3rd Year Summer
3rd Year Summer
3rd Year Summer
Galois Theory
Jishu Das
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Kolkata
E-mail Id- jd13ms109@iiserkol.ac.in
This is an project report about some basic concepts in Galois Theory, which I
studied under Dr. B. Sury of Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore as a guide
during the period of time from 18th May 2016 to 30 June 2016. I would like to
thank Dr. B. Sury by giving his valuable time to guide me.
Signature of Guide
Dr. B. Sury
Signature of Student
Jishu Das
0.1 Finite fields
Definition 1 :- A field with finitely many elements is called a finite field.
Proof :- F is a finite field, so for each a ∈ F in the group (F, +), |F |.a = 0.
Which assures characteristics of F is finite. Let char(F ) = n for some n ∈ N .
Suppose characteristics of F is a composite number. There exists 1 < n1 < n
and 1 < n2 < n such that n = n1 n2 . Let a0 ∈ F such that n1 a0 6= 0. Such an
a0 exists since char(F ) = n.
⇒ 0 = n.a0 = (n1 n2 ).a0 = a0 n2 .a0 + n2 .a0 + ... (n1 times) +n2 .a0 = n2 .a0 .1 +
n2 .a0 .1+... (n1 times) +n2 .a0 .1 = n2 .a0 .(1+1... (n1 times) +1) = (n2 .a0 ).(n1 .1)
Proof :- Easy.
m ∈ N. Let {a1 , a2 , ..., am } be a basis for F over K. Therefore every a ∈ F
can be written uniquely as a = α1 .a1 + ... + αm .am where α1 , ...αm ∈ K.
Each αi ,for i ∈ {1, 2, ..., m}, has q many choices, for each a ∈ F we have a
unique combination of α1 , ..., αm and conversely. Therefore |F | = |{(α1 , ..., αm ) :
α1 , α2 , ..., αm ∈ K}| = q m .
Note 1:- We can also prove that for a finite field F , |F | = pm where p =char(F )
and m is some natural number, by using group theoretic argument. Proof is as
follows. (F, +) is an abelian group with |F | = n for some n ∈ N. For a fixed
a ∈ F char(F ).a = 0 , also n.a = 0 along with char(F ) ≤ n imply that char(F )
divides n. char(F ) = p, where p is a prime number by proposition 1. Since
p|n and p is a prime number, there exists a subgroup of order p by Cauchy’s
theorem for abelian groups. Suppose q be a prime number other than p that
divides n, again there exists a subgroup H of order q. Since q is a prime number,
H is cyclic, which means there exists c ∈ F such that H = (c). |(c)| = q, also
p.c = 0, this implies q divides p. Hence q = p a contradiction. Hence p is the
only prime number that divides n, so n = pm where m is some natural number.
Proof :- Let |F ∗ | = m and exp(F ∗ )=n. Since there exists a ∈ F ∗ such that
order(a) = n. By Lagrange’s Theorem n divides m, so n ≤ m. Consider the
polynomial xn − 1 in F[x]. For all a ∈ F ∗ , an = 1 as n=exp(G) and xn − 1 can
have at most n roots, hence m ≤ n. Therefore m=n=order(a), so (a) = F ∗ .
Proof :- Let d be a divisor of n. Suppose a ∈ H has order d. (a) = {1, a, ..., ad−1 }
is the cyclic subgroup generated by a. Note that for b ∈ (a) satisfy bd = 1, so
(a) ⊂ Sd . As |(a)| = d and Sd can have at most d elements, we have (a) = Sd .
All the elements of H of order d belongs to Sd and consequently in (a). (a) has
φ(d) elements of order d. Also (a) has φ(d) no of elements of order d. Hence
the number of elements of H of order d is 0 or φ(d). P
Suppose for some d0 dividing n has no elements of order d0 , then n = d|n φ(d) >
d|n,d6=d0 φ(d) (as φ(d0 ) > 0) = n (as there is no element in H of order d0 ), a
contradiction. Hence for each d dividing n has element of order d, in particular
there is an element of order n. Hence H is cyclic.
d divides n. Clearly xd = 1 has at most d solutions in F ∗ , so F ∗ is cyclic.
Proof :- Let F and L be two finite fields such that |F | = |L| = pn for some
prime number p and natural number n. By proposition 7 Both F and L are
splitting fields of xp − x over Fp . By isomorphism extension theorem it follows
that F and L are isomorphic.
(σ0m ) where (σ0 ) =Gal(K/Fp ). σ : K → K defined by σ(a) = ap is a generator
of Gal(K/Fp ) from proposition 7. Thus Gal(K/F ) = (σ m ) = (σ [F :Fp ] ) where
[K:Fp ] n n
[K:F ] = [F : Fp ] = n (as |F | = p ). Gal(K/F ) = (σ ). By induction on n we
can show that σ n (a) = ap = τ (a).
Proof :- Consider a positive integer n. The set of roots of the polynomial (say
S) xp − x over Fp belonging to N has pn elements. Now if α, β, β −1 ∈ S, then
pn n n n n
α = α and (β −1 )p = β −1 , which implies (αβ −1 )p = αp (β −1 )p = αβ −1 or
−1 pn pn pn pn pn
equivalently αβ ∈ S and (α + β) = α + β = α + β (as char(N ) = p)
= α + β or equivalently α + β ∈ S. S is a subfield of N with order pn . This
asserts that there exists a subfield of N with order pn . Let F ⊂ N be a field
of order pn . By proposition 7, F is a splitting field of xp − x over Fp . Hence
F contains all the roots of x − x or equivalently S ⊂ F . Every a ∈ F satisfy
ap − a = 0 , which implies F ⊂ S. Therefore there is a unique subfield of N of
order pn .
when proposition 10(ii) happens, we are done by taking L for K and K for
F in proposition 9.
Proof :- Let a ∈ K. Then there exists n ∈ N and a1 , a2 , ..., an ∈ X such that a ∈
F (a1 , a2 , ..., an ). So there exists f, g ∈ F [x1 , x2 , ..., xn ] with a = fg(a (a1 ,a2 ,...,an )
1 ,a2 ,...,an )
and g(a1 , a2 , ..., an ) 6= 0.
) = bi1 ,i2 ,...,in xi11 xi22 ...xinn and
Let f (x1 , x2 , ..., xnP
g(x1 , x2 , ..., xn ) = ci1 ,i2 ,...,in xi11 xi22 ...xinn where each coefficient lies in F .
P bi1 ,i2 ,...,in σ(a1 )i1 σ(a2 )i2 ...σ(an )in
σ(a) = ci1 ,i2 ,...,in σ(a1 )i1 σ(a2 )i2 ...σ(an )in
P bi1 ,i2 ,...,in τ (a1 )i1 τ (a2 )i2 ...τ (an )in
= ci1 ,i2 ,...,in τ (a1 )i1 τ (a2 )i2 ...τ (an )in
(since σ and τ fix F , preserve addition and
multiplication)= τ (a).
Pn :- Let f (x) = a0 + a1 x + ... + an xn . τ (f (α)) = τ (0) = i=0 τ (ai )(τ (α))i =
i=0 ai (τ (α)) = 0 (as τ is a F -homomorphism, τ (ai ) = ai , τ (0) = 0)
Hence f (τ (α)) = 0
min(F, τ (α)) divides min(F, α) as min(F, α)(τ (α)) = 0. min(F, α) is irreducible
and is not a constant polynomial, which implies min(F, α)=min(F, τ (α)).
Proof :- Let S = {f1 , f2 ..., fn } and X be the set of all roots of all polynomial in S.
K be a splitting field over F for Q S. Then K = F (X) and for each i ∈ {1, 2, ..., n},
fi splits over F . i.e. fi = ai j(i) (x − αj(i) ) where j(i) ∈ {1, ...deg(fi )}, ai ∈ F
and αj(i) ∈ K. f = f1 f2 ...fn (say) = i j(i) (x − αj(i) ). Since each factor of f
is linear f splits over F .
If α ∈ K is a root of f then f (α) = 0 i.e. there exists one k such that fk (α) = 0
where 0 is the additive identity of F which implies α ∈ X. Conversely if α ∈ X,
for some k fk (α) = 0 which shows f (α) = 0. This shows that the set of all roots
of f (say Y ) is equals to X. Hence K = F (Y ).
K is a splitting field of f .
Let K be a splitting field of f . let fi = ai j(i) (x − αj(i) ) where ai ∈ F
and αj(i) ∈ L, L is a splitting field of S. fi divides f , (x − αj(i) ) divides f i.e.
(x − αj(i) ) is a linear factor of f . Since f splits over K , it implies αj(i) ∈ K.
fi splits over K. Also set of all roots of f is same as X. Hence K is a splitting
field of S.
√ √ √
Answer :- Let F = Q, K = Q( √ 2), L = 4 2. [K : F ] = 2 since min(Q, 2) =
x2 − 2. [L : F ] = 4 since min(Q( 4 2) = x4 − 2
Suppose f is reducible over K then there exists some f1 (x), f2 (x) ∈ K[x] such
that f (x) = f1 (x)f2 (x) and 0 <deg(f1 ), deg(f2 ) < n. Since f (α) = 0 without
loss of generality we can assume f1 (α) = 0. This implies min(α, K) divides f1 ,
hence deg(α, K) ≤ deg(f1 ) <deg(f ) =deg(min(α, F ) ≤ deg(min(α, K)
i.e. t ≤ deg(f1 ) < n ≤ t a contradiction. Hence f is irreducible over K.
√ √
Q7 :-Show that x5 − 9x3 + 15x + 6 is irreducible over Q( 2, 3).
5 3
Proof :- By taking 3 as a prime we
√ see
√by Eisenstein’s
√ criterion
√ √ x −√9x +
15x + √6 is√irreducible
√ over Q. [Q( √2, 3) : Q] = [Q( 2, 3)√ : Q(
√ 2)][Q(√ 2)] =
2[Q( √ √2, Q) = x√ − 2.√ [Q( 2, 3) : Q( 2)]
√ 2, √3) : Q( √2)] since min( √ =
√ 2√ + 3) : Q( 2)]√(as Q( 2, 3) = Q( 2 + 3)) = 2 since min( 2 +
Q( √2))(x) = (x − 2)2 − 3.
3,√ √ √
[Q( 2, 3) : Q] = 4. We are done by taking F = Q, K = Q( 2, 3),
f (x) = x5 − 9x3 + 15x + 6 in Q6.