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2019 MATALLANAS y PIACENTINO Careproctus Fueguensis Historia-Natural

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ISSN 0326-1778 (Impresa)

ISSN 1853-6581 (En Línea)

Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

DESCRIPTION OF Careproctus fueguensis SP. NOV.

Descripción de Careproctus fueguensis sp. nov. (Teleostei, Liparidae) del Canal de Beagle
(Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)

Jesús Matallanas1 and Gabriela L. M. Piacentino2,3

Grupo de Biodiversidad Animal Unidad de Zoología (Facultad de Biociencias), Universidad
Autónoma de Barcelona, E-08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, España. jesus.matallanas@uab.es
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Av.
Ángel Gallardo 470 (C1405DJR), Buenos Aires, Argentina. gabpia@ciudad.com.ar

Resumen. Se describe una nueva especie de pez lipárido capturado en aguas costeras entre los
6 -18 m de profundidad, de las Islas Bridges, Canal Beagle. La nueva especie se distingue de sus
congenéricas por la siguiente combinación de caracteres: 3 radiales (2+0+1), los dos superiores
escotados; dos fenestrae en la placa basal de la cintura escapular; placa hipural dividida casi hasta
su base; aleta pectoral no escotada, con 26 radios; un pliegue cutáneo transversal detrás del disco
ventral; D 29; A 25; C 12; 36 vértebras (9+27); poros cefálicos 2-6-7-3. Cuerpo de color uniformemente
anaranjado. Se discuten las relaciones de la nueva especie con C. pallidus y C. falklandicus.

Palabras clave. Pisces, Taxonomía, babosas, especie nueva, Suramérica.

Abstract. A new coastal species of liparid fish captured in shallow waters of about 6-18 m depth
surrounding the Bridges Islands, Beagle Channel, is described. The new species can be distinguished
from its congeners by the following combination of characters: 3 (2+0+1) radials, the two upper
being notched; 2 fenestrae in the basal lamina of the pectoral girdle; hypural plates divided nearly
to its base; an unnotched pectoral fin with 26 rays; a transverse pocket-like skin fold behind the
ventral disk; D 29; A 25; C 12; 36 (9+27) vertebrae; cephalic pores 2-6-7-3. Body uniformly orange.
The relationships of the new species with C. pallidus and C. falklandicus are discussed.

Key words. Pisces, taxonomy, snailfishes, new species, South America.

30 HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

Careproctus fueguensis SP. NOV.

INTRODUCTION completed because of the loss of the holoty-

pe. According to Stein et al. (1991), De Buen
Knowledge of the diversity of the family (1961) provided apparently reliable measu-
Liparidae has substantially increased over rements of relative head length (25.5% SL),
the past 15-20 years, with more than 334 body depth (34.5% SL), snout length (35%
species of 29 genera being listed by Cher- HL), preanal-fin length (60% SL), anal-fin
nova et al. (2004). In the Southern Hemis- base length (165% HL) and disk width (55%
phere, this family is composed of about five HL), among others.
genera with over 150 species (Stein and An- Stein et al. (1991) redescribed the synty-
driashev, 1990; Stein et al., 2001; Andrias- pes of C. pallidus and examined a ripe fema-
hev, 2003; Stein, 2006). Particularly for Ar- le of 68 mm SL (CAS 60515: over a Macro-
gentina, there are descriptions of deep-wa- cystis plant, Punta Toro, Navarino Island,
ter liparids from the east coast of Patagonia 6-8 m depth), which was initially identified
(Andriashev, 1991a; 1991b). Liparid species and catalogued as Careproctus cf. crassus,
are usually described from a few or single concluding that it represented C. pallidus.
specimens, thus highlighting the importan- However, this specimen had only 26 and 27
ce of every new record (Chernova, 2006). pectoral-fin rays instead of the 37 as origi-
For example, they are poorly represented nally described for C. pallidus, thus indica-
in museum collections of South America, ting that it belonged to a different species.
where their habitats in deeper waters of the Andriashev (1997) designated CAS 60515
continental slope and abyssal plain are in- as the neotype of C. crassus and argued that
frequently sampled. this species should be considered a junior
The genus Careproctus, a member of fa- synonym of C. pallidus, because the only
mily Liparidae, comprises over 105 spe- difference between them, the number of
cies worldwide, distributed in the shelf, rays in the pectoral fin, was found to be the
bathyal, and abyssal waters of the oceans result of a misprint in the original publica-
(Chernova, 2006). Matallanas and Peque- tion of C. crassus. Further, he redescribed
ño (2000) described two new species of Careproctus pallidus mainly from the CAS
Careproctus: C. patagonicus and C. mage- 60515 specimen (pectoral radials rounded,
llanicus from the Drake Passage. De Buen without notches, and hypural plates com-
(1961) described Careproctus crassus based pletely fused with no traces of a cleft), as
on a single ripe female of 90 mm TL from well as from X-ray photographs of the syn-
Melchor Island (Chile), having a transver- types. Until now, Vaillant’s species is the
se pocket-like skin fold behind the ventral only coastal species of Careproctus known
disk, and distinguished it from the related from South America (Andriashev, 1997;
C. pallidus (Vaillant, 1888) by the higher Chernova et al., 2004; Stein, 2005).
number of rays in the pectoral fin. The ho- Careproctus is distinguished by the fo-
lotype of C. crassus that had been deposited llowing characters: disk present, single
at the Estación de Biología Marina, Monte- nostril, pseudobranchs absent, and pecto-
mar, near Valparaiso was destroyed or lost ral fin with fewer rays than anal fin (Burke,
due to the tsunami that struck Valparaiso 1930; Kido, 1988). The diagnosis of the ge-
in 1968 and devastated the fish collection nus was emended by Orr and Maslenikov
of Montemar (Stein et al., 1991). The origi- (2007) to include the variegated color pat-
nal and sole description of C. crassus is ina- tern of the body.
dequate as the pectoral girdle and hypural In the Bridges Islands (54°52.3’S;
complex were omitted but it could not be 68°16.56’W) (Figure 1), Beagle Channel,

HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40 31


a specimen of Careproctus was captured specimen, including X-rays and staining of

by hand during low tide in shallow wa- the pectoral girdle, revealed that it is actua-
ter at about 6 to18 m depth. It was found lly a new species described below.
on the rocky bottom, lying near other fish
species and macrobenthic fauna typical of
the Magellan region. This fish was initially MATERIAL AND METHODS
identified as Careproctus pallidus by having,
behind the ventral disk, a transverse poc- The holotype was captured in the Brid-
ket-like skin fold with a caudally-directed ges Islands (54°52.3’S; 68°16.56’W), Beagle
opening. The presence of a post-disk fold is Channel, Tierra del Fuego, and deposited
specific to C. pallidus (De Buen, 1961; Stein in the Ichthyological Collection of the Mu-
et al., 1991; Andriashev, 1997; Stein, 2005). seo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Ber-
However, a detailed examination of the nardino Rivadavia (MACN-ICT 9514).

Figure 1 - Map location of Careproctus fueguensis new species holotype.

32 HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

Careproctus fueguensis SP. NOV.

Counts, measurements and terminology Holotype. MACN-ICT 9514 (Museo Ar-

follow Stein (1978), Kido (1988), Andrias- gentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardi-
hev and Stein (1998), and Stein et al. (2001). no Rivadavia), 47 mm TL, Bridges Islands
Pore nomenclature follows Stein and An- coastal waters, Beagle Channel, Argentina,
driashev (1990), who developed a standard 54°52.3’S; 68°16.56’W, captured by hand
terminology for pore and canal to be used during low tide, 16 January 1990.
in liparid taxonomy consistent with that
used in other families. The pair of termi- Diagnosis. Radials 3 (2+0+1), two upper
nal mandibular pores (one on each side notched. Two fenestrae in cartilaginous
of the mandibular symphysis), named the basal lamina. Hypural complex fused only
symphyseal pores (Andriashev and Stein, at base, with well-developed cleft. Pectoral
1998) or chin pores (Stein et al., 2001), are fin unnotched, with 26 rays. Transverse
of taxonomic value at the species level be- pocket-like skin fold with caudally-direc-
cause they frequently remain even though ted opening behind the ventral disk. D 29;
the remainder of the skin is missing or da- A 25; C 12 (1+5/5+1); vertebrae 36 (9+27);
maged (Andriashev and Stein, 1998). The pleural ribs 2; cephalic pores: 2-6-7-3. Body
specimen was X-rayed to record both shape color uniformly bright orange.
and meristics of axial skeleton and vertical
fins. Vertebral counts include the hypural Description of the holotype. Body short,
complex. Measurements of predorsal-fin without prickles. Preanal distance one-
and preanal-fin lengths were made from half SL, predorsal distance 1.2 times HL
radiographs. To study the endochondral (Figure 3A). Ventral disk well-developed,
pectoral girdle morphology, the right pec- nearly round, posterior margin rounded.
toral fin and girdle of the holotype were re- Transverse pocket-like skin fold with cau-
moved and stained following the method dally-directed opening and genital papilla
of Andriashev et al. (1977). Ratios are given protruding behind ventral disk (Figure 3B).
as % SL, and % HL. Counts and morpho- Length of gill slit almost twice eye diame-
metric ratios are given in Table 1. Abbrevia- ter, opens just above pectoral fin base. Dor-
tions: TL, total length; SL, standard length; sal end of gill slit remains open and a ver-
HL, head length; A, anal fin; D, dorsal fin; tical cleft extending ventrally to uppermost
C, caudal fin; P, pectoral fin; R, radials (n: 2-3 pectoral fin rays appears when opercu-
notched radial; r: rounded, unnotched; F, lar flap is closed.
fenestrae; V, vertebrae. To minimize dama- Head depressed, length 1/3 SL, width 0.9
ge to the specimen and because abdominal times HL, depth 2.2 times HL. Mouth sub-
dissection is unnecessary for species identi- terminal, horizontal, cleft reaching pos-
fication, the number of pyloric caeca as well terior margin of nasal tube. Mandibular
as the color of stomach and peritoneum are and premaxillary teeth distinctly tricuspid,
not provided. middle cusp larger than lateral ones. Teeth
arranged in 12-13 regular oblique rows
of 8-9 teeth each near symphysis and 2-4
RESULTS teeth posteriorly; innermost teeth larger.
Eye small, about 1/7 HL, near dorsal pro-
Careproctus fueguensis sp. nov. file of head. Interorbital region flat, width
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:DBCD4D09- 2.2 times HL. Snout blunt; thick snout fold,
91BA-4D0D-BBE3-8707F8F6773 smooth, not scalloped. Nostril single, with
(Figures 2, 3A y 3B y 4; Tables 1-2). tube as long as wide, above upper mar-

HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40 33


Figure 2 - Careproctus fueguensis new species. Holotype SL 37.5 mm,

MACN-ICT 9514. A: dorsal view. B: ventral view.

Figure 3 - Careproctus fueguensis new species. Holotype, MACN-ICT 9514, 47 mm TL, 37.2 mm SL. A. left lateral
view showing general shape, pore pattern and gill slit. B. ventral view showing preoperculomandibular pores, ventral
disk and transverse pocket-like skin fold with genital papilla.

34 HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

Careproctus fueguensis SP. NOV.

gin of eye. Cephalic pores small, 2-6-7-3. end of gill slit, other two behind it (Figures
Mandibular pores very small; interspace 3A and 3B).
between chin pores (pm1-pm1) 2/3 that Pectoral fin with 26 rays unnotched,
between pm1 and pm2, distance between not reaching anal fin origin. Uppermost
pm1 and pm2 less than 3/4 that between pectoral fin ray inserted about horizontal
pm2 and pm3. Infraorbital pores 6, in- through center of eye. Upper 12 pectoral-
cluding junction or first postorbital pore. fin rays closely spaced, remaining pecto-
Temporal pores 3, first one above posterior ral-fin rays become gradually more widely
spaced, 10 ventralmost pectoral-fin rays
with exserted tips. Three pectoral radials:
2+0+1 (Figure 4). Upper radial (Rn1) not-
ched on its lower edge, Rn2 notched on
upper and lower edges and Rn rounded,
unnotched. Cartilaginous basal lamina
of pectoral girdle with two interradial fe-
nestrae, upper fenestra between Rn1-Rn2,
lower fenestra smaller and associated with
ventral notch of Rn2. Vertebrae 36 (9+27);
pleural ribs on abdominal vertebrae 8th and
9th. Epipleural ribs on abdominal vertebrae
2nd to 7th. Pterygiophore of 1st dorsal ray
between neural spines of 6th and 7th ver-
tebrae. Body color when fresh uniformly
bright orange, orobranchial cavity pale.

Etymology. Named for its occurrence in

coastal waters of Tierra del Fuego.

Comments. The identity of five recently

hatched specimens assigned by Lloris and
Rucabado (1991) to C. pallidus (Vaillant,
1888) is doubtful; these had been found in
the peribranchial cavity of a male Lithodes
santolla (Molina, 1872) from Ushuaia, Bea-
gle Channel, between 20 and 30 m depth.
The individuals measure between 6.3 and
6.7 mm TL –despite being at different on-
togenetic stages- and share similar meris-
tic characters with C. pallidus (redescrip-
tion by Andriashev, 1997; Andriashev and
Stein, 1998) and C. fueguensis. They resem-
ble C. falklandicus in the vertebral number
Figure 4 - Pectoral girdle of Careproctus fueguensis sp. (38-40 vs. 38) but differ from it in the num-
nov. Cor: coracoid. F1-2: fenestrae. L.b.: basal cartilagi- ber of dorsal-fin rays, (34-36 vs. 30) anal-
nous lamina. R.n1-2: notched radials. R.r.: round radial. fin rays (27-30 vs. 25) and pectoral-fin rays
Sc: scapula. Bar: 5 mm.
(29-31 vs. 26).

HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40 35


Comparative material examined. Care- length (48.9 vs. 40, 38.2, 53, 45.9, 45.4 HL);
proctus guillemi Matallanas, 1997. Holoty- snout length (28.8 vs. 35.5, 35.5, 35, 30.6,
pe: (ZUAB: 001-1997); Careproctus profun- 40% HL); body depth (14.2 vs. 34.5, 29.4,
dicola Duhamel, 1992. Holotype (MNHN 30.9, 32.4, 36.4% SL); preanal-fin length
Paris, 1988-139); Careproctus longipectoralis (50.9 vs. 60, 49.2, -, 46.8, 55.4% SL); anal-
Duhamel, 1992. Holotype (MNHN Paris, fin base (138.6 vs. 165% HL). Careproctus
1991-356); Careproctus longipectoralis Du- fueguensis also differs from C. crassus in
hamel, 1992. ZUAB: 002-1997; Careproc- having a smooth upper lip margin (vs.
tus patagonicus Matallanas and Peque- scalloped) and an almost rounded ventral
ño, 2000. Holotype: (MNHNC P. 7124); disk (vs. with anterolateral notches and
Careproctus magellanicus Matallanas and one central posterior notch).
Pequeño, 2000. Holotype: (MNHNC P. Careproctus fueguensis resembles C. pa-
7125); Careproctus pallidus, specimens (5) llidus (Vaillant, 1888), in the presence of a
IIPB No.556-560/1988; Careproctus falklan- pocket-like skin fold on the belly behind
dicus, MACN-ICT No. 2825. Is. Lennox 11- the ventral disk. The structural pattern of
1-1941. the endochondral pectoral girdle and hy-
pural complex can also be used to sepa-
rate these congeneric species. Careproctus
DISCUSSION fueguensis differs from C. pallidus because
it has 2+0+1, notched pectoral radials (vs.
Careproctus fueguensis sp. nov., collected 3+0+1, unnotched), a cartilaginous basal
at 6-18 m depth from the Bridges Islands, lamina with two fenestrae (vs. without fe-
Beagle Channel, is the second species for nestrae), hypural plates divided by a wide
the genus described from shallow waters cleft into upper and lower portions nearly
of the Magellan Strait in the Patagonian to its base (vs. completely fused with no
Region. The description of the new spe- traces of a cleft).
cies was based on the characters used by Additional characters distinguishing C.
Kröyer (1862) to define the genus emen- fueguensis sp. nov. from C. pallidus include
ded by Orr and Maslenikov (2007), except the following combination of characters:
for the number of suprabranchial pores. chin pore pair spacing (notably converged
Comparisons of meristic and morpho- vs. about equal to that of other pores); gill
metric characters of four specimens, inclu- opening length (about twice eye length
ding Holotype, Paratype and Neotype of vs. slightly larger), and body color (uni-
the related Careproctus pallidus (Andrias- formly bright orange in fresh specimens
hev, 1997) and the additions and modifi- vs. “rosy gray or off white, washed with a
cations done by Stein (2005), are discussed light sepia on head and base of pectorals
herein. (Vaillant, 1888)).
Careproctus fueguensis sp. nov. differs Careproctus fueguensis differs from C.
from C. crassus and C. pallidus by the fo- falklandicus from Burdwood Bank (53°45’S;
llowing morphometric characters (first 61°10’W), 137-150 m depth, Malvinas Is-
value for C. fueguensis: MACN-ICT 9514; lands, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, in
second to fourth for C. crassus and fifth for the following morphological characters:
C. pallidus: USNM 347660, MNHN 1884- pocket-like skin fold on the belly behind
841, MNHN 1884-842, CAS 60515: head the ventral disk (present vs. absent); num-
length (31.7 vs. 25.5, 30, 23.8, 25.2, 24.2% ber and shape of radials (2+0+1, notched
SL); disk width (41.5 vs. 55% HL); disk vs. 1+1+1+1, round and arranged equidis-

36 HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

Careproctus fueguensis SP. NOV.

tantly); pleural ribs (present vs. absent); and lacking interradial fenestrae. Care-
pectoral fin (unnotched vs. slightly not- proctus fueguensis sp. nov. is unique as it
ched); skin (smooth, without prickles vs. has characters of both Careproctus groups.
with prickles). In addition, Careproctus It shares with the the rib-bearing group
fueguensis and C. falklandicus can be sepa- the presence of pleural ribs, hypural pla-
rated by the following meristic characters: tes divided nearly to its base and a total
dorsal-fin rays (29 vs. 34-36); anal-fin rays of 12caudal rays, while it shares with the
(25 vs. 27-30), and vertebrae (36 vs. 38-40). ribless group 9 abdominal vertebrae and
The sub-Antartic species C. stigmato- 3 (2+0+1) pectoral radials. Further, in con-
genus and C. maculosus from Burdwood trast with the rib-bearing group, the new
Bank 54º45´6´´S; 59º18´6´´W, 273-297 m species has two notched upper radials and
depth (Stein, 2006) differ from C. fueguen- two fenestrae in the cartilaginous basal la-
sis sp. nov. in lacking the pocket-like skin mina of the pectoral girdle.
fold on the belly behind the ventral disk Finally, the validiy of the genus
and pleural ribs and in having 4 (1+1+1+1) Enantioliparis Vaillant, 1888 is recognized
rounded, unnotched radials. by Stein (2005) based on the presence of
In regard to meristic counts, C. fueguensis additional temporal pores, with the diag-
sp. nov. has 29 dorsal-fin rays, 25 anal-fin nostic characters being as follows: 3-4
rays and 36 vertebrae (vs. 40, 36, 46 (8+38), temporal pores, t1, t2 (present or absent)
respectively, in C. maculosus and 43, 35, 45 and 2 suprabranchial pores; coronal and
(9+36), respectively, in C. stigmatogenus). postcoronal pores absent; genital opening
According to Andriashev (1997), a large beneath a transverse fold of tissue, with a
number of rays in the pectoral fin (35-39) posteriorly-directed genital papilla emer-
is a plesiomorphic condition for Careproc- ging from beneath it; and rounded, unnot-
tus Kröyer 1862. In this genus, the number ched pectoral radials. Careproctus fueguen-
of pectoral-fin rays is typically less than sis sp. nov. also shares these characters
the number of anal-fin rays. Careproctus with Enantioliparis, except for 2 notched
fueguensis sp. nov shows a distinct condi- upper radials and 3 hypobranchial pores,
tion, since the number of pectoral-fin rays this combination being unique to the new
decreased to 26, with this number being species.
almost equal to that of anal-fin rays (25). As a result of the soft and pliable body
Andriashev and Prirodina (1990) di- of liparids, measurements of the head,
vided the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic pectoral fin and disk length are highly
species of Careproctus into two groups variable and thus useless as diagnostic
according to the presence of ribs. Fish of characters (Able and McAllister, 1980).
the “rib-bearing group” have pleural ribs, In contrast, the morphology of the endo-
10-11 abdominal vertebrae, hypural plates chondral pectoral girdle is of particular
divided nearly to its base, a total of 10-12 taxonomic value for this group (Andrias-
caudal rays; 4 pectoral radials of which 2 hev, 1986; Andriashev et al., 1977). The
or 3 are notched, and 2-3 interradial fe- presence of notched radials, considered as
nestrae. The rib-bearing group is close to a plesiomorphic state for genus Careproc-
the plesiomorphic genus Liparis. Fish of tus, is observed in most Northern Hemis-
the “ribless group” are devoid of pleural phere species and in some southern spe-
ribs; have 8-9 abdominal vertebrae; a to- cies, such as C. albescens, C. catherinae, C.
tal of 10 (rarely)-12 caudal rays; 4, 3, or 2 herwigi, C. novaezelandiae, C. parini, C. smir-
pectoral radials, all rounded, unnotched novi (Andriashev, 1998), Careproctus mage-

HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40 37


Table 1 – Measurements of holotype specimen of Care- Table 2 - Counts and morphometric ratios of standard
proctus fueguensis sp. nov. length (SL) and head length (HL) of Careproctus fueguen-
sis sp. nov.
Measurements (mm)
Morphometrics %SL %HL
Total length (TL) 47
Head length 31.7
Standard length (SL) 37.2
Head length (HL) 11.8 Head width 33.4 104.2
Meristics Head depth 14.5 45.7
Dorsal fin rays 30
Snout length 9.1 28.8
Anal fin rays 25
Pectoral fin rays 26 Mouth width 15.6 49.1
Caudal fin rays 11 (5+6)
Teeth bar length 6.2 19.6
Vertebrae 36 (9+27)
Teeth bar width 1.4 4.5
Cephalic pores 2-6-7-3
Branchiostegal rays 6 Eye length 4.5 14.4

Interorbital width 14.2 44.9

llanicus (Matallanas and Pequeño, 2000)
and C. paxtoni (Stein et al., 2001). Among Nostril tube length 2.2 6.9
the southern species of Careproctus, C. fue- Nostril tube width 2.1 6.6
guensis sp. nov. is unique in having not-
ched radials with a radial formula (2+0+1) Gill opening length 8.3 26.3
and a cartilaginous basal lamina with two Snout to anus length 33.5 105.7
interradial fenestrae.
Chin to anus length 30.6 96.44

Chin to disk length 14.6 46.0

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Disk length 14.7 48.9

Thanks are due to Dr. Domingo Llo- Disk width 13.1 41.5
ris (Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, CSIC, Disk to anus length 1.2 4.0
Barcelona, Spain) for the loan of five spe-
Pectoral fin length 20.4 64.4
cimens of Careproctus pallidus (IIPB 55-
6560/1978); to Carmen Benito (Servei de Lowest Pectoral fin ray length 4.8 15.2
Radioisòtops, Facultat de Biologia, Uni- Predorsal fin length 40.3 127.1
versitat de Barcelona, Spain) for taking the
radiographs, and to Jordi Corbera for the Preanal fin length 50.9 160.5
illustrations. We are particularly grateful Dorsal fin base length 62.9 198.3
to Dr. D. Stein who kindly reviewed the
Anal fin base length 43.9 138.6
manuscript and Lic. S. Pietrokovsky for
the correction of the English version of the Pectoral fin base height 20.1 63.5
Body depth 14.2 45.3

38 HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

Careproctus fueguensis SP. NOV.

REFERENCES Family Liparidae Scopoli 1777-snailfishes. Califor-

nia Academy of Sciences, Annotated checklist of fishes,
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Recibido: 20/07/2019 - Aceptado:15/08/2019 - Publicado: 11/11/2019

40 HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40

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