Module - 1 - New
Module - 1 - New
Module - 1 - New
Introduction: Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and Society- Emerging Trends and
Technologies in different sectors such as Energy, Manufacturing, Automotive, Aerospace, and
Marine sectors.
Energy: Introduction and applications of Energy sources like Fossil fuels, nuclear fuels, Hydel,
Solar, wind, and bio-fuels, Environmental issues like Global warming and Ozone depletion
“Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering that combines physics and mathematical
properties with material science to analyze, design and manufacture of machines, components
and devices.”
Virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been touched in some way
by a mechanical engineer to help humankind. Products range from the largest systems like
cars, planes and satellites to the smallest components like sensors and switches. The scope
of mechanical engineering is hence vast, playing a fundamental role in facilitating of modern
➢ Heating and Cooling Systems: They design and develop heating, ventilation, refrigeration
and air conditioning systems for buildings and other structures.
➢ Industrial Equipment: They design, develop and maintain industrial equipment such as
machine tools, robots, and conveyor systems & belts
➢ Infrastructure: Mechanical engineers play a key role in the design and maintenance of
infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, roads, and transportation systems.
i) Energy Sector
v) Marine Industry
i) Energy Sector:
➢ The growing consumption in India coupled with the depleting fossil fuels and the
significant impact of fossil fuels towards global warming and environment
degradation have become the major challenges to the energy sector.
conventional energy supply channels like coal & oil, to renewable or green energy
technologies like solar, wind, ocean, biomass and tidal etc.,
➢ Through the make-in India initiative the government is working to attract global
companies to produce solar photo voltaic (PV), lithium batteries, solar charging
infrastructure and other advanced technologies in India.
➢ Further, the entire power sector, including electricity generation, distribution and
supply networks and processes, is undergoing digitization on the lines of energy
4.0, owing to efficiency, cost and sustainability benefits.
➢ Currently with Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry has reached the next
milestone of industrial revolution, by incorporating cyber-physical production
systems in association with latest technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet
of Things (IoT), cloud computing, additive manufacturing (3D printing) etc.,
➢ For example, if each machine on the production floor has an IoT device connected
to it, the company can view their entire shop floor in virtual space.
➢ They can view the location of every asset, its usage, uptime and maintenance needs.
➢ A timely alert for human intervention can be generated, informing the predicted
cause and likely maintenance required so as to ensure an un-interrupted machine
➢ Assembly areas and production lines are using AI&ML applications in several ways.
➢ This allows manufacturers to monitor the entire system, create models for
adjustments and make changes to the system for a faster, reliable and quality
➢ Many aerospace companies have implemented industry 4.0 across operations such
as manufacturing and supply chains.
➢ The government of India has identified the Aerospace and Defence sector as a focus
area for the ‘Make in India’ programme, to push the establishment of Indigenous
V) Marine Industry:
➢ The marine/shipping industry is also adapting to this trend with smart ship
The term “Energy” is derived from Greek word called ‘Energia’ meaning capacity
to do work. Energy is defined as the ability or the capacity to do work.
Power is defined as the rate at which the energy is consumed. We use energy to do
work and make all movements. Energy either exists in the earth or comes from outer
Forms of energy:
Energy exists in various forms. The different forms of energy are chemical energy,
thermal energy, mechanical energy, electrical energy, hydel energy etc.
Renewable energy resources Non-renewable energy resources
These are inexhaustible. These are exhaustible.
1. Example: solar energy, wind Example: coal, petroleum, natural
energy etc.) gas etc.)
Freely available in nature and Not freely available and also not
2. environment friendly (except environment friendly. (hazardous to
biomass) environment)
They are continuously restored by These sources once used cannot be
nature after utilization. recovered any more.
Initial cost for utilization of energy
Both initial and maintenance costs
4. sources is high, but maintenance
are high.
cost is low.
Availability of energy is Continuous supply of energy is
5. intermittent and hence continuous possible with non-renewable energy
supply of energy is not possible. sources.
The technology to extract the
The technology to extract the energy
6. energy sources is not yet
sources is developed.
completely developed.
Fuels/Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are so called because they were formed over millions and millions of
years by the action of heat from the earth’s core, and pressure from the rock and soil on
the remains (fossils) of dead plants and animals including micro-organisms. The three
types of fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
Also fuel is defined as a combustible substance which generates heat when burnt
in the presence of oxygen.
Based on the physical stage of existence, fuels are classified into three types: solid fuels,
liquid fuels and gaseous fuels.
Solid fuels:
Refers to the various types of solid materials like wood and coal.
a) Wood:
Wood is the oldest type of solid fuel, easily obtainable in large quantities
and also costs less.
It is mainly used as a domestic fuel.
It has low calorific value and high moisture content.
b) Coal:
Coal is a type of fossil fuel, a highly carbonaceous matter, dug or mined from
Liquid fuels:
Liquid fuels are usually hydrocarbons, which exist in the liquid phase at room
temperature. Majority of the liquid fuels are derived from crude oil or petroleum.
These fuels are easy to handle, burn and possess high calorific value. The crude oil is
heated and split into various types of products like petrol, diesel, kerosene, lubricating
oil etc.
a) Petrol or Gasoline:
It is a type of liquid fuel derived from the fractional distillation of
petroleum. (Temperature range 65o to 200 o)
It is the lightest fuel with specific gravity ranging from 0.70 to 0.76.
It is highly volatile in nature and easily vapourizes easily.
It is used as a fuel for the spark ignited automotive vehicles and in
b) Diesel:
Diesel oil is a type of liquid fuel obtained after the fractional distillation of
petrol and kerosene. (Temperature range 250o to 320o)
Its specific gravity ranges from 0.82 to 0.96 and is denser than petrol, thereby
providing a comparatively more energy per unit volume of fuel consumed.
It is used as fuel in compression ignited automotive vehicles and also in
c) Kerosene:
It is heavier than petrol but less volatile than it. (temperature range 180o to 250o)
It has specific gravity ranging from 0.78 to 0.85.
It is mainly used in aviation gas turbines a jet fuel and also in lamp and
Gaseous fuels:
Gaseous fuels are either natural fuels or artificial fuels. Natural fuels occur in the
form of natural gas ear the petroleum fields beneath (under) the earth’s surface.
Artificial fuels are prepared artificially and used for a variety of applications.
Artificial fuels prepared are coal gas, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, producer gas.
a) Natural gas:
Natural gas is usually found underground near an oil source.
Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel.
It is an excellent domestic fuel used for heating and cooking.
b) LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPG is extracted from crude oil and natural gas.
Hydel Energy
A flat plate collector is the simplest and the most common type of solar collector
used to capture solar rays. This type of collector is preferable for low temperature
applications such as water heating, cooking, drying food grains and vegetables, etc.
i. Absorber plate is usually made of copper and is coated with black so as to absorb
the solar rays falling on it.
ii. Water tubes are metallic tubes through water circulates. The tubes are attached to
the absorber plate. Water tubes are generally made of copper.
iii. Transparent cover is made of a toughened glass, usually 4mm thick, which helps in
reflecting the incident solar energy back to the absorber plate. Heat remains
trapped in the airspace between the absorber plate and the glass cover.
iv. Insulation by means of resin bonded rock wool is provided below the absorber
plate so as to prevent heat losses by conduction.
Solar Pond: A
solar pond is a pool of salt water, which collects and stores solar thermal energy.
This heat energy in turn can be utilized for various applications like process
heating, desalination, textile processing, diary and cold storage, to dry agricultural
products, timber and chemicals and to generate electricity.
• A salinity gradient solar pond is an integral collection and storage device of solar energy.
• By virtue of having built-in thermal energy storage, it can be used irrespective of time
• In an ordinary pond or lake, when the sun's rays heat up the water this heated water,
beinglighter, rises to the surface and loses its heat to the atmosphere.
• The net result is that the pond water remains at nearly atmospheric temperature.
• The solar pond technology inhibits this phenomenon by dissolving salt into the bottom
layer ofthis pond, making it too heavy to rise to the surface, even when hot.
• The salt concentration increases with depth, thereby forming a salinity gradient.
• The sunlight which reaches the bottom of the pond remains entrapped there.
• The useful thermal energy is then withdrawn from the solar pond in the form of hot brine.
• The pre-requisites for establishing solar ponds are: a large tract of land (it could be
barren), alot of sun shine, and cheaply available salt (such as Sodium Chloride) or bittern.
• Generally, there are three main layers. The top layer is cold and has relatively little
• The bottom layer is hot -- up to 100°C (212°F) -- and is very salty.
• Separating these two layers is the important gradient zone.
• The hot brine solution enters in to evaporator coil releases steam, these steam transfer to
turbine, it rotates with high speed by converting mechanical energy into electricity.
• The steam transfer to condenser and it will condensate from liquid phase, this cooled liquid
transfer to upper convective zone, to maintain the atmospheric temperature and cycle
Working Principle:
➢ Once the wind blows, a wind turbine changes the kinetic energy from the motion of the wind into
mechanicalthrough the revolution of the rotor.
➢ After that, this converted energy can be transmitted through the shaft & the gear train toward the
➢ Further, this generator converts the energy from mechanical to electrical to generate electricity.
➢ The wind flows on both faces of the airfoil-shaped blade although flows faster on the upper face
of the airfoilto create a low-pressure region on the airfoil.
➢ The pressure difference between both the top & bottom surfaces results within the aerodynamic
➢ As the blades of a wind turbine are constrained to move in a plane with the hub as the center,
the lift forcecauses rotation about the hub.
➢ In addition to the lift force, a drag force perpendicular to the lift force prevents rotor rotation.
➢ The horizontal axis wind turbine design mainly includes a high lift to drag ratio, especially for the
➢ So, this ratio can change through the blade’s length to optimize the output energy for the wind
turbine atdifferent speeds of wind.
➢ The generator & rotor shaft are arranged within the box at the top of the array.
Nuclear Fuels:
➢ The nuclear fuels which are generally used in reactor are 92U
, 239
94PU (Plutonium) and
92U .
➢ Natural uranium are consists of three isotopes of uranium as 92U238, 92U235 and 92U238.
➢ In natural uranium the availability of U238 is largest upto the extent of 99.28%, U235 is only
0.715% which is most unstable and fissionable and the remaining 0.006% is U234.
➢ In 92U, number 92 represents protons, number 238 represents its mass number and the
difference (238-92=146) represents the no. of neutrons.
They are two types of Nuclear Fuels:
1) Nuclear Fusion: It is defined as the combining of two lighter nuclei into a heavier one.
2) Nuclear Fission: When the nucleus of an atom splits into lighter nuclei through a nuclear
reaction the process is termed as nuclear fission.
Bio Fuels:
Bio fuels are liquid fuels produced form biological materials or biomass,
such as sugar cane fiber, corn, cellulose or vegetable oils, agricultural residues,
sewage and other wastes.
It is a renewable source of energy.
Emission of bio fuels is less than
fossil fuels.
Bio fuels are considered as an alternative to the constantly and
rapidlydiminishing fossil fuels.
a) Fuel pellets:
These are made from wood chips, sawdust or agricultural wastes are
a few solid forms of bio fuels, but are not so popular in view of their
higher environment pollution potential.
They are used for co-combustion in coal fired power plants.
b) Biodiesel:
Biodiesel a form of liquid bio fuel is produced from non-edible oil
seeds. Bio diesel is obtained by trans-esterification process.
The oils obtained from seeds of several plants and trees like
Pongamia (honge), Neem (bevu), Hippe, Simarouba, Red physic nut
(kaduharalu), jatropha, palm, sunflower, soya bean can be used as an
alternative fuel for Diesel, or blended with Diesel to power
automotive vehicles line bus, lorry, tractor, etc., and also generators
and industrial machines that run on Diesel engine.
Bio diesel is also used as heating fuel in commercial boilers. It has
better lubricating properties and lengthens the lifetime of engines.
c) Bioethanol:
Bioethanol is a form of bio fuel, produced from carbohydrate rich
crops such as corn, wheat, sugarcane, potatoes etc., by yeast
It is used an alternative fuel for petrol (or gasoline) or blended with
petrol in order to reduce the vehicle emissions and fuel consumption
in Petrol engines.
It is most commonly used to power cars and boats.
Global Warming:
Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally
attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other
Causes for Global Warming:
One of the biggest issues facing us right now is global warming. Its effects on animals and on
agriculture are indeed frightening, and the effects on the human population are even scarier. The facts
about global warming are often debated in politics and the media, but, unfortunately, even if we
disagree about the causes, global warming effects are real, global, and measurable. The causes are
mainly from us, the human race, and the effects on us will be severe.
➢ Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants
Our ever-increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous
amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Ozone Layer:
A layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 miles) containing a high
concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from
the sun.
Causes for Ozone Layer Depletion:
The decrease in ozone concentration in the middle layers of the atmosphere – mainly in the
stratosphere – is extremely damaging to life on earth, and is largely caused by emissions of
halogenated hydrocarbons produced by man, CFCs, HCFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride and
methyl bromide. For this reason, such substances are commonly referred to as Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer (ODS).
➢ Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): They are compounds formed by chlorine, fluorine and carbon.
They are often used as refrigerants, solvents, and for the manufacture of spongy plastics.
When the chemicals reached the earth’s stratosphere, they reacted with Ultraviolet radiation,
which caused them to break down and release Chlorine and Bromine into the earth’s ozone
➢ Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs):
Compounds formed by H, Cl, F and C. They are being used as substitutes for CFCs because
many of their properties are similar and are less harmful to ozone by having a shorter half-
life and releasing fewer Cl atoms.
➢ Halons
They are compounds formed by Br, F and C. Because of their ability to put out fires are used
in fire extinguishers, although their manufacture and use is prohibited in many countries
because of their ozone-depleting action. Their ability to harm the ozone layer is very high
because they contain Br which is a much more effective atom destroying ozone than the Cl.
➢ Methyl bromide (CH3Br):
It is a very effective pesticide that is used to fumigate soils and in many crops.
➢ Carbon tetra-chloride (CCl4):
It is a compound that has been widely used as a raw material in many industries, for example,
to manufacture CFCs and as a solvent.
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion:
i. Skin cancer: ‘Mekanma’ a types of skin cancer is the most worrisome biological effect
due to prolong exposure to UV-B rays
ii. Destruction of Marine life: Aquatic organisms like shrimps, laval, crabs and fishes have
found to be damaged by higher intensity UV-B rays
iii. Immune system damage: Strong UV-B radiation after human immune system. It also
causes contract in the eyes
iv. Decrease in plant growth: Serve exposure of plants to UV-B rays hampers, their growth
retards of seed and fruits
v. Crack in the polar ice caps: The most notable effect of global warming and ozone layer
depletion is the development of long crack in the north part of the Larsen ice shelf at
Antarctica region.