Wireless Generation
Wireless Generation
Wireless Generation
LogicalITransport and Physical Channels - TFCI by the transmitter. The receiver derives
The characteristics of a transport channel are this information from TFCI without signaling
defined by its transport format (or format set), over the radio interface [7].
specifying the physical layer processing to be WCDMA in F D D mode supports several
applied to the transport channel in question, physical channels which transmit the data in thc
such as convolutional channel coding and inter- transport channels. Physical channels typically
leaving, and any service-specific rate matching as consist of a three-layer structure of superframes,
needed. Random access channel(s) (RACH) radio frames, and time slots. A superframe has a
(uplink), forward access channel(s) (FACH) duration of 720 ms and consists of 72 radio
(downlink), broadcast channel (BCH) (down- frames. A radio frame has a duration of 10 ms
link), paging channel (PCH) (downlink), syn- and consists of 15 time slots. Physical channels
chronization channel (SCH) (TDD downlink), are the uplink dedicated physical data channel
downlink shared channel(s) (DSCH), common (uplink DPDCH) and uplink dedicated physical
packet channel (CPCH) (FDD downlink), and control channel (uplink DPCCH). The uplink
uplink shared channel (USCH) (TDD) are com- DPDCH is used to carry dedicated data generat-
mon transport channels. The dedicated channel ed at layer 2 and above (i.e., the dedicated trans-
(DCH) (uplinkidownlink) and fast uplink signal- port channel, DCH). The uplink DPCCH is used
ing channel (FAUSCH) are dedicated transport t o carry control information (pilot symbols,
channels, power control commands, TFCI) generated at
Variable bit rate transmission in layer 1 is layer 1. The physical random access channel
achieved by associating a transport format or (PRACH) is used to carry the RACH. The phys-
format set to a transport channel. A transport ical common packet channel (PCPCH) is used to
block is a basic unit exchanged between layer 1 carry the CPCH. There is only one type of down-
and MAC entities and typically corresponds to link dedicated physical channel, the downlink
an RLC PDU. A transport block may be 20 bits dedicated physical channel (downlink DPCH).
of coded speech or 320 bits of RLC PDU. Layer The primary common pilot channel (CPICH)
1 adds cyclic redundancy check (CRC) into a serves as the phase reference; the primary com-
transport block. A transport block is transmitted mon control physical channel (P-CCPCH) is
during a transmission time interval which is 10 used to carry the BCH. The secondary CCPCH
ms or a multiple of 10 ms. A set of transport is used to carry the FACH and PCH. The SCH
blocks may be transferred during a transmission is a downlink signal used for cell search. The
time interval. The Transport Format Combina- physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH),
tion Indication field (TFCI) uniquely identifies used to carry the downlink shared channel
the transport format used by each transport (DSCH), is shared by users based on code multi-
channel within the current radio frame. The plexing. Depending on the symbol rate of the
multiplexing and exact rate matching patterns physical channel, the configuration of radio
follow predefined rules and are encoded in frames or time slots varies.
according to the
destination IP
Figure 5.Mobile IPin cdma2000 [9].
The random access transmission is based on a ical channels. CCCH uses unacknowledged
Slotted ALOHA approach with fast acquisition mode (segmentation/reassembly with sequence
indication. U E can start transmitting at access number checking), but only for the downlink,
slots where there are 15 access slots per two and transparent mode (only segmentation/
frames. The random access transmission consists reassembly is performed) only for the uplink.
of one or several preambles of length 4096 chips, 320-bit frames are used for segmentation/
and a message of length 10 ms. The message has reassembly. In acknowledged mode the first two
a data part to transmit layer 2 data, and a con- octets contain the header fields such as 12-bit
trol part to transmit pilot bits and TFCI. The sequence number, and the rest is used for user
data and control parts are transmitted in paral- data. In order to transmit at higher rates, the
lel. The highest RACH data transmission rate is header compression procedure enables placing
120 kb/s. four 80-bit PUS with only the first PU having a
The MAC layer provides data transfer ser- header.
vices on logical channels which are divided into In WCDMA each slot carries 2560 chips. At
control channels (for the transfer of control a spreading factor of 4, each slot carries 640 bits
plane information) and traffic channels (for the and, with 15 slots in 10 ms, yields an uplink bit
transfer of user plane information). The syn- rate of 960 kb/s. The downlink rate is twice the
chronization control channel (SCCH), broadcast uplink bit rate because the symbol bit rate is half
control channel (BCCH), paging control channel the channel bit rate. If burst type 1 is used, each
(PCCH), common control channel (CCCH), slot can carry 488 data bits, which yields a data
dedicated control channel (DCCH), and shared bit rate of 732 kb/s for the uplink and 1464 kb/s
channel control channel (SHCCH) are the con- for the downlink. Higher rates can be obtained if
trol channels. A dedicated traffic channel multiple codes are used.
(DTCH) is a point-to-point channel, dedicated Consider IP datagrams of 1500 octets to be
to one UE, for the transfer of user information. transmitted on the uplink. The RLC layer seg-
A DTCH can exist in both uplink and downlink; ments the datagram into 27 RLC PDUs and
it is a point-to-multipoint unidirectional channel adds a 2-octet header into each. The MAC layer
for transfer of dedicated user information for all adds a 3-octet header if 16-bit UE-id fields are
or a group of specified UEs. used and forms MAC PDUs. Each such PDU
can be transmitted in one slot. This yields an
High-speed Data Transfer - The RLC layer uplink data rate of 672 kb/s. The downlink data
performs segmentation/reassembly of variable- rate is 1344 kb/s.
length higher-layer PDUs intoifrom smaller
is adjustable to the actual set of transport for- Efficient support of Mobile IP in wireless net-
mats. RLC transfers user data, and the transfer works is important for the integration of wireless
may be unacknowledged on the control plane networks with the Internet.
logical channels of BCCH, PCCH, CCCH, In the wired Internet, when a node moves from
SHCCH, and SCCH (downlink only) and on the one network to another, Mobile IP [8] is used to
U-plane logical channel of DTCH, or reliable correctly deliver the datagrams into the new net-
delivery with flow control on DCCH/DTCH log- work. Operation of Mobile IP is as follows. A