B1 Speakout SB and Benchmark Test B1
B1 Speakout SB and Benchmark Test B1
B1 Speakout SB and Benchmark Test B1
Grammar Choose the This question tests the This question asks the 3 short sentences each with a Lead-in/p.6/Ex.1A
Right Word learner's range of learner to choose the single gap. Each sentence is up Review1/p.18/Ex.3A,4A
or Phrase grammatical knowledge as correct word or phrase to to 25 words. Each sentence Unit2D/p.28/Ex.3A
well as the accuracy of complete a number of contains a single gap with 3-4 Review2/p.30/Ex.6A
grammar in a written sentences. The sentences answer choices. There is a single Review3/p.42/Ex.5A
context. are related by a similar acceptable answer for each gap. Review4/p.54/Ex.1A.6A
theme. Other alternatives are Unit5A/p.58/Ex.4A
distractors which are incorrect. Unit5D/p.65/Ex.4A
Vocabulary Complete This question tests the This question asks the The stimulus presents a gapped Unit1C/p.15/Ex.4A In some tasks, there
the dialogue vocabulary of the learner in learner to select words dialogue. A simulated authentic Unit2C/p.27/Ex.5A is no word pool but
a spoken context. It tests text of 40-50 words. 5 words or Review3/p.42/Ex.4A they test the
the range of the vocabulary from a word bank to phrases are omitted from the Review4/p.54/Ex.4A vocabulary of the
the learner knows, and complete a dialogue. dialogue. The gaps test content Unit8A/p.95/Ex.2A learner in a spoken
whether they can words. There is a word-pool Review8/p.102/Ex.5A context
understand the use of the above the text that contains the Review8/p.103/Ex.7A
vocabulary in the context of 5 correct words and 3 Gramm.Bank8C/p.134/Ex.3
a conversation. distractors. The words are
presented in random order.
Grammar Correct the This question tests the This question asks the One sentence. The sentence Lead-in/p.6/Ex.4A
Mistake knowledge of grammar of learner to choose the contains a grammatical mistake Unit1B/p.13/Ex.6B
the learner in a written correct word or phrase to which has been underlined. Review2/p.30/Ex.3
context and whether they replace a mistake in a Each sentence is up to 25 words. Review3/p.42/Ex.1A
can choose the right sentence. There are 3 response options. Review6/p.78/Ex.1A
grammatical form in a There is a single acceptable Review8/p.102/Ex.4
sentence. answer. The distractors are Gramm.Bank3C/p.114/Ex.1
clearly incorrect. Gramm.Bank3D/p.115/Ex.3
Reading Short answer This question tests the This question asks the Authentic, informative text as Unit1C/p.14/Ex.1B
questions reading comprehension of learner to read a longer found in newspapers, Unit2D/p.28/Ex.1B
the learner. It tests specific text and answer questions magazines, leaflets, brochures Unit3B/p.35/Ex.2B
information included in the on the text. or websites that include Unit4A/p.46/Ex.7C
text. informative text. 75-110 words. Unit4C/p.50/Ex.1A
Reading Choose the This question tests the This question asks learners Short, authentic text with Unit5B/p.59/Ex.1A Some tasks are not
Right Word learner's holistic to read a short text and realistic layout, e.g. labels, signs, Unit7B/p.83/Ex.2A gap-fill but with
or Phrase understanding of short select the best word or notices, menus, advertisements, Unit8D/p.101/Ex.5A them, learners can
(Gap-fill) messages, notes and short phrase to complete the instructions, announcements. Med.Bank1C/p.150/Ex.3 show their holistic
pieces of writing. text. The text is 15-35 words There is Med.Bank7C/p.156/Ex.2 understanding of
one gap in the text. short messages,
notes, and short
pieces of writing.
Listening Listen and This question tests listening This question asks the A scripted sentence which Unit1A/p.9/Ex.6A These are the tasks
and Repeat comprehension at the word learner to listen to a contains meaningful Unit1C/p.15/Ex.6A,B where the recorded
Speaking and sentence level. It tests sentence or short text and information. The sentence is 9- Unit2A/p.21/Ex.7A sentences could be
pronunciation and fluency. then repeat it. 15 words long Unit2B/p.24/Ex.5A used to practise
It tests if the words heard Unit2C/p.27/Ex.4B pronunciation and
are understood and Unit3A/p.33/Ex.5A fluency.
repeated accurately. Unit3B/p.36/Ex.5A
Speaking Describe the This question tests the This question asks the The stimulus presents a picture Unit1A/p.8/Ex.1B
Image learner’s ability to speak in learner to look at a showing a scene or a sequence Unit1C/p.14/Ex.1A
an extended way linking photograph or picture and of events, a map, or a timetable Unit2A/p.22/Ex.9
concepts and ideas. It tests describe what they see. with 1-3 key elements. Unit2D/p.28/Ex.1A
the accuracy of speech Unit4B/p.47/Ex.1A
including accurate Unit4B/p.49/Ex.7C
grammar, pronunciation Unit4C/p.51/Ex.3A
and stress as well as the Unit4D/p.52/Ex.1A
fluency of the speech. It Unit5A/p.56/Ex.2A
tests the use of appropriate Unit6C/p.74/Ex.3C
words to describe the Unit6D/p.76/Ex.1A
photograph or picture. Unit8C/p.98/Ex.1A
Listening Retell the This questions tests This questions asks the The stimulus presents a short Unit1A/p.10/Ex.8D These are tasks
and Story listening and speaking. It learner to listen to a short narrative spoken by one speaker Unit1B/p.12/Ex.5A where learners
Speaking assesses understanding of narrative and then retell in a colloquial manner. Each Unit1B/p.13/Ex.7C practise telling
a short narrative the narrative using their story ranges from 4-6 sentences Unit2A/p.22/Ex.8C stories, which will
own words. for a total of 30-90 words. Unit3A/p.33/Ex.7e help them to retell
Unit4B/p.47/Ex.1B narratives using
Unit4D/p.53/Ex.4D their own words
Listening Listen to the This question tests listening This question asks the The stimulus presents a Unit1C/p.14/Ex.3B It is worth noting
and Conversation comprehension. It tests the learner to listen to a short simulated authentic dialogue Unit1D/p.16/Ex.2B that in Benchmark,
Speaking accuracy of the listening conversation and then between two speakers. This item Unit3A/p.32/Ex.3A this is a Listening
comprehension of the answer a question about type is relatively short and Unit3B/p.36/Ex.4A and Speaking task
learner. the conversation. simple in nature, so the dialogue Unit3C/p.39/Ex.3A where test takers
may not represent the Unit5C/p.63/Ex.3B
complexity of conversation one Unit6C/p.75/Ex.4A answer the questions
would come across in natural Unit7C/p.87/Ex.3A orally.
conversations. The conversation Unit8C/p.99/Ex.3A
consists of three turns. Each
turn consists of 3-12 words. The
conversation is followed by a
comprehension question.
Listening Listen and This question tests reading This question asks the An audio recording and Review1/p.18/Ex.6B
and Read and listening learner to read a text and transcript. the stimulus is Unit2C/p.27/Ex.5B
Reading (Hotspots) comprehension. It tests the at the same time listen to authentic. The text is 50-100 Review2/p.3/Ex.6B
ability to recognise the text. The learner has to words. Test takers see the Unit3B/p.36/Ex.5C
individual words in a text. find the differences transcription of the recording. 5 Unit3C/p.39/Ex.4A
between the written text words have been replaced with Review4/p.54/Ex.2B,6B
and the spoken text. deliberate errors. Review5/p.66/Ex.7B
Listening Dictation This question tests listening This question asks the A scripted sentence which Unit1A/p.9/Ex.6B
and Writing comprehension at the word learner to listen to a contains meaningful Unit1C/p.15/Ex.4B
and sentence level. It tests sentence or short text and information. The sentence is 8- Unit2A/p.21/Ex.7B
the ability to write write what they have 11 words long The sentence is Unit2C/p.27/Ex.3B
accurately and understand heard. recorded in standard British, Unit4B/p.47/Ex.3A
sentence structure, word American or Australian accents Unit7A/p.82/Ex.6A
order and connectors. using appropriately paced Unit7B/p.83/Ex.3A
SECTION 3 - Writing
Reading Read and This question tests reading This question asks the The stimulus presents a reading Unit1A/p.10/Ex.10B In most tasks,
and Writing then Write comprehension. It tests the learners to read a short text of 45-75 words. The Unit2A/p.22/Ex.10B learners do not have
ability to write accurately story or short piece of paragraphs are narrative in Unit2B/p.23/Ex.1B to reconstruct a text.
and understand sentence factual text. The text then style, meaning they are short Unit5A/p.58/Ex.7B However, they will
structure, word order and disappears and the learner stories about common Review5/p.66/Ex.5A show their ability to
connectors. has to reconstruct the text. situations involving characters, Unit6A/p.68/Ex.3C understand sentence
actions, events, reasons, Unit6B/p.73/Ex.9C structure, word
consequences, or results. Gramm.Bank1C/p.106/Ex.2 order and
Gramm.Bank1D/p.107/Ex.2, connectors
Writing Short Essay This question tests writing This question asks the The stimulus presents a 1-2 Unit7D/p.89/Ex.6B
skills. It tests paragraph learner to write a short sentence scripted text. The text
and sentence structure, the essay in response to a presents an opinion on a topic.
range and accuracy of the prompt. x Test takers give their opinion on
language used, the ability the topic presented in the text.
to structure an argument Response requirement: min. 75
or discussion in a written words.
context. It tests grammar
and vocabulary as an
essential part of writing.