Dissertation JiaChen Lin
Dissertation JiaChen Lin
Dissertation JiaChen Lin
Throughout human history, agricultural products like fruits, sourced from conventional
farming, have been undoubtedly indispensable to our daily lives — they are essential as
sources of nutrients to sustain our metabolism, and ultimately, to keep us alive.
Evidently, such farming technique that operates on the one-way input of resources has a
glaring flaw, that is the inevitable wastage of materials. This is because conventional farming,
which bases itself on a flat open field, is not a cyclical system. Therefore, resources supplied
like water, fertilisers and amendments are prone to leave the system and are subsequently
lost forever by natural means, such as surface-runoff and evapotranspiration. Additionally, as
the world population is expected to escalate to 9.4 - 10.2 billion by 2050 (Boretti & Rosa, 2019),
so does the increase in food demand. Hence, the leakage of resources in conventional farming
will certainly cause a myriad of unwanted resource shortages if not dealt with.
Hence, the author, interested in applied biology, aims to carry out an experiment-based
comparison between strawberries planted by both farming mechanisms to deduce the
potentials and the practicality of this constructed shift towards aquaponics.
literature review
It is also apparent that the majority of aquaponic research has focused on the growth of crops
and vegetables, such as the Celosia argentea plant (Olanrewaju et al., 2022a), lettuce, mint
and mushroom herbs (Nozzi et al., 2018). However, little comparison between the two specific
systems has been done on fruits despite a number of successful comparisons but between
different variations of aquaponics only. For example, the growth of aquaponic strawberries in
northern latitudes by Abbey et al. in 2019; tomatoes produced by different aquaponic
methods (Schmautz et al., 2016); aquaponic melons by Piñero et al., 2020; and aquaponic
tomatoes by Suhl et al. (2016) and by Knaus & Palm (2017). Moreover, potentials of aquaponic
strawberries were gauged by Norashikin Anjur in 2020. Although the successes in these past
attempts have given the author much confidence in selecting strawberries as the fruit of
investigation; none of the previous research has made an actual comparison between
aquaponic strawberries and conventionally grown strawberries.
In order to assess the potentials and the practicality of aquaponics being a better alternative
to conventional fruit farming, it is not enough for us to just know its resource-saving benefits;
equal weight should be put on how the actual fruits produced from aquaponics compare with
the conventional method, only then can we deduce which one is superior when it comes to
fruit production. This dissertation aims for a quantitative examination regarding the growth of
strawberries by the two farming methods in order to determine whether aquaponics can
produce strawberries at similar/ equivalent yield, taste (sweetness) and nutritional quality to
conventionally grown strawberries. Hence, the extent of its potentials of being a better
alternative to conventional fruit production can therefore be subsequently discussed.
Finally, authoritative sources such as the USDA (Government Food Data Central, USA) were
used to verify the accuracy of data collected regarding the fruit nutrients.
This dissertation combined both primary and secondary research in light of investigating the
potentials of aquaponics being a better alternative to conventional fruit production. Firstly,
the author conducted an experiment regarding strawberry growth to compare and analyse
the two farming methods and particularly their products. This data was then further evaluated
with current literature on the sustainability aspects of either production methods in order to
draw a thorough conclusion on the subject.
Experiment design
1) Aim
The author intended to make a valid comparison between the two aforementioned farming
techniques based on three factors of their products — yield, taste (sweetness) and nutrients.
2) Experimental procedure
The author grew Albion strawberries (Fragaria Ananassa) with two handmade farming models
that correspond to the two farming techniques of investigation. The purpose of this
experiment was to compare the yield of these two cultivating methods along with the
nutrients of their individual products. Hence, the author was able to deduce and to gauge the
potentials of aquaponic fruit production.
It should be pointed out that the main factor which differentiates aquaponic from
conventional fruit production is the way the plants obtain their nutrients: either by absorbing
from ionic compounds dissolved in water that originates from animal excrements or by active
transport of nutrients directly from soil. The difference in the systematic components catering
for the above two ways of nutrient attainment, which each correspond to either of the two
farming techniques was therefore, the only independent variable in this experiment.
Allowing for a valid comparison between the two farming systems, several control variables
were kept constant throughout the experiment. Firstly, the species, age and mass of
strawberry seeds were identical to ensure that any differences in the produced fruits were
due to the systems they were planted in only. Furthermore, the external environment
(including temperature, humidity and light intensity) was kept identical for the two systems.
Finally, other factors that could interfere with plant growth, namely the proportion of
nutrients in soil, the volume of water available to plants and the composition of fertilisers
applied were kept constant by applying the same brand of soil; by watering the conventional
fruit plants correspondingly to the volume of water flow in the aquaponic system, and by
utilising the same mass and type of fertiliser.
Additionally, in order to calculate average values from data collected for the reliability of this
study and to overcome the potential contingency of failure in plant growth due to
unpredictable random errors, 3 planting pots with identical contents were used for each
farming system.
Finally, the conduction and recording of the experiment were adhered to a series of
procedures after planting 10g of Fragaria Ananassa seeds into each pot with 100g of loam
On a daily basis:
1) 100mL of distilled water was poured into each pot of the conventional system at 07:00 and
at 16:00 as the same volume of water was delivered to each aquaponic pots simultaneously
via pipes with electric pumps.
2) All the planting pots were exposed under the same sunlight intensity regardless of weather
from 06:00 to 20:00.
3) The fish in the aquaponic tank were fed at 07:00 and at 16:00.
On a weekly basis:
1) 15g of fertiliser was applied to each pot on Monday.
For both farming systems, materials needed were an electrical balance (absolute uncertainty:
+/-0.05g); a calibrated beaker; 6 identical planting pots (dimension: 40cm*20cm); Albion
strawberry seeds (60g); loam soil; strawberry NPK fertilisers and general farming tools
(including shears and shovels). The equipments can be seen in figures 2.1 - 2.5.
The author adopted the media-based aquaponic model as it is considered to be the most
common thus the most representative type of aquaponics. Based on a survey done by Love et
al. in 2014 of which 86% of the respondents who were aquaponic farmers claimed to adopt
this type of aquaponic setup. This means the strawberry plants were grown in a “grow bed”
filled with growing media, in this case loam soil.
Additional materials needed for the aquaponic system were a fish tank (dimension:
30cm*25cm*20cm); an electric water pump; interconnected water pipes (dimension: 35cm*
15cm, diameter 5cm); 3 plastic holders and 3 foam filters (to be applied at the bottom of the
plant pots). As shown in the figures 2.8 – 2.10:
In addition, the presence of microbial communities that reside in the fish tank and soil
naturally is essential in the aquaponic system as they are responsible for the conversion of fish
excrements to mineral nutrients available for plant uptake. This is done as organic materials
in the solid form being converted into mineral ions in the ionic form — which can only then
be assimilated by plants. The most dominant breed of microorganism responsible for such
procedure is the nitrifying bacteria (Nitrobacteraceae), which is an autotrophic microbe
consists of the nitroso-bacteria (Nitrosomonas) and the nitro-bacteria (Nitrobacter). In short,
ammonia found in the fish excrements is first converted into nitrite ions (NO2−) by the nitroso-
bacteria, then, the nitrite ions are converted into nitrate ions (NO3−) by the nitro-bacteria
(Goddek et al., 2015). The full balanced chemical equations are as follows:
2 NH4+ + 3 O2 → 2 NO2– + 2 H2O + 4 H+ (by nitrosomonas)
Subsequently, the water with the dissolved nitrate ions is then pumped to the soil so the
strawberry plants can obtain the nitrogen available in the nitrate ions by facilitated diffusion
and active transport. Additionally, the aforementioned synthesis of nitrogen is just one of the
macronutrients generated by fish excrements. Other useful elements of macronutrients,
including phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and magnesium are converted in similar ways and
are dissolved in the water as mineral ions (Spradlin & Saha, 2022) for the growth of the
strawberry plant in the aquaponic system.
Noticeably, the author selected vitamin C and reducing sugars as the nutrients of comparison
and discussion for the following reasons:
Firstly, the vitamin C level was examined it is the most abundant vitamin in strawberries
(Giampieri et al., 2012). Moreover, the reducing sugar content (strictly glucose and fructose)
that gives the strawberries their sweet characteristics is the main source of energy from this
fruit, thus it was also selected to represent the nutritional quality of the strawberries.
1) Yield
All the strawberries produced were collected and weighted by mass, the masses were
recorded using the table below (figure 2. 13). Noticeably, all the masses were recorded as the
net weight, meaning the masses were exclusively for the fruits collected, excluding their sepals,
leaves etc.
The reducing sugars, which were the only molecules that gave the fruits their sweetness, were
tested with Benedict’s reagent which undergoes colour changes accordingly in the presence
of different concentrations of reducing sugar, in this case fructose and glucose (figure 2.17).
The data was then recorded in the table below (figure 2. 16):
3) Nutritional quality — Vitamin C (VC)
It was possible to determine the concentration of VC present in strawberry extractions by
using the DCPIP (dichlorophenolindophenol) reagent and a standard solution with known VC
concentration to compare against with.
VC, being a reducing agent, can reduce the DCPIP by donating electrons to the DCPIP causing
a visible colour change in the DCPIP solution from dark blue to colourless (figure. 2.18):
Figure 2. 18.
Hence, by measuring the volumes of each of the VC-containing strawberry juices needed to
decolourise a common volume of DCPIP solution and by comparing these to the volume of a
chosen standard VC solution* needed to decolourise the same volume of DCPIP. Hence, it was
possible to determine the concentration of VC in the two strawberry juices being tested. The
results were recorded in the table below (figure 2. 19):
1) Fruit yield
Interestingly, the number of strawberries produced was identical amongst the two farming
systems, regardless of which sample (numbered planting pot) they were from. This is shown
in figure 3.1 b — three strawberries were produced in samples 1 and 2 while one less
strawberry were produced in sample 3s of both farming systems.
According to figure 3.1 c, it is evident that all samples from the conventional farming model
had a higher mean net weight of individual fruits than that of the aquaponic model. Although
this increase is relatively small and may have resulted from random errors due to the presence
of close or overlapping maximum-minimum range bars, it is still significant as this increase is
consistent across all samples — the mean net weights of individual fruits from the three
conventional farming samples are 33.5%, 19.1% and 23.7% higher than fruits produced in the
corresponding three aquaponic samples respectively. Additionally, this statement was
reinforced as the mean strawberry net weight per farming system was 1.45g higher with the
conventional system according to figure 3.1 a. Furthermore, the standard deviations in the
mean net weight of individual fruits across all sample pots were exceptionally small (figure
3.1a), this indicates the recorded net weight values cluster together and were all close to their
mean. Hence, this set of data did not have anomalies and was thus representative — the
conclusion of conventional farming samples produced individual strawberries with higher
mean net weight (yield) stayed valid.
According to figure 3.2 b, the original strawberry extraction from the second sample pot of
the conventional farming system had a 0.9% increase in the mean reducing sugar
concentration than the second aquaponic sample. On the contrary, the reducing sugar
concentration in strawberry extractions from the aquaponic system in sample pots 1 and 3
were both higher than their corresponding conventional system samples, specifically 2.4% and
0.6% higher respectively. Whereas, since the reducing sugar concentrations of five sample
pots were all higher than 4.0% and are exceptionally close to each other, the author regarded
the unexpectedly low result from the first conventional sample as an anomaly and thus its
calculated mass was excluded in figure 3.2 c allowing for a more accurate comparison.
From figure 3.2 c, it is apparent that the expected masses of reducing sugars per 100g of
strawberries produced by both farming systems were significantly close to each other, with
only a 0.2mg of difference between their averages. Noticeably, the largest difference in the
reducing sugar mass (1.5mg) is from the two samples (2 and 3) of the same farming system
(aquaponic), hence the reducing sugar difference between the two separate farming systems
can be considered as negligible.
However, when both V2 and C2 are taken in account to calculate the theoretical mass of VC
per 100g of strawberry, the aforementioned minor differences seem to be enlarged in this
derived calculation. Evidently, the mass of VC present in 100g of aquaponic strawberries were
28.3% and 13.5% higher compared to that of the conventional strawberries of sample pot 2
and 3 respectively. In parallel, there was a relatively high 33.3% increase in the theoretical
mass of VC in the first sample of conventional strawberries than the aquaponic strawberries
despite the fact that all the contents in samples of the same farming system were identical.
According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that both the aquaponic and the
conventional farming methods are equally capable of fruit production to an equivalent
standard. It is evident that both farming mechanisms yielded Albion strawberries with
significantly similar nutrition and sweetness (reducing sugar content), whose statistics are
both in agreement with previous research. For example, the negligible difference between the
mean masses of reducing sugars from the aquaponic (4.9g) and the conventional production
(5.1g), were both within 1g difference compared and according to the USDA, who stated 4.43g
of reducing sugars (1.99g glucose, 2.44g fructose) in 100g of strawberries as a standard, a set
of data that has not been edited since 2006 due to its accuracy and authority.
On the contrary, based on the data obtained alone, the conventional farming method was
superior in terms of fruit production of higher net weights (yield). Although this increase in
yield was small, its prevalence amounted to all samples is worth discussion. Evidently, the
lighter strawberries produced using the media-based aquaponic method agree with other
researchers, who have also put forward an intrinsic issue with aquaponics that seems to
explain this reduction in yield — the common iron-deficiency of aquaponic plants (Kasozi et
al., 2019; Abbey et al., 2019). Apparently, the comparatively poorer attainment of this
macronutrient seems to be exclusive in the media-based aquaponic system, which was proven
to hinder the production of chlorophyll for photosynthesis, consequently caused the lower
produce yield by net weight. Admittedly, the NPK fertiliser utilised by the author did not
contain any iron compound supplements which was likely to cause the low yield. This theory
was again highlighted by Abbey et al., in 2019, whose aquaponic model had a particularly
similar low yield of 2.91 Albion strawberries plant^-1 (mean), 19.51g of total net weight and
5.43g of average net weight of an individual Albion strawberry compared to the ones
cultivated by the author.
Despite this, the author still holds a strong opinion on the potentials of aquaponics to produce
fruits at equivalent yield to the conventional method based on a number of studies which
focus on a variety of modifications to the basic media-based aquaponic model. Apparently,
additional components, changes in cultivation techniques and other alterations could be
made to the simple aquaponic model to improve fruit yield. Take, for example in research
conducted by Ullah et al. in 2022, a simple change in the transplantation date based on the
environmental temperature from January to February increased the individual net weight of
aquaponic strawberries from approximately 4.74g to 7.00g, a 48% increase which is more than
sufficient to increase the masses of the aquaponic Albion strawberries in this dissertation to
the equivalent of the conventionally grown ones. Furthermore, Iranian researchers S.
Afsharipoor and H. R. Roosta (2010) highlighted their scheme of an aquaponic system
integrated with a 300-litre hydroponic tank that has demonstrated to produce strawberry
leaves with higher masses and chlorophyll content, which are both beneficial for yield due to
catalysed photosynthesis. In addition, different variations of the basic aquaponic model as
such were utilised in studies with other fruits. In particular, a method called drip irrigation has
demonstrated its superiority of average cumulative yield and number of tomatoes produced
compared to the raft culture and NFT (nutrient film) aquaponic systems (Schmautz et al.,
All in all, regarding the three aspects of yield, sweetness and nutrition, aquaponic fruit
production indeed has the capability to cultivate fruits at equivalent quality to conventional
fruit production albeit this statement is not in complete agreement with results of yield
obtained from the author. This is not only because the author has located the area of
incompetence of his simplistic aquaponic system but also because the current advancements
on the matter, all aiming to achieve (or have already achieved) significant higher fruit yield for
aquaponics. For example, regarding the poor utilisation of fertiliser by the author, numerous
studies have shed light on potential improvements to aid the issue of lower yield of aquaponic
fruits founded in the primary research. For example, researchers S. Afsharipoor and H. R.
Roosta (2010) recommend “50% perlite + 50% cocopeat and 25% perlite + 75% cocopeat” as
substrates for the grow bed of aquaponic strawberries as these combinations have shown an
increase in root mass and chlorophyll density in strawberry plants. Other modifications
include increased weight by synthetic fertiliser or foliar application of carbonate ions that
increased both the weight and the size of aquaponic melons (Cucomis melo L.) (Piñero et al.,
2020). Specific fish types could also be selected to improve yield, evidently, a combination
with the fish O. ninoticus is said to double the gross biomass of tomatoes and higher plant
growth was found when aquaponic cucumber is paired with the fish C. cardio (Palm & Knaus,
2017). Significantly, researcher Johanna Suhl and her colleagues managed a yield of 29.2 kg
m^2 of tomatoes, a higher yield than the 20.5 kg m^2 by Kloas et al. in 2015, both working on
the double recirculating aquaponic system (DRAPS).
Based on experimental data collected and with the aid of past research, it was concluded that
aquaponic fruit production has the capability in terms of fruit production at equivalent yield,
reducing sugar content and vitamin C content as conventional fruit production. Alongside with
the previously highlighted resource saving nature of such system, such as resource saving in
energy (Yingke et al., 2017); in water (Johanne et al., 2012); in space (Victor et al., 2022)…
Aquaponics is indeed the better alternative to conventional fruit production under the
conclusion that there is little difference between the quality of produce by either systems of
investigation — opting for a more resource-saving option is undoubtedly preferable. The
author strongly advocates for a more thorough examination on products cultivated by
aquaponics and future research regarding further improvements in aquaponic fruit
production is much encouraged for a sustainable shift in fruit agriculture.
The study has a number of highlights. First, the study fills the research gap regarding a
deduction on whether aquaponic fruit production is preferable in great detail, the study has
provided much insight into the reasons in regard to substituting conventional fruit production
with aquaponics is better. Also, the study’s starting approach to aquaponics that includes
analytical comparison based on multidimensional factors differ from previous research, this
makes the study innovative. Finally, the study followed several experimental guidelines such
as parallel replication and application of control variables to a high standard.
The study has a number of limitations too. Although a valid conclusion is drawn from the
prevalence of trend in data demonstrated by all samples, the sample size is insufficient for a
more representative comparison between aquaponic and conventional fruit production that
allows for reduction in sampling error and the transformation of trivial differences to
statistically significant differences which could affect results (Fabre & Fonseca., 2014). Further
research that involves a much larger sample size is much encouraged by the author to improve
reliability for industrial applications of the shift towards aquaponic fruit production.
Another limitation of the primary research lies within the methodology of quantifying the
reducing sugar concentration with Benedict’s reagent. The method which bases on the linear
relationship between the concentration of Cu2O precipitate and the colour intensity due to
the presence of Cu2O, the author, who has taken averages of the range percentage
concentration of reducing sugar which likely results in lack of precision in practice that led to
the small difference between reducing sugar content between the author and past research.
Hence, a more precise quantitative method of determining the exact concentration of CU2O
is much recommended by the author for future further studies: by using spectrophotometric
detection on the wavelength absorbance of Cu2O precipitate which is more widely used in
more professional sugar analysis, which paired up with the method adopted by the author, is
claimed to have the ability to determine the glucose content with an R^2 (coefficient of
determination) of 0.997 and an accuracy >97% (Lopez et al., 2020). However, it should be
clarified that the intention of the author is for a comparison between the reducing sugar
content, thus, although the results are not as precise as anticipated, they serve the purpose
of a comparison well.
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