Nhia, 2022
Nhia, 2022
Nhia, 2022
17 A 623
Section :
1. Establishment of the National Health Insurance Authority.
2. Objects of the Authority.
3. Functions of the Authority.
4. Establishment of the Governing Council.
5. Functions and powers of the Council.
6. Tenure of office for members of the Council.
7. Meetings of Council.
8. Disclosure of interest.
9. Committees of the Council.
10. Remuneration of members.
11. Cessation of membership and dissolution of the Council.
12. Ministerial directives.
13. Establishment of health insurance or contributory scheme.
14. Participation in health insurance to be mandatory.
15. Qualification for application.
16. Application for accreditation and licence.
17. Fee for issuance of licence.
18. Refusal to register and license a scheme.
19. Refusal to register or revocation of licence of a scheme.
20. Third Party Administrator.
21. Display of licence.
22. Prohibition on use of name unless licensed.
23. Transfer and joint operations.
24. Implementation of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund.
25. Establishment and sources of the Vulnerable Group Fund.
26. Object of theVulnerable Group Fund.
27. Formula for disbursement from the Vulnerable Group Fund.
A 626 2022 No. 17 National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
28. Management of the Vulnerable Group Fund.
29. Investment of the Vulnerable Group Fund.
30. Expenses of the Vulnerable Group Fund.
31. Payment of contributions.
32. Registration of employers and employees.
33. Accreditation of Health Maintenance Organisations, Mutual Health
Associations and Third-Party Administrators.
34. Functions of Health Maintenance Organisations and Mutual Health
35. Third Party Administrators.
36. Accreditation and functions of Health Care Providers.
37. Quality assurance.
38. Appointment of Actuary.
39. Directives of the Authority.
40. Director-General and other staff of the Authority.
41. Establishment of offices in States and FCT.
42. Establishment of Fund for the Authority.
43. Power to accept gifts.
44. Annual accounts.
45. Annual reports.
46. Exemption from tax.
47. Mediation, Conciliation and arbitration.
48. Offences and penalties.
49. Powers to sanction.
50. Limitation of suit against the Authority.
51. Service of documents.
52. Indemnity of officers.
National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022 2022 No. 17 A 627
53. Contributions to be inalienable.
54. Contributions to form part of tax deductible expense.
55. Transfer of liability.
56. Exclusion from the Trustee Investment Act.
57. Reciprocal agreement with other countries.
58. Repeal.
59. Interpretation.
60. Citation.
A 628 2022 No. 17 National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022 2022 No. 17 A 629
ACT No. 17
(2) The Chairman shall, at the request in writing of not less than half of
the membership of the Council, convene an extraordinary meeting of the Council
at the place and time determined by the Chairman.
(3) The quorum at a meeting of the Council shall be one third of members
of the Council including the Director-General.
(4) The Chairman shall preside at the meeting of the Council and, in the
absence of the Chairman, a member of the Council elected by the members
present from among their number shall preside.
(5) Matters before the Council shall be decided by a simple majority of
the members present and voting and in the event of a tie of votes, the person
presiding shall have the casting vote.
(6) The Council may invite a person acting in an expert capacity, but
that person is not entitled to vote on a matter for decision by the Council.
A 634 2022 No. 17 National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
(7) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Council shall determine
the procedure for its meetings.
(8) Minutes of each meeting shall be kept in proper form, and as adopted
by the Council at the next meeting and signed by the Chairman and the
Secretary of the meeting.
Disclosure 8. A member of the Council who has an interest in a contract or any
of Interest. other transaction proposed to be entered into with the Authority, or an application
before the Council shall disclose in writing the nature of the interest and is
disqualified from participating in the deliberations of the Council in respect of
the contract, application or that transaction.
Committees 9. The Council may, for the performance of its functions, appoint
of the committees composed of members of the Council, non-members or both and
assign to the committees any of its functions but a committee composed entirely
of non-members may only advise the Council.
Remuneration 10.—(1) The Chairman and members of the Council shall be paid such
of members. remuneration and allowances as the Federal Government may determine.
(2) The members of the Council, committees of the Council and persons
invited to attend meetings of the Council shall be paid traveling and other
allowances as approved by the Federal Government.
Cessation of 11.—(1) A member of the Council ceases to hold office if he—
and (a) becomes of unsound mind ;
dissolution (b) becomes bankrupt or makes a compromise with his creditors ;
of the
(c) is convicted of a felony or any offence involving dishonesty ;
(d) is guilty of serious misconduct in relation to his duties ; or
(e) fails to declare his interests to the Council as required under section
8 of this Act.
(2) A member of the Council may be removed from office by the
President, on the recommendation of the Minister if he is satisfied that it is not
in the interest of the Authority or the public that the member should continue
in office.
(3) Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Council—
(a) the President shall appoint a successor ; and
(b) the successor shall—
(i) hold office for the remainder of the term of office of his
predecessor, and
(ii) represent the same interest as that of his predecessor.
National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022 2022 No. 17 A 635
(4) The Council may in the public interest be dissolved by the President
and all its members, excluding the Director-General, shall cease to hold office
as Council members.
(5) A member of the Council who is absent from three consecutive
meetings of the Council without sufficient cause shall cease to be a member
of the Council.
(6) The Chairman shall, through the Minister, notify the President in
writing of a vacancy that occurs on the Council within 30 days of the
occurrence of the vacancy.
(7) Upon dissolution of the Council and pending its reconstitution,
the Minister shall exercise the powers and functions of the Council
under this Act.
12. The Minister of Health may give directives to the Council on matters Ministerial
of policy. directives.
(6) Every State and the Federal Capital Territory scheme shall establish
an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure for the
management of data and such ICT infrastructure shall be integrated with and
provide information in the requisite format to the ICT infrastructure of the
(7) A State and the Federal Capital Territory shall provide coverage for
vulnerable persons under the State health insurance and contributory scheme
through the Basic Health Care Provision Fund and other sources and not
require the payment of premiums for such coverage by vulnerable persons
defined by this Act.
Act No. 8, (8) Every State which has established a state health insurance or
2014. contributory scheme and which complies with the requirements of this Act
shall be eligible to participate in the Basic Health Care Provision Fund as
established under the National Health Act and its guidelines.
Participation 14.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person resident in
in health Nigeria shall be required to obtain health insurance.
insurance to
be (2) Residents under this Act include—
(a) all employers and employees in the public and private sectors with
five staff and above ;
(b) informal sector employees ; and
(c) all other residents of Nigeria.
(3) Subject to subsection (2), nothing under this Act shall be construed to
preclude a resident in Nigeria from obtaining private health insurance provided
such a person participates in any State mandated health scheme.
(4) A person who obtains private health insurance shall not be eligible to
receive free coverage as a vulnerable person as provided under section 13 (7)
of this Act.
Qualification 15.—(1) Without prejudice to the power of a State to establish a health
for scheme under section 13 of this Act, a person shall not qualify to apply to
application. operate any form of health insurance scheme in the country unless the scheme
is registered as a company limited by guarantee or a limited liability company
and complies with the provisions of all relevant laws in Nigeria.
(2) A private health insurance scheme or plan shall cover interested
individuals, employers or employees of organisations in the private sector who
may want to buy the scheme for supplementary benefits.
Act No. 3, (3) A body corporate registered as a limited liability company under the
2020. Companies and Allied Matters Act and accredited by the Authority as a Health
National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022 2022 No. 17 A 637
Management Organisation may operate a private health insurance scheme,
subject to compliance with the provisions of law.
(4) A private health insurance scheme or plan shall be required as a
condition for registration and licensing by the Authority to deposit with a bank
accredited by the Authority an amount of money in an interest yielding account
that the Authority shall prescribe as security for its members.
(5) The security referred to under subsection (4) shall be maintained
throughout the period that the business of the private health insurance is
carried on.
(6) The Authority may review the level of the security deposit.
(7) Where a private health insurance scheme or plan suffers a substantial
loss, arising from liability to members and the loss cannot reasonably be met
from its available resources, the Authority may, after ascertaining the nature
of the claim, and on application made to it by the scheme, approve the
withdrawal from the security deposit of the scheme of an amount sufficient to
meet the liability, and an amount withdrawn shall be replaced by the scheme
not later than 90 days after the date of the withdrawal.
(8) The security deposit is the asset of the private health insurance
scheme or plan, but except as provided under subsection (7), it shall be available
to the scheme only in the event of the closure or winding up of the health
insurance business for the discharge of the liabilities arising out of policies
transacted by the insurer and remaining un-discharged at the time of the closure
or winding up of the insurance business.
(9) All private health insurance schemes or plans shall be regulated by
the Authority.
16—(1) Without prejudice to the right of a State to establish a health Application
scheme under section 13 of this Act, a person or group shall not operate a for
health insurance scheme of any type in Nigeria unless it has been registered
and license.
with the Authority and issued a license for that purpose.
(2) Application for accreditation and license to operate a health insurance
scheme shall be made to the Authority in a form to be prescribed by the
17. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 16 of this Act, the Fee for
Authority may, by regulations, impose fees for the issuance of a license under issuance of
this Act, except in the case of a Government health insurance scheme or license.
A 638 2022 No. 17 National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
Refusal to 18.—(1) The Authority may refuse to register and issue a license for a
register and scheme, and it shall notify the applicant in writing of its decision, stating the
license a reason for the refusal.
(2) Where the refusal to register and issue a license is as a result of
non-material defect in the application, the Authority may in the notice require
the applicant to rectify the application within six months.
Refusal to 19. The Authority may refuse to register or revoke the license of a
register or scheme if it is in breach of relevant provisions of the operational guidelines
and has failed to comply with a provision of this Act, the regulations or any
of license of
a scheme. other enactment applicable to the scheme.
24.—(1) The Authority shall work in conjunction with the States to provide Implementation
a basic minimum package of care to all residents of Nigeria. of the Basic
Health Care
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the Authority shall implement the Provision
Basic Health Care Provision Fund as set out in the National Health Act and Fund.
guidelines developed in that regard. Act No. 8,
(3) The Authority shall work in conjunction with the States to achieve
the objectives of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund and to provide a basic
minimum package of care as defined in the guidelines developed for the
implementation of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund.
(4) The Authority shall provide general guidance for the operation of the
Basic Health Care Provision Fund and for that purpose—
(a) make regulations covering accreditation, quality of care and
complaints handling ;
(b) collaborate with the State health schemes and State-owned institutions
to accredit and empanel primary and secondary health care facilities using
criteria as may be contained in relevant guidelines ; and
(c) provide for the administration of an Ombudsman to handle complaints
of enrollees.
(5) States health schemes shall be responsible for disbursements,
management of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund, and monitoring and
evaluation of the implementation of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund in
the States in line with the relevant guidelines issued by the Authority.
(6) Where a State has not yet established a State health scheme, it may
contract a Third Party Administrator, as defined in this Act for a temporary
period, prior to establishing a State health scheme.
A 640 2022 No. 17 National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
Establishment 25.—(1) There is established the Vulnerable Group Fund.
and sources
of the (2) The sources for the Vulnerable Group Fund include—
Group Fund.
(a) Basic Health Care Provision Fund to the Authority ;
(b) health insurance levy ;
(c) Special Intervention Fund allocated by the Government and
appropriated to the Vulnerable Group Fund ;
(d) money that accrues to the Vulnerable Group Fund from investments
made by the Council ; and
(e) grants, donations, gifts and any other voluntary contribution made to
the Vulnerable Group Fund.
(3) The Council may by regulations review the sources of funding to
keep pace with developments in the health insurance industry.
Object of the 26.—(1)The object of the Vulnerable Group Fund is to provide finance
Vulnerable to subsidize the cost of provision of health care services to vulnerable persons
Group Fund.
in Nigeria.
(2) For the purpose of implementing the object, the money from the
Vulnerable Group Fund shall be expended to provide—
(a) subsidy for health insurance coverage of vulnerable persons as
determined by the Council ; and
(b) for the payment of health insurance premium for indigents.
Formula for 27.—(1) The Council shall determine and submit to the Minister for
disbursement approval, the criteria for disbursement of subsidies to be paid to State health
from the
insurance schemes for health care of the vulnerable and indigents in Nigeria.
Group Fund. (2) The Council shall, in disbursing money from the Vulnerable Group
Fund make specific provisions towards the health needs of indigents and
prescribe the methods for determining who is indigent in Nigeria.
Management 28.—(1) The Council shall give directives to the Authority for the
of the management of the Vulnerable Group Fund.
Group (2) The Council in the managing of the Vulnerable Group Fund shall—
(a) formulate and implement policies towards achieving the objects of
the Vulnerable Group Fund ;
(b) approve methods for the collection of money lawfully due to the
Vulnerable Group Fund ;
(c) account for the money in the Vulnerable Group Fund ;
(d) provide formula for the disbursement of money from the Vulnerable
Group Fund ;
National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022 2022 No. 17 A 641
(e) approve any other expenditure charged on the fund under this Act or
any other enactment ; and
(f ) perform any other function ancillary to the objects of the Vulnerable
Group Fund.
29. Subject to approval of the Council, the Authority may invest a part Investment
of the Vulnerable Group Fund that it considers appropriate in securities and of the
30. The expenses attendant to the management of the Vulnerable Group Expenses of
Fund shall be charged to the Vulnerable Group Fund. the
Group Fund.
Appointment 38. The Authority shall appoint a licenced Actuary on such terms and
of Actuary. conditions as may be determined from time to time.
Directives 39. The Authority may direct a scheme or an officer of a scheme to
of the comply with the directives of the Authority specified in writing and where
Authority. there is failure to comply, the Authority may apply sanctions as provided for in
its operational guidelines.
46.—(1) The Authority shall be exempted from the payment of tax on Exemption
any income accruing from investments made by the Council for the Authority from tax.
or otherwise.
(2) The provisions of any enactment relating to the taxation of companies
or trust funds shall however not apply to the Authority or the Council.
47.—(1) Whenever there is dispute amongst parties under this Act, the Mediation,
dispute shall first be referred to the Authority for mediation and conciliation in conciliation
accordance with the operational guidelines and where conciliation fails, parties and
may resort to arbitration.
(2) The parties referred to in subsection (1) include, the Health
Maintenance Organisations, the Health Care Providers, the contributors or
the Authority or its agents.
(3) The applicable arbitral procedure shall be as provided in the Arbitration Cap. A18,
and Conciliation Act. LFN, 2004.
(4) No action shall lie against the Authority, its agents or employees
without prior notice in writing given one month before the institution of a legal
48.—(1) A person or Health Maintenance Organisation who— Offences and
(a) fails to pay into the account of the Authority, State health insurance
scheme, or any health insurance fund under this Act, within the specified
period ;
(b) deducts the contribution from the employee’s wages and withholds
the contribution or refuses or neglects to remit the contribution to the
appropriate fund concerned within the specified time ;
(c) fails to remit payments to Health Care Providers within the specified
period indicated in the operational guidelines ;
(d) fails to settle fee-for-service or other claims from the Health Care
Providers within the stipulated time allowed in the operational guidelines ;
(e) manipulates the enrollee register for the benefit of other parties before
or after the release of the register by the Health Insurance Schemes ;
(f ) fails to provide care to a duly registered enrollee ; or
(g) issues a dud cheque,
commits an offence.
A 648 2022 No. 17 National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
This Act repeals the National Health Insurance Scheme Act, Cap. N42, Laws
of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and enacts the National Health Insurance
Authority Act, to ensure an effective implementation of a national health
insurance policy that ensures the attainment of Universal Health Coverage in
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Short Title Long Title of the Summary of the Date Passed by Date Passed by
of the Bill Bill Contents of the Bill the Senate the House of
National An Act to repeal the National Health This Bill repeals the National Health 1st December, 3rd March, 2022.
Health Insurance Scheme Act, Cap. N42, Insurance Scheme Act, Cap. N42, Laws 2021.
Insurance Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, and to
Authority 2004, and to enact the National Health enacts the National Health Insurance
Bill, 2022. Insurance Authority Act, 2022 to Authority Act, 2022 to provide for the
provide for the promotion, regulation promotion, regulation and integration of
and integration of health insurance health insurance schemes in Nigeria.
schemes in Nigeria ; and for related
I certify that this Bill has been carefully compared by me with the decision reached by the National Assembly and found by me to be
National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022
true and correct decision of the Houses and is in accordance with the provisions of the Acts Authentication Act Cap. A2, Laws of
the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.
OJO O. A., fnia, fcia
Clerk to the National Assembly
LS 21st Day of April, 2022.
2022 No. 17