Mid-Course Test
Mid-Course Test
Mid-Course Test
New Language Leader Advanced Mid-course Assessment © Pearson Education Ltd. 2015 1
3 Read the article and complete the summary with words from the text. Write one word in each gap.
of a
without a degree. employment, but it must be noted that
Furthermore, the costs of taking a these are notoriously difficult courses
to get into and that there is a rigorous
degree course leaves students with a
huge debt hanging over their heads, sorting process before students are
a burden which is beginning to make chosen. In addition, the level of the
society research and statistics proudly report the way in which the degree may be
that a graduate is likely to earn perceived by potential employers.
£200,000 more over their lifetime than One way of avoiding the disheartening
non-graduates, but that is providing job search is to delay it by taking a
they can get a job in the first place. master’s degree, but this should not
Recently in the UK many people However, evidence also proves that be seen as the soft option. A master’s
have been debating the value of a there is a much higher unemployment is quite different from a first degree
university degree in these days of high rate amongst non-graduates, but is that and consists of intense study over
unemployment. Does having a degree enough of a case to encourage students a shorter period of time and thus
still have the cachet it once had? And to take a university course? requires commitment, application
more importantly, does it offer the Despite these arguments which the and the ability to think independently.
graduate the job opportunities they anti-degree brigade trundle out, I do Once again, the cost of a master’s can
might have expected in the past? not believe that we should denigrate the be prohibitive and there is uncertainty
value of further education. No learning whether the investment will pay off.
The government has invested a lot
is ever wasted and having a degree However, what it does give a person
of money over the past decade in
benefits not only the graduate, but also is transferable skills and shows a
increasing the number of university
society as a whole, so we should regard degree of self-discipline which may be
places available, but experts question
them as national assets rather than appealing to employers, although work
whether it is money well spent, as a fair
expensive pariahs in our society. The experience is still high on their list.
percentage of graduates are struggling
to find employment despite excellent university experiences allow a young So is it worth doing that degree?
qualifications. There are many stories of person to become independent, to have Well, no education is wasted, but if
graduates applying for hundreds of jobs, time and space to think, develop and you measure it against the ability
only to receive rejections either because explore new ideas while at the same to get a job, there may well be
they are not experienced enough or time honing critical thinking – all valuable disappointment on the horizon for the
because they are over-qualified. Many skills for the welfare of a society. graduate and more ammunition for
have had to settle for employment in Having said that, the choice of a degree the critics questioning the cost to the
coffee or clothes shops (providing an course is vital if the main aim is to find taxpayer.
The debate about the value of a university degree continues as experts question whether the amount
in it is worth it to the taxpayer. Students are also concerned about the benefit of going to
university because, although they may have really good 2 , many are finding it hard to get a job.
Furthermore, many struggle to pay off a 3 which may remain with them for many years.
Government statistics indicate that graduates are still likely to earn much more during their working life than
non-graduates and that 4 is still more prevalent amongst non-graduates. Society should look at
graduates as being 5 rather then an expensive luxury. However, choosing the right degree course
is essential for those who go to university with the sole intention of finding a job, but it still does not guarantee
employment and it can be very 6 to get accepted onto some specialised courses. Doing a
master’s degree is a way of delaying the 7 for work. However, the skills developed through
doing a master’s can attract 8 .
New Language Leader Advanced Mid-course Assessment © Pearson Education Ltd. 2015 2
4 Read the forum posts and write the correct letter (A, B, C or D) for each post.
I am not sure that people have as much power as you I blame consumerism for many evils in the world today:
think or that people’s minds could be changed so easily. child slavery and poverty, obesity, mental health
Governments are in the pockets of multinational problems. If we did not have so much stuff in our lives,
corporations who promote the idea of consumerism, so we would not stress out about being able to pay for it all
they are reluctant to change the system. Furthermore, or get upset when it breaks or fails to function properly.
even if they realise that the long-term future is bleak, We live in a world of excess which has caused serious
they are reluctant to do anything which might cause problems for civilisation. I think that manufacturers should
redundancies, factory closures and so on because it will take responsibility for producing goods which are both
impact negatively on their popularity. Short-termism is durable and energy-efficient and that they should be
prevalent in our society and future generations will pay obliged to repair them to keep them working for much
the price for this. Easy credit is what has allowed longer than the five years or so goods generally have
consumerism to thrive and it has nurtured a society that thanks to built-in obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is
believes it is entitled to have anything it wants. I’m not another spin-off of the world of consumerism and was
sure that everyone is capable of behaving in a responsible developed in the sixties, when manufacturers tried to
way. People like to buy things cheaply and rarely consider work out how to keep people buying new versions of
how they were produced. Thanks to years of their products. Consumerism is totally unsustainable and
brainwashing, their incessant craving to have the newest we all need to act now to change the economic
device, car or whatever has become a kind of addiction. mentality of everyone.
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New Language Leader Advanced Mid-course Assessment © Pearson Education Ltd. 2015 4
New Language Leader Advanced Mid-course Assessment © Pearson Education Ltd. 2015 5
9 Look at the table and write a report about the information in it, saying what it shows, describing the
main point/trends and suggesting reasons for some of these. You should include the following:
• introduction • approximators where appropriate
• main trend over period • suggested reasons for some figures
• key figures where necessary
New Language Leader Advanced Mid-course Assessment © Pearson Education Ltd. 2015 6
10 Prepare to talk to your teacher. You have two minutes to prepare. Make some notes so that you can:
• briefly describe your education and the system in your country.
• explain how you think education has changed due to technological advances.
• say if you believe national stereotypes exist and give reasons for your answer.
• explain what you think the advantages and disadvantages of working in a multinational team are.
• describe what changes you would have made in your country if you had been the leader for the past five years.
When you have prepared, talk to your teacher. Your teacher will ask you questions.
Your notes
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