Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
Section 55 of CrPC states that whenever a police officer has authorised his
subordinate to arrest any person without a warrant, the subordinate officer
needs to notify the person arrested of the substance of written order that is
given, specifying the offence and other grounds of arrest. Section 75 of CrPC
says that the police officer(or any other officer) executing the warrant should
notify the substance to the person arrested and show him a warrant if it
required. Article 22(1) of the Constitution of India also states that no police
officer should arrest any person without informing the ground of arrest.
Other Rights
Section 55A of CrPC states that it shall be the duty of the person, under
whose custody the arrested person is to take reasonable care of the health
and safety of the accused. The arrested person is to be protected from cruel
and inhuman treatment. Section 358 of CrPC gives rights to the
compensation to the arrested person who was groundlessly arrested. Section
41A of CrPC states that the police officer may give the notice to a person
suspected of committing a cognizable offence to appear before him at such
date and place. Section 46 of CrPC prescribes the mode of the arrest. i.e
submission to custody, touching the body physically, or to a body. The police
officer should not cause death to the person while making an arrest unless
the arrestee is charged with an offence punishable with death or life
imprisonment. Section 49 of CrPC states that the police officer should not be
more restrained than is necessary for the escape. Restraining or detention
without an arrest is illegal.
In D.K Basu vs State of West Bengal and others [8], this case is a landmark
judgement because it focuses “on the rights of the arrested person and it
also obligates the police officer to do certain activities”. The court also states
that if the police officer fails to perform his duty then he will be liable for
contempt of court as well as for the departmental actions. Such matter can
be instituted in any High Court having the jurisdiction over the matter.
In spite of various efforts in protecting the accused from the torture and
inhuman treatment, there are still instances of custodial deaths and the
police atrocities. So, the Supreme court issued 9 guidelines for the protection
of accused persons and the amendment of various sections of CrPC:- Section
41B– The police officer who is making an investigation must bear visible,
clear and accurate badge in which the name of the police officer along with
his designation is clearly mentioned. The police officer making an arrest must
prepare a cash memo containing a date and time of arrest which should be
attested by at least one member who can be his family member or any
respectable person of a locality. The cash memo should be countersigned by
the arrested person. Section 41D:- The arrested person is entitled to have a
right to have one friend, or relative or any other person who is having
interest in him informed about his arrest. The arrestee must be informed
about his right to have someone informed about his right immediately when
he is put under custody or is being detained.
Examination of complainant
Section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure deals with the examination of
the complainant. The magistrate after taking cognizance of an offence has to
examine the complainant and witnesses present. This examination has to be
done upon oath. The magistrate also has the duty to note down the relevant
information found in such examination. The substance of such examination
should be given in writing and that has to be signed by the complainant and
the witnesses. The magistrate need not conduct this examination when:
Dismissal of complaint
Section 203 provides power to the Magistrate to dismiss a complaint. The
Magistrate can dismiss the complaint if he is of the opinion that there are no
sufficient grounds for conducting the proceedings. The Magistrate comes to
this conclusion after conducting an appropriate inquiry or investigation under
Section 202. The Magistrate can also dismiss the complaint if the processing
fee is not paid properly and this ground of dismissal is mentioned in Section
204. In the case of Chimanlal v Datar Singh, it was said that the dismissal of
a complaint is not proper if the Magistrate has failed to examine material
witness under Section 202. The Magistrate can dismiss the complaint or can
refuse the issue of the process when:
1. The Magistrate finds out no offence has been committed after the
complaint is reduced to writing according to Section 200;
2. If the Magistrate distrusts the statements made by the complainant;
3. If the Magistrate feels that there is a need to conduct further
investigation, then he can delay the issue of process.
1. Social status.
2. Customs and practice.
3. The distance at which the accused resides.
4. The necessity of personal attendance with regards to the offence
and the stages of the trail.
The main objective of filing F.I.R. is to set the criminal law in motion. And
also to enable the police officer to start the investigation of the crime
committed and collect all the possible pieces of evidence as soon as possible.
Date, time and location of the incident,
FIR number,
Name of the police station,
Facts of the incident,
Name and descriptions of the persons involved in the incident,
Witnesses (if any).
The major points of difference are:
The FIR once lodged with the In a summons case, a complainant can withdraw a
police station cannot be complaint against all or any of the accused, at any
withdrawn by the informant. time before a final order is passed. (Sec. 257)
The informant is not bound to
The Complainant must take an oath before the
take an oath before the police
officer while lodging FIR.