Uoc2 Lo1
Uoc2 Lo1
Uoc2 Lo1
Basic Competency
UOC2. Lead Small Teams
LO1. Provide team leadership
Team facilitation is a skill that involves helping a group of people work together
effectively and efficiently towards a common goal. It requires not only strong
communication, listening, and problem-solving skills, but also an understanding of
the key roles and responsibilities involved in team coordination.
1. Active listening
As a facilitator, you should make sure that all team members actively listen to each
other. That is, by providing speaking time to each individual, demonstrating genuine
interest and empathy. This helps build rapport and ensures that everyone's
contributions are acknowledged and valued.
Imagine you're in a team meeting discussing a new project. Instead of just hearing
what your colleagues say, you're fully engaged, maintaining eye contact, nodding in
agreement, and asking questions to dive deeper into their thoughts. You're not just
hearing words; you're showing genuine interest and empathy.
5. Visual facilitation
Visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and mind maps can enhance understanding
and promote active engagement. If you are leading a team meeting, and you want
everyone to be fully engaged and grasp complex ideas easily.
As the facilitator, you use these visual tools to capture and organize ideas, kind of like
creating a roadmap for the discussion. When someone shares a concept, you sketch it
out on the whiteboard or display a chart on the screen. This not only makes ideas
clearer but also discussions more dynamic, interactive, and easier to understand.
Productivity is defined as the amount of work your employee did on a particular day,
irrespective of the quality. However, performance is something that you need to work
on day in and day out to get the best result and, at the same time, make room for
Metrics are vital for assessing and improving work performance. Consider
incorporating the following metrics:
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify the specific KPIs relevant to roles
and projects within the organization. Some of the examples include sales
targets, project completion rates, and customer satisfaction scores. With these
metrics, you can assess the overall performance of the employees and make
changes accordingly.
Quality and Accuracy: Another way is to measure the accuracy and quality of
work output. This could involve error rates, customer complaints, or the
number of revisions needed. These will help you rectify any shortcomings and
create a smoother workflow within the organization.
Regular Feedback: Ensure that your culture allows a regular feedback system
from supervisors and peers. Constructive feedback helps employees understand
their strengths and areas for improvement in the long run.
Source: https://www.vantagecircle.com/en/blog/work-performance/
General Measures
Performance standards should be objective, measurable, realistic, and stated clearly in
writing (or otherwise recorded). The standards should be written in terms of specific
measures that will be used to appraise performance. In order to develop specific
measurers, you first must determine the general measure(s) that are important for
each element. General measurers used to measure employee performance include the
Quality addresses how well the work is performed and/or how accurate or how
effective the final product is. Quality refers to accuracy, appearance,
usefulness, or effectiveness.
Quantity addresses how much work is produced. A quantity measure can be
expressed as an error rate, such as number or percentage of errors allowable
per unit of work, or as a general result to be achieved. When a quality or
quantity standard is set, the Fully Successful standard should be high enough
to be challenging but not so high that it is not really achievable.
Timeliness addresses how quickly, when or by what date the work is produced.
The most common error made in setting timeliness standards is to allow no
margin for error. As with other standards, timeliness standards should be set
realistically in view of other performance requirements and needs of the
Cost-Effectiveness addresses dollar savings to the Government or working
within a budget. Standards that address cost-effectiveness should be based on
specific resource levels (money, personnel, or time) that generally can be
documented and measured in agencies' annual fiscal year budgets. Cost-
effectiveness standards may include such aspects of performance as
maintaining or reducing unit costs, reducing the time it takes to produce a
product or service, or reducing waste.
For each element, decide which of these general measurers are important to the
performance of the element by asking the following questions:
Is quality important? Does the stakeholder or customer care how well the work
is done?
Is quantity important? Does the stakeholder or customer care how many are
Is it important that the element be accomplished by a certain time or date?
Is it important that the element be done within certain cost limits?
Source: https://cmoe.com/blog/how-to-monitor-team-performance/
1. It's all about creating a rhythm in the meeting, ensuring it's well-structured,
time-bound, and focused. This way, you make the most of everyone's time and
a. Active listening
b. Creating a safe space
c. Asking powerful questions
d. Managing time and agenda
2. This could involve error rates, customer complaints, or the number of revisions
a. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
b. Quality and Accuracy
c. Productivity Rates
d. Employee Engagement
4. It addresses how well the work is performed and/or how accurate or how
effective the final product is.
a. Quality
b. Quantity
c. Timeliness
d. Cost-Effectiveness