Course Placement Test Writing Adult
Course Placement Test Writing Adult
Course Placement Test Writing Adult
Optional writing test
This is an optional writing test for institutions who want to use this form of
assessment as part of their placement process. This test consists of an essay on an
assigned topic, and is accompanied by the Global Scale of English Writing Assessment
Descriptors to help raters determine the appropriate level of the student. See page 16
in About the Course placement test for the Global Scale of English Writing Assessment
Name _____________________________________ Date _____________________________________
Pearson course placement test – Optional writing test
Directions: Choose ONE topic and write about it. You have 30 minutes to complete the writing
task. Answer all the questions in the task. There are no right or wrong answers on this test. Write
as much as you can in the time allowed. You can ask for more paper if you need it.
1. Write an email to a friend in another city or country. Describe your city, and tell him or her to
visit your city. Talk about the things that make your city great.
2. Life is all about balance. How do you balance the responsibilities in your life? Work, school,
family, and friends. What advice do you have to help busy people achieve this balance? Give
examples to support your answer
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Pearson course placement test – Optional writing test
© 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.