Operational Guidelines For Hybrid CCU Version 1.0
Operational Guidelines For Hybrid CCU Version 1.0
Operational Guidelines For Hybrid CCU Version 1.0
Department ofGuideline
Operational Health & Family
for W
Hybrid Critical Care Unit
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Sl. Subject Page No.
Forwarding iii - iv
Preface v - vi
I. Overview 1
II. Goal 1
III. Strategies 2
IV. Operational steps for planning & rolling out New Hybrid CCUs 2
V. Design Team 3
VI. Human Resources Standards 3
VII. Job responsibilities of Different Human Resources 5
i. Medical Officer in Charge 5
ii. Medical Officers 5
iii. Nursing –in-Charge 5
iv. Nursing Personnel 5
v. MT (Critical Care) 6
vi. Hospital Assistant 7
vii. General Duty Attendant 8
viii. Karmabandhu 8
ix. MT(Physiotherapy) 9
x. MT(Dialysis) 9
xi. MT(X-ray) 9
xii. Pharmacist 9
xiii. Bio-Medical Engineers 9
VIII. General Instruction regarding patient management 9
IX. Hospital Level Supervision & Monitoring 10
X. Equipment Management 11
XI. Reporting 12
XII. Training of HR for CCU 13
A Primary Training plan for Medical officers 14
B. Short term training for Specialist Medical Officers 17
C. Plan of training of Nursing Staff on CCU 18
XIII. Technical Aspects for 24 bedded Hybrid CCU 21
A. Civil Construction 21
B. Electrical Construction 23
C. Environmental 24
D. Centralised laminar flow 24
E. Centralised Medical Oxygen Supply System (Either through mini-manifold
or PSA or Liquid oxygen supply system)
F. Centralised Suction System 25
G. Compressed Medical Air 25
H. Lighting 25
I. Noise Control 26
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J. Bio- Medical Waste, Municipal Solid waste Disposal & Pollution Control 26
XIV. Standard list of equipment 27
1. Major equipment recommended for each Critical Care Unit 27
2. Ancillary equipment (CMS Items) recommended for each unit (Number de-
pending on the bed strength as per following list):
3. Furniture (CMS Items) recommended for each unit (Number depending on the
bed strength as per following list):
XV. Standard List of Medicine & Consumables 33
1. Basic Requirement of Medicines 33
2. Basic Requirement of Consumables 40
XVI. Essential Tests to be done in CCU 24x7 44
XVII. Protocol for Infection control in Critical Care settings 46
A. Patient at risk of nosocomial infections 46
B. Factors related to inappropriate practices in CCU 46
C. Common CCU acquired infections 47
D. Sources of Cross –Infection in the CCU 47
E. Strategies to Reduce Infections in CCU/HDU 47
1. Room Sterilization 48
2. Isolation 48
3. Universal Protocol: Hand Hygiene & Barrier protection 48
4. Device related protocol 52
5. Equipment Sterilization 53
6. Transport of Sterilized equipment from CSSD to CCU 55
7. Disposal of Waste 55
8. Procedural Care 56
F. Specific strategies focused on prevention of transmissions of infections to pa-
tient cared for in the CCU/ HDUs
G. Specific Strategies focused on prevention of specific no socomial infections 62
1. Strategies to reduced ventilator –associated pneumonia (VAP) 62
2. Strategies to reduce Catheter- Related Blood Stream Infection or CRBSI 63
3. Strategies to reduce CAUTI 64
H. Patients needing ICU care should be assessed for 64
I. Regarding Health Care Workers in CCU 64
J. Environmental Factors and CCU Design Related issues for prevention of
transmission of Infections
1. Space 65
2. Ventilation of the unit 66
3. Traffic Flow 67
4. Non ICU Staff 67.
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Subsequent versions 2.0 and 3.0 were published after thorough DATA analy-
sis generated by all the functional units and situational analysis regarding pa-
tient management, Human resource and inventories some changes were in-
cluded in the Operational Guideline for CCUs & HDUs. During COVID pan-
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demic there were increased number of critically ill patients requiring admis-
sion in CCU and HDU. To accommodate such surge of any other epidemic/
pandemic in future, it was decided to establish 24 bedded hybrid CCUs in 76
This guideline will also act as a ready reckoner regarding different HCCU re-
lated activities like equipment procurement & maintenance and help to sup-
port the Medical Officers & Nursing Personnel of HCCUs as well as Hospital
authority to run these highly specialized units smoothly.
This guideline also helps the trainers to conduct training programme for the
Medical Officers, Nursing Personnel and paramedical personnel.
This guideline is developed by the members of Expert committee for Hybrid
CCU under active guidance and support of Shri Narayan Swaroop Nigam,
Secretary to the Department of Health & FW, Shri Soumitra Mohan, IAS; Sec-
retary & Mission Director, NHM, Shri Y. Ratnakara Rao IAS; Director, SPSRC
& Secretary to the Department of Health & FW, Dr. Siddhartha Neogyi, Direc-
tor of Health Service & Dr. Debashis Bandopadhyay, Director of Medical Edu-
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I. Overview
Accordingly, 53 Critical Care Units and 27 High Dependency Units are already made
functional at Medical College & Hospitals and District and Sub District level Hospitals
(including Super specialty Hospitals & selected State General Hospitals, rural Hospitals
& PHCs) between 2012 to 2019. Among which 61 units (34 CCUs & 27 HDUs) units are
establish in District and Below District level Hospital.
Now, in view of the management of Covid-19 affected patients and post covid com-
plication management, Department has decided to establish 24 bedded Critical care
unit at 79 units. These units mainly plan to be established in the hospitals where Critical
Care Unit / High Dependency Unit / Trauma Care Units are already functional or
planned (non-Covid). These units will be additional or supplementation of the already
established & functional units.
These 24 bedded Hybrid Critical Care Units will be planned where 6-12 bedded Criti-
cal care Unit or High Dependency Units or Trauma care units or Burn units are already
present or planned. If place for extension is not available adjacent to the existing
CCUs or HDUs, then a separate built up place with an minimum area of 3500 sq ft
may be selected for the establishment of these Hybrid CCUs. Any ward including the
wards dedicated for Covid HDUs with this specified area may be converted to hybrid
II. Goal
Set up of Hybrid Critical Care Units at different Medical College Hospitals, District Hos-
pitals, Sub Division Hospitals, Multi/Super Speciality Hospitals and selected State Gen-
eral Hospitals, Rural Hospitals & PHC to provide quality Critical Care services with the
help of Critical Care trained Human Resources across the state to provide emergency
lifesaving treatment within the ‘Golden Hour’.
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III. Strategies
(i) Each 24 bedded CCU planned with 1 eight bedded ICU and 1 sixteen bedded
(ii) These units are planned to be established as an extension unit of the existing 6
bedded High Dependency Unit or 12 bedded critical care unit or ICU attached
to Trauma care unit. In few hospitals, where already 24 bedded CCU is already
established, there this unit will act as a new 24 bedded extension.
(iii) If extension will not be possible adjacent to the existing CCU / HDU; then a sep-
arate built up place with a minimum area of 3500 sq ft will be selected within
the hospital for the establishment of these Hybrid CCUs.
(iv) As far as possible, new construction will be avoided.
(v) These Hybrid Critical Care Unit (CCU) will act as a multispecialty unit catering to
all critically ill adult patients.
(vi) In all District Hospitals and other Sub District level hospital, Hybrid CCU will serve
as sole unit for critical care. In these hospitals, these CCUs may be extended to
care pediatric patients also.
IV. Operational steps for planning & rolling out new Hybrid CCUs
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V. Design Team
1. At State Level –
1.1. State Level Expert Committee – Critical Care (SLEC-CC)
2. At Facility Level –
2.1. Medical Superintendent (MSVP) / Superintendent
2.2. Deputy Superintendent (in Medical Colleges)
2.3. Physician
2.4. Anesthetist
2.5. Engineers (Civil & Electrical)
2.6. Nursing Superintendent
2.7. Deputy / Assistant Superintendent (Non-Medical)
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v. MT (Critical Care)
Assisting on duty Medical Officers & Nursing Personnel in patient care on 8 hour
shifting duty including equipment handling and basic pathological / biochemi-
cal tests utilizing equipment present in the CCU / HDU as following:
Preventive maintenance of all equipment present in the CCU– preventive
and to certain extent remedial.
Basic Life Support.
Chest physiotherapy (in absence of MT-Physiotherapy).
Oxygen therapy including handling oxygen manifold & centralized oxygen
Assisting Advanced life support.
Assisting MOs & Nursing Personnel performing different procedures.
Assisting bedside dialysis (where available) in collaboration with MT (Dialy-
Blood sampling by peripheral venipuncture.
Assisting USG / Echocardiography (if available) / X-ray
Assisting in transport of critically ill and ventilated patients to CT/ MRI suite or
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Responsible for collection and file up reports and making detail bed to bed
round at the time and changing of ‘shift’.
Sign the ‘Night report’ after checking.
Must have knowledge on “Quality Assurance” and “Safety Measures” with
standards and protocols.
Acquainted with all the monitors, machines and equipments particularly
ECG machine of the above said units for their operation and maintenance.
Responsible for continuous monitoring/observation of the patients and will
take prompt action/measures in CCU.
Responsible for implementation of Infection Control measures in CCU under
guidance of Hospital infection control committee.
Acquainted with Hospital Corneal Retrieval programme and ‘Transplanta-
tion of Human organs bill’ and ability in “Grief counseling”. He must know
the various Legal and Ethical issues in ‘Critical Care Unit’ like “Brain death”.
Able to manage the patient with impaired Respiratory function.
Intervene with Triage, assist in documentation and take resuscitation tech-
niques for critically ill and participating in managing crowd and counsel pa-
tients and party.
Implementation of Swasthy Sathi in respective unit.
Implementation of Financial assistance schemes (e.g. SIAF/ RBSK/ RSBY etc.)
under guidance of nodal Assistant Superintendent (NM).
Arrangement of referral of patient to higher centre or any other unit of same
Supervision of quality and quantity of supplied cooked diet/ feed to pa-
Any other work assigned by on duty MO / Nursing Personnel for emergency
patients’ service.
viii. Karmabandhu:
All type of cleaning & sweeping.
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ix. MT (Physiotherapy)
Perform bedside physiotherapy for CCU patients as and when required.
x. MT (Dialysis)
Perform bedside dialysis in CCU as and when required (if available).
xi. MT (X-ray)
o Perform bedside X-ray when required.
o Routine maintenance of portable X-ray and C-arm of CCU.
o Operating image intensifier (C-arm) during temporary transvenous pac-
ing (as and when required).
xii. Pharmacist
Conduct quarterly internal audit and physical verification of drugs and medical
oxygen supply and consumption in CCU.
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1. One trained MO among the MOs working at CCU will act as Medical Officer In
charge of the unit and responsible for all the duty as mentioned above.
2. One Nursing personnel will be designated as Nursing – in – charge by hospital
authority. She will be responsible for all the duty as mentioned above.
3. One specialist each from the Dept. of Medicine and Anesthesiology of the re-
spective hospital, selected by respective MSVPs / Superintendents, will act as
Supervising Officer and make overall supervision regarding patient care &
technical issues.
4. One Deputy Superintendent / Assistant Superintendent (Non-Medical) will act
as Hospital level liaison officer for respective CCU. They are responsible for daily
logistics management, regular updating of patient related information elec-
tronically and regular monthly reporting.
5. Deputy Superintendent / Assistant Superintendent (Non-Medical) should physi-
cally visit CCU at least once daily.
6. One Deputy Nursing Superintendent will supervise nursing related matters of
CCU. She should visit CCU at least once daily along with Assistant Superinten-
dent (NM).
7. MSVP / Superintendent of the respective hospital should give at least once
weekly round with respective Supervising Officers; Deputy Superintendent / As-
sistant Superintendent (Non-Medical) responsible for CCU related activities,
Nursing Superintendent and designated Deputy Nursing Superintendent.
8. Regular round (at least twice daily) by Bed-in-charges in the CCU is mandatory,
if patients present under their treatment.
9. A Hospital level monitoring committee will be formed in each Hospital / Medi-
cal College Hospital with functional CCU / HDU for periodic monitoring of CCU
/ HDU activity with the following persons,
a. MSVP / Superintendent of the hospital as Chairman of the committee,
b. MO in charge of the respective CCU as Convener,
c. Supervising Officer (Physician) of that unit as member,
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X. Equipment Management
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tive companies in prescribed format at the earliest and properly follow up the
repairing work. This is also the responsibility of Nursing in charge to inform the
hospital authority regarding the renewal of Annual Maintenance Contract well
prior to the expiry of the ongoing contract.
7. Arrangement of maintaining environmental specification required for optimal
working condition of an equipment as specified by manufacturer (e.g. tem-
perature, humidity, damp-proof, moisture-free, pipeline pressure of medical
gasses, vacuum etc.) is responsibility of designated Deputy Superintendent
(NM) / Assistant Superintendent (NM) who will keep liaison with the agency
(e.g. PWD-Civil, PWD-electrical, WBMSCL etc.) for regular maintenance.
8. Biomedical Engineer will supervise relocation of equipment from one CCU to
another CCU within the district, if required. No equipment should be relocated
without relocation order issued by appropriate authority (CMOH in DH, SSH,
SDH, SGH and MSVP/ Principal in medical Colleges).
XI. Reporting
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CCU related Data entry process should be individually registered in this system
and generated their individual user Id & password through CCMIS.
6. Dy. CMOH 1 of the respective District on behalf of CMOH, Deputy / Assistant
Superintendent (NM) in charge of respective CCU / HDU on behalf of Superin-
tendent / MSVP will look after the CCMIS related matters and ensure regular
and updated data entry.
7. State Level Monitoring Officers will also look after the CCMIS related matters of
the units under their supervision and provide regular feedback to them after
analysing the data entered in CCMIS.
8. At the end of each month, report through CCMIS should be analysed by the
Hospital authority & Hospital level Monitoring Committee and share the neces-
sary feedback with the CCUs.
9. All CCU should be provided at least two computer, two printer and suitable In-
ternet connection for this purpose. Provision may be done by the local hospital
authority or centrally.
10. All units and patient related data including maintenance of stock (medicine,
equipment and other logistics) should be entered electronically in CCMIS and
all the related manual register will be replaced by e-register through CCMIS.
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4. Learning objectives: After completion the trainee will achieve (a) Proficiency
in recognition and initial management of problems commonly encountered in
an CCU; (b) Efficiency in resuscitation of critically ill patient; (c) Appropriate
monitoring of different parameters & their interpretation; and (d) Capacity to
identify troubles- both patient and device related and perform basic trouble-
6.1. Specific credentials (Training method: Hands-on): (a) CPR – BLS (Basic Life
Support); (b) CPR – ALS (Advanced Life Support) : Intubation/ Mechanical
Ventilation / Defibrillation / Temporary pacing / Application of cardiovascu-
lar drugs- Antiarrythmics / Vasopressors /Inotropes etc.
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During training, hands on training will be given preceded by a lecture and fol-
lowed by a test.
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7.27. Hospital acquired infections and infection control practices in critical care
7.28. Antibiotic policies in Critical care Unit
7.29. Management of seizures
7.30. Diagnosis and management of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA)
7.31. Approach to peripheral neuropathic and neuromuscular diseases in critical
7.32. Meningitis and encephalitis
7.33. Approach to liver failure
7.34. Approach to acute pancreatitis
7.35. Pneumonia
7.36. COPD and Asthma exacerbations
7.37. Venous thromboembolism and Thromboprophylaxis in CCU
7.38. Sedation and analgesia in Critical Care
7.39. Glycaemic control in Critical Care (along with management of hypergly-
cemic crises)
7.40. Approach to common obstetric complications encountered in CCU
7.41. General management of major trauma including head injury (with special
reference to District Hospitals)
7.42. General management of burns (with special reference to District Hospitals)
7.43. Practical aspects of renal replacement therapy
7.44. Approach to acute and acute on chronic renal failure
7.45. Critical care Nutrition
7.46. Approach to poisonings and drug overdoses
7.47. Snake bite
7.48. End of life, Brain death and medicolegal issues in critical care
During this period, trainee of all training centers will be given training (both theoretical
& hands-on) at a state level training centre. Critical care Training Centre of Bijoygarh
SGH may also be utilized for this purpose.
Preferably, maximum 1-2 topics will be covered in a single day along with practical
session covering at least 50% of the total working days. Trainee MOs will be given rota-
tional duty in the respective CCUs of the training centers in presence of regular MOs of
that CCU for better sensitization and training in real time scenario.
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8. Logbook: Each trainee will have to maintain a log book recording perfor-
mance of duty, specific credentials, lectures & demonstrations attended, pro-
cedures performed and rotational training as performed. It is to be signed by
the Unit / Departmental Head / Training in charge.
9. Post training evaluation & Certification: Only oral and practical tests. On com-
pletion of successful training, duly signed by the Head of the Institute and
1. A short term sensitization training may be planned for Specialist Medical Offic-
ers who already have degree / diploma in Anaesthesia & General Medicine /
Bed-in-charges (under local order).
2. Duration: 12 working days divided in two phases (6 day each) at a interval of 3-
4 wks.
3. Number of trainees: 5-10 per batch
4. Training Centre: Preferably training will be given at Department of Critical Care
Medicine of IPGMER and SSKMH, North Bengal MCH, R. G. Kar MCH and Critical
Care Training Center of Bijoygarh SGH
5. Learning objectives: After completion the trainee will achieve (a) Efficiency in
resuscitation of critically ill patient; (b) Capacity to handle different CCU re-
lated devices, (c) Capacity to identify troubles- both patient and device re-
lated and perform basic troubleshooting, (d) Capacity to give technical sup-
port to Medical Officers & Nursing personnel present in CCU & HDU and (e)
Capacity to give sensitization training to other Medical Officers and Nursing
6. Training methodologies: Lectures, Demonstrations, Practical (Hands-on Train-
7. Curriculum:
The following topics will be covered in whole training programme. Maximum 3-4
topics will be covered in a single day. 50% of the topics will be covered in 1 st
part of the training programme and rest of the topics will be covered in 2 nd
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2. Duration: Three weeks (18 working days) at the Training Centre and three weeks
post-placement consolidation under guidance of trained MOs in the individual
6. Curriculum:
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7. Logbook: Each trainee will have to maintain a log book recording performance
of duty, specific credentials, lectures & demonstrations attended, procedures
performed and rotational training as performed. It is to be signed by the Unit /
Dept. Head.
8. Post training evaluation & Certification: Only oral and practical tests. On comple-
tion of successful training, duly signed by the Head of the Institute and DME/DHS.
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Following specifications are for the establishment of 24 bedded Critical care Unit and
will be followed while doing infrastructural up gradation work.
• Unit is preferably on Ground floor; otherwise Electric elevator is must for patient
transportation. On the ground floor dust contamination & chance of infection
are more.
• Front Gate – Single entry/exit, 2 barriers before patient care area. One emer-
gency exit – separate as appropriate, No thoroughfare.
• All the doors should have self-closing property. Door at the entry point of main
patient care area preferably of no touch auto-sliding door.
• Floor space for Patient care area: 100 – 125 Sq. Ft. / Bed. 20% extra space for
cubicle type.
• Distance between two adjacent beds should be at least 4 ft and a free space
of 2 ft should be provided at head end & foot end.
• Isolation cubicle: 2 in HDU area, This cubicle will be glass walled with clear glass.
• Approximate area requirement for establish a 6 bedded unit is 1500 sq ft, for a
12 bedded unit is 2500 sq ft, and for a 24 bedded unit is 3500 sq ft.
• Additional Rooms
• MO’s Room, Nurses Room, Room for paramedical staffs – all 3 rooms with
attached toilet & AC facility
• Room for Nurse In-charge, Room for sweepers, Store rooms (medicine,
linen, equipment and consumables), Laboratory, Hand Wash area, Linen
wash area, common toilet (2 in no), Reception area, Pantry, shoe rack,
Donning& doffing area.
Wall Rack @ height of 5 ft from floor for keeping Multichannel Monitors size 1½ ft
X 1 ft (if rack not provided with the Multi-channel Monitors).
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Patient care area should be provided with Negative pressure ventilation facility
with the following minimum criteria:
o Negative-pressure room has at least 12 air changes per hour and controlled
direction of airflow.
o Negative-pressure differential greater than 2.5 Pa (0.01 inch water gauge),
or an airflow differential greater than 56 l/s (125 cfm) exhaust versus supply
o Clean-to-dirty airflow
o Sealing of the room, allowing approximately 0.046 m2 (0.5 square feet)
o An exhaust to the outside, or a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter if
room air is re-circulated
o Air curtain at the entry and exit of the patient care area.
o All related duct should be covered from the roof.
12 Electric Points of which 4 may be near the floor, 4 on each side of the pa-
Electric outlets/Inlets should be common 5/15 amp pins. Should have pins to
accommodate all standard electric pins /sockets. Adapters should be discour-
UPS Power back-up is essential for at least 50% of bed side Electrical points and
at least one emergency light per bed.
Voltage stabiliser for the entire unit.
Total load per bed is approximate 1.5 KV.
AC should be of split type. Centralised AC should be avoided as far as possible.
No duct of AC is allowed inside the room. If unavoidable, it should be strictly
fixed to the roof and length should be minimised as far as applicable.
Laboratory room requires 4 electrical boards in equidistance with 3 plug points
in each of whom 1 must be of 15 amps.
At least one electrical extension board with earthing should be supplied to each
Wall mounted fan is essential on the head end of the patient on the wall at 8 ft
height from floor.
Wearing preferably be of concealed type with fire retardant wires.
One calling bell in each room with switch outside the complex (outside Buffer
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Calling bell from each bed with visible and audible alarm at nurses’ station is
work station for charging equipment. That board will be of same specification as
earlier, number of boards should be at least 2 with 4 plug points on each board.
At least one computer board is must in nursing station and MO room with provi-
Minimum of 12 total air changes /room/hour with two changes/ hour by outside
Compressed air outlet = 1 per bed (Lacking compressed air supply – Ventila-
Alarm system: At main plant, manifold and locally (inside nurses; station).
Area valve service unit: Desirable to avoid total shut down of CCU during pre-
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i) Oxygen:
• Preferably through pipeline with manifold room at the same floor or attached
to the Central Medical Gas Pipeline system (MGPS) of the hospital.
• If separate manifold system is required to establish for CCU, manifold should
contain at least 6 cylinders in two rows (10x10) for 24 bedded units.
• Flow meter with Humidifier is essential for one outlet per bed.
Central vacuum system is preferable. 1 vacuum outlet per bed is advised. Two
vacuum outlets will be required in CCU of all Trauma Care Facilities and in some
beds of Hybrid CCUs.
Can be performed by suction machine in CMS Category too. (1/4 H.P.)
In case of suction machine, ratio should be 1 / bed.
• Overhead lighting by one twin tube set, box covered with transparent glass
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• Three foot operated covered bins – colour coded –(Yellow, Red, Black) X 2 sets.
• Adequate wash basins, preferably in the washing area. Wash basin inside the
Critical care area should be avoided as far as possible.
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Equipment required in each CCU will be divided in two groups – Major equipment &
Ancillary equipment. Equipment belonging to CMS Category will be purchased from
CMS approved firms by respective hospital authority or District authority or WBMSCL.
Major Non CMS category items will be purchased by WBMSCL or Individual hospital
authority (if permitted by financial power and fund availability) and Ancillary Non CMS
category items will be purchased by respective CMOH or Hospital authority.
[These are the essential requirement required to make a unit functional smoothly de-
pending on the bed strength of the respective units. This is an indicative list only; the
requirement may vary depending on the functionality of the respective unit. Hospital
authority may take decision to make available requisite number & nature of equip-
ment depending on the functional status of the unit and periodic assessment by unit
level or District level or State level monitoring teams.]
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Automated system for 1 no. for the unit established at Medical College Hos-
identification and Antimi- pitaland District Hospital – this equipment preferably
crobial Sensitivity Test to be established at the Microbiology Department of
(AST)(Optional) MCH and in laboratory of DH
Sequential intermittent
26. pneumatic compression 5 for whole unit
Sleeves for Sequential in-
27. termittent pneumatic 20 for whole unit
compression device
Videolaryngoscope (op-
28. 1 for whole unit
Videoendoscope (4 mm 1 for whole unit(depending on the availability of the
OD) (Optional) respective specialist)
Endotracheal tube cuff
30. 4 for whole unit
pressure manometer
Continuous cardiac out-
31. 4 for whole unit
put monitor (Optional)
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File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
The standard list of medicine & consumables are given below. Some are in-
cluded in CMS catalogue and some are non-CMS. Respective units should
check CAT no from CMS list before procurement.
The amount of medicines & consumables given here are based on assumption
and to help budgeting, it may vary from unit to unit depending on the Bed oc-
cupancy Rate, Bed Turnover Rate, Av. Length of Stay and type of patient ad-
mitted. Proper requirement will be ascertained after functioning of the respec-
tive CCU & proper medicine audit done by the hospital authority.
The following drugs and consumables should be available in every unit and the
amount mentioned in the following lists may be maintained as buffer stock as
far as possible. These are the essential requirement required to make a unit
functional smoothly depending on the bed strength of the respective units. This
is an indicative list only; authority of the individual unit may take local decision
to make inclusion of new drugs and consumables depending on the patient
status, treatment modality and periodic assessment of the requirement by unit
level or State level monitoring teams.
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
1. Tab Aceclofenac - Paracetamol (Strip of 10) 5
2. Tab Acyclovir 200 (Strip of 10) 10
3. Tab Acyclovir 400 (Strip of 10) 10
4. Tab Alprazolam 0.25 mg (Strip of 10) 5
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
5. Tab Amlodipine 5 mg (Strip of 10) 20
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
37. Syr KCl (50 ml bottle) 30
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
69. Inj Cefepime 1 gm (Box of 10) 5
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
101. Inj Heparin 5000 (5ml) 100
102. Inj Human Albumin 20% 100ml 10
103. Inj Hydrocortisone Na Succinate (Box of 10) 20
104. Inj Imipenem 1 gm + Cilastatin 1 gm (Box of 10) 10
105. Inj Insulin Mixtard 30:70 (Box of 20 vials) 2
106. Inj Insulin Soluble (Box of 20) 8
107. Inj KCl (Box of 10) 50
108. Inj Labetalol 20mg/2ml (Box of 10) 6
109. Inj Lacosamide 200 mg/20 ml 6
110. Inj Levofloxacin 100ml 40
111. Inj Lignocaine + Adrenaline 1
112. Inj Lignocaine 2% 5
113. Inj Lignocaine 4% 1
114. Inj Lignocard 2% (50ml) (Box of 10) 1
115. Inj Linezolide 10
116. Inj LMWH 2500 (UFH) (Box of 10) 1
117. Inj Mag Sulph 50% (Box of 10) 20
118. Inj Mannitol 20% 50
119. Inj Meropenem 1 gm (Box of 10) 10
120. Inj Meropenem 1 gm Salbactum 0.5 gm (Box of 10) 20
121. Inj Methyl Prednisolone 1 gm (Box of 10) 4
122. Inj Metronidazole 100ml 50
123. Inj Midazolam 10mg/2ml (Box of 10) 20
124. Inj Morphine (Box of 10) 1
125. Inj Nalaxone HCl (box of 10) 1
126. Inj Neostigmine (Box of 12) 1
127. Inj Nitroglycerine 25 mg/5 ml(Box of 10) 4
128. Inj Noradrenaline (box of 10) 100
129. Inj NS 0.9% 200
130. Inj NS 0.9% 100ml 200
131. Inj NS 3% 50
132. Inj Octreotide 100mcg 20
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
133. Inj Ondansetron 4 mg / 2 ml (Box of 10) 5
134. Inj Ondansetron 8 mg / 4 ml (Box of 10) 5
135. Inj Pantoprazole 40 mg (Box of 10) 30
136. Inj Paracetamol 100 ml 100
137. Inj Phenobarbitone (Box of 10) 10
138. Inj Phenytoin Na (Box of 10) 30
139. Inj Piperacillin + Tazobactum 4.5 gm (Box of 10) 10
140. Inj Propofol 1% 5
141. Inj Ranitidine (Box of 10) 50
142. Inj RL 20
143. Inj Succinyl choline 1
144. Inj Teicoplanin 200 mg (Box of 10) 5
145. Inj Tenecteplase 40 mg 10
146. Inj Theophylline + Etophylline (Box of 10) 1
147. Inj Tigecycline 50 mg 20
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
165. Cap Rifaximin 550 mg (Strip of 10) 2
166. Drp Haemostatic (10ml) 10
167. Drp Methyl Cellulose Eye Drops (10ml) 5
168. Drp Steroid Eye Drop (10ml) 5
169. Gel Enema Practoclys 30
170. Gel Hypochlorite + Hypochloric Acid 2
171. Inf NS 0.45% (Bottle of 500 ml) 25
172. Inj Amiodarone (Amp of 3 ml) 30
173. Inj Cerebrolysate Hydrochloride 60 mg 30
174. Inj Levetiracetam 500 mg 50
175. Inj LOLA (L-Ornithine L-Aspartate) 10 ml 25
176. Inj Methyl prednisolone 40mg 40
177. Inj Methylcobalamin 500mcg 10
178. Inj Sodium Bi Carbonate (Amp of 25 ml) 100
179. Inj Thiamine 100 mg (amp of 2 ml) 10
180. Inj Vasopressin 40 IU 10
181. Liq Waterless Body Bath (100 ml) 5
182. Liq Waterless Shampoo (100 ml) 1
183. Gel Lignocaine 2% 5
184. Gel Water soluble lubricating gel 5
185. Powder Calcium Polystyrene Sulphonate Powder 50
186. Powder Food Supplement (Albumin) (200 gm) 25
187. Powder Food Supplement (Balanced) (400 gm) 25
188. Powder Food Supplement (Diabetic) (400gm) 25
189. Powder Food Supplement (Hepatic) (400 gm) 25
190. Powder Food Supplement (High Calorie) (400 gm) 25
191. Powder Food Supplement (High Protein) (400 gm) 25
192. Powder Food Supplement (Renal) (400 gm) 25
193. Spray Hypochlorite + Hypochloric Acid 2
194. Spray Lignocaine Spray 50ml 2
195. Tab Bisoprolol 2.5mg (Strip of 10) 2
196. Tab Hydralazine 25 mg (Strip of 10) 10
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Requirement for 24
Sl No Name of Medicine bedded unit as
buffer stock
197. Tab Ivabradine 5 mg (Strip of 15) 10
198. Tab Lasilactone 50 mg (Strip of 10) 10
199. Tab LOLA (L-Ornithine L-Aspartate) (Box of 10) 10
200. Tab Glyceryl Tri Nitrate 2.6 mg (Phial of 30 tabs) 4
201. Tab Sodium Bi Carbonate (Strip of 15) 5
202. Tab Tolvaptan 15 (Strip of 6) 1
203. Tab Vitamin C 500 mg (Strip of 15) 4
204. Cap Nintedanib 100 mg 10
205. Tab Pirfenidone 200 mg 20
7. Arterial Line 50
8. B. T. Set 60
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
45. Dynaplast 8
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File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
110. Urobag 50
111. Urometer 50
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
These short guidelines have been developed for health care personnel involved in pa-
tient care in critical care areas and for persons responsible for surveillance and control
of infections in hospital.
There are patients, therapy and environment related risk factors for the development
of nosocomial infections.
v. Surgery
vii. Coma
xiv. Malnutrition
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
i. Hands of staff and attendants (via two-bowl handwashing and common towels
or no handwashing)
ii. Assisted ventilation equipment;
iii. Suction and drainage bottles
iv. I.V. lines – central and peripheral;
v. Urinary catheters
vi. Wounds and wound dressings;
vii. Disinfectant containers;
viii. Dressing trolleys (on which disinfectants jars/bottles are stored)
1. Room sterilization
2. Isolation
3. Universal protocol
5. Equipment sterilization
6. Disposal of waste
7. Procedural
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
1. Room sterilization :
i. Cleaning: Floor wash with available antiseptic ( e.g. Phenyl ) in the morning and
evening , if not once per shift.
ii. Fogging :
For a general critical care unit it is not mandatory in idealsituation. But as we
are far from reaching ideal and clean condition, it isbetter to undergo fogging
i.e. sterilization by aerosolized disinfectant.
Target frequency - at an interval of 1 month. Mostly difficult to get CCU/HDU
vacant because of continuous high turnover of patients. Alternative strategy is
to fumigate at the earliest possible time when it can be rendered vacant for a
short period. In CCU – each subunit is to be fumigated one by one. For exam-
ple, if HDU is rendered vacant first, patient care is continued in ICU being shut
off from HDU and vice versa.
Materials used: Hydrogen Peroxide/ 5% Glutaraldehyde : Preferred, required
room closure for 2 hrs), Device used : Fogger machine.
Fogging by H2O2 11% w/v & Diluted Silver Nitrate 0.01% w/v is done by
mixing 200 ml solution with 800 ml of demineralized water to make 1 lit/
1000 cubic feet. Alternatively 1 ,6 Dihydroxy, 2-5 Dioxahexane 11.2g, Glu-
taraldehyde 5.0g, Benzalkonium Chloride 5.0g, Alkyl Urea Derivatives
3.0g per 100 gm, 10 ml is diluted to make 1 litre solution (1%). Fogging is
done for 60 minutes
2. Isolation:
Of highly infectious cases in isolation cubicle as constructed at least one in
HDU. Examples of cases – Chicken Pox, Measles, HIV, Influenza (particularly epi-
demic & pandemic cases e.g. Swine Flu, Bird Flu), Dengue.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
All visitors and staff should wash their hands before direct contact with pa-
Aseptic hand wash or alcohol based hand rub should be performed:
Before entering the ICU.
Before performing any invasive procedure including peripheral can-
nula insertion and removal.
Before every use of multidose vials.
Before administration of iv fluids or medications/drugs
Routine hand wash should be performed:
Before and after any contact with the patient
After touching environmental surfaces
Whenever soiled.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Rub depressed part of right palm with clasped fingertips of left hand for 10
Rub left wrist to elbow for 10 seconds.
Rub right wrist to elbow for 10 seconds.
Rinse hand with running water.
Turn the tap off by elbow.
Staff should count 10 seconds at each step.
Slippers, Shoe covers, Cap, Mask, Gown, safety goggles/ face shield.
Recommended guideline for donning of PPE must be followed.
Mandatory in isolation cubicle with additional protection in case of epidem-
ic / pandemic.
Slippers although not required in ideal hospital situation, is to be followed out
in our CCUs/HDUs.
Cap, mask and gown are mandatory while coming in close contact e.g.
airway toileting, airway procedures – intubation, tracheotomy, Putting a
central line, lumber puncture, putting a chest drain etc. when there is
chance of spillage of tissue of patient.
Otherwise, all barrier protections are stringently followed in Surgical ICUs par-
ticularly specialty ICUS like NS – ICU, CTVS - ICU.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
a) Gloves:
Never wear the same pair of gloves for the care of more than one patient.
Remove gloves after caring for a patient.
Practice hand hygiene whenever gloves are removed.
Wear gloves for handling respiratory secretions or objects contaminated with
respiratory secretions of any patient.
Wear puncture proof gloves while performing any surgical procedure or admi-
nistering injection to patients suffering from HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C.
Change gloves and decontaminate hands, as above:
Between contacts with different patients.
After handling respiratory secretions or objects contaminated with secre-
tions from one patient.
Before contact with object, or environmental surface.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
b) Gown:
Wear a gown to prevent soiling of clothing and skin during procedures that are
likely to generate splashes of blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions; or
when exposure to respiratory secretions from a patient is anticipated, and
change it after soiling occurs and before providing care to another patient.
Plastic aprons may be worn when contact with patient body fluids is antic-
The sterile gown is required only for aseptic procedures and for the rest, a clean,
non-sterile gown is sufficient.
Remove the soiled gown as soon as possible, with care to avoid contamination.
Wear a mask (Disposable high-efficiency filter masks) and adequate eye pro-
tection to protect mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth during pro-
cedures and patient care activities that are likely to generate splashes/sprays of
blood and body fluids, etc.
Patients, relatives and health care workers (HCWs) presenting with respiratory
symptoms should also use masks (e.g. cough).
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
ical problems like blockage / kinking. When indicated fresh insertion is done
on the opposite side.
IV Drip set :
IV drip sets to be changed every 72 hours. Lipid containing and blood prod-
uct administration sets should be changed every 24 hours. Administration set
for propofol infusion should be changed every 6-12 hours.
Ryle's tube :
In case of malfunction or after every 5 – 7 days to avoid formation of biofilm
and thereby preventing pneumonia.
Tracheostomy tube:
1st change 48 hrs. of insertion and every after 24 hrs thereafter.
Foley's catheter :
Not to be changed routinely.
It is suggested to change catheters and drainage bags based on clinical
indications such as infection, obstruction, or when the closed system is
Bladder wash is also abandoned except in selected uro-surgical conditions.
In case of catheter block by sediment, controlled catheter wash may be
cautiously tried avoiding bladder wash. These are to avoid vesico-ureteral
reflux and UTI – sepsis.
Change is indicated in case of malfunctioning catheter or infection strongly
suspected / documented by culture.
Closed system with two bags - Storage & collecting is preferred.
5. Equipment sterilization
i. Ventilator Circuit:
• For a particular patient on ventilator no tubing is routinely changed.
Changed only when it is visibly contaminated or malfunctioning.
• Disposable tubes are disposed after a single use.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
• Reusable tubes & water traps are are first cleaned by immersing in detergent
solution for 10-15 minutes and then disinfected before applying on a new pa-
tient – by 2% Glutaraldehyde (Cidex) or 1% hypochlorite solution for ½ hour.
Next they are rinsed thoroughly by immersing in sterile water. No residual
germicide should remain inside circuit. After thorough rinsing, they are air
dried before use. It kills all microbes including HIV.
• Bacterial Filters - Disposables are for single use.
• Humidifier is sterilized along with reusable tubes in 2% Glutaraldehyde solution.
Autoclavable humidifier are sterilized by autoclaving (see manufacturer rec-
• High efficiency heat & Moisture Exchanger Filter(HMEF) when used as an al-
ternative to inbuilt humidifier, is to be changed after every 3 days or earlier if
soiled by secretions.
iv. Ambu-bags:
These are used for resuscitation. Ambu-bags are extremely difficult to disinfect
and become contaminated very quickly:
Parts of Ambu-bag are dismantled before cleaning.
Cleaning is done by immersing in detergent solution for 10-15 minutes.
• Heat is the most reliable method of disinfection; 2% glutaraldehyde is a less ac-
ceptable method.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
• The bags must be rinsed thoroughly in sterile water after immersion in glutaralde-
hyde. This will reduce the risk of chemical irritation, which can itself precipitate
7. Disposal of waste :
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
left for 30 minutes. Large blood spill should be disinfected with 10% hypochlorite
and left for 30 minutes.
It has been observed that HBV and HCV in dry blood remain infectious even
when exposed to external environment for up to a week and 16 h respectively.
Implications remain the same even if blood is invisible or not present in sufficient
quantity. Considering this, glucometers should be cleaned and disinfected filter
every use to avoid contamination.
Caution board for wet floor, mercury spill and blood spill should be made avail-
able in CCU.
8. Procedural Care :
Procedures requiring aseptic technique(Intravenous Therapy, Urinary Catheterization &
Respiratory Care Equipment /Practices)
i. IV care practices.
ii. Respiratory care - Patient-Based Interventions.
i. IV care practices:
Clean injection ports with 70% alcohol or an iodophor before accessing the sys-
Cap all stopcocks when not in use.
Use aseptic technique including a cap, mask, sterile gown, sterile gloves and a
large sterile sheet for the insertion of central venous catheters (including Peri-
pherally Inserted Central Catheter or PICCs) or guidewire exchange.
Do not routinely replace central venous catheters, hemodialysis catheters, or
pulmonary artery catheters.
Do not remove CVCs or PICCs on the basis of fever alone. Use clinical judg-
ment regarding the appropriateness of removing the catheter if infection is
evidenced elsewhere or if a noninfectious cause of fever is suspected.
Do not routinely replace peripheral arterial catheters.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
ing mechanically assisted ventilation and/or who has an enteral tube in place,
at an angle of 30 degree.
Periodically drain and discard any condensate that collects in the tubing of a
mechanical ventilator, taking precautions not to allow condensate to drain to-
ward the patient. Decontaminate hands with soap and water or a waterless
antiseptic agent after performing the procedure or after handling the fluid.
If available, use an endotracheal tube with a dorsal lumen above the
endotracheal cuff to allow drainage (by continuous suctioning) of tracheal se-
cretions that accumulate in the patient's subglottic area.
Use sucralfate, H2-blockers, PPIs and/or antacids interchangeably for stress-
bleeding prophylaxis in a patient receiving mechanically assisted ventilation
(H2-blockers alone decrease gastric acidity and increase gastric colonization
and increases the susceptibility to respiratory infections).
Instruct preoperative patients, especially those at high risk of contracting
pneumonia, regarding taking deep breaths and ambulating as soon as medi-
cally indicated in the postoperative period. High-risk patients include those who
will have an abdominal, thoracic, head or neck operation or who have sub-
stantial pulmonary dysfunction.
Follow manufacturers' instructions for use and maintenance of wall oxygen hu-
Between patients, change the tubing, including any nasal prongs or mask used
to deliver oxygen from a wall outlet.
Small-volume medication nebulizers: "in-line" and hand-held nebulizers: Be-
tween treatments on the same patient, disinfect; rinse with sterile or pasteurized
water; and air-dry small-volume in-line or hand-held medication nebulizers.
Use only sterile or pasteurized fluid for nebulization and dispense the fluid into
the nebulizer aseptically.
If multidose medication vials are used, then handle, dispense, and store them
according to manufacturers' instructions using sterile techniques.
Total Parenteral Nutrition to be infused through central line and not beyond 12
hrs at a time.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
II. Patients
1. Admit all patients according to the prevailing admission policy of the CCU /
2. It is the responsibility of the attending physician to notify the Nurse in-charge of
the CCU / HDU if the patient has an infectious disease. He or she should also
decide on the isolation category and document this in the case notes.
3. If possible, keep the infected patient in isolated area / room.
4. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the beds and its contents when a patient with
an infectious disease is discharged from the CCU / HDU.
5. Limit personal belongings of patients in CCU / HDU.
6. Do not bring flowers and plants into cubicles or rooms.
III. Visitors
1. Visitors must report to the reception counter before seeing a patient.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
2. Visitors should wash their hands with soap and water/ alcohol based hand rub
before entering CCU.
3. Design of the unit should permit staff to assess visitors for communicable disease
(eg, rash, respiratory infection) before permitted to enter unit.
4. Instruct visitors for patients nursed in isolation rooms on the appropriate precau-
tions such as hand hygiene, use of masks, and disposal long sleeve gown.
5. Encourage visitors of patients to adhere to the hospital's visiting hours. Excep-
tions to this include:
a. If death is imminent (as determined by the attending physician) the fam-
ily may be at the bedside
b. Patient is on the dangerously ill list ("DIL")
c. If the patient is a child, a parent may be permitted at the bedside.
6. All other visitors (e.g. medical students, sales representatives) to the unit must
obtain consent from the Nursing in charge. Identify such visitors with name tags
and instructed properly on Standard precautions, if necessary. Do not conduct
routine tours in the CCU / HDU.
7. Discourage children (<12 years of age) from frequent visitations in CCU / HDU,
particularly if the patient has an infectious disease.
8. Allow maximum one visitor for a patient at one time.
9. Discourage visitors who appear to be ill from visiting patients in CCU / HDU.
IV. Environment
1. Keep floors free of dirt, stains and spills at all times. Wet mop floors once a shift,
following housekeeping procedures.
2. Keep all large trash receptacles properly covered.
3. "Roll off' the bed all soiled linen to prevent unnecessary dispersal of organisms.
Properly bag soiled linen before sending them for laundry.
4. Do not transport central store and linen trolleys through patient care areas.
Store them in a designated clean area.
5. Clean preparation rooms at least once a day.
6. Keep store rooms neat and tidy and clean them on a regular basis.
7. Clean the clean and dirty utility rooms at least once a day. Store all housekeep-
ing equipment in a designated area in the dirty utility room.
8. Wipe down all counter tops once a day or when soiled.
9. Do all cleaning with a hospital-approved disinfectant solution.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
10. Rodent and pest control should be arranged once every fortnight.
V. Equipment
VI. Endotracheal
VII. Ventilator
1. Humidifier chamber
a. For humidifier chamber using close circuit dripping method, the partially
filled reservoir can be changed with the breathing circuit every 48 hours.
2. Ventilator circuit
a. Do not change the ventilator circuit routinely that is in use on an individ-
ual patient. The circuit should incorporate a bacterial-viral filter. Change
the circuit when it is visibly soiled or mechanically malfunctioning. Dis-
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
VIII. Infection control measures related to the use of disposable manual resuscitator
1. Prior to the first use, check that the seal is intact and that the resuscitator is not
2. When not in use, ensure manual resuscitator is kept clean.
3. Restrict the use to single patient. Do not share among patients. Do not send for
4. Discard the resuscitator when
a. the resuscitator is no longer required
b. the resuscitator is grossly contaminated or the soils could not be cleaned
c. the patient is transferred out from isolation room
IX. Respirometer
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2. Change the filter between patient's use if the circuit cannot be changed.
leaks around the cuff, which can allow entry of bacterial pathogens into the
lower respiratory tract.
Prefer endotracheal tubes with a subglottic suction port to prevent pooling of
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
Periodically drain and discard any condensate that collects in the tubing of a
mechanical ventilator.
Prefer the upper extremity for catheter insertion. Avoid femoral route for central
gloves) and a sterile full-body drape while inserting CVCs, peripherally inserted
central catheters, or guidewire exchange.
Clean skin with more than 0.5% chlorhexidine preparation with alcohol (usually
2% chlorhexidine with 70% w/v ethanol) before CVC, arterial catheter insertion,
Use chlorhexidine/silver sulfadiazine or minocycline/rifampin-impregnated
CVCs when the catheter is expected to remain in place for more than 5 days
and only if the bloodstream infection rates are high in the unit despite success-
ful implementation of measures to reduce CRBSI
Use ultrasound-guided insertion if technology and expertise are available.
Use either sterile gauze or sterile, transparent, semi permeable dressing to cover
the catheter site. Replace the catheter site dressing only when the dressing
becomes damp, loosened, or visibly soiled.
Evaluate the catheter insertion site daily and check if a transparent dressing is
iodine, an iodophor, or 70% alcohol), accessing the port only with sterile de-
vices. Cap stopcocks when not in use.
Assess the need for the intravascular catheter daily and remove when not re-
Peripheral lines should not be replaced more frequently than 72-96 hr (if not in-
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every 7 days.
Needleless connectors should be changed frequently (every 72 h).
All staff working in the unit should be offered hepatitis B vaccine before begin-
ning work in the unit.
File No. HFW-13099/1/2022-SPSRC SEC-Dept. of H&FW (Computer No. 494973 )
1. Space
2. Ventilation of the unit
3. Traffic flow
4. Visitors
5. Non-ICU Staff
1. Space
i. Beds:
The beds should be adequately apart (at least 4’ space should be available
between adjacent beds and at least 3’ at the head and foot ends), to al-
low free movement of staff and equipment, reducing risk of cross contami-
ii. Partitions:
Privacy partitions should be made of such type of material that is easily cleaned
and should be cleaned weekly and any time that it becomes soiled or contami-
nated. If curtains are used, they should be changed weekly.
iii. Toilets:
Preferably be located outside the patient care area of ICU.
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v. Clean storage:
An area should be identified and maintained for clean storage and should
be separate from care and waste disposal areas.
i. Type:
The source of clean air should be determined including central or through
- the –wall air conditioning units.
ii. Windows:
Windows should remain closed in order to control all airborne risks; plants
and flowers should be kept outside the CCU.
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3. Traffic flow
i. The unit may be situated close to the operation theatre and to the emer-
gency department for accessibility with a dedicated separate entrance,
but should be separate from the main ward areas.
ii. Policies should consider controlling traffic flow to and from the unit in order
to reduce sources of contamination from visitors, staff and equipment.
4. Non-ICU Staff
Staff not assigned to the ICU should follow the following protocol: