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Clinical Management of Bovine Actinomycosis (Lumpy Jaw) in Cattle: A Case


Article · March 2020


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1 author:

Wani Ahad
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir


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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2020 IJESC

Research Article Volume 10 Issue No.3

Clinical Management of Bovine Actinomycosis (Lumpy Jaw) in

Cattle: A Case Report
Dr. Wani Ab Ahad1, Surjeet Kumar2, Hashim A. Lone3, Raja Beghum4
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon 1
Department of Animal Husbandry Kashmir 1, 2, 3, 4
ICD Centre, Gadoora Ganderbal, J&K, India1, 2, 3, 4

A cross breed Holstein Fresien male calf presented at ICD centre, Gadoora, Ganderbal, J&K with a swelling at mandibular region and
leaking out pus contents and was diagnosed to be suffering from Bovine Actinomycosis/Lumpy Jaw/Big Jaw. The animal was treated
for seven days and recovered successfully. The incidence of actinomycosis in cattle is higher as they are mainly fed with straw/Hay
and ensilage. These kind of rough feeds injure the buccal mucosa of the animal and act as a predisposing factor for the occurrence of
the disease. At field level successful treatment of actinomycosis in cattle can be done by parental administration of Penicillin in
combination with Streptomycin along with oral administration of Potassium Iodide and daily dressing of wound with 2% Povidone

Keywords: Lumpy Jaw, mandibular, Holstein Fresien, Penicillin, Actinomycosis.

I. INTRODUCTION buccal mucosa and there by predispose them to this infection.

Then the organism is introduced to underlying soft tissues via
Bovine Actinomycosis is a non contagious, chronic to penetrating wounds of the oral mucosa caused by straw or wires
sub acute infectious inflammatory progressive pyogranulomatous or thorns in the grasses. Actinomycosis in cattle is manifested by
osteomyelitis of the bony tissues of the head region. In case of chronic osteomyelitis and rarefaction of the bones particularly
Lumpy jaw suppurative abscesses are more frequently seen in the mandibular and maxillary bones which results in facial
the mandible, maxillae, teeth alveolus or other bony tissues in distortion. The alveoli of the roots of cheek teeth are frequently
the head. The disease is caused by Actinomyces bovis in cattle involved leading to lose of teeth, making chewing difficult
and Actinomyces israelii in humans. The disease is characterized (Radostits et al., 2007).
by presence of pus in the mandibular or maxillary region or the
affected sinuses containing sulfur granules having bacterial Which ultimately affects the feeding behavior of an animal.
clumps (Hyland. V.C. et.al., 1993). The disease is also called as Sometimes ulceration occurs with or without tracts draining
“lumpy jaw” in cattle and was first time described by LeBlanc in purulent discharges from the affected area. Due to the painful
1826 (Joyce, T.M., 1938). The disease has an effect on all chewing animal refuses to eat and weight losses are evident
age groups, breeds, and sex of cattle. Actinomyces spp are leading to the economic losses in the livestock industry.
normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants Pulmonary actinomycosis cases in cattle has been also recorded
and they gain entrance into tissues of oral mucosa by Biever et al.(1969). Diagnosis in Bovine actinomycosis can
through abrasions and penetrating wounds caused by wires or be done on the basis of history and clinical signs but the
nails or coarse hay or sticks or thorns. It is important to note demonstration of gram-positive rods inyello wish sulfur granules
that Actinomyces bovis bacteria is of zoonotic importance and from aspirated purulent discharges as well as bacteriological
has got human health significance (A rare zoonosis) as it causes culture and histopathology are confirmatory. The organism
skin lesions, abscesses, bronchopneumonia and granulomas appears gram positive long filamentous rods to coccobacilliin
in humans. The sternum, ribs, and the spinal column is also exudate from active lesions.
affected in humans (Ruhräh J. VIII. 1899). Three cases of Pelvic II. CASE HISTORY AND OBSERVATION
Actinomycosis have been also reported from Taiwan over the
past 40 years. Pathological signs include inflammation of the A cross breed Holstein Fresien male calf presented at ICD
fallopian tubes, ovaries and pyometra (Hsu C.T.et.al., 1988). centre, Gadoora, Ganderbal, J&K (Figure 1) with a history of
Actinomyces bovis is a gram-positive, anaerobic, filamentous, unusual mastication andswelling at mandibular region, leaking
non-motile, nonspore forming, non capsulated, non haemolytic, out pus contents. The animal had a hard, painless, diffused
nonacid fast pleomorphic rods to coccobacilli bacteria, many swelling at the mandibular region with suppurative discharge.
of which are filamentous or branching associated with Clinical examination of the animal revealed the involvement of
‘Actinomycosis/Lumpy Jaw’ in cattle. Actinomycosis has been mandible and soft tissues with yellowish suppurative discharge
recorded from various parts of India (Choudhary, S.S., 2016). containing sulfur granules (Figure 2). The important parameters
The incidence of disease in cattle is higher as they are mainly like rectal temperature, pulse, and respiratory rates were 102.
fed with rough hay or ensilage. These type of feeds injure the 0°F, 82 beats/min and 27 breaths/min respectively.

IJESC, March 2020 24868 http:// ijesc.org/

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4
Figure.1. Clinical presentation of a calf at ICD Centre Gadoora Ganderbal with unilateral actinomycotic lesions in the
mandible. Actinomycotic lesion appeared as hard swelling in the mandible.
Figure.2. Latero Ventral view of Actinomycotic lesion in Calf.
Figure.3. Dressing of actinomycotic lesion in the mandible of calf. Pus was removed and the lesion cavity was washed 3 times
with normal saline solution and finally flushed with 2% povidone iodine solution.
Figure.4. Complete recovery of calf after 12 days.

III. TREATMENT AND DISCUSSION of actinomycotic lesions (Rhodes, C.S.et.al., 1973). Treatment
of Bovine Actinomycosis with Streptomycin and Potassium
Primarily the mandibular lesions we rewashed with normal Iodide at the rate of 6-10 gm/day orally for 7-10 days (Radostits
saline followed by flushing with 2% povidone iodine solution. et al., 2000) have also been found effective. Oral administration
Then the calf was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotic and of Potassium Iodide in combination with Penicillin and
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for seven days. Injection Streptomycin or Oxytetracycline has also been found effective
of penicillin and Streptomycin at the rate of 10 mg/kg body in treatment of actinomycosis in cows (Pal et al., 1994 and
weight (Dicrystin-S) daily along with injection of Meloxicam Hussain 2006).Penicillin is the drug of choice for all clinical
@0.2 mg/kg body weight (Melonex)and oral administration of forms of actinomycosis in humas (Dwivedi. G.et.al., 2018).
Potassium Iodide 6 gram daily for 7 days and daily local Several years ago carcass affected with actinomycosis was
dressing of wound in the mandibular region with Povidone condemned but at the present time carcass showing only
Iodine (Betadine) (Figure 3). A gauze of povidone Iodine was localized lesions with no systemic lesions is passed for human
inserted regularly for five days to destroy pyogenic membrane consumption (Connaway J.W.et.al., 1935).
till the healing of wound was completed. Animal got cured in 12
days (Figure 4). Actinomycesbovis bacteria are sensitive to IV. CONCLUSION
Penicillin, Streptomycin, Bacitracin, oxytetracycline and
Cloxacin. Dicryst in- DS has also recorded sensitive (Murthy. G. Bovine Actinomycosis or lumpy jaw causes significant
K and Dorairajan, 2008). Isoniazid has been successfully used in economic losses in livestock industry because of weakness of
the treatment of actinomycosis in cattle as it arrested the growth the affected animal, decrease in the productive value of an

IJESC, March 2020 24869 http:// ijesc.org/

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treatment of bovine actinomycosis in field conditions.


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IJESC, March 2020 24870 http:// ijesc.org/

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