Industrial Management
Industrial Management
Industrial Management
Three Main components of robots 2. A robot must obey the orders given
1. Mechanical Components it by human being except where such
2. Electrical components
orders would conflict with first law.
3. A robot must protect its own
3. Computer programming code
existence as long as such protection
The latest technologies are used does not conflict with the first law
to develop machines that can substitute or second law.
for humans and replicate human actions
are called robot. Mr. Isaac Asimov
(1920 - 1992)
The robots are mainly used in
dangerous environments, manufacturing Isaac Asimov was an
process or where human cannot survive. American writer and
professor of biochemistry
at Boston University. He
9.8 Advantages and
was known for his works of
Disadvantages of Robot science fiction and popular science. He was
Advantages a prolific writer who wrote (or) edited more
1. Lifting and moving heavy objects
than 500 books and an estimated 90,000
letters and postcards.
2. Working in holistic environment
3. Providing repeatability and consistency
4. Working during unfavourable 9.10 Need of Robotics
hours To improve the quality of products
5. Performing dull or momotonous To reduce the preparation time
Skilled labour shortage
6. Increasing productivity and safety
To reduce rising cost
7. Achieving more accuracy than Pressure to increase production
human beings rates to compete market.
9.11 Types of Robots
1. The robots lack capability to
respond in emergencies 1. Based on application
a. Assembly robot
2. The initial and installation cost of
equipment high b. Welding robot
c. Heavy duty robot
3. They replace human workers, thus
causing unemployment. d. Military robot
e. Hospital robot
It is related to the work piece 2. Plexiglass
and is often the best one for 3. Rigid PVC
programming the robot. 4. ABS plastic
b. Based on geometry 5. Polycarbonate
i. Cartesian coordinate system
6. Polyethylene and polypropylene
ii. Cylindrical coordinate system
7. Nylon
iii. Spherical coordinate system or
polar coordinate system
1. Buying the Robotoys and give practice for dismantling and assembling the parts.
(d) Jointed-arm
2. Students to know about the functioning of parts of robot.
3. How to operate the electric equipments in home and offices through the
(e) Scara
Part I.
Choose the correct option 1 Mark
3. The brain of the Robot is called
1. “Centralized control automation” is __________
the other name of ______
a. Sensor
a. Building automation system
b. Controller
b. Industrial automation system
c. Piston
c. Standard automation system
d. Gears
d. Partial automation system
4. The part which receives the
2. The basic principles of Robot is commands and send to the control
formed by system in Robot is
a. Asimov a. Controller
b. Hectare b. Gears
c. George devil c. Sensor
d. Joseph rengal Berger d. Piston
Part II.
Answer the following questions in one or two sentences 3 Marks
5. What is meant by “Automation”?
6. What are the different types of automation?
7. What are various types of “Based on control”? of automation
8. Mention the types of “Based on Application” of automation
9. What is “Robot”?
Part III.
Answer the following questions in about a page 5 Marks
10. What are the needs for industrial automation?
11. What are the applications of automation?
12. What are the needs of robot?
13. What materials are required to make “Robot”?
Part IV.
Answer the following Questions in detail. 10 Marks
14. What are advantages and disadvantages of automation?
15. Explain about the important parts of robot.
16 What are the advantages and disadvantages of robot
Learning Objectives
10.1 Introduction 10.9 Function of PPC
10.2 Plant Location 10.10 Quality Control
10.3 Important Factors to be 10.11 Principles of Management
considered in Selecting a plant 10.12 Organisation
Location 10.13 Lean Manufacturing
10.4 Plant Layout 10.14 Seven Quality Control Tools
10.5 Work Study (7QC Tools)
10.6 Production and Productivity 10.15 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
10.7 Productivity based on different 10.16 Six Sigma
Sources 10.17 Kaizen
10.8 Production Planning and Control 10.18 Cost Estimation
10.1 Inroduction
Factory is a place of required resources collected in one place to manufacture materials in
correct size and correct shape. The resources are trained men, raw materials, machines etc.
Production and Productivity = 250%
Production can be defined as a process of In this case, the productivity is
manufacturing the required end product increased by 50%.
from the available raw materials.
Raw material ➞ production ➞ products 10.7.1 Productivity of Men
We consider a case of machinist who
Productivity can be defined as a works on a milling machine and makes
ratio between the output of products 40 gears a day. By improved methods
produced and the input resources for of work, the same machinist is able to
production. machine 50 gears in a day. The increase
Production Output in productivity can be calculated as,
Productivity =
Input of Resources
Change in Production
Increase in
= Original Production
Productivity Based On (Input)
Different Resources-
Productivity Of Land 50-40
Productivity = X 100
Let us assume an agriculturist spends 40
₹5000/- to plant casuarina saplings in Increase in Production = 25%
his land of 1 acre and earns yields worth
If the PPC does not work in right Scientific Management’ is one of the
way, the industry gets affected. So every important management books written by
industry needs skilled PPC. F.W. Taylor.
According to F.W.Taylor, Scientific
10.10 Quality Control Management involves the following
1. Observation
Product quality refers to how well a
product satisfies customer needs, serves its 2. Measurement
purpose and meets industrial standards.
3. Experimented Comparison
It depands on the product, the machine,
cutting tools and work holding devices. 4. Formulation of Procedure.