Prevalence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Laundry Workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Prevalence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Laundry Workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Prevalence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Laundry Workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Original Article
Corresponding author:
I Wayan Gede Suarjana, M.Erg Introduction: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are a serious
Department of Public Health, problem that can affect the health and productivity of laundry workers. Workers
Faculty of Sport Science and who experience such disorders may experience pain, muscle stiffness, joint
Public Health, inflammation, and even serious injury. This study aimed to investigate the
Universitas Negeri Manado, prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among laundry workers in
Tondano, North Sulawesi 95618, North Sulawesi.
Jl. Kampus Unima, Tonsaru, Kec. Methods: This study is a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey conducted
Tondano Sel., Kabupaten in March 2023 – April 2023 in Minahasa District North Sulawesi Province,
Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95618, specifically Tondano-Tomohon City. A total sample of 225 laundry workers was
Indonesia taken using the convenient sampling technique. The questionnaire used to assess
Tel.: +62 897 099 103 33, WMSDs was the Nordic Body Map. The chi-square test was applied to find the association between age and musculoskeletal disorders among laundry workers.
Results: 5.38% of participants categorized pain felt in all parts of the body as very
painful, 17.81% as painful, 36.39% as rather painful, and 39.67% as not painful. The
body part that experienced the most complaints of severe pain was back at 10.2%,
Date of submission: 19.12.2023 feeling pain was the waist at 37.3%, feeling rather pain was the right arm at 47.1%,
Date of acceptance: 06.03.2024 and no pain was the left elbow at 71.6%.
Date of publication: 01.04.2024
Conflicts of interest: None Conclusion: The prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among the
Supporting agencies: None study population was significantly associated with age, sex, nutritional status, and
DOI: work experience with musculoskeletal complaints (p<0.05). While there is no
v14i2.60842 relationship between work duration and education level with musculoskeletal
complaints (p>0.05). Appropriate interventions may be needed to improve working
conditions, protect workers' health, and minimize the risk of work-related
musculoskeletal disorders in the laundry industry.
Copyright: This work is licensed Keywords: Laundry Workers, Nordic Body Map, North Sulawesi, Risk Factors,
under a Creative Commons Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) related to are associated with abnormalities in the
work also referred to as Work-Related musculoskeletal system, which includes muscles,
Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) have tendons, ligaments, and bones. In recent years,
become a serious problem in various work attention to WMSDs has increased rapidly due to
environments around the world. These diseases their detrimental impact on worker well-being
and work productivity. Some of the common frequency and risk factors of WMSDs among
symptoms of WMSDs are pain, stiffness, laundry workers is limited. Laundry workers are
numbness, tingling, and reduced range of motion workers who have a high risk of developing
in the affected body parts. The most frequently musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) because the
reported locations of WMSDs are the lower back, tasks they perform routinely involve physical
neck, wrist, ankle, shoulder, and knee. According activities that can cause excessive stress on their
to a study conducted on 408 domestic workers in musculoskeletal system. Some of the job tasks that
India, WMSDs were reported as knee pain (38.2%), pose a high risk of MSDs in laundry workers
upper back pain (31.9%), lower back pain (27.5%), include: Heavy lifting, one of the main tasks of
ankle pain (26.0%), shoulder pain (23.8%) and laundry workers is lifting and moving linen that is
neck pain (19.6%).1 In Indonesia, a study by often wet and heavy, such as sheets and large
Yosineba et al. in 2020 found that the prevalence towels. Heavy lifting without the use of
of WMSDs among orthopedic surgeons was 50% appropriate assistive equipment can cause stress
for the lower back, 46.5% for neck, 28.6% for wrist to the lower back, shoulders, and arms, increasing
and ankle, 21.4% for shoulder, 10.7% for knee, the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and
thigh, and buttocks, 7.1% for upper back, and 0% complaints. Repetitive Motion, laundry workers
Suarjana & Negara. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among laundry workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
healthcare, and transport sectors, and the results 20 and 60 years old. They had at least one year of
have revealed that the risk of WMSDs can be work experience. They agreed to participate in the
found in various work environments. Research study and signed the informed consent form. The
conducted by Purwati et al. showed that there is
11 following exclusion criteria: They had muscle
a significant relationship between work posture injuries, ligament tears, or joint problems.
and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complaints The sampling technique used is convenience
among laundry workers in Batam City, Indonesia. sampling. The calculation of the sample size using
The majority of respondents were under 35 years the incidental sampling technique is a technique
old. WMSDs are a common occupational risk for based on chance, that is, anyone who happens to
laundry workers, and factors such as excessive meet the researcher can be used as a sample if it is
muscle stretching, repetitive activities, and deemed that the person is suitable as a data source.
unnatural work postures contribute to the This technique is usually used if the population is
development of these disorders. Research unknown or difficult to reach. The formula that
conducted by Gumilang, et al. 12 stated that the can be used is as follows:
majority of laundry workers in Denpasar, Bali
𝑍2 × 𝑝 × 𝑞
have a moderate level of risk of developing 𝑛=
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) during the
ironing process. Factors contributing to the 1.6452 × 0.5 × 0.5
moderate risk level include female sex, age greater 0.12
Suarjana & Negara. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among laundry workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
status, education level, marital status, work 01.036/UNBI/EC/IV/2022, dated 09 January 2023.
experience, and work duration.
Statistical data analysis using SPSS v.25 for macOS
software and presented in the form of narratives, The results of data collection in this study have
graphs and tables to describe the characteristics of been organized into two groups, namely
subjects, the distribution of WMSDs risk levels, as demographic data and skeletal muscle complaints
well as the distribution of WMSDs risk levels on data. The participants in this study consisted of
This research has been approved by the Bali subject characteristics are presented in Table 1
Number (n)
Socio-Demographic Variable Subcategory
N = Total 225
Age (year) 19-27 87 (38.7%)
28-36 67 (29.8%)
37-45 40 (17.8%)
46-54 19 (8.4%)
>54 12 (5.3%)
Sex Female 155 (69.9%)
Male 70 (31.1%)
BMI (Kg/m2) Very Underweight: <17 7 (3.1%)
Underweight: 17 - <18.5 13 (5.8%)
Normal 18.5 – 25.0 170 (75.6%)
Overweight >25 - 27 35 (15.6%)
Obese >27 0 (0%)
Education Level Primary School 7 (3.1%)
Junior High School 11 (4.9%)
High School / Vocational School 182 (80.9%)
Bachelor 25 (11.1%)
Marital Status Single 104 (46.2%)
Married 121 (53.8%)
Work Experience New 178 (79.1%)
Old 47 (20.9%)
Work Duration < 8hr 200 (88.9%)
> 8hr 25 (11.1%)
The majority of respondents are relatively young Index (BMI) within the normal range of 170
individuals, with 38.7% of them being in the age (75.6%), indicating a good level of health in this
group of 19 to 27 years old and 29.8% being sample. In terms of education, most of the
between 28 to 36 years old. In this study, the total respondents (80.9%) had a high school or
number of respondents was 225 respondents, with vocational school level of education at 182 (80.9%),
155 female respondents and 70 male respondents. which may have resulted in a better
Whereas, sex also played an important role in this understanding of the issues under study.
sample, with females dominating the respondent Meanwhile, in terms of marital status, there was a
population at 69.9%. Regarding physical health, fairly balanced difference between married at 121
the majority of respondents had a Body Mass (53.8%) and single at 104 (46.2%) respondents.
Suarjana & Negara. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among laundry workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
In addition, most of the respondents had recent complaints in 225 laundry workers using the
work experience of less than 2 years (79.1%), and Nordic Body Map questionnaire with 4 Likert
most of them worked less than 8 hours a day Scales, namely Score 1 (No Pain), Score 2 (Rather
(88.9%). Pain), Score 3 (Pain), Score 4 (Very Pain). Data
collection was carried out on 28 body areas and
The results of data collection on musculoskeletal
more details are presented in table 2.
Body Areas
No Pain (%) Rather Pain (%) Pain (%) Very Pain (%)
Upper Neck 21.8 59.1 14.2 4.9
Lower Neck 38.2 41.3 16.0 4.4
Left Shoulder 36.0 40.9 16.0 7.1
Right Shoulder 21.3 44.9 24.0 9.2
Left Upper Arm 40 37.3 17.8 4.9
Back 19.6 40.9 29.3 10.2
Right Upper Arm 20 20.4 32.0 7.6
Waist 19.6 35.1 37.3 7.6
Hip 37.3 39.1 18.7 4.9
Buttocks 58.7 27.6 9.8 4.0
Left Elbow 71.6 22.2 2.7 3.6
Right Elbow 54.7 27.1 13.3 4.9
Left Forearm 48 36.4 11.6 4.0
Right Forearm 29.3 47.1 14.2 9.3
Left Wrist 46.2 35.1 15.6 3.1
Right Wrist 25.8 42.7 26.2 5.3
Left Hand 40.9 39.1 15.1 4.9
Right Hand 24.9 41.8 23.6 9.8
Left Thigh 54.2 31.6 12.9 1.3
Right Thigh 47.6 41.3 8.0 3.1
Left Knee 58.2 29.3 7.6 4.9
Right Knee 51.6 36.9 7.1 4.4
Left Leg 37.8 36.4 18.7 7.1
Right Leg 26.2 40.9 24.9 8.0
Left Ankle 49.3 31.1 16.9 2.7
Right Ankle 42.2 39.1 15.1 3.6
Left Foot 47.6 24.4 25.3 2.7
Right Foot 42.2 29.8 24.9 3.1
Based on the data results in Table 2. shows the which caused some pain. The waist was the third
prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal most common complaint (37.3%), which also
disorders in laundry workers. The prevalence of caused pain. The back was the least common
WMSDs complaints in 28 body areas is based on complaint (10.2%), but it caused the most pain.
the level of complaints felt, where Most of the The results of the chi-square test between the
complaints (71.6%) were about the left elbow, characteristics of respondents and complaints of
which did not cause any pain. The right forearm musculoskeletal disorders in laundry workers can
was the second most common complaint (47.1%), be seen in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Chi-Square Test Results Characteristics of Respondents of WMSDs
Several characteristics have a significant between those who experienced and those who
relationship with WMSDs, namely age, sex, BMI, did not experience WMSDs (52.9% and 47.1%).
marital status, and work experience. Single living had a greater proportion who did not
experience WMSDs (70.2%) compared to those
The 19-27 years age group had the largest
who were married (44.6%). Respondents who
proportion of those without WMSDs (66.7%),
were not at risk of MSDs had a greater proportion
while the 46-54 years age group had the smallest
who did not experience WMSDs (62.3%)
proportion (31.6%). Females had a significantly
compared to those at risk (34.1%).
greater proportion of no WMSDs (74.3%)
compared to males (48.4%). Respondents who had Discussion
a very lean BMI (<17 kg/m2) all did not experience In this study, it is known that the age category is
WMSDs (100%), while respondents who had a dominated by young age >19 years as many as 87
normal BMI (18.5-25 kg/m2) were almost equal respondents. Based on age characteristics, it
shows that age has a significant relationship with Lobo, César, et al.20 which provides information
the incidence of musculoskeletal complaints in on how nutrients, especially vitamin D, calcium,
laundry workers with a significance value of 0.018. magnesium, and protein, can help prevent
According to Thetkathuek et al. (2016) in the age musculoskeletal disorders by increasing bone
range of 35-55 years, the problem of pain caused strength and reducing inflammation. Excess body
by musculoskeletal disorders increases to 70%. mass index tends to lead to increased mechanical
Meanwhile, according to research conducted by stress on the body structures responsible for
Shobur, et al, one of the things that affects muscle supporting body mass. When viewed from
work is age, because the increasing age of a person biomedical dynamics, the greatest pressure will be
in this condition reduces muscle strength, this received by the body parts and joints that support
shows that there is a relationship between age and the human body, especially the lower extremities
musculoskeletal complaints with workers aged ≥ and back.21
30 years because they are at risk of 4.4 times
The period of employment is the time when
experiencing high levels of musculoskeletal
individuals work, which is calculated from the
complaints compared to workers aged <30 years.17
start of employment until the time of the study.
According to sex in this study, was dominated by The longer the working time, the longer the
respondents with female sex as many as 155 worker is exposed to the workplace's increased
respondents than male respondents. Based on the musculoskeletal complaints.22 Physical work that
results of the chi-square test, there is a significant is carried out continuously and repeatedly over a
relationship between sex and complaints of long period will affect the mechanisms in the body
musculoskeletal disorders with a significance (circulatory, digestive, muscular, nervous, and
value of 0.001. Sex is a factor related to muscle respiratory systems).23
endurance between women and men. Related to
The results of the chi-square statistical test show a
that, sex is related to complaints of
relationship between work experience or tenure
musculoskeletal disorders this is because
and musculoskeletal complaints. This is because
physiologically the ability of male muscles is
the longer the working period, the longer the
stronger than the ability of female muscles.
exposure in the workplace which results in a
Women's muscle ability is only about two-thirds
higher risk of musculoskeletal complaints.24
of men's muscle strength, so women's muscle
Periods of working can affect workers both
capacity is lesser when compared to men's muscle
positively and negatively. The positive influence
is seen in the increase in experience and expertise
Based on the nutritional status in this study, the in accordance with the length of work. Conversely,
majority were in the normal category as many as a long working period will also have a negative
170 respondents. Based on the results of the chi- effect because it causes fatigue and boredom.
square test, there is a significant relationship
Based on the results of the study, it is known that
between nutritional status and complaints of
laundry workers have a long working period of
musculoskeletal disorders with a significance
more than 2 years and a new working period of
value of 0.037. This is in accordance with another
less than 2 years. The data shows that 65.9% of
study conducted by Zhang et al.19 who found that
laundry workers with a working period of >2
nutrition-related disorders, such as metabolic
years are at risk of musculoskeletal complaints.
syndrome, diabetes, hypertension,
The longer laundry workers work with non-
hypertriglyceridemia, and obesity, may increase
ergonomic work attitudes, the higher the risk of
the risk of or exacerbate musculoskeletal disorders,
musculoskeletal complaints. This is because
such as osteoarthritis, tendinopathy,
musculoskeletal complaints will increase as work
intervertebral disc degeneration, and sarcopenia1.
experience increases.11 Previous research also
Our research is also in line with research by Calvo-
found that the majority of respondents with a
Suarjana & Negara. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among laundry workers in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
working period of >2 years had a risk of fatigue. Unergonomic work postures can cause
experiencing musculoskeletal complaints. A long muscle and joint strain. Therefore, work duration
working period will provide accumulated work was not a major risk factor for musculoskeletal
pressures so that over a long time it will result in complaints in PT PLN (Persero) Jeneponto
clinical or chronic fatigue. 22 Transmission Service Unit and Substation
Work duration is the amount of time spent by
workers to perform work activities in one day or Conclusions
one week. Work duration can affect The majority of respondents' characteristics were
musculoskeletal complaints, which are pain or based on age 19-29 years (38.7%), female 155
discomfort in the human skeletal and muscular workers (69.9%), nutritional status in the normal
systems.25 category as many as 170 workers (75.6%), high
The results of the chi-square statistical test showed school education level as many as 182 workers
no relationship between work duration and (80.9%), marital status as many as 121 workers
musculoskeletal complaints. This is because the (53.8%), work experience <2 years as many as 178
workers are still within the normal working workers (79.1%), and work duration <8 hours as
duration range of around 88.8% working <8 hours. many as 200 workers (88.9%). The prevalence of
Prolonged work duration can cause static loads on musculoskeletal complaints in 28 body parts was
muscles and joints, which can lead to fatigue, felt to be very painful with a percentage of 10.2%
strain, and inflammation. Long work duration can felt in the back, 37.3% felt pain in the waist, 47.1%
also reduce rest and muscle recovery time, which felt somewhat pain in the right forearm, and 71.6%
can worsen musculoskeletal conditions. Work felt no pain in the left elbow. Based on the chi-
duration that is too long can increase the risk of square statistical test, there was a relationship
musculoskeletal disorders, especially in body between age, sex, nutritional status, and work
parts that are often used in work, such as the neck, experience with musculoskeletal complaints
shoulders, back, hands, and feet. The results of (p<0.05). While there is no relationship between
research conducted by Zulhijjah found that there work duration and education level with
was no significant relationship between work musculoskeletal complaints (p>0.05). Therefore,
duration (p = 0.250) and musculoskeletal appropriate interventions need to be made to
complaints. Work duration is not associated with improve working conditions, protect workers'
musculoskeletal complaints because work health, and minimize the risk of work-related
duration does not affect the physical burden musculoskeletal disorders in the laundry industry.
experienced by workers. The physical burden
experienced by workers is more influenced by
other factors such as length of service, workload, Thanks to the laundry workers in the Tomohon City
and Tondano City areas of North Sulawesi who have
and work posture.26 The duration of working time
been willing to be the object of this research and also
can lead to a decrease in muscle and joint function. to all those who have helped researchers for the
High workloads can cause muscle and joint smooth running of this research.
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