English 1 - Q3 - W2 DLL
English 1 - Q3 - W2 DLL
English 1 - Q3 - W2 DLL
GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and FEBRUARY 20-24, 2023 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
B. Performance Standards The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in
accomplishing literacy-related tasks accomplishing literacy-related tasks accomplishing literacy-related tasks accomplishing literacy-related accomplishing literacy-related
tasks tasks
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pages. 34-37 TG pages. 37-39 TG pages. 40-42 TG pages. 43-44 TG pages. 45-47
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Sharing Information: Sharing Information: What is this? Teacher ass the pupils to bring out Teacher ass the pupils to bring
or presenting the new lesson Hi! I’m ___. I’m __ years old. Teacher asks the pupils to their homework out their homework
share homework to their
seatmates/ or in class Sing a Song/Recite a Poem Sing a Song/Recite a Poem
“Thank You, song” “Thank You, song”
(Happy birthday Tune) (Happy birthday Tune)
Thank you for the world so sweet Thank you for the world so
Thank you for the food we eat sweet
Thank you for the birds that sing Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you for everything! Thank you for the birds that sing
Thank you for everything
B. Establishing a purpose for Sing a Song/Recite a Poem Sing a Song/Recite a Poem Sing a Song/Recite a Poem Sharing Information:
the lesson Ten Little Fingers Ten Little Fingers The rainbow Song Hi! I’m ___. I’m __ years old.
what are the colors of the rainbow? My favorite color is _____. How
Group Activity: about you?
Hello everyone! My favorite color is My favorite color are ____. How
_____.(One color) about you?
Hello everyone! My favorite colors
are_____.(Two or more colors) Teacher asks the pupils:
1st picture:
Who are they? What is he
holding? What do you think he
should say to his dad?
2nd picture:
Who are on the picture?
What are they doing?
What does the boy on the floor
feel? Is he happy or angry? What
should the boy say to his
G. Finding After Reading the Story After Reading the Story After Reading the Story Have student's role play the Underline the complete subject
practical/ Teacher asks the pupils Teacher asks the pupils Teacher asks the pupils following scenarios, showing the of each sentence below. Circle
application of concepts and questions about the story read. questions about the story read. questions about the story read appropriate polite words to use in the complete predicate.
skills in daily living each situation. Give them time to 1. Colorful fireworks lit up the
prepare and practice, then sky.
present their skits for the class. 2. Doctor Sullivan and his
1. Your Grandmother gives you a talking parrot arrived at the
puppy for your birthday. party.
2. Your best friend tells you your 3. I bought a checkered shirt for
new shoes look really cool. Nathan.
3. You want someone to pass you
the salt, which is at the far end of
the table.
4. You burp or sneeze in the
middle of a conversation with
your teacher.
5. You see your classmate trip and
6. You accidentally spill someone’s
carton of milk.
7. You have to squeeze between
two people having a conversation,
in order to get to your cubby or
8. Your mom helps you with your
9. You have to yawn when you are
listening to your friend tell you
about a movie he watched the
night before.
10. You accidentally step on
someone’s toe.
H. Making generalizations Teacher asks the pupils to copy Teacher asks the pupils to copy the Teacher asks the pupils to copy the We say “Thank you”, when A sentence starts with
and abstractions about the the new words written on the board new words written on the board new words written on the board and someone gives us something like capital/big letter.
lesson and review them at home. and review them at home. review them at home. gifts or food, when someone does
something for us like opening the The subject is the doer of the
door and when someone says action.
something nice about us. The predicate tells us something
We say “I’m sorry”, when we do or about the topic or the action of
say something that hurts the doer.
I.Evaluating Learning Arrange the pictures based on what Arrange the pictures based on what Arrange the pictures based on what Say a complete sentence for
happened in the story happened in the story happened in the story each picture.
1. 2. 3.
J. Additional activities for Tell your family about the story Review the words at home. Draw some pictures. The 1st picture
application or remediation you’ve heard. Then you asks your shows an event in the story when
family to retell the story in return. they think Karlo was unpleasant to
Remember the characters and the his friends. The 2nd picture shows an
events of the story. event when Karlo is nice to his
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation