Al Akhrass Bruchon Drapier Fayolle 14
Al Akhrass Bruchon Drapier Fayolle 14
Al Akhrass Bruchon Drapier Fayolle 14
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper deals with the treatment of incompressibility in solid mechanics in finite-strain elastoplas-
Received 6 September 2013 ticity. A finite-strain model proposed by Miehe, Apel and Lambrecht, which is based on a logarithmic
Received in revised form strain measure and its work-conjugate stress tensor is chosen. Its main interest is that it allows for the
20 February 2014
adoption of standard constitutive models established in a small-strain framework. This model is
Accepted 1 April 2014
extended to take into account the plastic incompressibility constraint intrinsically. In that purpose, an
Available online 28 April 2014
extension of this model to a three-field mixed finite element formulation is proposed, involving
Keywords: displacements, a strain variable and pressure as nodal variables with respect to standard finite element.
Incompressibility Numerical examples of finite-strain problems are presented to assess the performance of the formula-
tion. To conclude, an industrial case for which the classical under-integrated elements fail is considered.
Mixed finite element method
& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Logarithmic strains
0168-874X/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
62 D. Al Akhrass et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86 (2014) 61–70
where F is the deformation gradient tensor defined as the relative 2.2. Constitutive model in the logarithmic strain space
deformation of the medium from its initial state (position X) to its
current state (position x) Let us assume a constitutive model of plasticity that is written
in the logarithmic strain space. From the logarithmic strain tensor
F ij ¼ ð3Þ E and the logarithmic plastic strain tensor E p , calculated respec-
∂X j
tively by (1) and (6), and some hardening variables denoted α, the
Following Miehe's approach [10], an additive decomposition of the constitutive model provides the stress tensor T and the associated
logarithmic strain is considered elastoplastic tangent modulus Eep
where E e is referred as the elastic strain, and E p as the plastic strain. The tangent modulus yields the rate of the stress T with respect to
It has been shown in Refs. [10,25,26] that this additive decomposi- the rate of the logarithmic strain
tion provides results close to those obtained by assuming Lee's T_ ¼ Eep : E_ ð16Þ
multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient [27].
E p is assumed to be a function of the plastic metric tensors Note that, in the logarithmic strain space, the constitutive model
G [26] defined by has the same structure as models for small-strain plasticity. It is
hence possible to adopt simply, for finite-strain elastoplasticity,
Gp ¼ F pT F p ð5Þ the frame of constitutive models from the small-strain theory.
D. Al Akhrass et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86 (2014) 61–70 63
2.3. Geometric post-processing Denoting ð:ÞD the deviatoric part of a tensor and 1 the second rank unit
tensor, the enhanced logarithmic strain tensor can be expressed as
Once the stress tensor and the tangent modulus have been
obtained in the logarithmic strain space, the last step consists in E ¼ ED þ 1 ð25Þ
recovering the standard stress tensor, which is easier to handle,
and its associated tangent modulus, by the application of the Thus, with the choice of relation (20), θ corresponds to the spherical
transformation rules introduced above. The second Piola–Kirchh- part of the enhanced logarithmic strain tensor E [21].
off stress tensor S is obtained from relation (13) The Lagrangian multiplier p is introduced in order to enforce
the relationship between θ and J (20). It is a third variable
S ¼ T : PL ð17Þ
independent of the two others, which corresponds to the hydro-
and it can be shown that the associated tangent modulus which is static pressure. Thus, a variational form for the finite-strain
such as problem is given on the initial domain Ω by [20]
S_ ¼ Cep
L : C ð18Þ Π ðu; p; θÞ ¼ ½WðC Þ þ pðlnðJÞ θÞ dΩ W ext ð26Þ
2 Ω
may be written [10] with W being the stored energy function expressed in terms of the
2 enhanced right Cauchy–Green tensor, and Wext the potential of
∂E T ∂E ∂ E
L ¼ 2 : Eep : 2 þT : 4 2 ð19Þ external forces.
∂C ∂C ∂C
The weak formulation of the problem is obtained by looking for
To summarize, the strain tensor C is first transformed into the the saddle-point of the Lagrangian functional Π , which is char-
logarithmic strain tensor E, for which the decomposition in elastic acterized by the Euler–Lagrange optimality conditions
and plastic parts is additive. This property allows us to adopt a
constitutive law from the small strain theory, and yields the stress δΠ ðu; p; θÞ½δu; δp; δθ ¼ 0 ð27Þ
tensor T and the tangent modulus Eep L in the logarithmic strain for all (δu; δθ; δp) sufficiently regular vanishing on the domain
space, which are, eventually, transformed into the standard boundary where u, θ and p are prescribed, denoted from here as
tensors S and Cep
L . admissible.
The second Piola–Kirchhoff stress S is derived from the poten-
tial W
3. A three-field mixed finite element formulation
S ¼2 ð28Þ
The mixed finite element method is an efficient way to deal ∂C
with incompressibility in solid or fluid mechanics. Let us recall and the variation of (26) leads to
that such mixed finite element formulation is used to ensure the Z
finite element convergence and stability [15]. There exist different 1 δJ
δΠ ðu; p; θÞ ¼ S : δC þ p δθ þ δpðlnðJÞ θÞ dΩ δW ext ¼ 0
possible formulations, such as three-field formulations, involving Ω 2 J
displacements u, a strain-like variable θ, and pressure p, or two- ð29Þ
field formulations involving only displacements and pressure The variation of the displacement gradient with respect to the
[28–30]. The choice of variable combinations may depend on the current configuration, δL, is given by
form of the constitutive law employed. As explained in introduction,
to be able to naturally deal with a plasticity criterion depending on δL ¼ δFF 1 ð30Þ
the hydrostatic stress, the three-field formulations are preferred [18].
Next, from the relation
As the aim of this work is to develop a method as generic as possible,
we decide to concentrate on a three-field formulation. ∂J
¼ JF T ð31Þ
3.1. Weak mixed formulation which is established in [31], it can be shown that
In order to establish the weak formulation, the deformation ¼ 1 : δL ð32Þ
gradient F is enhanced by introducing a strain-like variable θ
which allows us to measure the volume variation. This latter is The variation of the enhanced right Cauchy–Green tensor is thus
weakly related to the Jacobian of the deformation gradient J [20]. given by
Several relations are possible, among which 2=3
expðθÞ 2 δJ
lnðJÞ ¼ θ ð20Þ δC ¼ δC þ δθ C ð33Þ
J 3 J
In that case, the enhanced deformation gradient F can be expressed as where
expðθÞ δC ¼ F T ðδL þ δLT ÞF ð34Þ
F¼ F ð21Þ
Using relation (32), it can then be written
The enhanced right Cauchy–Green tensor C is then computed from
T T 2
C ¼F F
ð22Þ δC ¼ F δLD þ δLD þ δθ1 F ð35Þ
Note that, using this relation, Using relations (32) and (35), the variation of the Lagrangian (29)
1 T may be expressed as
E ¼ lnðF F Þ ð23Þ Z
2 1
can be written as
δΠ ðu; p; θÞ ¼ ðτ D þ p1Þ : δL þ δθ 1 : τ p dΩ
Ω 3
E ¼ E þ ðθ lnðJÞÞ1 ð24Þ þ ½δp ln J θÞ dΩ δW ext ¼ 0 ð36Þ
3 Ω
64 D. Al Akhrass et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86 (2014) 61–70
where the enhanced Kirchhoff stress is given by 3.2.2. Tangent stiffness expression
T Due to the non-linearities, the resolution of a such problem
τ ¼F S F ð37Þ requires the use of an appropriate incremental/iterative procedure
Thus, the variation of the Lagrangian with respect to the displace- as the Newton–Raphson method. For instance, to build the tangent
ment field u, the strain variable θ and the pressure p can be matrix it is necessary to linearize the variation of the Lagrangian
respectively written, for any admissible virtual fields δΠ (36).
Z Using the fact that
δu Π ¼ ðτ D þ p1Þ : δL dΩ δW ext ¼ 0 ð38Þ
Ω 1
ΔF ¼ Δθ1 þ ΔLD F ð49Þ
Z 3
δp Π ¼ δpðlnðJÞ θÞ dΩ ¼ 0 ð39Þ and after some algebraic manipulations, the linearization of (38)
may be written
1 Z Z
δθ Π ¼ δθ 1 : τ p dΩ ¼ 0 ð40Þ
Δðδu Π Þ ¼ ðτ D þ p1Þ : ðΔLδLÞ dΩ þ
δL : τ D Δθ dΩ
Ω 3
Ω Ω 3
Note that (40) represents the weak formulation of the pressure
þ τ : ½ðδLD ÞT ΔLD þ ΔLD δLD dΩ þ Δp1 : δL dΩ
constitutive equation (p ¼ trðτ Þ=3) and (39), the one of the kine- Ω Ω
matic relation between J and θ (20). 2
þ ΔθδL : D : 1 dΩ þ 2δL : ðD Þ : ΔL dΩ
Ω3 Ω
3.2. Finite element discretization
where ΔL, Δθ and Δp denote incremental quantities and the
fourth-order tensor D is defined by
To solve these equations, the mixed finite element method is
used. The continuous spaces are approximated with discrete ∂S T T
spaces, in which the approximated solutions ðuh ; ph; θh Þ are D¼F F F F ð51Þ
searched [15]. Domain Ω is discretized by the mesh T h Ω . The
The tensors ðDD ÞD and DD are respectively defined by
three discretized fields can be written as
nbnodes dim ðDD ÞD ¼ I d DI d ; DD ¼ I d D ð52Þ
uh ¼ ∑ ∑ ei Nuk U ki ð41Þ
k¼1 i¼1 with
nbnodes I d ¼ I 1 1T ð53Þ
ph ¼ ∑ Npk P k ð42Þ 3
and I the fourth rank unit tensor. Furthermore, it can be easily
nbnodes shown that the linearization of the two additional variational
θh ¼ ∑ N k Θk ð43Þ equations (39) and (40) leads to
k¼1 Z
where dim is the space dimension, and ei is the ith vector of the Δðδp Π Þ ¼ δp½1 : ΔL Δθ dΩ ð54Þ
canonical basis of the space Rdim . Nuk, Npk and N θk denote the shape
functions for respectively displacement, pressure and strain vari- Z
able fields, and U, P and Θ are the nodal variables. Δðδθ Π Þ ¼ δθΔθðtrðτ Þ þ1 : D : 1Þ dΩ
The variation of the corresponding Eulerian gradient δLh is Z
computed from þ δθτ : ΔLD dΩ
nbnodes 2
δLhij ¼ ∑ δU ki Bkj ð44Þ þ δθð1 : DÞ : ΔLD dΩ δθΔp dΩ ð55Þ
k¼1 Ω3 Ω
where B is the shape function gradient matrix defined on each Thus, the system of linear equations to be solved for the (iþ 1)th
element Ωe by equilibrium iteration of the (n þ 1)th time step is
0 uu 1ðn þ 1;iÞ 0 1 0 u 1ðn þ 1;iÞ
∂N iujΩe K K up K uθ ΔU ðn þ 1;i þ 1Þ R
Bij jΩe ¼ ð45Þ B pu C B C B C
∂xj @K K pp K pθ A @ ΔP A ¼ @ Rp A ð56Þ
K θu K θp K θθ ΔΘ Rθ
θp ðn;iÞ
K rs ¼ N θr N ps dΩ ð61Þ deformation gradient F can be easily calculated from Eq. (21)
Z ðn;iÞ expðθ Þ
F ðn;iÞ ¼ 1 þ ∇x ðuðn;iÞ Þ; F ¼ F ðn;iÞ ð70Þ
K psrθ ¼ N θr N ps dΩ ð62Þ J ðn;iÞ
with B being the shape function gradient matrix previously with ΔLðn;iÞ ¼ ΔFF 1 .
defined in (45). From the enhanced deformation gradient, an enhanced loga-
In the two-field formulation framework, the variation of the ðn;iÞ
rithmic strain tensor E is calculated as in Eq. (1), which
Lagrangian (36) with respect to the displacement field u and the
corresponds to the geometric pre-processing step (see Section 2.1)
pressure p is reduced to
Z ðn;iÞ 1 ðn;iÞ
E ¼ lnðC Þ ð72Þ
δu Π ¼ ðτ D þp1Þ : δL dΩ δW ext ¼ 0 ð66Þ 2
Z with C being the enhanced right Cauchy–Green strain tensor.
p ðn;iÞ
δp Π ¼ δp lnðJÞ dΩ ¼ 0 ð67Þ In the same manner, its increment ΔE can be calculated from
Ω κ
ΔF ðn;iÞ .
with κ the bulk modulus and with The work-conjugated stress tensor T
is defined as in (13)
e p
lnðJÞ ¼ trðEÞ ¼ trðE Þ þ trðE Þ ð68Þ ðn;iÞ ðn;iÞ 1
T ¼S : ðP L Þðn;iÞ ð73Þ
Eq. (67) is true only if, on one hand, Hooke's elastic relation is
assumed and if, on the other hand, lnðJÞ corresponds to the elastic
part of the strain ðn;iÞ
1 ∂E
ðP L Þðn;iÞ ¼ 2 ðn;iÞ
lnðJÞ ¼ trðE e Þ 3 trðE p Þ ¼ 0 ð69Þ ∂C
which means that the plasticity behavior is volume-preserving. For details about the calculation of P L , it can be referred to [10].
Let us notice that the three-field formulation presented here The constitutive model with a small-strain structure is then
differs slightly from the one developed by Taylor [18,20]. The called to obtain, as in (15), the enhanced stress tensor at t n þ 1 ,
ðn þ 1;iÞ ep
difference is the choice of the relation enforced between the T , and the associated elastoplastic tangent moduli ðE Þðn þ 1;iÞ
Jacobian and the strain-like variable (20). Indeed Taylor chose to which is such as
impose J ¼ θ. It can also be reminded that the present work is
ðn þ 1;iÞ ðn þ 1;iÞ
T_ ¼ ðE Þðn þ 1;iÞ : E_
developed in an industrial framework, and the main applications ð75Þ
are simulations of problems encountered in the power plants
(repair of pipes, rolling expansion, etc.). The applications consid- For this, the enhanced logarithmic strain tensor E , its increment
ered are very sensitive and it is necessary to have accurate results. ðn;iÞ
ΔE , its plastic part, some hardening variables, and the
That is why this aspect takes priority over the computation time. ðn;iÞ
Thus, we need to consider elements with an interpolation for the enhanced stress tensor T are required. This corresponds to
pressure field which is at least linear. Furthermore, a quadratic the second step of the model described in Section 2.2.
interpolation for the displacement field is chosen in order to get a Using the geometric transformations described in Section 2.3,
ðn þ 1;iÞ
better convergence. the enhanced second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor S and the
ep ðn þ 1;iÞ
associated tangent modulus ðC L Þ which is such as
ðn þ 1;iÞ ep 1 ðn þ 1;iÞ
S ¼ ðC L Þðn þ 1;iÞ : C ð76Þ
4. Integration of the finite-strain model into the three-field 2
mixed finite element formulation are obtained at t n þ 1 . These variables can then be respectively
injected in (37) and (51), so that the tangent matrix and the
The goal of this work is to extend the finite-strain model residuals (46), (48), (47) can then be calculated at the ðiþ 1Þth equili-
described in the first section, to the three-field mixed finite brium iteration of the ðn þ 1Þth time step. The tangent system (56) can
element formulation, which is generic. The main interest of using
now be solved in order to get ðΔU; ΔP; ΔΘÞðn þ 1;i þ 1Þ .
this model is its capability to adopt the same framework as in
According to the Newton–Raphson method, the variables are
small strain theory, concerning the constitutive law implemen-
then updated
We consider a finite increment of time ½t n ; t n þ 1 , and assume ðU; P; ΘÞðn þ 1;i þ 1Þ ¼ ðU; P; ΘÞðn þ 1;iÞ þðΔU; ΔP; ΔΘÞTðn þ 1;i þ 1Þ ð77Þ
that all the variables are known at tn. For the ith equilibrium u p θ Tðn þ 1;iÞ
The convergence is then checked; if the residuals ðR ; R ; R Þ
iteration of the Newton–Raphson algorithm, the fields uðn;iÞ , pðn;iÞ
ðn;iÞ ðn;iÞ are small enough, ðU; P; ΘÞðn þ 1;i þ 1Þ is set to be ðU; P; ΘÞðn þ 1Þ . Else,
and θ and its increments Δu ðn;iÞ
, Δp ðn;iÞ
and Δθ are known new iterations are necessary until the convergence criterion is
and both the deformation gradient F and the enhanced checked. A brief summary of the algorithm is presented in Table 1.
66 D. Al Akhrass et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86 (2014) 61–70
Fig. 1. (a) Geometry, loading and boundary conditions for the plane strain Cook's membrane. (b) Structured mesh of 30 elements per side.
D. Al Akhrass et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86 (2014) 61–70 67
vertical displacement of the top right corner of the plate (point A) and strain variable fields, referred to as P2/P1/P1, and with
as presented in Fig. 1(a). Its convergence as a function of the quadratic interpolation for displacements and pressure fields and
number of elements per side, for structured mesh (Fig. 1(b)), is linear for the strain variable fields, referred to as P2/P2/P1. Were
usually used as a criterion in investigating performance. The also considered the two-field formulation, with quadratic ele-
results are shown in Fig. 2, for several finite element formulations. ments for displacements and linear for pressure, referred to as P2/
Were considered the proposed formulation with quadratic inter- P1, and linear and quadratic displacement-based elements.
polation for the displacement field and linear for both pressure We observe, as expected, that P1 element suffers from severe
locking, even for fine meshes. The other elements seem to
converge and to have the same behavior concerning the displace-
ment for this example.
Fig. 4. Distribution of the trace of the stress at Gauss points (MPa) with tetrahedral. (a) P1 elements, (b) P2 elements, (c) P2/P1/P1 elements, (d) P2/P2/P1 elements.
Fig. 5. Distribution of the Lagrangian multiplier p (MPa) at the nodes with (a) P2/P1/P1, (b) P2/P2/P1.
68 D. Al Akhrass et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86 (2014) 61–70
stable and present spurious oscillations of the stress trace. A three- element does not fulfill the Ladyjenskaia–Brezzi–Babuska (LBB)
field approach makes these oscillations disappear, as shown in stability condition. Consequently, the P2/P2/P1 element which is
Fig. 4(c) and (d), for both P2/P1/P1 or P2/P2/P1 elements. based on it cannot be stable, as shown in Fig. 5(b). In the following,
However, further analysis, as observed in Fig. 5, shows that the this element will no longer be considered.
P2/P2/P1 formulation is not stable regarding the Lagrange multi-
plier field p. This instability can be explained by considering the 5.3. Plastic sphere under internal pressure
mixed finite element corresponding to the two-field formulation
obtained by condensing the strain variable in the three-field A sphere with inner radius r i ¼ 0:2 mm and outer radius
formulation. Indeed, this element is quadratic both in displace- r o ¼ 1 mm is subjected to an internal normal stress of 1 MPa
ment and pressure (P2/P2 element). It is well known [15] that this (Fig. 6). In order to reduce the computation cost, only a quarter
of the sphere has been modeled in an axisymmetrical frame. The
ux ( y) = 0 material considered is taken as elastoplastic perfectly plastic. The
plastic flow is associated with the Von Mises criterion, with a yield
stress sY ¼ 150 MPa. Young's modulus is taken as E ¼200 GPa and
the Poisson's ratio ν ¼ 0:3.
In the case where the entire sphere has reached a plastic state,
an analytical expression of the hydrostatic stress can be obtained.
Indeed, when the plastic zone reaches the outer side, the outer
radius of the deformed sphere can be written
sY 1 2
r od ¼ r o exp þ ð79Þ
3 2μ 3κ
with κ being the bulk modulus and μ the shear modulus.
It can be shown that in that case, the volume change may be
expressed as
u y (x) = 0 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 sY sY r
f ðrÞ ¼ þ 1 1 4 ln ð80Þ
3κ κ r od
L2-Error of hydrostatic stress
0.1 P2
Fig. 10. Distribution with P2/P1/P1 elements of (a) the hydrostatic pressure at Gauss points and of (b) the Lagrangian multiplier p at the nodes.
Note that the magnitude of plastic deformations reaches 11%. The Lagrangian multiplier p (Fig. 10(b)) are very close, which guaran-
L2-error of hydrostatic pressure is computed for several structured tees the quality of the element; remind that in the three-field
triangle meshes with several number of elements. The coarser formulation presented above, the equality between these two
mesh has five elements per side. This mesh has been refined by quantities is weakly prescribed (40).
doubling the number of elements per side to get a mesh of ten
elements per side (50 elements) and so on until getting a mesh of
12,800 elements. 6. Conclusions
The L2-(absolute) error on the hydrostatic pressure is plotted in
Fig. 7 with respect to the number of elements, in order to evaluate A robust and efficient non-linear mixed finite element proce-
the convergence of the P2, P2/P1 and P2/P1/P1 elements. It can be dure for the numerical analysis of finite-strain elastoplasticity has
observed that the P2/P1/P1 element and the P2/P1 element give been presented. A finite-strain model based on the logarithmic
the same results, and when using these elements, the error is the strain tensor and its work-conjugate stress tensor has been
smallest. With the P2 element, the error is significant even with extended to a three-field formulation, which allows a generic
fine meshes. formulation to be obtained. The presented finite-strain model and
finite element formulation have the advantages of allowing an
5.4. Industrial case: assessment of constraints in the area of scour easy extension of constitutive laws from small-strain theory and
of an inlet valve are relatively easy to implement. It results in an extended finite-
strain model, which is robust, and able to take into account the
The goal of the present study is to estimate the lifetime in creep plastic incompressibility constraint intrinsically. The importance of
of an inlet valve of a thermal power station made of 15CDV-9-10 the choice of the interpolation order of the different fields has
steel submitted to a constant internal pressure and a temperature been shown through an example, and it was shown that the
ranging from 475 to 565 1C. This valve has a crack. In order to P2/P1/P1 element (quadratic interpolation for the displacement
prevent any propagation, the crack is removed by scouring a small field, linear interpolation for both pressure and strain variable
region around, leaving a smooth trench in the place of the crack. fields) is stable contrary to the P2/P2/P1 element (with a quadratic
The material is thermo-elasto-visco-plastic with isotropic hard- interpolation for the pressure field). Furthermore, the examples
ening and follows Lemaitre's law. Denoting E v the viscous portion presented above have illustrated the performance and the accu-
of the strain, it can be written racy of the proposed element, even in a case where the widely
3T D used under-integrated elements failed.
E_ v ¼ gðT eq ; λÞ ð82Þ
2 T eq
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