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Stereo Mi̇kroskop

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ZEISS Stemi 508

Your Quality Stereo Microscope for Biological and Industrial Routine

Powdery mildew on Norway maple, cleistothecia, Printed circuit board, quarter ring segment, north,
Spot K LED, oblique reflected light, zoom 2.0× zoom 1.25×

Highlights Created for Your Applications

ZEISS Stemi 508 is your quality stereo • Large zoom range 8:1 • Study and dissect model organisms, such
microscope with mechanics and optics • Apochromatic corrected zoom system as zebrafish, in oblique transmitted light
designed for the heavy workloads of and interchangeable front optics in your embryology lab.
everyday lab work and industrial inspections. • Ten precise detachable zoom click-stops • Isolate egg cells before fertilization
• Compact stands for limited workspace at 120× magnification in your IVF Lab
With apochromatic optics, Stemi 508 • Integrated LED illumination for reflect- • Observe, document and identify
displays your samples exactly as they are: ed, transmitted and mixed light insects – for example to map biotopes.
rich in detail, sharp in focus and free from • Fiber optic cold light source with vari- • Inspect PCBs in true color using cold
distortion or color fringes. The large 8:1 ous light guides and accessories for light source and shadowfree ringlight
zoom lets you get an overview within a high brightness and special contrasts. • Rotate a quarter ring LED segment to
35 mm object field, then bring the detail • Combine boom or tilt-arm stands quickly inspect your workpiece for
up to 50× magnification with impressive with low mag front optics to observe scratches or defects
stereoscopic image contrast. Interchange- large samples • Grade diamonds with impressive
able optics for observing specimens up • Use Stemi 508 doc for documentation image contrast and no color fringes
to 120 mm in size, makes Stemi 508 a – phototube with 100/0 split to the • Assess the surface quality of paper or en-
top performer in its class. right, 0,5× camera adapter with 60N gravings under grazing light with line light S
interface included. Choose from all • Examine large workpieces, such as motor
With its lower viewing angle of 35° Stemi ZEISS Axiocam cameras, SLR and parts, using ball bearing stand SDA
508 offers better ergonomics than any video cameras
other Greenough-type stereo microscope. • Get direct access to HDMI monitors,
Maintain a relaxed working posture even work with ZEN imaging software
after hours of work. on PC – or snap and share results
with ZEISS iPad App Labscope
ZEISS Stemi 508
Your Quality Stereo Microscope for Biological and Industrial Routine

Special Features:
• All Stemi 508 optical components
are anti-fungus treated.
• Comes complete with changeable dust
protection glass in front of zoom optics.

Choose the Best Illumination:

Reflected Light
Stemi 508 Model K Edu Stemi 508 Model K Lab • Double arm gooseneck – enhanced
contrast of 3D shaped objects through
Technical Data distinct shadow effects.
Operation concept Stereo microscope, Greenough design • Ringlights – shadow-free illumination
Zoom bodies Stemi 508 binocular (incl. eyepieces 10×/23 Br. foc)
with less stereo effect, e.g. inspect
Stemi 508 doc trinocular, phototube 0/100 to the right
(incl. eyepieces 10×/23 Br. foc, 60N camera adapter 0,5×) printed circuit boards.
Magnification range 6.3× to 50x with basic version (10× eyepieces, no front optics) • Ringlights and polarization – stunning
all magnifications from 2× to 250× (when using interchangeable optics) color contrast by reducing glare.
Maximum resolution 210 Lp/mm basic version; up to 420 Lp/mm with interchangeable optics • Line light – grazing light for flat
Working distance 92 mm basic version; up to 287 mm using interchangeable optics structured surfaces.
Maximum object field 35 mm basic version; up to 121 mm using interchangeable optics • Vertical light – illuminating sample
Interface to Stemi mount 76 mm (international)
Interchangeable eyepieces PL10×/23 Br. foc (always included), PL16x/16 Br.foc, W25×/10 foc
• Diffusor – giving soft light to observe
Stemi carriers for column 32 mm Stemi mount with drive, stemi mount tiltable 0-90°
glary or shining objects.
Bench top stands Model K, 200 × 310 mm, column 250 mm with drive, travel 145 mm,
(* = footprint as Model K) Model K Mat* + reflected light LED electronics, ESD feature: antistatic
• Area light – combining soft light
Model K Edu* + reflected light LED electronics, flat TL base (bright-field/dark-field) and shadow effect.
Model K Lab* + reflected light LED electronics, mirror TL base (bright/dark/oblique)
Model N, 440 × 360 mm, column diam. 32 mm/height 350 mm
Boom stands Model A, double arm model SDA, tilting arm model U
Transmitted Light
Stages Sliding stage circular, ball-and-socket stage, rotating pol stage
• Bright-field – Look at colored objects
LED Illuminators K Spot K LED, double spot K (selfcarrying), segmentable ringlight K • Dark-field – See object structures
EN_40_012_094 | CZ 12-2014

Direct LED illuminators VisiLED ringlights, segmentable; double arm LED spot for column 32 bright against a dark background
Cold light sources CL4500 LED (CRI 90), CL1500 Hal (150W halogen), CL6000 LED • Oblique – Observe uncolored
Fiber optic light guides Flexible spots (adapted by articulating arms), double arm gooseneck, transparent objects in relief contrast
ringlights for bright or dark-field, line light, vertical light, diffusor, area light
• Polarization – study birefringent objects,
Transmitted light illuminators Transmitted light mirror units for stand K or N (BF, DF, Oblique)
detect stress in glass or plastics
Polarization Polarization filters for ringlights, spots and transmitted light units


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