Republic Act No. 10353
Republic Act No. 10353
Republic Act No. 10353
— Fifteenth Congress, Third Regular
Republic of the Philippines
S. No. 2817 H. No. 98
intimidation or any other means which vitiate the free will
of persons abducted, arrested, detained, disappeared or
otherwise removed from the effective protection of the law.
acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by concealment
of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, which
places such person outside the protection of the law.
involuntary disappearance is unlawful and cannot be
invoked as a justifying or exempting circumstance. Any
person receiving such an order shall have the right to
disobey it.
SEC. 8. Duty to Certify in Writing on the Results of Inquiry
into a Reported Disappeared Person’s Whereabouts. –In
case a family member, relative, lawyer, representative of a
human rights organization or a member of the media
inquires with a member or official of any police or military
detention center, the PNP or any of its agencies, the AFP or
any of its agencies, the NBI or any other agency or
instrumentality of the government, as well as any hospital
or morgue, public or private, on the presence or
whereabouts of a reported victim of enforced or involuntary
disappearance, such member or official shall immediately
issue a certification in writing to the inquiring person or
entity on the presence or absence and/or information on the
whereabouts of such disappeared person, stating, among
others, in clear and unequivocal manner the date and time
of inquiry, details of the inquiry and the response to the
SEC. 10. Official Up-to-Date Register of All Persons
Detained or Confined. - All persons detained or confined
shall be placed solely in officially recognized and
controlled places of detention or confinement where an
official up-to-date register of such persons shall be
maintained. Relatives, lawyers, judges, official bodies and
all persons who have legitimate interest in the whereabouts
and condition of the persons deprived of liberty shall have
free access to the register.
(b) The date, time and location where the person was
deprived of liberty and the identity of the person who made
such deprivation of liberty;
(f) Records of physical, mental and psychological condition
of the detained or confined person before and after the
deprivation of liberty and the name and address of the
physician who examined him or her physically, mentally
and medically;
(j) The names and addresses of the persons who visit the
detained or confined person and the date and time of such
visits and the date and time of each departure;
Provided, That the details required under letters (a) to (f)
shall be entered immediately in the register upon arrest
and/or detention.
SEC. 13. Visitation /Inspection of Places of Detention and,
Confinement. –The CHR or its duly authorized
representatives are hereby mandated and authorized to
conduct regular, independent, unannounced and unrestricted
visits to or inspection of all places of detention and
SEC. 15. Penal Provisions. – (a) The penalty of reclusion
perpetua and its accessory penalties shall be imposed upon
the following persons:
SEC. 16. Preventive Suspension/Summary Dismissal. –
Government officials and personnel who are found to be
perpetrators of or participants in any manner in the
commission of enforced or involuntary disappearance as a
result of a preliminary investigation conducted for that
purpose shall be preventively suspended or summarily
dismissed from the service, depending on the strength of the
evidence so presented and gathered in the said preliminary
investigation or as may be recommended by the
investigating authority.
SEC. 19. Nonexclusivity or Double Jeopardy Under
International Law. – Any investigation, trial and decision in
any Philippines court, or body for any violation of this Act
shall; be without prejudice to any investigation, trial,
decision or any other legal or administrative process before
any appropriate international court or agency under
applicable international human rights and humanitarian law.
SEC. 23. Special Amnesty Law Exclusion. – Persons who
are changed with and/or guilty of the act of enforced or
involuntary disappearance shall not benefit from any special
amnesty law or other similar executive measures that shall
exempt them from any penal proceedings or sanctions.
SEC. 26. Restitution and Compensation to Victims of
Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance and/or Their
Immediate Relatives. –The victims of enforced or
involuntary disappearance who surface alive shall be
entitled to monetary compensation, rehabilitation and
restitution of honor and reputation. Such restitution of
honor and reputation shall include immediate expunging or
rectification of any derogatory record, information or public
declaration/statement on his or her person, personal
circumstances, status, and/or organizational affiliation by
the appropriate government or private agency or agencies
enforced or involuntary disappearance who surfaced alive
and/or their immediate relatives within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity, may be effectively
reintegrated into the mainstream of society and in the
process of development, the State, through the CHR, in
coordination with the Department of Health, the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
and the concerned nongovernment organization/s, shall
provide them with appropriate medical care and
rehabilitation free of charge.
application insofar as they are consistent with the
provisions of this Act.
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