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Living The Secret

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Living the Secret:

“A tribute to Rhonda Byrne

and The Secret team”

Mohit Tahiliani
Copyright © 2012 Mohit Tahiliani. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by

any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without
the permission, in writing, of the publisher.

Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co.

12620 FM 1960, Suite A4-­507
Houston TX 77065

ISBN: 978-­1-­61897-­215-­6

Design: Dedicated Book Services, Inc. (www.netdbs.com)

The Emerald Tablet,
circa 3000 BC
Tis true without lying, certain most true.
That which is below is like that which is above that which
is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one
only thing.
And as all things have been arose from one by the media-
tion of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing
by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath
carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the
gross sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends
to the earth and receives the force of things superior and
By this means ye shall have the glory of the whole world
thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. for it vanquishes every sub-
tle thing and penetrates every solid thing. So was the world
From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof
the means (Or process) is here in this.
Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three
parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is ac-
complished and ended.

“You have the Power to write
your own Destiny.”
Mohit Tahiliani
This book is dedicated to you.
My greatest gratitude to Tania, Tom, Eleanor, Vicki, Bruce
and all other members of Strategic Book Publishing who be-
lieved in me and helped me in publishing this book which
has only one aim; to bring joy to the billions of people alive,
at present and the coming generations. I am very grateful to
my friend/favorite teacher Julee for editing my book.
I am very grateful to Rhonda Byrne, author of the book,
“The Secret” and “The Power,” who took the initiative to
spread the Law of Attraction in this modern world. Thank
you so much Rhonda, this book is a tribute to you.
I am very grateful for having supportive, loving and car-
ing parents.
I am very grateful for being blessed with angels in my life
who were sent by God in the form of friends. My heartfelt
thanks to all my friends for being loving, supportive, helpful
and understanding.

It was March 2008 when I was introduced to The Secret for
the first time. I was shocked, and at the same time, amused.
After watching the video of The Secret, I started connecting
the dots by looking back at my life. Everything was crystal
clear; what happened in my life was a mere result of my pre-
dominant thoughts and feelings.
At that moment I felt so powerful and joyful that my first
act was to share it with all my friends and I did. I was sure of
one thing; this is the best time to share The Secret with every
single person alive on this planet. My very wish came true
when I learned that Rhonda Byrne published a book with the
name “The Secret”.
It was amazing; the law of attraction was spreading rap-
idly and widely. The one thing I noticed is that though many
people know about the law of attraction, they don’t believe
in it due to some reason or the other. It broke my heart to see
that people were shown the biggest gift of their lives, but they
are still not ready to believe it and use it to live their dreams.
I was willing to do something but I wasn’t sure what.
It was December 2010 when I came across another book
written by Rhonda Byrne called, “The Power”. I was revived
with a thought of sharing the law of attraction with the world
and also to apply on myself.
At that very moment I had completed my graduation and
got my dream job in Asia’s largest IT Company in the field
of my interest. I also cured myself of a skin disease. I am the
happiest person in the world, as I am living my dreams. Sud-
denly a thought struck me—what if every person could live
the life I am living?
Then I decided to write this book, sharing stories of the
people who have shared their experiences about using the
law of attraction and how they have changed their lives. So
this book is about your stories to those who don’t believe

viii Mohit Tahiliani

in the law of attraction. I am certain that after reading this

book, you will also start believing in the law of attraction and
will learn how to use it to make a difference in your lives the
way it made in mine.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2: Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 3: Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Chapter 4: Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Chapter 5: Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Chapter 6: Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Chapter 1


2 Mohit Tahiliani

Love, believe, attraction, thoughts, world, energy, God, you,

wish, mind…!
Yes, it is wide open in front of you. Read the words above
aloud and connect the dots. You will get all the answers that
you need. What is thought of as impossible is in fact pos-
sible. We are living in the most blessed era in human history.
We have found the answer to all it is.
Those who understood the power of the law of attraction
have religiously used it for every possible thing they could.
Today we remember them as The Greatest People of All
Love is what is needed. The answer to all it has been is
love. It is a kind of positive energy that has been called by
many different names. The law of attraction or the law of
love is one and the same.
Those who know it believe in it. Those who don’t know go
back in history and read about it. The latest books on law of
love are The Secret and The Power by Rhonda Byrne.
I request that you read these two books to understand the
greatest Secret that has been unveiled to millions of people
It has been there for ages in front of our eyes, but only the
wisest of us have understood it and used it. Today, we recall
them as the greatest people of all time and the following will
illustrate what they have tried to convey to us many times.
The Greatest of them have
known it and so were they great
“Whether humanity will consciously follow the law of love,
I do not know. But that need not disturb me. The law will
work just as the law of gravitation works whether we accept
it or not.”
“The law of love could be best understood and learned
through little children.”
“We need to be the change we wish to see in the world.”
“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks,
he becomes.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“The distinction between past, present, ant future is only a

stubbornly persistence illusion.”
“A hundred of times I remind myself that my inner and
outer life depends on the labors of other men, living and
dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same
measure as I have received and am still receiving.”
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take
you everywhere.”
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s com-
ing attractions.”
Albert Einstein

“Hate is not conquered by hate. Hate is conquered by love.

This is a law eternal.”
“A man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows
him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness
follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.”
“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a
lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a

4 Mohit Tahiliani

little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least

we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”
Gautama Buddha

“What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists.”

“A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is
born with—a man is what he makes of himself.”
Alexander Graham Bell

“Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

William Shakespeare

“Your feelings are your god.”


“To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at
all; but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing.”
Abraham Lincoln

“The mind acts like an enemy for those who don’t control it.”
“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is. ”
“One can become whatever one wants to be (if one con-
stantly contemplates on the object of desire with faith.)”
Bhagavad Gita

“Everything is possible for the person who believes.”

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.”

“It is not how much we give but how much love we put into
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to
you without leaving happier.”
Mother Teresa
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 5

“When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right
distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat
and light. This did not happen by chance.”
Isaac Newton

“You create your own universe as you go along.”

Winston Churchill
Chapter 2


What does is it mean to be perfectly healthy? Well, you will
get the answer by observing the lifestyle of children. They
are full of energy when awake and move effortlessly and are
very flexible.
So does good health exist only when you are young or is
it up to you? The answer is; it is up to you. As people age,
they start talking and thinking too much about their getting
older and what diseases they or others have. As far as age is
concerned, ancient scripts tell us that thousands of years ago,
the average life of humans was around five hundred years.
The law of attraction says that you can gradually attract
everything you imagine or visualize about. So it isn’t dif-
ficult to understand why so many people have health issues
today. The wisest have known about The Secret and still live
their lives in a perfectly healthy way.
You can be slim, fit and perfectly healthy, and age is no
bar. If you have any diseases, you can heal it in no time. It
can be done only by you and once you practice the law of
attraction on a daily basis, it becomes easier. The following
stories are about people who have used the law of attraction
and cured themselves. It is the power within you, and now is
the time to believe in it and use it for your better health.


My Dog Zoey
Buffalo, NY

(I’m a very positive person who likes

setting goals for me and my family.)

I have a female dog named Zoey who is now four years old.
About three months ago she was a healthy dog, until one day
all of sudden she got a little sick. We thought it was her food,
and so really we didn’t think anything of it. The next day she
got worse. Then we decided to take her to vet. The vet ran
some blood tests and said they weren’t sure what was wrong
with her, so they kept her overnight. We talked to the vet and
she said we can take her home but her condition is not good.
A couple of days later and she had gotten worse, to the
point where she couldn’t move. So that day after we took
her back to the vet and they started antibiotics. They said
just in case of infection, a normal procedure. So she stayed
overnight and the vet said it would be days before the blood
results came back and said the most frightening thing. We
can wait a few days or open her up, because she will not
make it through the day, or possibly through the surgery if
she needed it. So me and my wife have been told the worst,
and this dog is a part of our family and we would be devas-
tated to lose her. So they opened her up, hoping she would
wake from the anesthesia.
At that point we put food in Zoey’s dish, and filled her
other dish with water, staying positive that she would come
home. We got a call six hours after the surgery. Our Zoey
woke up, but her blood count was way below normal. The vet
did not find any intestinal disruption at all. Said her organs
were very healthy. He closed her and put her back on an IV
bag and we waited. So I and my wife washed her toys and
blanket, thinking she was coming home.

10 Mohit Tahiliani

We got a call the next day from the vet saying that Zoey
was improving but still weak. The situation remained the
same for three days straight, when the vet said to come visit
her and we saw her and she was wagging her tail but still
weak. She finally started eating. We visited her for the next
seven days, and after that she was all better, although we still
took her home with medicine.
As of today she is a healthy dog running and playing
around. I never stopped believing and stayed positive that
she would come home. Thank you Rhonda. From, Steve and
To follow up, I also wanted to include that we donated old
blankets during our visits to see Zoey.

Tumor dissolved
Mahesha Sapp
Brooklyn, NY

(I am an Instructor, Author, Singer-­songwriter,

Producer, Mentor, Inventor, and philanthropist.
I currently reside in Brooklyn New York with my
husband Dwayne and my two year old son Xavier.)

My husband and I started off 2009 by becoming proud par-

ents of a healthy baby boy, born on January 20th. It was also
inauguration day so our son Xavier was often referred to by
others as the “Obama baby”. Although I prepared for the
birthing clinic, I had to have an emergency C-­section. I was
a little disappointed not having the experience of a natural
birth, but as I soon discovered in the months that followed
the C-­section saved my life.
I returned to work a few months after the birth of our son.
As an Instructor and Mentor for at-­risk/high-­risk youth, I
conducted workshops in music and leadership skills for sev-
eral schools and organizations. Ironically I did not have back
pain throughout my pregnancy; it was something I had to
deal with as a former college athlete. Upon moving into our
new apartment in May 2009 my back pain returned. I was
still experiencing “new mommy bliss” and I was determined
to just get through this back pain episode like I’ve always
Under the assumption that it was a very bad pinched nerve
I managed the pain the best I could. After several days in this
condition my right leg began to go numb and I lost the abil-
ity to walk. My husband had to carry me too and from the
rest room. I had difficulty standing, sitting and laying down.
I couldn’t hold or lift my son.
After several days of being in severe pain and sleep de-
prived, I asked my husband to call the Ambulance. Upon
taking a series of MRI’s, the doctor (who would later be my

12 Mohit Tahiliani

head surgeon) explained to us that I had a four inch growth

in my spine that hemorrhaged. The term he used was a Hem-
moradic Ependamoma, which is a rare spinal cord tumor.
When he asked me how I managed to stay in this condi-
tion for almost two weeks, my husband replied that I was
stubborn, but I knew I was in no hurry to go back into the
hospital after giving birth. He explained to the both of us that
the numbness was paralysis, and that the tumor caused ir-
reversible nerve damage. He continued to explain the multi-­
layered complexity of the situation, ranging from cancer,
paralysis to a life time of being in chronic pain. He referred
to terms such as: the quality of life, special needs, and long
term care. These terms were never relevant before.
I listened patiently to what the Dr. was saying; relieved
that it wasn’t a pinched nerve I was dealing with-­all this
time. I was so sleep deprived -­just wanting to go to sleep.
Every attempt to process what he was telling me failed. I had
this overwhelming sense come over me –feeling as if I was
going to lose my mind. I couldn’t process the possibility of
dying, or never seeing my baby and husband again. He was
giving me this sentence that was way too heavy to bear.
That was when I decided to make a decision that changed
the course of my life. I ask myself “but what is possible?”
It immediately came into my mind because nothing else
was working. I reflected on the movie The Secret which I
watched several times before a year prior. I remembered the
guy who survived the plane crash against tremendous odds.
After asking myself that question, I no longer felt the need
to struggle. I wanted my body to define its own possibility. I
took a deep breath and focused all of my energy and inten-
tion on healing.
After enduring an eight hour surgery, my sister explained
to me that I was face down and turned upside down for the
procedure. Although I was incapacitated and very sick, I
stayed mentally focused on my goal. I kept repeating to my-
self “what is possible?” I stayed focused on my mental state,
not allowing my mind to create a story about the experience.
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 13

I was also very sensitive to the people and energy around

me. My only goal was to heal and to create new possibilities,
I could not allow any doubt or fear to set in my mind which
included the fear of my friends and loved ones. Since this
was considered a “multi layered injury” the odds of having a
full recovery wasn’t an option given to me. I just knew I had
to fight like hell if I wanted to walk again, and I was prepared
to do whatever it took.
Since I did not have good healthcare I was placed in a not
so updated rehabilitation center, but I was not swayed a bit.
I worked the old broken down equipment to the best of my
ability and did whatever I could to enjoy the experience. Our
new apartment had several flights of stairs so I focused on
walking up and down the mock steps in rehab. Emotionally I
had to deal with not having my baby with me as well. I gave
myself permission to cry and to experience other emotions. I
nurtured myself with compassion, love and patience. Some-
thing I did so freely for others, it was a part of my healing
I went home after a month in the rehabilitation center. I
worked mostly from my bed for the first 6 months or so.
Creating new ways to do things was a daily adventure for
me, because not doing it was not an option. I had to rest very
often. The smallest things seemed so exhausting. I would lie
on the floor and play with my son or play from the bed. I
was able to use my son’s stroller to get around instead of
the wheel chair and other devises. I joined the local YMCA
where I took yoga classes and aqua aerobics.
My surgeon calls me his medical miracle, wanting me
to continue to do the things that I am doing to improve my
health and mobility. I speak to many people about my in-
jury mostly about managing back pain and getting through
adversities. A common complaint when speaking to people
was the lack communication they’ve experienced with their
doctors, when dealing with back pain. Often praised for de-
scribing my pain symptoms well which was not common for
patients to do especially when they’re in pain. I was inspired
14 Mohit Tahiliani

to create a tool that would increase the communication be-

tween the practitioner and patient when dealing with back
pain. I commit to completing this invention very soon. To
my surprise I discovered that I have been documenting my
back pain symptoms in my personal journals for over fifteen
years, so I have a lot to work with.
It has been two years this May since my surgery and I
continue to work hard every day to improve my health and
mobility. I was told that it would be about five years before
I know the effects of my injury. Although my walking has
improved a lot, I’m still working to improve my balance
and ability to run. I am also practicing more natural alterna-
tive methods to managing my chronic physical pain-­which
has improved over the past year. I have to take several MRI
throughout the year to monitor the long term affects of the
tumor, but I am eager to continue to teach, write and speak
about my experience and hopefully assist others in discover-
ing their own “possibilities”.

I too lost my weight
Dee B
Orlando, FL

(A 23 year old, learning and living her perfect life.)

I want to share my story with you all. My goal is to help

someone with my journey as others have inspired and helped
I got The Secret last year, and ended up getting my sister
into reading it as well. It has changed my life. I started read-
ing it again a month ago, and bought it for my dad. There are
many things that I am very thankful for in my life; family,
friends, education, great job, etc., but the one thing I was
struggling with was my weight. I am 5’0 and used to weigh
178. I tried different things but it would lose its effect and I
would fall into a pit of despair and anti-­social behavior. But I
don’t want to dwell on the way I felt, but rather the way I am
so grateful today.
I started visualizing my perfect weight, and had pictures of
my perfect figure everywhere around my house. 117 pounds
was seen written beside the pictures of the perfect figure. My
cousin’s wedding was coming up in a month, and I imagined
that I was going to attend in the form of my perfect self. I
bought a dress in the size of my goal—3. I hung it on my
bedroom door and looked at it every day. I imagined myself
wearing and feeling absolutely content and gorgeous. I was
going to cut my hair the night before I flew out, really short,
and made an appointment. I knew at my goal weight my face
would look perfect with a short do. When I thought about my
short hair I was envisioning it at my perfect weight.
I told myself that I could eat whatever I wanted and lose
two pounds every night in my sleep, and even wrote it for
every day on my calendar. This happened for a week, and

16 Mohit Tahiliani

I began to get discouraged when I didn’t feel results, but I

I searched The Secret stories for advice and inspiration.
I came across one about a woman who believed and visu-
alized her new apartment but nothing would happen. Then
she started realizing that she was not behaving like it was in
the “now”, so she packed her things and within three weeks
found the most wonderful apartment. Well, after I read that
my eyes got real big. This was the missing part of it all.
So what did I do? I took out all the clothes that I had in
storage containers for when I would be “skinny”, and hung
them in my drawers. I put the other clothes in a bag on my
closet floor. I hung up all the clothes that I believed I would
wear shortly. After that I released it into the universe and
just let it go without doubt. I honestly believed I had done
my part of the process, and ate whatever I wanted with the
internal belief that it would help me lose weight.
What can I tell you except that at my cousin’s wedding
four weeks later I was utterly in my perfect form, with a
beautiful short hairdo wearing my beautiful size 3 dresses.
I am so happy and satisfied. I know that I am as beautiful
on the outside as I am on the inside. I do not let any doubts
creep into my mind anymore, and just live in the perfect size
doing the perfect things that I want. I eat anything and ev-
erything that I like, without psyching myself out by using my
thoughts negatively (I eat veggies and fruit as well, but in my
eyes they are all the same, fueling my body and helping me
stay my perfect form).
I cannot thank you Rhonda enough for helping so many
people find what fits for them. I really hope that my story can
help inspire at least one other person who is feeling down.
Just trust me—if you see it, believe it, and act like it’s in the
now, the universe will bring it to you gift wrapped and all.
Bless you all, and live in the perfect now.

Miracle of my life

(Just a girl who’s determined to master the

Law of Attraction and the Law of Love.)

First things first. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to

Rhoda & Team and everybody who posted their stories here
and everyone who’s trying to make this world a better place.
I should have done this a long time ago but have been wait-
ing for something miraculous to happen when in fact there
was something amazing happening each day. The Secret and
The Power have given me a new life, new hope, a completely
new world. I have manifested tons of small things in my life
until now, it has been so simple. I have asked for it and then
completely forgot about it and boom. It happened. I have
also manifested bigger things like tooth aches gone, infec-
tions healed, health restored.
I have been diagnosed with Lupus. For those of you who
don’t know what that is it is an immune system disease where
your immune system is actually attacking your body instead
of healing it. Pretty messed up isn’t it? Oh, and there is no
known cure for it. Well, let me tell you this—I have had my
good days and bad days with this disease but lately it’s been
getting better and better. I have almost completely recovered
and all I did was try to think positive, watch funny things and
laugh, try to give love and appreciation for everything. To be
honest I know I could do all this with a lot more force but
I’m still happy even for the little I can do.
The thing is, I’m not as afraid or unhappy as I was when
I first found out about this “un-­ease” of my body because as
Morris Goodman said, “It didn’t matter what they thought,
the main thing was what I thought. Once you have your mind
you can put things back together again.” I know I will make

18 Mohit Tahiliani

it leave my body forever, and will have great health for the
rest of my life.
So thank you again Rhonda, thanks to all the people who
made it possible for me to read these two amazing and ex-
traordinary books, thanks to everyone who’s sharing small
and big miracles. I am so lucky to be able to read all these
things and to be living in a whole new world with you all.
Lots of love to everyone.

I am healthy
Gary Mercer
Miami, Fl

(Gary Mercer: “An Eye On Heaven”

Gary is a Miami based photographer, once on death’s

doorway, now a successful, happy photographer,
doing what he always wanted to do.)

My story is simple. I contracted the HIV virus in the late 80s

and spent ten years poisoning my body with HIV drugs. I
taught school and finally after a car accident, head injury and
HIV dementia and AIDS wasting syndrome, I quit teaching
and decided one day that if I was going to die, that I might
as well be in Sunny Florida and enjoy what little time I had
there. I decided to quit taking the HIV medications and de-
cided that I would not need to take them anymore and have
no viral load.
I then told my friends up north jokingly that I was going
to marry a millionaire and settle down in a house with a dog
and a pool. I said I was going to do my photography, open a
gallery and exhibit my photography as I always had.
I did all those things, partnered with a wonderful man who
happens to be a millionaire, live in a 4 bedroom home in the
suburbs, have a Shih Tzu puppy, own a fine art gallery in Mi-
ami Beach, own a condominium on the beach, drive a new
beautiful Volvo and have experienced great success with my
photography, now on display at the Savoy Hotel on Miami
Beach at the Ola Restaurant entrance and also at the Execu-
tive Condo on Collins Ave in the Cafe Gallery.
My life has become blessed. I realize that all this I mani-
fested because I decided to make it so. In addition, I’m no
longer taking medication for treatment of HIV and remain
medication free, with no viral load.

20 Mohit Tahiliani

Watching The Secret made me realize what I had been do-

ing for the last two years, was applying the law of attraction
without even understanding it. I always told my students that
“If it is to be, it is up to me”. This has always been a guiding
principal in my life. I learned this from a great teacher many
years ago. I’m so glad that I shared this thought with my
students and made so many good things happen in my life.
I am no longer afraid of HIV. It doesn’t control me or my
life and can’t hurt me anymore. I’m grateful for The Secret
explanation to me. Now I understand better what I was ap-
plying to my life for a very long time. Everything that I’ve
tried to do in my life, I’ve accomplished. I can also see what
missteps that I took, where I was convinced by doctors that
I was going to die of AIDs and didn’t understand that I had
a say in it. When I gave up my fear of dying and decided to
just “LIVE” and enjoy my life, things started changing very
I’m truly blessed and hope others who have HIV see that
it is an environmental disease-­-i­n other words, if you don’t
respect your body and take care of yourself, you will not
stay healthy and will have a shortened life. The outcome is
completely up to you. For me, I choose to live and prosper.

Diabetes dissolved
Margaret C
Maple Falls, WA

(I am a 53-­year-­old grandmother with a strong

family history of diabetes. I love animals.
I am married with three children.)

I have decided to do something about my diabetes. Every

day I have been watching The Secret, making affirmations,
meditating and working on health. I visualized myself as
healthy, fit, beautiful, and joyous.
I have always been addicted to food and could not stop
thinking about food. I tried everything to quit obsessing
about food and joined all sorts of groups, pills, diets, etc.
When I did diet, I felt irritable, cranky, and extremely hungry
all the time, along with feeling weak. My bookcase is full of
diet books and exercise videos, yet I was always overweight.
I started visualizing myself as healthy and fit, feeling won-
derful. Something wonderful has been happening in my life
since I started this. I find I no longer crave chocolate or any
type of junk food. I did not consciously go on a diet; I just
lost my desire for overeating and certain types of unhealthy
food. I am eating very healthy and balanced, the first time I
have not had to fight to stay on a diet; I am just not craving
food anymore.
I deal with diabetes and yesterday morning I decided to
also work on that specifically. I visualized feeling wonder-
ful and having normal blood sugars. When I got up in the
morning, after I had a healthy breakfast, my blood sugar
went up to 173. I decided to set this straight right away. I did
visualization of normalized blood sugars and in 20 minutes
I took it again and it was 79. This morning my fasting blood
sugar was 93 which is normal. It has not been this low for a

22 Mohit Tahiliani

long time. I feel applying the principals and practicing The

Secret has given me a second chance at the life I want to live.

Breast Cancer cured
Bronwynn Rose S.
Los Angeles, CA

(A 22 year woman who is not going

to give up on her health.)

I am a 22 year old woman using “The Secret” to cure my

Stage lV Breast Cancer. On 9/5/06, I was diagnosed with
Stage II Breast Cancer. Within 2 weeks it had progressed to
Stage III. And soon after that, Stage lV. I was receiving che-
motherapy, rapidly transitioning into eating a whole foods
vegan diet, eliminating stress, meditating, practicing yoga,
and many other things with the intention of healing. I gave
up cigarettes, coffee, sugar, dairy, meat and anything pro-
cessed. However, the tumor in my breast was not budging,
and the cancer appeared to be spreading-­rapidly.
It was then that someone handed me the movie “The Se-
cret”. After watching, I had many revelations. I had anxiously
feared dying of cancer since I was 8 or 9 years old. I know
now that I was the creator of my dis-­ease by subconsciously
using The Secret. So, I simply decided that if I could create
it, I could also heal it. I looked in the mirror. I told myself I
was going to live a long and happy life, 100% Healthy and
Cured, until the last breath I take, in a peaceful slumber at the
ripe ol’ age of 100 years. I said it, I believed it. And so it is.
Within one week, it became clear to me I needed to switch
doctors. I was too sick to do the research myself, so I asked
a friend to locate someone good. She did. Within 1 week
of seeing “The Secret”, I started a new set of drugs with a
new doctor. And the tumor in my breast shrank down to a
mere 20% of the once Mango-­sized Monster we began with.
Shortly after, ideas of things to Google which had never oc-
curred to me before began to clearly present themselves in
my mind. I am now extremely aware of a number of differ-
ent “alternative methods” for curing Cancer, which I have

24 Mohit Tahiliani

integrated into my protocol. I focus on 100% Health. I vi-

sualize myself Healthy and Whole. I plan my life as if I am
already such. And so it is.
Today, just a few months after watching the movie, my
cancer is almost gone, I am pain free, my blood is within the
“normal” range, I will not be having any kind of surgery at
all, and I am filled with a passionate yearning to help people
learn how to become 100% healthy and cured as well, by us-
ing “The Secret”.
The power of the universe/god is unlimited. Any and ev-
erything is possible. We are most definitely the creators of
our own universe. Cancer is no exception. Good luck and
god bless to all who come across my story, in search of hope.
But please be careful. If there is even the slightest bit of fo-
cus on death, which is what will come. Relieve your fear of
death. Focus only on this beautiful fleeting moment of Life, I
swear, it is possible. Your future is simply, up to you.

Eye sight improved in a week

(I am a believer and I hope my story inspires you.)

After I read about the story that Rhonda discovered the way
to improve her eyesight, it suddenly hit me that having the
need to wear eye glass is totally deceiving. The first thing I
decided was to take off my glass (I been wearing it for over
a decade now), then throw it away in a garbage can that I
cannot retrieve, including my contact lenses and everything.
I also returned my disposable contact lenses (I told them that
I don’t need it any more, I can see clearly now).
At first nothing changed, since my focus was on. I can’t
see things as clearly as I have with glasses on. I still looked
for glasses first thing after I woke up. However, I pretended I
could see things clearly. So I don’t lean toward the computer
when I was typing, or say things like ‘I didn’t have my glass
on’ when I miss-­recognized. I keep saying to myself, I can
make it happen, I can see clearly, if I can be so successful
financially, there is no reason that I can’t make this happen.
Within a week, I can see things clearly without glasses.
I don’t know how to express my gratitude and happiness in
any words. I would like to thank all of the teachers from The
Secret, your story is truly inspirational, it has changed my
life totally, I am now living in success, healthiness, richness
and happiness every single day.


Pimples disappeared
Jacqueline P

(A teenage girl who was really disturbed by her pimples.)

I used to have a lot, I mean, really a lot of pimples on my

face. They were like everywhere. I was really annoyed, and
had a lack of confidence in front of people.
Then I watched The Secret, and began to create my dream
face. I thought about “perfect, smooth, white face,” every
day, and I could actually feel it. I even put an ad of a beautiful
girl who had perfect skin on the wall.
Within a couple of days, my face became very, very dry. I
was glad, because before my face was so oily, which led di-
rectly to pimples. Then, within a week, with help from some
moisture stuff, I gained the perfect face I’ve always wanted.
It feels so good.
Thank you so much Rhonda and your team. Now, I want
to restore my eyesight.


No pain. Thank you.
Lancaster County, Pa

(I have been given the gift of my life.)

I watched The Secret just last week. I had been going through
some rough times due to a degenerative disk disease that
causes a lot of pain and often curtails my ability to work for
long periods of time. No work means less income, which in
turn causes more unpaid bills which cause more stress...and
well, you get the idea.
My youngest son, 15 yrs. kept telling me, “Mom, you
worry too much. You really need to watch this movie I know
about.” and finally, one night I had nothing better to do so I
I don’t need to tell anyone who has seen the movie what
a profound effect it immediately has on you. That night, I
determined to cast aside all my negative thoughts and ways
of viewing the world and seek joy in my life.
For the past few months I have been in extreme pain all
around my thoracic region (spine and ribs) caused by acute
inflammation, immobility and muscle spasms from the de-
generation. I’ve been living on pain meds and hot packs,
ice packs, spending lots of time lying down, unable to sleep
many nights because the pain actually wakes me up.
After watching The Secret, I thought instead of moaning
and wallowing in self pity, I would envision myself feeling
better. Because I do still have a sense of humor (at least on
good days.), I started imagining an army of little critters who
would attack the pain and the inflammation but I’m a pacifist
and I couldn’t bring myself to think of them just killing the
bad guys, so I created an army of Joy Bugs. Joy Bugs run
around in my bloodstream and body and when they come
across the “bad guys”, they hug them. When they hug them,
it makes the bad things shrink away to almost nothing. But

28 Mohit Tahiliani

I didn’t stop there. Behind the Joy Bugs come the Joy Bugs’
dogs. Yep.
The Joy Bug doggies finish up the process by snacking
down on any remaining bits of garbage. (I have dogs so I
suppose it was natural for me to come up with this scenario).
I thanked the universe for my healing, and then I went to
sleep feeling more contented and happy than I had in a long
Long story slightly shorter: I woke up the next day, got out
of bed and was halfway down the stairs when it hit me, I was
moving without pain.
The entire day I spent without pain meds. Oh, I was a little
stiff still, but the huge area of inflammation and inflexibility
was greatly diminished. That night, I called my Joy Bugs
again. Next morning, I am even better.
This positive thinking, this laws of attraction, this ask-
ing, expecting an answer and being willing to receive really
And besides, just the thought of Joy Bugs makes me

I healed myself
John G.
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

(45, single, 3 kids, love to scuba, fly single engines.

Currently seeking a writing career as a freelancer.)

The last three weeks, a toothache has progressed so much

that my doses of Ibuprofen have increased to 1200 mg every
4 hours to keep the pain subsided. After listening to “The
Secret” on the healing chapter, I intended that when I go to
my dentist on Dec. 1 I would only need a cleaning.
Well, I haven’t been to the dentist yet, but amazingly
enough my dose of Ibuprofen has declined from 1200mg per
4 hours to 0mg. The pain was gone in just one day of my in-
tention. While I go about my day, I see a force field of energy
start from my toes through my head, and I declare it is an
energy field of complete healing.
I am so thankful of the knowledge of what God intended
us to have in the beginning. Thank you Rhonda for being his


Perfect eyesight in a few hours
Abhilasha Arora

(11th grade student who is sooo

grateful for her perfect vision.)

This morning I got up and decided that I would go to play

badminton in the evening without my glasses and I imagined
myself seeing the cock and racket clearly without my specs.
At 6pm I went to play and my eyesight is restored. I can see
clearly and all my friends were shocked.
I love you Rhonda, The Secret team, the Universe and all
my friends and family. Thank you God for my will and faith.


I have a strong heart
Denver, CO

(20 year old mama to two beautiful little girls.)

In July of 2007 I suffered a cardiac arrest, almost killing me,

and ended up in a coma for 4 days. I don’t remember too
much about the event, but the doctors ruled it out as toxic
and sent me home after a week in the hospital, saying I did
not need medication or surgery. And I believed I didn’t either.
For two years and some minor monitoring I lived a per-
fectly normal, healthy life. I knew I was healthy and I was
lucky to not have suffered any brain or head trauma for the
lack of oxygen I endured.
Fast forward to two years later, early June of 2009. I had a
terrible weekend, one of the worst in my life, and I remember
saying out loud, “Anything could be better than this. I’d rather
suffer another heart attack then go through another weekend
like this.” Really horrible thing to think or say, right? It back-
fired for sure. The next morning I woke up feeling awful,
knowing something was wrong. One of the worst feelings I’d
ever felt, my head was pounding and the rest. I blacked out
because I went into a seizure. My family called 911 on time
and I was rushed to the hospital. The doctors couldn’t figure
out the cause and sent me home.
Not even 2 days later, it happened again. This time more
tests were ran and the doctors were saying I had a prolonged
heart rate and diagnosed me with Long QT syndrome, say-
ing I would need a defibrillator put in and might even need
to be on beta blocker heart meds. I was totally crushed. I am
only 20 years old; the thought of having all these problems
at my age seemed unfair to me. I’m also a mother of two
beautiful little girls, so I knew I need to be here.

32 Mohit Tahiliani

I listened to all the negativity my cardiologist told me

about how this condition was potentially fatal and the defi-
brillator was my only option, so of course I let this negative
talk consume my life and believed what I was hearing. I was
discharged from the hospital and sent home and told to come
back in 2 weeks to schedule surgery.
I moped around for a few days dreading the fact I would
have to have heart surgery. Then, suddenly it hit me. I was
expecting this condition. I believed what they were saying
was true. I am a strong believer in you don’t have something
unless you believe you really do, as is The Secret. I sched-
uled a second opinion at another hospital and starting prac-
ticing The Secret daily. I knew I had a healthy heart, I knew
nothing was wrong with me. I knew I wasn’t going to have
surgery and go on about a normal life like everyone else. I
said it to myself until I truly believed it.
I went in for my second opinion with confidence. My car-
diologist was amazing, telling me she wanted to be 115%
SURE there was a problem before she cut open a 20 year
old girl’s heart. I had several tests and I wore a heart monitor
for two weeks to get to the bottom of it. Weeks later, all the
results came back normal, no sign of any type of problem.
No sign of a prolonging heart rate, nothing.
The Secret really did work for me, and now I can go about
my life. I am officially a believer.

I cured the cancer
Lyn. L
New Zealand

(I work in health, love my job, and

am very good at what I do.)

In 2007 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was devastated

as you can imagine. I just simply couldn’t believe it. I felt
well and yet this insidious little beast was invading me.
A patient of mine asked me if I had read “The Secret”. I
had no idea what she was talking about, but after our conver-
sation went and bought the book. I was enthralled. I put it to
the Universe that I was not going to be taken by this disease,
that I had a lot more of my life to live and enjoy, and that I
would not and could not put my children through this.
I remember standing by the sea with a storm brewing in
front of me and beautiful sunny sky behind me. It was exactly
how my life felt at that time in turmoil. I decided then and
there that I would live. Driving home was an awesome ex-
perience. I was in love with everyone and everything. There
was so much to be seen & done with life. I thought about the
principles of The Secret and got such a buzz out of knowing
I could have some control of this.
In the months afterward, I suffered through the necessary
treatments and forgot about The Secret principles for a while.
Man did I suffer. I got to a point where I was so grateful to be
alive, though, that I began to remember the principles.
A short time later I was informed by my doctor that the
cancer had not travelled through my lymph nodes, and then
within the year, I had the all clear from that particular part of
the health system. Wow. I beat it. I couldn’t believe it.
I have slipped again recently and paid the price for it, but I
am reengaging with the principles and can’t wait to see more
good things happening with my life. It has already begun

34 Mohit Tahiliani

with a fantastic person entering my life sphere. I’m really

To Rhonda & TS team—keep up the good work, it makes
the world a better place.

I am healthy and fit
Brisbane AU

(I love what I am doing, and I do what I love.)

I have had a great life since I watched The Secret and it was
seriously phenomenal but recently I’ve been like, c’mon
dude, you are paranoid about it. Those things were by chance
and all that.
Deep in my heart (and I think in everyone’s heart) I knew
the truth. That is the main reason we absorb The Secret. We
know it, it’s like a birth-­gift.
I had problems with my cycling team. I couldn’t keep up
with the pack my body needed water more than ever, and
blah, blah, blah.
One day in the morning I woke up and while I was brush-
ing my teeth, in front of the mirror, I saw myself and I pointed
my index finger to mirror (like I’m demanding): “Today I’m
staying with the team till the end”
4 hours later I was the first one who finished over the line.
You know what? Thanks / Thanks / Thanks
You know my secret? “Little things”


Ovarian cyst disappeared
Dimah N
Lattakia, Syria

(I healed myself and living my life with The Secret.)

In my unconscious The Secret was always a part of my life.

But the past 2 years I deviated from it. My father (who was
half the world in my eyes) died, and I gradually started to lose
my belief in a lot of things, and then lost my confidence, and
turned into a different person. As a result I isolated myself
from my loved ones, and my grade at school had dropped.
The wake-­up call came while I was watching the Oprah
Show. It was about The Secret. I was captivated by the inspi-
rational stories. So I went online and registered. Since that
day my life has changed and been blessed in many ways.
Everything is getting better and better. And this is the most
important thing that happened.
I went to my gynecologist’s for the regular check-­up, but
it showed that I had a very advanced level of ovarian cyst.
Its diameter was about 6cm (2.4 inches). The doctor said I
may need surgery, but she would put me on medication for 2
months first. But the look in her face was not assuring.
So I became so worried, especially when some people
told me it might become cancer cells. And all of the medical
opinion agreed that surgery was the only way. But if I wanted
to take the medical treatment, it would take me at least 6
months to heal.
After days of confusion and anxiety, and with the inspira-
tion of The Secret, I gathered myself and started to think that
I’d recover in 2 months with treatment our without it. I’d heal
with the power of positive thinking.
Now, the 2 month period had finished. And the physical
examination showed that the cyst has disappeared like it
never existed.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 37

This may be my first story, but I’m sure it won’t be the last,
as I keep on believing.
(As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same.
— Nelson Mandela)
Ask, believe, and receive.

I am completely healthy
Kent, UK

(I’m a 38 year old mum of three, and am taking

control of my own health and life at last.)

After many years of ‘woman troubles’ and many misdiag-

nosed conditions, I was finally sent for scans on my repro-
ductive organs. I was shocked to learn that I had formed a
cyst in my ovary, fibroids and a growth in the neck of my
womb, as well as the endometrial hyperplasia which I had al-
ready known about. I was constantly in pain and always felt
tired and worn out as a result. Since there is a family history
of uterine and cervical cancer running through my family, I
had been referred for an operation to take some biopsies and
to remove the growth in my womb for further analysis.
My initial diagnosis was in July of this year. Since that
time, I have been using what ‘The Secret’ has taught me and
focusing on my body healing itself. I’d had enough of feeling
tired and in pain and decided that it was time I took owner-
ship of my own body and mind. I recently purchased ‘The
Power’ too, which I used to enhance what I’d learned through
reading ‘The Secret’.
My op was on Monday of this week. I had already decided
that it was going to go well that day. When I arrived at the
hospital, I was told that I was fourth in line to go up for sur-
gery. I was already hungry, which meant it would be hours
before I got to have something to eat (I’m not good at being
hungry). So I decided it would be nice if I got to have my
op earlier so I didn’t have to wait too long. Anyway, I settled
myself in and got on with a puzzle book to take my mind off
things. Before I knew it, the warden was standing by my bed
telling me it was my turn to go up. I’d only waited half an

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 39

hour or so and I was a bit surprised he’d come to collect me

so quickly.
When I arrived in theatre, it turned out that a mistake had
been made and I had been brought up instead of another pa-
tient. Either way, the surgeon cheerfully said that it was fine
and since I was now there, they’d go ahead with my op any-
way. The universe had arranged it for me to go second in
line. So I closed my eyes and said, ‘Thank you’.
I woke up in recovery and felt great. Soon after being
taken back down to the ward, I had the best tea and toast
ever. A while later, my consultant came down to see me with
an update. His first words were, ‘Well, you’re certainly a bit
of a miracle aren’t you?’ When I asked why, he told me that
the cyst in my ovary had disappeared, as had the two fibroids.
He then showed me the pictures taken inside my womb and
pointed to an area which showed a little scar tissue where my
growth had been in the neck of my womb. It was unbeliev-
able; at some point the growth had actually come away from
my womb and vanished. He also told me that although they
still took a biopsy from my womb lining, the color and tex-
ture looked very healthy so it was looking very hopeful that
there wouldn’t be any sign of cancer there. I was ecstatic.
My results of the biopsy are due in the next few weeks,
but I just know that no matter what, I’m going to be just fine.
Thank you so much Rhonda (and the team) for bringing
us The Secret. Everything I have learnt is changing my life in
so many ways and will continue to do so. I feel truly blessed.

I cured myself. Yuppie.
Emily Kate

(My name is Emily. I am thirteen and I live in

Wales. I read The Secret when I was twelve, and
have been putting it into practice since.)

Through adolescence your body changes—yeah, we know.

But not a lot of people experience what I did. As I became an
adolescent I noticed I perspired more than everyone I know.
It effected what I could wear, I felt embarrassed in P.E—it
began to rule my life, and I hated it.
I read The Secret and thought it was the perfect answer.
Well, I only realized it was after reading it three times. I
wanted to get rid of my hyperhydrosis (excessive perspira-
tion), because it was controlling me. So every day I would
sit at some point by myself, and tell myself that I was always
completely dry, that my body was perfection, that it was free
of my hyperhydrosis. And after a while I noticed it was de-
creasing. Where I used to perspire after just walking up the
stairs, I now was completely dry. It consistently decreased
until eventually it was completely gone.
Now I can wear whatever I like, I can openly do sports
without the fear of an embarrassing problem. I owe it to The
Secret—thank you so much.


The Cancer Girl
Rasha H.

(I am 18 years old. I am a very special person, and I

am also a cancer survivor. I wrote a book about my
experience. I represented my country in rebuilding lives
conference in Vienna as the youngest contestant. I am
majoring in journalism, and I am a member in Red Cross.
Up until now I have sold all of my 1000 book copies.)

Through my life I have always believed that I’ve got the po-
tential to do so many special things, and though people tried
to convince me that it was all just imaginations and fantasies
of a teenage girl, I just knew that there is something really
big waiting for me, a big challenge and an amazing journey
in life.
On 14-­12-­2005 I was diagnosed with cancer. But even
though I was 16 at that time, I just told mom, “Don’t worry,
this is God’s gift to me to achieve my dream and deliver my
message to the whole world as I have ever dreamed to.”
Everyone was so sad, but I really never felt so. I was so
thankful that God chose me among all of my friends to get
me to pass through this experience.
I had to skip school classes, I even lost an academic year,
and I had 3 bad chemotherapies which never gave a result.
The tumor kept on growing and growing and my skin was
aching. I had to go for bone marrow transplant, and I had to
stay in hospital for a whole month in an isolated room. Still
I was never upset. After that I had to do radio therapy, but
when I was happy that I was done with it the tumor reap-
peared again, and I had to do it again one more time. Still, I
never lost hope, and I was always smiling, believing in the
belief that I am going to survive this and be somebody really
helpful for my society.

42 Mohit Tahiliani

In 22-­11-­2006 I was informed that I have no piece of that

tumor in my body. I was totally healed. Then in 22-­11-­2007,
at the age of 18, my first book named “The Cancer Girl” was
released in my town, and I was the first girl to talk about such
a subject in such a closed society, and I knew it will succeed.
More than 900 people attended my book signing, and my
1000 books copies were sold out. Now I am dreaming to
translate my book to all of the languages of the world... ap-
plying The Secret.

Brain Injury Recovery
Steve L.
Denver, CO

(I am 50 years old and I’m an artist and designer.)

In 2003 I had a home injury that caused a traumatic brain

injury. Although I didn’t know it at the time I literally fell
apart. I had lost the ability to read and write as well as walk
without difficulty. Because of my lack of cognitive ability, I
went from working a good job to living in a station wagon
and essentially became homeless.
With help, I found housing and eventually started trying
on my own to get better. In a nutshell, I am now completely
recovered, have a great job in Denver, a beautiful wife and
child, and a home. All of this came from visualizing and
working with The Secret. As a matter of fact, in 2005, I set
out with a visualization that went like this, “I have found
my soul-­mate, she loves me unconditionally and we live in
a beautiful house.” I honestly didn’t believe it would work
when I started. It took two years, but I had reached a point
where I could feel it as though it were real.
When it came time I thought I’d be able to hold down a
full time job, I visualized that. I was offered the amount that
I had visualized being offered to the penny. Thanks.

Chapter 3


46 Mohit Tahiliani

The law of attraction works for everyone equally, which also

includes newborn babies today.
Life is a learning graph, and you should learn this from
children. The day you stop growing is the day you stop learn-
ing something new.
Look at the way children spend an entire day trying to do
something new and different every moment. They have fun
learning and they grasp information effortlessly. It should be
fun for everyone, not just children. As I mentioned earlier,
the law of attraction works for everyone, be it a 25-­year old
person or someone who’s seventy-­five.
The truth is that, there is abundance of everything in this
world. There are thousands of courses to choose from and
several fields one could specialize in. You just have to know
and pick the one you love the most and pursue it. Many of
them have done it before and now it’s your turn. The follow-
ing stories are about people who have used the law of attrac-
tion and were successful in their education.

My Perfect Score
Rohan. S

(Student currently studying engineering.)

I truly believe that Rhonda has done a great job in this world,
and there are very few of these kinds of people in this world.
Thank you very much.
Last month it all started. My exams were coming near. I
was a bit nervous, but then I thought, if all the power in this
world exists in us, why not use it? And that is the law of at-
traction. So I made an intention to get myself the best scores
in this semester. I stuck a paper in front of my study table
with my desired marks in every subject.
I was very excited. I had done my studies and was pre-
pared, but scoring my dream score was very much like a
dream. I gave all my papers, and they were ok. But when the
results came it was a slight heart attack for me because I got
exactly the same score I wrote on the wall, and also my KT’s
got cleared.
I still feel the joy of topping every exam. Hence forth I
wish to get a student visa for the USA. It will be attracted
towards me. And the ultimate thing that I am going to attract
is a Lamborghini car.


The high scoring exams
Shashwat Seth
Noida, India

(I am a student who is currently studying in class 12

according to the Indian education system. I am 17 years
old and love meeting new people, enjoying every little
thing that i have and love to share it with people.)

My story is a bit different. I saw The Secret movie after my

final examinations of my last schooling year. Then I realized
that I had already used The Secret earlier in my life as a child
without actually knowing what it could do or what immense
power it had.
When my class 10 began (it is our first major centralized
exam throughout the country in every school), I had written
“above 95% in boards” on a sheet of paper and pasted it on
my cupboard. I used to look at it virtually every hour, as my
room itself was my study area. I worked hard throughout the
year thinking just about what I wanted those four words on
my cupboard.
The end result? I hit 94.6%. I was more than happy. But
today after watching The Secret, I realize that there was a
huge factor other than my studying that was actually work-
ing for me. My thoughts helped me get what I wanted and
what I worked for. The Secret really works...


Perfect Marks
Hyderabad, India

(A Student)

Hey, people.
I am so glad to write this. The entrance exam that I wanted
to get through didn’t go that well. I realize that I didn’t pay
the necessary attention. However, another entrance came my
way. I knew that it was my dream college and I had to get the
best score possible. I wanted a score of 330, and I planned
it so.
My friends were skeptical about their performance, as it was
not that easy. However, I totally believed that I would get
330, and I finally got 330. What I had expected. I am so
happy. My parents are extremely happy and no one else in
our college has such a good score. I am very glad. This hap-
pened only because I really wanted it to happen. I love The


Making the Impossible,
a Reality
Sasha H

(I am deeply grateful for a blessed life.)

My name is Sasha. I am 34 years old and have used the law

of attraction throughout my life, both consciously and un-
consciously, creating both wonderful and awful outcomes,
depending on what I have focused my attention on.
I want to share with you a story I have not told many peo-
ple, about what happened in my life when I harnessed the
power of the law of attraction. If you are experiencing doubt
or fear, I hope my story offers you hope and inspires you to
make your dreams a reality.
In my first year of high school I was teased and bullied
so much that I became phobic of school and longed to have
an excuse never to go back there again. I thought getting
sick would be the perfect out. So I imagined getting sick,
longed to get sick, prayed to get sick. I thought glandular
fever would be perfect as I knew of others who had got it and
ended up away from school for ages. The only problem was I
was told it was the ‘kissing disease’, and that you could only
catch it from kissing someone. I was way too scared of boys,
was definitely not going to kiss one, so thought my dream
of getting glandular fever was unachievable. However, after
a while I began developing symptoms and feeling unwell.
A doctor was the bearer of the good news. I had glandular
fever. Mysteriously (as I sure hadn’t kissed anyone) I now
had the illness I had longed for. I was now allowed to stay at
home and could avoid all the pain I experienced at school.
I was ill for a year and a half, avoiding the second half
of year 7, and all of year 8. I believe now I manifested this
illness with the power of my intention, but at the time I just

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 51

thought it was good luck. In year 9 (the third year of high

school) I began starving myself and shortly after became an-
orexic and bulimic. Consequently, my third and fourth years
of high school were fraught with illness and absence from
classes and a total lack of motivation academically. I failed
most of my subjects between year 7 and 10.
I was now 16 years old and had missed most of the previ-
ous four years of my schooling. My self esteem was in tat-
ters, as usual. But I realized that if I didn’t take radical and
immediate action I would be a total failure in life. And some-
thing in me shifted, I would not tolerate such low standards
for myself any longer.
So I set upon a goal, one I thought was totally and utterly
impossible, to be Dux of my college (student with the top
grade). I thought my dream was impossible considering all
the school I had missed and the fact that the only subjects I
could do were arts. In the Australian education system at that
time, all the arts subjects were penalized because they were
considered ‘soft’—no matter how high your marks were
10% of your grade for an arts subject was deducted. Maths
and science subjects, on the other hand, automatically got a
10% bonus.
I was passionate about my goal because I wanted to prove
to myself, my parents, and all the teachers who thought I
was a never do well, that in fact I was smart, and I could do
anything if I set my mind to it. I didn’t really believe this was
true about me as I didn’t have any evidence in my life that I
was smart, but I focused on my goal all the same.
Knowing nothing of the law of attraction at that time, I
wrote in my school diary over and over, “I will be dux.” I fo-
cused on, dreamt about, and visualized my goal. I hungered
and longed for it. I worked hard throughout the last two years
of high school. I knew that my competition for the highest
honor of Dux, the top students in my year level were all do-
ing sciences and maths and would all get their bonus marks.
The general thinking at that time in the school community
was that it really was impossible to be Dux if you did the
52 Mohit Tahiliani

subjects I did, no matter how well you did in them, because

maths and science would always win in the end. Neverthe-
less, my passion for my dream burned on.
Then came the end of 12th. I had given it my all. I knew
that regardless of whether I was Dux, I would have no regrets
as I had done my best. The day of the results came finally and
to my total amazement my dream had become reality. I was
Dux of my school. The ‘smartest’ kid at school with all the
maths and sciences had not even come close to me. And to
top it off, I had achieved such a phenomenal result that I was
placed in the top 1.5 % of the entire state I lived in.
At the school assembly fare welling year 12th, I gave a
speech to the whole school. In it I told them, “I had a dream.
If I can do this, anyone can.”
The feelings of euphoria I experienced on that day cannot
be articulated. When I need to remind myself of my personal
power I remember this achievement and am strengthened
and inspired by it to this day. To me it proves that even if you
don’t have complete faith, if you continue to feel passionate
about your goal, and you take actions to make it happen,
even things that you believe, and everyone tells you are im-
possible, can be made real in the world.
I wish you all the inspiration and courage you need to
make your dreams a reality.

My Great Child
New Zealand

(A great person married to a wonderful

man and having awesome kids.)

I have been practicing the law of attraction for a few years

(though there are times that I forget to use it, fortunately
somebody or an event will happen to remind me to go back
on track).
This is actually my son’s story, a 7 year old kid. He is very
smart, it’s just he needs to increase his confidence level and
believe in himself.
At the beginning of the school year, back in February, they
had a speed math exam. He’s not happy with the results as
he just got a few correct answers. I and my husband said that
it’s just okay, what’s important is the lesson you’ve learned
from that experience.
A month later in March, the teacher announced that they
are having another speed math exam. He became excited and
said to us, “Mum and Dad, I would like to have a high score.”
We told him to use The Secret (as we have already introduced
the LOA to him and our younger daughter, who’s 5, for park-
ing spaces, finding something missing, gratitude book, and
visualization). He did some studying and visualized every
night that he’s going to get a high score. They were surprised
as it was announced that they are having it on a Friday but
was given on a Wednesday, two days prior to the schedule.
After school, he came out of the class smiling as he said,
“I got a perfect score because I used The Secret.” “Good job.
We’re very proud of you, son.”
Sometimes my kids have to remind me to go back on track
when I feel tense... “Mum, remember to use The Secret.” I

54 Mohit Tahiliani

am so blessed to have them and my husband as well. Just

believe that great things are coming to you and your family.
Brightest blessings to Rhonda and her staff and to

The road to IIT

(Oh I feel so happy and great to introduce myself. I

am an Architect by education and a Project Manager
by profession. Life is so beautiful... I am so happy.)

Years 1999 – 2001: So here it begins. I started preparing for

Engineering Entrance in 1999 and could not get into any of
the good colleges. I got two subsequent failures because of
my focus on something else.
The paradigm shifted in 2001. My dream to get into an In-
dian Institute of Technology became so intense that I always
visualized myself as an IIT graduate. I took an old name
plate of my father’s and on its rear side I wrote, Amit Kumar,
B. Tech. (IIT). I dreamed about feeling the pride of graduat-
ing from IIT and being the first graduate of my family.
I could not get into IIT, but into the University of Roorkee
in July 2001. And then my dream came true in September
2001 the University of Roorkee was declared as the 7th IIT
of India. I became an IITan. Still there are tears in my eyes
when I am writing this story. I used The Secret unknowingly.
Today I want to say thanks to Rhonda who made everyone
aware of it. Soon I am going to be the new multimillionaire
of India. As the Universe has already told me, my wish is his


I got an A


For years math had not been my strong subject. I struggled,

taking classes over and over and felt like I was not “getting
it”. I was accustomed to D, and a C if I was lucky.
Finally I made it to my Statistics course, which was the
final class I needed before I could transfer to a four-­year Uni-
versity. So, I had heard of The Secret and I decided to put it
to work. I created a vision board and on it I wrote, “Statistics
Exam #3—A.” I looked at it every morning when I woke up.
I also began gratitude journaling every night before I went
to bed.
The day of the test arrived, I took it, and felt confident. I
could feel something was different this time. My professor
returned our tests the next day, and my heart was pounding.
He handed me my graded test face down and said, “You will
be happy about this.” I turned the test over and saw a big red
100% on the test. Not only had I gotten my A, I had gotten
an A;pl. I received more than I ever thought was possible.
I am grateful for The Secret and continue to manifest each


Finally got my A1s
Pragya S.
New Delhi, India

(I am a girl who just aced 9th class, going on to 10th class

whose all wishes come true through the use of The Secret.)

Hello everyone.
Today, this morning I got my result. Throughout my life I
have been a good student, just a bit under the extraordinary
mark. Every time my result came out, I was scared, think-
ing, “If only I had not left everything for the last day.” But
this time was entirely different. I did study late in one or
two exams, but I could actually see my A1s. Also, this year’s
result was extremely important as it was my 9th class result,
and according to the CBSE system, both my 9th and 10th
class results would be considered like my Boards results. It is
something that would remain with me my whole life.
At first I visualized my result in numbers, but then I did
a few mistakes and thus I was a bit disheartened. But now
due to my staying and believing that I have my perfect report
card, my report card today came in grades. At home I would
sit and imagine the day in detail; what I would wear, how I
would go there, what expressions I would have when I got
the report card, how I would tell my friends and my best
friend’s mom about my result. I imagined telling everyone
that I got all A1s and how everyone would say, “Congratu-
lations,” to me. I would imagine how my class teacher and
my mom would be proud of me. It felt so good, so right.
Sometimes I even felt a bit doubtful and frightened, but
then I would replace it with full belief, and that is what I am
getting. I would imagine my happiness; actually feel it, my
mom’s proud face, her smile, my dad and my sis when they
would see my report card. I even told everyone about it. I
could not back down, it was all or nothing.

58 Mohit Tahiliani

And yes, The Secret works because I got everything. I had

all A1s in my report card. It is such a wonderful achievement
for me. It is something I can be proud about throughout my
life. Now, I believe even more in The Secret and my ability
to do anything and everything, including miracles. The most
astonishing part is that everything happened in the way I had
imagined it which was just perfect, even the part where I told
my best friend’s mom about my grades and my other best
friend about my marks. I even called to tell my grandmother
about my great grades in the same way. I am so happy today.
My mom and dad are so proud.
Tonight, we are going out for dinner. I told all this to my
friends too so that they can also believe in The Secret. I just
hope all I said helps you and gives you inspiration. What-
ever happens, don’t lose heart, because you know all that you
want shall be delivered to you.
Be happy.

CA Exam
Aastha Mig

(I am a girl who thinks life is a celebration.)

I have always believed that I am solely responsible for the
outcome of my life. Nevertheless, The Secret changed it. It
brought me closer to my dreams. This story relates to one of
Chartered Accountancy exams are supposed to be one of
the toughest exams in India, and my aim was to get an all
India rank in my CA inter exams. I have a whiteboard in my
room which doubles as a vision board and a place to solve
accountancy problems. I wrote on this board: “I am an all
India rank holder of November 2010 PCC exams”. I used to
feel that my dream is just a few steps away.
My exams spanned one week. The most exhausting week
of my life. The reason why CA exams are so tough is because
you have to revise 1.5 years worth of syllabus in a single day.
The exams are on alternate days. The best part is that I used
to feel in my heart that my exam is going to be awesome. I
used to pick 75% of the topics and revise them thoroughly,
and you know what the best part is? The paper was from the
75% I had revised.
The results are out and I am the 16th rank holder in India
and on the second position in my state.
The Secret works phenomenally. Thank you so much
Rhonda for introducing us to The Secret. Life is simply
amazing. Whenever someone tells me that, “But babe, life
is not a fairy tale”, I have only one reply for them, “Sure it’s
not a fairytale, it’s much better.”


Becoming a published
writer at age 17
Perth, WA

(I realized it very early and now living my life

accordingly to the law of attraction.)

Since year twelve of high school I have developed a love for

writing. My English grade for year eleven was an E and year
twelve I got it up to an A.
At the beginning of the year, I was getting almost top
marks in my class. I loved my teacher and was really begin-
ning to enjoy it. Throughout the year I bought myself up to
the top of the class in every essay and task.
I dreamed of getting articles published and seeing my
name in magazines. I also started pole dancing this year, and
eventually an opportunity to be a published writer came up.
Whilst browsing for pole dancing clothes and shoes, I
found a website which published articles by pole dancers.
So, I took a chance, wrote an article and sent it in.
I waited patiently and imagined the thrill of having my
first article published, I was getting so excited. So, one day
I went into my email, and got a response from the website,
they loved it. It was published on the website the same day,
I was ecstatic.
I sent in four articles in total to this particular website, all
of which were published. But it gets better. On facebook I
was contacted by many pole dancers in response to my ar-
ticles (all positive). Then I got sent a message from an inter-
national pole dancing magazine, saying they loved my article
and want me to write for them.
My mum’s gym also wants writers for their magazine, and
of course I sent them a sample of my work.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 61

Fresh out of high school with only secondary education,

no university qualification in writing, and offered a position
to write for an international magazine and a gym magazine.
I can hardly believe it. But I know it is through my faith and
love that I bought these opportunities to me.
Whatever your dreams, believe them, and stick to them,
and the opportunities will reach you. I promise you, go for it.

Best exam
Mumbai, India

(I am a true believer in the law of attraction.)

First of all I would like to thank Rhonda for writing such an

electrifying book, “ The Secret” and thank you to the person
who gifted me the book.. I couldn’t stop reading once I had
started. Although I wasn’t able to get the desired results in
the beginning when I tried to use the Law of Attraction (I
began by attracting subs and coffees and also auto-­rickshaws
to travel to college. I kept getting better at it.
I wanted to use the LOA for improving my grades. I have
been a very bright student since school but my grades had
fallen a bit as I used to get tense and scared during the ex-
ams. I thought about the results a lot and what would happen
if I got bad grades. After reading The Secret, I came to know
that in spite of working hard, why I didn’t get the desired
results. And my belief in The Secret got really strong when I
had my practical exam last year.
As I am pursuing a course in engineering, we have practi-
cal exams where in we have to write and execute a program
on a PC. Every student has to draw a piece of paper from
a bowl and start writing the program mentioned on the pa-
per. 35 topics were specified previously, and one out of them
was going to be written on the paper. While studying for the
exam, I noticed that one of them was very easy and small; I
could write that program in ten minutes and be the first one
to leave the lab. So, I started imagining that possibility. I
studied the other programs for knowledge only, and told my
friends about it.
The next day in the exam, when I pulled the paper out of
the bowl, I got the same program which I had imagined. I
started smiling at the supervisor who thought I was crazy.
The probability of getting that question was 2 out of 70.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 63

But I managed to leave the exam lab in 10 min while the

exam lasted 3 hours. Everyone was looking at me with their
mouths open. My friends were awed and started requesting
me to imagine easy questions for them too in the next exam.
I felt really happy and my overall results had improved a lot
that semester.
Rhonda rocks, the Universe rocks. Now my life rocks too.

I am 100%
Frankie O
Oxford, PA

(I am a 12 year old kid from Rising Sun MD

and I love The Secret. It is so cool.)

Well I am the kinda kid who always gets lower grades on

English papers for not enough “Detail”. So after I learn The
Secret I made one of those “Vision Boards” in the back of
my journal. The first thing I did with it was draw a paper that
had 100% on it (English & reading on the top). So I looked
at it every day and two days later got a 100% on a paper that
mostly counts for detail. Everyone was surprised even the
teacher. And that paper counted for 60% of my grade. And
then I got another 100% on another paper for detail and so
on with the 100%.
So now every time my teacher passes out papers like that
i already know its 100% and it always is.


I got an A too
Stafford, VA

(Nursing Student, and “The Secret” has

brought me back to life, thank you.)

I was browsing through all the amazing stories and getting

inspired when I came upon a story call 100%. This story was
about getting an A on a test but having the right attitude of
believing to achieve. Well I thought I can do that, so I sat
back told myself that on the next nutrition test I am getting
an A. Wasn’t sure how it was going to happen since I didn’t
really prep for the test, but I kept telling myself I am getting
an A. Test day came and I took the test. There were 10 that
I struggled with and thought okay, maybe next time. Then
immediately stopped myself and said I believe in The Secret.
A few days passed and I checked my grade, woo hoo. I got
an A. It’s not about how it’s going to happen, just know it is
going to happen. I make it a goal everyday to challenge my
believing and it’s all manifesting. I love it.


Back to school
Melissa J.
West valley city, Utah

(I am a normal person who likes to live

my life with the law of attraction.)

I’d wanted to go back to college for a long time now, but in

the past I would make some excuse as to why I couldn’t do
it, a lot of which were reasoning’s like I wasn’t smart enough,
I’m too old to go back to school, I don’t have enough money.
Well, about three months ago everything in my life had
fallen apart and through this I decided to just go for it and
just do it, so I enrolled into school. About one week before I
started school, my job had a seminar I went to. It was a life
changing experience for me. In the seminar they wanted us
to write down our goals. One of the goals I set for myself was
that I was getting straight A’s in all my classes. Now, I have
never been a straight A student in my life, but I looked at the
goals every day.
A friend at work told me about The Secret, so I was at
Walmart one day, saw it sitting there on the shelf and decided
to buy the book and the audio book. Everything has changed
in my life since reading and listening to The Secret.
Well last week I had 3 tests to study for. I sent another
wish out into the world, and said I was going to get 100% on
all the tests. Well I got to class, took the tests, and after the
test a couple of my classmates asked how I did on the test. I
said to them, “I did great on the test. I got 100%.” They kinda
gave me this like, “Yeah right, you’re crazy,” look.
After everyone was done with the test we corrected the
test, and when I got the test back there was a big number on
the test that said 100% on my finals for both classes. I was
like, “Oh my god, this stuff is amazing it really works.”
The Secret really does work.
It’s so simple
Sam H.

(Just a 15 year old who knows how to be happy.)

About a year ago, my cousin mentioned to me a film called

‘The Secret.’ I’m going to be honest, I was fascinated by it
and wanted to learn more, however seconds, minutes, hours,
days, weeks, passed, without looking at ‘The Secret’ again.
Until finally I did, about 3-­4 months ago and my life was
now changed. I explored the wonders of the mind, and even
writing about it now makes me extremely ecstatic. It was
To the subject in matter, I had four exams coming up, and
I needed to get amazing grades in them. I wanted them, and
for sure was I going to get them. About two months ago I
found out I got a C, therefore I retook the test.
On the 11th day before the exam, having done a fair amount
of revision, I was determined to succeed, and I started visu-
alizing my A*’s coming to me, and praying to God that he
would gracefully give me what I ask for, I pleaded, visual-
ized, thanked, felt good.
Throughout the 11 days I focused on my determination, re-
vision, exercising (they release endorphins, making you hap-
pier and feeling better about yourself) and staying positive.
The day before the exam, I prepared, got enough sleep and
woke up with a positive attitude. This was the day of my first
exam, Maths. I got in, kicked butt in the exam and left with
a smile on my face.
Furthermore, three days later my big three exams came
up. I’ll admit, I was nervous, but my positive thoughts sought
them away and I felt determined and Science charged.
I did the exam with the most abundant amount of ease, as
it felt like a flow of water with absolutely no constrictions,
just beautiful flowing of my knowledge.

68 Mohit Tahiliani

Surely enough, a week later; I got an amazing Maths

grade. The science tests take about 3 months, so I got them
in September—3 A*’s. Surprised? No. Ecstatic? Yes.
All the exercising I’ve done has helped me get in great
shape for summer, my confidence has improved, and I’m on
my way to finding love.
Please, I urge you; manifest all you can in your life. You
can do it.
I can achieve anything. So can you.
- Live by this quotation; ‘whether you think you can or
you can’t, your right.’
-­I’m not here to preach, but religion and spirituality truly
does help.
-­Stay positive, this is a key factor. If something gets you
down, think of your A*’s.
-­Smile. Just do it.
-­Love yourself.
May your dreams come true as did mine,
Peace. X

Enjoying the college
Alex A.

(18 year old girl who is finally living her dream life.)

All my life I have dreamed about going to college at a four

year university, but my parents had other ideas. They wanted
me to go to the local community college and then transfer to
an in-­state school. Although this is a good choice for some,
I knew that path didn’t feel right to me. So, during the end
of my sophomore year in high school (even though I was
severely depressed), I decided to put this dream into action
and begin doing my best in school.
Junior year, I signed up for the hardest classes and main-
tained A’s and B’s, bringing up my GPA. I signed up for ex-
tracurricular and did everything possible to get ready for
college applications. During this time I had made a vision
board (I saw it on Oprah), with the words ‘college’ embed-
ded, next to a navy and yellow, striped scarf. I didn’t know at
the time why I chose to pair the two together. It just felt right.
So senior year approached and I was ready to apply, but
I felt inadequate. Although my GPA was good, it wasn’t as
high as the rest of my friends. Also, I kept on doing badly
on the standardized tests. I felt as though my dream was too
lofty for anyone to accomplish. I proceeded anyway and be-
gan to apply to schools that were way beyond my financial
grasp. Three private, liberal arts schools with tuition starting
at, at least $30,000 per year.
One school, stationed in Wisconsin, stuck out to me. I kept
on getting this feeling that it was perfect for me.
Around this time I came across The Secret. I was so in-
spired by it. I immediately knew this was the thing that
would make my dreams come true, so I took a scholarship
letter I had received from another school (the scholarship
was minuscule compared to the total cost of the school and

70 Mohit Tahiliani

I had lost interest in the school), and crossed off the col-
lege’s name, replaced it with the Wisconsin school, and put
the amount of money I wanted it to be $35,000 per a year.
Talk about lofty goals.
Within thirty days I got a letter in the mail that said I was
rewarded an $80,000 scholarship from the Wisconsin school.
That’s $20,000 per a year. Then I got $10,000 from govern-
ment a fund (which is renewable). For those counting, that’s
$30,000 per year. Yes, I still need another $5,000 to reach my
goal, but I am positive it will come.
A month after that I was looking at collegiate wear for my
school, and what else do I come across, but the navy and yel-
low striped scarf. I know I am at the right place, my dream
My advice to anyone is to dream as big as you can, know
what you desire and build on your desire, feed it. Be passion-
ate about it. And never doubt the power of the universe. It
can deliver anything, no matter how big or small it is. Lastly,
don’t listen to the critics. Live your truth and only yours.
Happy manifesting,

7 A’s in 7 subjects
Andrew Y.
Hong Kong, China

(A student under the Asian education system. paying

attention to exam like any other students in Asia.)

I’m a grade 11th student in Hong Kong and had my opening

exam from May to June. Opening exam is almost everything
in Hong Kong because it determines whether you can go to
University or not.
When I started reading The Secret, I used all the methods
that are mentioned in this great book—ask, believe, receive,
gratitude, thinking about the scenes that you want and that
little board with the photos of my wish. I did everything I
could do and I had only one wish, get the result that I want. I
wanted to get the good grade that everyone thought that was
impossible. I believed in this great book. Many people said
that was impossible, even people I didn’t know but I kept do-
ing everything I knew.
The day came and I was surprised. My classmates and I
were waiting for my result of my opening exam in the class-
room. My class teacher came in and said the result of our
class. He said he was really surprised that the best result in
our class was 7As (all As in 7 subjects). And then everyone
was looking at me because I’d said some stuffs of getting 7A.
When I got the receipt of my result, I just wept for joy. I
thought of too many things at that moment and prayed lots of
time in these 2 years to my parents, people who encouraged
and believed in me, prophetic words from a fortune teller,
and paid respect to God and The Secret. I have told many
people about my results and they are all glad. I am also really
glad that I read The Secret, thanks a lot.


Fantastic grades and
perfect sixth form.

(A 16 year old student who achieved her dream

GCSE grades and is consequently at one of the
best sixth form establishments in the country.)

I first found out about The Secret on a holiday to Canada 3

years ago. I was stunned to discover the law of attraction and
the endless possibilities it gave to those who practiced it;
anyone can achieve anything if they set their mind to it.
As you might expect, I was initially rather curious as to
whether it really worked and if indeed it did, how it would
work, so I decided to test it with a few small things. Much to
my delight, it worked rather smoothly and left me cloaked in
a feeling of elation.
Two years later, I had my GCSEs. I desired 9 a*s, 1 a, and
2 b’s. So before every exam I would tell myself that I was
going to ace it and guess what, I did in every single one.
Even after the exams as doubts and fear began to creep in,
I would visualize achieving those results and really transmit
that positive frequency to the universe. I also wished to go
to a certain sixth form school that was incredibly difficult to
gain entry into, but I made myself believe I would get a place
there, imagining the phone call from the school in my head.
Well, I got those exact grades and gained a place at that
sixth form, and I can’t express how wonderful I felt that day.
So my message to you is: keep believing, you do deserve
it and you will get it. Also, to remain positive, I would ad-
vise reading The Secret and other peoples’ success stories,
because one day I promise, it will be you.

Got my desired college

(I am just 20 year old enjoying life to its best.)

At the tender age of 20, I am so grateful that I have discov-

ered The Secret and can learn to put it to great use as I grow
older and more mature.
After starting a college course that I disliked and found
difficult to study for, I began to consider studying the one
subject I have loved since I was a child, Art.
This year I applied for a college course in a beautiful art
school in Ireland that I wanted so badly to study in. The in-
terview required that I get 455 points to be accepted into the
college. I knew this was the college for me.
That evening I left the interview feeling distraught and
upset, constantly reminding myself of the things I had done
or said wrong during it. As a week went and the arrival day
of my letter approached I spiraled into depression, telling
myself constantly that I had no chance and I had blown it.
Two nights before my letter arrived, I lay with my head
buried in my arms upon my kitchen table. I had never felt so
upset. My mother watched me and listened to me complain
and attempted to make me stay positive for my own sake, but
it didn’t work.
Later that evening, my mother without saying a word left
a book sitting beside me at the kitchen table, ‘The Secret’. I
began to read it. In that instant, I was hooked. I read the book
through and through. And within those two hours my mood
was instantly lifted.
That night I completely concentrated on receiving 500
points in my interview. I became obsessed with the 500
points. I thought about it constantly, I visualized myself
opening my letter to see 500 points in bold writing.

74 Mohit Tahiliani

My every thought led back to the 500 points for 2 days

straight. The morning my letter came I was shaking. I sat at
my post box, held the leader tightly in my hands and visual-
ized the 500 points being concealed beneath the envelope.
I opened it, “Congratulations. You have scored 500 Points.”
I am forever grateful to the teachers of The Secret. I am
ready to shape my own life. Want it more than anything.
Imagine yourself owning it. Receive it.
One thing at a time.

Best Thesis
Angel C.

Manila, Philippines
(I knew The Secret 7 months ago, thanks to my friend
who borrowed his copy of the book. I am a graduating
tourism student. 20 years old but always feel that
I am just 16. I have so many plans in the future,
and I know I can achieve it through believing.)

I am a graduating college student in one of the most pres-

tigious universities in my country. As an academic general
rule, every student is aware that to be able to graduate, one
of the major requirements is to write and create an original,
more than a hundred pages of a research paper the most ever
energy consuming brain whacking pocket draining thesis.
I already knew the power of The Secret back then, and even
when we started the semester I already have this thought in
mind that no matter what, our paper would be one of the
best theses ever. My group mates were not as motivated as I
am since they were already contented with so-­so grades and
an acceptable output. But it did not stop me from believing
big. I wanted this goal, no matter how big it was for them. I
wanted this badly.
However, that thing is not as easy as I thought it would be.
Last October 2009, the research methodology process had
already started. As far as I can remember, I, together with my
thesis mates, had faced major obstacles in doing our thesis
FIRST: We submitted three main topics of our choice.
We made the priority topic number one (a study about an
untouched paradise island), and the least priority (cruise
related), the last. Guess what? The topic which we never
thought would be chosen was the one which has been ap-
proved by our adviser, the number 3.

76 Mohit Tahiliani

SECOND: One of the major sources of information while

doing a thesis is an interview with the authorized people of
the major object of the study, which is the company itself.
But first, we needed to pass letters and wait for their approval
if we are permitted to do so. Guess what? After I-­don’t-­know-­
how-­many-­times we go back to their office to follow-­up re-
sults, we were denied. Their company rejected our request
for interviews and collection of some necessary data.
THIRD: To be able to have an accurate result of the study,
we needed to have an actual board of the ship. Here in our
country, riding a ship already costs us two weeks of com-
plete every day meal (plus afternoon and midnight snack).
However, since our data is insufficient for the study, we need
to board again another ship to suffice what was lacking.
In short, we boarded twice. Which means, ATMs are to be
drained already?
FOURTH: We almost had an incomplete grade in this sub-
ject. Time is running out and our adviser was afraid we can’t
make it since we are lacking so much data and other neces-
sary information. She advised us that if we will do nothing,
she’ll be forced to inform the office that we will have an
incomplete grade, and that we won’t graduate.
FIFTH: Our thesis adviser will decide who would sit as
our panel members (those who will judge our paper). In our
class, we have 8 groups, and our adviser will arrange the de-
fense schedule in order. The order would be like this: Those
who she thinks with the best content and the best thesis in
general would defend first, and the least is, you know, the
last. Again, guess what? We’re the 7th to defend. Know what
it means?
SIXTH: My group mates are my BFF as well. And it’s true
that thesis can ruin friendship, at least, sometimes. However,
during these times, the pressure is always on, and the work
is as if getting heavier and heavier every day. As the leader
of our group, of course, I feel that all was lifted and carried
by me. Majority of my group mates are not helping me, no
voluntary actions, not even asking updates on what’s already
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 77

happening in our paper. And more often than not, I would

ask them to do this or to do that, but in the end, it was still
me who’s working on it, because they would end up doing all
of it wrong. Sometimes, I would even end up being absent in
the class the whole day just so I could finish and meet up the
deadlines. I became so tired.
I was so depressed, devastated, and so disappointed with
my group mates, with my advisers and with all the circum-
stances that are happening. However, I was always reminded
by the power of the law of attraction. I told myself that all of
these have their reasons, and all of these would pay off in the
end. Faith in God and the universe was the only hope I had
left. And so I try, I ask I believe, and always say to myself
over and over again this phrase: “Best Thesis, Best Thesis,
Best Thesis.”
I began to change the way I think again. I just relaxed
and find joy in everything I’m doing. I also started to think
positively towards my thesis mates, my adviser, our paper,
and the defense proper. I let God do his plan. And let myself
to do my part.
Little by little, I found improvements from my group
mates. They started to help me all the way through the De-
fense Day. I have witnessed the true meaning of teamwork.
I also began to be happy every day, and believe that every-
thing will be fine in the end. I thought also that all of my
classmates will do their best, and none of us will have major
revisions. I have believed that no matter what other teachers
would call and think of us, we will surprise and amaze them.
I always collect all the positive energy.
To cut the story short, hell yes. Our group made it. Our
section made it.
All in all, no major revisions, three groups have been
judged as expert with minor revisions, and our group is in-
cluded, our group. I can’t be thankful enough for what had
happened. We are so happy and fulfilled, and so grateful. A
well done defense for every one of us. We even surprised our
adviser by what happened. She said that it was the first time,
78 Mohit Tahiliani

since she taught this subject, that all was great, no major re-
visions, and three of the groups were experts. I am so proud
of my section, my classmates, and especially my group.
Thank you so much.
And not just that, this afternoon our adviser finally told us
one of the most memorable news I always expected to hear.
Of all the groups that have defended, our group bagged the
highest score on the defense, which obviously means, that
we are the best thesis in our section. Wow! I can’t believe it
at first. Just when I realized that all along, I always and al-
ways, and always have that phrase in my mind, “BEST THE-
SIS.” And it did.
All the sufferings, the bickering, all the negativities, all of
which that happened in the past, truly, they all paid off well.
Now, I am more motivated to ask, believe, and receive. So
far, this is the best manifestation of the law of attraction that
ever happened to me since I have known The Secret. The key
is to have no space for doubt, just believe that you will have
it, and most importantly, do your job. It will never happen to
you if the goal you’re hoping for to happen requires you to
work, too. This is the Law of Compensation. You did yours,
and the universe will pay you, big time.
Thank you Universe and thank you GOD. We know that
your plans are the best, and that everything happens for a
Keep inspired. Never give up. Thank you. Thank you.

The Secret—Achievement
to success
Sora Leonhart
Auckland, NZ

(I am just a simple guy, and I’m a student.)

After watching and listening to the video “The Secret”, my

life has changed. I mean, not only changed, it improved and
made success in my life.
At school, I sometimes get Achieve and Merit, now, I
used “The Law of Attraction”, and guess what, I rarely get
Achieve, and got more Merit and Excellences. This hap-
pened after watching The Secret.
The day that I had a Physics test really made me nervous.
My friends know that I am weak at Physics. But then I real-
ized to use the law of attraction to get at least merit, or ex-
cellence. Even if I study hard, nothing really gets inside my
head, but I know how to do a little physics. I really think hard
to pass this test, and I think of my happy moments, and think
of the excellence award and get on stage to get a “Student of
the Week” certificate.
The next day after the test, I was amazed at my mark. I
really got an excellence. It was like I was dreaming at that
time, it’s like, I can’t believe it. And now I know and under-
stand what “Law of Attraction” is, and I know I have to share
it with my friends.
Thanks for the one who produce this film for the public, I
really appreciate it.


Chapter 4


Life gives you abundance of everything. It’s up to you; are
you open to receive everything you want from life?
There is abundance of different fields to work in. Every
second is an opportunity to get what you want. The same
goes for job too.
Most people work hard to get that extra income and to get
a good retirement life. Don’t forget that you are born to live
and enjoy the most beautiful and precious gift of God to all
human kind which is the present.
By using the law of attraction, you can get any job any-
where in the world in any organization you like. The ultimate
goal is to always be happy in what you choose to be and have
passion and love for what you do.
Remember, every second is an opportunity to be what you
want, to get what you want, to live your life to the fullest,
because you are born to get everything in abundance. The
following stories will demonstrate how people have used the
law of attraction to get the job of their dreams.


Back to hometown
Vinit Arora
Ghaziabad, India

(Working as Risk Management and Compliance

professional. Living happily and mastering my life/
career/relationships with the help of The Secret and
Law of Attraction and the great Law of Love.)

It is a great pleasure for me today to share my personal expe-

rience with the great Secret of Law of Attraction.
I come from a middle class family and left my home &
family five years back for a good job with a higher pack-
age in another city, with the thought of supporting my fam-
ily financially and to reduce the burden from my father and
brother’s shoulder.
Since then I was feeling depressed and bad that I was away
from my family and friends. I changed two jobs in between
after that to find myself remaining dissatisfied, as I was not
with my family and was not celebrating my life.
Throughout my journey in the last five years I was only
feeling bad about my jobs because I was not in my home-
town. Things got worse, as it impacted my performance in
my jobs. My relationships with my friends & family started
spoiling and I used to remain frustrated throughout my day.
Anything bad that I expected was happening to me, and I
was depressed and was unintentionally attracting more and
more bad situations in my life.
I wanted to shift back with my family and friends with a
good job, but that was not happening at all. I applied for a
number of jobs without any positive results. I was not even
getting a single call from any employer.
One day I was having a general discussion about life with
my colleague, and she introduced me to ‘The Secret’ DVD.
Thanks to her. God Bless her. She told me about her own

84 Mohit Tahiliani

experiences with the Law of Attraction, and I was impressed

and thought to give it a try.
Once I watched The Secret DVD. I came to know why ev-
erything was wrong with me, why things were getting worse
one by one. I was only focusing on bad things in my life. I
was not releasing love. I also found the reason why actually I
was forced by life to leave my home five years back, as I al-
ways used to have fear in my mind that I will lose my friends
my family in the future and used to imagine a situation where
I was living alone. And that strong thought process of being
alone actually drove me into that situation.
Now that I realized, after watching The Secret, what wrong
I was doing to myself, I immediately stopped it all. I imme-
diately stopped missing my family and feeling bad about it.
I took pictures out of our family album, in which I was with
all my family members, and hung them on my bedroom wall
so that every morning when I wake up and before I sleep and
whenever I enter there I see them all with me and feel happy
about that.
I also took out pictures of mine with my best friends and
kept that on my desk in my office so that throughout the day
I could see them, and I started imagining spending time with
them, having tea with them, and sharing my thoughts with
them. I started feeling happy about that.
At the same time I started feeling good about my job, I
stopped hating my colleague as he was trying to overshadow
me; rather I started focusing on my own things. I stopped
talking about him, as I knew otherwise I would be giving my
energy to him.
At the same time I started visualizing myself working in
my hometown at a good position. And to believe in that I
immediately packed all my household stuff like I was shift-
ing back to my home town. At the same time I asked for
quotes from three movers and packers for my move back to
my hometown and negotiated with them for the deal.
Every morning when I woke up I visualized waking up in
my hometown, and visualized things around me as the same
as in my hometown—that noise of traffic in the morning (as
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 85

our home is on a main road which is always busy), having

morning tea with my father, my office cab waiting outside
my home, visiting my friends places during the weekend and
spending valuable time with all of them.
After doing that I always said thanks to God like I al-
ready had that job, and for settling back with my family. I
started writing thanking notes to God for giving me what-
ever I wanted. Further to reinforce my belief I drafted my
resignation letter with my release date on it and my goodbye
e-­mail and started sending those to my office e-­mail address.
I also drafted an offer letter containing my desired position
and package and started congratulating myself for the same.
To my belief, the Law of Attraction responded to it, as I
was on the same frequency of what I wanted to have. Within
a month I got my offer letter with my desired position and
package in my home town.
I am really excited as I am shifting back to my hometown
in July this year, 2011, and am extremely happy for that and
really grateful to God, my colleague (who introduced me to
The Secret), and Rhonda Byrne, who exposed this Secret to
the world. It’s rocking.
Would like to pray to God that everyone should be blessed
with this knowledge so that everyone can live the life they
So many special thanks to Rhonda that she shared her
knowledge with the world so that millions can benefit out of
it. Okay, I should rather say everyone in this Universe get ben-
efit out of it (I should not limit my thought to millions only).
Also, would like to give many thanks to all of you who
write their inspiring experiences from their lives on this web-
site. It really reinforces one’s belief in this law.
I have had various other experiences with Law of Attrac-
tion which I will share separately, else it will be a very long
story in one go.
Thanks to everyone is this world who has contributed to
my happy life in one way or other. Thank you all.

When you wish upon a star
Whittier, CA

(I’m in sales as an independent Truck Broker.)

My story covers a lot of things in my life, my work, my fam-

ily, and my relationship to my husband. Hard to cover it all in
a short story, but it is all related to The Secret so here it goes.
I chose the title to this story because if you live in Cali-
fornia it’s all about Disney, and if you have ever listened to
the words to that song “When you wish upon a star” it is like
the theme song to The Secret. I can only imagine what the
writer was thinking, but I am sure he was inspired to share
something he knew years ago.
I ‘wished upon a star’ many times, and was usually always
told by people who didn’t believe that “it was just childhood
dreaming”. “Dreams don’t come true and if they do you have
to work hard at it”, and I started to believe them. But some-
thing in my heart always told me that what I wanted was
obtainable, and whenever there was something that I really
wanted the feelings I would get overtake me into day dreams
of having that which was the object of my desires. And it
didn’t matter if it was a job, a house, or even a husband—it
always manifested the same mysterious way, like a wish or
a dream.
Of course years ago I had not heard about The Secret, but
I always knew there was something out there making things
happen for me.
Low and behold, years before The Secret came to be
I started coming across books written by the same people
that were in The Secret, that were writing about manifesting.
It caught my interest, I practiced what they wrote about, I
found as much literature as I could to see what every book
had to say, and it all pretty much gets summed up in “The

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 87

A few years before The Secret came to be I was going

through the lowest point in my life. I wasn’t happy at my job,
my daughter was out of control (literally), my husband (who
I know was brought to me from my desires of a mate years
back) was also unhappy, I was so down and depressed that I
had forgotten what it was like to dream and manifest, until I
saw “The Secret”. It helped me remember that I could have
anything I wanted and all I had to do was ask with belief and
desire in my heart, and my dreams would come true again.
I recently started looking at my life and realized that even
through my darkest days the Universe was still working with
me, waiting for me to come back from the darkness of de-
pression to where I am now. It wasn’t an easy road back,
believe me, but it has gotten so much better.
I left the job that brought me to my state of depression, my
husband and I are happier now, and my daughter has gotten
her life back together and everything has turned around.
I am doing something that I always wanted to do, which
was to work from home and for myself. Actually I can work
from anywhere thanks to the Internet, computers, and the
type of business that I have chosen. I can travel all over the
U.S. if I chose to and work or have fun, I am my own boss,
make my own hours, and more money than I did when I
worked for someone else. Not to mention that I am appreci-
ated by my customers for the work I do.
I believe my wish upon a star has came true thanks to God,
“The Secret”, and believing.

Living my dreams
John Galt
LA, California

(A father of three lived on three continents

and having struggled for most of my life, I am
now living successfully by The Secret.)

Several weeks ago I was sitting in my office looking around

me, and I thought to myself, “Is this really all I’m going to
have for the rest of my life? Is it going to be one struggle
after the next?” And then I declared to myself categorically,
I had been introduced to The Secret by a friend who said I
had to watch this amazing movie titled The Secret. The mo-
ment she mentioned it I had remembered seeing a trailer for
it on cable, however I always seemed to miss the broadcast so
I hunted for it online and found it on Netflix. I had watched
it several months before this declaration to myself, and I fig-
ured there has to be some truth behind it so I watched it
again. Once I had watched it I went to my wife and asked her
if there were any limitations towards me looking for a job in
any area, and she hummed and ahhed and eventually said no,
but that it had to be good and that our children would be safe
and comfortable.
This was seven weeks ago. So I started to look for a job.
I applied for four and I believed with every fiber in my be-
ing that one of them would be successful. I customized my
resume for each job description and wrote each cover let-
ter where I was able to, and I waited. The next day I heard
from one company who I had wanted to work for, although
their description was totally out of the specific skill set that I
had. I was honest and wanted to know if I could fit into their
company. They wrote that unfortunately they didn’t need my
skills, but thanked me for applying. I stayed positive, be-
cause after all they wanted x but I was y.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 89

Two days after my applications went out I heard from an-

other company saying that they wanted a phone interview
in three business days time, and I knew this was it. I was on
the phone for a whole total of seven minutes and they said
they wanted to see me and were going to fly me down. I went
the following week and left after being questioned by a few
teams on different subjects. When I left, I felt confident that
I had done everything in my power and it was now up to the
universe. Two hours later I had an email asking me for refer-
ences which I promptly provided a few days later after reach-
ing out to my ex colleagues, and at the end of the week I had
an official offer. They gave me my starting price too plus a
whole bunch of additional benefits.
In the space of four weeks I wrapped things up with my
then employer, moved down, movers packed up my house-
hold and are still on the way and my wife and children joined
me over the weekend. Things just keep on getting better. I’ve
been approved for finance on a car and got a great apartment,
and I’m already putting out goals to be manifested in a real-
istic amount of time.
I’m so grateful to my friend V who told me about this
film, to the film producers and learned from the people who
shared their positive messages that I do make my destiny and
that I deserve it. I know I do and I’ve always worked hard to
know I do, and I live each day as it comes, one day at a time.
There are times when my feelings become clouded by doubt,
but as The Secret has a time delay I’m able to check myself
and bring my thoughts back to the gratitude that I have for
my health, my wife, and my beautiful children. I’m finally on
my way to providing the things that we need to live comfort-
ably, and my next step is a million in the bank in 18 months.
That’s huge.
Take it from me that The Secret really does work. I was
abused as a child, and have had it rough through the years.
I’ve made bad mistakes and have been taken advantage of,
but I remain positive that there has to be a better way and
there is. You make your own destiny. Life doesn’t hand you a
90 Mohit Tahiliani

job unless you really and truly want it. Want it, know it to be
true, be kind and just to others always, and be grateful and
know that good things come to those who believe and keep
on doing the right thing.

Got my dream job

(A fulfilled girl with renewed enthusiasm for life,

and who now has a career direction. Thank you
universe for also giving me great supportive parents,
a wonderful fiancé, and such a peaceful happy life.)

I would like to start by thanking Rhonda and her team for

sharing The Secret and The Power with the world. There are
truly no words to express my gratitude for what God did for
me through LOA.
Never in a million years did I ever imagine I would write
my success story here. Although I had read The Secret and
The Power, I had lost hope, almost contemplating on giving
up my life at some point. I went through so many changes
in my life; divorce, moving from London to Mauritius, and
having to support my parents despite having no job.
My fiancé kept prodding me to apply for jobs, always en-
couraging me to stay positive. Somehow, my attitude was
not helping at all; I had lost all faith. This was affecting all
my relationships, and I spent days crying my eyes out while
drowning in depression. I would be positive, practicing LOA
for some time, and again I would lose track.
Finally, one fine day, my fiancé nudged me to apply for
this job he saw advertised in a newspaper. When I saw the
advert for a Consular and Protocol Officer/Executive Assis-
tant at the Australian High Commission, I was happy that
this seemed like a perfect job for me. I sent my application
well before the deadline, and kept a positive attitude. Sure
enough, I got called for a first interview with the agency
recruiting for the embassy. The lady recruiter was an angel
from heaven, and was extremely supportive. She told me
how she received over 200 applications, out of which she se-
lected the best 30. And on that day, she was sending over the

92 Mohit Tahiliani

top ten profiles to the embassy, and I was among them. I felt
an immense gratitude immediately, and kept the faith alive.
I came on to The Secret website, where I found so many
anecdotes of people putting the LOA in practice to win their
dream job. I took their tips to heart, and did everything.
Thank you, dear fellow writers, for your stories, which in-
spired me so much.
Both my fiancé and I would talk about how awesome it is
for me to work at the Australian High Commission. I created
a card with my name, the embassy logo, and its address on
it. Also, I wrote myself an offer of employment letter with all
the terms and conditions I wanted on it. This was my dream
job; I so wanted it. I wrote my name and the job title on my
phone, and would look at it all the time. Even when I lay on
my bed before sleeping, I would say my name and the job
title over and over again. I even saved the embassy’s phone
number on my mobile as my work number. I woke up earlier
every day to get myself in the mood of going to work. Simul-
taneously, I thanked God every day for providing me with
such a rewarding and wonderful job.
Needless to say that when I went for the interview with a
team of three people, I felt like one of them. They were like
family, and the kindest people I’ve ever met. It was such an
easy breezy interview, and when I left the building, I knew
the job was mine. I kept the faith going, and thanked the
universe and God for blessing me with my dream job. Little
was my surprise when I got the call congratulating me for the
job. I was on the moon, and jumped up and down for several
seconds. I called my fiancé, and cried on the phone while re-
vealing the news. He was so proud, and so were my parents.
We all went for a wonderful meal together to celebrate, and
it was truly the best day of my life.
Believe, and it is yours. It’s so true. I am now flying out to
London for two weeks for a training program the embassy is
offering me. This trip to London was also one of the things
in my gratitude list, and it is now being fulfilled side by side.
I cannot be happier. I am finally a Consular and Protocol
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 93

Officer/Executive Assistant. I always read about how people

got their dream jobs, and how their work would take them to
travel places. I always wanted the same. And now, I am one
of those people, since I get to travel all the time with my new
job. My dream job is mine, and God made it happen for me
because I believed in him and his LOA.
Not only that, I am soon starting a management course
in September, which will increase my career opportunities.
Thank you universe for allowing me to make the right choices
in my life. Thank you, thank you, and thank you Krishna and
the Universe. I love you.

I love my job
Cynthia A.
High Desert, CA

(A hard working girl, pharmacy tech, who

took a little while to fully understand the
extraordinary potential of The Secret.)

After graduating from school from the pharmacy tech pro-

gram I went job searching, and it took me two weeks to find
a job, because of my ambition and because I visioned myself
getting a job.
I should have visioned myself working in an environment
where the boss and co workers were awesome, and your sta-
tus was based on your hard work. But they were judgmental
and if the lead tech didn’t like you, as in “kiss her butt” like,
then you didn’t get the hours. Even if you worked hard and
knew more than most people that worked in the pharmacy
longer. I think one of my worst points was that I kept saying
to myself, “The lead tech doesn’t like me, and the pharmacist
is mean.”
Well, I was depressed that they lowered my hours based
on how much business we were making. I thought of myself
as a victim and directed my energy towards those emotions.
Then I remembered The Secret, and about my emotions
creating my future. I watched the movie repeatedly and
got Rhonda’s new book The Power and read it constantly. I
started to understand what I’d been doing wrong. So I imag-
ined I had a job that I loved in my field, doing IVs and work-
ing with great people and an awesome boss. When I woke up
every day I would say to myself.
“I am grateful for my job, my boss, and the career god/
the universe has chosen for me. I love what I do and I love
everybody I work with.”
Four weeks later, after applying to countless sites, I saw
an ad on monster.com, and it didn’t say much, just, “Local

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 95

oncology office seeking pharmacy tech to make IVs.” I faxed

my resume right away. I received a call two days later, and
had my interview. When I was interviewed, the girl went to
the same school I went too and had a teacher I knew about.
I had a second interview with the office manager, and even
though the interview was short, I knew I had the job.
On a Wednesday they called me and asked me if I was still
interested in the job. It was awesome. I’m so grateful I was
given a chance to be part of a place where they treat you with
respect and the office manager is really great and nice.
I feel so blessed now. It makes me want to cry.

Got better job than I thought

(Early to mid 40s professional male, living

in Ireland. Married with two children.)

I feel some amazing things have manifested for me on the

job front, and I am compelled to put it up on The Secret
My story is that I got word about two months ago that my
temporary contract would not be renewed and that I should
start looking for another job. Over the course of two months
I have been looking so hard, contacting anyone I know in the
industry at home, and also looking overseas in the Middle
East. Weeks go by, nothing is appearing. I think my experi-
ence is one of trying too hard.
Just before Easter I had my hair cut and my hair stylist
reminded me of the power of The Secret and how it works
in our lives. I had dabbled with it a few years ago and found
that I could manifest small things. Things like the thinking
about a friend and then they ring you that night or finding
car parking spaces, nothing really big. Hadn’t taken it to the
level required to bring about big things. I didn’t do the home-
work with written gratitude lists or vision boards, etc.
Before Easter I bought The Secret Gratitude book (up to
now I was too stingy to pay the money for it) and took some
time to really put together strong gratitude lists on all ar-
eas of my life. I especially worked on having that job in the
Middle East-­it’s what I was seeking strongly. I moved totally
into vivid thoughts of receiving the phone call, starting my
new job overseas, getting an IT induction, looking at palm
trees outside the window, turning the a/c units up and down.
Every day over Easter I read/thought/felt my gratitude lists
without actually calling any recruitment agencies. We live
right beside an airport and I even went there for a coffee,

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 97

like I was waiting on my flight. That role play was so strong,

I could feel that excited feeling I get before heading away to
travel. It felt absolutely real.
Then one day it happened. We were away on holiday
with friends at the coast. It started with a missed call on the
phone, international code. Then I headed to an internet café
and there it was an email in my junk mail about an oppor-
tunity for a great job overseas. I came out of the internet
café and the shop beside it had the same name as the person
who contacted me cue Twilight Zone music. The job descrip-
tion was as close to my perfect job as you could write. I was
called for a second interview which went like a dream, no
struggles or awkward questions, more of a friendly chat. The
final hurdle was another Gulf Client interview, which ended
up being cancelled because they were happy enough with
my CV/resume. The salary package was substantially higher
than what I asked for or even expected.
I just needed to back off the monumental effort to find a job
and let the universe manifest it by daily directed thought, use
of imagination and gratitude. I also gave enormous amounts
of gratitude to the company who was letting me go. A lot of
people are inclined to badmouth the company letting them
go, but I just didn’t go there. I thought about the people who
were kind to me, the interesting places I went to, the direc-
tors who gave me the job in the first place, only the positive
stuff. Every day I thought about the scenarios in the new job
arriving on the first day, being given an email login, talking
to HR, handshakes with new colleagues, being given stuff
to read/sign until the next induction, you know the kind of
things you do on your first day in a new job. Even the color
of the car sitting outside the window was white (Toyota).
This also ties up with our finances. We were close to se-
rious financial difficulties maxed out cards, overdraft at
limit, personal loans, big mortgage, etc. But I just turned
my thoughts around to having plenty, dining out, shopping,
ordering stuff online off Amazon, being abundant, treating
people to surprises, giving generously. I realize so strongly
98 Mohit Tahiliani

that even though I did The Secret a few years ago, my at-
titude to money was still one of lack, not enough, we have
to cut back, we have to shop as cheaply as possible. It was
the one part of The Secret that didn’t seem to ring true for
me. I struggled with it. I, like many, was indoctrinated that
it was not good to wish for more money. This was spiritually
wrong, etc. I kind of adapted my own Secret, skipping the bit
on money. So deep down that mind-­set was keeping me poor
even though other things were good in my life.
This new job will provide beyond what I thought was pos-
sible. The salary will mean my family and I can enjoy a com-
fortable lifestyle without the tightening our belts mentality
of the last year or two. Yes. I intend to pay debts off, but I
will not give the ‘getting out of debt’ any thought. As Bob
Proctor says, “I don’t care whether it’s get in or get out, if you
think debt, that’s what you’ll get.” I’ll be keeping thoughts
of abundance and more money than we need coming in, not
how quickly I can get out of debt.
I guess it’s quite scary when you tap into this power and
know with absolute certainty that it works.
Thanks to The Secret Team again. And my gratitude for
my marriage, friends, and family has only drawn them in
closer. Within days of doing the gratitude lists, all my close
friends phoned me. My relationship with my wife is the best
in years too.
Thanks for reading.

Yes, I got the job.
Yana F.
Baltimore, MD

(I am a receptionist and student. I came upon

“The Secret” ‘by accident’ in 2007, and my
life has been different ever since.)

Without fail, I am met with success every time I use the les-
sons from “The Secret.”
In February 2008, I lost a very well-­paying job. For weeks
after I moved from temp job to temp job, total unemploy-
ment, and finally to a permanent part-­time position paying
$10 an hour. Two days in on the part-­time job, and the owner
of the business informed me that she was going to change
my hours from 20 per week to 10. There was no way I could
live off of $100.00 a week.
I walked home from work feeling sad and discouraged.
When I got into my apartment I felt an overwhelming urge
to watch “The Secret,” even though I didn’t have much more
energy than it would take to sit and worry about what I was
going to do without a regular job and more money. After I
watched the movie, I got my journal and wrote an affirma-
tion. This was the affirmation:
“I am manifesting a great administrative position within
walking distance to my home, within coming days. At this
job I make at least $30,000 per year. The people I work with
are joyful, kind-­hearted, and co-­operative. The work I per-
form I find interesting, and I am greatly appreciated by my
co-­workers and supervisors. I am paid weekly, arrive on time
or early every Monday through Friday, and I thoroughly en-
joy every day that I go to this job. I am thankful for the in-
clusive and clear process that has manifested my perfect new
job right now.”
I wrote that on April 8, 2008. I said the affirmation
throughout the day, and I could feel joy when I said it. A

100 Mohit Tahiliani

feeling of excitement washed over me every time I thought

about this new job. I was so excited.
The next day, I was at my part-­time job, and my cell phone
kept ringing. I missed three back to back calls, all from the
same number, and all within minutes of one another. During
a break, I checked my messages and the caller was a lady
from a temp agency I registered with in 2006.
I called the number and told the receptionist who I was.
She told me that they (the agency) were trying to reach me
because they had a job for me. The job was paying exactly
what I was asking for, and she said that I could start the next
day if I wanted it. When I asked her where it was, she said
that it was at a design firm five minutes from my house,
walking distance. Moreover, she told me that this was a per-
manent position, not a temp position.
I started my job on April 10, 2008, two days after I wrote
and believed that I was receiving the job that I wanted. I’m
writing this on June 25, 2008, and my job is just as wonder-
ful today as it was the first day I arrived. In August I will
officially become a regular employee, and I could not be
I know that “The Secret” works. I am so happy and grate-
ful to have an awareness of “The Secret”

I manifested my Job
M. C.

(18 year old who is lucky to have discovered

The Secret today at such a young age, to
experience a much more blessed tomorrow.)

The Secret is an amazing thing, isn’t it? The fact that we can
have whatever we want, just by focusing on it and taking
inspired action is incredible, and something that I know for
many (myself included) really takes a while to sink in. My
first few attempts with The Secret unfortunately weren’t so
successful, however I truly believe that you have to hit ‘rock
bottom’ in order to fully and truly surrender yourself to the
power that is the law of attraction.
One of the main things that I wanted to attract using The
Secret was a job. Specifically, I always wanted to work in a
fun and funky clothing shop, so that was what I focused on. I
envisioned myself at “work” every day, I thought about what
tasks I may have to do and the people I would encounter, I
was playing the scenarios over in my head and really feeling
as though they had already occurred. I told people that I had
gotten a great job and would often tell people that I had to
work. I even purchased a little planner and wrote down the
days I had to work and when I wanted to work. I drew up my
own mini roster for work, and kept it in my room, the whole
time knowing that this dream job was coming to me and re-
ally keeping in the feeling and knowledge of it.
Anyway, one day I decided to take a look online at all the
great things I’d purchase once I had my amazing new job and
all that extra money in the bank, which led me to one par-
ticular site which was a store I’d always dreamed of working
for. Whilst browsing their stock, I came across their Careers
section and was stunned to find an open position in the store,
at the shopping center I wanted to work at. It was perfect,

102 Mohit Tahiliani

and I had never seen any openings at this store as it was so

very popular. I was stunned. The law of attraction led me
there, so I knew it was a sign. I applied straight away.
The position was for Assistant Manager, which is a little
more qualified than I am, but I had faith. The Secret took me
there for a reason, and I knew in my heart and in my mind
that job was mine.
The rest. Well, now I’m Assistant Manager at the coolest
clothing shop in the country, earning an amazing salary and
working great hours.
I’m so grateful for The Secret. It has changed my life for
the better. There’s nothing better than that feeling of peace,
and in knowing that we do know The Secret, and that every-
thing that we want is coming to us.
Thank you Rhonda and to everyone reading this. I hope I
may have inspired at least one of you, like so many of your
stories have me.

It really works

(I am a 30 year old woman who truly

believes now in “The Secret”.)

First I want to thank from the bottom of my heart Rhonda

and everybody who was involved in sharing “The Secret”
with the world, and especially my friend Armin who gave me
the advice to buy the book.
First I started with simple things like parking spaces, and
yes it really worked, it’s unbelievable. Then I was looking for
a job, I read the ad and I knew this is the job that I want, it’s
perfect for me. So I applied and from then on I was telling
to myself every day the job-­title, I even wrote it down many,
many times, my name, my job-­title and the name of the com-
pany and I was happy and thankful for already having the
job. I changed my CV with the new job-­title and company
and I stopped looking and applying for other jobs, because
I knew I already have it. After having the first appointment I
had to go there a second time and I knew that it was only me
and another woman left. So I tried to manifest it even more. I
bought a plant for the office and a new suit (smaller, because
I want to lose weight) that I would wear on my first working
day. I made a vision board with the picture of the office and
I would visualize how I would enter it every day.
And today they called me, and I have the job. Besides the
job on my vision board is a perfect body and skin, and I al-
ready lost weight and my skin got better. So keep the faith
and be happy and thankful, and the universe will bring it to


I got IBM
Kemparaj N
Bangalore, India

(I am a happy person enjoying every moment of my life.)

Hi everyone, my name is Kemparaj. So many companies re-

jected me, and I thought this was the end. I gave up all hope.
But a day came that changed my entire life. My friend gave
me “The Secret” movie. I watched it and also experimented
with it.
Many things happened as I like. Then IBM came to our
college for recruitment, and I used LOA and it worked so
well for me that even I could not believe that I cleared the
first round so easily. And I also did better than others. The
next day was my final round, and I did not do well in the first
part of that round. But in the second part I answered all the
questions given to us. I still didn’t know how I did, though.
So all I did is imagine that I already had the job. But to tell
you all, I had lost hope because of my marks.
I always wanted to work in my dream company, IBM. And
today, because of The Secret, I got placed in IBM. Trust me,
if it works for me, it definitely works for you and also for
everyone. I am very happy and grateful that I have a key to
success in my life in whatever things I do.


My vision board
Believer of “The Secret”

(Recently got my dream job, practicing

The Secret in my life.)

I am a strong believer of The Secret. I came to know about

the movie The Secret three years back. I have tried to use it in
my life before but always have drifted away from it.
I recently completed my masters and was looking for a
job. I was initially worried whether I would get it or not, and
for almost two months I was thinking about it. In between
these two months I tried to use The Secret in my life. I was
planning to use it but always ended up mindful of negative
thoughts, and this didn’t help me in overcoming my frustra-
tion, anger, doubt, hate on everybody and everything.
I started to listen to The Secret and The Power audio book
whenever I drove. I prepared a vision board for myself, but
still didn’t feel very happy and peaceful. I still had doubts
whether I would get what I asked of the Universe (the God
my Creator). I was trying to figure out what mistake I was
making, because I was always stressed, which was taking
away the happy moments from me.
Then one day when I was looking at my vision board I
realized that I was not specific about what I wanted. I had
mentioned everything in a very vague way with pictures and
words, but the words and pictures didn’t ask for anything
specific. I edited my vision board immediately, with pictures
of the company to which I had applied two weeks before, a
picture congratulating me for the new job and a picture with
the word “gratitude” on it, this is to remind me to be grateful
for everything I had and am yet to receive.
Also, I decided that I will only think of positive things in
my life from now. I had hate and anger in my mind against
many of my family and friends, so I started to forgive

106 Mohit Tahiliani

everyone. Initially it was really difficult to accept, so I started

to say prayers of thank you to God for my family and friends.
I prayed to God to bless everyone, and I prayed individually
for my family members. This really helped me a lot. I was
sending prayers of love, and I started to pray for their needs
with my full heart. This helped me a lot to come out of my
anger and hate. After so many years of fighting with one of
my family members, I forgave her and spoke to her. This
cleared my mind and I was out of hate. I was in love with
nature. Everything I saw and heard I started to love.
Now that I was out of my hate, I started to picture my-
self joining in the company which I had applied for and was
imagining myself going to the office, parking my car in the
parking lot, feeling the cool breeze on the lake in the cam-
pus, and pictured myself sitting in a cabin next to a window
facing the lake with the fountain. I was picturing this every
day and night whenever I was happy and relaxed.
Within two days they called me for an interview, and I also
cleared the interview. I was so happy to hear the news that I
was offered the job. Now I have joined the company, though
I have not been offered a cabin near the window facing the
lake, I am one hundred percent sure that soon I will get a
cabin from where I will be able to watch the lake.
I am so happy about the job, the company, and my pay.
This is all I was waiting for, for so many years. Now I am so
happy and my family is also happy for me. Without the help
of The Secret I would not have done this. Believe and ask
God, he will surely bless you. The only thing you need to do
is love others and pray for others.

The Power works
Hong Kong

(28 years old, love my own life.)

First of all, I would like to say thank you to the whole Secret
team and Rhonda. Because of “The Secret” and this website,
I know about the law of attraction, and then I owned another
book, “The Power”, and it let me have better understanding
about the application of this law. From my heart deeply, it’s
my pleasure to have the chance to know and apply this love
rule in my life, and I know that my life will be totally dif-
ferent, will be full of love, joy, and be amazing. Here is my
I quit my job a few months ago because I would like to
find a better job that was suitable for me (not just work for
money). I wanted to change my job field and future career
plan. However, I had no idea what kind of job or industry I
should choose. After a month’s job searching time, I only got
one interview from a company that I did not really like. A
week before, I was full of negative thinking and frequency. I
got no good response.
Suddenly, one day, I found that this was not a good way for
me; I should adjust my mind and frequency to become pos-
itive first. I read “The Secret” book again and felt the hap-
piness and love through the different shared stories in this
website. I felt much better and decided not to think about job
searching. I tried to enjoy my free time (and just imagined
and pretended I’ve already got a job and am waiting for the
commencement date). I thought, “The world will select the
most suitable one for me.”
After that I truly believed the thing I imagined. I felt re-
laxed and happy in the following days. And then I kept read-
ing Rhonda’s new book “The Power” and it gave me many

108 Mohit Tahiliani

more ideas and methods to let me keep a positive frequency

of love.
Two days later, I received a call for an interview (for a dif-
ferent field job I’d applied for 2 weeks ago and I didn’t think
I would have any interview chance for). Bang. I felt happy
and thankful, but not that excited, just like I already knew it.
Before I went to the interview, I kept giving love to the
job, and all my job related imaginations, and I had a strong
feeling I would receive my dream job. I listed my dream job’s
requirements and gave my gratitude. The night before the
day of my interview, although my financial situation was not
good enough, I still signed up for Child Sponsorship Pro-
gram and donated money. When I did that, I said, “Thank
you for the money I gave and I wish it will pass my love to a
child who needs it.” I didn’t think it will be returned to me,
simple that it felt great that I had the ability to help others. I
believed no matter what I would get the money for a monthly
donation afterward... it would come to me by its way. I felt
happy and full of love inside my heart.
The final result of my interview is a job which fulfills all
my dream job’s requirements (nice boss and colleagues, nice
pay and staff benefits, nice working hours & environment),
and I believe I will find happiness, joy and wealth in this job,
because “life is following me”.

Every job is a dream job
London, England

(I understand the law of attraction very

easily and living my life since then.)

Throughout my life I had always known The Secret, I just

related to it in a different way. When the book finally came
to me, I was thrilled because it took all the inclinations I had
about the law of attraction and said what it was, and how to
use it.
I love all of the followers of The Secret because it sup-
ports an open and accepting environment. Tell yourself that
everything is possible. Tell yourself that everything you want
is on its way. The more you explore The Secret and think
about The Secret the more you notice it on a daily basis.
Feel those empowering feelings; you are in control. You are
surrounded by the positive, even if everything about The Se-
cret was completely wrong, why wouldn’t you still want to
practice it? Feeling happy and feeling positive is really what
you’re trying to achieve in life. Be completely confident and
easygoing and everything is on its way.
One example of The Secret in my life is, I was working
as a carriage pusher last year, but I didn’t like the job as
it was tiring, had no point to it, I did the same thing for 8
hours every day, I started slacking off and not doing my best.
But, as I was walking around that parking lot late at night by
myself getting the last of the carts, I told myself, I love my
job, I have a job that supports everything I want to be, and
It is always fun. At the time I was trying to use The Secret
to improve my feelings about the current job because I was
A month or so later I was fired. But I never got in my
head the loss of the job, it hit me for a couple minutes as I

110 Mohit Tahiliani

was leaving but that was it. I kept living my life the best I
could and trying to use The Secret. Just a few months later
the perfect job was brought to me. I was hiring at a small
school for a summer program. I was so thrilled to have such
a great job, I felt empowered, and the real excitement came
when I was asked to work there for the entire year. I still
work there now and it’s amazing, I’m friends with everyone
there, everyday is exciting, and I’ve grown and learned so
much in the past year. I’m writing this for myself, and for
you because the more you talk about an analyze The Secret,
the more it comes to you. My next job is going to be even
more exciting and wonderful.
I am a master of The Secret, envision yourself mastering
The Secret, feel the excitement in realizing you attracted
something that you wanted. This is most important. Thinking
about and focusing on yourself realizing and knowing when
The Secret happens is only going to make it happen more
for you. Day to day life distracts us, I make sure to use The
Secret whenever I can; it always pops into my head whether
I expect it to or not.
We are all strong, we are all positive, we all support each
other. I am most important, The Secret is most important. If
it’s not working for you, you need to stop being skeptical,
cast all doubt out of your mind. It may seem like a naive
unrealistic point of view for some people, but it is what we
are all here to do.
The Secret works more and more for me, and I’m going to
start keeping a daily log so that when The Secret does hap-
pen I can go back and say, I asked for that, I wanted that, I
always get what I want. The Secret is like anything else, the
more you practice it, the better you get at it and the faster the
things you want come to you. The LOA is amazing, worship
it. Devote any thought power you can to it. Keep The Secret
close, read it or watch the movie every other day if you can.
Memorize it, master it like I have.
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 111

Anyway, back to the job, I never focused on the loss of my

job. I never focus on something if I don’t like it, why would
you even want to focus about something that makes you feel
bad? Feel great about everything you do, everyday is a gift;
every little moment in life is your creation, your gift.

Thank you for my job.

(I am a happy woman living my life

the way I always wanted to.)

I had just moved due to my husband’s new job and was un-
employed. I had been looking for a job but nothing was re-
ally exciting me. I was becoming really reluctant to look for
a job and said to me “It would be nice for a job just to fall in
my lap”.
A week later, friends of mine introduced me to The Secret.
The movie came at the most perfect time in my life. I de-
cided then and there that a job will just fall in my lap.
Sure enough, a few weeks after that, my husband comes
home and tells me there’s a position at his work I’m qualified
for. It was for a job I had never done, but after discussing it
over with him, I realized that I definitely had the skills. I felt
really good and positive. I kept saying to anyone who could
listen, “I can do this job” and “I’m going to get this job.”
Now you are probably thinking that I got this job because
of my husband, well, I did get an interview because of him,
but I had to pass a test and interview well. The great thing is,
is that I studied just the right things, aced the interview and
got the job, all on my own.
A week before my interview, I was talking with my friends,
mentioned above, at their store and was telling them about
the job I was going to be interviewing for. Then a friend of
theirs comes in and we start chatting and I find out that for
10 years, he had been doing what I was applying for. He pro-
ceeded to give me all sorts of helpful advice. It was just so
amazing that minutes after the words came out of my mouth,
in walks a person that was able to help me even more.
I love this movie and I love what it is doing for people.
I got an exciting job
M. M. Sanchez
San Francisco, CA

(I got my perfect job and now using

LOA for different things.)

For almost a year I’ve been in the most boring job of my

entire career. I was frustrated, uninterested, and disgusted.
I decided in January of 2007 that this would be my year of
change. I reached out to friends/colleagues and mentors for
suggestions and inquired if anyone knew of a career coun-
selor or coach that I could talk to about my situation. One
of my dear friends suggested a career coach, and made an
appointment to speak with her.
One of the first things she asked me was what did I want
to do in my career. I began telling her that I didn’t want to
be bored, I didn’t want to commute anymore, and she imme-
diately stopped me and asked me again, what do you want?
She said to me “You are telling me all of the things you don’t
want.” That’s when it occurred to me that I wasn’t very clear
on what I wanted to do. All I knew is that I wanted out of my
current situation.
My coach asked me if I had ever seen The Secret. I hadn’t.
She told me she doesn’t normally lend it out, but felt that she
could trust me, and lent me her copy of The Secret. Immedi-
ately after watching it, I understood what she was trying to
tell me. I went home and made a list of all the things I was
grateful for.
Within a matter of weeks amazing things began to hap-
pen. I received a call from a colleague who (in my opinion
has the perfect job) telling me how excited she was, that she
just received the job offer of her dreams, and wanted to know
if I wanted her job? Just like that. She already told her boss
about me, and within the hour her boss called me and wanted
to set up a time to meet with me. Days later I received a letter

114 Mohit Tahiliani

in the mail from a job I applied to months ago, telling me

that I’ve met the required qualifications and my name has
been placed on the list of people to be interviewed for that
Just yesterday I received a phone call from someone say-
ing that someone passed my resume along to them, and they
wanted to interview me for a position they have available. I
literally received 4 job opportunities within 10 days.
I am so thankful to that career counselor who told me
about The Secret. It has literally transformed my life and my
way of thinking. I am able to catch myself whenever I start
to think negatively and immediately turn those thoughts into
positive ones. I have bought several copies for family and
loved ones, and I’m constantly amazed at how my life has
changed since viewing The Secret.
The Secret has confirmed many things that I already knew
and have been taught. The presentation is such an awesome
and powerful medium and I’m grateful to Rhonda Byrne for
putting this all together in such a wonderful package.

I got the job I loved
Jorge Lopez

(Born in Colombia, single, 35 years, always

dreamed about going around the world. Major in
international business, always very positive and a
total dreamer thanks to the teachings of my family.)

Hi, I have a lot of stories about The Secret that have hap-
pened to me since I was young, but the main story I want to
tell is this:
I was living in Colombia, and dreaming of traveling a lot. I
saw an advert on the Internet about a job which will train you
in different products all over the world. It was open for 2,000
people and they chose 8. Usually you might think, ‘that is
only 0.4%,’ but I thought, ‘why not?’ I applied for it.
A couple of months later they told me my resume was
chosen and I would have an interview. I did the interview
and finally 4 months later they said I should go personally
to Switzerland for the final selection process (there were 24
people left). After this, 1 month later, they called me and said
I was chosen amongst 2,000 people.
Since then I have not stopped traveling. I lived in the USA,
Spain, the Netherlands, South Korea, Vietnam, Honk Kong,
Singapore and Switzerland. And I see pictures of me in these
places and guess what? I am always smiling. I cannot stop
This is really working, it is about following your dreams
and once you get on that train there is no turning back, it is
always full speed ahead. Thank you.


I got the position I love
Michelle D.
Macomb, MI

(I was introduced to The Secret during a Toastmasters

International club meeting this past winter. I had never
heard of The Secret, but was very interested in learning
how to use The Secret. I have watched the video several
times and read the book. I tell everyone about The Secret.)

Believe it or not, but I just learned of The Secret this year

(2009) during a Toastmasters International club meeting. I
was very interested in learning The Secret and went home
and downloaded the video.
I wanted to use The Secret on landing the perfect job. I
was driving 70 miles round trip to a job I didn’t enjoy at all.
I wanted to land the perfect job where I love getting up in the
morning and look forward to the workday. So I visualized
the perfect job and knew I would find it. I just didn’t know
what company it would be or where it would be located.
To make a long story short, my previous employer con-
tacted me and presented a job offer that I couldn’t refuse. I
have been working in my new position for about one month
now and I absolutely love it. I look forward to each workday.
Also, the company is close to my home. I am so happy and
grateful I learned of The Secret. It has changed my life.


My Dream Job
Devaki Ganapathy

(I am 37 year old single woman living life on my own

terms. Kicked the job which was nowhere progressing
& go t my dream job after waiting for 6 months.)

I was been told by The Secret from my friends but somehow

during those troubled days I didn’t take any interest in what
they said.
In the month of October 2008 somehow I picked up the
book from a pavement seller and I was so inspired by the
book I went ahead & bought the CD too. I had been working
with the MNC for last 12 years and have 3 degrees and I’m
very good at work, but no promotions had come my way. The
company was paying very little for my services & dumping
me with lot of work. Whenever I approached my superior’s
they just evaded me and I was so frustrated. I wanted to put
in my resignation even without a job in hand, but I was not
well placed financially.
After reading The Secret I felt, why should I be bothered
about all these little things when the universe is conspiring
to get me my dream job with monthly salary of Rs.60000/-­It
sounded crazy then but after quitting from the job which I
did not like I patiently waited for 6 months and got my dream
job with exactly the salary I wanted.
I always kept this hope that the universe will answer my
prayers and it did by miraculously healing my health prob-
lem & getting this plum job.
I shared the book & DVD to many of my friends. Thank
you Universe for bringing happiness, peace and prosperity
in my life.


Am I dreaming?

(Currently living in France, looking to relocate to Italy)

I had been searching for a new job for several months. Al-
though I have a good CV, my job search was complicated as
I needed to be sponsored for a work visa, and I had already
lost out in the final rounds of interviews for two positions to
other candidates due to my visa problem.
Then I received a call about a position in Italy. I love Italy,
have always wanted to work there, but I’d never thought it
possible as I did not speak Italian. So this position was per-
fect. I did not need to speak the language, the job was exactly
what I wanted, the location was ideal.
The first round of interviews went without a hitch, and I
had a great feeling about working there. But the company
called me to say that they were most likely going to go with
another candidate already located in the city.
I was extremely disappointed. But, I thought, the deci-
sion wasn’t final yet, so I tried to apply The Secret. I made
a mock-­up of my business card. I recited my name and new
position over and over again. I wrote out my new title, com-
pany name, and address until I could say it in my sleep. I
made out a list of things to do for relocation. I cleaned my
office as if I had resigned. I circled my new start date on my
Then the company called me to confirm that they had
made an offer to the other candidate who had accepted and
signed the contract. At that point, I was so disappointed that I
was ready to give up on The Secret. But then I told myself: if
I couldn’t land this job, I would land another job that would
still take me to Italy. And so I started relaxing and telling
myself that my dream job would soon arrive. I didn’t know
how, but it would arrive.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 119

Guess what? The company called me again 3 days ago.

The other candidate had backed out at the last minute, and
now I will be meeting the CEO tomorrow as the top candi-
date. They are even prepared to sponsor my work visa.
Now I’m visualizing my new contract, walking into my
new office, relocating to my new home.

Thank you for everything

(I am 24 years old, with a highly creative job

which I manifested all thanks to The Secret.)

I have been practicing The Secret, the miraculous law of at-

traction since 2008. I manifested my dream job and have a
wonderful life that I love.
The Secret found me in late 2007, and it has been the big-
gest blessing to me. Thank You Rhonda, The Secret team
and all the wonderful people who bought this message to the
So I am here to share my latest wonder story.
My fiancée has been trying to change jobs for almost a
year now, finally a good opportunity came knocking (he read
The Secret just two months back and manifested this golden
opportunity). The consultancy had called him a week before,
briefing him about the job profile and the interview. How-
ever, it was already a week, we hadn’t heard from her again.
So when I was reading one of stories features in the web-
site (my favorite part of the day is when I read the miraculous
awe-­inspiring stories), I saw how one person had manifested
their dream job by changing the details in their pay slip. So
without losing any time, I immediately set about creating
an offer letter for my fiancée with his preferred salary and
designation. I said to myself, I will email this right after
his interview, but remember he did not have any interview
scheduled yet.
And then the miracle begins, a day after, my fiancée calls
me to fix a lunch date the next day, I was surprised since we
work in two corners of the city. Then he tells me he received
the interview call for tomorrow at my firm, I was excited. The
next day morning, I told myself, I will be at the beginning of

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 121

every queue; I visualized my fiancée calling and telling me

how smoothly the interview went.
So he comes during lunch, and we go to this place that is
usually so crowded during that part of the day. But the law of
attraction was already in action, and we received our orders
pretty fast, and there was no one else at the counter. Right
after we started lunch, I look back at the counter and it was
jammed with people. My fiancée told me, we were pretty
lucky to get our order so fast and easy, and I told him I knew
it was coming since I had wished for it. And now, it happens
to me all the time, I always walk into an empty counter and
get my orders super fast.
Now back to the story, my fiancée goes for the interview,
aces it and we had a celebration. He told me he was so re-
laxed in the interview since he already knew and felt that
he received it. We are yet to receive a confirmation, but we
know that job position was created only for him. So today, I
emailed him the offer letter and told him we will have a big-
ger celebration back home.
Chapter 5


When it comes to relationships, I am not focusing only about
your soul mate or romantic relationships; it is also about the
relationships with your parents, siblings, cousins, relatives,
friends and people you don’t even know. Everyone and ev-
erything in this world is connected by the law of attraction.
In relationships, it’s all about giving. Relationships are
one of the most beautiful things we have, to give love and
change our lives. As you all know, what you give is what you
will receive. This tells you how relationships give you the
opportunity to give as much love as possible.
It’s as simple as it sounds. If you want people around you
to be caring, then you make an effort to care for the people
around you. If you want people around you to make you
laugh, then you make an effort to make them laugh. As one
of our greatest leaders said,” Be the change you want to see
in others.”
The truth is; there is abundance of everything you want.
Everyone is unique and so their likes are different. Many
people have used this great power to create their environ-
ment and people they want to live with. Remember that
when you are asking for a change, the most important thing
is that it should bring you joy and happiness. Following are
the stories of how people have used the law of attraction to
bring joy and success to their relationships.


I attracted the guy I like
Latin America

(17 year old girl with positive thoughts.)

My story begins like this. I was at my house with a friend of

mine and we were talking about The Secret and we wanted to
test it, so we decided to set dates when our crushes will talk
to us. I wrote in a piece of paper the name of my crush and
then wrote “will talk to me this Saturday”. Then we sent our
positive vibes and behaved like it already happened.
Two hours after we did this procedure I received a simple
“:)” from him on my facebook chat. I couldn’t believe my
eyes. I had added him about two weeks before he talked to
me and this was the first time he had the courage to talk to
me. It was amazing. I asked the universe for him to talk to
me that Saturday but my wish came true two hours after.
Now I’m asking for him to keep talking to me and maybe
someday have a relationship with him.
Thank you Universe and Rhonda, this is amazing. Visual-
ize and believe.


I am engaged
Emily Cline
Cincinnati, OH

(College student in pre-­pharmacy, wearing

a beautiful engagement ring.)

My fiance broke up with me a few months ago due to his

problems with bi polar disorder. I was heartbroken, of course.
At first I avoided anything that would remind me of him. I
packed everything I had of his into a box and hid it in the
closet. Then my mother, a true faithful person got me back
into The Secret. I had read the book before and watched the
movie, but I wasn’t so sure how much I believed in it.
She told me I could bring back my fiance if I opened my-
self up and made room for him to come back. She told me
that though it wasn’t my fault he left, I had attracted it to
myself. She told me that just because you attract something
to you doesn’t make it your fault. It’s only your fault if you
let it get you down and let it control you. You must learn to
control it.
So I re-­read the book and re-­watched the movie. Actually,
I did this near daily. I realized that by packing up my life
with him in a box, I was telling the universe that I didn’t want
him around. So I took everything out and put them away. I
took my pictures of us together and taped them to the wall
next to my bed. They are always the first things I wake up to
and fall asleep to. I sleep cuddling with a stuffed lion that has
a slight resemblance to a dandelion. It’s significant because
his name is Daniel and his childhood nickname was Dande-
lion. The lion’s name is Dandy Lion, of course. He got it for
me when I hurt my hand and had to go to the ER.
I’ve also taken all of my books of marriage and wedding
planning and put them back on the bookshelf. I put together
a weekend bag. It essentially contains a change of clothes
and toiletries. I started working on my scrapbook of us again.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 127

I’ve been growing green peppers. He’s always loved them

so I’ve been growing them for him. Every time I go out and
buy myself a drink or snack, I buy one for him too. I eventu-
ally eat them myself but with the thought in mind that I’m
eating his food and stealing it from him. It makes the Baby
Ruth taste better.
I’ve got a journal now full of things I’m grateful for. Pages
full of all the people and things I’m grateful for in life. Full
of all of the things I’m grateful for about myself; that I can
see, that I have a beautiful, functioning body, that my eyes
are gorgeous.
I’ve started dressing in yellow a lot more, his favorite
color on me. I also got myself a bikini. The significance there
is that I’m hydrophobic and have only felt comfortable in
pools of water if Daniel is holding onto me. I wouldn’t have
one if I didn’t have him. No point.
And more significant than anything else, I got myself a
silver chain and started wearing his engagement ring around
my neck. I keep it close to my heart.
A few weeks ago my mother came to visit me. Her pres-
ence made me incredibly happy and she helped to renew my
faith through her wisdom and her own unwavering faith. So I
told myself, “Daniel is going to talk to me.” And he did, just
not in the way I had hoped.
I ended up receiving a text message from him saying: “I’m
sorry you got hurt, but we’re done.” I was devastated until
my mother reminded me that I got what I asked for. I just
wasn’t specific enough. Then she went on to remind me that
there was no reason for him to text me at all, since he and
I hadn’t spoken in a month. I realized how right she was
and despite the seemingly negative situation, I realized how
amazing this was.
So I continued what I was doing for two more weeks. Al-
though, I must admit, I had started losing faith. Then, with-
out knowing why, I found myself at the jeweler who made
my ring (an independent store owned by this really nice man
who’s very dedicated to his work). He took the ring from
128 Mohit Tahiliani

me without any question and started cleaning it, remarking

about how much Daniel must have loved me. He said that
Daniel came into the store multiple times checking all of the
rings, making sure he got the perfect one.
Why does this matter? Because Daniel is bipolar. The type
of bipolar Daniel is means that he goes from being somewhat
depressed to being extremely manic. When he’s depressed,
he pushes people away and mopes around and sleeps all day.
When he’s manic, he buys a lot of things for himself and
does things on a whim. I was so worried that the proposal
was just one of those spontaneous acts of mania. The fact
that he put a lot of thought and planning into it means that
it couldn’t have been. The fact that he bought something for
someone else (something as expensive as white gold and 4k
of diamonds) and not for himself is amazing.
My faith was restored. Then I realized what a perfect day
it was for him to show up and talk to me. I had it envisioned
that he would show up on my back doorstep wanting to talk
and apologize and forgive. Then I would ask him to ride with
me in my car and I would take him to this beautiful but some-
what hidden flower garden park near my house. The point
was that it would be romantic.
The A/C in my car is broken and it’s been too humid to just
have the windows down. It’s been near 90 degrees around
here, but it was cooling down that day and it was the perfect
temperature. My Dad, who pretty much hates Daniel, he was
working the night shift that day. So he wouldn’t be around to
see him and get angry.
I was talking about all of this to my mother, and then got
in my car to go for a ride. As I was leaving my driveway, I
saw his car (unmistakably yellow and sporty) with its turn
signal on to turn into my driveway. When he saw me leaving
he sped off instead. Instead of going home and waiting like
I’m sure the universe wanted me to, I got excited and started
driving around.
I kept thinking to myself, “He’s looking for me. He’s try-
ing to find me.” It occurred to me that if I kept thinking that,
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 129

he would never find me because he would always be search-

ing for me. Then I started thinking, “He’s looking for me. He
wants to find me. We’re going to find each other.” And boy
did we.
I pulled up to an intersection at the same time that he did.
And the road we were at further supported my thoughts that
he was looking for me instead of going to an actual destina-
tion, because of how the roads work. There was a small mo-
ment of pause and stun before we both hid our faces and he
pulled away as fast as he could, away from me.
I was heartbroken until I realized that I was looking for
and found him. And he found me, too. Just because he hid
his face and ran for it didn’t mean anything bad, because I
did that, too.
My warning to you people is, be careful how you go about
things. Be careful how you word things. Don’t be too vague
and most importantly, do not confuse the universe. The uni-
verse was about to give me everything but my actions were
terribly contradicting what I was asking for. But it’s obvious
to me now that the LOA works.
Remember to have faith. Remember that even negative
happenings aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Just take them as
a sign. Take your faith wherever you must, but always have
faith. Pray if you are religious.
Don’t ever give up. Just be careful. Stay positive. Watch
funny movies, review why what you want isn’t impossible.
Give yourself small gifts. Give to others, too. Be a kind, car-
ing, and most importantly, forgiving, person.

I am in love with my life

(I am 18 years old and excited about

life which is meant to be great.)

Well, the magic began when I first met The Secret about two
years ago. I was very excited with the idea of creating my life
so started applying it the same day. At that time there was a
boy in my school that I was really attracted to and I desper-
ately wanted to know him better and (why not) become my
new boyfriend. So I gave it a try and started being grateful
for the great opportunity I had to spend time with him to get
to know him better. I was imagining myself with him and it
was making me feel like I was really there, I was extremely
Two days later we were sitting together (I have to mention
that we had never talked before, he didn’t even know my
name) talking and laughing. How amazing was that?
That week my school was organizing a dance and my best
friend told me that it was an opportunity to see if he is at-
tracted to me. By this point he didn’t seem very attracted but
I thought that it would be great to give it a try. Again I was
feeling enthusiastic and grateful picturing myself spending
the whole night with him. All the emotions were so real that I
couldn’t hide them. I was shining and many people noticed it.
That great feeling gave me the happy end of my story, which
is the best part. That night he spoke with my best friend and
asked her if I was interested because he really liked me.
I wish I could explain to you the feeling that came over
me in that moment. I was looking at my friend and couldn’t
make a sound. That was the time I became a true believer. He
still is my boyfriend and whenever I look at him I know how
grateful I am. Since then I have never stopped believing and

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 131

miracles happen to me every day. That same week I received

$5.000 as it was one of my bigger goals.
I love my life.
I hope my story helps a lot of people and makes them
believers too.

Thank you Rhonda

(25 year old girl who is living according

to The Secret from now on.)

Dear Rhonda and everybody else that might read this.

I’m finally writing this letter after having several things
happening to me according to The Secret philosophy. Here I
will share one of them.
I must admit that I have been using The Secret for about
a year now, but have never truly believed in it (even though
I have seen it in action time and time again). I did not start
to apply it before I was desperate. I have never ever wanted
anything to work as much as I did The Secret in November
last year.
After a great vacation for six weeks travelling all over the
US with my boyfriend, something horrible happened. He
wanted a break from our relationship. It came out of the blue
and I did not expect it at all. I was heartbroken. As I went to
live with my parents for about a week, I started to think about
what I’d read in The Secret book; how people had become
healthy after just watching funny movies and not thinking
about their diseases. So that is what I did.
All I did for one week was watch funny movies and TV
series, play with my mother’s cute little dog, play solitaire
(because I love that), and tried to keep my mind off my boy-
friend. It didn’t work all the time of course, but I tried my
best. I also said to myself every night that, “He will take me
back. He will realize how much he loves me and take me
back.” I also didn’t feel any resentment towards him. I just
felt love. Even though everyone else asked me, “Why are
you not angry with him?” Or, “Why don’t you deal with it?”
Or, “Breaks like this never work.” I ignored them and just
focused on what I wanted.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 133

We did not have much contact during this time, but in the
few texts I sent him, I really focused on being nice and tried
not to give him more guilt than he already felt by doing this
to me. I even ended some of the texts with a smile face. I
didn’t do this as an agenda to get him back, but because I still
love him and I didn’t want to hurt him.
One week and one day after the break started I got a text
that felt a little different; where he asked if I could come
meet him at home (I was living at my friends’ place at the
time). What he told me that day was amazing! He had had
an epiphany the night before where he realized that this was
his biggest mistake ever. I won’t go into detail what we spoke
about, but one thing I will share with you. He said that the
trigger of this epiphany was me answering one of his texts
with a smile face and the effort he could see that I put in it
to make him feel better about himself and not feel as guilty.
And suddenly he could feel the same love for me as he had
when we first met.
I see this as indisputable proof that The Secret and The
Power works. Like attracts like, Love attracts Love.
Thank you, thank you Rhonda for sharing this Secret with
me. And thank you very, very much universe for giving me
my boyfriend and relationship back. Now we are as happy as
ever and live, love, and laugh together every day.
Bless you all.

Do you believe in miracles?
I do, because they happen
Saniya Shetty
Amritsar, India

(I am complex, smart, intelligent, and possess a

gorgeous family and awesome friends. My life
is beautiful with the people around me.)

Hey people,
Last night I visited The Secret website for the first time
and got to read some wonderful stories, and I remembered
how I had imagined myself sharing this wonderful experi-
ence of mine with everybody who acknowledges The Secret.
I got to read The Secret three years ago. A very dear friend
of mine suggested it to me when I was facing a lot of prob-
lems in my 10 month old relationship. I was 17 at that time
and today I think that I didn’t understand it completely at that
time. Eventually my relationship ended in a break up. After
the break up we talked on and on and off basis, fought, and
finally stopped talking 6 months ago.
I could not apply The Secret to save my relationship be-
cause my predominant thoughts were about the ‘HOW’ part
of the things, and the universe replied leaving me figuring
out the ‘how is it gonna happen’. Last weekend came the
miracle. I decided to rejuvenate all the knowledge of The
I got to visit his town last weekend with my cousin. Our
plan was spontaneous, and I had a gut feeling of something
That night I was feeling nostalgic all the way there, and
missing him. I even went near his place just to satisfy my
inner instincts, but could not see him as I knew that he could
only be at his college. He studies 4000 km away from his
home and visits home hardly twice in a year.

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 135

The next day I had a train at 1:00pm but I told my cousin

that I want to go early morning instead, as I am not feel-
ing good in this town. That night I dreamed about him, us
being together, and all the beautiful moments we had. Next
morning at 6am we were waiting for our train and I was al-
most asleep standing there. I found a guy staring me, and
that was him. My mouth hung open in disbelief.
He waved and smiled. I could not smile back out of shock.
He went away with his father. In the afternoon he called up
and told me how much he was missing me and how much he
was desperate to meet me. Now we are together again, with
a lot more patience and no fights, and I am happier than be-
fore. I believe now, miracles do happen.
Just feel the joy inside you. Your life will be a dream, a
fairytale, or whatever you like calling it.

My dream life partner
Deborah F. Hill-­Perry
Miami, Oklahoma

(I am an artist, some say talented, some say amateur, I

say a bit of both but I love it anyway. I have 6 children
that belong to me. One has already passed on. The
others have given me 13 grandchildren. Interesting
since I wanted one husband and 12 children since I
was little. I am 62 and believe that what goes around
comes around, and I have had too many blessings
to ignore the power of the universe and of God.)

I dreamed of my husband five years before I met him and

while married to someone else of all things. Before my cur-
rent husband, I was always with anyone else for only 2-­3
years until I met and married him. We will have been to-
gether 20 years as I write this and will celebrate our 20th
wedding anniversary in March. He is 18 years younger than
I am. We were given the usual 6 months.
I dreamt of the ‘92 gray Chevy Blazer that I now have.
I tell everyone that God gave me that little truck and it ran
60 miles a day as I went to Pittsburgh State University in
Kansas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology. I learned
more than I ever thought I could and am grateful for the edu-
cation. I was one of the first in my family to obtain one and
have inspired several grandchildren to go on to college. I
only paid for two semesters, the first and the last, and went
through entirely on honor scholarships.
I have ‘felt’ things that were going to happen, and The
Secret somewhat explains that power. I ‘know’ when good
things and bad things are going to happen, even when I’m
not sure what. Including the one daughter’s death from SIDS
(or so it was said to be).
I have to admit that I fear money because I have seen the
results of those who misuse its power. I am using The Secret

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 137

to hopefully overcome that. I also send ‘excerpts’ to my

daughter who is incarcerated for drugs and my son who is
incarcerated for abuse of the judicial system. (I have my own
opinions about that which are too lengthy to go into here.)
Suffice it to say—I believe that The Secret can be used for
good or evil and I am careful to make sure that I only use that
power for the good of others and well as myself.
Thank you for The Secret. There are several areas that
have not manifested themselves in my life, but some of the
little things have gradually come to life, I believe because
of my desire to have it come about, using The Power that is
available to all of us if we but use it correctly and judiciously.

Just amazing
Julie Ann

(I am very happy person and excited

for using LOA in my life.)

I watched “The Secret” two times, once last night, and once
this morning. I decided to try something small yet very im-
portant to me to see if this is for real. Well, it sure is real.
Back in 1995, I met and fell in love with someone and
the relationship fell apart after about 1 year. It was a long
distance relationship. We remained in touch through the
years and even got together every once in awhile. Well, I
had been thinking of my ex for a day or so before watching
the movie and wondering how he was. I hadn’t heard from
him in awhile, and things were a little strained between us
for some irrelevant reasons. So chances of him calling were
very slim, but I threw it out there as my little test and honest
to God. About 1 1/2 hours later, the phone rings, and it was
him. Even though it was very nice to hear from him, I could
barely hold my end of the conversation because I was so ex-
cited that this is indeed very real.


We are all connected
Atul Moudgil

(I am Atul Moudgil, Managing Director of a Non-­Banking

Finance Company in India, which happens to be one of
the 418 companies all over India with CAT-­A certificate
from Reserve Bank of India (it’s a great achievement).)

Every day before starting his daily chores, he used to go on

the roof top and feed the pigeons. His belief was, God is
in every creature. Every being is one. So if we feed other
creatures—Birds, Animals, or Fellow Human beings, we are
actually feeding our own self. Throughout his life he kept his
routine of feeding the pigeons. He loved the pigeons very
much. And the pigeons too knew about him and loved him.
They would wait at the roof for their daily meal.
When my dad was not at home or out at the station and
could not keep the routine, then I would take over, and the
pigeons too would happily accept the daily feast from me
without any problem.
When my father died, I immediately took over the feeding
of the pigeons. I didn’t want the pigeons to miss their daily
meal. But to our utter disbelief, the pigeons didn’t touch the
grains which were given to them. This continued for 9-­10
And then they started eating again from me. The routine
continues and will continue in the future.
What was the reason, we thought? The pigeons used to
eat when my father was out at the station or not at home,
but what had happened now? Did they know that the person
who fed them whole of his life was no more, and were they
mourning? Or was it just a co-­incidence?
I believe that this is not at all coincidence. According to
my Dad’s belief, and according to the principles of “The
Secret”, we are all connected with each other on different

140 Mohit Tahiliani

planes. This connection could be with humans, birds, ani-

mals or plants, or anything.
This world is absolutely all abundance, where there are no

I didn’t even notice until
it happened. It worked.
Mayuka S
Hyderabad, India

(I am a believer, trying to know The

Secret in a deeper level.)

In January 2010 I was in a terrible condition. I broke up with

my boyfriend and was not able to take the pain. He broke up
with me because he had responsibilities and was not able to
manage our relationship. He started avoiding me, and when
I forced him to tell me what the reason was for his behavior,
he finally told that he was not able to take responsibility and
wanted to break up.
It was like someone was pushing me down into earth. I
could not bear the pain and I cried for days. Then I realized
nothing could happen if I sat and cried, so I started searching
for some help on the net. Somewhere deep within me I knew
the LOA can help me with it.
I had been on more than 200 sites on the same topic
of “how to attract your ex”. I searched and searched and
searched. Finally I was on an LOA forum, where I had read
about people’s success stories. Most of the members in that
forum talked about “The Secret” (book and movie) and sug-
gested to read it.
I searched for The Secret official site and landed on it,
and felt good by reading so many success stories. I decided
to have a copy of my own and ordered it. Within two days I
received it, and I started reading it eagerly. I found out some
beautiful points from it; one of them was the vision board
and affirmations. I wrote an affirmation saying that I and
my boyfriend are back again and we are having a great time
together. On my vision board I kept some pictures of couples
who were deeply in love.

142 Mohit Tahiliani

I put them before my eyes all the daylong and downloaded

a pic to my mobile and started seeing them and feeling the
love. After one week I forgot about the result and started
enjoying the feeling of love. I didn’t even mind that my boy-
friend did not contact me.
After a week, he called me up and said that he was missing
me. We had a causal talk, and two days after he called me for
lunch. We were together for a whole day and I did not even
notice how the time passed from day to night. We had a won-
derful time together, and I suddenly realized that he kissed
me the same way as the man did in the picture I kept on my
vision board. I started recalling the pictures on my vision
board. We were as happy as the pictures looked.
I realized that it was working. Then my boyfriend said me
that he never expected that we would be back together again,
and he asked me, “Have you ever thought that we would be
back together again?”
I said, “Yes, I knew it would happen.”

My first love
Manila, Philippines

(I’m 18. I’m from Manila, Philippines, and

an incoming college freshman.)

My first love moved to another country when we were 11.

They told me it was just “puppy love” and I would soon forget
about the person, but I never did. We communicated for two
years after he migrated but lost communication due to heavier
school load, family problems, and just growing up. I met new
people that came into my life, and moved on. But I knew that
that person would always be special to me. I missed him every
day since the day we stopped communicating, so whenever I
got the chance I tried to look for him on the internet.
A few more years went by and I discovered “The Secret,”
and there was a part there about communicating with old
friends. So I thought long and hard how I could use that
with the said person. Months later, during my birthday, he e-­
mailed me a long message saying happy birthday and asking
how I have been for the past few years. That really shocked
me, and that was the first proof that The Secret worked.
I was overwhelmed by the happiness I felt when he started
to communicate with me again, so I instantly replied to his
letter, but unfortunately he wasn’t able to reply for some
months after that. Then I was ranting to my friend how he
never replied to me after my birthday and how he didn’t ful-
fill his promises of coming home last December. I thought
of The Secret once again, and the next day to my surprise he
tweeted me and said sorry he wasn’t able to come home but
he will try again in November 2011. Nothing is set in stone
since they are pretty busy there, but from then on we started
communicating again as friends and my faith in “The Se-
cret” has never been this strong.
New friends
Rebecca C

(I’m 16, I’m Irish. I like sports, music, and

art. I’m nearly finished T.Y. I’m happy.)

Hey, my name is Rebecca. I thought I would tell you my

story about how The Secret helped me.
Around September, I lost my best friend. She had treated
me so awful I don’t know why I even put up with it. But I
lost a lot of my friends at the same time—they just stopped
talking to me and it seemed like nobody really wanted me
around. I hate to dwell on this, but I guess you could say I
was really depressed. And I read The Secret five times, no
Now it’s May, and I never see my horrible ex best friend
and I have so many new best friends, and I have traveled, and
I’m just alive again.
I opened up a book I read ages ago and found a letter I
wrote to the universe. I was so shocked; I had completely
forgotten I ever wrote one. And it read:

Dear Universe,
I hope you’re well. I wanted you to know what I
will be ordering. If it’s not too much trouble I would
really like to travel, and I want more fun and happy
experiences to come into my life. Skiing and wa-
ter skiing would be fun. Maybe surf? I invite more
friends into my life, open and honest relationships. I
invite all that is good, fun, and inspirational into my
life, loving, caring, kind, fun, crazy friends into my
life. I invite wealth, health, and safety, to travel the
world and meet many new faces, each as beautiful as
the next. I wish this year to be the funniest I’ve ever
had, a year where I get more comfortable with who

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 145

I am and learn new things about me and the world,

cheap and unforgettable holidays and weekends. I in-
vite playfulness and silliness and colorfulness back
into me. I invite all good, positive, and exciting feel-
ings to come to me. Thank you.
And that it exactly how my life is now. Thank you,

Life is amazing

(A Secret Admirer.)

I’ve tried The Secret, and it worked before even knowing

about The Secret.
I didn’t have any close friends during my school days. I
had two horrible years in my life which where the last years
at my school. Whatever I said or did, got me into trouble, and
my classmates almost avoided me, including the girl whom I
thought to be my best friend. My class was a mess and most
of my classmates hated those two years, as they too had their
worst years during that time.
I cried a lot during those years and prayed to God to help
me and sort out everything at school. I also prayed a lot to
give me a best friend who won’t cheat me or leave me when
I’m in trouble, who will be my best friend forever.
By the end of the final year at school, everything started
to get sorted out. The girl who made my friends avoid me
was found guilty for stealing and for telling lies & all started
avoiding her. But still the pain and the experience was too
much for me. I didn’t stop praying for a best friend.
During my degree, I met a girl whom I thought to be a bit
rude. But we accidentally got a chance to sit together dur-
ing a class hour and both of us really enjoyed that hour. We
talked a lot and we both felt that we could be good friends.
Within one year we became best friends; we are still and will
be best friends forever. I thanked God am still thanking God
for the gift, my best friend. We have so much in common, she
and I changed a lot in the positive way due to our friendship,
our families are also so close, and we are so happy whenever
we are together. She is my best friend.
When I saw the movie The Secret, I understood that The
Secret was used by me without knowing it, & thus I got my

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 147

best friend. I’ve many more experiences like this that can be
linked to The Secret.
I saw the movie three times from my college and love the
ideas. I’m applying The Secret in my life now.
I really thank the team of The Secret for sharing The Se-
cret and for bringing happiness and success to so many peo-
ple including me. Thank you so much. God Bless everyone.

The man of my life
Brooklyn, NY

(I am a beautiful Dominican princess.)

Ok, my cousin bought The Secret book and I read it and was
blown away. I started to practice The Secret rules, and bought
myself a white and black notebook that I wrote my dreams
in. I wrote that I met a good man, Caucasian with blue eye
that will turn green, tall and handsome, and he will treat me
like a princess.
And guess what? After two months of writing that I met
this man named Craig on the internet and he was just like the
man I wanted and wrote about in my notebook; tall, white,
and blue eyes. He bought me a house and we got engaged
and are about to get married. He treats me like a princess.
I love The Secret. I recommend it to everyone.


Impossible made possible,
she came back
Jason M
Essex, England

(I am a happy person who is always smiling and

now looking at the bright side of everything.)

On March 16th 2011 my girlfriend, the love of my life, broke

up with me. What was worse is that March 16th is my birth-
day. I know what you’re thinking: “Nice birthday gift.” I was
devastated, heartbroken, and just depressed. Every one of my
friends told me to move on, she’s not worth it, etc., but I
didn’t listen. I believed she would come back.
Things got worse as other people were getting involved
and spreading lies which made her not want to talk to me, but
I never stopped believing. I made her a DVD of all our happy
times, pictures, music to show her how much I love her. She
took it the wrong way and her mother said, “She wants noth-
ing to do with you. Don’t contact her ever again.” I got angry,
deleted her off Facebook, and deleted her number. But some-
thing inside me was still holding on.
Then I came across The Secret again. Every day and night
I visualized her surprising me by coming back, hearing her
say, “I love you baby,” cuddling her, kissing her, proposing,
and getting married.
After six-­eight weeks of doing this I got a call from my
friend asking if i wanted to watch a DVD with him and his
wife. When I got round there and said hi I noticed my friends
were looking through me not at me. I turned around and there
she was, tears started rolling out of my eyes. She was crying,
she told me she loved me and missed me and couldn’t stop
thinking about me.
Our love for each other now is stronger than ever and we
are engaged. I am so happy and grateful that my beautiful

150 Mohit Tahiliani

baby came back to me and we are spending the rest of our

lives together.
It shows you that belief and faith are vital, even at the
darkest times.

It happened
M. Y. A. S. A.
Cozumel, Mexico

(I am a secret lover and a believer.)

I would like to begin by thanking Rhonda Byrne and her

excellent team. I must confess I was skeptical about these is-
sues, but when I read in the book about the important people
who knew the law of attraction, it made me wonder many
things and I started to investigate.
I saw a lot of information, and could see The Secret had
moved through time. I confess I take a long time on this, but
this was not enough, I had to prove if the law of attraction
works, so I started to attract some things and circumstances.
The small miracles started to occur, but for me it was enough
to keep believing, so I decided to do something bigger, and I
began visualizing a relationship. And my wish came true—
for me it really was miraculous, because my girl I already
knew and had always liked me, but she had to go to work far
away, now she came back to make me very happy.
Sorry for my bad English.
The likeness of that which is below is that which is above.
For everything is from above, and from below there is noth-
ing, but it is believed to be by those in whom there is no
understanding. The Odes of Solomon.


A Hopeless Romantic
M. Piloni
Los Angeles, CA

(22 year old Fashion Design Graduate who’s

about to become a very successful designer
and be with the love of her life too.)

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for their amazing stories.

They’ve truly inspired me and have kept my faith.
After breaking up with my boyfriend over two years ago
and having just met guys that were interested in me but never
wanted a relationship or had the characteristics I needed in a
serious partner, I decided I was ready to meet “The Man of
My Dreams” and I wrote a long list down, from little details
like him having a black I Phone 4 or that his favorite color is
blue, to him being sweet, loyal, honest, romantic, and com-
pletely crazy about me, and that he was closer than I thought
and he was going to come into my life before Christmas. So
many things I don’t want to bore you with all of them.
Well, guess what? I made this goal and list around Octo-
ber, but really focused on it and believed it more in Novem-
ber, and it happened. I met him during Thanksgiving.
He’s actually someone I always knew, just hadn’t noticed
because he had a girlfriend before and/or I was still stuck on
my ex. Him and I finally started talking and boom. I don’t
know how, but we clicked magnetically. We could not stop
talking to each other—constant messages to each other, ev-
ery day, and all day almost. I was in shock and so happy and
thankful that it was happening.
A week after we started talking, we went to the movies
together and now it’s been about three weeks of constantly
talking to each other and he invited me to go hiking to the
Hollywood sign. I’m enjoying the feeling he makes me feel,
all the things we talk about, how we think alike in many
ways. He’s just amazing, everything I’ve wanted for so long,

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 153

and he’s finally here close to me. What I did was basically
believe, and when I did that I was immensely happy because
I knew it was coming, that what I wanted was on its way.
I started reading The Secret in 2008 and The Power right
after it came out. They’re both amazing books and I’m so
thankful to Rhonda and The Secret team for making it pos-
sible for people to read and understand the power we have
within ourselves.
Things are going perfect with me and my dream man,
but I want to be his girlfriend and I know it’s coming before
Christmas. Yes, it’s fast and maybe so called “impossible,”
but I believe it will happen and when it does I will write
about it.
For anyone hoping and wishing for that amazing person,
seriously, write that list. I’m telling you it helps you visualize
exactly what you want and then just believe, have faith and
he/she will come.

Thank you Rhonda,
you are great.
Akshay G

(My life was okay. But I faced many problems in my

early teen age. I was becoming very negative. But
now am very positive. The best is still to come.)

First: sorry for my English. Thank you very much Rhonda

for sharing The Secret. Love you.
I am 18, and I loved a girl in my class, who loved me too.
But I started becoming negative. Then she stopped loving
me. She didn’t text any more, didn’t smile at me or talk to
me in the class.
Then I watched The Secret every day and saw many beau-
tiful stories. Then I started to feel the big power in me. I
imagined myself getting SMS from her, I imagine she and I
having a good time at the beach. I imagined myself getting
an SMS from her. A few hours ago, I got it. She says that she
love me forever. I was very happy. Got tears in my eyes when
I got the SMS.
I’ll love her forever and I’ll share my life with her. I am
so happy and grateful. The universe is with me. And I also
imagined myself writing this beautiful story to The Secret
that you are reading right now.
Be positive. Thoughts become things, dude. Kisses,
muahh, love everyone. My love story will continue. Every-
thing that I imagine (our good time at the beach will come
true) I’ll kiss her on her lips and love her forever.


How to find and keep
the love of your life
Ann in Salem

(I used The Secret and The Power to find

and keep the love of my life.)

I wanted to share my story about finding and keeping my

beloved husband in the hope it will inspire others.
I had had a very difficult marital breakup that left me
with one tremendous gift, my son. When my marriage broke
up, I knew I had to allow myself to feel all of my feelings
without judgment in order to move on, so I did. About eight
years ago, I decided I was finally ready to start dating again.
I used an online service to do so. I did not write out any
lists of perfect qualities or anything like that because I had
reached a point in my life where I knew myself pretty well
and had good self acceptance; I trusted the Universe to bring
me a compatible person. I was not looking for a spouse, just
someone to have fun with, but I was open to it developing
into something more.
This attitude took all the pressure off of me of “analyzing”
every guy I met. Interestingly enough, within a very short
time I met my now husband. We had lots of fun together,
but he was very clear with me that he was not looking for a
serious relationship; he also had a very bad first marriage ex-
perience. I suggested that we take it one day at a time and if
it’s not fun anymore then we should just be honest and move
on. Instead we kept dating and after a few dates I knew he
could be the one, but I also knew I had to believe what he had
said. I made two rules for myself while we dated. The first
was that: “Great love is worth great risk” and I would say this
to myself often when I would start to become anxious about
our relationship. The other rule was that: this relationship

156 Mohit Tahiliani

would take its own course in its own time and I needed to
honor that.
I realized before he did that he was also falling in love
with me, but I waited for him to come to that, which took
him about eight months to do. Even then we did not rush
things—we dated for another full year before moving in to-
gether and then married about a year later, but I have never
forgotten my rules because they still apply. We thank each
other all the time for the little things we do for each other.
When you stop risking your heart, you are at risk of los-
ing your love. Every day you have to look for the beauty in
your beloved, even if he leaves the toilet seat up or doesn’t
squeeze the toothpaste tube the way you like. Fact is you
probably have habits that irritate your love too.
I am more in love today than I was five years ago when we
married. I expect that our love will continue to grow because
that is my intention. I also maintain myself as an individual
as does he. It is never healthy to expect someone to complete
you or be your world.

My fairy tail

(A grateful and happy person who has all she ever

wanted and so happy with the love of her life forever.)

My sweetheart and I had not seen each other as we were

in different countries. Long distance was a tough thing. I
somehow felt we were distanced away but still knew we were
meant to be. We had a large number of common friends who
didn’t know about us at all. I always wished that he would
confess his love for me to his friends, our friends and his
family. Soon I realized that all that was needed was me truly
believing it was happening.
I visualized this happening all the time, thanking the uni-
verse that we are so happy and that our families and friends
are happy for us. Soon in just 1 week, he told a common
friend (the only one I had mentioned our relationship to) that
he loved me and wanted to marry me. It so happened that he
later applied for his visa and came here. All was just the way
I had wanted it.
He came to the airport and I saw him after all those years
and we just hugged each other both crying. Two days later
we went out for dinner and he told me “I would never have
known what love is if I hadn’t met you. I want you forever,
will u marry me?” I just couldn’t control my tears.
We had discussed kids and marriage many times, but his
effort in coming all the way to meet me and tell me this just
was the starting point of the sweetness that this relationship
Today we are so together and we are even planning our
new home in US.
A fairy tale indeed. Thank you to The Secret team.

My Marriage to my
Prince Charming
Delhi, India

(I am 29 years old, and my life has taken a 360

degree turn just because of The Secret.)

I am so happy that today is the day when I am finally writ-

ing my story here. I knew surely I am going to do this. If I
tell you in one word about me before The Secret came into
my life, I was simply negative. I was introduced to The Se-
cret by my one of best friends ever, Yashi. She gave me the
video and told me to watch it. I badly needed it that time.
After I watched The Secret video, I found out that whenever
anything bad happened, I used to start thinking even worse
about the whole situation, but then after watching the video,
I started to follow it by my heart.
My life has changed drastically. There was a time when
my boyfriend almost left me. I made my vision board where
I have pasted all these beautiful couples who were in love. I
also pasted a picture of me and him. I always tried to let go
of all negative thoughts from me, and in just seven days he
was there with me, our bond grew much stronger. He loves
me a lot now and so do I.
Then there came a second phase when our parents were
not getting ready for our marriage. Both of our parents were
not getting ready for a meeting. This phase of my life was
hard, but then I always used to write a journal where I wrote
everything exactly as I wanted. Finally, our parents met, but
that was not all, some other hurdles came, but I had my full
faith that we are going to get married as we are made for
each other. Soon I’ll write here about my marriage that is
going to happen next year on January 26th. I am happy and
grateful that now things are all beautiful, and I am getting

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 159

married. All credit simply goes to The Secret, to Rhonda and

to the whole team of The Secret. I love you all. Thank you
so much.
Chapter 6


To be healthy, your body needs protein, calcium, vitamins B,
D, E and more. Similarly, to be happy in life, one of the most
important things is having Vitamin M, i.e. Money.
We can either feel the abundance of love or lack of love.
Similarly, we can either have abundance of money or lack
of money. I have heard from many people that money is the
root of all evil that has been, but the truth is that lack of
money is the root. So to get rid of the ‘evil’, what you need is
abundance of wealth and this can be achieved by becoming
a money magnet.
Most people think that money is everything you need.
However, that’s not really true. Money is undoubtedly im-
portant but it is just one of the many things that bring you
The truth is; there is abundance of money in this world.
Money is being printed somewhere or the other every single
day. You can have as much as you want; it’s all up to you.
Many of them have done it. In the following stories, you will
see how people who have used the law of attraction have
achieved all the wealth and money they ever wanted.


Accurate Day
Sonika Khurana
Delhi, India

(I am a very lucky 20 year old girl with a perfect

life because of The Power and The Secret.)

I have been reading and watching The Secret for two years
now, and it has helped me in every possible way from small
to big miracles, happening here and there. Each time nega-
tive thoughts try to attract me; I read stories here and attract
positive thoughts.
I started reading The Power a few days ago and just com-
pleted reading it yesterday night, and I was so positive in all
my thoughts that I decided to actually imagine my next day
and thank the way Rhonda described in her last few pages.
I even thought of something which would remind me about
love. I decided to take colors for that instance, as being a de-
signer and artist, colors are my life. I love to see colors, and
each time I see any sort of color anywhere it gives me a huge
smile and passes a ray of positive energy through my system.
So, I woke up today with a huge smile (by the way I have
fallen in love with my smile), and as I stepped on the floor
I thanked God for being alive, and for several other things.
I looked at my visionary board and believed to have all of
those things. And as I left for work, on my way, I thought
to myself that I shall attend six customers today and make
sales of over Rs.10 lacs (I was working with my uncle at a
bath and floor showroom, and we sell bathroom and kitchen
concepts, and usually not a lot of customers were coming
these days).
So as the day passed, nothing much happened, but I still
believed it would happen and kept reading Secret stories
whenever I got time. It was six in the evening when custom-
ers started coming in, and the showroom was soon full. By
eight when I got free, I had sold seven bathroom concepts

164 Mohit Tahiliani

and two kitchens. All this time I had forgotten about my

imagination and wish.
At night, I sat with my uncle to evaluate today’s sale, and
guess what, six customers and a sale of over Rs. 10 lacs. I
am thrilled, this thing actually works. Tomorrow, I am going
to wish even more.

My Franchise
Rachel Corbally
Alicante, Spain

(I am Irish living in Spain. I had a hard, horrible

childhood, but thanks to my grandmother I
overcame it and had a reasonably happy life until
my divorce started a sequence of events.)

I had gotten my divorce and after three horrible years, I met

a wonderful man. He came onboard with my successful busi-
ness and all was good for a while.
One month, business just dried up and one disaster after
another happened. We got jobs that made us miserable and
didn’t pay the bills, I got high blood pressure and wasn’t al-
lowed to work, and my partner lost his job. We were in dire
straits and rapidly spiraling into a pit of despair.
We got a call one morning from my partner’s brother to
tell us that his step father (whom he loved as his father) had
died in a motorbike accident while on holidays in Italy. His
mother was critical in an Italian hospital. How weird, I spoke
Italian and knew that part of Italy like the back of my hand.
We left to be at her side; we had to move to the UK to look
after her and I had to leave my daughter in Ireland with her
father. I was in such a bad place. We had no money, loans
that needed to be re-­paid, cars that were re-­possessed, and we
had lost a wonderful man.
My daughter bought me The Secret for Christmas that
year, and while she was over on holidays we read it together.
It just woke me up. I wrote on the inside cover that by the end
of January 2010 I was going to move to Spain, and by the
30th of July 2010 (my 40th birthday), I would have opened
my own shop.
On the 2nd of February we arrived in Spain in a car we
paid £400 for. I got a job a few weeks later and my partner
got work from my job in property. My daughter moved to

166 Mohit Tahiliani

Spain to be with me as I could now support her. By the 30th

of July I had left the job and signed the lease for my shop on
July 30th, and I opened on 13th of August 2010. My store
broke even after seven months, and it’s now in profit and we
are set to become a franchise. We are moving to a larger unit
as we are expanding our product range. I have a regular spot
on TV here from which my store gets great business. We
are doing so well. I’m going to buy a Jeep Wrangler which
I have always wanted and give my poor £400 car who we
fondly named Lucy, a rest. I will keep her and one day re-
store her to her glory and keep her as a reminder of our new
start, along with my copy of The Secret, which has written
on the inside cover, “The start of my dreams.” Thank you
Rhonda for sharing this with the world.

Briane B.
Virginia Beach, VA

(I’m a 29 year old male, in the military, whose life

was completely changed a little over 3 years ago after
reading The Secret and applying it to my life.)

After reading The Secret a little over 3 years ago, I was a

flooring sub-­contractor (family trade), and decided to take
another step in applying my learning’s from The Secret. I
decided to make my very own vision board and put it to the
test. I wrote $10,000.00 on the board, and every day as I
would walk by I couldn’t help but see it, and be reminded.
Well, about 4 months earlier to doing this, I did flooring
in a model home in a new development and the model home
paid a little under $1,000.00 after the work was complete.
So here I am 4 months later, with my 2 week old vision
board, and I get a call from the contractors I got my work
from, and they told me that there were 9 more houses in the
development ready for flooring, and they were all mine to
do. I was happy to have a lot of work lined up of course, but
here is the kicker.. When I finished all 9 of the homes, after
about a month, I totaled up how much I actually made from
them. I was left without words, and butterflies in my stom-
ach. The total was $9999.87. WOW. Trust me 13 cents did
not concern me. The Secret works.
This book has changed my life, and every person’s life I
have introduced it to in so many great, positive way. I am
truly grateful, and amazed with the life I have now. This is
one of many amazing things that have taken place in my life
using The Secret. Thank you so much to everyone involved
in the production of this life changing book.


Money is your energy
Aries De Guzman

(Designer and wardrobe stylist)

I am a plus size designer and wardrobe stylist. My family

never approved because they thought that I should just be
focusing more on a career that I actually graduated from.
I have finished Humanities, Political Economics, and Busi-
ness Economics (yes, I know, so far from fashion, right?).
But I must say that fashion is my passion, she is my love.
She is my instrument in fulfilling my purpose on this earth,
which is to make people fall in love with them and see how
beautiful they really are. So, despite the lack of background,
I have followed it.
They kept on telling me how I would fail and how all busi-
nesses fail in the first year. Don’t get me wrong, my first
fashion line failed completely, but I did not give up. I still
went on and opened my second fashion line, now for plus
size only. So, the difference this time is that I am going to
use The Secret to help me realize and manifest my dreams.
My father and other people, when they knew about it, they
kept on telling me how foolish I was for doing this. This
actually encouraged me to do it more because, in my heart,
if I was able to do my way and it succeeded, it will be more
grand and fulfilling.
So, every day I would focus on the good things that I
wanted to happen. When things do not go my way, I feel
more excited because it means that it will happen at the right
moment and at the right time or even something bigger and
better than what I have envisioned will happen.
It went on until the launching. There was even a time
that we no longer had money for the production of the line,
but surprisingly, money just pours in (liquidation of the old

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 169

business, people paying up for debts that they owe me that I

have already forgotten, and so on).
Soon enough, the production for the fashion line launch-
ing was done, and here I am nervous about it. We are a new
brand. We are a plus size line. We did not do enough prepa-
ration. We had few fans on Facebook, so on and so forth; so
many things were not prepared. However, in my heart, I have
envisioned that things will become spectacular.
So when we set the small bazaar up in one of the top malls
in the Philippines, I took time in the dressing room to medi-
tate and feel good. I was thinking and feeling from top to
bottom in my heart, what it would feel like to sell the whole
two days? What it would feel like if I held in my hand more
than the breakeven point. I felt happy about it and felt as if
I was already holding the money. It was such an uplifting
and amazing feeling. In my mind, I was soooo happy having
those things already.
So the launches happened, and guess what? We sold most
of the clothes already. Customers were coming in non-­stop.
A fashion critic from America loved our designs, and we
were noticed by another top mall in the country and offered
us a space with a good contract. I was sooo loving it. But it
does not stop there. So I was thinking in myself, oh boy, if
this can work at that rate, what more in the next one? So for
the next bazaar, we had the launching of the second half of
the Holiday Collection. I was only aiming for Php 16,000 for
this bazaar.
I did what I did the last time. I went to the fitting room
and did a meditation. I felt and envisioned what I wanted to
happen at that day, and tell you what, it did not happen how I
envisioned it, it was way better. When the Bazaar opened, the
customer were so numerous, they had to form a line outside
my booth. It was extremely curious because most of these
people were just passersby and did not even know about our
brand. The bazaar was so packed that I no longer had time to
sit down and rest. Many clothes were sold out in sizes and I
170 Mohit Tahiliani

was so happy about it. What’s even greater was that, it was
just the first day.
If you should know, we did not have Php 16,000.00 that
day. We had Php 20,000.00. Amazing! In total after the two
day bazaar, we had Php 34,000.00. It was amazing. And
our Facebook page has never been more popular. Every day
more and more people are adding us on Facebook and visit-
ing our website.
I have realized that in the end, money is really your energy.
If you can think it, if you can feel it, if you can believe it then
it’s yours.
Lots of Love, Aries.

From broke to multi-­millionaire
Mr T.
Maui Hawaii


It took nearly 5 years from the moment I read The Secret, but
by using the power of positive thought in an advancing way
I was able to amass an 8 figure sum of wealth.
I used to work on film sets, dabbled in independent film
and then filmed weddings. I felt like this life wasn’t for me
and it ate at me every day to not be living my dream. I fo-
cused, visualized, and used the Science of Getting Rich to
get everything I wanted and more. I now own a $27,000,000
home on Maui, drive my dream cars and married a European
model. My $4 million yacht is a ten minute drive away, I fly
first class and have been to more countries than I can name,
and I surf every day. I built a music studio in my house, make
films, and do everything I desire.
My life is perfect.


A dream coming true—
The Secret works perfectly
in business life

(30-­something woman grateful to be

living in the magic of life.)

Dear Universe, Rhonda and Secret Believers,

Thank you for all of your inspiration, for giving me joy to
life and for making me realize that all I need to do in life is
to decide what I really want, ask, believe receive and it will
I have written previous stories on how I have applied The
Secret to different parts of my life. I now also have a story to
tell on how The Secret helped me realize one of my biggest
dreams, to start my own business.
Being employed for many years I have always felt like I
am looking for the “perfect” company to work for without
finding it. I have always felt that I am far below my poten-
tial, and the past few years I have been lacking motivation,
working only to have an income. After reading The Secret
I started to think about what I really wanted. Not thinking
about circumstances or obstacles like I had done before but
being able to decide without limitations made it really easy
for me to realize that my true dream was to start my own
business consultancy firm. I wanted to make strategic deci-
sions, I wanted to rule my time and I wanted to open myself
up to earn more money, so I asked the universe to manifest
this dream. Within just a few weeks I got a lot of ideas and
openings on how to do this. I was so happy I got high on
gratefulness for my sudden inspiration. The problem now
was just the financial part. Living pay check by pay check

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 173

with no savings, and high amount of debt I was just getting

by on my current salary. How could I possibly take the risk
of quitting my job in this situation?
But since I was determined to start this business by autumn
2010, I simply left my problem to the Universe. Since my
dream was to work more independently, I visualized myself
with my laptop, working in my boyfriend’s house, in cafés in
the cities of my best friends and in my mother’s house (they
all live in different places far away from where I currently
work). I made a check from the bank of the universe with my
new yearly income (about twice the sum I earn today) I truly
believed it was going to happen.
Wanting to learn more about the Law of Attraction I have
also read “The Science of Getting Rich”. And one phrase just
got stuck in my mind. “To get rich, even though you don’t
think you can get rich where you currently are you have to
more than fill the place you are currently in.” I started to put
this into practice at work. Even though some tasks felt too
easy and sometimes boring, I found a way to motivate myself
to do them really well, always with a smile on my face. Every
morning when driving to work I thanked the universe for my
job, my wonderful colleagues and my income. Things started
to feel good, I got my motivation back and it was around this
time I got assigned the responsibility for one of the biggest
and most important projects in the company. Knowing I was
going to start my own business in the fall, I saw it as an in-
teresting and fun challenge on the way.
As a part of opening myself up to the Universe, I have a
philosophy of trying to do one new thing every day. This has
worked miracles and it was this attitude that brought me to
my first business opportunity. I said yes to try a new activity,
with a colleague I haven’t been hanging out with before. It
was great. And along came also this former colleague with
whom I have lost contact but who is currently running her
own successful consultancy firm. I was very interested in
hearing about how she was doing and I told her I also had
plans to start my own business. Then she immediately asked
174 Mohit Tahiliani

me if I would consider working as an independent consultant

in a project she was involved in.
The project would start in the autumn 2010. It would pay
twice the money I make in my current job. It would mean I
could basically work when and where I wanted as long as
the job is done. And the project would only be part time, so
it would give me the time I needed to develop some of my
other ideas into real business.
I knew that this was the universe responding to my wish.
I have just resigned from my employment. And since I
have been focusing on more than filling my place in my cur-
rent job my boss and colleagues want me to stay. Especially
since everyone is happy with the result of the project I am
managing. (I used The Secret here as well, by visualizing
my team members engaged and happy working towards our
common goal). I am very happy about this because I see ev-
eryone I am currently working with as potential future cus-
tomers. Now I know why you should always more than fill
your place.
I would never have had the guts to start my own business
if it wasn’t for The Secret. Believing is the key and it takes
away the worry so that you can focus your efforts, energy
and thoughts into prosperity and achieving what you want.
My vision now is to help other companies use The Secret
to have happier motivated employees and greater business
I am so grateful for the insights and courage The Secret
has given me. And I am sooo looking forward to live the rest
of my life in the magic of The Secret. Thank You, Thank You,
Thank You.

Once in a lifetime opportunity

(I am a wife, mother, and career woman who is

making her dreams come true defying the odds.)

Ever since I started my first job I knew I wanted to own my

own company and be a successful business person, however
I never had the capital to do it or knew what type of business
I wanted to own, but I knew I wanted to do it.
I started listening to the audio CD of The Secret in 2007.
My life started to improve slowly after I started watching
The Secret, but nothing of great value to me happened.
In August 2007 I changed positions at work and accepted
a position to be a sales rep. I knew that my old position was
probably going to result in a layoff at the end of the year due
to the economy. Once I started my new job, I met a person
who was considering starting a company in my town. We hit
it off, I was hired, and we got the company up and running.
A month later the stock market took a hit and we lost our
capital that was paying my salary. The owners offered me
1/3 ownership and 1/3 the profits of the company if I would
agree to stay. They had enough capital to fund the company
and the work coming in, but could not afford to pay my sal-
ary. I was terrified. But knowing that this was my chance and
big opportunity to own a company and make a lot of money,
I agreed.
I pulled out my copy of The Secret and started listening to
it again every day. I then re watched the DVD and I found the
book The Science of Getting Rich that was mentioned in The
Secret, and read it online.

176 Mohit Tahiliani

Yesterday I received my first owner distributions, and our

company is a success. I am so excited. I cannot wait for my
next check. On Monday we are going to hire our first em-
ployee. I love being a business owner and I am so excited
to see how successful we are going to be. The Secret works.

$60 for 60 thank you
Bee Jeweled

(I am a retired school teacher, grandmother, and jewelry

entrepreneur. My partner and I enjoy traveling Arizona
small towns, showing off jewelry and making new friends.)

Before the start of our rock and gem show in Tombstone Ari-
zona, a group of vendors were treated to a tour of the “Good
Enough Silver Mine”. The tour takes you down into the min-
eral rich twisted tunnels of the old mine. To leave you must
ascend stairs with 60 steep steps. The guide recommends
that you take your time and if you lag behind that’s OK. As I
began my ascent I decided to say 60 thank yours, a thank you
for every step up.
About halfway up, I asked that my thank you be acknowl-
edged. I suggested that perhaps my first sale of the day could
be $60, matching the 60 thank you. Within 15 minutes of
the start of the show my first customer bought an item that
was exactly $60. I shared this miracle with the owners of the
mine. They were excited about my story and are now sharing
it with receptive visitors taking the mine tour. I love imagin-
ing ascending tour participants giving 60 thank you for 60
steps. Oh, by the way, my last 2 shows have each started with
a sale of; you guessed it, $60.


The 100 dollar bill
Greg H
Clearwater, FL

(I am a graphic artist and I work for the Titanic.)

I watched The Secret with my wife, we had some great dis-

cussions about it and I was just so struck by how much it all
made sense. I wanted to share it with a friend of mine that I
knew would appreciate it, and I watched it again with him.
During the movie at the part about starting small with a cup
of coffee, I said, “I can make a cup of coffee, what I want is a
100 dollar bill.” Specifically a 100 dollar bill and it couldn’t
be from regular pay.
For the next few days I would picture the 100 dollar bill.
I would close my eyes with my hands in front of me like I
was holding it and popping the bill. I could see Ben Franklin.
Now and then I would touch my pocket and think how nice it
was to have this bill in my pocket. You know that feeling you
have when you have money in your pocket?
That was last Saturday night. I did all that for a week. Not
ever doubting it. You could have expected me to just pull the
thing out of my pocket.
One week to the day I was at my bosses’ house and we
were going over some things, when he handed me 5 brand
new 100 dollar bills, just unexpected, and not part of my pay.
I could not believe it. It wasn’t like I asked for a hundred
dollars. I asked for a 100 dollar bill, and here in my hands are
5 brand new, shiny, Ben Franklin 100 dollar bills. Not 20s or
50s or a check, but 5 100 dollar bills.
So I immediately started saying to myself, “Ok, I want 5
100 dollar bills.” Unbelievable, it really does work.


I am a money magnet
Tavarie Taylor
Central, SC

(I am a father of four, married for 4 years. I work

with kids in a developmental center (Head Start). I
love to help others and I am currently in Massage
School. I am a happy-­go-­lucky personality.)

Just about 2-­3 weeks after reading The Secret, I began to put
the principles to work. I began to speak positive words all
the time with all my being. I continually told (and still tell)
myself that I am a money magnet. Just one week ago my
wife was scheduled to take a trip to Mexico with some of the
ladies of our family. She thought that see was not going to
be able to enjoy her financial on this trip; however, as I have
been doing in the past few weeks, I said to the Universe that
I am a money magnet and my family has more than enough. I
speak that money finds me and throws itself on me. To make
a long story short, the next day there was a check in the box
for $2,000. It was from this company that had “owed” us this
money for over a year now. I am really convinced that the law
of attraction works. It really makes sense.
The preceding was just one of the experiences that I’ve
encountered since reading The Secret. More is yet to come.
Oops, it’s already here, I am just waiting for it to manifest.


Million dollar condo
Salem, Oregon

(I’m a young accounting and business major from

Oregon, finding out my true joys in life.)

So I actually never had doubts, but not in my wildest dreams

did I ever think I would be able to attract as much as I did in
such a short amount of time. I had watched the movie a little
over a month and a half ago, and I absolutely fell in love.
So I went about my days and tried to keep my attitude pos-
itive. I started kinda getting off track since my job at the time
was so depressing and put a lot of stress on me. I had week-
ends off so I went and bought The Secret on mp3, loaded it
onto my ipod and went about my weekend, listened to the
entire book on CD through once (which took about 2 full
days), immediately I started feeling it. I was getting these
incredible vibrations through my body.
The following Monday I went into work and started get-
ting really down and out. So I just quit. It was really hard for
me but I believed in my heart that if I stuck by my job (which
I was making pretty good money) that I would never get out
and I would never attract the things I desired and deserved
into my life. I had told my boyfriend and he was so upset
with me, but I knew it was for the best. Even if it meant I was
“unemployed” I didn’t care.
I started journaling in my spare time (which I had a lot of),
I would listen to the book, go to Starbucks and research the
law of attraction every day for about a week.
One day I was searching the internet and I came across
this amazing condo, out of nowhere. It was in Beverly Hills,
so I knew it was going to be incredibly expensive. I looked at
the rooms and everything about it and decided there was no
way I was going to let this slip through my fingers. I inquired
about it for fun, and they quoted me it was $999,000.00 (so

Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 181

close to a million dollars), which I had always said would be

my dream condo.
I asked the universe for 1 million dollars, and then for
40,000 dollars. Within 2 weeks I had received the 40,000 dol-
lar check in the mail. I couldn’t believe it, so I started really
focusing on being happy (at the time me and my boyfriend
were falling apart so when he would go to work I would re-
search all day, eat healthy, just do anything and everything I
could to keep a smile on my face, because I knew it wouldn’t
always be like that).
I had purchased a 2006 BMW convertible for 25,000, and
put the rest into stocks after paying off some stuff. As soon
as I had spent all 40,000 I felt so empowered and within 2
days I got a million dollar cheque and the mail. I knew that I
had to buy that condo right away. I was able to purchase the
condo before I even turned 19.
I know firsthand that the amount doesn’t matter, and
you shouldn’t hold back because you think “It’s too much
money.” I’m not even 19 yet, and I own a new convertible
bmw and a million dollar condo, I’m planning on officially
moving into my new place at the beginning of summer, and
that’s just the tip of the iceberg for me. I love my life, and I’m
so lucky to have found the Law of Attraction. I don’t believe
in working yourself to the bone, for what?
I love you all. I hope you read my story because I was re-
searching for stories like mine, and I haven’t found a single
one, why? I dunno, but I’m assuming people don’t think they
can attract over a million dollars within just a month so I
wanted to share with everyone and say it’s possible, please
do so. Do what you really love, it’s just very empowering.

I experienced it
Wilts, England

(A married guy with children.)

I have always believed that money comes my way. I have al-

ways believed that it is reasonable amounts; between £100—
1000. I believe this because it has always happened and we
believe what we experience.
The company I work for recently bought another company
and it was my job to help transfer it to our location. As a re-
ward I would be given 1 months money. I got it.
Then I watched The Secret. Knowing that money always
has come and so will always come, I asked for £1000. For
me, that is a believable amount. I downloaded a copy of the
Bank of the Universe cheque but adjusted my amount be-
cause it says ‘Dollars’ and this came to $2000. And then I
focused. I felt great because I knew it was on its way.
Payday comes around and I find that I have been paid my
bonus again. The amount was £1979. Take out tax and that
comes to approx £1500, somewhere between my requested
amount and the adjustment for dollars.
Every day, I see things that seem to come about because
of my shift in belief. This allows me to believe in bigger
And so I say, ‘We believe what we can experience and we
can experience what we believe’. Thank you so much.


My business
Joey G.
Bonner Springs, KS

(I am an optimistic father, dedicated

husband, and aspiring entrepreneur.)

I have always known there was a power in being optimistic

and staying positive about life but sometimes I let negative
circumstances or people affect me, negatively. In my cur-
rent occupation I make a very meager hourly wage and I
was quickly becoming surrounded by others that let nega-
tivity become an all too common companion. I knew that I
couldn’t let the negativity of others drag me down anymore
and that I wanted to change the way my financial situation
was becoming for my family.
A close friend of mine was talking one day about a busi-
ness idea that was given to him by one of his family mem-
bers, who does this type of business in another state, and I
quickly became excited about the opportunity that it offered.
I talked him into the idea that we should start the business to-
gether and that it could change both of our family’s financial
condition. We sought the training that the business acquired
and we came up with the necessary capital to buy the items
needed to start it. We became extremely excited about the
future that the business offered but we were let things such as
risk and worry became a factor in spending money towards
the advertisement we wanted to place.
So several months later the business had not had a single
job, we hadn’t ran any advertisement, and we were really
feeling at a lost on what to do to get the ball rolling. I spoke
with my brother in law and he advised me to have faith and
to just take the financial risk in placing the advertisement.
I talked to my friend and I put the money forward to pay
for the advertisement. While we were waiting for the maga-
zine advertisement to start circulating, I started running into

184 Mohit Tahiliani

financial issues on the home front and I started feeling the

effects of worry and negative thoughts on myself and my
relationship with my beautiful wife.
After I went through a rough night, I began looking through
movies and happened upon The Secret. I became so intrigued
by the movie but also felt enlightened too. I started apply-
ing positive thoughts and visualization techniques to my life
and money started coming from places I never thought they
would. This continued for quiet sometime and then I let the
negative bug start to re-­infect me once more and my wallet
took a hit. I watched The Secret again the day my business’
advertisement circulated in a local magazine and I went to
bed that evening doing positive visualization techniques on
how I am going to make life become for me and my family.
The next day I received my first business deal netting me
1200 future dollars, received over 1300 dollars, and received
over 700 dollars in unexpected checks.
The Secret does work and I am going to continue to strive
to live out The Secret through every avenue of my life. I hope
this story motivates you to continue on The Secret’s path be-
cause it certainly has for me. Thank you for reading.

Money DOES grow on trees

(Wife of 35 years, mother of 3 grown sons, grandmother

of 4. I grew up programmed that “money doesn’t grow
on trees”, that I have to work very hard for money
(which is why I related so strongly to Jack Canfield,
who said the same). Have a home based internet
business; have worked 80 hours a week for almost 8
years. This is changing for me in a big way now.)

A few days ago I walked around the corner to the fenced

dumpster with a bag of trash. On my way back I noticed
(as usual) paper trash had blown into our little front area of
bushes and perennials, now naturally mulched with several
inches of dried leaves that have fallen off the lilac bush and
the apple tree that flank each end of the little garden area. I
bent over and started picking up pieces of trash, and all of a
sudden my eyes did a weird fluttery thing because I couldn’t
believe them, I guess.
Pieces of trash magically turned into money right be-
fore my eyes, and it was as if my eyes did a double take. I
reached down and pulled a half exposed dollar bill out of
the leaves, and then looked around, and there were more of
them. I started laughing out loud. The thought went through
my mind “money does grow on trees,” because they were
mixed in with the leaves that had fallen from the trees above
me. I picked them up and brought them in, it was not a
I decided that although this was “only” a few dollars, it
was a harbinger. This morning I have received $300 in orders
from customers, even though I have not been working my
job since the end of August.
I’ve worked 80 hours a week for 7-­1/2 years, and I took
time off to do other things that my job never allowed time for

186 Mohit Tahiliani

living. Instead of feeling fear of being deprived of an income

because of my choice for time off, I started practicing the
Law of Attraction, simply as an expression of, and gratitude
for, the abundance that I already have (which once seemed
to be very little, now I realize as so much that I had failed to
acknowledge). Recognition and gratitude are definitely cre-
ating more abundance, without my effort.
This is the beginning of having an income and a life. No
more of this “either/or” lie, that was only true when I be-
lieved it. Now I believe in life and abundance in all forms,
simultaneously. I can have it all.

Free Money
Eneida P.
Denver, CO

(Mid Twenties professional)

During the part of The Secret where they said, “ask for
$25,000 of unexpected income in the next 30 days, or what-
ever is believable for you.” This was September 28th.
I said, “In 30 days, by October 27th, I want $1,000 of un-
expected money to come into my life.” That next week, we
got about $300 in bank charges dropped. “Wow” I thought
great start. The next week my mother in law sent us $60 just
because. Okay, getting closer. Later that week my husband’s
grandmother sent us $60 for our birthdays (which are in May
and July and this is already October.) I had found approxi-
mately $3 on the street from picking up pennies, nickels,
dimes and quarters. $423 came into my life without any ef-
fort for it. Then, I opened a new bank account and part of
their rewards was $77 for opening an account with them,
$500. I was floored.
I’ve been at my new job for about a month, and as I was
leaving for the weekend my boss hands me a card and says,
“We’ve had a good start” and smiled. When I left the building
and opened the envelope, there was $400 cash as a gift for
me to buy new work clothes on him, $900 total and counting.
Today is October 27th, hey; $100 is still coming my way.
This Secret is so powerful, with just a little effort and fo-
cus, anything you want can happen to you. I’m a believer.


“500,000.00 In less
than 30 days”
Kenya Stevens
Alpharetta, GA

(I am a wonderful stay at home mother of three. I

am married to a wonderful man. I love my life.)

I am so enjoying the telling of this story. My husband and I

set a goal to make half a million in 30 days. We used “The
Secret” to clarify our direction but we also simply put to-
gether a daily practice of getting excited about the money.
We were to celebrate each day at 5:00 AM and right before
going to bed. That was fun. Well, after the first 8 days of do-
ing the exercise I purchased a lottery ticket and won the mil-
lion dollar prize. I was in shock but so happy that The Secret
works. I have actually been doing this for years, using these
principles, but never without the visual images used in The
Secret that allowed me to really see graphically that I am the
I am in love with this lifestyle. Thanks.


I won it. Yuppie
Mrs. J
Tasmania Australia

(Mother, author, web designer

extraordinaire multimillionaire.)

Since learning about The Secret, my goal has been to im-

prove my life, and to win thirty million tax free dollars. It
took some time, and some deliberate changing of thoughts,
but my happiness levels improved hugely, so much so that
my family has even commented on it.
Winning thirty million dollars has been a wonderful dream
for me, and I’ve made a game out of it because it was simply
fun to try to outsmart myself.
I began playing the lotto when big draws would come
up, and when the urge would hit me I’ve won thirty dollars,
twenty dollars, sixty dollars on scratchies, and five thousand
dollars on the lotto after a particularly fun week of mega
draws. I knew I was on my way to winning thirty million
The final countdown began when the super 7s draw began
to build up again, and I decided that this would be it. I cal-
culated how long this build up would take to reach the thirty
million dollars that I wanted to win, and purchased a ticket
for each week up until, and including that date. I knew I was
in for it this time and I eagerly anticipated finding out the
results as the jackpot kept getting bigger and bigger and big-
ger, here it comes. I could feel it.
The night of the big draw came and went without any at-
tention to it, and I kind of wondered if I’d won a little later
in the evening, but I just shrugged and thought I would be
notified the next day of my winnings.
I had previously been notified via email of all my other
wins, including the five thousand that I won, and I had been
wondering if I would be notified of my thirty million dollar

190 Mohit Tahiliani

win via email too. Well I wasn’t, I received a wonderful phone

call the next morning, and I was so excited that I was jump-
ing for joy, trying to tell my husband the wonderful news and
becoming overwhelmed by the sheer size of my win.
Thank you to The Secret for introducing the concept of
using the law of attraction to achieve whatever we want, and
for leading me to the Abraham Hicks teachings which helped
me further my understanding of it all.
We are off to buy the house I have been dreaming of, a
new car, new furniture, and set up a wonderful adventure
holiday in style.
If I can do it, you can do it too.

Yes. I won.
Gabe B.
Twin Falls, Idaho

(An energetic, personable, striving entrepreneur

who lives not only for himself but to give
a better life for his family and son.)

My fiance had a business retreat in Jackpot Nevada. We were

looking forward to getting out of town and relaxing a little.
We really didn’t have any extra money to go, but she had told
me that all we spent would be reimbursed by her company.
We got to the hotel, checked in and then went and had dinner.
While having dinner her boss mentioned that she would pick
up one meal but the rest was up to us. Everyone was a little
irritated since we really didn’t have the money for this trip in
the first place.
We went on with the weekend and had fun but always in
the back of my mind I was counting money and thinking
about bills that had to be paid when we got home, and if
there would be enough.
We decided not to let this bother us and go on with the
weekend and enjoy it. We had fun, golfed and ate way too
Previously, I had spoken with my Mother and she said
she was coming down and we should meet up for brunch
on Sunday before we left to go home. I told her that would
be fine and that there was a drawing for a BMW Z4 on Sun-
day. She said that she and I were going to enter and win. I
thought that would be great because I could use the money.
It meant though that we had to stick around till 5:00 p.m. and
we were ready to get home. My Mom convinced me it would
be worth it. So, we sat in the Keno area and filled out tickets
for the drawing. We went over and put them in the spinner
with the rest of the tickets.

192 Mohit Tahiliani

I remember sitting in the Keno area and just thinking to

me if I won a thousand dollars how much it would benefit us,
since the weekend had been expensive. I wasn’t interested in
winning the car because I didn’t want to deal with transport-
ing it home and paying the tax and insuring it. I had my mind
set on the thousand.
Well, time comes for the drawing and I already had en-
visioned a thousand dollars in my hand before they started
calling the names in who would be involved drawing for the
car. You were guaranteed at least a thousand if your name
was called, and they were only drawing for five names.
There were so many tickets in the spinner. The chances
of them calling your name were incredible. They drew the
first name and it was a lady that was waiting already. They
drew a second ticket and it was folded up (I folded some of
mine, so I could be a little different) The gentleman held it
for what like seemed forever and he checks with the list to
see if the name had won anything previously, no. Hands it to
the woman with the mike and guess whose name they call
out. I couldn’t believe it. I was actually shocked but at the
same time kinda expecting it. I had won a thousand dollars.
I had to stay until 6:00 p.m to draw for the car and I ended
up picking #9 and the car was behind #10. I was ok with
that cause I had envisioned the thousand and not envisioned
myself driving the car.
I am going to Las Vegas in September and have written
myself a check for 20,000,000. Stay tuned.

My first condo
Edward Scott
Montreal, Qc

(I am Canadian and living in one of most interesting and

inspiring cities; Montreal. I work as a manager in sales
support for applications used in tracking deals. I am
fortunate to speak and write French and to live here.)

I have been living in a two bedroom apartment since the day I

moved to Montreal; 14 years ago. I have always been grateful
to live here because I live in the heart of the city surrounded
by wonderful neighbors and the rent is not expensive. Unfor-
tunately, my landlord passed away and her family wanted to
sell this old Victorian house. The problem for them is that it
would be hard to sell this house with a tenant who is paying
a very low rent.
My landlord’s son offered to pay my move as well as other
expenses, so in March I decided to look for another apart-
ment, however, I have a dog and it is difficult to find owners
who’d accept a dog. After searching and visiting the one’s
that did accept my pet I applied at one place. Once the credit
was approved the accountant called me and to my surprise
was rude and wanted the lease signed right away. A little
voice inside of me said, do not sign and stop looking for an
apartment. Become an owner.
I then looked at the ads for condos and those I had visited
either had a parking lot for a rear view or it was situated on
the ground or second floor or it would end up costing more
in repairs or there were many things. I decided to get clear on
what I wanted and then release it as my request.
The first condo where I made an offer because the price
was good (my agent and I asked the owner’s agent 4 times
about the price, still he claimed it was correct), it was on
the top floor and it was brand new. The rear view was not
really to my liking nor the area but in years there will be

194 Mohit Tahiliani

many new condo buildings here and my agent told me it is a

fast rising district. Anyway, the offer was made and my agent
asked when I would like to move in, I told him in July so he
chose July 25th. A response would come back to us within
72 hours.
The day I received the news from agent I had a doctor’s
appointment in the afternoon. The offer did not pass because
the owner’s agent did not give the correct price and the new
price in my opinion was too high for what was offered, so I
went to my stomach specialist and after the consultation told
me he would perform a endoscopy at the hospital on July
25th. This was strange because if all worked out with the
condo that would have been the day I moved.
Following this, I was surfing through the local Internet
sites and came across a new condo project. The location
looked good, the designs were appealing so I called my agent
and asked him to arrange a visit with their agents. We went
to the site and the Engineer showed us most of the units.
Most are sold so I asked show me the ones which are still
available. He took us to one of the building and said “all 4
units on this side are available” so we looked at the 2nd floor
first. I was pleased but not jumping for joy. The Engineer
asked me if I wanted to see the top floor (3rd floor) I replied
no, still he insisted so I agreed.
Once in the 3rd floor unit I went to see the view from the
rear where the bedrooms are located. I was in awe, the most
beautiful sights I have seen from a bedroom view. I asked
him what they were planning in the space directly below the
units; he replied a small courtyard with grass which is ac-
cessible to the owners, the parking lot is at the side of the
building. I asked what features came with the unit and he
listed them and all including 2 washrooms was what I really
wanted. I asked how much for the condo and the price was
right in my price range.
I purchased it, and when I signed the preliminary contract
and chose my finishing’s a feeling of utter job was released
within me and that feeling is so tremendous that it brought
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 195

other good things to me. Every weekend I go to my condo (I

will move in on September 5th), I walk through the rooms
and have taken pictures of every detail. When the floor was
put in that feeling returned even stronger than the first time
I felt it and things have been well. I can hardly wait till the
key is handed to me, I already see it so it is there. I have The
Secret—book & DVD to thank for making me aware of the
power I have always had and how to use it.

$25,000 in 30 days or less
Sheri M.

(Single mom of 4 young children,

building a business and future)

I began reading ‘The Secret’ in mid November 2009. On No-

vember 21st, I decided to be a bit crazy and set a goal similar
to a goal noted in the book; to have $25,000 in the next 30
days. I had no idea how this was going to happen, but I be-
lieved that it would.
My life began to change the very next day. I found a one
dollar bill crumbled up in the corner of a storage room where
I was working. Despite how small it was, I knew this was the
start of the Universe answering my desires.
On November 23rd I had an unexpected additional $44 in
my bank account. Also on November 23rd, I received word
that I was awarded a contract for $6,755. Two day later I
received word that I was being awarded two additional con-
tracts, one for $5,113 and one for $7,896. Just four days into
my wish of the Universe I was only $5,191 away from hit-
ting my $25,000 in 30 days. On Friday, November 27th, I
received an unexpected call from an acquaintance asking me
to look at some work with him. I will receive a contract for
this work, leaving me only $1,225 away from my $25,000
goal, all of this in less than 1 weeks time.
The power of ‘The Secret’ is truly awesome, it works.

The Emerald Tablet,
circa 3000 BC
Tis true without lying, certain most true.
That which is below is like that which is above that which
is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one
only thing.
And as all things have been arose from one by the media-
tion of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing
by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath
carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the
gross sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends
to the earth and receives the force of things superior and
By this means ye shall have the glory of the whole world
thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. for it vanquishes every sub-
tle thing and penetrates every solid thing. So was the world
From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof
the means (Or process) is here in this.
Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three
parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is ac-
complished and ended.

Welcome to the beginning
of your dream life.

Author’s Suggestion

1. The Secret, By Rhonda Byrne

2. The Power, By Rhonda Byrne
3. Science of getting rich, By Wallace Wattles


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