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Sword World RPG - Original Rulebook (GM Section, Optional Rules Only)

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1 Chapter 11: Notes on Combat

Part 2. Game Master’s Section

Translator’s Note: This translation is taken from the Original Rulebook from 1989
and contains essential data focused on lower-level levels (like SW2.5 Core Rulebook
I). Eventually, it will be replaced by a more complete version from Complete Edition.
3 Chapter 11: Notes on Combat

The game master is the person who prepares adventures and helps players and
their adventurer alter-egos enjoy the adventures. They are responsible for determining
various things that occur during the game and resolving situations that cannot be
handled by the rules alone. It's not difficult at all, but you have to be more familiar
with the rules than the players. In this part, we will explain things and rules that players
do not need to know but game masters should know.
Even if you are participating as a player, you will have no problems at all reading
this part. Understanding the rules in detail will lead to a more smooth game.

Chapter 11: Notes on Combat

11.1 Combat in Special Situations
Combat often occurs in unusual locations, such as in the dark, on poor footing,
etc. In such cases, penalties (and sometimes bonuses) are given to the adventurer's
attack power and evasion speed according to the situation. When the same conditions
apply to monsters, the same penalty (bonus) is given to the monster's attack power and
evasion points. Here are some examples of penalties.

- When you can't see your opponent (such as when you're in the dark or dealing with
invisible enemies)/ -4 (no penalty for those that don't rely on vision, and only -2 penalty
for those that have some developed alternative senses)
- When the footing is bad (such as when rocks and debris are rolling around or when
you're waist-deep in a pond or river)/ -2
- When you're in an unstable state, like trying to get up after falling down/ -2

11.2 Combat Between Monsters.

There may be times when there is combat between monsters. In that case, do as
Hit check: Add the 2D roll to the attacking monster's attack points -7 (as noted in
the Monster Catalog). If this is equal to or greater than the defending monster's evasion
points, it's a hit.
Damage: If the attack hits, roll 2D. When it's double 1s, the attacking monster's
points become the damage. Otherwise, the damage differs between the attacking
monster's strike points and the defending monster's defense points. If the difference
is 0 or less, only 1 point of damage is dealt.

Chapter 12: Notes on Magic

12.1 Status of Rune Masters
In Forcelia, there aren't many of those known as rune masters. Rune masters are
somewhat respected by ordinary people because they possess a special power called
magic. However, the general public's feelings towards magic are by no means positive.
This is because, in the era of the ancient kingdom, only the rune masters were granted
citizenship, and all others were used as slaves. Therefore, there is still a significant
sense of crisis about the power of the rune masters (especially the sorcerers). Some
people think that if their numbers increase sufficiently and they regain the power they
had in the ancient kingdom period, a new dark age may come.
Of course, when such people themselves need it, they also rely on the power of

12.2 Dark Magic and Dragon Roar Magic

As mentioned before, these two types of magic are not available to player
characters due to being hated by the general public or their system being shrouded in
mystery. Therefore, the game master should only introduce the users of these two
types of magic as non-player characters.
5 Chapter 13: Notes on General Skills

Chapter 13: Notes on General Skills

See Player’s Section of Complete Edition.

Chapter 14: Monsters!

The life of adventure is the thrill. There are various things that give it to you, but
monsters are particularly significant. This chapter will explain the details, information,
and how to handle monsters in the game.

14.1 Monster Types

The monsters of Forcelia are typed into ten categories: fae, youma, spirits, giants,
mythical beasts, magical beasts, animals, plants, undead, and others. This is a type by
the famous Oran female Sorcerer/Sage Laverna, who summarized “The Natural
History of Alecrast”. The meanings of each type are as follows.

Originally, the Fae were inhabitants of the Fae Realm, but for various reasons, they
came to live in this world. Moreover, they became a sub-human race that could no
longer return to their original world. However, there are races like High Elves and
Fairies that still have the ability to travel between the two worlds. They are relatively
friendly to humans but do not actively engage with them.
Typical Fae include races such as Elves, Dwarves, and Grassrunners, which can
also become player characters.

Youma refers to a race within the wicked Fae tribe. They may also use spirit magic
and dark magic. There is quite an intense antagonism between them and the Fae tribe;
of course, they are not friendly with humans. If you encounter them, there is a pretty
high chance that a conflict will occur.
Goblins and gremlins are typical examples of Youma.

Spirits have a will, but rather than being creatures, they are more appropriately
referred to as energies. They are deeply associated with elements of nature, such as
earth, water, fire, wind, light, and darkness, or aspects of the mind, such as emotions
and characteristics of the heart. Spirits may also dwell in natural creatures; above all,
it seems certain that spirits are involved in the activity of life itself.

Sylphs, undines, and will-o-wisps are typical spirits. These spirits are energies with
consciousness rather than monsters and are not expressed in ordinary numbers.
Therefore, this book does not mention specific details and information about them.
However, they are completely neutral beings and rarely intrude into human life of
their own accord, so there will likely not be a direct fight.

Giants are essentially a type of fae or youma, but their bodies are far larger than
humans. Among the giants, there are those relatively peaceful as well as violent and
hostile ones. Their robust bodies hold formidable power, so it's better not to face them
unless you're a fairly skilled adventurer.

Mythical Beasts
Mythical beasts and magical beasts, unlike spirits or undead, are general terms for
monsters with living bodies. Aside from dragons that have existed since far before
mankind, most of the mythical and magical beasts are creatures that have gone wild
after being created by ancient Sorcerer's experiments, many of which have combined
features of multiple animals. Some have special abilities like flames or magic like
"Charm"; some even have an intellect comparable to humans. They are basically said
to be neutral or friendly towards humans, but that seems to be more of a human-
centric judgment, and they themselves do not seem to enjoy interacting with humans.
Griffins and unicorns are among the famous mythical beasts.

Magical Beasts
Creatures referred to as magical beasts are essentially born in the same way as
mythical beasts, but those with evil or violent personalities causing harm to humans
are particularly referred to in this way. Also, their appearance tends to be ugly, often
causing discomfort.

There are also animals in the world of Forcelia. Of course, they are essentially the
same as the animals living in our world, but they include ones of extraordinary size
and those already extinct.

Plants, too, are essentially the same as those living in our world. Only abnormal
people, influenced by magic and moving around to prey on animals and humans, are
called monsters.
7 Chapter 14: Monsters!

"Undead" refers to creatures that exist with a force opposite to that of humans and
ordinary animals, writhing monsters. If we call living creatures source of life a positive
life force, their undead life force can be referred to as a negative life force. This
negative life force is sometimes referred to as the power of immortality. There are
many mysteries about the birth of these undead, but it is completely different from
how ordinary animals give birth to children. They may be created by magic, reborn,
or changed due to an infection or an illness.
They dislike creatures with positive life force and target them for food and species
expansion. If people encounter them, there is a high probability that it will result in a

In "Sword World", there are monsters that do not belong to any of the nine types
so far. For example, "Constructs" such as Skeleton Warriors (Dragon Tooth Warriors)
and Gargoyles move by magical powers.

14.2 Monster Catalogue

14.2.1 Item Descriptions in the Monster Catalogue

Each monster's ability is represented by the following items.

Monster Level: Indicates the strength of the monster. The game master must
introduce balanced monsters into the scenario according to the number and strength
of player characters. Please use the monster level as a guideline for this. Also, when a
monster is hit by a "damage-dealing spell", it can reduce the number of damage by the
monster level.

Rarity: Indicates how well-known the monster is to people. The smaller this number
is, the more famous the monster is. However, just because it is famous does not
necessarily mean there are many living in Forcelia or that its frequency is high. For
example, dragons are monsters that are not only few in number but also rarely
encountered, yet they are known to most people living in Forcelia.

Agility: This indicates how quickly the monster can act. The larger the value, the faster
the monster can act. However, please note that the speed at which the monster moves
is determined separately as "movement speed". Even if the monster moves slowly,
there are monsters that can attack quickly. It determines the order of action compared
to the agility of the character.

Movement Speed: This indicates the speed at which the monster moves. The value is
determined for each movement method.

Number: This is the standard for determining the number of monsters that appear
when you encounter them. Depending on the situation, you do not have to bring out
the number of monsters as described, but in such cases, it is better to prepare a
convincing reason.

Frequency: This indicates the frequency at which the monster encountered. It's strange
to encounter a low-frequency monster many times, so consider this frequency
description and decide how many times to feature that monster in the scenario.

Intellect: This represents the intelligence of the monster. You must be careful because
it would be strange for a monster with low intelligence to adopt advanced tactics.
However, like wild animals, even if their intellect is not high, they may exhibit
extraordinary abilities in defense, so caution is needed.

Reaction: This is a general reaction when the monster encounters a character.

Monsters may also have moods, but please consider this as a guideline for their
reaction. Even if it's an adversarial monster, it doesn't always attack. Even adversarial
monsters may flee if they perceive the opponent to be strong. However, an adversarial
monster will not become friendly just because the opponent is strong.

Attack Points: This represents the degree to which the monster's attacks hit the
opponent. The numbers in parentheses are used during the selection rules in combat
(see combat rules). If several numbers are separated by ‘/’, it means the monster can
make several attacks simultaneously.

Strike Points: This indicates the extent of damage that the monster can inflict on the

Evasion Points: This indicates how well the monster can evade the opponent's attack.
The number in parentheses is used during combat optional rules (please refer to [5.3

Defense Points: This indicates how well the monster can prevent damage from the
9 Chapter 14: Monsters!

Life Points: This indicates the life force of the monster. The larger this number, the
more resilient the monster is.

Mental Points: This indicates the monster's mental power. The larger this number,
the stronger it can be said to be mentally. When casting a spell, the monster will spend
these mental points. Monsters that do not have mental points (which means they do
not have a mind) will not be affected by spells that affect the mind.

Resistance Score: There are two types of resistance scores: life force and mental power.
The resistance score for life force indicates resistance to physical effects, such as
poison, while the resistance score for mental power indicates resistance to mental
effects, like being affected by a spell. The numbers in parentheses are used when you
use optional rules for magic (refer to Chapter 18).

Features: The monster's appearance and abilities are described in detail.

Toxicity Score: Not all monsters have this score. Only those monsters carrying some
kind of poison have this score, which indicates the strength of that poison. When a
character is affected by this poison, they perform a resistance roll with this toxicity
score as the target score and the "life force bonus + adventurer level" as the baseline
score. If the final score obtained is equal to or higher than the toxicity score, the
character will be affected by the poison, but the effects will be weak (in some cases,
there may be no effect at all. For more details, please read the description of each
monster). If the final score is lower than the toxicity score, the poison will fully affect
the character.
The value of the toxicity score and the effects of the poison are described in the
"Features" section of each monster's description.

Rune Master Skill Level: Among the monsters, there are ones who cast various types
of magic. This field signifies their level as a rune master.
When a monster is casting a spell, just like with a character, it can use spells up to
the number of the Rune Master skill level that the spell belongs to. The calculation
method for the mental points to spend is also the same as in the case of a character,
dividing the base mental power cost of the spell they want to cast by the Rune Master
skill level and rounding up the fraction. This Rune Master skill level value is noted in
the 'Features' section of the monster.

Magic Intensity: This indicates the strength of the spell cast by the monster. If a
monster casts a spell on a character, the character must make a resistance roll with this

magic intensity as the target score, and "mental power bonus + adventurer level" as the
baseline score. If the final score is equal to or greater than the target score, it means
that the monster's spell has been resisted. This magic intensity value is recorded in the
"Features" section of the monster.

14.2.2 Fae
Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 11 Agility = 16 Movement Speed = 3/20 (Water)
Number = Several – Dozens Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Weapon 10 (3) Strike Points = 6
Evasion Points = 10 (3) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 14/8 (1) Mental Points/Resistance = 16/9 (2)
Features = Mermen are a race that dwells in the seas, with the upper half of their
bodies being human and the lower half being fish. Female mermen are known as
mermaids. They have a great fear and disgust towards humans and never try to
negotiate with them. This is because, over a hundred years ago, a rumor spread that
"eating merman's flesh leads to longevity," led humans to scramble and excessively
hunt mermen. Ever since then, mermen have been living at the bottom of the deep
seas, avoiding humans, and their societal systems and customs are shrouded in mystery.
Mermen use tridents as weapons.
Within the mermen, there are also shamans, who use spirit magic with undines as
their power source. The skill level of these shamans is 4, with a magic intensity of 13
(magic power 6).

Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 11 Agility = 18 Movement Speed = 9/10 (Air)
Number = Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Friendly - Neutral
Attack Points = Weapon 9 (2) Strike Points = 5
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 10/8 (1) Mental Points/Resistance = 18/11 (4)
Features = Fairies are a representative race of the Fae tribe. Many of them still live in
the Fae Realm and rarely come to the Material World, that is, the world we live in.
However, in Forcelia, there are several places that dimensionally touch the Fae Realm,
and occasionally, humans get lost in that world. Near these places, fairies occasionally
show their presence.
Fairies take the form of beautiful elf women, wearing either almost nothing or thin
silk clothing. Their height is about the same as that of elves, but the biggest difference
between them is the beautiful wings on their backs. These wings are extremely thin
but sturdy, allowing them to fly in the sky at a slow speed. They may carry silver daggers
11 Chapter 14: Monsters!

for self-defense, but they rarely wield them. If they really get into trouble, they will
choose to use the power of spirit magic rather than weapons. As inhabitants of the Fae
Realm, fairies have a deep connection with the spirit. Their shaman skill level is 3, and
their magic intensity is 13 (magic power 6).

Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 12 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 4/7 (Air)
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Friendly
Attack Points = 8 (1) Strike Points = 5
Evasion Points = 9 (2) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 7/7 (0) Mental Points/Resistance = 15/12 (5)
Features = Pixies are small, resembling fairies in appearance. Their body length is
approximately 30 centimeters, and they have wings on their backs reminiscent of
insects. There are also male pixies. For some reason, they seem to be wearing
something like clothes. However, they rarely show themselves in public. They are
relatively friendly towards humans, but they do not actively interact. Moreover, they
have a very close relationship with sprites, also known as small spirits, and possess the
power of the "Invisibility" spell provided to shamans as a basic ability. They can use
this ability without any restrictions and do not need to spend mental power to use it.
They sometimes play pranks on humans. While keeping themselves hidden, they
whisper in their ears, and they may stab the weapon they hold in their hands (it seems
they use a thin dagger like a stinger) into someone's buttocks.
Although battles with them are rare, they cannot use the "Invisibility" ability when
attacking or casting magic. The pixies' shaman skill level is 2, and the magic intensity
is 11 (magic power 4).

They are a race that can become player characters, so there are individuals with
various abilities and strengths. Please set the values in the same way as when creating
a player character and treat them like non-player characters. Of course, the limitations
on character creation work in the same way even when they appear as non-player
characters, so please be cautious.
They are fae with a relatively friendly relationship with humans, but some may
have evil intentions. However, this number should be as small as (or even more than)
the number of bad people among humans.

14.2.3. Youma
Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 12 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 7/7 (Air)
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = 8 (1) Strike Points = 5
Evasion Points = 9 (2) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 8/8 (1) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/11 (4)
Features = An imp is a small youma with skin ranging from brown to dark brown, with
no body hair, and a tail. The tip of the tail is sharp, like the tip of a spear, and the imp
uses this tail to attack. This tail has a paralysis poison with a toxicity score of 10. Those
who receive damage attempt a resistance roll with the toxicity score as the target score
and "life force bonus + adventurer level" as the baseline score. If they fail, they are
poisoned and will be paralyzed and unable to move until the end of the next round.
It is not well understood where they live or what their ecology is. They can be seen
in large cities and may also live in abandoned houses in the suburbs. In addition, imps
use dark magic. Their dark priest skill level is 1, and their magic intensity is 10 (magic
power 3). They can also serve as familiars for dark priests.

Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 6 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 8
Number = Several - Several Dozen Frequency = Frequent
Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = 7 (0) Strike Points = 5
Evasion Points = 8 (1) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 8/8 (1) Mental Points/Resistance = 8/7 (0)
Features = Kobolds are small Youma, with a dog-like face and a tail. They don't have
any body hair. They live near places like forests, hills, mountains, and human villages,
but they rarely harm humans or livestock. They are known for being cowardly and
mean, and they may attack if enemies are outnumbered or injured. There is a legend
that they can corrode silver, and they are hated by miners and dwarves.

Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 9 Agility = 17 Movement Speed = 6/8 (Air)
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = 9 (2) Strike Points = 6
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 8/9 (2) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/12 (5)
Features = Also known as "Sky Imps", they are small-winged youma. Their body is
dark brown, with black wings reminiscent of a bat on its back. They fly in the sky with
13 Chapter 14: Monsters!

these wings, but their speed is not so great. They are sinister but not so aggressive. The
gremlins use spirit magic, starting with the "Forget" spell. Their Shaman skill level is 2,
and their magic intensity is 11 (magic power 4). The legend of the hero Glax, who
rode a pegasus and was killed by a gremlin, is famous as a tragedy passed down in

Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 5 Agility = 13 Movement Speed = 8
Number = Several - Several Dozen Frequency = Frequent
Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = 10 (3) Strike Points = 7
Evasion Points = 10 (3) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 12/10 (3) Mental Points/Resistance = 10/8 (1)
Features = Goblins are a type of youma that live near human villages and are extremely
common monsters in Alecrast. Their height is slightly smaller than humans, and their
skin is reddish-brown. They usually form groups of several to dozens, living in forests
and hills, but sometimes they appear in human houses, attacking livestock and
committing theft. They may also use kobolds and human children as slaves.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 8 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 12
Number = Several Frequency = Average
Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = 12 (5) Strike Points = 9
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 5
Life Points/Resistance = 15/11 (4) Mental Points/Resistance = 12/10 (3)
Features = Hobgoblins are a race of youma closely related to goblins, but their bodies
are one size larger and comparable to humans. They are stronger, making them feared
monsters, but their personality is surprisingly timid, and they will run away as soon as
they see the situation is bad. They sometimes live together in goblin settlements, but
usually, they live alone or form groups of several, living in places relatively far from
human habitation, frequently changing locations.

14.2.4 Giants
Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 10 Agility = 10 Movement Speed = 10
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Weapon: 13 (6) Strike Points = 12
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 8

Life Points/Resistance = 21/14 (7) Mental Points/Resistance = 10/12 (5)

Features = Ogres are carnivorous and have an extremely berserk nature. Moreover,
annoyingly, as their cannibalistic name suggests, they seem to particularly favor human
flesh. Although they are considered smaller among the giants, their height easily
exceeds 2 meters, accompanied by a robust body. Of course, their physical strength
and such are also considerable. They mainly fight with huge clubs made using thick
branches of trees, but even without such weapons, their thick arms alone are a
sufficient threat. Numerically, the strength of the ogres does not change even without
Their skin color is reddish-brown, and their faces remind us of (our world's)
prehistoric people. Sharp canines are grown, and they eat human flesh raw.
Their intellect is low, and they do not lead a social life. They hide and live in
groups of, at most, several caves near human villages or in forests.

Monsters Level = 6 Rarity = 11 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 24
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Arm: 14 (7) Strike Points = 13
Evasion Points = 13 (6) Defense Points = 11
Life Points/Resistance = 21/15 (8) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/14 (7)
Features = Trolls are giants with skin as hard as rock. They have low intellect and do
not use tools. They live in caves and hills and do not appear in forests or meadows.
From these facts and their rugged, rock-like appearance, some sages think that they
might be somehow connected with the spirit of the earth, but this is not clear. In any
case, it is certain that they are terrifying monsters with massive strength.
They are over 3 meters in length, but perhaps because they live in caves, they walk
with their backs bent. Also, their hands are unusually long, like those of an orangutan.
Their skin color is the same as that of a rock, and if you're not careful, you might
mistake them for a huge rock.
To notice their presence, the character must roll a 14 or higher on a success roll
with "intelligence + adventurer level" as the baseline score. Their color and skin are as
hard as rock, and they do not take half-hearted attacks. They have strength
proportionate to their body size and attack with both arms. Their blows have a
terrifying destructive power.
15 Chapter 14: Monsters!

14.2.5. Mythical Beasts/Magical Beasts

Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 13 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 12
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Fang: 12 (5)/Snake's Fangs: 12 (5) Strike Points = 11/10
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 8
Life Points/Resistance = 24/15 (8) Mental Points/Resistance = 18/13 (6)
Features = Chimeras have the front half of a black lion and the back half of a black
monstrous goat. Their tail is a snake, and a goat's head sprouts from their back. They
are known for their extreme ferocity, and it is impossible to defeat them unless you
are a very brave warrior. Fortunately, they inhabit deep mountain recesses and, due to
their unnatural synthesis, have weak reproductive abilities and are few in number, so
encounters with them are rare.
In battle, chimeras can attack two targets simultaneously with the lion's fangs and
the snake's fangs at the tip of the tail. However, they cannot attack the same target twice
in a row. The snake's fangs contain a neurotoxic poison (toxicity score 12) that
paralyzes the language center. Those who are attacked by the snake's fangs and take
damage make a resistance roll using this toxicity score as the target score and "life
bonus + adventurer level" as the baseline score. Those who fail the resistance roll will
not be able to speak or cast spells for 24 hours. Also, the black goat's head on the back
can cast dark magic. Its dark priest skill level is 5, and its magic intensity is 14 (magic
power 7).

Monsters Level = 6 Rarity = 12 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 6/40 (Air)
Number = One – Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Animal Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Talons: 15 (8)/Talons: 15 (8)/Beak: 14 (7)
Strike Points = 13/13/11 Evasion Points = 14 (7) Defense Points = 9
Life Points/Resistance = 26/15 (8) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/12 (5)
Features = Griffins are mythical beasts that inhabit rugged mountain regions, with the
body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, and can fly. They have a strange habit
of collecting shiny objects, and their caves on cliffs are filled with a large amount of
gold and silver gems. They mainly eat small animals and do not usually attack humans
without reason, but if an adventurer is openly wearing gems, they might attack to steal

Monsters Level = 4 Rarity = 9 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 30
Number = Several – Several Dozen Frequency = Moderate
Intellect = Human Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Weapon: 12 (5)/Hoofs: 11 (4) Strike Points = 9/8
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 7
Life Points/Resistance = 19/11 (4) Mental Points/Resistance = 13/11 (4)
Features = Centaurs are a race that inhabits meadows, with the upper bodies of
humans and the lower bodies of horses. They do not have permanent settlements and
live a nomadic hunting lifestyle in groups. Their level of culture is somewhat low, but
their languages and lifestyles resemble those of humans. They are not interested in
gold, but if you bring an appropriate gift, it is possible to establish friendly relations.
They use bows and arrows or spears as weapons. In melee combat, centaurs can
attack a single target simultaneously with the weapon in their hand and their heel. Very
rarely, there are said to be centaurs who possess a high degree of knowledge and can
use magic.
The rune master level of magic-using centaurs is 4, and the magic intensity is 14
(magic power 7).

Monsters Level = 4 Rarity = 15 Agility = 11 Movement Speed = 10
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Animal Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Beak: 10 (3) Strike Points = 7
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 7
Life Points/Resistance = 16/10 (3) Mental Points/Resistance = 8/11 (4)
Features = Cockatrices are flightless birds the size of humans, with lizard-like legs and
tails. Their beaks have the ability to petrify living creatures, so if a cockatrice's attack
hits, you must make a life force resistance roll with a target score of 11. If you fail, you
will immediately turn to stone.
Cockatrices primarily live in the wilderness and eat herbs known as henruda. This
is the only plant that does not turn to stone when touched by a cockatrice's beak. If
you find and eat henruda in advance, you can neutralize the magic power of the
cockatrice and prevent petrification. This herb is also effective against medusas and
basilisks, but its drawbacks are that it cannot be preserved, and its effect only lasts for
one full day.
17 Chapter 14: Monsters!

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 14 Agility = 15 Movement Speed = 15
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Horns: 10 (3) Strike Points = 7
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 5
Life Points/Resistance = 12/9 (2) Mental Points/Resistance = 18/11 (4)
Features = Satyrs are a race that lives in the forest, with the upper body of hairy humans,
pointed ears, short horns growing from their heads, and the lower body of a goat. They
mainly eat nuts and fruits, have a gentle personality, and love alcohol, music, women,
and having a good time at festivals. They do not like to fight and will run away as soon
as they sense danger. Female Satyrs are called Satyress.
They always carry a flute, which can manipulate human emotions with its melody.
Humans who hear the Satyrs' flute may suddenly become frightened and run away,
become joyful and start dancing, or become lascivious and start taking off their clothes.
To resist this, a resistance roll with a baseline score of "mental power bonus +
adventurer level" must be performed successfully. The target value is 10.

Harpies are carnivorous creatures with the head and chest of a human female and
the rest of its body is that of a bird. Harpies have two races, Furia and Deela.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 13 Agility = 16 Movement Speed = 6/30 (Air)
Number = Several Frequency = Moderate Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Talons: 11 (4) Strike Points = 8
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 5
Life Points/Resistance = 10/9 (2) Mental Points/Resistance = 8/9 (2)
Features = Furias inhabit mountainous regions. Characterized by their unattractive
appearance and low intellect, they are frequently aggressive. Interestingly, Furias can
mate with male eagles, so encounters with them often involve eagles. They do not
possess any special abilities.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 13 Agility = 16 Movement Speed = 6/30 (Air)
Number = Several Frequency = Moderate Intellect = Human Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Talons: 9 (2) Strike Points = 6
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 5
Life Points/Resistance = 9/9 (2) Mental Points/Resistance = 12/10 (3)

Features = Deelas inhabit the coasts, boast stunning beauty, and possess the ability to
speak. They are neutral beings. A Deelas can reproduce by mating with human males.
Additionally, their singing voice can mimic the effects of the "Charm" spell. Those who
hear a Deelas' song must undertake a resistance roll with a baseline score equivalent
to their "mental power bonus + adventurer level". The target score is 10. Failure results
in being charmed.

Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 13 Agility = 15 Movement Speed = 10/40 (Air)
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Low Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Talons: 13 (6)/ Talons: 13 (6)/Beak: 12 (5) Strike Points = 11/11/10
Evasion Points = 14 (7) Defense Points = 8
Life Points/Resistance = 22/14 (7) Mental Points/Resistance = 10/11 (7)
Features = The Hippogryph is believed to have originated from an encounter between
a griffin and a mare. This flying mythical creature has the front half of an eagle and
the rear half of a horse. Hippogryphs inhabit meadows and sustain themselves by
consuming small herbivorous animals. Despite their formidable appearance, they are
not inherently violent and will not attack humans unless driven by extreme hunger. If
a young Hippogryph is captured and tamed, it can serve as a mount.

Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 10 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 30/40 (Air)
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Hoofs: 12 (5) Strike Points = 9
Evasion Points = 13 (6) Defense Points = 8
Life Points/Resistance = 20/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = 15/13 (6)
Features = Pegasuses are winged white horses that can fly. Wild pegasuses live on steep
mountains and descend to the meadows at the foot of the mountain to eat grass. It is
difficult to capture pegasuses and even more difficult to tame them. This is because
pegasuses are proud animals, more so than humans, and would rather choose death
over being enslaved. However, if they recognize a true hero, Pegasuses will willingly
allow them to ride on their backs.

Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 14 Agility = 15 Movement Speed = 18
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Fangs: 13 (6) Strike Points = 10
Evasion Points = 13 (6) Defense Points = 8
Life Points/Resistance = 16/15 (8) Mental Points/Resistance = 12/13 (6)
19 Chapter 14: Monsters!

Features = The Hellhound, a watchdog of Hell, is said to have been created by a

Sorcerer of dark magic by crossing a black dog and a dragon. However, the truth of
this is not certain. Its form is that of a black dog the size of a small horse, prefers
darkness, and mainly resides in deep caves and the depths of underground labyrinths.
The Hellhound seems to have a deep connection with the spirit of fire and has a
one in six chance (if you roll a 1 on a D6) of spewing fire from its mouth. Everyone
within a 5-meter radius semi-circle in front of the Hellhound takes 10 points of damage.
However, if you succeed in a resistance roll with "mental power bonus + adventurer
level" as the baseline score, you only take 8 points. The target score is 12. Fire cannot
be blocked by armor. Only the adventurer level and magical defenses can reduce
damage. Fire-type attacks are useless against the Hellhound.

Monsters Level = 6 Rarity = 12 Agility = 10 Movement Speed = 21
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = High Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Fangs: 14 (7)/Thorn: 14 (7) Strike Points = 11/10
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 9
Life Points/Resistance = 23/16 (9) Mental Points/Resistance = 18/15 (8)
Features = The Manticore is a magical beast that primarily dwells in deserts and
underground labyrinths. It has the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, wings like a
bat, and the face of an old man. It has an extremely long lifespan and accumulates a
wealth of knowledge. While the Sphinx is said to be the guardian of righteous
knowledge, the Manticore is said to be the guardian of malicious knowledge. Its Dark
Priest skill level is 5, and its magic intensity is 15 (magic power 8).
During combat, the Manticore can attack separate targets simultaneously with its
lion fangs and scorpion tail (it can also attack one target twice). The tip of its tail, the
stinger, contains a fierce poison (toxicity score 13). Those who receive damage from
the tail attack will conduct a resistance roll, using the toxicity score as the target score
and the "life force bonus + adventurer level" as the baseline score. Those who fail in
this attempt will undergo paralysis and take their last breath after an hour.

Monsters Level = 6 Rarity = 12 Agility = 10 Movement Speed = 15
Number = One Frequency = Moderate Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = 14 (7) Strike Points = 13 Evasion Points = 13 (6) Defense Points = 8
Life Points/Resistance = 25/15 (8) Mental Points/Resistance = 10/13 (6)
Features = Minotaurs, which have the body of robust humans and the head of a bull,
are extremely cruel creatures. They are carnivorous, particularly fond of human flesh,
and usually dwell in caves and underground labyrinths. However, when they are

hungry, they come out and may even attack nearby villages. To prevent such calamities,
rural villages often perform rituals of offering young maidens as sacrifices to the
minotaurs. If the minotaurs are hungry, they will eat the sacrifice immediately, but if
they have other food, they will keep them alive for a while for other pleasures. This is
because all minotaurs are males and need to use human females to produce offspring.
Minotaurs primarily use gigantic axes as a weapon, but if they fight barehanded,
they will try to intimidate and dominate their opponents. If a minotaur's barehanded
attack hits, it is considered to be embraced by its enormous arms, and you will
automatically take 12 points of damage (which can be mitigated by the armor you are
wearing on your torso) at the end of each round. To shake this off, you need a success
roll based on the "adventurer level + strength bonus" as the baseline score. The target
score is 15.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 12 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 14
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Human Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Snakes: 10 (3) Strike Points = 7
Evasion Points = 10 (3) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 14/9 (2) Mental Points/Resistance = 18/11 (4)
Features = Medusas are magical beasts in the form of human females, with dozens of
snakes growing from their heads instead of hair, and their faces have the magic power
to petrify humans. They mainly live in ruins and twisted labyrinths and find wicked
joy in turning visiting humans into stone statues. Those who look directly at Medusas
must succeed in a resistance roll with a baseline score of "mental power bonus +
adventurer level", or they will immediately turn into a statue. The target score is 12.
You can avoid petrification by closing your eyes or turning your face away during battle,
but you will incur a -4 penalty to attack power and evasion speed. Also, you cannot
cast magic on Medusas in these conditions. Mirrors do not reflect Medusas' magic
power. Therefore, you can fight while looking at a Medusa's reflection in a mirror. In
this case, the penalty for attack power and evasion speed is only -2.
Medusas attack using the snakes on their heads. Each engaged in melee combat
with Medusas will be subjected to the attack of one snake every round. This snake has
poison (toxicity score 10), and every time you take damage from the snake's attack, an
additional 3 points of damage are immediately added.
Even if you kill them, the magic power in Medusas' necks remains for a while. It
is possible to cut off a Medusa's head, put it in a bag, and show it to the enemy during
combat to turn them into stone, but there is a risk that allies nearby will also be turned
into stone, so you must use it with caution. The magic power in the neck is lost after
about a week.
21 Chapter 14: Monsters!

14.2.6. Animals
Here, we introduce only simple numbers, but if you want to know more about
their ecosystem, please refer to the animals' encyclopedia books. This is because the
animals of Forcelia have the same ecosystem as the animals we know. Therefore,
characteristics such as fear of fire and not attacking people indiscriminately are
common to all animals.

Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 5 Agility = 16 Movement Speed = 24
Number = Several – Several Dozen Frequency = Moderate
Intellect = Animal Reaction = Hunger-based
Attack Points = Fangs: 8 (2) Strike Points = 8
Evasion Points = 10 (3) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 14/8 (1) Mental Points/Resistance = 6/7 (0)
Features = Wolves are carnivorous, usually forming packs of several to dozens. They
are also nocturnal, and their actions are mainly limited to the night. They
systematically attack animals straying from the herd or off their guard. They do not try
to fight strong enemies or opponents in large numbers and will immediately flee if the
situation is unfavorable.
Occasionally, captured wolf pups are tamed and kept as hunting dogs. They might
also appear as familiars of Shamans. Such wolves have higher morale than normal,
and will fight to the death to protect their master.

Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 6 Agility = 18 Movement Speed = 8/30 (Air)
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Animal Reaction = Hunger-based
Attack Points = Beak: 11 (4)/Talons: 11 (4) Strike Points = 9/9
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 16/11 (4) Mental Points/Resistance = 7/8 (1)
Features = The eagle is a large carnivorous bird. It attacks its prey with its talons and
beak. When adventurers attack eagles, they receive a -2 penalty for their attack because
the eagles are flying. Eagles can carry away medium-sized animals about the size of a
In some regions, they domesticate and use eagles and hawks for hunting. They are
naturally very proud creatures and do not easily get used to humans, but once they
trust you, they will serve you for a lifetime.

Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 7 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 12
Number = Mainly One Frequency = Moderate
Intellect = Animal Reaction = Hunger-based
Attack Points = Fangs: 10 (3) Strike Points = 7
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 4
Life Points/Resistance = 12/11 (4) Mental Points/Resistance = 5/8 (1)
Features = The viper is a poison snake about 2 meters long, living everywhere from
the woods to the deserts. As it will attack indiscriminately when hungry, it is the most
feared entity by travelers in Alecrast. Its fangs contain poison (toxicity score 9), and
anyone who gets bitten must succeed in a resistance roll with this toxicity score as the
target score and "life bonus + adventurer level" as the baseline score, otherwise, they
will die from the poison an hour later.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 6 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 21
Number = One – Several Frequency = Rare Intellect = Animal Reaction = Hunger-
based. However, a mother bear with cubs is always adversarial.
Attack Points = Bite: 12 (5)/Claws: 12 (5)/Claws: 12 (5)
Or Bite: 12(5)/Bear Hug: 12 (5) Strike Points = 10/10/10 or 10/13
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 6
Life Points/Resistance = 22/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = 7/9 (2)
Features = There are several types of bears, but here, we will only introduce the grizzly,
a representative type in Forcelia. This type mainly lives in forests. Except when a
mother bear is with her cubs, they generally act alone. They are omnivorous and are
said to eat anything they can get into their mouths. There are even gigantic grizzlies
that can reach lengths of 3 to 4 meters. Moreover, their agility and brute strength,
which belies their physique, make them one of the most terrifying animals.
Usually, they seem to avoid humans, but things are different if you encounter them
suddenly or if they are hungry. Also, mother bears with cubs will do everything they
can to protect their cubs, so travelers should avoid approaching such groups of bears
carelessly. Playing dead at such times is useless because they eat carrion. Moreover,
once a grizzly gets a taste of human flesh, it is said to attack humans more frequently.
Bears have a special attack called the bear hug. This is a technique where they use
their thick arms to embrace their opponent and squeeze them. The bear takes this
attack depending on the situation. If they are surrounded by multiple opponents, they
will swing their arms around and try to knock them down, but if there are fewer
opponents, they will go for the bear hug. If the bear hug attack hits, the adventurer
becomes trapped in the bear's embrace. From that round onwards, they can do
23 Chapter 14: Monsters!

nothing but try to shake off the bear. Because they are being squeezed by
overwhelming force, even breathing is difficult, it is impossible to shout, and they
cannot cast magic. To escape from the bear hug, they must make a resistance roll with
the bear's attack points as the target score and the "strength bonus + adventurer level"
as the baseline score. If the resistance roll is successful, the adventurer escapes from
the bear hug and can take regular actions from the next round. If they fail, they take
13 points of damage at the end of that round. A bear that has caught its opponent in
a bear hug will bite them while squeezing. In this attack, the bear gets a bonus of +4 to
its attack points. In this state, the bear does not attack other opponents.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 6 Agility = 21 Movement Speed = 25
Number = One – Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Animal Reaction = Hunger-based
Attack Points = Fangs: 12 (5)/Claws: 12 (5)/Claws: 12 (5) Strike Points = 10/10/10
Evasion Points = 13 (6) Defense Points = 6
Life Points/Resistance = 20/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = 7/9 (2)
Features = Tigers are carnivorous beasts, usually acting alone. Because they dwell deep
in forests, encounters with them are rare. Despite their large size, they have the elegant
and supple movements characteristic of the cat family and can be called the strongest
of animals. If hungry, they may also attack humans.

Monsters Level = 4 Rarity = 8 Agility = 9 Movement Speed = 12
Number = Mainly One Frequency = Rare Intellect = Animal Reaction = Hunger-based
Attack Points = Strangle: 11 (4) Strike Points = 14
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 8
Life Points/Resistance = 20/14 (7) Mental Points/Resistance = 8/11 (4)
Features = The python is a giant snake that can reach up to 10 meters in length. When
it attacks its prey, it wraps its body around it and tries to strangle and kill it. This attack
is resolved in the same way as a Grizzly’s Bear Hug. It does not have poison attacks.

14. 2. 7. Plants
In the past, in Forcelia, various interventions in life were made through magic. As
a result, mythical beasts and magical beasts were born, and monsters, which are plants
with extraordinary abilities, were created. These monster plants have their own
ecosystems in various places in Forcelia, and there are many subspecies, so here we
will only introduce the carnivorous plant, the Creeping Tree, which is most widely

Creeping Tree
Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 10 Agility = 11 Movement Speed = 12
Number = One Frequency = Rare Intellect = ? Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Tentacles: 10 (3) Strike Points = 7
Evasion Points = 8 (1) Defense Points = 6
Life Points/Resistance = 25/11 (4) Mental Points/Resistance = -/9 (2)
Features = The Creeping Tree does not spread its roots underground but moves them
around like pseudopods, moving around on the ground. Then, it preys on animals
that come close using its flexible branches, like tentacles. Attacks by tentacles are
resolved as if they were a grizzly bear hug. It looks like an old oak tree covered with
ivy if it stands still.
As they are plants, they are weak to attacks using fire, and using spells like Fire
Weapon and Firebolt, the strike power of the usual spell gets a bonus of +10. However,
because they do not have a mind like humans, spells with mental effects are completely

14. 2. 8. Undead
Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 10 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 14
Number = Several – Several Dozen Frequency = Frequent
Intellect = Obeys commands Reaction = Command-based
Attack Points = 9 (2) Strike Points = 7 Evasion Points = 10 (3) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 7/10 (3) Mental Points/Resistance = -/9 (2)
Features = As the name suggests, a skeleton is a moving skeleton created by ancient
magic or dark magic. The weapon is normally the one used in life. The standard is a
one-handed sword and shield. However, the armor will be worn out and unusable in
most cases. Because of the characteristic of not having flesh, bladed weapons cannot
deal criticals to skeletons. Also, since they lack intelligence, magic that gives a mental
effect will not work.
25 Chapter 14: Monsters!

Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 9 Agility = 7 Movement Speed = 7
Number = Several – Several Dozen Frequency = Frequent
Intellect = Obeys commands Reaction = Command-based
Attack Points = 8 (1) Strike Points = 7 Evasion Points = 8 (1) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 19/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = -/9 (2)
Features = Zombies, along with skeletons, are representative undead, created from
corpses by ancient magic and dark magic. However, unlike skeletons, they do not use
weapons or armor. Because they have no intelligence, mental magic has no effect at

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 10 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 14
Number = Several Frequency = Moderate Intellect = Low Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Claws: 11 (4)/Bite: 11 (4) Strike Points = 9/9
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 5
Life Points/Resistance = 14/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = 10/11 (4)
Features = A ghoul is an undead that scavenges and feeds on corpses. However, as if
to say, "It's the same if you kill and eat," it also frequently attacks living creatures. A
ghoul attacks twice per round with its claws and bite (once each). Its claws and bite
have paralyzing poison (toxicity score 10), and characters who are damaged must
succeed in a resistance roll with this toxicity score as the target score and "Life Bonus
+ Adventurer Level" as the baseline score, or they will be paralyzed at the end of the
next round.

Monsters Level = 4 Rarity = 12 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 14
Number = One - Several Frequency = Moderate
Intellect = Human Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Claws: 12 (5) Strike Points = 8, and mental damage 5
Evasion Points = 12 (5) Defense Points = 6
Life Points/Resistance = 14/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/14 (7)
Features = Wights are undead that latch onto people and drain their life energy.
Regular weapons have no effect on these monsters. To injure a wight, you need silver
or magical weapons. A wight's weapon is its sharp claws, and those who suffer damage
from it will have their life energy drained at the same time. After determining the
regular damage, the character will also take damage to their mental power. Armor's
defense power is useless against this mental power damage. Only your character's
adventurer level and magical defense effects can reduce this damage. Those whose

mental power drops to zero due to this attack will die immediately and "resurrect" as a
new wight after 24 hours.

Monsters Level = 6 Rarity = 14 Agility = 10 Movement Speed = 14
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Obeys commands Reaction = Adversarial
Attack Points = Strike: 14 (7) Strike Points = 11, and curse
Evasion Points = 14 (7) Defense Points = 9
Life Points/Resistance = 7/15 (8) Mental Points/Resistance = -/14 (7)
Features = A mummy is a monster transformed by an ancient magic ritual, buried
together with a master in the tomb as the keeper of its master's coffin. When a
scoundrel like a grave robber appears, the mummy is awakened and tasked with
attacking the intruders. If the mummy's attack hits, in addition to physical damage, a
"curse" falls upon the character. The character makes a resistance roll with "mental
power bonus + adventurer level" as the baseline score. The target score is 13. Those
who fail this resistance roll are afflicted with the curse and cannot recover any ability
score deductions, including life force and mental power, by any means. The "Remove
Curse" holy magic is required to break this curse. Also, mental magic does not work
on mummies. Mummies are dry and, therefore weak to fire. For attacks with fire, the
strike power of those attacks is increased by 10.

14.2.9. Other
Giant Spider
Monsters Level = 1 Rarity = 6 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 10
Number = One - Several Frequency = Moderate
Intellect = Almost None Reaction = Hunger-based
Attack Points = Bite: 8 (1)/Thread: 7 (0) Strike Points = 6/Special
Evasion Points = 8 (1) Defense Points = 3
Life Points/Resistance = 10/7 (0) Mental Points/Resistance = 1/7 (0)
Features = The giant spider is a large spider about 50 cm in length. Its prey is usually
small animals up to the size of a rabbit, but it may also attack larger creatures such as
humans when it can't bear its hunger. It does not make a nest and has no poison.
The giant spider hunts its prey by launching adhesive threads. If the thread attack
is successful, the adventurer becomes entangled and loses their freedom. Escaping this
predicament follows the same procedure as breaking free from a grizzly bear's hug.
The giant spider then attempts to bite the entangled opponent with its fangs and drain
their body fluids. The entangled opponent suffers a -4 penalty on evasion checks.
27 Chapter 14: Monsters!

Lycanthropes refer to monsters that have the ability to transform from humans
into beast form. When in human form, they may acquire various skills, including
magic, similar to adventurers, and have the potential to use them. However, when in
beast form, they cannot take intelligent actions and run into slaughter according to
their instincts, without being able to use magic or skills at all. The abilities they have
when in human form can be determined by the game master (however, they should
only have acquired skills up to their monster level of Lycanthropes), or you may use
the constant values shown here as if they were ordinary people.
The ability to shapeshift is influenced by the moon's phases. Roll 2D at night and
2D + 6 during the day to see if shapeshifting occurs. If the moon is 16 days old or
more, compare the roll with "30 - moon's age" (as the moon's cycle lasts 30 days in
Forcelia). If the roll is less than or equal to the moon's age, Lycanthropes can turn into
beasts. If the roll is 3 or more below the moon's age, it will surely turn into a beast. On
a full moon night (when the moon is 15 days old), Lycanthropes will always become
Lycanthropes have the ability to summon and control the same kind of beasts
around them (wolves if they are werewolves, bears if they are werebears, etc.). Their
habitat area follows the type of beast they shapeshift into. Some may live in towns and
villages where people live, hiding their true identity and living among humans, but
unnatural actions to hide their shapeshifting will likely appear.
Lycanthropy is a type of contagious disease, and those who are injured by
Lycanthropes in beast form run the risk of becoming Lycanthropes themselves. Those
who are injured by Lycanthropes perform a resistance roll with the baseline score
being 'life force bonus + adventurer level'. The target score is 12 (if the adventurer
does not know that Lycanthropy is a kind of contagious disease, this resistance roll
should be secretly performed by the game master). Those who fail the resisting roll
will have a swollen wound and high fever a week after infection. This fever continues
indefinitely. Every night from that day, roll 2D+3 and compare the moon's age (if the
age of the moon is 16 days or more, then use "30 - moon's age"). When a number
equal to or less than the moon's age comes up, the character becomes a full
Lycanthrope and shapeshifts into a beast form.
Before becoming a full Lycanthrope, Lycanthropy can be cured by the holy magic
"Cure Disease" or the spirit magic "Restore Health" spell, but once you become a beast,
it will never be cured again.
When Lycanthropes are in their beast form, they cannot be injured unless they
are with silver or magical weapons. If the monster has a monster level higher than the
Lycanthrope's monster level, then it can injure them with any attacks.

Monsters Level = 4 Rarity = 8 Agility = 16 Movement Speed = 24
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Animal or Human Reaction = Adversarial, or depends on the mood or
situation at the time. Attack Points = Fangs: 12 (5)/when Human Weapon: 7 (0)
Strike Points = 11, when Human 5
Evasion Points = 13 (6), when Human 8 (1) Defense Points = 7, when Human 2
Life Points/Resistance = 20/12 (5) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/12 (5)
Features = A werewolf is a lycanthrope with the power to shapeshift into a wolf.

Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 10 Agility = 14 Movement Speed = 21
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Animal or Human Reaction = Adversarial, or depends on the mood or
situation at the time. Attack Points = Bite: 14 (6)/Claws: 14 (7)/Claws: 14 (7) or Bite:
14 (7)/Bear Hug: 14 (7) when Human Weapon: 7 (0)
Strike Points = 12/12/12 or 12/16, when Human 5
Evasion Points = 14 (7), when Human 8 (1) Defense Points = 8, when Human 2
Life Points/Resistance = 26/14 (7) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/13 (6)
Features = A Werebear is a lycanthrope that has the power to shapeshift into a bear.
Just like a bear, it can attack with a bear hug.

Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 11 Agility = 21 Movement Speed = 25
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Animal or Human Reaction = Adversarial, or depends on the mood or
situation at the time. Attack Points = Bite: 14 (6)/Claws: 14 (7)/Claws: 14 (7), when
Human Weapon: 7 (0)
Strike Points = 12/12/12, when Human 5
Evasion Points = 15 (8), when Human 8 (1) Defense Points = 8, when Human 2
Life Points/Resistance = 24/14 (7) Mental Points/Resistance = 14/13 (6)
Features = Weretiger is a lycanthrope with the power to shapeshift into a tiger.

The Lizardman clan does not fit into any of the types defined by the Sage Laverna.
Lizardmen are broadly classified into two types: the nobles and the slaves.
The majority are slaves. Slaves have low intellect and cannot use magic. Most
Lizardman settlements consist solely of slaves, with a population ranging from 20 to
29 Chapter 14: Monsters!

50. In such settlements, there isn't much complex social life. They are non-productive
and simply live by catching and eating fish in nearby lakes or rivers. The only reason
they form groups is for defense against external enemies and ease of reproduction.
The nobles, on the other hand, are physically and intellectually superior to the
slaves, and they can also use magic. Communities mixed with noble lizardmen are
rarely seen by humans, so the exact facts are unknown, but these communities are said
to be several times larger than those of slaves alone and boast a high degree of
functional differentiation.
The magic used by noble lizardmen is said to be dragon roar magic. Laverna
speculated that the Lizardman clan has a deep connection with the dragons, so she
avoided premature classification.

Monsters Level = 2 Rarity = 10 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 10
Number = Several – Several Dozen Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Low Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Weapon: 11 (4) Strike Points = 8
Evasion Points = 10 (3) Defense Points = 6
Life Points/Resistance = 16/11 (4) Mental Points/Resistance = 10/10 (3)
Detailed details and information about the noble lizardman are unknown. The
only certain information is that it is far superior to the mere slave lizardman. There
are too few examples of touch between noble lizardman and humans, and even if an
adventurer lives his life in adventure and miraculously fulfills his natural lifespan, there
are more cases where they cannot meet a noble lizardman.

Monsters Level = 3 Rarity = 12 Agility = 12 Movement Speed = 10/15 (Air)
Number = One - Several Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Human Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Claws (both hands): 12 (5) Strike Points = 9
Evasion Points = 11 (4) Defense Points = 7
Life Points/Resistance = 18/13 (6) Mental Points/Resistance = 12/12 (5)
Features = Gargoyles are a type of golem brought to life by magic, but their fluid
movements are like those of normal creatures. Their appearance resembles a statue;
unless you observe closely with your eyes closed, it's hard to tell them apart. These
creatures still exist in the ruins of ancient kingdoms, continuing their activities without
stopping. However, the means to control them and the technology to create them have
already been lost.

Gargoyles have wings on their back and can fly. They also have a tail. Their
grotesque appearance is said to be modeled after imps; indeed, the two look similar.
However, when gargoyles stand upright, they are nearly two meters tall. Unlike golems,
they will act on their own without needing orders. In other words, if they think they
are at a disadvantage, they might run away and adopt advantageous tactics depending
on the situation. Their character is just as cunning as the imps they are modeled after.
They attack with the sharp claws at the end of their two arms.

Skeleton Warrior
Monsters Level = 5 Rarity = 14 Agility = 18 Movement Speed = 14
Number = One Frequency = Rare
Intellect = Low Reaction = Neutral
Attack Points = Weapon: 14 (7) Strike Points = 10
Evasion Points = 15 (8) Defense Points = 9
Life Points/Resistance = 16/14 (7) Mental Points/Resistance = -/12 (5)
Features = The Skeleton Warrior is a type of golem created from the enchanted teeth
of a dragon, with a spell to create this monster at level 5 of ancient magic. Its
appearance is that of a fully armed skeleton, using weapons and shields with precise
movements like a machine. However, its intellect is low and cannot accept complex
or abstract commands. Therefore, Skeleton Warriors are often used for simple tasks
such as guarding treasure vaults.
Unless the caster who created the Skeleton Warrior issues new commands in the
ancient language or cancels the previous commands, they will try to carry out the
received commands. It is not normally possible to cancel the orders of a Skeleton
Warrior created by someone else and control it. Also, once a Skeleton Warrior is
created, it will never return to its original form.
Attacking this Skeleton Warrior with a bladed weapon cannot result in critical hits
(weapons such as maces can produce critical hits).

14.3 Wandering Monsters

When adventurers continue on their adventures, it may be sad if the encounters
with monsters are only what the game master intends. Here, we will explain the
handling of wandering monsters.
"Encounter Check": When adventurers are exploring dangerous areas, there is a
risk of encountering wandering monsters. Once every set time, roll 2D and check the
"Encounter Check Table (Table 14-3)". A wandering monster will appear if a number
equal to or less than the indicated value appears.
31 Chapter 14: Monsters!

14.4 Reaction at the Time of Encounter

A meeting between a monster and an adventurer does not always have to be
unfortunate. Depending on the situation, there may be times when they can negotiate
peacefully. The game master decides how the monster reacts to the adventurer. At
that time, you may use the "Monster Reaction Table (Table 14-4)".
This reaction table is just a guide, and how the monster actually reacts must be
decided flexibly according to the situation.

14.5 Surprise Attack Check

There may be times when adventurers encounter a monster. Either one of them
notices the other first, and they can launch a surprise attack. This should also be
determined by the game master depending on the situation, but as a guide, we provide
the "Surprise Attack Check Table (Table 14-5)". The game master rolls 2D and adds
the monster level (for groups, the highest one). Then, each adventurer rolls 2D and
adds the ranger skill level and intelligence bonus to the roll (those with a ranger skill
level of 0 cannot add the intelligence bonus). Subtract the monster's value from the
highest of these. If adventurers look at the table on the next page and get less than the
"monster" column, the monster has a chance for a surprise attack, and if they get more
than the "adventurer" column, the adventurers have a chance for a surprise attack.
However, you should take into account the surrounding situation, whether the
adventurers are moving quietly, etc.
The side that was surprised could not take any active actions, such as attacking the
side that surprised them for one round. They also cannot cast any magic (including
magic cast on themselves or allies). However, they can defend against the opponent's

Encounter Check Table (Table 14-3)

Civilized Place Wasteland Underground Labyrinths etc.

Active Exploration 4 hours/4 2 hours/4 1 hour/4
Normal Movement 4 hours/3 2 hours/3 1 hour/3
Rest 4 hours/2 2 hours/2 1 hour/2

Monster Reaction Table Surprise Attack Check Table

(Table 14-4) (Table 14-5)

2D Friendly Neutral Adversarial Intellect Monsters Adventurers

2 Flee Flee Flee None -6 +6
3 Flee Flee Flee Low -5 +7
4 Surrender Flee Flee Human -4 +8
5 Negotiation Surrender Flee High -3 +9
6 Negotiation Negotiation Surrender
7 Negotiation Negotiation Negotiation
8 Negotiation Negotiation Warn
9 Negotiation Warn Attack
10 Warn Attack Attack
11 Attack Attack Attack
12 Attack Attack Attack
33 Chapter 15: Treasure

Chapter 15: Treasure

15.1 Treasures and Rewards in Forcelia
Adventures should be rewarded. Here, let's explain what kind of treasures should
be given as rewards to adventurers.
Adventurers in the world of Forcelia are considered to be adventuring in search of
treasures in the ruins of ancient kingdoms. In these ruins, there is enough wealth for
professions like theirs to exist. What I want you to remember here is that, in fact, there
were neither silver coins nor gold coins in the ancient kingdom. Therefore, unless
someone has carried silver coins since they were invented, there are no silver coins
buried in the ruins of the ancient kingdom. For this reason, many of the treasures
found in the ruins of the ancient kingdom are artifacts and works of art and crafts,
such as gems and precious metals.
Of course, the ancient kingdom was a country where magic developed, so you will
also find magic weapons, armor, treasures, books, and scrolls. Much of the magic of
the ancient kingdom period has been lost, so these permanently magically-infused
items cannot be produced in modern times. Therefore, these items are very valuable
and are traded at high prices. However, unlike ordinary treasures, these items cannot
be appraised unless they are in a specialty shop, so the stores that will buy them are
limited. If it's a somewhat larger town, there are stores that deal in these treasures of
the ancient kingdom. Such stores are generally called the "Adventurer's Guild" and
handle the buying and selling of equipment for adventures. The "Adventurer's Guild"
also doubles as a tavern and is used as a place to exchange information about
adventures. The typical adventurers of Forcelia make one "Adventurer's Guild" their
base of adventure, gather information about the ruins of the ancient kingdom there,
prepare their equipment, set off on their journey, and live by selling their spoils of war.
Of course, in addition to setting off on their own adventures, adventurers are often
hired as handymen in towns and villages because of their fighting power and magic
and their proficiency in various skills. Such job requests also gather at the "Adventurer's
Guild". The majority of the rewards paid for solving these jobs will, of course, be in
silver coins (gamels). Of course, the reward could be a kiss from a beautiful woman
or special knowledge or information.

15.2 Adventure Treasures, Reward Amount

The decision on what rewards should be given for an adventure ultimately rests
with the Game Master. However, the rewards obtained from an adventure should be
commensurate with its risk. If players can obtain large amounts of treasure from easy
adventures, it will only diminish the fun of the game. Conversely, the opposite can
lead to players losing motivation.

If converted into silver coins, a suitable value for the treasure prepared by the
Game Master for each adventure would be about 1000 times the total adventurer level
of all player characters. Of course, not all of this will be found, so what actually gets in
hand is likely to be about half. The average reward for solving a case is about 200
times the adventurer level.
Of course, depending on the scenario's content and the player characters' actions,
it's OK if unexpected treasures are obtained or if an adventure results in a deficit.
Game Masters, please keep track of how much property and equipment the player
characters have.

15.3 Treasure Tables

Next, we will briefly illustrate the types of treasures that can be obtained in Forcelia.

15.3.1 Treasures of Ancient Ruins

The kingdom known as the Kastool Kingdom, which built an advanced civilization
through the power of magic, was destroyed about 500 years ago. Various theories have
been proposed as to the reason for this, but nothing is certain.
The ruins of the ancient kingdom exist in various places in Forcelia, and enormous
treasures are sleeping within them. As the ancient kingdom was a kingdom that
prospered with magic, items that conceal powerful magic power are likely left in the
ruins. In addition, because culture and arts other than magic have also developed, you
can find artworks that can be sold at high prices to enthusiasts. Moreover, books
written in ancient languages are highly valued by sages and sorcerers as academic
However, it seems that the ancient kingdom was a credit economy, and currency
was not invented. Therefore, you will not find gold or silver coins in the ruins of the
ancient kingdom.

Gems, Precious Metals

This refers to crafted items and crafts made of gems and precious metals. Crowns,
rings, brooches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc., are included in these, and there
may be cases where gems and precious metals are used in other small items. This kind
of treasure can be judged as treasure or junk by the Thief skill and the "treasure
appraisal" ability of the Sage skill. It is also possible to check the specific price if you
take the time. Naturally, merchants who handle this kind of items can also check the
Their value ranges from a minimum of 10 silver coins to a maximum of about
10,000 silver coins for the highest quality items.
35 Chapter 15: Treasure

These items are works of art made during the ancient kingdom period, and while
their artistic value is significant, their antique value can be said to be even greater. Of
course, since they have no practical value, they aren't particularly appreciated by those
who don't understand art. The only people who would take these off your hands, aside
from the "Adventurer's Guild", are wealthy merchants, high-ranking nobles, and royalty.
Artworks include paintings, statues, ornaments, and even pots and everyday items.
These items can be identified as treasures through the Thief skill, and their specific
value can be understood through the Sage skill's "treasure appraisal".
This value is equivalent to at least 100 silver coins, and the value of more expensive
items is limitless.

There are various types of these. First, there are magical weapons and armor. It is
almost certain that the ones that have survived to this day without being mistaken are
those that were given permanent magical power by the sorcerers of the ancient
kingdom period. You can see crafts with magical power, such as the "flying carpet" or
the "pot of sealing".
Among these crafts, there are magic scrolls (scrolls) that contain magic power and
exhibit the same effect as spells with orders in high ancient language. Not only do
scrolls contain magic power, but also staffs, rods, wands, rings, etc. These magical
catalysts are of immeasurable value to sorcerers.
These magical treasures can be understood by spells such as "Detect Magic", and
the specific magic power is appraised by a spell named "Identify" (Level 6 of ancient
magic). The price is as low as 1000 silver coins, and the high ones are priceless.
Also, even if it does not have magic power itself, books and scrolls may contain
valuable information about the spellbook of high ancient language or the culture of
the ancient kingdom and should not be taken lightly. If you are a sage who can read
high ancient or low ancient, you can know the specific price of its value by the skill of
"treasure appraisal". Of course, many of these treasures are priceless. For adventurers,
magical swords and armor are indispensable.

Dragon's Teeth
The Dragon's Teeth, enchanted with magic, can be transformed into a type of
golem by casting a 5th-level ancient magic spell called "Skeleton Warrior". This can
become a powerful guard for sorcerers lacking in physical combat strength. For more
details, please refer to the "Skeleton Warrior" of ancient magic and the "Skeleton
Warrior" in the monster section.

Magic Wands
The wand is an indispensable tool for casting ancient magic, but the magic wand
here refers to something that contains special magical power in addition to its normal
function. These types of magic wands each have their own magic power depending on
the creator and will become a powerful weapon for their users. The typical functions
of a magic wand include amplifying the user's magic power (which can reduce the
mental power spent, or provide additional mental power), and being able to cast
certain spells (even if the user's level is insufficient).
Among the powerful wands, it is said that there are also those with unique names,
similar to magic swords.
Example: "Wand of Fire". Since it is necessary to chant in an ancient language, the
user is limited to sorcerers. This wand stores "2Dx10 points of mental power", which
can be spent to cast spells. The magic power is 5, and you can use the spells "Kindle",
"Fire Weapon", "Fireball", and "Fire Wall". The mental power spends the base mental
power cost as it is.

Crystal Orb of Clairvoyance (Difficulty 8)

This crystal ball, with a diameter of just over 10 centimeters, shows its user various
places around the world. No matter what place within its power range, this crystal ball
will show it to you. The extent of its effect depends on the magic power contained in
the crystal ball. Particularly strong ones are said to ignore magical barriers that would
normally interfere with a regular crystal ball or even show you the state of other worlds.
The commonly found "Crystal Orb of Clairvoyance" can only use its power once
a day and reflect any place you have been before. The duration is 15 minutes.

Mirror of Truth (Difficulty 8)

It is said that mirrors always reflect the true form of things, but this mirror reflects
what is in front of it and the real image of various things that the user wants to see. The
Mirror of Truth gets its name from reflecting the true identity of what stands in front
of it, but it also has the power to answer simple questions.
Effect 1: Anything standing in front of this mirror will reflect its original form.
Those who have changed their appearance through illusion magic or shapeshift magic
will expose their original form in this mirror. Normally, vampires don't reflect in
mirrors, but this mirror reflects them too.
Effect 2: An entity like a mirror spirit is sealed in the mirror, and it answers simple
questions. The mirror spirit knows everything that is reflected in mirrors around the
world, so it is quite knowledgeable. However, since it is difficult to communicate with
humans, it cannot answer complex commands. There is a possibility that they will be
37 Chapter 15: Treasure

able to tell you the whereabouts of a missing human (if they are near any of the

Pot of Sealing (Difficulty 8)

This powerful, magical pot can contain creatures from different realms, such as
the Spirit World. Not only lower-level spirits like Salamanders and Sylphs, it is said
that this pot was able to contain even higher-level spirits like Djinn and Ifrit.
If you direct this pot towards a spirit and perform the command specified in the
high ancient language, you can seal any spirit. Once a spirit is sealed, it remains
confined until its lid is opened. If the lid is opened, they immediately return to their
original Spirit World. The sealed pot is mainly made of iron.

Flying Carpet (Difficulty 7)

This is operated by commands in high ancient language. It can carry one human
and fly freely in the sky for an hour. However, it is better to avoid somersaults and
sudden changes in direction. Also, if you do not hold your luggage firmly, it may spill
out of the carpet. The flying speed is 30 kilometers per hour.

Crystal (Difficulty 6)
Among the jewels found in ancient ruins, gems sometimes emit powerful magic
power. At first glance, this stone looks like an opal, but it emits a bluish light from the
inside, so it is easy to distinguish.
According to the literature, this stone is a crystal of magic power created by
advanced ancient magic, but there are no clues about the manufacturing method left.
It is thought that this stone was used as currency in the ancient kingdom. Therefore,
it is a relatively frequently discovered magical item.
When casting a spell, this stone can replace the mental power (points) consumed
by the caster. The mental power stored in the stone is worth 2D+10. If you use up all
the mental power, the gem will shatter.

15.3.2 Treasures Found Outside of Ruins

In Forcelia, the stages of adventure are not only the ruins of ancient kingdoms.
Recently constructed houses, natural caves, and even the dwellings of monsters can
also be considered as stages for adventure.
Let's briefly explain what kind of treasures can be found in these places, divided
into human dwellings and monster nests.

Human Dwellings: Adventurers may invade a home and fight with thieves; on the
contrary, adventurers may become thieves and sneak into homes. The treasures in a

home will vary depending on who lives there, but the most common treasure is
undoubtedly the currency of Forcelia (gamels). In addition, you may find ornaments
made of precious metals, and if the house belongs to a wealthy person, you may be
able to obtain gems. In the homes of art collectors and sages seeking knowledge, there
should be items such as art and books that suit the owner of the house. If the house is
used as a thief's hideout, there may be stolen goods hidden there.
The game master should consider the home's size and the residents' living
conditions when determining the value of the treasures in the home.

Monster's Nests: When the stage of the adventure is a monster's nest, the type and
value of the treasure are determined by the monster living in it. Usually, monsters are
not interested in treasures, so they may not have anything most of the time. However,
monsters like dragons and griffins have a habit of collecting precious metals and
treasures, so there is a possibility that a huge treasure is sleeping in the nest of this type
of monster. Also, in the nest of a monster that kills and eats humans, the belongings
of the killed humans may be left behind.
It wouldn't be strange if youma, such as goblins who live a life close to humans,
accumulate treasures like those owned by humans. Please use the above as a reference,
and the game master should decide the value of the treasures stored in the monster's
39 Chapter 16: How to Calculate Experience Points

Chapter 16: How to Calculate Experience Points

When the adventure ends, experience points are given to the adventurers. The
way to calculate experience points is as follows:

1) Achieving the mission: This is the basis of experience points. It is judged whether
the adventurers were able to accomplish the given mission (duty) or, in other words,
whether the adventure was successful. The basic is 1000 points for a successful mission
per person and 500 points for failure. Please make it in between for partial success.
2) Monsters: Adventurers can earn experience points by defeating monsters. For each
monster they defeat, its "Monster Level x 10 / Number of Adventurers" will be their
experience points.
3) Double 1s: During the adventure, the amount of work the adventurer did will affect
the experience points. How actively the adventurer took action will be reflected in the
number of dice the player rolled. However, it's hard to remember the number of times
they rolled the dice, so keep track of the number of times the player rolled double 1s
on success rolls. Also, add the number of times they rolled double 1s for a damage
check in combat or when deciding the defense effect of armor. Adventurers receive
these "Number of double 1s x 10 points" as experience points. However, exclude the
"double 1s after criticals" in the damage check. Also, GM should not award experience
points for meaningless success rolls. Unlike items 1 and 2, the experience points
earned from this item will vary by adventurer.
4) Bonus: The game master may freely award bonus experience points for particularly
excellent play. However, this should be done sparingly. Scattering a large amount of
experience points is harmful to enjoying the game.

Part 3. Optional Rules

Translator’s Note: As with the GM Section, the upcoming full translation of the
Complete Edition will contain even more Optional Rules.
41 Chapter 17: Advanced Combat Rules

In this part, we will explain the advanced rules of "Sword World RPG". They will
be somewhat complicated, but if you find the basic rules unsatisfactory, please try these
advanced rules. Of course, these are optional rules, so you are free to use only part of
them and ignore the rest.

Chapter 17: Advanced Combat Rules

17.1 Modification of Weapons, Armor
In the basic rules, we did not consider the minor differences due to the shape of
weapons and armor, but even with the same required strength, the ease of use and
power differ for swords, axes, spears, and hammers. These rules will quantify the
minor differences in weapons and armor.

Optional Rule Weapons Table (Table 17-1-A)

Type Attack Power Mod. Strike Power Mod. Critical Target
Swords/1H ±0 ±0 10*
Swords/2H ±0 +5 10*
Axes/1H ±0 +5 11*
Axes/2H ±0 +10 11*
Spears/1H -1 +5 10*
Spears/2H ±0 +5 10*
Maces/1H +1 +5 12
Maces/2H +1 +10 12
Clubs/1H +1 ±0 12
Staves/2H +1 +5 12
Flails/1H -1 +5 10
Flails/2H -1 +10 10
Bows ±0 +5 10*
Crossbow ±0 +10 10*
Slings/1H ±0 +5 11
Slings/2H ±0 +10 11
Rocks +1 ±0 12
Pole Weapons Various Various Various
Whips -2 0** 10*
Nets/Bolas -2 -*** -***
Cranequin Crossbows ±0 x2+10 10*
Lances -1 +15**** 10*
Small Shields (see p. 48) ±0 ±0 12
Large Shields -1 ±0 12
*Swords, axes, spears, bows, crossbows, and lances have a Critical Target +1 against metal armor.
**Whips have a Strike Power of 0.
***Nets, Bolas cannot inflict damage on the opponent.
****The lance itself has a +5 strike power modifier, +10 on Charge, and +2 to damage added.

The explanation of the table is as follows.

"Attack power modification" indicates the modification added to the adventurer's
attack power when using that weapon. Weapons with larger numbers are easier to hit
the opponent, and smaller ones are harder to hit. "Strike power modification" is a
modification added to the weapon's strike power. In the basic rules, the weapon's
required strength was just the strike power, but with this rule, the value added to the
weapon's required strength with this strike power modification becomes the weapon's
strike power. In other words, even if the required strength is the same, you can say
that the weapons with larger strike power modifications will cause more damage to the
In the basic rules, when determining damage using a rating table, everything 10
and over was critical, but in this rule, the probability of criticals varies for each weapon.
This is indicated by the "critical target". Weapons like axes or maces need 11 or 12,
even if they roll a 10 without getting a critical. The smaller this number, the more likely
it is to give a strong blow. Weapons typed as swords, axes, spears, bows, and crossbows
receive a +1 penalty to this critical target against metal armor. In other words, these
sharp weapons have a lower probability of giving a strong blow due to the metal of the
Note that the critical target for barehanded attacks is 12.

Next, let’s look at the shield table. If you use a shield with "Optional Rule Shield
Table (Table 17-1-B)", evading the opponent's attack will be easier. In this selection
rule, if you equip a large shield, your Evasion speed will be increased by +2. However,
if you use a large shield, your attack will be reduced. Therefore, you will receive a -1
penalty to attack power when using a large shield.

Optional Rule Shield Table (Table 17-1-B)

Type Required Strength Evasion Speed Mod. Attack Power Mod.
Small Shields 1 +1 ±0
Large Shields 13 +2 -1

Next is the "Optional Rule Armor Table (Table 17-1-C)".

"Evasion speed modification" is the penalty for evasion speed when wearing that
armor. Heavy metal armor generally has a high defense effect and reduces the chance
of receiving a powerful attack from some weapons, but it makes movement dull,
making it harder to dodge the opponent's attack.
43 Chapter 17: Advanced Combat Rules

Optional Rule Armor Table (Table 17-1-C)

Type Evasion Speed Mod.
Cloth ±0
Soft Leather ±0
Hard Leather ±0
Chain Mail -1
Plate Armor -1

17.2 Addition of Damage to Projectiles

In the basic rules, the bonus damage of any weapon is "Fighter (or Thief, Ranger)
skill level + strength bonus", but for projectiles, the adventurer's strength is not directly
With this rule, the bonus damage added to the Bow and Crossbow is "Skill level +
Bow’s required strength /6 (rounded down)". There is no point in drawing a light bow
with such strength that it breaks.

17.3 Advanced Combat

Simply attacking is not the only method of combat. In this section, we introduce
somewhat unusual rules of combat.

There may be times when you don't want to hurt your opponent or when your
opponent is too strong. In such cases, the adventurer can focus on defense. When
focusing on defense, the adventurer cannot attack that round. Instead, they can
increase their Evasion speed by +4.
Example: Adventurer Ducard, while exploring the caves with his companions, was
caught by a surprise attack from a troll. Unaware of the troll, he failed to evade the
first strike and took 5 points of damage. Judging that he would likely lose if he
continued to fight one-on-one, Ducard decides to focus on defense, loudly calling for
his companions and asking for help. His Evasion speed is 7. By choosing to parry, he
cannot attack, but he can increase his evasion speed. The troll's attack points, which
are the target score for evasion, are 14, so unless he is very unlucky, he should be able
to keep dodging until reinforcements arrive.

When an adventurer uses a spear as a weapon, the adventurer can charge at the
opponent, making the damage larger with their own weight and speed. Also, since they

can perform attacks and movements at the same time, they can attack even from
faraway places. This is resolved as follows.
The weapons that can be charged are limited to spears and the later mentioned
pole weapons and lances.
Yes, there must be a certain "margin" between the person who charges and the
opponent. In other words, if they are closer than "weapon length (required strength x
15 cm) x 2", it is impossible to charge, and if they are more than "Adventurer's agility
x 3 meters" away, they will not reach the opponent.
The charge hit check is done at the end of the round. However, when the person
receiving the charge tries to counterattack the person who was charged, that action is
further postponed (see next). Magic and projectiles are resolved before the charge is
performed. If they are attacked with a projectile during a charge and evade it, they will
receive a -4 penalty on Evasion speed.
There is no numerical modification to the charge hit check. Add +10 to the strike
power if they hit and determine the damage.
The charged party can take retaliatory action. Regardless of whether the attack by
charge hits or fails, the party who received the charge can attack the one who charged
at the end of the round. Against this attack, the person who is charged will receive a
penalty of one-fourth of their evasion speed. However, this counterattack is not
possible if they have already cast a spell, engaged in weapon combat, or taken actions
such as a parry or evade.
If both combatants use chargeable weapons such as spears, they can both take
charge actions, including waiting in ambush. In this case, the weapon's length
determines the attack order. Since the length of the weapon is proportional to the
required strength, the hit check is performed by the one using the weapon with the
larger required strength.

In adventurer-to-adventurer combat, attempting to make the opponent drop their
weapon is possible. This is resolved as follows.
Disarm is basically the same as a normal attack. If the opponent does not notice
or ignores the attack, the opponent's evasion speed will receive a -4 penalty. Also, if
the opponent is parrying, it will be harder to succeed with the same penalty. However,
when a "hit" is made, instead of inflicting damage on the opponent, there is an effect
that makes the opponent drop their weapon. However, against animals or monsters
that use claws or fangs, disarm has no effect at all.
45 Chapter 17: Advanced Combat Rules

17.4 When Wielding Weapons With Both Hands

A character could not wield weapons with both hands in the basic rules. However,
there are many people who are proficient in single-handed combat. This section will
show you the extended rules for wielding weapons with both hands.

17.4.1 Character's Dominant Hand

Characters are basically right-handed or left-handed, but there are people who are
ambidextrous in reality. Therefore, when creating an adventurer, let's say that if you
roll a double 6s with 2D, you are ambidextrous. Choose the right-handed or left-
handed preference according to the player's preference.

17.4.2 Attack with Both Hands

If a character is wielding a weapon with both hands, they can choose one of the
following three methods as an attack method.

Attack with the dominant hand's weapon: It is the same as the basic rules.
Attack with the non-dominant hand's weapon: They will receive a -2 penalty on
attack power.
Attacking with both hands at the same time: They will receive a -2 penalty for
attacks with the dominant hand and a -4 penalty for attacks with the non-dominant
hand. In addition, one of the weapons is limited to up to half of their own strength
(rounded down) in required strength.
When a character is ambidextrous, there is no non-dominant hand. There is no
penalty if they attack with only one hand, and the penalty for attacking with both hands
at once is -2 each.

17.5 Special Weapons

The history of weapons is old, and various special weapons have been born. In
this section, we will explain how to handle these special weapons.

Pole Weapons
A pole weapon is a general term for two-handed weapons with a metal blade
attached to the tip of a long handle. There are various types, such as halberd, poleaxe,
lancer, partisan, glaive, pike, etc.
The required strength for pole weapons is at least 10. The price is "required
strength x 30 + 50 (gamels)".
Although the basic idea of wanting to attack from a distance is the same, pole
weapons have variously differentiated functions. Here are some ways to use these pole

Thrust: It has a sharp point at the tip. These can be treated the same as a spear.
Please use the "Spears/2H" values for the attack power modifier, strike power modifier,
critical target, etc. Charging is also possible.
Cut: It has a blade like an axe. These are treated as "Axes/2H".
Stab: It has a pointed tip like a piercing pickaxe. Use the "Spears/2H" values for
the numerical values. However, since the blade is facing sideways, charging is not
Strike: It has a tip like a hammer. Use the "Flails/2H" values for the numerical
Sweep: It is designed to be able to trip the opponent's foot. In this attack, the attack
power modifier is ±0, strike power 0 (the modifier is not 0, strike power itself is 0 - this
attack method is unsuitable for dealing damage), and damage cannot be critical. If the
attack by this method is successful, the opponent will take damage and, at the same
time, use "adventurer level + agility bonus (monster level for monsters)" as the baseline
score and the attacker's attack points (attack power + the roll of 2D at that time) as the
target score to make a success roll. If the enemy fails, their foot will be swept, and they
will fall prone. Creatures that do not walk on two legs are not targets of this attack.
Players should investigate which pole weapon can take which method of attack (for
example, a halberd can be used in three ways: thrusting, cutting, and sweeping) and
arm themselves accordingly (with GM’s permission). Those with multiple attack
methods must declare which method of attack they will take each round. Below are
some representative pole weapons and their usage.

Poleaxe: It has a shape that combines an axe and a spear. It can be used in two
ways: "cutting" and "thrusting".
Halberd: The halberd is an advanced form of the poleaxe, with a shape that
combines a spear and an axe, and the opposite side of the axe is hook-shaped. It is
the most refined pole weapon and can be used in four ways: "thrusting", "cutting",
"sweeping", and "stabbing".
Lucerne Hammer: The Lucerne Hammer has a similar shape to the halberd, but
the spear part at the tip is longer than the halberd, and the striking part is not an axe
but a hammer. The opposite side has a hook-shaped protrusion. This weapon can be
used for "thrusting", "cutting", and "striking".
Glaive: The glaive is a weapon with a knife-like blade at the end of a long handle.
This weapon can be used in two ways: "thrusting" and "cutting".
Bill: It has a shape close to a long sword. It can be used for "cutting".

A pole weapon does not fully perform in narrow places. The length of the pole
weapon is "required strength x 15 cm". If there isn't enough space with this radius, the
47 Chapter 17: Advanced Combat Rules

pole weapon cannot be used. It may not be wise to bring it into underground labyrinths,

The main-gauche is a dagger for parrying, held in the left hand (or right hand for
left-handed adventurers). When the opponent's weapon is a dagger, rapier, or
shortsword, it gives a +1 bonus to Evasion speed.
A swordbreaker is a type of main-gauche, with saw-like blades lined up on the back.
If used well, it can break or drop the opponent's weapon. When using this weapon
and rolling 2D to avoid an attack from the enemy, if double 6s are rolled, the
opponent's weapon can be broken. If 11 is rolled, you can drop the opponent's
weapon. Of course, the opponent's weapon is limited to a dagger, rapier, or
Both the main-gauche and the swordbreaker have the same values as a dagger in
terms of attack. Even when attacking with both hands, there is still a -2/-4 penalty. The
prices of the main-gauche and swordbreaker are based on the dagger.

These weapons can perform attacks that entangle opponents. When an attack with
these weapons hits, the evader makes a success roll with the 'adventurer level + agility
bonus' as the baseline score and the attacker's attack points (attack power + the roll of
2D at that time) as the target score. If failed, the evading character is entangled and
becomes prone. If the opponent is a larger race than the attacker, the attacker must
let go of the whip or net, and once they've entangled the opponent, the weapon is no
longer at the attacker's disposal.
Those entangled by these weapons need to make an escape check every round.
The 'adventurer level + strength bonus (monster level in the case of monsters)' is the
baseline score, and the 'attacker's attack points (attack power + the roll of 2D at that
time)', when entangled, is the target score for the success roll. If the entangled person
has hands or similar organs, the target score decreases by -1 each round. While
entangled, the entangled character will receive a penalty of -4 to evasion speed for
attacks received from the opponent. Also, to escape from the entangled state, they
must temporarily let go of the weapons they are holding.

Whip: Required strength is 5. The Attack power modifier is -2, the Strike power
is 0 (The modification is not ±0, the strike itself is 0), and the Critical target is 10 (not
applicable against metal armor). The price is 150 gamels. The whip will return to the
attacker if the attack hits and the opponent is not entangled. At the attacker's choice,
it is possible to ensure that the whip does not entangle the opponent and always returns

to his hand. At that time, roll 2D again, and it will only entangle the opponent when
double 1s come out.
Net: Required strength 7. Attack power modifier -2. Price 200 gamels. Even if it
hits, it cannot inflict damage. It is used in melee, but it is not possible to not use it by
throwing. However, the range is limited to 5 meters.
Bola: Required strength 3. Attack power modifier -2. Price 80 gamels. It is a
throwing weapon.

Shield Attack
Adventurers may use their shield to attack. However, at that time, the evasion
correction of the shield cannot be added to the evasion speed. The attack power
correction of the shield is used as is. In other words, a small shield is ±0, and a large
shield is -1. The strike power is the same as the shield's required strength (strike
correction ±0), and the critical target is 12. Since they probably won't hold it in your
dominant hand, they'll still receive a -2/-4 penalty.

Cranequin Crossbow
The Cranequin Crossbow has a winding mechanism attached, so the user can
string it strongly with a small force. However, it takes time to wind up and significantly
limits rapid fire.
The required strength of the Cranequin Crossbow is half of that without a winding
mechanism. In other words, the strike power is "required strength x 2 + 10". There is
no change in the attack power correction (±0), critical target (10). If a character is using
the calculation of bonus damage as per the optional rules, the bonus damage will be
"skill level + required strength/3 (fractions are rounded down)".
It takes 3 rounds to wind up the Cranequin Crossbow. If the string is pre-strung
and prepared, the first shot can be fired immediately, but after that, they can only
shoot once every 4 rounds.
The price of the Cranequin Crossbow is 50% more than the price of the crossbow
with the same required strength.

A lance is a long spear used by cavalry. It is held under the arm with one hand.
The required strength is more than 12, and the attack correction, strike power
correction, and critical target are the same as "Spear/1H". It can only be used in a
charge attack while on horseback. The price is 20% more than a spear with the same
required strength.
When performing a lance charge, the movement distance must be between "the
length of the lance (required strength x 15cm) x 2" and 90 meters (the full movement
49 Chapter 18: Optional Magic Rules

distance of a horse). During this time, the wielder will receive a -4 penalty to evasion
speed against attacks on the horse or the mounted adventurer. Even if the horse they
are riding is a warhorse, the horse itself will not attack.
If the lance charge hits, determine the damage by adding +10 to the strike power
(because it's a charge). In addition, the attacker can add +2 to the damage (it's the level
of the horse monster!).
If they are using a lance and are brought into melee, they can dodge as usual, but
they cannot attack.
If both fighters use a lance to attack, or if the opponent is using a spear or pike,
they will follow the rules for charging each other.
In the case of a lance charge, it is also possible to "run through in one go". In this
case, they can do a lance charge once every 2 rounds in a hit-and-ride away. However,
if they are counterattacked by the opponent who was charged with a lance, don't forget
that the lance wielder will receive a -4 penalty to evasion speed.

Chapter 18: Optional Magic Rules

18.1 Changing the Magic Procedure
The way magic is cast can be made more comprehensive. However, in this case,
the game master's work becomes quite complicated.
The procedure for magic is resolved in the same way, regardless of whether the
caster or the recipient is an adventurer and regardless of whether they are a monster.
That is, the caster rolls 2D and adds it to their own magic power. All of the recipients
attempt a mental power resistance roll with this as their target score. If they fail, the
magic takes full effect. If they succeed, the magic either doesn't take effect, or the effect
is reduced. However, if the caster rolls double 1s, the magic fails completely and has
no effect.
Monster's magic power: The monster's magic power uses "magic intensity - 7".
Monster's resistance: The baseline score for the monster's mental power resistance
roll is "resistance score - 7 (also noted in the Monster Catalogue (14.2))".
Example: Adventurer Deckard was attacked by 3 skeletons. He decides to cast the
spirit magic "Firebolt" on each of them. His magic power is 4. The roll of 2D is 8.
8+4=12 is set as the target score, and the skeletons attempt to resist. Due to the
skeleton's mental power, the resistance score is 9(2), so the baseline score for the
resistance roll is 2. In other words, if they roll 10 or more on 2D, they have resisted
the magic. The game master rolls the dice three times, with the results being 4, 12, 8,
so only the second skeleton was able to mitigate the effect of "Firebolt".
In this case, please note that the player's roll is not the final score but the target
score. This is an exception rule to reduce the complexity for the game master.

Chapter 19: Optional Rules for Knowledge about Monsters

As for knowledge about monsters, as an optional rule, you might want to bring a
touch to the degree of success (2D + Sage Skill + Intelligence Bonus – Rarity = Success)
as follows. Adventurers without sage skills, even if they can check the monster, the
maximum degree of success is up to +3 (2D – Rarity = Success), and they cannot fill
in the character sheet or do research.

Check When You Hear the Monster's Name

±0 success: You know what the monster looks like. (The wight takes the form of
humans. It is enveloped in an eerie yellow light, and its skin is very black.)
+1 success: You know the monster's type and monster level (Wight is undead, the
monster level is 4)
+2 success: You know the monster's ecology, reaction, frequency, and number
(The wight is mainly active at night, hates the living, and attacks them. The frequency
is moderate; the number is one to several.)
+3 success: You know some of the monster's intellect and special abilities (A wight's
intellect is on par with humans. It can't be harmed unless by silver or magical weapons)
+4 success: You know all of the monster's special abilities (A wight can only be
harmed by silver weapons or magical ones. Wights can attack with mental power, and
any player character that dies from it becomes a wight)
+5 or more success: You know all the numerical values of the monster.

Check When You See a Monster

±0 successes: You know the monster's name (that one that looks like a human,
surrounded by a creepy yellow light, with jet black skin is a wight).
+1 success: You know the monster's type and monster level (Wight is undead, the
monster level is 4)
+2 success: You know the monster's ecology, reaction, frequency, and number
(The wight is mainly active at night, hates the living, and attacks them. The frequency
is moderate; the number is one to several.)
+3 success: You know some of the monster's intellect and special abilities (A wight's
intellect is on par with humans. It can't be harmed unless by silver or magical weapons)
+4 success: You know all of the monster's special abilities (A wight can only be
harmed by silver weapons or magical ones. Wights can attack with mental power, and
any player character that dies from it becomes a wight)
+5 or more success: You know all the numerical values of the monster.
51 Chapter 19: Optional Rules for Knowledge about Monsters

Unless the sage's skills are increased or research is conducted based on literature,
the degree of success is the same for checks against the same monster (No new checks
can be done).
Example: Let's say a sage in a party who has been asked to exterminate a Wight
has succeeded with +3 when he heard the name. At this time, the sage understands
some of the Wight's form, type, monster level, ecology, reaction, and special abilities.
When he goes to the scene and sees the Wight, no further checks are needed, and
once he knows it's a Wight, he has all the data up to +3 success.

Part 4. Designer's Notebook

53 Chapter 19: Optional Rules for Knowledge about Monsters

We really kept you waiting. You can finally deliver the system of "Sword World
RPG". This book is a system that corresponds to characters with adventurer levels
from 1 to 5. We do not mention details or information about particularly strong
monsters like dragons and giants, and there is no description of level 6 or higher spells.
We have left these additional details for another opportunity. This is due to
circumstances such as the number of pages, so please understand.
Now, when designing "Sword World RPG", we most wanted to create a system that
could create scenarios with a story. Also, we tried to make checking actions as
uncomplicated as possible.
The result of this painstaking effort is the "success roll" rule and the "rating table".
The concept of the "success roll", which compares the player's final score and the game
master's target score and checks the result, is something like the "soul of Sword World
RPG" and is used in all scenes. On the other hand, when seeking numerical results,
everything from attack defense to recovery can be resolved by the "rating table". Once
you understand the rules, you should have less to remember.
As a substitute for the afterword, I would like to introduce the basic style of
adventure using the "Sword World RPG" system here. Of course, since it's an RPG,
any scenario is fine, but people who are not familiar with RPGs may find it difficult to
understand what kind of scenario to create.
In Forcelia, people called adventurers make a living by bringing back ancient
treasures from the ruins of the ancient kingdom. At the same time, they are satisfying
their own adventurous and inquisitive spirit.
First, the game begins at the "Adventurer's Guild", where adventurers gather. Here,
they can get information about the ruins of the ancient kingdom. Preliminary
investigations, buying equipment, and so on, can generally be done at the
"Adventurer's Guild". Then, the adventurers head to the ruins of the ancient kingdom.
It doesn't matter if the ruins are on the ground or underground. However, monsters
inhabit there. Also, dangerous traps may have been set. The adventurers go on an
adventure, use their skills to avoid danger and explore the ruins. If successful, they can
get the treasure of the ancient kingdom. The adventurers bring this back to the
"Adventurer's Guild" and sell it.
This completes one cycle of adventure. By repeating this pattern, I hope you can
enjoy the system and the world of the "Sword World RPG". As you get used to it, you
should come up with other patterns of adventure.

The basic system of this book is designed by Miyuki Kiyomatsu of Group SNE.
All members of Group SNE participated in the development. Especially, Hiroshi
Yamamoto and Nao Kitagawa have cooperated in creating world settings, monsters,
magic details, information, etc. These two's wonderful knowledge and sensibility have

given flesh and blood to the world of Forcelia. Also, I would like to express my
heartfelt thanks to the members of the game circle who participated in the test play,
Mr. 0 in editing, who gave guidance in creating the system, and Mr. Yasuda Hitoshi,
who supervised the entire "Sword World " including the system and the world, in spite
of their busy schedule.

Group SNE Ryo Mizuno

Translated by Auquid with help of Borp.

Original Release Date: 1989/03

Translation Release Date: 2024/04

This is a free, unofficial, fan-based translation.

Please support original creators by buying Sword World books and
Fujimi Dragon Book
Role Playing Game

The Thieves’ Rhapsody

Sword World RPG Replay Collection ①
Hiroshi Yamamoto/Group SNE

Six adventurers completely unrelated to the world of

heroic tales involving conspiracies shaking the
kingdom, or a grand sorcerer planning the
resurrection of the Demon King. While fussing
about staying up late is bad for beauty, and that male
actor from the theatre troupe is quite something, they
still work hard to exterminate the minotaur
tormenting the villagers, and to rescue the kidnapped
tomboy princess...
This work records four comical adventures that six
players, Zabo, Ketcha, Divo, Yuzu, Cain, and
Alysian, experienced in the world of "Sword World

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