XDJ-XZ - Quick Manual
XDJ-XZ - Quick Manual
XDJ-XZ - Quick Manual
TO DOWNLOAD: you NEED to register and verify your email in the DJTT site to download this mapping.
If it still fails, try later - the site is often in maintenance.
ABOUT BOME: The mapping can now be installed WITH or WITHOUT bome. The BOME version has jog screens and
more features.
TO INSTALL WITHOUT BOME: Please install this as a normal Traktor mapping.
TO INSTALL WITH BOME: Please see this VIDEO and this PDF FILE for step-by-step instructions; download a demo trial of
BOME here.
Download Link: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/10305
Documentation: https://github.com/pestrela/music/blob/master/traktor/mapping_xdj_xz/
Video demo: https://youtu.be/7EPfY9bGGlw
Jog Screens (Needle and Cue marker)
7x Jogwheel FX chains
5x TP3 MixerFX
11x MacroFX
21x padFX (“instant gratification”)
4x Rolls modes
Loops, Loop move
Reverse Flux
Beatjump controls
Track search