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Assignment 3

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PHY 113 / PHY 103: Introduction to Electromagnetism, (Summer 2024)

Department of Physics, I.I.T. Kanpur

Assignment - 3 (Submission date - 10 June 2024)
1. In a charge free region, prove that the value of the potential V (⃗r) at a point ⃗r is the average value of the
potential over a spherical surface of an arbitrary radius R centered at ⃗r:
V (⃗r) = V (r⃗′ )ds′
4πR2 S
This is often known as the mean-field theorem.

2. (Problem 3.47 of Griifiths’s book): Show that

(a) The average field over a sphere of radius R , due to all charge present inside the sphere is

⃗ average = − 1 P .
4πε0 R3
where P is the total dipole moment associate with the charge in the sphere.

(b) The average field over a sphere of radius R , due to any charge present outside the sphere is zero.

3. Find the first three multipole moments of

(a) A thin insulated rod in the interval |z| < a and that carries the line charge λ = k sin(πz/a).

(b) A thin insulated rod in the interval |z| < a and that carries the line charge λ = k cos(πz/a).

(c) a ring of radius a, cnetered at the origin, lying in the X − Y plane and having a linear charge density
of λ = λ0 cos(2ϕ), where λ0 is a constant and ϕ is the polar angle in the X − Y plane.

(d) A sphere of radius R centered at the origin and carrying a charge density of
R(R − 2r)
ρ(⃗r) = k sin θ
where k is a constant.

⃗ 0 perpendicular to the slab

4. An infinitely extended slab of thickness d is placed in a uniform electric field E
surface. Calculate the electric field inside the slab, the bound surface and volume charge densities in the

5. Consider a parallel plate capacitor with a plate separation distance of d. A parallel slab of thickness d/2
and material of relative dielectric permittivity εr is placed in between the plates symmetrically in the first
case and in the top-half of the capacitor in the second case. In both the cases, if the potential difference
between the capacitor plates is V0 , obtain the surface charge density on all surfaces and the volume bound
charge density in the slab.

6. A conducting sphere of a radius R and held at a potential V0 is surrounded by an insulating dielectric

medium with relative dielectric permittivity of εr1 upto a radius r1 > R, by an insulating dielectric
medium with relative dielectric permittivity of εr2 upto a radius r2 > R and free space beyond. Find the
bound volume charge density in the two materials and the surface charge densities on all the surfaces.

7. A point charge q is placed at the center of a material sphere of radius R and dielectric permittivity εr .
Obtain the P⃗ , D
⃗ and E
⃗ fields, and the volume charge density everywhere. Find the charge densities on

all the surfaces.

8. Obtain the surface charge density on a uniformly polarized sphere with polarization P⃗ and radius R.
What is the electric field associated with the sphere inside the sphere and in the space outside?

9. Obtain the polarization caused in a dielectric sphere of relative dielectric permittivity εr and radius R
⃗ Find the bound volume and surface charges in the sphere.
when placed in a uniform electric field E.

10. Consider the system of concentric spherical conductors consisitng of an inner solid conductor of radius a
and a second thick conductor of radii b > a and c > b. If the region between the two conductors is filled
with a dielectric medium of constant permittivity εr , find the energy associated with the system. How
would your answer change if the dielectric permittivity were to vary as εr = k/r ?

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