A Powerful Word Picture
A Powerful Word Picture
A Powerful Word Picture
Being a writer at heart, I cannot swear to the validity of that statement, but it is
true that we can often communicate a whole bunch using images. Let’s test our
to the mind’s eye. We tend to retain images longer, some statisticians putting the
retention rate as high 80%. When you couple the image with a natural
I remember when Joy was a baby, she would get inconsolable. We didn’t
know then that she was struggling with a milk allergy. We would try all the things
that we did with Abby – walking the floor patting her back, rubbing her belly,
laying down on the couch with her on our chest. But nothing worked – except
one. Finally, Rach would start to unbutton her blouse and we would here Joy
start giggling in the midst of her sobs. Visually, she recognized what Rachel was
doing and that caused a sudden rush of euphoria – an endorphin induced high,
so to speak.
In the Scriptures God reveals that he is indeed the one who wired us over
and over again. How? God knows how pictures impact us. He knows how
images graft to our minds. And so when he really wants to get a point across, we
he gives it to us in a picture. Word pictures are woven throughout the Scriptures
– the psalms are full of images for God. He is our Rock, our Strong Tower, our
our Light and our Salvation, he is the Holy One who stretches out the heavens
like a curtain.
and the mercies of God. Israel is described both as a bride and harlot, a fruitful
vine and desolate farm land ready to be broken up and prepared for seed. So
today, when we want to remember what Christ has done how has God instructed
us to do it? Through the Lord’s Supper – a way of imaging that Christ died for us.
Baptism presents a picture of how we have been united with Christ in his death,
relate to him, the Living and Holy God. You see, God wants us to have an
advantage in the rough the times – to be able to remember that he is our shield
and stay, that he leads us like a shepherd, that he is the Awesome One, the
This morning I have two agendas – the first is to take a quick look at a
couple of word pictures that God gives us in the Scriptures and what those
images communicate to us. The second is to keep this sermon short – it is after
all Mother’s Day, a day to honor the gift God has given us in our mothers. And I
wondered to myself, how could I as a pastor best honor the mothers of our
congregation? By giving them more time with those who love them and want to
What I find fascinating about the word pictures in the Bible is the ones God
selects to tell us some of the really big themes. When we think of God in the Old
Testament, what comes to mind? We usually think of some big Zeus-like figure,
hurling lightning bolts for every infraction of the Law. The God who opens up the
earth to swallow the transgressor, his family and all his livestock. Genesis,
relenting only when one of the heroes of the faith jumps in between him and
those who have angered him. How often have we heard someone say that the
God of the Old Testament was the God of Law, but the God of the New
Testament is the God of Grace? It’s like God had an extreme makeover or
Even in Isaiah, you have these lofty visions of God, high and lifted up in
the heavenly Temple. The throne of God trembling under the power of him who
sits upon it. The angels of heaven – powerful, spiritual beings, pure in heart and
body, no stain of sin anywhere upon them – and even they cannot bear to gaze
upon his holiness. They hide there faces behind their wings as they sing his
praises. Isaiah speaks of the coming judgment – the king of the earth that will
become the sword in his right hand to carry out the force of his wrath upon his
disobedient people. This is a serious God – Isaiah makes it clear – not a God to
be trifled with.
But then comes this passage in Isaiah 49 that we read this morning. Now
I’m not saying that Isaiah is all “doom and gloom” up to that point, but on balance
God is a real heavyweight so far. Then in chapter 49, Isaiah is speaking about
the Servant of the Lord and how he will make the Servant of the Lord a covenant
for the people – Jew and Gentile alike. Through this Servant, God will reconcile
the whole of humanity to himself and not just Israel. But Israel complains that
God has forsaken her – his wrath poured out on their disobedience convinces
And here is the image that just cuts right to the heart. Look at how God
responds to Israel.
Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion
on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are
ever before me.
Your sons hasten back, and those who laid you waste depart from
you. Lift up your eyes and look around; all your sons gather and
come to you. As surely as I live,” declares the LORD, “you will wear
them all as ornaments; you will put them on, like a bride.1
1All passages sited from The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Publishing House) 1984.
When first I look at this passage, my eye is trained to pick out the
messianic references and the allusions to the Day of the Lord. I see God
promising that in Christ, Jew and Gentile shall be made into one new man, one
new people of God, Old Covenant saints and New Covenant saints joined as
brothers and sisters in Christ. I hear the echoes of the future glory of the
Kingdom of God.
But I want you to look at how God answers the heart-cry of his people.
They feel jilted, abandoned, usurped by this new people of God. Where is our
place? And God says, “Oh, my child. I could no more forget you than a mother
can forget the child rooting at her breast. And beyond that, even if it were
Modern science has discovered that between mother and child, there is a
bonding that takes place that goes far beyond a simple physical, instinctual
– even something spiritual about the bond that forms. An infant knows its mother
by her smell, the touch of her skin – it is like there is this bio-vibe that oscillates
between the two that draws them together. When this bond does not form
I am struck that when God wants to communicate the softness of his heart,
the depths of his love and the security of his affection, he turns to the image of a
nursing mother. An image that all of us know and one that touches something
soft in all of us. We take in this image and immediately our fears about God’s
intention – his heart toward us – are dispersed. The image tells us all we need to
know about the certainty of God’s love. The bond he has formed with us will
never be broken. We can rest securely against his breast, knowing he will never
push us away.
Mother images provide powerful fodder for the mind and communicate
clearly the love and concern God has for us. Paul knew this well and the Holy
Spirit used that knowledge to help communicate to the Thessalonians how deep
his love was for them. He spoke of how he and his co-workers were “gentle
among them” like a mother would be. How were they gentle? By doing only
what a mother would do – give up her own rights to ensure the health and growth
of her children.
I don’t recall who told the story anymore – some saint of a past generation.
But I have never forgotten it. This saint was talking about her mother and
lessons she had learned by watching her. They were a poor family, scraping to
get by, and sometimes managing just barely. She remembered how when times
were lean or when company came, mom would fix the dinner and lay it out, all
smiles and grace. Then she would dismiss herself to start cleanup. All would
enjoy the food, while mom hovered about the table, serving everyone and being
and became curious as to when her mother ate. So one night after dinner, she
went to help her mom with the dishes and to ask her when she ate. To her
surprise, she glimpsed her mom through the kitchen door, picking food off the
finished plates. It was then that she realized, her mom had set out all the food
and only took her own supper once everyone else had enjoyed their fill.
Isn’t that a wonderful picture of a mother’s love? And isn’t that really the
definition of a mother’s love – giving up her own rights and pleasures for the sake
of her family? And isn’t that the perfect picture of God’s love? Look at the image
he gave us to remember how great his love is for us – the cross. But just in case
we can’t connect to the cross – in case the picture is too hard for us to digest –
he gives another image. One we can look at day after day and see the afterglow
Today is Mother’s Day. Celebrate it; revel in it – knowing that in the person
of the one we honor with flowers and candies and gifts and dinners, we can see