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Role Assessment of Bat Excretions in Degradation of Painted Surface

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Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies "EJARS"

An International peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually

Volume 3, Issue 1, June - 2012: pp: 47 – 56 www. ejars.sohag-univ.edu.eg

Original article



Bakr, A.1 & Abd El Hafez, M.2

Asses. Prof. Conservation dept., Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt
Lecture Conservation dept., Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt

E-mail: amanymbakr@hotmail.com

Received 8/2/201- Accepted 22/6/2013

This study discusses the assessment of the role of bats excretions (guano, blood and urine) in
physiochemical degradation of historical stone surfaces for conservation purposes. The study
was applied on the wall painting from Mohamed Ali palace (1812) located in Suez, Egypt.
Certain parts of the inside walls of the palace suffer from the accumulation of bats excretions
that lead to deformation, exfoliation and detachment of a large area of the paintings. The
assessment was performed through characterization of the degradation products and the
microbial activities. The study was carried out using various analytical methods such as optical
microscope, scanning electron microscopy equipped with the energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-
EDX) system and X-ray diffraction (XRD). These complementary analytical techniques allowed
the identification of the wall painting components and the degradation products accumulated on
the wall painting surface. The data showed the presence of phosphates minerals: Brushite
(CaHPO4.2H2O), Whitlockite (Ca,(Mg, Fe)[PO3OH/(PO4)6]) and Newberyite MgHPO4·3H2O).
These minerals are most probably derived from bat guano (excrements).The microbiological
study of accumulation excretions allowed the identification of some fungi such as: Aspergillus
niger, Aspergillus flavus, Acremonium cerealis, Morterilla subtilssina and one kind of Gram+ve
bacillus sp. (mono-dibble-strepto bacillus). Their metabolic activities play an important role in the
physiochemical disruption of paint layers.

Keywords: Bat excretions, Physiochemical degradation, Fungi, Bacteria, SEM-EDX, XRD

1. Introduction
Our cultural heritage represents a and chemical factors, biological agents
widely diversified group of ecological (Macroorganisms and Microorganisms)
niches for various organisms since it is play an important role in the deterioration
made from natural materials to produce of cultural heritage causing aesthetic, bio-
several types of artifacts from very geophysical and bio-geochemical damages.
simple mono-components to complex Biodeterioration can be defined as “any
structures integrating inorganic and undesirable change in the properties of a
organic matters. Architectural heritage, material caused by the vital activities of
which represents an important part of this living organisms”, as distinguished from
heritage, is particularly susceptible to a changes produced by “chemical,
complex series of weathering and decay mechanical, and physical influences” [4].
process [1] [2] [3]. In addition to physical Living organisms dwelling on the

historical building materials and causing since they can use roosting niches that are
deterioration range from microorganisms indoors, semi-enclosed, partially sheltered
(fungi, bacteria and alga) to and open structural areas. Once they enter
macroorganisms (insects, birds, plants the buildings, they can damage the
and animals). Numerous studies building materials through their
emphasize the essential role of biological excretions. These excretions which
agents in the stone deterioration [5]. contain guano, blood and urine not only
These studies focus mainly on the role of cause aesthetic damages but also cause
microorganisms in stone deterioration [6] physicochemical changes of the substrate
[7] [8] [9]. The role of macroorganisms that lead to irreversible loss of valuable
in the stone deterioration is briefly historical stone surfaces. The aim of this
mentioned in some studies [10] [11] [12] work is the assessment of the profound
although they have an essential role in the role of bats and their excretions in the
existence of microorganisms on the stone deterioration of stone structures. The
surfaces. The excretions of some comprehensive information about this
macroorganisms, which cause a role will be obtained through the field
remarkable amount of aesthetical and evaluation of the aesthetic degradation
chemical damage, can provide a good and biodeterioration of stone structures in
growth medium for Chemoorganotrophic a historical site inhabited with bats.
microorganisms which, in turn, will cause Degradation products including salt
a corrosive action on materials by formation and dirt accumulation were
releasing acid metabolites [13]. Among characterized. In addition, the growth of
the macroorganisms, bats have critical bacteria and fungi that accompany the
importance in stone deterioration since bats excretions was determined. This
they have more destructive tools than the study may provide useful indications and
others. The monumental buildings are suggestions on the best restorative and
considered very suitable habitat for bats preserving strategies.

1.1. Site description

Samples for the study were taken Empress Eugenie during her attendance
from the dome room in Mohamed Ali's the Suez Canal opening ceremony and
palace in Suez, Egypt, fig (1-a). watching the first performance of Opera
Mohamed Ali pasha (the establisher of Aida. During the rule of Mohamed Ali's
the Alawi Royal family in Egypt in 1805) family, a part of the palace was allocated
built the palace in 1812 during his to establish the second oldest religious
supervision on the building of first naval court in Egypt during the Ottoman rule
arsenal in Egypt. The palace was built and it was opened in 1868. After the
directly on the sea area of the Greek revolution of 1952, the palace was used
Street and it is considered one of the by the governments as division of Suez
oldest buildings belonging to Mohamed security until 1980. Since that time the
Ali's reign. It was the main place that palace was abandoned and it became in
Mohamed Ali used during his planning very bad preservation state showing
and supervision on the Egyptian typical damages caused by humane gross
campaign to Sudan and the Hejaz. The negligence. Companioning of humane
palace consists of many rooms and halls; and environmental factors played an
and its walls are decorated with amazing important role in destroying many of
paintings. The dome room is the palace's architectural and ornamental
prominent part of the palace that was elements, fig (1-b). Many parts of palace
designed in Turkish style and decorated were inhabited with bats, most of them
with floral ornaments in various colures. settled in the palace's dome, fig (1-c),
The palace witnessed great events of since it is suitable structure for them. The
Egyptian history such as the residence of large numbers of bats hanging from the

dome ceiling produce great amount of background wood constructions of the
droppings (feaces) and urine which make dome. Most the remains of the paintings
this area very odiferous. Large areas of were obliterated under the bats
the painting layer are very fragile and droppings.
they are completely detached from the

a b c

Figure (1) a the dome of Mohamed Ali's palace from outside, b the inside of the dome room, c details
from the wall paintings decorated the ceiling of the dome (some bats are seen in the

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sampling
Several representative samples of for cultivation to determine the fungi and
intact painting layer containing bats bacteria grown on it. The other samples
droppings (guano), urine and dry blood were used for various analysis and
were collected from the floor of the dome examination procedures to characterize
room where the pieces of painting fell the deterioration products.
down. Parts of these samples were used
2.2. Microbiology studies procedures
For microbiology studies the fungi and bacteria were isolated and
samples were cultivated on three purified. The pure cultures of each
different media: Dox's agar media, fungal and bacterial isolate were
modified Dox's agar and nutrient agar identified. The cultivation, purifying
media. After 10 days from incubation and identification were performed by
at 25-30c the microorganisms (fungi the microbiology laboratory of Center
and bacteria) developed. Each media of Conservation Research, Ministry of
showed the growth of different kinds of Antiquity, Cairo, Egypt.
Fungi and bacteria. The developed
2.3. Microbiology studies procedures
For microbiology studies the fungi and bacteria were isolated and
samples were cultivated on three purified. The pure cultures of each
different media: Dox's agar media, fungal and bacterial isolate were
modified Dox's agar and nutrient agar identified. The cultivation, purifying
media. After 10 days from incubation and identification were performed by
at 25-30 C the microorganisms (fungi the microbiology laboratory of Center
and bacteria) developed. Each media of Conservation Research, Ministry of
showed the growth of different kinds of Antiquity, Cairo, Egypt.
Fungi and bacteria. The developed
2.4. Examination and analytical methods
Some samples of intact painting urine and dry blood were collected from
layer containing bats droppings (guano), different zones. These samples were

studied, examined and analyzed to vacuum", ZAF quantitative method
identify the different biodeterioration equipped with EDX micro-analytical
forms, their products and weathering system was used for studying the
state affecting the palace such as morphology of the different bats
accumulated droppings, salt profiles and execrations accumulated on the painted
salt types as reported previously by El- surface, in addition to quantify and
Gohary, 2010, in similar case [14]. All of qualify its elemental composition. * XRD
these features were achieved through the analysis using instrumental model
following steps: * Digital optical light (Philips-PW 3071 with CuK á 40 kV, 30
microscopy (OLM) attached with the mA / scanned 2è range was 5 to 60) was
computer, model (Nikon Eclipse E 800) used to qualify the mineralogical
was preliminary used to observe and composition of two samples of the intact
detect microorganisms. * JEOL JSM painting layer containing bats droppings
S400LV EDX Lin l ISIS-Oxford "high (guano), urine and dry blood

3. Results
3.1. General and deterioration features by (OLM)
The preliminary observation of Under this layer, the main background
the collected samples by (OLM) white layer can be seen. The thickness
revealed that the yellowish surfaces of of this layer ranges from 10 mm to 15
the painting within dark brown stains mm. large amounts of bats guano
are observed. It was difficult to accumulated directly on the back side
distinguish the original color of the of this layer, all of these features are
surface under the accumulated stains. shown in, fig (2-a, b).

a b

Figure (2) a & b the studied samples contains different deterioration form
3.2. Characterization of deteriorated painted surface and related products
3.2.1. SEM & EDX analytical results
SEM-EDX examination was undertaken recorded. Sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl),
of the yellowish surface of the painting Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), phosphor (P) and
containing dark brown stains. The SEM iron (Fe) represent the minor elements in
observation of the dark brown stain the sample. The morphological
reveals a polymeric like morphology observation and the elemental
within which are dispersed spherical composition of this stain indicate the
coarse grains, fig. (3-a & b). The main presence of some salts that are related to
elemental composition of these stains are normal chemical composition of the
listed in tab. (1), where, the total EDX blood with accumulated dust particles.
analysis showed that silicon (Si), calcium Moreover, the SEM observation of the
(Ca) and aluminum (Al) are the yellow surface after removing the dark
dominant elements in the sample. stain reveals the disintegrated smooth
Significant amounts of sulphur (S), surface within which are dispersed
potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) were aggregates of columnar and flaky

crystals. EDX analysis of this sample The surface reveals a generally coarse
showed that S, Cl, Ca, Si and K are the morphology with presence of parts of
major elements in the studied area. undigested insects and bats hairs, fig (3-
Considerable amounts of Na, P, Al and c). The EDX microanalysis of this layer
Mg were recorded. The observed crystal listed in tab. (1) showed that Ca, S, Si,
features and the elemental composition Na, K and P are the major elements in the
suggested it is a mixture of gypsum and sample. Considerable amounts of Cl and
various kinds of potassium, chlorine and Mg were also recorded. The significant
phosphate salts. Furthermore, SEM-EDX, detected amounts of P and K in this
examination results of the undertaken sample are probably related to the direct
surface layer contacted directly with bat contact of this layer with bat guano.
guano showed interesting morphologies.

.a b c

Figure (3) a, b & c SEM images of the selected areas from the studied samples

Table 1: SEM-EDX microanalysis of the studies samples

(%) Yellow surface
Dark brown stain Rough cross section
under the dark stain
Na 03.96 - 5.92 04.22 - 8.63 09.37 - 9.78
Mg 05.42 - 7.00 03.24 - 4.13 02.75 - 3.31
Al 10.0 - 11.57 03.48 - 4.42 06.68 - 6.71
Si 29.2 - 31.76 9.11 - 10.19 21.60- 21.72
P 02.03 - 2.45 02.02 - 3.31 04.64 - 4.87
S 07.34 - 7.99 17.02 - 32.2 13.9 - 13.23
Cl 04.08 - 5.27 14.4 - 16.47 06.35 - 7.42
K 07.68 - 9.91 07.78 - 8.81 08.51 - 9.35
Ca 10.85 – 15.0 12.18 – 14.0 19.71- 20.03
Fe 02.36 - 2.60 01.14 - 1.43 01.44 - 2.27
Cu 02.97 - 5.44 01.97 - 2.24 01.31 - 2.71
Zn 02.46 - 4.34 00.53 - 0.82 00.86 -1.65

3.2.2. XRD analytical results

As shown in fig. (4), XRD analysis compositions of the painted layer. Small
of the yellowish painting layer in direct amount of halite (NaCl), clay minerals
contact with bat guano showed the (Kaolinite and Montmrillonite) were
presence of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) as a recorded, and finally some phosphate
main component. Smaller amount of minerals are detected, they are:
calcite (CaCO3) and quartz (SiO2) were  Brushite (CaH (PO4) .2H2O)
also detected. These minerals most  Newberyite MgHPO4· 3H2O)
probably represent in the main  Whitlockite (Ca9(Mg,Fe)[PO3OH/(PO4)6])


Figure (4) XRD patterns of the studied sample. G= gypsum, B= brushite, Q= quartz, N= newberyite,
W= whitlockite, K= kaolinite, M= montmrillonite and H= halite

3.3. Microbial activities of the studied samples

Cultures of the studied samples modified Dox's agar. G+ve Bacillus sp.
show a good growth of microorganisms (Mono-Dibble- strepto bacillus) grew on
mass. The OLM examination showed the nutrient agar media, fig. (5-a, b, c, d).
presence of four kinds of fungi and one Actually, by using the current types of
kind of bacteria. Aspergillus niger, culture media, we were able to cultivate
Aspergillus flavus and Acremonium only a small part of the whole microbial
cerealis grew on the Dox's agar media population.
while Morterilla subtilssina grew on

a b c

d e

Figure (4) microphotographs of isolated fungi and bacteria, (a) Aspergillus niger, (b) Acremonium
cerealis, (c) Aspergillus flavus (d) Morterilla subtilssina, (e) G+ve Bacillus sp. (Mono-
Dibble- strepto bacillus).

4. Discussion
SEM-EDX and XRD results of Within the same context, the complex
the painted surface showed that gypsum chemical composition of the studied
(CaSO4.2H2O) is the main component samples containing bats droppings
of this layer with smaller amounts of (guano), urine and dry blood indicate
calcite (CaCo3) and quartz (SiO2). The that a wide spectrum of microorganisms
surface morphology, the observed should be present. Steele, D. [20]
crystal features and the elemental reported that the chemical analysis of
composition (Ca, S, Si, Na, K, P, Cl bat guano is quite similar to an
and Mg) of the studied samples indicate elemental analysis of the manufactured
the presence of some salts that most bacteriological growth media used in
probably related to the normal chemical microbiology laboratories throughout
composition of the blood and bat guano the world. In recent years some studies
accumulated on the painted surface. concerned with the environment of bat-
Furthermore, XRD analysis indicate the inhabited caves reveals the presence of
presence of Halite (NaCl) and a wide range of microbial activities that
Phosphate minerals such as Brushite is related to the presence of bat guano
(Ca H (PO4) .2H2O), Whitlockite (Ca9 [21] [22] [23]. Aspergillus sp. and
(Mg, Fe) [PO3OH / (PO4)6]) and Acremonium sp. had a casual
Newberyite MgHPO4· 3H2O). The
distribution on the archaeological stone
surface and wall paintings under
phosphates salts detected in the sample various suitable conditions [24] [25].
are related to bat guano accumulated on The presence of Morterilla sp. was
the painted surface. The companioning always associated with bat guano [26].
of phosphate and sulfates minerals with The ability of these organisms to cause
the presence of bats guano was serious damage to many kinds of stone
mentioned in many studies of the stone structures has been well established
deterioration by salt efflorescence [15] [27] [28]. It was estimated that
[16] [17] [18]. Bat guano consists biological weathering is 100–1000
mostly of excrement with undigested times greater than inorganic weathering
part of insects and it contains [6]. The accumulation of bat guano on
significant amounts of phosphor, the historical stone structures create
potassium and nitrogen. It is also rich in very encouraging conditions for
a wide range of elements such as millions of micro-organisms (bacteria,
sulphur, calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, fungi and actinomycetes) which
and magnesium [19]. The organic decompose the organic matter,
compounds in the excrement containing transforming it into different organic
sulphur, phosphorous and nitrogen may acids, enzymes, antibiotics and other
form sulphuric, phosphoric and nitric organic compounds. This decomposition
acids after decomposition and process means that bat guano is acidic
oxidation. These acids react with base all the time. In our case, the pH
elements in the substrata on which it measurement of the yellowish painting
deposit to form their corresponding layer contacted directly with bat guano
salts, sulphates, phosphates and nitrates. revealed the pH value ranging from 4 to
Potassium and nitrates compounds 4.6. Figure (5) confirming the
could not be detected in many cases acidification of the accumulated bat
because of their soluble properties. In guano on the painting layer. The acidic
our case, no potassium mineral was attack of the stone structure is one of the
detected although potassium element main mechanisms of biodeterioration. In
was recorded in the EDX analysis. addition to the acidity effect of bat

guano, bat urine (which is about excretions have very strong combined
70%urea) has very strong alkaline decay tools which can achieve the two
effect and it can cause pitting, staining types of biodeterioration: biogeophysical
or etching of painted surfaces. The and biogeochemical deterioration of
results of this study showed that the bat stone structure [29] [30].

Figure (5) pH measurement of the studied samples

5. Conclusion
Samples collected from Mohamed Ali palace, which is inhabited with bats, were studied in
order to evaluate the role of bat excretions in the deterioration of the painted surface. The
surface examination and the elemental analysis by SEM-EDX showed the very complex
surface morphology with very characteristic elemental compositions that represented the
diversity of accumulated bat excretions (guano and blood). The mineral analysis by XRD
reveals the presence of phosphate salts that originated from accumulated guano such as Brushite
(CaHPO4.2H2O), Whitlockite (Ca,(Mg,Fe)[PO3OH/(PO4)6]) and Newberyite MgHPO4· 3 H2O). The
microbiology studies allow us to identify the main microorganisms that colonize the painted
surfaces containing bat droppings. The identified bacteria and fungi play an important role in
the biodeterioration process through a bio-solubilization mechanism involving the production
of metabolic acids that. The results of this study emphasized that bat excretions contribute
significantly in the deterioration of cultural heritage causing aesthetic, biogeophysical and
biogeochemical damages, and thus the protection of the palace from bat should be carried
out immediately

The authors wish to thank Dr. Atif Abdel kawi, Dr. Ali Omer, Dr. Dalia Ahmed, Rehan Adel
and Ghada Darwish from Center of conservation and research, Ministry of Antiquities, Egypt,
for the isolation and identification of microorganisms

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