of things that
are not there and an inability to differentiate between fantasy and A Saving Throw — also called a Save — represents an
reality. All mental ability checks are at Disadvantage. attempt to resist a spell, a trap, a poison, a disease, or a
similar threat.
This is a state of deep cold where the body begins to shut
down, and the creature’s core body temperature begins to drop. You are momentarily gripped by fear and doubt. You cannot
A creature with hypothermia is at Disadvantage on use your ability score bonuses and have Disadvantage to do
all Dexterity and Intelligence checks, and they suffer 1 anything related to that which has shaken you. This condition
level of exhaustion for minor hypothermia and 2 levels of remains until you take a full round to gather yourself.
exhaustion for severe hypothermia. Those who are immune or resistant to fear cannot be Shaken.
Additionally, the creature’s movement rate is reduced by half.

Incapacitated Stunned
A Stunned creature is Incapacitated (see above), can’t move,
An Incapacitated creature can’t take actions or reactions.
and can speak only falteringly. The creature automatically
Invisible fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws. Attack rolls
against the creature have Advantage.
An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid
of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the
creature is heavily obscured. The creature’s location can be
detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves. An unconscious creature is Incapacitated (see above),
Attack rolls against the creature have Disadvantage, and can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings .
the creature’s attack rolls have Advantage. The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone.
The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
Paralyzed Saving Throws.
A paralyzed creature is Incapacitated (see above) and can’t Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage. Any
move or speak. The creature automatically fails Strength and attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is
Dexterity Saving Throws. Attack rolls against the creature within 5 feet of the creature.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Desert Conditions
The gray madman at the last roadhouse had poetically Regional Conditions
referred to this as the “apotheosis of all deserts,” but
we simply call it Hell. The sterile, bone white hardpan Remember to be consistent and adjudicate your gaming table
extends to the horizon in all directions, our boots sending when situations arrive that hinder the party. Listed below
up small clouds of salt dust with each step. are some possible hazards and minor setbacks that a desert
After eight days of travel, we can now make out the region can offer.
vague outline of mountains sketched roughly on the Deserts generally vacillate between extreme heat during
horizon. You would think that this would be a relief, but the day and freezing cold at night, with each presenting its
the awareness of the incomprehensible distance that we own unique challenges to the anyone unfortunate enough to
have yet to travel as been a hard blow to our spirits. find themselves in one.
Kane took a measure of the water this morning, and if
Heat. The desert sun is brutal and unforgiving, with
we manage to keep up our current pace, it should last us
the temperatures during the day reaching as much as 100
until we reach the foothills in another week. As the priest
degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
keeps saying, there will be water if god wills it.
Heat Exhaustion – A creature exposed to the heat, even with
No matter where one travels within a particular environ, there adequate water, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
will be aspects that are common throughout the entire region. every 2 hours or gain 1 level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the
The following section outlines conditions that are likely to first 2 hours and increases by 1 every 2 hours thereafter.
effect the characters no matter where they go. Those in medium or heavy armor, or those wearing

Regional Pressures
heavy, restrictive clothing have Disadvantage on their save.
Creatures that are adapted to this sort of heat or are
A desert is best defined as a region of land where there is resistant to fire have Advantage on their saves. Creatures
very little rainfall. Many mistakenly think that deserts are that are immune to fire are similarly immune to heat related
always hot, but nothing could be further from the truth. Of desert conditions.
course there are indeed stereotypical hot deserts covered Heat Stroke – This condition results from prolonged,
in vast shifting sand drifts, other deserts are flat salt plains,
unprotected exposure to the desert sun and dehydration. This
rocky plateaus, and even frozen tundras.
effects the body’s ability to regulate its temperature, causing
Between the extreme variations in temperature and the
a creature’s core body temperature to increase to dangerous
almost complete absence of drinkable water, even the most
levels. The symptoms include a throbbing headache,
experienced traveler will only cross them when there is
dizziness, lack of sweat, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea
great need or no other choice.
and vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and rapid, shallow breathing.
Note: This supplement will primarily deal with hot As the heat stroke worsens, there are behavioral changes
deserts, since arctic and high altitude deserts are such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering followed in
covered in other supplements. the end by seizures, unconsciousness and death.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Once a character has gone without water for at least 12 Food & Water – A character needs 2 gallons of water and 1
hours and is exposed to the desert heat for more than an hour, pound of food per day, though they can make their supplies
they are at risk of heat stroke. Every hour in the sun, they must last longer by rationing. Characters who don’t eat or drink
make a Constitution saving throw or lose 1 point from Strength, begin to dehydrate and starve.
Dexterity or Intelligence (decide randomly). The DC is 15 for the Dehydration will effect the characters first. Those who drink
first hour and increases by 1 per hour. only half of the amount of water required must succeed on a
When their Strength reaches 4, their movement is reduced Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or suffer 1 level of Exhaustion
to 0. When their Dexterity reaches 4, they begin to fumble at the end of the day. A character with the Desert Nomad
objects, stagger and become incapable of performing the background can go without water for a number of days equal to
most basic tasks. When their Intelligence reaches 4, they their Proficiency Bonus before suffering these effects.
become confused, disoriented, and begin hallucinating. Without any water, the character will dehydrate very
When any of the ability scores drops below 3, the quickly, suffering 2 levels of Exhaustion per day.
character falls unconscious. Without treatment, they will Exhaustion caused by lack of water can’t be removed until
begin to have seizures 30 minutes later, and an hour later the character rehydrates.
they will slip into a coma. Once this has happened, they Every 2 days without food causes the character to lose 1
will never be the same if they manage to recover. If left point of Strength, while eating a half ration can reduce this
untreated, the character will die 3 hours later. to 1 point every 6 days.
Heat stroke can be avoided by remaining protected against Once the food is gone, the character can last for a
the sun and heat as much as possible and staying hydrated. number of days equal to 3 + his or her Constitution
At any point prior to slipping into a coma, the character modifier before serious starvation sets in. A character with
can recover by getting out of the heat and rehydrating. Once the Desert Nomad background can add their proficiency
they are in a coma however, the situation become rather bonus to this (minimum 1).
grim. Getting them out of the heat and rehydrating them Once the character begins to starve, they automatically
will allow them to come out of the coma in 3d6 days. When lose 1 Strength point at the end of each day. A day of normal
they awake however, their Intelligence will be permanently eating restores their Strength and resets the number of days
reduced from its previous maximum by 1d4 points. Their without food to zero.
Strength and Dexterity will return to normal.
Foraging – Characters can search for food and water when
Those in medium or heavy armor, or those wearing
traveling at a normal or slow pace. The foraging character makes
heavy, restrictive clothing have Disadvantage on their save.
a Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check (DC 20) to
Creatures that are adapted to this sort of heat or are
determine if they find anything. In rare instances, the DC may be
resistant to fire have Advantage on their saves. Creatures
lower in scrub lands or in an oasis, at the GM’s discretion.
that are immune to fire are similarly immune to heat related
Multiple characters can forage together, making separate
desert conditions.
checks. A failed roll finds nothing, while a critical failure finds
High Sun – This is the 4 hour time period during the day the searcher in trouble. Check the Fumblecrit table to find
when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, and the effects what event takes place, or generate an encounter.
of the heat are compounded. During this time, the DC of all A success finds the equivalent of 1/2 ration + 1/2 ration
heat-related saves increases by 5. per Wisdom (Survival) modifier. For example, a character
Hot Metal – Wearing or holding metal objects in direct with a Wisdom mod of +2 finds 1-1/2 rations.
sunlight will cause 1 hit point of damage per hour during Another forage roll is required to find water. Success
the High Sun hours. Armor must be removed and metal means that they find 1/4 gallon of water, or if they succeed by
objects, such as swords, bracers, helmets and shields, 5 or more, they find a source sufficient to rehydrate the entire
must be stowed away to prevent damage. Suffering this party and replenish their stores, assuming they have the
damage will negate any attempts to have a Short or Long containers to carry it.
Rest, recover hit points or recover from Exhaustion. The
Navigation. Finding a path during the night and day
character must restart all resting or healing attempts once
only requires a Wisdom (Survival) check against a DC of
they cease taking damage.
10, when appropriate. The trouble begins when trying to
Limited Resources. Perhaps more than any other environ, navigate by landmarks and features. After the landscape
deserts lack the most basic resources necessary for life. This shifts due to sandstorms, earthquakes, dust devils or other
means that travelers must plan to bring whatever they need phenomena, the DC increases to 15. If the party has a map,
with them, and ration it appropriately. the roll is made with Advantage.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Natural & Supernatural Fauna. It would be impossible covered with a black, tar-like ooze the pulses and undulates
to list every known natural and supernatural creature in the as if it were a living thing. Tendrils of the ooze extends out
desert. Rest assured that many creatures that inhabit other another 20 feet in all directions like obscene tentacles.
regions that will have a similar species in the desert. Anyone brave or foolish enough to get near the cyst can
They will burrow or swim through the soft sand, using see that the pit goes down at least 80 feet before details are
tremor sense to track its prey. Coloration changes and swallowed in darkness. This darkness is utterly impenetrable,
markings identify them as native to the desert, which can even when the sun is directly overhead.
confuse explorers when confronted with a creature that is The only other obvious trait is the disgusting smell that
familiar and yet completely alien. emanates from the pit. The odor has been described as a
Nighttime Cold. Once the sun has set in the desert, mixture of putrefying flesh and rancid milk, and it is the
the temperature drops alarmingly fast. It can go from 100 feature that earned the cyst its name.
degrees Fahrenheit to below freezing in just a few hours. Anyone who comes within 10 feet of the black tentacles
Without proper shelter or a heat source, resting can be close must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15) or become
to impossible and hypothermia is a very real danger. grappled by 1d4 rope-like pseudopods. The grapple can be
broken with a Strength check (DC 12), or a tendril can be cut
Sun Blindness. In addition to the obvious effects of the
with a successful Dexterity check (DC 12).
sun’s heat, its brightness has its own set of dangers.
In the following round, the tendrils will begin to pull the
After 4 hours without some sort of eye protection, a
victim into the cyst at a rate of 5 feet per round. It takes 4
creature who is not accustomed to the sun must make a
rounds to reach the pit, and the creature will be thrown in on
Constitution save (DC 10) or suffer reduced vision, giving
the next round. The creature will then fall for 2 rounds, after
them Disadvantage on all ability checks that require their
which they will plunge into a black, viscus liquid with the
eyes. This penalty goes away after a short or long rest,
consistency of syrup.
assuming that they are able to shade their eyes from the
It is not syrup of course, and is in fact a kind of
light in some way.
digestive enzyme that will dissolve the unfortunate victim.
Protective eye wear or a hat that provides eye shade is
Each round in the cyst inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution
sufficient to avoid this condition.
damage. The inside walls of the cyst are soft, flesh-
Sun Burn. To those who are not accustomed to the sun, like, and covered with a thick, slippery mucus that is
constant exposure can lead to uncomfortable and even painful impossible to climb. Even with a rope, all climb checks
burns to exposed areas of the skin. Unprotected skin will are made at Disadvantage.
begin to burn after 1 hour of exposure, inflicting 1 hit point of Adding insult to injury, the mucus has anti-magic
heat damage. After 4 hours of exposure, the skin will begin to properties, making it impossible for an arcane magic to
blister, inflicting an additional 2 hit points of heat damage. function within the cyst.
This damage can be healed through the use of mundane Constitution damage is restored at a rate of 1 per week,
salves during a short rest or through healing magic. or can be healed by 1 for every 20 points of magical healing.
Sunburn can be avoided by covering the body in light, If the character loses more than half of their Constitution
loose-fitting clothes and/or wearing an alchemical sunblock. points before escaping the cyst, they will lose 1 point of
Constitution and 1 point of Charisma permanently.
Supernatural or Alien Conditions Storm of Glass. There are some particularly harsh deserts
where the elemental forces bleed through into the prime
Whether your world is steeped in arcane magic or just
material plane. In rare cases, these forces produce violent
happens to have planetary conditions that differ from our
storms that swirl in massive cyclones across the landscape.
own, it’s important to consider how these things will effect
The most dreaded of these is the Storm of Glass. As the
your environs. The following are a few examples that one
name implies, this storm contains clouds of fine, razor-sharp
could add to a desert setting.
glass shards that turn a dangerous whirlwind into a deadly
Arcane Cyst. Not all deserts are the result of natural
shredder of flesh.
climate or geologic effects. The Arcane Cyst can be found
These storms are fast moving and relatively short lived.
near the center of deserts that were formed as the result of
They tend to manifest during High Sun, and travel across the
some catastrophic arcane event.
desert at close to 30 miles per hour. The Storm of Glass forms
The cyst itself looks like an open pit approximately 300
in a matter of seconds and immediately begins to zig-zag its
feet across. The edge is slightly raised like a crater and is
way across the landscape for 5 to 10 miles before dispersing.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

When traveling through a desert that is prone to these
storms, there is a 1 in 20 chance each day that the party
will encounter one. They are roughly a mile in diameter, 1 While foraging for food and/or water, the subject falls
and if spotted early, the party can move perpendicular to its into a patch of spiky plants. The victim is impaled by
path to avoid it. In order to attempt this, at least one of the tiny needles, piercing even the tiniest opening to hit
party must make a successful Perception check (DC 12) to flesh. The character must remove the needles, taking
accurately determine it’s path. 1d4 hours to do so or suffer Disadvantage until they are
Any characters caught in the storm are blasted by shards all gone. Medical or Survival proficiency will reduce
of glass for 2 minutes (20 rounds). During that time, they the time by half.
much make a successful Dexterity save (DC 18) each round 2 The forager stumbles and twists an ankle. Movement
or suffer 1d4 hit points of slashing damage. If they succeed is reduced to half until healed or after a long rest.
on their save, they take half damage.
3 Food and/or water is found, but it is poisonous and
The damage can be avoided if the character can manage
causes stomach pains. Anyone who ate or drank
to get under cover, whether than means into some sort of
this meal will be Poisoned for 12 hours. If they do not
shelter, a heavy, secure tent, or heavy layers of clothes that
take a Long Rest, they must Even the Odds each time
cover the entire body.
they attempt any physical activity. An odd result means
These can make for a rather intense encounter if a Storm of
that they vomit, leaving them Stunned for 2 rounds.
Glass should happen to show up during a combat encounter.
A successful Medical skill check using a Healer’s Kit
can reduce the time of the effects by half. If a
Ability Score Loss character is vomiting, their water requirements are
Unless otherwise stated, any ability score points that are lost doubled for that day.
as a result of environmental conditions are restored at a rate 4 After eating and/or drinking, body waste, including
of 1 point per hour once those conditions have been rectified. gas, has a noticeable scent. This allows predators
For example, if one is suffering from the cold, then time to track the party with Advantage from the last
spend in a warm, dry place will allow the creature to recover. known location.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Desert Hazards
The party departed the City of Ember
near the end of Blood Moon in the year
6438 of the 5th Age. Artemus Hale and
his party of twelve adventurers headed
off into the heart of the Cursed Desert.

Their goal was to find a temple

dedicated to a deity known only as The
Blind God. It was rumored to house
one of the greatest libraries dedicated
to the arcane arts ever known.

When Hale’s party emerged from the

desert two weeks later, there were only
eight of the original group remaining,
including Hale himself. The villagers
who first saw them screamed and fled,
believing them to be undead, for they
were little but bones wrapped in dry,
cracked skin.

Artemus and a few others managed

to recover from their ordeal, but the
rest were never quite the same. Seth
Horban had fallen into a coma from
severe heat stroke. When he finally
regained consciousness, he could
barely remember his own family.
Needless to say, his life as a master
wizard was over.

Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Desert Hazards
Flash Flood
As we neared the far side of the desert, we descended Flash floods are caused by heavy rains, even from
into an ancient dry river bed that had not seen water in storms that are happening miles away, because the desert
who knows how long. Our guide insisted that we might ground doesn’t soak up water quickly, and so almost all
find water down here to replenish our supply. of that water is channeled into the low lands. This can
There is a saying that says “be careful what you wish produce flood conditions very quickly and without warning,
for’ and in this case it was all too true. We had started filling dry riverbeds, ditches and lake beds. The water can
rationing our water two days ago, and since then, we be strong and violent, creating a walls of water up to 30
were all praying to our various deities and spirits for feet high. Remarkably, more people drown in the desert
whatever help they might see fit to provide. than die of thirst.
The guide looked nervously towards the nearby
mountains as we heard thunder from the clouds in the If / Then
distance. “We must hurry!” He shouted suddenly. “Get If the characters are in a dry riverbed, ditch, canyon or dry lake
to the top!” when a flash flood is about to hit, they can make a Perception
We all began to scramble towards the upper rim check (DC 20) early on to notice the storm clouds in the distance.
of the riverbed, even as we heard a strange rumbling Anyone familiar with the desert will understand the danger, but
from the west that was not wind or thunder. Just as everyone else can make a Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence
we reached the upper bank, we saw the wall of brown (Nature) check (DC 12) to interpret the signs. If they are
water roaring through the riverbed, picking up rocks successful, they can easily get to high ground in time.
and boulders as it came. As the flood is about to hit, they can make a auditory
Within minutes, what had been a parched canyon had Perception check (DC 15) to hear the flood coming. If they
become a raging torrent of muddy water. succeed on this check, they will have to make a Strength
(Athletics) check (DC 15) to get to high ground in time.
Pressure The GM can adjust the DCs based on the specific
The need for water and shade in the desert is a powerful topography of the setting. For example, if the party is in the
one, and the comparatively cool nooks within a dry middle of a vast dry lake, then it may take longer to get to safety,
riverbeds can be very appealing to the weary traveler. or they may decide to take other actions.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Any characters hit by the flash flood must make a Dexterity Fumblecrits
save (DC 15) or get pulled beneath the water and are swept away
1 Something particularly large has been swept downstream
(see Even the Odds for details). If they succeed, they manage to
by the flood, like a cart, tumbling boulder, or small
stay on top of the water. Swimming along with the current, they
structure. The victim gets hit by the object, suffering
manage to avoid drowning for the time being.
4d6 hit points of bludgeoning damage. They must also
Even the Odds make a Dexterity save (DC 18) or become trapped
underwater beneath it. It will require a Strength (Athletics)
Each round in the water requires constantly fighting the check (DC 20) to free themselves or they begin to drown.
current, or else get pulled underwater and get carried away by
2 Just when you thought you were safe, the water erodes the
the force of the muddy waters.
ground beneath the character, sending them sprawling into
Chaotic Waters. Due to the mud, sand and other
the flood waters below. They can make a Dexterity save
debris swept downstream by the flood waters, it is nearly
(DC 10) to avoid an injury. If they fail, they suffer 1d6 points
impossible to see while underwater. Between that and
of bludgeoning damage, and of course find themselves
the constant battering by the current, it can be difficult to
determine which way is up. Even the Odds to determine if swept away by the flood.
the character knows which end is up while beneath the flood 3 The water sweeps the character towards a rather significant
waters, with an even roll meaning success. drop (2d4 x 10 feet). Unless the character can stop their
Drowning. While swimming, each foot of movement movement or get out of the water, they will plunge over the
costs 1 extra foot (2 extra feet in rough waters), unless edge and suffer 1d4 points of Constitution damage.
a creature has a climbing or swimming speed. At the GM’s
4 The victim is knocked unconscious by a stray branch that
option, gaining any distance in the flood waters might require a
was caught up in the torrent. Fortunately, their
successful Strength (Athletics) check.
unconscious form ends up on top of the log, and so they
A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes
are in no immediate danger of drowning. Unfortunately,
equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds).
they are being carried helplessly down stream and could
When a creature runs out of breath or takes water into
end up miles away. Hopefully the party can find them.
its lungs, it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of
its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t
regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.
Consider the additional effects of the force of the water.
The subject who swims or gets carried away will move
2d4 x 10 feet downstream, in addition to moving in their
desired direction.
Anyone suffering a physical injury must make a
Constitution save (DC 15) or begin drowning. The DC is 20 if
they sustain a critical hit. A failure means suffering the loss of
1d4 points of Constitution.
Debris. In addition to the dangers of drowning, flash
floods often carry debris that was picked up along the way.
This can include rocks, branches and even the carcasses of
dead animals that were killed by the flood upstream.
Even the Odds to see if thy have a chance of getting
bludgeoned by debris. They will need to make a Dexterity
save (DC 15 if they are on the surface, or DC 18 if they are
below the surface) to determine if they are struck. If they fail,
they suffer 2d6 hit points of bludgeoning damage.
If the water is particularly strewn with debris, then the
GM can decide than anyone in the water automatically
takes 1d6 hit points per round, but only half damage if they
succeed on their save.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Salt Flats
Yesterday we smelled what we thought was the sea, and Deterioration of Gear. The salt also has an adverse effect
were encouraged that we might be reaching the far side on leather and metals. Each day spent on the salt flats will
of the desert. However, when we breached the last dune cause any items made from metal or leather to deteriorate
of the seemingly endless expanse of shifting sand, we unless they are somehow protected or maintained. Metal can
were met by a vast plain of white that stretched before be wrapped in oiled cloth or heavily greased. Leather can be
us in all directions. What we first irrationally took to be kept oiled as well, though it will require daily maintenance.
snow, turned out to be pure salt. Maintaining gear to prevent deterioration requires at
We have now walked many miles across this barren least 1 hour and a half flask of oil per day. This does not
crust and our boots are covered in fine white powder count towards a short or long rest since the process is
kicked up from the ground. I hadn’t thought it possible physically demanding and precludes actually resting.
to dehydrate more, but the salt is pulling the moisture Unprotected or unmaintained gear will begin to suffer
from our very pores. from the effects of the salt. Boots are particularly vulnerable.
Our guide has handed out bags of grease that he After 1 day of walking on a salt flat will cause leather boots to
recommends we put on our exposed skin to protect begin to crack and weaken. After 4 days, they will begin to fall
against the savage dryness that threatens to turn our apart, and by the 5th day will be useless.
flesh into jerky. Weapons will begin to lose their effectiveness after 2
days as they begin to corrode. Every 2 days, metal slashing
Pressure weapons gain a -1 penalty to damage. This is cumulative
until the weapon can be properly maintained. The weapons
Walking across a salt flat is one of the most grueling
can be restored, though this will add 2 hours of maintenance
journeys that a traveler can experience. The blistering sun
per day to bring them back to their original quality.
reflects off the pure white surface to blind characters and
Bludgeoning weapons also show signs of corrosion, but this
reflect even more of the sun’s heat.
doesn’t hinder their effectiveness in any significant way.
If a party finds themselves in such an environment, there
Armor (whether leather or metal) take a permanent and
is only one choice; get out of it as quickly as possible.
cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers every 4 days. Armor

If / Then that is reduced to an AC of 10 is destroyed.

Leather and metal shields are more resilient, losing 1 from
The only thing easy about traveling across a salt flat is that it’s their AC bonus every 10 days. When a shield that drops to a
easy walking. There are no significant features, flora or fauna +0 bonus, it too is destroyed.
to provide landmarks or resources. About the only thing that Mirages. On these flat, white plains, mirages are very
the party will not run short of is salt. common. In most cases they appear to be lakes of water,
The general conditions of the salt flat provide the greatest but can look like mountains, terrain features or even distant
threat to the characters.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

travelers. If a character is already suffering from dehydration, audible cracking that will give the character a Dexterity save
they mirages can induce full blown hallucinations. (DC 15) to avoid dropping through. If the mud is 1-2 feet deep,
Every hour of traveling, the characters must make a the character falls prone and is likely covered with yellow or
Wisdom (Perception) check (DC 10) to recognize a mirage white sludge. If the mud is 3-5 feet, they are likely to become
for what it is. If they are familiar with the desert or have stuck, requiring a Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10) to free
been fooled by mirages before, they have Advantage on themselves or have someone pull them out. Any deeper than
their check. If they are dehydrated, they make the check at that, and the character will sink below the surface.
Disadvantage. The GM can also Even the Odds to see if the If another character moves within 5 feet to assist, they must
mirage manifests as a hallucination. The form of the vision is make a Dexterity save (DC 15) to avoid falling in themselves.
up to the player and GM, but it is most likely to be influenced It is not possible to swim in quagmire mud, but if the
by what the character hopes to see more than anything. character remains calm and doesn’t struggle, they may be
In many cases it would be an oasis, but it could be a large able to keep their head above the surface until rescued.
caravan, a building, or even dead loved ones. Obviously the GM will have to adjust this information
Severe Dehydration – These plains of salt compound the based on characters of different heights.
effects of dehydration. All saves verses dehydration are made The shallower quagmires can be a simple annoyance,
at Disadvantage. but the deeper ones can prove lethal. A character can hold
Sun Glare. The white salt reflects much more of the sun their breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + their
than dirt or sand. This glare can cause temporary blindness Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds).
without some sort of eye protection. When a character runs out of breath or takes mud into their
After traveling on the salt flat for 1 day without eye lungs, they can survive for a number of rounds equal to its
protection, the character makes all visual checks at Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of their
Disadvantage. After 5 consecutive days without eye next turn, they drops to 0 hit points and begin dying. They cannot
protection, the character’s vision becomes blurry, and their regain hit points or be stabilized until they can breathe again.
vision is reduced to 20 feet. Anyone suffering a physical injury must make a
If they are foolish enough to go without eye protection Constitution save (DC 15) or begin drowning immediately.
for 10 consecutive days, their vision becomes permanently The DC is 20 if they sustain a critical hit. A failure means
impaired, reducing their effective vision range to 10 feet for suffering the loss of 1d4 points of Constitution.
larger objects, 5 feet to identify faces, and 6 inches to read. Roughly 1 in 20 quagmires will be extremely caustic. If
this is the case, anyone in the mud will begin to suffer 1d4

Constitution points of acid damage per round. The character
can make a Constitution save (DC 15) to take only half damage.
The deceptively featureless landscape of the salt flats can Any clothing and armor in the caustic mud will be eaten
conceal hidden dangers, beyond those obvious in such a away. Leather items will become useless after 4 rounds and
caustic environment. metal items after 10 rounds.
Once extracted from the mud, it will continue to burn until
Quagmire. Some salt flats conceal pockets of mud washed off, requiring the use of at least a gallon of precious
beneath the surface. These can be shallow or deep enough to water or the use of a spell such as Prestidigitation.
swallow a caravan wagon. Any beast of burden that fall through are likely to be
The mud beneath the surface is most often a slurry of hobbled by the sudden drop, even in a shallow quagmire,
dirt, salt and other minerals. In rare cases, this yellowish particularly if they are loaded down with gear. If they fall
slurry can be extremely caustic, eating through leather into a deep quagmire, there will be little hope of rescuing
boots in a matter of minutes. the poor beast without a significant expenditure of energy,
A salt pan quagmire is almost impossible to spot ahead resources and/or magic.
of time, unless someone has broken through recently. The GM should note that many items made of glass,
When approaching a quagmire, the characters can make precious metals, gems and magic items may be unaffected
a Wisdom (Perception) check (DC 20) to recognize the by the caustic mud, and so there may be bits of treasure to
danger. Someone with the desert nomad background be found in these quagmires. Finding remnants of previous
makes this check with Advantage. victims can not only add depth to the history of the environ, but
The average quagmire is 1d10 feet deep. When first might encourage them to take risks by delving into these deadly
stepping onto the treacherous ground, there will be an traps. If they do so, some reward for the risk is recommended.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

If / Then
I stopped counting at 368. Each time I struggled up
Crossing an expanse of sand is considered Difficult Terrain.
a dune and stood upon the crest, all I could see was
Players must be reminded that, without full attention,
more of the same; an endless expanse of pale sand. climbing a sand hill, dune or rampart will likely result in
As the winds shifted, so too did the sands, making sliding, rolling or falling to the bottom of the sand dune.
navigation all but impossible. Actions which require movement, such as a charging,
Then the sand suddenly gave way! We slid, rolled and tackling or grappling, could have both attacker and defender
stumbled gracelessly to the base of yet another dune. tumbling down a hill of gritty, blinding sand.
Without a word, we gathered our belongings, uselessly
Sand Dunes – Climbing a dune requires the use of hands
brushing sand from our clothing and began to ascend
and feet. A creature’s speed is reduced to half of their normal
another mountain of sand. Number 369…
normal movement rate. A characters that is standing still
must spend a Move Action to remain in place by making a
Pressure Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (DC 15) to avoid sliding down
Crossing the desert is a feat that will require a monumental the hill 10 to 40 feet. Combat is still possible, but not without
amount of courage and expertise. Give your players a at least one hand free to remain stable on the sand dune.
goal, both personal and epic, that will get them moving. Sand Fields – This is an area that is primarily flat. The soft
Adventures that involve a lost kingdom, buried treasure, sand allows the feet to sink into it 1 to 4 inches with each
exacting revenge, or freeing an enslaved nation are as big step. Walking is slow, reducing movement by 5 feet. Most
and bold as the desert they intend to cross. Allow them to likely, the area surrounding the fields will have hills, dunes
make assumptions that push the adventure forward. and ramparts, blocking a substantive view from a distance.
Additionally, tales of gods, djinn, magi and demons These valleys or depressions are ideal for large caravans and
clashing and warping reality are such extraordinary nomadic tribal outposts.
claims that the characters will want to see these things for
Sand Hills – A hill has a mild grade, slowing movement
themselves. Any or all of these motivations can overcome the
by half. Scaling a hill may not require the use of hands or
most stubborn case of “analysis paralysis.”


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

stabilizing item, such as a staff, but care must be taken Fumblecrit
to assure safety. If any physical activity is done on the hill 1 The victim is covered in sand and is Restrained. They also
beyond the climb (including combat), the character must begin to suffocate, and so must make a Constitution saving
spend an Action to remain in place. Otherwise make a throw (DC 10). Success means they are able to hold their
Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw (DC 10) to avoid sliding breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + Constitution
down the hill 10 feet. modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). Failure means that
Sand Ramparts – Scaling a rampart is an attempt to climb a they are unable to catch a breath, surviving for a number
near vertical obstacle. Both hands are required and movement of rounds equal to his or her Constitution modifier. At
is reduced to 5 feet (10 feet if dashing). The characters must the end of that time the victim drops to 0 hit points and
spend 2 Actions remaining in place. Any physical engagement, begins dying and cannot be stabilized until they are
including combat, requires a Dexterity (Acrobatics save (DC freed and are able to breath. Digging out of the sand
20) to avoid sliding 20 to 80 feet down hill. requires a Strength (Athletics) check. If the victim is
self-rescuing, the DC is 15, but if they are being dug out

Even the Odds by someone else, the rescuer’s DC is 10).

2 The subject tumbles head over heels, becoming
Each round anyone continues to ascend a hill, dune or rampart,
disoriented and Stunned for 1d4 rounds.
there is a chance they will be Restrained. A sand slide will
pour downhill, trapping them in knee to waist-deep sand. It 3 The victim is Blinded for 1d4 rounds as sand and debris
only requires a Movement Action to extricate one’s self from enter their mouth, nose, eyes and ears.
the sand, but this will make them vulnerable to being targeted.
4 The target tumbles downhill and is Stunned for 1 round
Anyone who slides down hill must make an Even the Odds roll
while collecting themselves.
or suffer a Restrained condition until freed.
Someone above a target can create a sand slide effect on 5 The victim drops whatever is in hand while sliding down
purpose. An Intelligence check (or appropriate skill) allows hill and lands Prone.
them to take a Combat Action to disturb the sand enough to 6 The victim slides to the very bottom of the hill, no
get it to fall. Use their Intelligence modifier to find out how matter how far down it is.
many targets can be subject to the slide of sand (minimum 1).


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

We tried to last through the storm in our tents, but the Stage 1 – The winds stir up dust and sand, limiting
winds made quick work out of our feeble cloth and visibility and sound to 10 feet. Any ranged attacks (including
sticks. The sand moved with such force it abraded our spells) are halved and have Disadvantage to hit. Movement
skin. Walking forward into the storm was like pushing faster than half speed may cause one to trip or stumble. If
a stubborn ox. One of our party was snatched into the moving faster than half speed, make a Dexterity (Acrobatics)
dark boiling mass above us, never to be seen again. We check (DC 10) or fall prone. If heading for shelter, this could
tied ourselves together and marched towards life. We cause a very dangerous delay.
struggled towards the safety of a rocky outcrop hundreds Stage 2 – As above, but vision is reduced to zero! Touch,
of yards away. A small man was resting at the base of our memory, guide ropes, or other methods beyond sight, are
salvation. His toothless smile and outstretched hand told the only ways to keep track of a path or party members.
us everything we needed to know. We needed a guide and Stumbling and falling is probable, and using anything light
would pay any price asked. or fragile is impossible. Reading a scroll or map is futile,

and a fumble will have the item snatched away by the winds,
never to be seen again.
The dark boiling mass of the sandstorm can be seen as Every 10 minutes in the storm, a character must make a
a wall of clouds and death stretching across the horizon. Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (DC 15).
Making towards shelter or creating one from current A successful roll means the character stays on his feet and
supplies is a must. Those foolhardy enough to wage war or holds on to whatever they are carrying. A failed roll mans that
conflict in such weather are more suicidal than brave. Please they fall down and get pushed 10 to 40 feet in the direction
reinforce how lethal a sandstorm can be. of the wind. Anything light they are holding is blown away.
This may mean one step forward and two steps back.
If / Then If a character is crawling, they have Advantage on their
save, but their movement is slowed to half.
Offer a chance for the party to find shelter or establish a
safe zone. Unless the players are totally engrossed in other Stage 3 – The sandstorm is so powerful that it can lift
activities, they should recognize the danger as the sandstorm mounts, carts, characters and anything not tied down securely.
splits the sky as a wall of darkness. Finding shelter requires a Every item up to 250 pounds is blown hundreds of feet in the
Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence check (DC 20). The distance direction of the wind, inflicting 4d6 points of structural damage
to get to shelter should be adjudicated using the Rule of Three. to it. This is enough to break all but the strongest objects.
A lethal setting would only offer one chance to make it, while Other objects up to 2000 pounds have a 1 in 6 chance of
a more cinematic feel would allow three chances. Anyone with being pushed by the storm up to 100 feet depending on its
the Desert Nomad background has Advantage on the roll. size and shape (GMs discretion).


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

pressure, a dust devil is a relatively small tornado of sand
Characters can use any appropriate ability and skill to resist
and hot air. Use the above stages to detail the strength of
being blown away if it makes sense. Even if measures are
the twister, but limit its size. They can be as small as 10 feet
taken to prevent being blown away, those that fail their save
across to as large as 200 feet (1d20 x 10 feet) moving 10
will still be lifted off their feet. For example, if the characters
feet to 40 feet per round in more or less a straight line.
are lashed together, one of them can still be pulled into the air
Dust Clouds! This is a minor wind that stirs up vast
and held to the rest by only the rope.
amounts of tiny particles. The dust cloud remains at Stage 1
If a character is picked up and thrown by the wind, death is
but lasts all day, obscuring paths and trails. Opponents
nearly certain. They will be blown 20 to 200 feet (2d10 x 10 feet),
could take advantage of the cover and disappear before the
suffering 1d6 hit points of bludgeoning damage for each 10
dust cloud ends.
feet launched. Characters can make a Dexterity save (DC 20) to
halve the damage. Of course the GM should use their discretion
if the players come up with other options to resist the wind.
Those with a flying movement rate can subtract their 1 The victim accidentally sucks down a lung full of dust
movement from the total distance thrown to reduce the and sand and begins suffocating. The victim can survive
damage. An Inspiration Point may be spent to re-roll the for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution
distance traveled, hopefully reducing the damage suffered. modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of their next
Finding any objects (or unconscious creatures) in the turn, they drop to 0 hit points and begin dying. If the victim
wake of the storm requires a successful Perception check completely stops and begins clearing their lungs, they
(DC 20). This can be re-rolled each hour after the sandstorm can catch a breath, but this will leave them Incapacitated
has passed. Remember that his will affect unprotected while coughing up sand and dust.
mounts, pets and familiars as well! 2 The victim is Blinded by dust and sand for 1d4 rounds or
Under these conditions, the GM will have to decide if a until their eyes are cleared by water or a cloth using an
shelter is solid enough to withstand the storm or resist flying Action to do so.
debris. Depending on its construction, the shelter itself might
3 The storm winds yank an object out of a character’s hand.
take severe damage or even be destroyed completely.
It falls to the ground and is immediately covered by layers

Even the Odds of sand. They must then make a Perception check (DC 15)
to find the object. This search takes a full turn.
Wind gusts, flying objects, tripping hazards and blinding
4 The victim falls prone. A full turn must be spent to stand
conditions can randomly effect anyone under the sandstorm’s
up and gather one’s self, or else suffer Disadvantage on
merciless effects.
any saves for 1 round by standing up too quickly.

An excerpt from the Journal of Brother Leeds
Using the above stages can increase the tension of the
It has been several days since the sandstorm and we have
environment and ramp up any conflicts in the desert storm.
yet to find half of our gear. We managed to get the party and
Use your discretion when your game needs to add additional
most of the beasts into the tent before the worst of the storm
difficulty. If there is a need for a random time table, roll a d10
hit, but one mule is dead.
to gauge the number of minutes before the storm winds will
By the greatest stroke of luck the water was not lost,
increase to the next Stage. For example, rolling a 3 would
but our food situation is looking rather grim. Well, as my
mean the storm will increase to the next Stage in 3 minutes.
grandmother used to say, ‘waste not, want not.’ I hope no
Dust Devils! This is a smaller and localized form of
one has a problem with mule stew for a while.
the sandstorm. Formed from hot air currents, wind and


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Sinkholes & Sand Rivers
Some may dismiss what I write as heat induced Sinkholes – These are caused by the erosion of bedrock far
madness, but I swear on my life that today we crossed below the surface. It usually takes place over a long period of
something that could only be described as a river of sand. time, leaving a thin crust beneath the sand. This crust can be
It flowed with a force to match any river of water that I fairly solid, but more often than not, they are rather brittle,
have ever seen. requiring only the smallest weight to cause them to fail.
Our guide Khem tried to explain these dangers, though When this happens, the sand pours down into the depths of
we were skeptical, thinking them old tavern tales. We the earth like the inside of an hourglass.
changed our minds quickly however when we came to These hazards are difficult, but not impossible to spot.
a flat expanse of smooth sand. Khem wordlessly threw When passing through an area that is prone to sinkholes, the
a large rock into a featureless plain. The stone was characters can make Perception checks (DC 16) every hour
instantly swallowed up, followed by an area the size of to notice potential sinkholes.
a small ship. A giant sinkhole had opened up beneath If the party decides to cross the sinkhole, they will likely
plain, and the sand was simply funneled into it, leaving a want to take things slow, and spread themselves out so as
deep depression in the formerly featureless landscape. not to put too much pressure in one area. Each character
Khem turned gravely and said, “In three or four days must make a Dexterity (Stealth) check (DC 10) to avoid
the winds will fill it, and there will be no trace. The sand triggering the sinkhole.
river we crossed was caused by the same process. Mark If a sinkhole is triggered, any creature within 10 to 100 feet
this warning well, my friends.” (1d10 x 10 feet) will have 1 round to act before the sand begins
to suck them down. After that, they will need to make Strength
Pressure saves (DC 15) to resist being pulled down. Each fail means that
the sinkhole has pulled them down another 5 feet as the sand
Going around these hazards would cost valuable time,
slowly funnels into the ground. A success moves them 5 feet
energy and resources. With careful progression, the party
closer to the upper edge of the funneling sand.
can minimize or even avoid their effects. Attacks by enemies
If they are tethered by a rope to someone outside the
or predators will make this trek doubly dangerous, so pacing
sinkhole, they can make their saves at Advantage. If they were
and marching speed will be vitally important.
aware of the sinkhole beforehand, they make their first save

If / Then
at Advantage.
Once a character has failed 4 times (meaning that they are
Any travel or movement faster than half speed means rolling now 20 feet down the slope of the sinkhole), they are covered
all Perception and Saving Throw attempts at Disadvantage. with sand. They now take 1d4 points of Constitution damage
Remember that slow and steady wins the race when it comes per round as they are crushed and begin suffocating. Anyone
to sinkholes and sand rivers. stuck in the sand is considered to be Grappled.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Sand River. Caused by the same phenomenon as sinkholes, 4 The character’s ankle is badly twisted, leaving them a bit
the sand river occurs when a large sinkhole opens up and lame in one leg. This reduces their movement rate by 5
begins pulling sand from more distant areas. The river follows feet until they have had a long rest and a successful
the topography beneath the sand and can run for days and Medicine check (DC 10).
cross many miles depending on the scale of the sinkhole event.
A sand river can be anywhere from 10 feet to 300 feet wide,
A letter from Artemus Hale to the wife of Kara Pavick
and move between 10 and 40 miles per hour (1d4 x 10 mph),
and as such, are easier to spot due to their movement, though Dear Lady Pavick,
an unwitting party can still stumble into them if they are not
paying close attention. It is with the greatest sorrow that I must inform
When approaching a sand river, the characters can make a you of the untimely death of your wife, Kara. The
Wisdom (Perception) check (DC 12) to spot it. The GM can circumstances of her demise are unpleasant, but
adjust this DC at their discretion based on the movement of since you were aware of the potential dangers, I feel
the party, the surrounding terrain and the speed of the river. that it would be a disservice to Kara’s memory to tell
Crossing a sand river can be even more hazardous than a you anything less than the whole truth.
river of water due to the density of the sand. To move across We had set out into the Desert of Kensus
requires a Strength (Athletics) check (DC 15) each round to in search of an ancient temple dedicated to a
resist the current. A successful roll means moving 10 feet deity simply known as The Blind God. Historical
across and 5 feet down stream. A failure means moving documents indicated that a vast library might be
only down stream 20 feet. Two failures in a row means found there.
getting pulled under by the current. They now take 1 point of The desert turned out to be much more
Constitution damage per round as they are crushed and begin formidable than we had expected. A vast ocean
suffocating until they make a successful Strength (Athletics) of shifting sand stretching to the horizon in all
check. Anyone stuck in the sand is considered to be Grappled. directions without so much as a rock or clump of
If riding an animal, use an Animal Handling check (DC scrub grass to be seen.
18) to guide them across the river safely. If the check is Our party consisted of twelve seasoned
successful, then no roll is necessary for the rider. A pack adventurers and six mules loaded down with
animal can be lead across using the same check, except that enough supplies for two weeks. For the first few
the character leading it will have to make a check as well. days things went as well as could be expected
Depending on where they encounter the sand river, it considering the brutal conditions.
is possible that they could be swept into the sinkhole that On the fourth day however, one of the mules
created it. The GM will have to determine if that is the case let out a terrible cry as it fell sideways. To our utter
and what effect it will have on the situation. horror, it was sucked beneath the sand by a great
Anyone wearing medium or heavy armor makes their saves funnel that just seemed to open up beneath the poor
to resist the current at Disadvantage. beast. We all watched helplessly as half of our water
began to slip from sight. All except for Kara who
Fumblecrits lunged forward, grabbing the mule’s tether. As the
sinkhole began to suck them both down, the rest
1 The victim stumbles backwards, falling headfirst into the
of us desperately tried to save Kara, but she kept
sand, leaving them disoriented so they cannot determine
refusing our hands, and instead kept passing us
which way is up. Even the Odds to determine if they move
more of the precious water skins.
out of the hazard or deeper in.
The mule must have fallen through into some
2 The victim starts to fall gracelessly, and they have only an vast chamber beneath because as Kara passed the
instant to choose whether or not to grab onto the piece of gear
last of the water, she was jerked from my grasp.
that just fell off their person, or stop themselves from falling.
She disappeared beneath the sand, and we saw
3 Sand is cast into the character’s eyes, causing minor her no more.
damage. They are now effectively blind until their eyes are I know it is little comfort to you in this difficult
rinsed out with clean water and the damage is healed. time, but you should know that she saved all of
This can be done with a Healer’s Kit and a successful our lives that day, for we surely would have been
Medicine check (DC 10), or through the use of any healing dessicated by that desert without her sacrifice.
magic that restores at least 1 hit point.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

Due to the wide variety of rock formations, ravines,
We emerged from the foothills a few hours ago, and
canyons and natural strongholds, these lands are popular
have entered what must be the wasteland that we had
with those who are fleeing the law and see shelter where
been warned about. I must admit that doesn’t look
no one in their right mind would follow. Maybe the PCs are
nearly as inhospitable as travelers seemed to suggest, fleeing capture, or perhaps they are the pursuers who must
though if I have learned anything in my travels, it is that catch up to their quarry at all costs.
looks can be deceiving.
Although clearly a very arid land, it is not nearly If / Then
as featureless as the salt flat we encountered in our
The wastelands are much more dangerous than they might
previous expedition. There are strange rock formations
first appear, and it can be easy for a traveler to become
with many layers of different hues and textures. There
complacent enough to make a mistake.
are also a plethora of strange plants that our guide has
warned us to avoid. Now I can see why. Falling Rocks. Whenever walking near a cliff, beneath an
Every plant in these lands seems intent on defending overhang, or through some other rock formation, there is
itself with some sort of spine, barb or razor-sharp edge. a chance that some of the stone will come loose and drop
Beyond the deadly flora, we are told to be on guard down on the unsuspecting characters.
against the many venomous insects and other creatures If they are not actively avoiding these circumstances, there is
that call these dry lands home. a 1 in 6 chance each hour that nearby rocks will break loose and
fall near the party. This increases to 2 in 6 if the characters are
Pressure making a lot of noise, 3 in 6 in engaged in combat, and 4 in 6 if
someone uses a thunder-based (or similar) spell.
In addition to the normal pressures of getting through a
If the party is actively watching for such dangers, then
desert as quickly as possible, the wastelands have a great
they can easily avoid falling rocks, though it will slow their
abundance of venomous creatures that can make resting at
movement by 5 feet.
night nearly impossible.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

If a rock falls near the party, have them make Dexterity saves Venomous Creatures. There are an alarming number of
(DC 12) to avoid it. If any fail, they are hit by the stone or related venomous insects, reptiles and other exotic creatures in the
debris and suffer 2d12 bludgeoning damage. The damage also desert wastelands. The characters are unlikely to run into any
determines the size of the rock. of them during the day, unless they are foraging for food and
water. After all, foraging involves looking in cool spots and
Total Rock Additional
Damage Diameter Results turning over rocks, which is where many of these creatures
2-4 hp 6 inches Stunned for 1 round. hide during the day.
If a character rolls a Fumblecrit when foraging, they have
5-8 hp 1-2 feet Stunned for 1 round and knocked prone.
accidentally encountered a venomous creature and have
9-14 hp 2-3 feet They sustain a lingering injury (see been bitten or stung.
DMG, pg. 272)
At night, things become much more dangerous. The party
15-20 hp 4-8 feet Pinned by the rock. They must make a can minimize the risks by taking extra time when setting
Strength check (DC 20) to escape. up camp by clearing away rocks and debris that might be
21-24 8+ feet Critical Injury. In addition to the concealing potentially venomous creatures. This process is
damage, 1 limb is broken and useless. safe enough if the characters are aware of the danger. If not,
Maximum damage may require
amputation (GM’s discretion). treat it like foraging.
During the night, if the area has been cleared and there
Losing Direction. The wasteland can be very disorienting, is a campfire, there is a 1 in 20 chance of a character being
despite having plenty of landmarks. The problem is that bitten of stung by a creepy crawly. If there is no fire and the
many landmarks look very much alike. camp is poorly prepared, there is a 3 in 20 chance.
When traveling through a wasteland with many tall rock If bitten or stung, the character must make a successful
formations, the characters should make a Wisdom (Survival) Constitution saving throw (DC 10) or suffer 1d6 points of
check (DC 10) each hour to make sure that they have not lost poison damage. If their save is successful, the damage is half.
their way in this maze of stone. As an option, the GM can have a roll of 1 on their save
Once lost, finding the correct trail can be difficult, mean that the venom is a lethal dose, and unless they receive
requiring a minimum of 1 hour and a successful Wisdom some sort of anti-venom or magical healing, they lose 1d4 hit
(Survival) check (DC 20) to get back on track. points of poison damage per hour until dead or healed.
Those with the Desert Nomad background have Advantage A Healer’s kit that is purchased in the vicinity of the desert
on this check. will have the anti-venom necessary to save the person’s
If the party is only going in a general direction, like due life, with no Medicine check necessary. The spell Lesser
east for example, they are not likely to become lost for long. Restoration will also neutralize the venom.
In this case, a failed check means that they run into dead end As a GM you may decide that a lethal bite or sting is a bit
or other obstacle that will force them to retrace their steps harsh, and so you could simply reduce the effect to having
and lose 1 hour of precious time. the poisoned condition for a day or two.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

New Background Suggested Characteristics
The effects of isolation in a landscape that continually
Desert Nomad reminds one of how insignificant they are can shape the
Perhaps you were born to a nomadic desert tribe, or maybe hardest stone heart. The sand will carve a new being out of
you are running away from your past, choosing instead to you... or it will turn you into bones and dust.
wander the desolate wastelands. In either case, you are
d8 Personality Trait
have learned to survive in one of the most inhospitable
environments in the world. 1 I measure the worth of others based on the sand. Those
that cannot learn to survive are a lowly form of life.
You are equally comfortable being alone or in the company
of fellow travellers. All nomads understand that good 2 I want others to be remade as the desert sands have
remade me.
conversation among strangers, spoken over cups of jaav or
hookah vapor, is a gift. For that reason, news travels fast in the 3 I cherish the time spent with others, talking of the past
and dreams of the future.
desert reaches.
Each moment with family and friends is to be cherished, 4 Exile is the worst punishment. Even I would never
banish someone to the wastes.
as the memory of these meetings fuels your tired legs and
parched mouth. 5 I have no need of wealth or riches as it serves only to
weigh down my shoulders.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival 6 Any discussion of vast bodies of water fascinate me. I
Weapon Proficiencies: Klava and Scimitar long to see an ocean one day.
Languages: Sandspeak and one more of your choice. 7 I haggle over the price or trade value of everything. It is a
Equipment: A simple klava, pouch of jaav beans (2 cups), a set game that builds relationships and tests one’s ingenuity.
of desert robes which function as a shade or tent, a waterskin 8 Survival requires making tough decisions about life and
filled with sandroot, a small mirror, shovel, 3 vials of spice worth death. I understand if I am a victim of those choices.
5gp each.
Feature: Desert Survivor d6 Ideal
1 Tradition. I will always welcome a traveller, even an
You are experienced enough not to be confused or disoriented
enemy, for a cup of jaav and conversation. It is the way of
by the the absence of landmarks or shifting sands of the civilized people. (Lawful)
desert landscape. 2 Justice. The punishment for crime is exile. Forgiveness
You can assemble a simple shelter from your robes, klava comes from surviving. (Chaotic)
and a few sticks. This is enough shade to keep yourself cool, 3 Survival. There is no need to waste water on the elderly,
even during the hottest part of the day. infirm or children. (Evil)
You are aware of the dangers of traveling during the 4 Charity. There is no question that I will cut my rations
hottest portion of the day and the freezing cold at night. and water to help another. (Good)
Given the option, you will naturally avoid these hazards. 5 Rebirth. Your previous life has no merit or value here.
Only your life in the sand matters now. (Neutral)
You have an intimate and practical understanding of
6 Art. Outsiders see only an endless expanse of nothing. I
water and its true value. You have no problems cutting
see wonders and natural beauty which can enrich the
your rations and water intake in half when needed. You spirit with a single glance. Follow me to uncover this
may add your Proficiency bonus when calculating the hidden world. (Any)
effects of starvation or dehydration.
You are an expert in social etiquette when meeting d6 Bond
strangers for the first time. Although you may not have 1 My nomadic family and friends meet periodically. I
any specific knowledge about the strangers, you know never miss the chance to catch up on long stories and
how to observe their demeanor and mannerisms for short tempers.
certain visual cues that allow you can approach them in 2 Ancient temples and crypts dot the landscape, uncovered by
the friendliest manner possible. You can do this up close time and winds, only to be lost to the sands once again. I
intend to protect (or plunder, or destroy) each that I find.
or from afar.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

3 I am in search of an old enemy. I have no idea if my from simple styles worn by peasants to extravigant works of
vengeance will survive this journey. art worn by royalty to rich merchants.
4 I wander the desert seeking redemption. I will not leave Socially, the design and manner of wearing the klava
until I have found it. provides information about the wearer’s faith, politics and the
5 An oasis finds many veterans and survivors of war organizations to which they belong. Strangers should be very
gathering in song and dance. I enjoy this place because cautious when dealing with another person’s klava, since they
ancient foes put aside long feuds to talk of life and love. are very personal objects that may have been handed down
6 I am in search of an ancient tomb. This pharaoh was through many generations.
legendary in his brutality and deprivations. I am a Beyond its cultural significance, the klava is indispensable
descendant of this dead king’s blood. in a desert environ due to its extreme utility, and can be used
for the following purposes:
d6 Flaw
Clothing – Used as clothing, it protects the face from
1 I will never learn to swim. The idea of being underwater harsh desert sands, brutal sunlight and smoldering heat. If
terrifies me.
there is water available that may not be fit to drink, the water
2 I never explain my actions. can be used to wet the klava, and so cool the head through
3 I show honor and respect by spitting on the ground. I evaporation in extreme heat.
drink urine when there is no water. Bathing is useless.
And I squat in any patch of sand or dirt. Childcare – Babies and small children are carried in the
4 Even away from the desert I only drink and eat the bare nap of klava tied around the body. This has the dual benefits
minimum to survive. of protecting the child from the harsh environment, but it
5 Temperatures below 50 degrees is freezing to me. I will also leaves the parent’s hands free.
bundle up and gather furs to keep my teeth from Combat – The klava is also an effective weapon. It can be
chattering and my fingers from going numb. used as a net, a whip and an effective defensive tool.
6 I have been lived in the desert my whole life, and so I am When used as a shield, the klava can be quickly wrapped
naive about the most basic things in the larger world.
around the off hand to defend against bites and claws, as
well as deflecting or parrying weapons. When one end is held
New Language: Sandspeak in each hand, the klava can be used to deflect or bind larger
weapons or an enemy’s limb. In this way, the klava can be
Sandspeak is a method of communication primarily over long used to disarm, blind, trip or even strangle an opponent.
distances. Sandspeak appears as a series of sharp whistle As a net or whip, it is flung out and snapped back with the
sounds, waving a flag or klava, and/or quick reflective bursts of flick of the wrist.
sunlight in a small copper mirror. Communication – The klava can be used to signal other
Simple messages can be sent over many miles to warn travelers at great distances. This is particularly effective if the
of danger, provide directions to shelter, or call for help. A user is proficient in Sandspeak, though it can certainly be
whipping scarf from a caravan may signal a lone traveller that used by anyone as a simple signal flag.
food and water is available. Or flickering mirror can call those Shelter – The klava can be turned into a small shady tent
to an oasis in an uncharted region. when combined with a few small flexible sticks and some
Criminals and soldiers use this method of communication cordage. The shelter is surprisingly robust, and can protect
to hide instructions and orders from strangers and enemies. the traveler from any but the most severe sandstorms.
Sandspeak cannot translate complex ideas or subtle Characters, who are not native to the desert lands, may
emotional motivations. only use the klava in a manner in which they are currently
trained. In other words, to use it as a whip, they must be

New Equipment & Weapons proficient with a whip. This requires that they practice with
the klava to become accustomed to it, and so must spend at
least 1 hour per day for a week training with it.
Klava. This is a large well crafted scarf or towel, and is
Obviously, the klava can only be used for one thing at a
worn around the face and shoulders in various configurations.
time, so if it is being used as a weapon, it cannot provide
They come in numerous patterns and colors and are often
protection from sand or sun.
decorated with tassels, beads, and small stones or metal rings
The klava is a fragile item. It is easy to burn, slash or cut.
to add weight.
Unlike a true net, it has only 1 hit point. Any fumble will shred
This extremely mundane and ubiquitous scarf is worn in
the material. Any target that has a corrosive or flammable
most public places and comes in many levels of craftsmanship


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

touch or skin will destroy the klava on contact, as will sharp
a deep, spicy aroma and has a relaxing effect. It can also
spikes or hides that cause piercing damage.
induce mild hallucinations that are generally vivid, though
[Cost 1gp; Damage 1d4 slashing; Weight 1 lb.; Properties finesse,
not alarming. The smokers will be able to clearly differentiate
light, reach (15 feet), defense (AC, blind, grapple, trip, disarm, strangle)]
between hallucination and reality.
Sandroot. Also called deeproot, this material is harvested One hour smoking this blend will restore 1d4 hit points
from the tough and spiky plants that reach down towards of damage and give the character Advantage on exhaustion
sources of moisture deep in the ground. It is not uncommon related checks for 1 hour afterwards.
to see nomads chewing on these roots to extract a bit of [Cost 5 sp for five 1 hour doses.]
moisture on an long and arduous journey.
Royal Blend – An uncommon and expensive blend, this is
A bundle of these roots, while inedible, are able to absorb
used by diplomats and merchants to impress others during
a vast amount of water. Placing them inside a container will
any negotiations. It is also often found in many religious
multiply the usable water by a factor of 4. So a traditional
temples and palaces. This blend can also produce mild
waterskin that holds a half a gallon of liquid would instead
hallucinations, though these tend to be more auditory than
hold 2 gallons of potable water. Note that this in no way
visual, with the smokers often hearing soothing music.
increases the size or weight of the container.
One hour of smoking will have the same effect as the
Sandroot lasts 3 months if it remains moist, and 1 week
Friends spell except that, since everyone usually partake
if dry. Someone skilled in Desert Survival may cultivate their
willingly, there is no residual hostility when the effects wear
own sandroot. The searcher must make a Survival check
off. If anyone is unaware of its properties, then they may
(DC 20) each day. This roll is made with Advantage in the
become hostile afterwards.
scrublands or near an oasis. Success means finding the
[Cost 5 gp for a 1 hour dose]
appropriate vegetation. It takes 5 hours, minus 1 hour per
Strength modifier, to harvest enough of the root. Healing Blend – This is a particularly potent magical blend
Jaav. This is a dark brown bean that is roasted and steeped that provides healing effects to those who smoke it. The
water to produce a rich dark brown drink. Small amounts of herbs have a rich, floral scent with hints of honey.
spice are often added to bring out the flavor. Every nomad has One hour of smoking will heal 2d4 hit points of damage,
a personal jaav-pour they think is the perfect blend. and remove 1 level of exhaustion.
Drinking a cup of Jaav has the effect of temporarily [Cost 80 gp for 1 dose.]
suppressing 1 level of exhaustion for 1 hour. This can only Djinn Blend – This extremely rare magical blend will
be used for this purpose 2 times per day. Drinking Jaav more enhance the arcane ability of those who partake of it’s heady
than 4 times per day will give the character Disadvantage on vapors. It produces an emerald green smoke that winds in
any dehydration checks. the air like serpents. The scent is dark and mysterious, with
Sharing a cup is honorable and a social norm. traces of sandalwood, black musk and frankincense.
[Cost 5 cp - 5 sp per 1d4 cups worth of beans, depending on the One hour of smoking will restore 1d4 spell slot levels and
quality desired. Note that higher quality beans are more likely to allow the arcane smoker to cast their next spell as if 1 level
impress a true connoisseur of Jaav.] higher, as long as they do so within an hour after smoking.
[Cost 100 gp for 1 dose.]
Hookah. This is an ornate bottle or tube that is heated
from the bottom. Inside is a small amount of water and a SIght Blend – Used primarily by prophets and seers, this
dried plant with seeds. This results in an aromatic and slightly blend provides intense visions to those who smoke it. These
hallucinogenic or sedative vapor that can be inhaled from visions can be about the future, the past, or can provide
hollow reeds in the tube. It is the height of social etiquette to messages from the spirit world.
share the hookah over business, diplomacy or seduction. One hour of smoking will induce vivid hallucinations that
[Cost 10 - 120 gp depending on the quaity and craftsmanship of provide useful, though often cryptic, information that is
the hookah.] foremost in the character’s mind. The GM and players can
discuss what the actual visions might be, as well as who
Hookah Herbal Blends. There are many blends of hookah shapes them. The GM is encouraged to share this task by
herbs, with a variety of flavors and effects. The most common perhaps handing the vision narrative back and forth between
ones include the following: themselves and the players.
House Blend – This is the most common type of hookah This can be a very useful plot device that can allow the GM
blend, and is acceptable in almost any social setting. It has to impart necessary information in an organic and cinematic


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

manner. This can also provide excellent opportunities for New Weapon Property
players to expand on their character’s background or inner Defense. A defense weapon is a versatile item that can be
thoughts and feelings. useful in defense, disarming opponents, blinding them, tripping
[Cost 50 gp for 1 dose.] or strangling a subject (depending on the specific weapon).
Night Blend – Although not terribly rare, this blend is If used simply for defense, the weapon is treaded just like
not often used when traveling. It is a smooth, sweetish a shield, providing a +2 to AC. While being used as a shield, it
aroma that induces deep relaxation and an extremely restful, cannot be used to attack in the same round, though the wielder
dreamless sleep. Many will only use this at home or some could switch between attack and defense from round to round.
similarly safe space because, under its influence, it is unlikely If used to blind, grapple, trip, disarm, or strangle, the
that anything short of physical damage will wake the user. wielder must make an attack on their opponent. If successful,
One hour of smoking will cause the character to fall the opponent can make a Dexterity save to avoid the effect.
into a deep sleep. If they are unwilling, they can make a The DC equals 8 + their Dexterity modifier + their proficiency
Constitution save (DC 15) to resist its effects. Anyone who bonus + any special modifiers. If the opponent fails on their
gets a full night’s sleep under after smoking this blend will Dexterity save, then they are grappled, tripped (knocked
remove 2 levels of exhaustion instead of just 1. prone), disarmed or grappled around the throat as applicable.
The drawback is that waking up while under the influence When used to restrain an opponent, the wielder must
of this smoke is very difficult. Even movement or loud noises target an arm, leg or head. For example, if the attacker
will wake them. Only pain or a splash of ice cold water will successfully restrains a leg, the target will still have use of
bring them around. Something like a good hard slap will do their hands.
the trick. If awakened early, the character will be very groggy Strangulation should be treated like a grapple, except that
for about an hour. Their movement will be reduced by half each round the strangulation is in effect, the victim begins to
and all actions will be at Disadvantage for that hour. suffocate. The victim can survive for a number of rounds equal
[Cost 60 gp for 1 dose.] to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). At the start
of their next turn, they drop to 0 hit points and begin dying.
After imbibing any hookah blend, the character gains a level of The blinding effect is a result of having the weapon
exhaustion for 1 hour due to the narcotic effects of the smoke. impeding the opponent’s vision for that round and lasts only
This temporary exhaustion will only go away with time. until the end of their next turn.
These and other blends can be purchased at nearly any
city market, though they are popular traveling trade goods as
well. Many desert nomads carry a surplus of unique hookah
blends to be traded or sold as necessary.
The specific prices can vary quite a lot depending on
availability and location. Most desert nomads can make their
own blend by finding the ingredients they need in the wild, or
buying some of the raw ingredients in bulk.
Each personal blend is as unique as a fingerprint to those
who are knowledgeable about such things. In fact, many
families guard their hookah recipes carefully.




Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

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Copyright 2016 Alex Guillotte and Davae Breon Jaxon


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

The Story of Davae Breon Jaxon
Davae Breon Jaxon, a master wizard and collector of exotic lore,
was apprenticed to the infamous Mordenkane in the great city of
Tal’Navashar in the east.

As soon as he was able, Jaxon set out into the world in search of
adventure, spending more than three decades traveling the roads
and wild lands of A ndün and greater A rda. During his wanderings,
he managed to amass a vast amount of magical knowledge and an
extraordinary number of books. In his latter years, Jaxon established
the largest and most respected library dedicated to the arcane arts the
world had ever seen.

Davae Breon Jaxon has recently turned his attention to the instruction
of adventurers in the fine art of survival in extreme environments, and
this book has benefitted greatly from his experience.


Jonathan Potter (Order #41694816)

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