Asphalt Concrete Plant Worksheet - 1
Asphalt Concrete Plant Worksheet - 1
Asphalt Concrete Plant Worksheet - 1
If you are the owner or operator of an eligible facility comprising one or more asphalt concrete
plants, you may register to use the air general permit under paragraph 62-210.310(4)(g), F.A.C.,
by following the general procedures and conditions given under subsections 62-210.310(2) and
62-210.310(3), F.A.C.
To register, you may complete this registration worksheet and submit it to the address below,
along with the air general permit registration processing fee ($100.00), payable to FDEP.
If you properly register to use an air general permit, and are not denied use of the air general
permit by the Department, you are authorized to construct and operate the facility in accordance
with the general terms and conditions of Rule 62-210.310, F.A.C., and the specific terms and
conditions of paragraph 62-210.310(4)(g), F.A.C. Your facility may vary, so be sure your
registration describes the operations at your facility in sufficient detail to demonstrate the
facility’s eligibility for use of the air general permit and to provide a basis for tracking any future
equipment or process changes. Your registration should describe all air pollutant-emitting
processes and equipment at the facility, and it should identify any air pollution control measures
or equipment used.
The rules do not require any specific format for the registration. This worksheet, however, has
been designed to assist owners and operators. Using it as a template for a general permit
registration will help ensure that all necessary information is submitted.
Additional information can be found on the Department’s air general permit program website
( or by calling the
Small Business Environmental Assistance Program Hotline at 1-800-722-7457.
Facility Identification Number (For existing permitted facilities, enter the seven-digit facility ID
number. Please include any leading zeros necessary to reach seven digits.)
Registration Type
Check one of the seven options below:
RE-REGISTRATION (for facilities currently using an air general permit) - Notification of intent to:
Continue operating the facility after expiration of the current term of air general permit use.
Continue operating the facility after a change of ownership.
Make an equipment change requiring re-registration pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(e), F.A.C.
Any other change not considered an administrative correction under paragraph 62-210.310(2)(d), F.A.C.
Site Name (Name, if any, of the facility site; e.g., Plant A, Metropolis Plant, etc. If more than one facility is owned,
a complete registration must be submitted for each.)
Facility Location (Physical location of the facility, not necessarily the mailing address.)
Street Address:
City: County: Zip Code:
Facility Start-Up Date (New facilities only)
If existing facility, check this Not Applicable box:
If new facility, select or type in the estimated start-up date:
Facility Contact
The Facility Contact is typically a person who works at or closely with the facility, such as the plant manager or
environmental coordinator. The Facility Contact is the individual that the Department may contact directly when on-
site information is needed.
Position Title:
Mailing Address:
Organization/Firm Name:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Contact Details:
Office Phone:
Cell Phone:
Process Type(s)
Check all that apply:
Continuous Drum Mix Batch Mix
If this is a re-registration for an Asphalt Concrete Plant, provide the highest 12-month total production rate of
asphaltic concrete, in tons, in the last five years. Indicate the 12-month period over which this production occurred.
Note: To be eligible for this air general permit, the production rate of asphaltic concrete shall not exceed 600,000
tons in any consecutive twelve-month period for a drum mix process or 300,000 tons in any consecutive twelve-
month period for a batch mix process or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple processes are used.
Type(s) of Reasonable Precautions Used to Prevent Unconfined Emissions
Check all precautions to be used for the management of roads, parking areas, stock piles and yards:
☐ Pave Roads ☐ Pave Parking Areas ☐ Pave Yards
☐ Maintain Roads/Parking/Yards ☐ Use Water Application ☐ Use Dust Suppressant
☐ Remove Particulate Matter ☐ Reduce Stock Pile Height ☐ Install Wind Breaks
Check all precautions to be used for the management of drop points to trucks:
☐ Spray Bar ☐ Chute ☐ Enclosure ☐ Partial enclosure ☐ N/A
Equipment Details
Provide information for each silo, drum, batcher, cold feed bin, weigh hopper, conveyor, and other process
equipment pursuant to Rule 62-210.310(4)(g), F.A.C.
*For process equipment identification, provide an identifier (location, numeric designation, capacity, product, etc.)
specific to each piece of equipment.
batcher, cold feed filter, etc.)
bin, etc.)
Helpful Definitions
“Asphalt” – A dark brown to black cementitious material (solid, semi-solid, or liquid in
consistency) in which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in nature as
such or which are obtained as a residue in refining petroleum.
“Asphalt Concrete Plant” or “Hot Mix Asphalt Plant” – Any facility that produces hot
mix asphalt by heating and drying aggregate and mixing with asphalt cements.
“Emissions Unit” - Any part or activity of a facility that emits or has the potential to emit any
air pollutant.
“Facility” - All of the emissions units which are located on one or more contiguous or
adjacent properties, and which are under the control of the same person (or persons under
common control).
“Owner” or “Operator” - Any person or entity who or which owns, leases, operates, controls
or supervises an emissions unit or facility.
"Relocatable Facility" - A facility such as, but not limited to, an asphalt plant, portable power
generator, or concrete batch plant, which is designed to be physically moved to, and operated on,
different sites by being wholly or partially dismantled and re-erected in essentially the same
configuration. It shall not be operable while in transit.
"Unconfined Emissions" - Emissions which escape and become airborne from unenclosed
operations or which are emitted into the atmosphere without being conducted through a