Bakh Test 01
Bakh Test 01
Bakh Test 01
git vs github
clone ->
add ->
push ->
** passphrase : *******
-> ~ ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_res <= the address of the key directory you can see it after the ssh code created
** better after you creating the repository create the file and talk ablout this ripository
-> git push -u <<origin master>> for short code of youre programming you can use the -u ...
github workflow --> writeCode >> commitChange >> make a pull Request
local gitworkflow --> write code >> stage changes >> commit Changes >> push Changes >> make a pull
save the update and add it to the file Ok. if change youre branch you can't see you update because it just
saved on that branch**
bulit the new future and work on it seprated to the main branch**
and the after you updatign or debuging you can marg it to the main branch**
-> git checkout -b <name of the new branch"better vesion of youre code">
>> return git push --set-upstream origin <name of the new branch>
** if you want to push this branch you created without merg it to the main branch***
** create the pull on the github and then affter you see you group's advice then merg it to the main
-> git branch -d <name of the branch you want to delet it>
*if you have a two braches and in the branches you have same tag wheh you want to save it you have to
save that tag on the seprated way
-> git merg <name of the new branch you want to merg it to this branch>
-> git reset <name of the file you want to reset it>
commit hash**
-> git reset --hard ............hash........... << you can deleted the whole of the code after this commit
## use fork for if you want to complitle copy of the any repository on you own github