Living The Secret
Living The Secret
Living The Secret
Mohit Tahiliani
Copyright © 2012 Mohit Tahiliani. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-61897-215-6
“You have the Power to write
your own Destiny.”
Mohit Tahiliani
This book is dedicated to you.
My greatest gratitude to Tania, Tom, Eleanor, Vicki, Bruce
and all other members of Strategic Book Publishing who be-
lieved in me and helped me in publishing this book which
has only one aim; to bring joy to the billions of people alive,
at present and the coming generations. I am very grateful to
my friend/favorite teacher Julee for editing my book.
I am very grateful to Rhonda Byrne, author of the book,
“The Secret” and “The Power,” who took the initiative to
spread the Law of Attraction in this modern world. Thank
you so much Rhonda, this book is a tribute to you.
I am very grateful for having supportive, loving and car-
ing parents.
I am very grateful for being blessed with angels in my life
who were sent by God in the form of friends. My heartfelt
thanks to all my friends for being loving, supportive, helpful
and understanding.
It was March 2008 when I was introduced to The Secret for
the first time. I was shocked, and at the same time, amused.
After watching the video of The Secret, I started connecting
the dots by looking back at my life. Everything was crystal
clear; what happened in my life was a mere result of my pre-
dominant thoughts and feelings.
At that moment I felt so powerful and joyful that my first
act was to share it with all my friends and I did. I was sure of
one thing; this is the best time to share The Secret with every
single person alive on this planet. My very wish came true
when I learned that Rhonda Byrne published a book with the
name “The Secret”.
It was amazing; the law of attraction was spreading rap-
idly and widely. The one thing I noticed is that though many
people know about the law of attraction, they don’t believe
in it due to some reason or the other. It broke my heart to see
that people were shown the biggest gift of their lives, but they
are still not ready to believe it and use it to live their dreams.
I was willing to do something but I wasn’t sure what.
It was December 2010 when I came across another book
written by Rhonda Byrne called, “The Power”. I was revived
with a thought of sharing the law of attraction with the world
and also to apply on myself.
At that very moment I had completed my graduation and
got my dream job in Asia’s largest IT Company in the field
of my interest. I also cured myself of a skin disease. I am the
happiest person in the world, as I am living my dreams. Sud-
denly a thought struck me—what if every person could live
the life I am living?
Then I decided to write this book, sharing stories of the
people who have shared their experiences about using the
law of attraction and how they have changed their lives. So
this book is about your stories to those who don’t believe
viii Mohit Tahiliani
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2: Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 3: Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Chapter 4: Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Chapter 5: Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Chapter 6: Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Chapter 1
2 Mohit Tahiliani
4 Mohit Tahiliani
“To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at
all; but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing.”
Abraham Lincoln
“The mind acts like an enemy for those who don’t control it.”
“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is. ”
“One can become whatever one wants to be (if one con-
stantly contemplates on the object of desire with faith.)”
Bhagavad Gita
“It is not how much we give but how much love we put into
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to
you without leaving happier.”
Mother Teresa
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 5
“When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right
distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat
and light. This did not happen by chance.”
Isaac Newton
What does is it mean to be perfectly healthy? Well, you will
get the answer by observing the lifestyle of children. They
are full of energy when awake and move effortlessly and are
very flexible.
So does good health exist only when you are young or is
it up to you? The answer is; it is up to you. As people age,
they start talking and thinking too much about their getting
older and what diseases they or others have. As far as age is
concerned, ancient scripts tell us that thousands of years ago,
the average life of humans was around five hundred years.
The law of attraction says that you can gradually attract
everything you imagine or visualize about. So it isn’t dif-
ficult to understand why so many people have health issues
today. The wisest have known about The Secret and still live
their lives in a perfectly healthy way.
You can be slim, fit and perfectly healthy, and age is no
bar. If you have any diseases, you can heal it in no time. It
can be done only by you and once you practice the law of
attraction on a daily basis, it becomes easier. The following
stories are about people who have used the law of attraction
and cured themselves. It is the power within you, and now is
the time to believe in it and use it for your better health.
My Dog Zoey
Buffalo, NY
I have a female dog named Zoey who is now four years old.
About three months ago she was a healthy dog, until one day
all of sudden she got a little sick. We thought it was her food,
and so really we didn’t think anything of it. The next day she
got worse. Then we decided to take her to vet. The vet ran
some blood tests and said they weren’t sure what was wrong
with her, so they kept her overnight. We talked to the vet and
she said we can take her home but her condition is not good.
A couple of days later and she had gotten worse, to the
point where she couldn’t move. So that day after we took
her back to the vet and they started antibiotics. They said
just in case of infection, a normal procedure. So she stayed
overnight and the vet said it would be days before the blood
results came back and said the most frightening thing. We
can wait a few days or open her up, because she will not
make it through the day, or possibly through the surgery if
she needed it. So me and my wife have been told the worst,
and this dog is a part of our family and we would be devas-
tated to lose her. So they opened her up, hoping she would
wake from the anesthesia.
At that point we put food in Zoey’s dish, and filled her
other dish with water, staying positive that she would come
home. We got a call six hours after the surgery. Our Zoey
woke up, but her blood count was way below normal. The vet
did not find any intestinal disruption at all. Said her organs
were very healthy. He closed her and put her back on an IV
bag and we waited. So I and my wife washed her toys and
blanket, thinking she was coming home.
10 Mohit Tahiliani
We got a call the next day from the vet saying that Zoey
was improving but still weak. The situation remained the
same for three days straight, when the vet said to come visit
her and we saw her and she was wagging her tail but still
weak. She finally started eating. We visited her for the next
seven days, and after that she was all better, although we still
took her home with medicine.
As of today she is a healthy dog running and playing
around. I never stopped believing and stayed positive that
she would come home. Thank you Rhonda. From, Steve and
To follow up, I also wanted to include that we donated old
blankets during our visits to see Zoey.
Tumor dissolved
Mahesha Sapp
Brooklyn, NY
12 Mohit Tahiliani
I too lost my weight
Dee B
Orlando, FL
16 Mohit Tahiliani
Miracle of my life
18 Mohit Tahiliani
it leave my body forever, and will have great health for the
rest of my life.
So thank you again Rhonda, thanks to all the people who
made it possible for me to read these two amazing and ex-
traordinary books, thanks to everyone who’s sharing small
and big miracles. I am so lucky to be able to read all these
things and to be living in a whole new world with you all.
Lots of love to everyone.
I am healthy
Gary Mercer
Miami, Fl
20 Mohit Tahiliani
Diabetes dissolved
Margaret C
Maple Falls, WA
22 Mohit Tahiliani
Breast Cancer cured
Bronwynn Rose S.
Los Angeles, CA
24 Mohit Tahiliani
Eye sight improved in a week
After I read about the story that Rhonda discovered the way
to improve her eyesight, it suddenly hit me that having the
need to wear eye glass is totally deceiving. The first thing I
decided was to take off my glass (I been wearing it for over
a decade now), then throw it away in a garbage can that I
cannot retrieve, including my contact lenses and everything.
I also returned my disposable contact lenses (I told them that
I don’t need it any more, I can see clearly now).
At first nothing changed, since my focus was on. I can’t
see things as clearly as I have with glasses on. I still looked
for glasses first thing after I woke up. However, I pretended I
could see things clearly. So I don’t lean toward the computer
when I was typing, or say things like ‘I didn’t have my glass
on’ when I miss-recognized. I keep saying to myself, I can
make it happen, I can see clearly, if I can be so successful
financially, there is no reason that I can’t make this happen.
Within a week, I can see things clearly without glasses.
I don’t know how to express my gratitude and happiness in
any words. I would like to thank all of the teachers from The
Secret, your story is truly inspirational, it has changed my
life totally, I am now living in success, healthiness, richness
and happiness every single day.
Pimples disappeared
Jacqueline P
No pain. Thank you.
Lancaster County, Pa
I watched The Secret just last week. I had been going through
some rough times due to a degenerative disk disease that
causes a lot of pain and often curtails my ability to work for
long periods of time. No work means less income, which in
turn causes more unpaid bills which cause more stress...and
well, you get the idea.
My youngest son, 15 yrs. kept telling me, “Mom, you
worry too much. You really need to watch this movie I know
about.” and finally, one night I had nothing better to do so I
I don’t need to tell anyone who has seen the movie what
a profound effect it immediately has on you. That night, I
determined to cast aside all my negative thoughts and ways
of viewing the world and seek joy in my life.
For the past few months I have been in extreme pain all
around my thoracic region (spine and ribs) caused by acute
inflammation, immobility and muscle spasms from the de-
generation. I’ve been living on pain meds and hot packs,
ice packs, spending lots of time lying down, unable to sleep
many nights because the pain actually wakes me up.
After watching The Secret, I thought instead of moaning
and wallowing in self pity, I would envision myself feeling
better. Because I do still have a sense of humor (at least on
good days.), I started imagining an army of little critters who
would attack the pain and the inflammation but I’m a pacifist
and I couldn’t bring myself to think of them just killing the
bad guys, so I created an army of Joy Bugs. Joy Bugs run
around in my bloodstream and body and when they come
across the “bad guys”, they hug them. When they hug them,
it makes the bad things shrink away to almost nothing. But
28 Mohit Tahiliani
I didn’t stop there. Behind the Joy Bugs come the Joy Bugs’
dogs. Yep.
The Joy Bug doggies finish up the process by snacking
down on any remaining bits of garbage. (I have dogs so I
suppose it was natural for me to come up with this scenario).
I thanked the universe for my healing, and then I went to
sleep feeling more contented and happy than I had in a long
Long story slightly shorter: I woke up the next day, got out
of bed and was halfway down the stairs when it hit me, I was
moving without pain.
The entire day I spent without pain meds. Oh, I was a little
stiff still, but the huge area of inflammation and inflexibility
was greatly diminished. That night, I called my Joy Bugs
again. Next morning, I am even better.
This positive thinking, this laws of attraction, this ask-
ing, expecting an answer and being willing to receive really
And besides, just the thought of Joy Bugs makes me
I healed myself
John G.
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Perfect eyesight in a few hours
Abhilasha Arora
I have a strong heart
Denver, CO
32 Mohit Tahiliani
I cured the cancer
Lyn. L
New Zealand
34 Mohit Tahiliani
I am healthy and fit
Brisbane AU
I have had a great life since I watched The Secret and it was
seriously phenomenal but recently I’ve been like, c’mon
dude, you are paranoid about it. Those things were by chance
and all that.
Deep in my heart (and I think in everyone’s heart) I knew
the truth. That is the main reason we absorb The Secret. We
know it, it’s like a birth-gift.
I had problems with my cycling team. I couldn’t keep up
with the pack my body needed water more than ever, and
blah, blah, blah.
One day in the morning I woke up and while I was brush-
ing my teeth, in front of the mirror, I saw myself and I pointed
my index finger to mirror (like I’m demanding): “Today I’m
staying with the team till the end”
4 hours later I was the first one who finished over the line.
You know what? Thanks / Thanks / Thanks
You know my secret? “Little things”
Ovarian cyst disappeared
Dimah N
Lattakia, Syria
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 37
This may be my first story, but I’m sure it won’t be the last,
as I keep on believing.
(As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same.
— Nelson Mandela)
Ask, believe, and receive.
I am completely healthy
Kent, UK
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 39
I cured myself. Yuppie.
Emily Kate
The Cancer Girl
Rasha H.
Through my life I have always believed that I’ve got the po-
tential to do so many special things, and though people tried
to convince me that it was all just imaginations and fantasies
of a teenage girl, I just knew that there is something really
big waiting for me, a big challenge and an amazing journey
in life.
On 14-12-2005 I was diagnosed with cancer. But even
though I was 16 at that time, I just told mom, “Don’t worry,
this is God’s gift to me to achieve my dream and deliver my
message to the whole world as I have ever dreamed to.”
Everyone was so sad, but I really never felt so. I was so
thankful that God chose me among all of my friends to get
me to pass through this experience.
I had to skip school classes, I even lost an academic year,
and I had 3 bad chemotherapies which never gave a result.
The tumor kept on growing and growing and my skin was
aching. I had to go for bone marrow transplant, and I had to
stay in hospital for a whole month in an isolated room. Still
I was never upset. After that I had to do radio therapy, but
when I was happy that I was done with it the tumor reap-
peared again, and I had to do it again one more time. Still, I
never lost hope, and I was always smiling, believing in the
belief that I am going to survive this and be somebody really
helpful for my society.
42 Mohit Tahiliani
Brain Injury Recovery
Steve L.
Denver, CO
Chapter 3
46 Mohit Tahiliani
My Perfect Score
Rohan. S
I truly believe that Rhonda has done a great job in this world,
and there are very few of these kinds of people in this world.
Thank you very much.
Last month it all started. My exams were coming near. I
was a bit nervous, but then I thought, if all the power in this
world exists in us, why not use it? And that is the law of at-
traction. So I made an intention to get myself the best scores
in this semester. I stuck a paper in front of my study table
with my desired marks in every subject.
I was very excited. I had done my studies and was pre-
pared, but scoring my dream score was very much like a
dream. I gave all my papers, and they were ok. But when the
results came it was a slight heart attack for me because I got
exactly the same score I wrote on the wall, and also my KT’s
got cleared.
I still feel the joy of topping every exam. Hence forth I
wish to get a student visa for the USA. It will be attracted
towards me. And the ultimate thing that I am going to attract
is a Lamborghini car.
The high scoring exams
Shashwat Seth
Noida, India
Perfect Marks
Hyderabad, India
(A Student)
Hey, people.
I am so glad to write this. The entrance exam that I wanted
to get through didn’t go that well. I realize that I didn’t pay
the necessary attention. However, another entrance came my
way. I knew that it was my dream college and I had to get the
best score possible. I wanted a score of 330, and I planned
it so.
My friends were skeptical about their performance, as it was
not that easy. However, I totally believed that I would get
330, and I finally got 330. What I had expected. I am so
happy. My parents are extremely happy and no one else in
our college has such a good score. I am very glad. This hap-
pened only because I really wanted it to happen. I love The
Making the Impossible,
a Reality
Sasha H
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 51
My Great Child
New Zealand
54 Mohit Tahiliani
The road to IIT
I got an A
Finally got my A1s
Pragya S.
New Delhi, India
Hello everyone.
Today, this morning I got my result. Throughout my life I
have been a good student, just a bit under the extraordinary
mark. Every time my result came out, I was scared, think-
ing, “If only I had not left everything for the last day.” But
this time was entirely different. I did study late in one or
two exams, but I could actually see my A1s. Also, this year’s
result was extremely important as it was my 9th class result,
and according to the CBSE system, both my 9th and 10th
class results would be considered like my Boards results. It is
something that would remain with me my whole life.
At first I visualized my result in numbers, but then I did
a few mistakes and thus I was a bit disheartened. But now
due to my staying and believing that I have my perfect report
card, my report card today came in grades. At home I would
sit and imagine the day in detail; what I would wear, how I
would go there, what expressions I would have when I got
the report card, how I would tell my friends and my best
friend’s mom about my result. I imagined telling everyone
that I got all A1s and how everyone would say, “Congratu-
lations,” to me. I would imagine how my class teacher and
my mom would be proud of me. It felt so good, so right.
Sometimes I even felt a bit doubtful and frightened, but
then I would replace it with full belief, and that is what I am
getting. I would imagine my happiness; actually feel it, my
mom’s proud face, her smile, my dad and my sis when they
would see my report card. I even told everyone about it. I
could not back down, it was all or nothing.
58 Mohit Tahiliani
CA Exam
Aastha Mig
I have always believed that I am solely responsible for the
outcome of my life. Nevertheless, The Secret changed it. It
brought me closer to my dreams. This story relates to one of
Chartered Accountancy exams are supposed to be one of
the toughest exams in India, and my aim was to get an all
India rank in my CA inter exams. I have a whiteboard in my
room which doubles as a vision board and a place to solve
accountancy problems. I wrote on this board: “I am an all
India rank holder of November 2010 PCC exams”. I used to
feel that my dream is just a few steps away.
My exams spanned one week. The most exhausting week
of my life. The reason why CA exams are so tough is because
you have to revise 1.5 years worth of syllabus in a single day.
The exams are on alternate days. The best part is that I used
to feel in my heart that my exam is going to be awesome. I
used to pick 75% of the topics and revise them thoroughly,
and you know what the best part is? The paper was from the
75% I had revised.
The results are out and I am the 16th rank holder in India
and on the second position in my state.
The Secret works phenomenally. Thank you so much
Rhonda for introducing us to The Secret. Life is simply
amazing. Whenever someone tells me that, “But babe, life
is not a fairy tale”, I have only one reply for them, “Sure it’s
not a fairytale, it’s much better.”
Becoming a published
writer at age 17
Perth, WA
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 61
Best exam
Mumbai, India
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 63
I am 100%
Frankie O
Oxford, PA
I got an A too
Stafford, VA
Back to school
Melissa J.
West valley city, Utah
68 Mohit Tahiliani
Enjoying the college
Alex A.
(18 year old girl who is finally living her dream life.)
70 Mohit Tahiliani
I had lost interest in the school), and crossed off the col-
lege’s name, replaced it with the Wisconsin school, and put
the amount of money I wanted it to be $35,000 per a year.
Talk about lofty goals.
Within thirty days I got a letter in the mail that said I was
rewarded an $80,000 scholarship from the Wisconsin school.
That’s $20,000 per a year. Then I got $10,000 from govern-
ment a fund (which is renewable). For those counting, that’s
$30,000 per year. Yes, I still need another $5,000 to reach my
goal, but I am positive it will come.
A month after that I was looking at collegiate wear for my
school, and what else do I come across, but the navy and yel-
low striped scarf. I know I am at the right place, my dream
My advice to anyone is to dream as big as you can, know
what you desire and build on your desire, feed it. Be passion-
ate about it. And never doubt the power of the universe. It
can deliver anything, no matter how big or small it is. Lastly,
don’t listen to the critics. Live your truth and only yours.
Happy manifesting,
7 A’s in 7 subjects
Andrew Y.
Hong Kong, China
Fantastic grades and
perfect sixth form.
Got my desired college
74 Mohit Tahiliani
Best Thesis
Angel C.
Manila, Philippines
(I knew The Secret 7 months ago, thanks to my friend
who borrowed his copy of the book. I am a graduating
tourism student. 20 years old but always feel that
I am just 16. I have so many plans in the future,
and I know I can achieve it through believing.)
76 Mohit Tahiliani
since she taught this subject, that all was great, no major re-
visions, and three of the groups were experts. I am so proud
of my section, my classmates, and especially my group.
Thank you so much.
And not just that, this afternoon our adviser finally told us
one of the most memorable news I always expected to hear.
Of all the groups that have defended, our group bagged the
highest score on the defense, which obviously means, that
we are the best thesis in our section. Wow! I can’t believe it
at first. Just when I realized that all along, I always and al-
ways, and always have that phrase in my mind, “BEST THE-
SIS.” And it did.
All the sufferings, the bickering, all the negativities, all of
which that happened in the past, truly, they all paid off well.
Now, I am more motivated to ask, believe, and receive. So
far, this is the best manifestation of the law of attraction that
ever happened to me since I have known The Secret. The key
is to have no space for doubt, just believe that you will have
it, and most importantly, do your job. It will never happen to
you if the goal you’re hoping for to happen requires you to
work, too. This is the Law of Compensation. You did yours,
and the universe will pay you, big time.
Thank you Universe and thank you GOD. We know that
your plans are the best, and that everything happens for a
Keep inspired. Never give up. Thank you. Thank you.
The Secret—Achievement
to success
Sora Leonhart
Auckland, NZ
Chapter 4
Life gives you abundance of everything. It’s up to you; are
you open to receive everything you want from life?
There is abundance of different fields to work in. Every
second is an opportunity to get what you want. The same
goes for job too.
Most people work hard to get that extra income and to get
a good retirement life. Don’t forget that you are born to live
and enjoy the most beautiful and precious gift of God to all
human kind which is the present.
By using the law of attraction, you can get any job any-
where in the world in any organization you like. The ultimate
goal is to always be happy in what you choose to be and have
passion and love for what you do.
Remember, every second is an opportunity to be what you
want, to get what you want, to live your life to the fullest,
because you are born to get everything in abundance. The
following stories will demonstrate how people have used the
law of attraction to get the job of their dreams.
Back to hometown
Vinit Arora
Ghaziabad, India
84 Mohit Tahiliani
When you wish upon a star
Whittier, CA
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 87
Living my dreams
John Galt
LA, California
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 89
job unless you really and truly want it. Want it, know it to be
true, be kind and just to others always, and be grateful and
know that good things come to those who believe and keep
on doing the right thing.
Got my dream job
92 Mohit Tahiliani
top ten profiles to the embassy, and I was among them. I felt
an immense gratitude immediately, and kept the faith alive.
I came on to The Secret website, where I found so many
anecdotes of people putting the LOA in practice to win their
dream job. I took their tips to heart, and did everything.
Thank you, dear fellow writers, for your stories, which in-
spired me so much.
Both my fiancé and I would talk about how awesome it is
for me to work at the Australian High Commission. I created
a card with my name, the embassy logo, and its address on
it. Also, I wrote myself an offer of employment letter with all
the terms and conditions I wanted on it. This was my dream
job; I so wanted it. I wrote my name and the job title on my
phone, and would look at it all the time. Even when I lay on
my bed before sleeping, I would say my name and the job
title over and over again. I even saved the embassy’s phone
number on my mobile as my work number. I woke up earlier
every day to get myself in the mood of going to work. Simul-
taneously, I thanked God every day for providing me with
such a rewarding and wonderful job.
Needless to say that when I went for the interview with a
team of three people, I felt like one of them. They were like
family, and the kindest people I’ve ever met. It was such an
easy breezy interview, and when I left the building, I knew
the job was mine. I kept the faith going, and thanked the
universe and God for blessing me with my dream job. Little
was my surprise when I got the call congratulating me for the
job. I was on the moon, and jumped up and down for several
seconds. I called my fiancé, and cried on the phone while re-
vealing the news. He was so proud, and so were my parents.
We all went for a wonderful meal together to celebrate, and
it was truly the best day of my life.
Believe, and it is yours. It’s so true. I am now flying out to
London for two weeks for a training program the embassy is
offering me. This trip to London was also one of the things
in my gratitude list, and it is now being fulfilled side by side.
I cannot be happier. I am finally a Consular and Protocol
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 93
I love my job
Cynthia A.
High Desert, CA
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 95
Got better job than I thought
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 97
that even though I did The Secret a few years ago, my at-
titude to money was still one of lack, not enough, we have
to cut back, we have to shop as cheaply as possible. It was
the one part of The Secret that didn’t seem to ring true for
me. I struggled with it. I, like many, was indoctrinated that
it was not good to wish for more money. This was spiritually
wrong, etc. I kind of adapted my own Secret, skipping the bit
on money. So deep down that mind-set was keeping me poor
even though other things were good in my life.
This new job will provide beyond what I thought was pos-
sible. The salary will mean my family and I can enjoy a com-
fortable lifestyle without the tightening our belts mentality
of the last year or two. Yes. I intend to pay debts off, but I
will not give the ‘getting out of debt’ any thought. As Bob
Proctor says, “I don’t care whether it’s get in or get out, if you
think debt, that’s what you’ll get.” I’ll be keeping thoughts
of abundance and more money than we need coming in, not
how quickly I can get out of debt.
I guess it’s quite scary when you tap into this power and
know with absolute certainty that it works.
Thanks to The Secret Team again. And my gratitude for
my marriage, friends, and family has only drawn them in
closer. Within days of doing the gratitude lists, all my close
friends phoned me. My relationship with my wife is the best
in years too.
Thanks for reading.
Yes, I got the job.
Yana F.
Baltimore, MD
Without fail, I am met with success every time I use the les-
sons from “The Secret.”
In February 2008, I lost a very well-paying job. For weeks
after I moved from temp job to temp job, total unemploy-
ment, and finally to a permanent part-time position paying
$10 an hour. Two days in on the part-time job, and the owner
of the business informed me that she was going to change
my hours from 20 per week to 10. There was no way I could
live off of $100.00 a week.
I walked home from work feeling sad and discouraged.
When I got into my apartment I felt an overwhelming urge
to watch “The Secret,” even though I didn’t have much more
energy than it would take to sit and worry about what I was
going to do without a regular job and more money. After I
watched the movie, I got my journal and wrote an affirma-
tion. This was the affirmation:
“I am manifesting a great administrative position within
walking distance to my home, within coming days. At this
job I make at least $30,000 per year. The people I work with
are joyful, kind-hearted, and co-operative. The work I per-
form I find interesting, and I am greatly appreciated by my
co-workers and supervisors. I am paid weekly, arrive on time
or early every Monday through Friday, and I thoroughly en-
joy every day that I go to this job. I am thankful for the in-
clusive and clear process that has manifested my perfect new
job right now.”
I wrote that on April 8, 2008. I said the affirmation
throughout the day, and I could feel joy when I said it. A
100 Mohit Tahiliani
I manifested my Job
M. C.
The Secret is an amazing thing, isn’t it? The fact that we can
have whatever we want, just by focusing on it and taking
inspired action is incredible, and something that I know for
many (myself included) really takes a while to sink in. My
first few attempts with The Secret unfortunately weren’t so
successful, however I truly believe that you have to hit ‘rock
bottom’ in order to fully and truly surrender yourself to the
power that is the law of attraction.
One of the main things that I wanted to attract using The
Secret was a job. Specifically, I always wanted to work in a
fun and funky clothing shop, so that was what I focused on. I
envisioned myself at “work” every day, I thought about what
tasks I may have to do and the people I would encounter, I
was playing the scenarios over in my head and really feeling
as though they had already occurred. I told people that I had
gotten a great job and would often tell people that I had to
work. I even purchased a little planner and wrote down the
days I had to work and when I wanted to work. I drew up my
own mini roster for work, and kept it in my room, the whole
time knowing that this dream job was coming to me and re-
ally keeping in the feeling and knowledge of it.
Anyway, one day I decided to take a look online at all the
great things I’d purchase once I had my amazing new job and
all that extra money in the bank, which led me to one par-
ticular site which was a store I’d always dreamed of working
for. Whilst browsing their stock, I came across their Careers
section and was stunned to find an open position in the store,
at the shopping center I wanted to work at. It was perfect,
102 Mohit Tahiliani
It really works
I got IBM
Kemparaj N
Bangalore, India
My vision board
Believer of “The Secret”
106 Mohit Tahiliani
The Power works
Hong Kong
First of all, I would like to say thank you to the whole Secret
team and Rhonda. Because of “The Secret” and this website,
I know about the law of attraction, and then I owned another
book, “The Power”, and it let me have better understanding
about the application of this law. From my heart deeply, it’s
my pleasure to have the chance to know and apply this love
rule in my life, and I know that my life will be totally dif-
ferent, will be full of love, joy, and be amazing. Here is my
I quit my job a few months ago because I would like to
find a better job that was suitable for me (not just work for
money). I wanted to change my job field and future career
plan. However, I had no idea what kind of job or industry I
should choose. After a month’s job searching time, I only got
one interview from a company that I did not really like. A
week before, I was full of negative thinking and frequency. I
got no good response.
Suddenly, one day, I found that this was not a good way for
me; I should adjust my mind and frequency to become pos-
itive first. I read “The Secret” book again and felt the hap-
piness and love through the different shared stories in this
website. I felt much better and decided not to think about job
searching. I tried to enjoy my free time (and just imagined
and pretended I’ve already got a job and am waiting for the
commencement date). I thought, “The world will select the
most suitable one for me.”
After that I truly believed the thing I imagined. I felt re-
laxed and happy in the following days. And then I kept read-
ing Rhonda’s new book “The Power” and it gave me many
108 Mohit Tahiliani
Every job is a dream job
London, England
110 Mohit Tahiliani
was leaving but that was it. I kept living my life the best I
could and trying to use The Secret. Just a few months later
the perfect job was brought to me. I was hiring at a small
school for a summer program. I was so thrilled to have such
a great job, I felt empowered, and the real excitement came
when I was asked to work there for the entire year. I still
work there now and it’s amazing, I’m friends with everyone
there, everyday is exciting, and I’ve grown and learned so
much in the past year. I’m writing this for myself, and for
you because the more you talk about an analyze The Secret,
the more it comes to you. My next job is going to be even
more exciting and wonderful.
I am a master of The Secret, envision yourself mastering
The Secret, feel the excitement in realizing you attracted
something that you wanted. This is most important. Thinking
about and focusing on yourself realizing and knowing when
The Secret happens is only going to make it happen more
for you. Day to day life distracts us, I make sure to use The
Secret whenever I can; it always pops into my head whether
I expect it to or not.
We are all strong, we are all positive, we all support each
other. I am most important, The Secret is most important. If
it’s not working for you, you need to stop being skeptical,
cast all doubt out of your mind. It may seem like a naive
unrealistic point of view for some people, but it is what we
are all here to do.
The Secret works more and more for me, and I’m going to
start keeping a daily log so that when The Secret does hap-
pen I can go back and say, I asked for that, I wanted that, I
always get what I want. The Secret is like anything else, the
more you practice it, the better you get at it and the faster the
things you want come to you. The LOA is amazing, worship
it. Devote any thought power you can to it. Keep The Secret
close, read it or watch the movie every other day if you can.
Memorize it, master it like I have.
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 111
Thank you for my job.
I had just moved due to my husband’s new job and was un-
employed. I had been looking for a job but nothing was re-
ally exciting me. I was becoming really reluctant to look for
a job and said to me “It would be nice for a job just to fall in
my lap”.
A week later, friends of mine introduced me to The Secret.
The movie came at the most perfect time in my life. I de-
cided then and there that a job will just fall in my lap.
Sure enough, a few weeks after that, my husband comes
home and tells me there’s a position at his work I’m qualified
for. It was for a job I had never done, but after discussing it
over with him, I realized that I definitely had the skills. I felt
really good and positive. I kept saying to anyone who could
listen, “I can do this job” and “I’m going to get this job.”
Now you are probably thinking that I got this job because
of my husband, well, I did get an interview because of him,
but I had to pass a test and interview well. The great thing is,
is that I studied just the right things, aced the interview and
got the job, all on my own.
A week before my interview, I was talking with my friends,
mentioned above, at their store and was telling them about
the job I was going to be interviewing for. Then a friend of
theirs comes in and we start chatting and I find out that for
10 years, he had been doing what I was applying for. He pro-
ceeded to give me all sorts of helpful advice. It was just so
amazing that minutes after the words came out of my mouth,
in walks a person that was able to help me even more.
I love this movie and I love what it is doing for people.
I got an exciting job
M. M. Sanchez
San Francisco, CA
114 Mohit Tahiliani
I got the job I loved
Jorge Lopez
Hi, I have a lot of stories about The Secret that have hap-
pened to me since I was young, but the main story I want to
tell is this:
I was living in Colombia, and dreaming of traveling a lot. I
saw an advert on the Internet about a job which will train you
in different products all over the world. It was open for 2,000
people and they chose 8. Usually you might think, ‘that is
only 0.4%,’ but I thought, ‘why not?’ I applied for it.
A couple of months later they told me my resume was
chosen and I would have an interview. I did the interview
and finally 4 months later they said I should go personally
to Switzerland for the final selection process (there were 24
people left). After this, 1 month later, they called me and said
I was chosen amongst 2,000 people.
Since then I have not stopped traveling. I lived in the USA,
Spain, the Netherlands, South Korea, Vietnam, Honk Kong,
Singapore and Switzerland. And I see pictures of me in these
places and guess what? I am always smiling. I cannot stop
This is really working, it is about following your dreams
and once you get on that train there is no turning back, it is
always full speed ahead. Thank you.
I got the position I love
Michelle D.
Macomb, MI
My Dream Job
Devaki Ganapathy
Am I dreaming?
I had been searching for a new job for several months. Al-
though I have a good CV, my job search was complicated as
I needed to be sponsored for a work visa, and I had already
lost out in the final rounds of interviews for two positions to
other candidates due to my visa problem.
Then I received a call about a position in Italy. I love Italy,
have always wanted to work there, but I’d never thought it
possible as I did not speak Italian. So this position was per-
fect. I did not need to speak the language, the job was exactly
what I wanted, the location was ideal.
The first round of interviews went without a hitch, and I
had a great feeling about working there. But the company
called me to say that they were most likely going to go with
another candidate already located in the city.
I was extremely disappointed. But, I thought, the deci-
sion wasn’t final yet, so I tried to apply The Secret. I made
a mock-up of my business card. I recited my name and new
position over and over again. I wrote out my new title, com-
pany name, and address until I could say it in my sleep. I
made out a list of things to do for relocation. I cleaned my
office as if I had resigned. I circled my new start date on my
Then the company called me to confirm that they had
made an offer to the other candidate who had accepted and
signed the contract. At that point, I was so disappointed that I
was ready to give up on The Secret. But then I told myself: if
I couldn’t land this job, I would land another job that would
still take me to Italy. And so I started relaxing and telling
myself that my dream job would soon arrive. I didn’t know
how, but it would arrive.
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 119
Thank you for everything
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 121
When it comes to relationships, I am not focusing only about
your soul mate or romantic relationships; it is also about the
relationships with your parents, siblings, cousins, relatives,
friends and people you don’t even know. Everyone and ev-
erything in this world is connected by the law of attraction.
In relationships, it’s all about giving. Relationships are
one of the most beautiful things we have, to give love and
change our lives. As you all know, what you give is what you
will receive. This tells you how relationships give you the
opportunity to give as much love as possible.
It’s as simple as it sounds. If you want people around you
to be caring, then you make an effort to care for the people
around you. If you want people around you to make you
laugh, then you make an effort to make them laugh. As one
of our greatest leaders said,” Be the change you want to see
in others.”
The truth is; there is abundance of everything you want.
Everyone is unique and so their likes are different. Many
people have used this great power to create their environ-
ment and people they want to live with. Remember that
when you are asking for a change, the most important thing
is that it should bring you joy and happiness. Following are
the stories of how people have used the law of attraction to
bring joy and success to their relationships.
I attracted the guy I like
Latin America
I am engaged
Emily Cline
Cincinnati, OH
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 127
I am in love with my life
Well, the magic began when I first met The Secret about two
years ago. I was very excited with the idea of creating my life
so started applying it the same day. At that time there was a
boy in my school that I was really attracted to and I desper-
ately wanted to know him better and (why not) become my
new boyfriend. So I gave it a try and started being grateful
for the great opportunity I had to spend time with him to get
to know him better. I was imagining myself with him and it
was making me feel like I was really there, I was extremely
Two days later we were sitting together (I have to mention
that we had never talked before, he didn’t even know my
name) talking and laughing. How amazing was that?
That week my school was organizing a dance and my best
friend told me that it was an opportunity to see if he is at-
tracted to me. By this point he didn’t seem very attracted but
I thought that it would be great to give it a try. Again I was
feeling enthusiastic and grateful picturing myself spending
the whole night with him. All the emotions were so real that I
couldn’t hide them. I was shining and many people noticed it.
That great feeling gave me the happy end of my story, which
is the best part. That night he spoke with my best friend and
asked her if I was interested because he really liked me.
I wish I could explain to you the feeling that came over
me in that moment. I was looking at my friend and couldn’t
make a sound. That was the time I became a true believer. He
still is my boyfriend and whenever I look at him I know how
grateful I am. Since then I have never stopped believing and
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 131
Thank you Rhonda
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 133
We did not have much contact during this time, but in the
few texts I sent him, I really focused on being nice and tried
not to give him more guilt than he already felt by doing this
to me. I even ended some of the texts with a smile face. I
didn’t do this as an agenda to get him back, but because I still
love him and I didn’t want to hurt him.
One week and one day after the break started I got a text
that felt a little different; where he asked if I could come
meet him at home (I was living at my friends’ place at the
time). What he told me that day was amazing! He had had
an epiphany the night before where he realized that this was
his biggest mistake ever. I won’t go into detail what we spoke
about, but one thing I will share with you. He said that the
trigger of this epiphany was me answering one of his texts
with a smile face and the effort he could see that I put in it
to make him feel better about himself and not feel as guilty.
And suddenly he could feel the same love for me as he had
when we first met.
I see this as indisputable proof that The Secret and The
Power works. Like attracts like, Love attracts Love.
Thank you, thank you Rhonda for sharing this Secret with
me. And thank you very, very much universe for giving me
my boyfriend and relationship back. Now we are as happy as
ever and live, love, and laugh together every day.
Bless you all.
Do you believe in miracles?
I do, because they happen
Saniya Shetty
Amritsar, India
Hey people,
Last night I visited The Secret website for the first time
and got to read some wonderful stories, and I remembered
how I had imagined myself sharing this wonderful experi-
ence of mine with everybody who acknowledges The Secret.
I got to read The Secret three years ago. A very dear friend
of mine suggested it to me when I was facing a lot of prob-
lems in my 10 month old relationship. I was 17 at that time
and today I think that I didn’t understand it completely at that
time. Eventually my relationship ended in a break up. After
the break up we talked on and on and off basis, fought, and
finally stopped talking 6 months ago.
I could not apply The Secret to save my relationship be-
cause my predominant thoughts were about the ‘HOW’ part
of the things, and the universe replied leaving me figuring
out the ‘how is it gonna happen’. Last weekend came the
miracle. I decided to rejuvenate all the knowledge of The
I got to visit his town last weekend with my cousin. Our
plan was spontaneous, and I had a gut feeling of something
That night I was feeling nostalgic all the way there, and
missing him. I even went near his place just to satisfy my
inner instincts, but could not see him as I knew that he could
only be at his college. He studies 4000 km away from his
home and visits home hardly twice in a year.
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 135
My dream life partner
Deborah F. Hill-Perry
Miami, Oklahoma
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 137
Just amazing
Julie Ann
I watched “The Secret” two times, once last night, and once
this morning. I decided to try something small yet very im-
portant to me to see if this is for real. Well, it sure is real.
Back in 1995, I met and fell in love with someone and
the relationship fell apart after about 1 year. It was a long
distance relationship. We remained in touch through the
years and even got together every once in awhile. Well, I
had been thinking of my ex for a day or so before watching
the movie and wondering how he was. I hadn’t heard from
him in awhile, and things were a little strained between us
for some irrelevant reasons. So chances of him calling were
very slim, but I threw it out there as my little test and honest
to God. About 1 1/2 hours later, the phone rings, and it was
him. Even though it was very nice to hear from him, I could
barely hold my end of the conversation because I was so ex-
cited that this is indeed very real.
We are all connected
Atul Moudgil
140 Mohit Tahiliani
I didn’t even notice until
it happened. It worked.
Mayuka S
Hyderabad, India
142 Mohit Tahiliani
My first love
Manila, Philippines
Dear Universe,
I hope you’re well. I wanted you to know what I
will be ordering. If it’s not too much trouble I would
really like to travel, and I want more fun and happy
experiences to come into my life. Skiing and wa-
ter skiing would be fun. Maybe surf? I invite more
friends into my life, open and honest relationships. I
invite all that is good, fun, and inspirational into my
life, loving, caring, kind, fun, crazy friends into my
life. I invite wealth, health, and safety, to travel the
world and meet many new faces, each as beautiful as
the next. I wish this year to be the funniest I’ve ever
had, a year where I get more comfortable with who
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 145
Life is amazing
(A Secret Admirer.)
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 147
best friend. I’ve many more experiences like this that can be
linked to The Secret.
I saw the movie three times from my college and love the
ideas. I’m applying The Secret in my life now.
I really thank the team of The Secret for sharing The Se-
cret and for bringing happiness and success to so many peo-
ple including me. Thank you so much. God Bless everyone.
The man of my life
Brooklyn, NY
Ok, my cousin bought The Secret book and I read it and was
blown away. I started to practice The Secret rules, and bought
myself a white and black notebook that I wrote my dreams
in. I wrote that I met a good man, Caucasian with blue eye
that will turn green, tall and handsome, and he will treat me
like a princess.
And guess what? After two months of writing that I met
this man named Craig on the internet and he was just like the
man I wanted and wrote about in my notebook; tall, white,
and blue eyes. He bought me a house and we got engaged
and are about to get married. He treats me like a princess.
I love The Secret. I recommend it to everyone.
Impossible made possible,
she came back
Jason M
Essex, England
150 Mohit Tahiliani
It happened
M. Y. A. S. A.
Cozumel, Mexico
A Hopeless Romantic
M. Piloni
Los Angeles, CA
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 153
and he’s finally here close to me. What I did was basically
believe, and when I did that I was immensely happy because
I knew it was coming, that what I wanted was on its way.
I started reading The Secret in 2008 and The Power right
after it came out. They’re both amazing books and I’m so
thankful to Rhonda and The Secret team for making it pos-
sible for people to read and understand the power we have
within ourselves.
Things are going perfect with me and my dream man,
but I want to be his girlfriend and I know it’s coming before
Christmas. Yes, it’s fast and maybe so called “impossible,”
but I believe it will happen and when it does I will write
about it.
For anyone hoping and wishing for that amazing person,
seriously, write that list. I’m telling you it helps you visualize
exactly what you want and then just believe, have faith and
he/she will come.
Thank you Rhonda,
you are great.
Akshay G
How to find and keep
the love of your life
Ann in Salem
156 Mohit Tahiliani
would take its own course in its own time and I needed to
honor that.
I realized before he did that he was also falling in love
with me, but I waited for him to come to that, which took
him about eight months to do. Even then we did not rush
things—we dated for another full year before moving in to-
gether and then married about a year later, but I have never
forgotten my rules because they still apply. We thank each
other all the time for the little things we do for each other.
When you stop risking your heart, you are at risk of los-
ing your love. Every day you have to look for the beauty in
your beloved, even if he leaves the toilet seat up or doesn’t
squeeze the toothpaste tube the way you like. Fact is you
probably have habits that irritate your love too.
I am more in love today than I was five years ago when we
married. I expect that our love will continue to grow because
that is my intention. I also maintain myself as an individual
as does he. It is never healthy to expect someone to complete
you or be your world.
My fairy tail
My Marriage to my
Prince Charming
Delhi, India
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 159
To be healthy, your body needs protein, calcium, vitamins B,
D, E and more. Similarly, to be happy in life, one of the most
important things is having Vitamin M, i.e. Money.
We can either feel the abundance of love or lack of love.
Similarly, we can either have abundance of money or lack
of money. I have heard from many people that money is the
root of all evil that has been, but the truth is that lack of
money is the root. So to get rid of the ‘evil’, what you need is
abundance of wealth and this can be achieved by becoming
a money magnet.
Most people think that money is everything you need.
However, that’s not really true. Money is undoubtedly im-
portant but it is just one of the many things that bring you
The truth is; there is abundance of money in this world.
Money is being printed somewhere or the other every single
day. You can have as much as you want; it’s all up to you.
Many of them have done it. In the following stories, you will
see how people who have used the law of attraction have
achieved all the wealth and money they ever wanted.
Accurate Day
Sonika Khurana
Delhi, India
I have been reading and watching The Secret for two years
now, and it has helped me in every possible way from small
to big miracles, happening here and there. Each time nega-
tive thoughts try to attract me; I read stories here and attract
positive thoughts.
I started reading The Power a few days ago and just com-
pleted reading it yesterday night, and I was so positive in all
my thoughts that I decided to actually imagine my next day
and thank the way Rhonda described in her last few pages.
I even thought of something which would remind me about
love. I decided to take colors for that instance, as being a de-
signer and artist, colors are my life. I love to see colors, and
each time I see any sort of color anywhere it gives me a huge
smile and passes a ray of positive energy through my system.
So, I woke up today with a huge smile (by the way I have
fallen in love with my smile), and as I stepped on the floor
I thanked God for being alive, and for several other things.
I looked at my visionary board and believed to have all of
those things. And as I left for work, on my way, I thought
to myself that I shall attend six customers today and make
sales of over Rs.10 lacs (I was working with my uncle at a
bath and floor showroom, and we sell bathroom and kitchen
concepts, and usually not a lot of customers were coming
these days).
So as the day passed, nothing much happened, but I still
believed it would happen and kept reading Secret stories
whenever I got time. It was six in the evening when custom-
ers started coming in, and the showroom was soon full. By
eight when I got free, I had sold seven bathroom concepts
164 Mohit Tahiliani
My Franchise
Rachel Corbally
Alicante, Spain
166 Mohit Tahiliani
Briane B.
Virginia Beach, VA
Money is your energy
Aries De Guzman
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 169
was so happy about it. What’s even greater was that, it was
just the first day.
If you should know, we did not have Php 16,000.00 that
day. We had Php 20,000.00. Amazing! In total after the two
day bazaar, we had Php 34,000.00. It was amazing. And
our Facebook page has never been more popular. Every day
more and more people are adding us on Facebook and visit-
ing our website.
I have realized that in the end, money is really your energy.
If you can think it, if you can feel it, if you can believe it then
it’s yours.
Lots of Love, Aries.
From broke to multi-millionaire
Mr T.
Maui Hawaii
It took nearly 5 years from the moment I read The Secret, but
by using the power of positive thought in an advancing way
I was able to amass an 8 figure sum of wealth.
I used to work on film sets, dabbled in independent film
and then filmed weddings. I felt like this life wasn’t for me
and it ate at me every day to not be living my dream. I fo-
cused, visualized, and used the Science of Getting Rich to
get everything I wanted and more. I now own a $27,000,000
home on Maui, drive my dream cars and married a European
model. My $4 million yacht is a ten minute drive away, I fly
first class and have been to more countries than I can name,
and I surf every day. I built a music studio in my house, make
films, and do everything I desire.
My life is perfect.
A dream coming true—
The Secret works perfectly
in business life
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 173
Once in a lifetime opportunity
176 Mohit Tahiliani
$60 for 60 thank you
Bee Jeweled
Before the start of our rock and gem show in Tombstone Ari-
zona, a group of vendors were treated to a tour of the “Good
Enough Silver Mine”. The tour takes you down into the min-
eral rich twisted tunnels of the old mine. To leave you must
ascend stairs with 60 steep steps. The guide recommends
that you take your time and if you lag behind that’s OK. As I
began my ascent I decided to say 60 thank yours, a thank you
for every step up.
About halfway up, I asked that my thank you be acknowl-
edged. I suggested that perhaps my first sale of the day could
be $60, matching the 60 thank you. Within 15 minutes of
the start of the show my first customer bought an item that
was exactly $60. I shared this miracle with the owners of the
mine. They were excited about my story and are now sharing
it with receptive visitors taking the mine tour. I love imagin-
ing ascending tour participants giving 60 thank you for 60
steps. Oh, by the way, my last 2 shows have each started with
a sale of; you guessed it, $60.
The 100 dollar bill
Greg H
Clearwater, FL
I am a money magnet
Tavarie Taylor
Central, SC
Just about 2-3 weeks after reading The Secret, I began to put
the principles to work. I began to speak positive words all
the time with all my being. I continually told (and still tell)
myself that I am a money magnet. Just one week ago my
wife was scheduled to take a trip to Mexico with some of the
ladies of our family. She thought that see was not going to
be able to enjoy her financial on this trip; however, as I have
been doing in the past few weeks, I said to the Universe that
I am a money magnet and my family has more than enough. I
speak that money finds me and throws itself on me. To make
a long story short, the next day there was a check in the box
for $2,000. It was from this company that had “owed” us this
money for over a year now. I am really convinced that the law
of attraction works. It really makes sense.
The preceding was just one of the experiences that I’ve
encountered since reading The Secret. More is yet to come.
Oops, it’s already here, I am just waiting for it to manifest.
Million dollar condo
Salem, Oregon
Living the Secret: “A tribute to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team” 181
I experienced it
Wilts, England
My business
Joey G.
Bonner Springs, KS
184 Mohit Tahiliani
Money DOES grow on trees
186 Mohit Tahiliani
Free Money
Eneida P.
Denver, CO
During the part of The Secret where they said, “ask for
$25,000 of unexpected income in the next 30 days, or what-
ever is believable for you.” This was September 28th.
I said, “In 30 days, by October 27th, I want $1,000 of un-
expected money to come into my life.” That next week, we
got about $300 in bank charges dropped. “Wow” I thought
great start. The next week my mother in law sent us $60 just
because. Okay, getting closer. Later that week my husband’s
grandmother sent us $60 for our birthdays (which are in May
and July and this is already October.) I had found approxi-
mately $3 on the street from picking up pennies, nickels,
dimes and quarters. $423 came into my life without any ef-
fort for it. Then, I opened a new bank account and part of
their rewards was $77 for opening an account with them,
$500. I was floored.
I’ve been at my new job for about a month, and as I was
leaving for the weekend my boss hands me a card and says,
“We’ve had a good start” and smiled. When I left the building
and opened the envelope, there was $400 cash as a gift for
me to buy new work clothes on him, $900 total and counting.
Today is October 27th, hey; $100 is still coming my way.
This Secret is so powerful, with just a little effort and fo-
cus, anything you want can happen to you. I’m a believer.
“500,000.00 In less
than 30 days”
Kenya Stevens
Alpharetta, GA
I won it. Yuppie
Mrs. J
Tasmania Australia
190 Mohit Tahiliani
Yes. I won.
Gabe B.
Twin Falls, Idaho
192 Mohit Tahiliani
My first condo
Edward Scott
Montreal, Qc
194 Mohit Tahiliani
$25,000 in 30 days or less
Sheri M.
The Emerald Tablet,
circa 3000 BC
Tis true without lying, certain most true.
That which is below is like that which is above that which
is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one
only thing.
And as all things have been arose from one by the media-
tion of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing
by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath
carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the
gross sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends
to the earth and receives the force of things superior and
By this means ye shall have the glory of the whole world
thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. for it vanquishes every sub-
tle thing and penetrates every solid thing. So was the world
From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof
the means (Or process) is here in this.
Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three
parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is ac-
complished and ended.
Welcome to the beginning
of your dream life.
Author’s Suggestion