Proforma-Invoice: Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic
Proforma-Invoice: Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic
Proforma-Invoice: Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic
in relation to Medical Contract Nr: 002211-230116
To be paid 8050,00
Bank details: Account Holder Anton Fedorov and Yulia Chibisova GbR
Bank Institute Deutsche Bank Privat und Geschaeftskunden
Address Schoenhauser Allee 120, 10437 Berlin, Germany
Account Number 088070800
IBAN DE59100700240088070800
Your reference number 002211-230116
While processing the payment follow these strict rules to avoid any issues receiving your money:
1. As a name of account holder only „Anton Fedorov and Yulia Chibisova GbR“ is accepted
2. Address of the bank is only „ Schoenhauser Allee 120, 10437 Berlin, Germany“
3. Add always the reference number (written above) which allows identify you
Alternatively, payment can be made with card. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express debit and credit cards. We would like to stress
that in case of card payment you will additionally be charged an international bank fee of 3%. To process online payment please send us card
number, expiring dates, secure code. If you would like to pay via the PayPal system, please let us know so that we can send you a PayPal
invoice. Please note that PayPal charges a 6% fee.
Cancelation policy. The fee for our review of your medical case is not part of the cost for treatment, and will not be deducted from your
treatment fee; should you be eligible for treatment. The fee for our medical review is non-refundable regardless of the results of our review
(i.e., whether you qualified or not for treatment). If we have not yet started our review of your medical records, you can revoke your request
to review by sending us an email. We will return your payment. If we have already initiated our review of your records, however, a refund will
not be granted.
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