Konceptos Compressed 888
Konceptos Compressed 888
Konceptos Compressed 888
Severity Scale
3 Needs Improvement
Spacing and Font Style Issue Poor Quality Images and Icon
Observation: There are inconsistencies in Observation: The site relies heavily on old, low-
spacing between elements, leading to a resolution icons that fail to effectively
cluttered and disorganized appearance communicate the services offered
Impact: This hampers readability and the Impact: This can cause confusion among
overall user experience, making the site appear users, as they may not understand what
unprofessional and difficult to navigate.
Observation: The website design feels dated, Observation: The content is not
with obsolete color schemes and typography comprehensive or engaging enough to clearly
that do not align with modern design explain the services and value propositions
standards Impact: Poor content quality can lead to
Impact: A dated design can undermine misunderstandings about the services,
credibility and trust, potentially driving users reducing user engagement and conversion
away. rates.
Proposed Website
The proposed design offers significant
improvements across various sections of the
website, addressing all previously identified issues
and incorporating modern design principles. Here
is a detailed explanation of how the new design
enhances each aspect
Te s t i m o n i a l s
A b o u t U s
P r o j e c t s
S e r v i c e s
About Us
Innovasoft proudly stands as a premier software development agency,
specializing in software solutions, intuitive UI/UX design, and impactful
digital strategies. Built on a foundation of innovation and creativity, we
excel in transforming complex challenges into user-friendly digital
experiences. With extensive experience and a diverse portfolio, Innovasoft is
dedicated to delivering exceptional services on a global scale, embodying
our core values of innovation, quality, and client satisfaction.