Urgencias en Dialisis 3
Urgencias en Dialisis 3
Urgencias en Dialisis 3
ISSN Online: 2164-2869
ISSN Print: 2164-2842
Konan Serge Didier1*, Kissou Pegdebamba François2, Guei Monlet Cyr2, Diopoh Sery Patrick1,
Aka Jean Astrid1, Yao Kouamé Hubert1
Kidney Failure, Hemodialysis, Emergency
1. Introduction
Kidney pathology constitutes a major public health problem in the world due to
its frequency, high mortality rate and the costs of its treatment [1] [2].
Nephrological emergencies are not so frequent but they most often deal with
management problems [3]. Their treatment often calls for hemodialysis, which
can supplement the functions of cleaning uremic toxins and fluid and electrolytes
balance, thereby improving their prognosis [4]. Despite these therapeutic advances
made over the past 50 years, the mortality of patients with kidney impairment
requiring emergency dialysis remains high [5] [6].
In 2010, replacement therapy ensured the survival of nearly 3 million patients
worldwide, 78% of whom were on dialysis [7]. The incidence of acute kidney
injury requiring hemodialysis is increasing and associated with high mortality
In France, the 2011 REIN report estimated the incidence of dialysis patients at
144/million inhabitants [9]. In the United States of America, the rate of acute
renal damage requiring extrarenal purification increased from 3227/million
peope/year in 1996 to 5224/million people/year in 2003. In Canada, it increased
from 0.8% to 3% from 1996 to 2010 [6].
In Senegal in 2016, a hospital study noted that 84.7% of patients in a
hemodialysis center had received emergency sessions and that 34.2% of these
patients had acute renal failure [10].
Data on emergency dialysis patients are scarce in our practice setting. Our
work aims to study the profile of patients who have benefited from a first
emergency hemodialysis session in order to facilitate decision-making for their
2. Methods
2.1. Type and Scope of the Study
Our study took place in the Nephrology department of the Teaching Hospital of
Yopougon in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. This was a retrospective, descriptive and
analytical study that took place over a period going from January 1st to
December 31st, 2016.
This department includes an inpatient unit with a capacity of 20 beds, an
outpatient unit, a hemodialysis unit with 07 generators, one of which is broken.
were not having their first dialysis session at that moment and those whose
medical records were incomplete for the parameters sought were not included.
2.3. Variables
For each patient included, the following data were collected using a standardized
survey sheet:
- Sociodemographic data: age, sex, profession, level of education;
- Co-morbidities: hypertension, diabetes, HIV, CKD, drug abuse (alcohol,
tobacco, NSAIDs, PCI, use of traditional products);
- Clinical data: the department of origin, reasons for hospitalization, state of
consciousness, state of hydration, blood pressure; edema, acute lung edema,
urine output;
- Blood biological data: hemoglobin level, number of white blood cells and
platelets, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, CRP;
- The type of renal failure: acute kidney injury (AKI) or chronic kidney desease
(CKD) with the different mechanisms;
- Therapeutic data: hemodialysis with the indication of the session, the vascular
access and the number of sessions, other treatments;
- Evolutionary data: duration of hospitalization, recovery or not of renal
function, death.
3. Results
During the study period, 213 patients received emergency dialysis in the ward.
Of these, 146 met the inclusion criteria. The patients’ medium age was 39.80 ±
14.55 years with the extremes of 13 and 85 years. The age group of [35 – 65]
years was the most represented with 54.7%. We observed 59.5% of male subjects
and 40.4% of female subjects.
Patients’ medical history was dominated by hypertension (63.9%), CKD
(23.9%) and HIV-infection (8.2%). The main clinical signs were hypertensive
surge (64.3%), edema (44.5%) and coma (30.1%) (Table 1). This hypertension
was grade 3 in 42.5% of cases.
Anemia was observed in 97.2% of cases and it was less than 8 g/dl in 57.5%.
The other laboratory abnormalities were hyperkalemia (28%), hypocalcemia
(70.1%), hyponatremia (68.7%) and elevated C Reactive Protein (CRP) (93.3%)
(Table 1).
Kidney failure was chronic in 75.3% and acute in 24.6%. Chronic nephropathies
were glomerular (54.1%), vascular (20.5%).
The main indications for hemodialysis were encephalopathy (33.5%),
severe uremia (28%), acute lung edema (19.8%), persistent anuria (11.6%) and
hyperkalaemia (5.4%).
The vascular access was a catheter in 97.2% (femoral site in 53.4% and jugular
in 43.8%) and an arteriovenous fistula in 2.7%.
Male 59.6% (87/146) 61.5% (16/26) 59.1% (71/120) 0.8
Female 40.4% (59/146) 38.6% (10/26) 40.8% (49/120) 0.8
Age (years)
<35 39.7% (58/146) 23.0% (6/26) 43.3% (52/120) 0.05
[35-65] 54.7% (80/146) 61.5% (16/26) 53.3% (64/120) 0.4
≥65 5.4% (8/146) 15.3% (4/26) 3.3% (4/120) 0.04
(1.04 - 16.8)
Hypertension 63.6% (93/146) 53.8% (14/26) 65.8% (79/120) 0.24
CKD 23.9% (35/146) 15.3% (4/26) 25.8% (31/120) 0.25
HIV 8.2% (12/146) 38% (1/26) 9.1% (11/120) 0.3
Clinical Signs
Hypertension 64.3% (94/120) 46.1% (12/26) 68.3% (82/120) 0.1
Edema 44.5% (65/146) 42.3% (11/26) 45.% (54/120) 0.3
Coma 30.1% (44/146) 57.6% (15/26) 24.1% (29/120) 0.008
(1.6 - 30.8)
Blood pressure
1 14.9% (14/94) 19.2% (5/26) 13.2% (9/68) 0.06
2 42.5% (40/94) 11.5% (3/26) 54.4% (37/68) 0.05
(0.08 - 1.03)
The outcome was favorable in 82.2% and death observed in 17.8%. Kidney
function stabilized in 71.9% and normalized in 10.2%. In univariate analysis,
age > 65 years (p = 0.04), coma (p = 0.004) and acute acute kidney injury (p =
0.02) were associated with the risk of death (Table 1).
In multivariate analysis, only coma seemed to be associated with the risk of
mortality in our patients (Table 2).
Table 2. Risk factor for death after multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Variables P OR IC (95%)
Age > 65 ans 0.2 0.4 0.07 - 1.8
AKI 0.2 0.5 0.18 - 13
Coma 0.02 5.8 1.2 - 33.3
4. Discussion
This work describes the profile of patients undergoing their first hemodialysis
session in an emergency situation. The majority of these were young adults. Our
results are similar to those found by Yaya Kane et al. in Senegal [10] who noted
an average age of 41.3 years. On the other hand, our patients seemed younger
than those of Dali Youcef et al. in Algeria [11] who had found a medium age of
57.8 ± 16 years. This difference could be explained by the difference in life
expectancy which seems to be higher in Maghreb.
The male predominance observed in our work is found in all the African
series [11] [12]. This could be explained by the predominance of Kidney disease
in men.
The comorbidities were dominated by hypertension found in one out of ten
patients, followed by HIV infection. Fayrouz Zemed et al observed hypertension
in 46% of cases in Morocco in 2017 [13]. In our context, hypertension followed
by HIV infection is the two main risk factors for chronic renal failure [14].
Almost one in four patients (24%) had a known CKD. The fact that the latter
begin their hemodialysis sessions under emergency conditions could be explained
by the high cost of treatment and/or the availability of centers. This would be
added the refusal to accept the disease in some cases.
The clinical signs vary according to the departments in which the studies are
carried out. Thus, the hypertensive surge observed in six out of ten patients in
our study is a common situation in nephrology. In intensive care settings,
neurological disorders are frequent and may affect eight out of ten patients as
observed by Fayrouz Zemed et al. [12].
CKD was predominant and found in over two-thirds of our patients. In
Algeria, Dali Youcef [11] noted a predominance of AKIs with 65%. This
difference could be explained by the difficulty of access to hemodialysis by
patients in our context. This difficulty could be attributable not only to the high
cost of dialysis in private centers but also to the availability of public centers,
which remains limited.
The probable etiologies of CKD were dominated by CGN with 70.91% of
cases. Our results corroborate with those of the numerous studies that show a
high proportion of CGN in the aetiologies of especially in our context [14].
In our study, the indications for hemodialysis were dominated by uremic
encephalopathy and severe uremia. Other authors [11] [15] have reported
hyperkalemia and anuria as the main indications for emergency dialysis. This
difference could be explained by the predominance of CKD cases in our study
5. Conclusions
Hemodialysis in an emergency is a common practice at the Yopougon University
Hospital. Our patients were predominantly young with a predominance of men.
Almost all of the patients were hospitalized for various reasons dominated by
neurological disorders and edema. The main physical signs were hypertension,
edema and coma. Apart from very high urea levels and serum creatinine, anemia
and inflammatory syndrome were found in almost all of our patients.
CKD cases were predominant and found in three out of four patients with
CGN as the main initial nephropathy. Uremic encephalopathy dominated the
indications for the hemodialysis session. The femoral catheter was the most
widely used vascular access.
Mortality was 17.80% and higher in AKI cases. Coma seems to be a factor of
poor prognosis.
It turns out that emergency hemodialysis is a critical situation especially for
AKI cases. It is therefore imperative to be prompt in performing hemodialysis.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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Standardized Survey Sheet
Hospitalization file number: …………………………………………
Age: …. Years Sex: M □ F □
Level of study: primary □ secondary □ University□ lliterate □
Profession: ……………
Reason for admission ……………………………………………………………….
Hypertension: Yes □ No □
Diabetes: Yes □ No □; CKD: Yes □ No □; HIV: Yes □ No □
Taking toxic substances: Tobacco: Yes □ No □; alcohol: Yes □ No □;
Traditional medicines: Yes □ No □; NSAIDs: Yes □ No □,
State of consciousness: …………… .. State of hydration: …………………………
Blood pressure: ………….mmHg
WBC ……. /mm3, Hb: …… g/dL, Platelets: …. ×103/mm3, Urea ……… g/L
Creatinine …..mg/L, CRP: …..mg/L, Na+: ……MEq/L, Ca2+: ….mg/L,
K+: …..mEq/L
Acute Kidney Injury: Yes □ No □ if yes type: ………………………...
Chronic Kidney Desease: Yes □ No □ if yes type: ……………………
HD indication: ………………………………………………………
Vascular access: ………………………………………………………….…
Number of sessions: …………………………………………………………….
Other treatments
Blood Transfusion: Yes □ No □
Antibiotic therapy: Yes □ No □
Healing: Yes □ No □
Stabilization: Yes □ No □
Death: Yes □ No □ if Yes cause: …………………………………
Duration of hospitalization: ………………………………………